A Roo Deal

By uksnowy.

A fantasy set in Australia, where the myth is that all males are named Bruce and all females are Sheila, all the characters have exceedingly large genitals. A city woman renowned throughout the land as a Bestial specialist strikes another animal off her wish list. Her 18-year-old mentally defunct son accompanies her and gets done, too.


Sheila was 58, fit and excited. Her football-sized cunt was throbbing as she sat in the diner waiting for the other party to arrive. She discreetly part stood up and adjusted her seat and in doing so managed to spread the massive cushion like lips of her cunt wider, letting some air in and making it easier to sit on the hard plastic seat. She hoped her clever adaptation of panty liners within special panties did their usual job and prevented her profuse natural juices staining her shorts. Her brand new combat shorts had extremely wide legs, needed for both general aeration in the extreme heat and the fact that her minge expanded as other body parts did in hot weather.

Bruce, her 18-year-old mentally retarded son, played with his toy car on the table top, making whirring and rushing noises through his gaping misshapen teeth. Sheila reached across and wiped a green bogey from his prominent nose with her finger, releasing it onto a tissue nearby. She corrected the angle of his wire spectacles where she had knocked them askew.

The only other occupants in the road side truck stop was the owner Fat Bruce, a tall fat old man with stubble on his chin, hair sprouting from his armpits and poking from behind the grubby vest. His bald head was almost continually being scratched by his stubby hairy fingers as he chatted to a blousy bleached blonde called Slack Sheila, whilst leering down her front. She perched on a bar stool, smoking cheroots and frequently reaching under her mini skirt to flap away the odd fly. The white skirt matched her shirt that hung wide open and revealed her sagging tits, which swayed near down to her navel when she moved. Fat Bruce particularly liked the way her nipples were about an inch long and never decreased in size. They were mounted on two large low slung balloon like bosoms which were hung from her chest by two flattened sacks of stretch marked flesh.

“Flies bothering your fanny Slack?” he grinned.

She nodded and chuckled. “What else mate? Makes a change from you bothering it Fat Bruce. Anyway you know what I’m waiting for and what he likes.”

Fat Bruce grimaced and shrugged, having put up with the stench of her pussy since she had entered the diner. Flies were the main pest in the otherwise relatively clean diner. They would infiltrate the heavy fly curtain whenever someone entered or left.

Near the window, Bruce flapped at two buzzing round his chin and knocked his Pepsi glass over, spilling the remains. It startled Sheila, who was dreaming of the next few days and achieving one of her ambitions in life. Bruce slid to hide under the table, licking his fingers which in turn were scraping the Pepsi drips off the edge of the table. Sheila waited for Fat Bruce to bring over some paper towels and mop the slops and as he did so she smelt his raw rancid body and noticed the gravy stains on his vest and the less distinguishable marks down the front of his trousers.

He smiled pleasantly, second nature to this antipodean nation, during his chore – smelling the exotic, cheap, sticky aroma of Sheila’s perfume, so alien in this dusty outback location. He took a peek down the front gape of her sharply pressed khaki shirt, inwardly laughing at the pseudo country getup she affected. A silver-haired townie out to see what Donkey Bruce can do for her, he chuckled inwardly, but look at the size of those hooters. He’d love to sluice his gallons of cum into there before slicing her prissy middle aged little twat with his monster tool, he mused. Enormous shelves of pale flesh oozed loosely within the confines of Sheila’s city bought garment, creating a cavernous cleavage which reminded Fat Bruce of the arse crack of his mare. Only this morning he had fucked his diminutive cock into Big Sheila’s vagina, before he had ridden her the two kilometres into town to collect some mail.

“This is Dicksinard WA?” Sheila asked rather impatiently, looking at her watch, as Fat Bruce turned away, but not without peering down at Bruce, whose hands were now way up under his mother’s shorts.

“Yes, Dicksinard, Western Australia. 740 k from Perth and nowhere near anywhere else,” he chuckled, thinking Yep! Another sucker for Donkey Bruce’s charm.

There’s only one reason lone women turn up at this God-forsaken truck stop. This one was different in that she had the youth with her, but he was obviously baggage she couldn’t leave behind although a lot of lone men turned up here too. No – the youth wouldn’t be here for that.

“Your boy OK under there?” he asked.

