The Gang Slut

m5jeff Johnny backhanded me across the face, again. The force threw me onto the floor, my short skirt riding up over my hips. I pulled it down instinctively while the guys laughed at my exposed pussy. I opened my mouth, but got viciously interrupted. “Bitch, I told you to shut up!” I crawled over to a post and tried to shrink into the shadows. His hand came up again, and I held my tongue. Ok, so he’s going to let

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The Flat Tyre

Desigal It was well after midnight, and I was in my car, driving with my eyes completely focused on the road, and my mind reminding myself – don’t go above 40 mph, don’t go above 40 mph. Driving faster would have meant reaching home sooner for sure. But I was aware that I was still somewhat under the influence of alcohol I had consumed at the office party at the famed resort . I am usually very careful never to

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