“Yes – Bruce come out of there. The man is not angry about the drink. Bring him another one will you and me too, please,” she added, watching her retard son unfold his skinny frame and clamber back onto the seat and curl up grinning inanely at the fat man.

Fat Bruce did notice the impressive bulge in the boy’s shorts before turning away mystified. Bruce smelled his fingers and his mother grimaced good-naturedly at him. She had enjoyed his little play with the swell of her cunt lips as they bulged down her inner thighs. Sheila gazed out at the dusty lifeless scene outside the truck stop, thinking what a God-awful place to meet someone when it was so important that discretion was paramount. Still – these stupid outback folk wouldn’t have a clue as to her visit. Bruce murmured something into his chin and she smiled across at her son. He wouldn’t be needed for tonight bless him, she chuckled inwardly.

Fat Bruce took the drinks over and made no comment. On his return to the bar he whispered to Slack Sheila and they both cackled.

“Another city sucker out for some strong meat,” he murmured, coming round the front of the bar and sliding his pudgy fist inside Slack Sheila’s thighs.

“I hope you washed that after you’d touched up Big Sheila? She looks like she’s in season if you ask me,” she added when he stuck his finger straight into her pantyless crotch.

“So you’ve been in the stables this morning eh?” he asked impatiently as he fumbled amongst her labial folds. “And since when have you worried about a smelly finger?”

“She is my horse remember. Oh never mind but hang on I’ll have to undo the knot first. You have no idea how painful it can be when that skin is pinched,” Slack Sheila added impatiently, as his fingers foraged in the sticky mess of her cunt.

She twisted on her stool and parted her legs wide and delved into her crotch, pushing Fat Bruce’s mitt away. Grabbing the two floppy ends of her labia, which hung a good four inches from her puss pouch, she gently parted them and untangled the following layers to expose the glistening opening to her enormous gash. Old sperm, discharges and sweat intermingled in entrails like a spiders web across the cavernous orifice as she indicated with her blood shot eyes to Fat Bruce she was ready.

As her partner shoved his hand in again, there was this huge roaring motor sound outside and from a swirl of dust a massive rig emerged to a noisy hissing halt.

“Fuck, it’s Donkey Bruce,” Fat Bruce whispered, just as he had his fist inside Slack Sheila’s minge. “You know he’ll want to shaft you in the toilets to get in practice before doing her,” Fat Bruce scowled at Sheila, who was watching the front door with great interest. “He’ll want you straight away. Fuck! Just when I was starting to get a hard on.”

Slack Sheila shrugged her shoulders as his fist slopped out of her, thinking that Fat Bruce hadn’t had a hard-on for months, at least what she thought was a hard-on. She also watched the door with feverish anticipation. After the fly screen fluttered to virtual stillness again, she looked at the massive frame stood with just a few fronds of the screen draped delicately over his brawny brown shoulders and then straight to the lower spot and saw the thick tube running down the inside of Donkey Bruce’s jeans, just passing his knees. She licked her lips, squelched her purposely unwashed quim off the stool, winked at the rugged farmer and slunk out the back.

Sheila gaped in awe at the dark hulk stood in the doorway. He looked about 6 feet 12 inches tall and 5 feet wide. Bare arms stuck out from his sides at near 45 degrees, unable to hang straight due to the bulk of his pecs and adjacent biceps. The torn tee shirt was like a limp rag over the sweating glistening torso and his jeans were cinched tight under a distinct beer belly with a wide belt and huge silver buckle in the shape of a kangaroo. His face was hidden under the shady brim of his bush hat but she saw the glimmer of a smile and gleaming teeth. She ignored his lower carriage, the dusty frayed jeans and scrubby tan boots, not noticing the extra bulk of his left leg. She wasn’t interested in the content of Donkey Bruce’s trousers.

“You er … are you Mr Donkey Bruce?” she asked quietly.

He stepped closer and doffed his hat letting the shock of black unruly hair fall round his round pugilistic face. She noticed the big front facing nostrils each side of his stubby bulbous nose, thick wide lips and those dark twinkling eyes.

“Yeah mate, but you can call me Donkey,” the Aboriginal guffawed loudly, sharing his mirth with Fat Bruce who was already waddling across with a large cola.

Donkey Bruce grabbed the drink and swallowed it in one as Sheila spoke.

“Can we go? Get away from here?” she whispered anxiously.

“Need to piss Donkey?” Fat Bruce asked slyly, having heard her. He winked towards the rear door. Sheila recoiled at the crudity, but Donkey just laughed.

“Nah mate. Lady wants to go. Splashed me boots up the trail anyway. Thanks mate,” he laughed, slapped a dollar on the table for his drink, then indicated that Sheila follow him as he stepped to the front door.

She grabbed Bruce by his bare arm and dragged him out in her wake. Fat Bruce gathered up Sheila and Donkey ‘s cash as he watched the threesome climb into Donkey ‘s rig which roared off after Sheila had checked the lock on her car. Then Fat Bruce remembered that Slack Sheila would be waiting in the toilet, bending over a pan with her butt in the air and the folds of her fly-blown fanny hanging down her stinky thighs expecting Donkey’s tool to slide effortlessly in. He chuckled, undid his flies and stealthily crept out the back. Why on earth he had to put up with her slavering over a smelly Abo’s filthy cock when she could have his every time, he couldn’t work out.

The journey was short, silent and full of heightened tension. The rig was manoeuvred into a quiet trail and Sheila was led round the back of the rig. Bruce trotted along happily vacant, gazing at the wilderness around. A door and ramp were opened and she was led up to peer inside the black hole of the 40 ft trailer. Bruce scampered about in the scrub until he found a bush he liked, slid his shorts down and squatted, taking a dump.

“Gosh! He is big,” murmured Sheila as her eyes adjusted into the dark box, ignoring the low dog-like defensive growls. She sniffed the air and found the dung smelt good, inoffensive, knowing the animal was a bark and leaf eating veggie.

“Nothing but the best mate, genuine Western Grey,” chuckled Donkey. “I’ve covered his sharp bits and he’s muzzled and I’ll be here all the time … er … that’s if you want me to. Not nosey or anything … but you know…”

Sheila nodded and answered gazing at the near 7 foot long beast from snout to tip of tail.

“Probably best if you stay just until I get him settled. But I’ve handled bigger boys than these you know.”

“Yeah so I’ve heard. You’re quite a legend,” Donkey breathed. “At least so your letters tell me.”

“We still haven’t agreed your fee Donkey,” she said sweetly – preening, thrusting her monstrous bosoms at him. She knew her literature was good. He gazed down at her and clasped his enormous callused hands over her tits, weighing the two bazongers. She backed off immediately, brushing his mitts away and he scowled.

“It’s negotiable, that’s what I was getting at mate,” he added, stepping forward again. “Always did like mature white ladies.”

“I’m not into men,” snarled Sheila strongly, her eyes blazing back from studying the 170lbs of animal fidgeting in the box.

“Ah well. The fee is 1000 bucks,” he said equally harshly.

Sheila gasped. “A grand, surely not? You always indicated 5 to 700 on the phone and email.”

“Well, that depended on the right deal for you. I’ve got that – you must agree mate,” he winked inside the trailer. “It’s still negotiable if I get a piece of the action like this.”

Donkey grinned, stepping close and flinging his huge arms round the startled city dweller. He pulled her tight to his chest and grasped her buttocks. Sheila panted in his inescapable hug, feeling the skanky trailer air steaming up through her shorts and into the massive slash of her creaming cunt which was hanging open due to the clutching paws of this rough man.

“I’ll give you 625 and that’s it,” she declared bravely, feeling the bulge of his genitals rubbing against her belly. She shuddered at the horrid thought of what they would be like. He held her still and they stared into each other’s eyes searching for weaknesses. Her boobs pillowed up to her chin and heaved as she dared to out stare Donkey Bruce. Outside in the scrub, Bruce yelped and disturbed their stand-off and then after glancing outside he suddenly let Sheila free. She shuddered like a bitch shaking off a dog as he spoke.

“OK mate – 625 it is.”

Sheila nodded and took a step inside the trailer. Once she determined she was free from other outside interference, she drew off her shirt and shorts including the carefully discreet extraction of her specially made knickers with their in-built pads and stood in her socks and boots. Donkey Bruce whistled in awe at both her bravado and mature nakedness considering the disturbed movement deeper in the trailer.

Donkey studied her as she calmly took the occasional tiny step forward issuing small hissing and cooing noises. The blinding outside light illuminated the rear of her body as he scrutinised Sheila. She certainly wasn’t sylph-like. Stout without being fat, 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighing around 195 lbs, Sheila’s huge tits which ballooned out and down to her navel and baggy cunt were the prime reason for her weight. With flat wide dimpled nipples, there was no extra added teat bulge to the abundant milkers, just pure bosom. Her buttocks were almost cute and not as droopy as you would expect for her age. Her legs were pin-up proportioned with slim ankles and tiny feet. What was the most astounding feature was the extra sort of sack hanging between her legs that stretched from her belly through her crotch. The front of it was a mass of grey black curly hair, but the gash below was totally bare to the world.

Donkey wondered what her arsehole looked like in comparison. He had heard about this woman’s legendary appetite for bestial sex and on seeing her cunt, he realised that the stories of her having gorillas, rams, boars, chimps, dogs, horses, bulls, donkeys, snakes, lions and even an elephant must be indeed true. Her final letters to him confirmed the latter that had penetrated her every day for a week only three weeks prior in India. She was something else and something he had never encountered before. He fondled his cock and found it lengthening down his jeans. He did need a fuck.

Sheila offered a delicate hand forward. Her strong hard arm seemed disproportionate. There was a rustling in the depth of the trailer and gradually Sheila approached the kangaroo finding it was quite still and studying her, albeit with it’s great long pointed snout lowered as if in a non- confrontational stance. She took in its long broad tail and wide haunches that could spring it into massive leaps over rough terrain and that could kill humans as well as animals with one kick. The white flashes on it’s throat, chest and belly softened the charcoal brown mass of its bulk. There was no fear as the city dweller slowly passed one hand through her dripping crotch collecting her pussy juices and then offering it to the marsupial. Its muzzled snout flared, twitched and sniffed. Sheila noticed Donkey ‘s protective cover it’s sharp clawed paws and saw that he had even bound it’s legs partly so that it could not freely kick although it could move about. She smiled smugly and stepped nearer, lowering her head and offering her side animal like in a less dominant stance. Letting her outstretched hand slowly droop to her crotch, so that the kangaroo’s snout followed it, Sheila finally stuffed her hand between her wide legged stance. The black wet nose immediately began to snort and lick at the rich juices festooning her massive minge. Carefully Sheila squatted, the head of the kangaroo following her open crotch and finally she slid alongside the great long lower limbs of the outback king.

Gulping her phlegm back in nervous but positive thoughts, Sheila ventured a hand under the beast’s belly and felt it stiffen slightly, but she stroked it lightly feeling her way back as it licked hungrily at her gaping cunt. Soon the kangaroo’s testicles dropped into her hand, loose, soft and easily clutched within the small delicately pouched sac that hung ahead of its sheath. She always thought it strange, when studying the species, that it’s balls were way ahead of it’s cock as against the opposite layout of most male beasts. She never questioned why, but it heightened her resolve to fuck one of these unique creatures one day. The day had come as she rolled the neat bollock package as it relaxed into her hand. Her fingers traced up the hanging folds of skin that connected it to the main underbelly and found the cute depression that housed the sac when the animal was tense. It was so soft to her touch and she found the kangaroo physically softened in it’s body movements as her careful and exceedingly experienced fingers traced round it’s bollock housing.

Donkey watched, recognising a true bestial expert and left her, sliding quietly from the trailer, knowing she was in control. He found Bruce on his haunches, rubbing his balls and sobbing. The youth looked up as Donkey approached and spoke.

“Stung me. Stung me here,” he quivered, his lips dropping globs of saliva from his gaping ugly mouth. He indicated his balls and a spiky plant and Donkey squatted to eye level with the youth to not dominate him.

“Aha. Let me see Bruce,” said Donkey gently, sliding his hand up the youth’s thigh.

His hand slunk inside Bruce’s shorts and he gasped as he found the immense cluster of bollocks and the thick tube of his dick loosely coiled. He pushed the youth back roughly. Bruce merely lay spread-eagled on the dust as Donkey fumbled the lad’s shorts off.

“Fuck! You’re hung sonny,” he breathed in admiration as he fondled the sweaty space under Bruce’s sac.

Bruce giggled as Donkey bent forward and grabbed the loose end of Bruce’s twelve-inch long pecker and began to suck on it’s greasy knob. Bruce kicked his heels delightedly in the dust as the Abo brought the fulsome cock up hard. Donkey slurped hard on Bruce’s premature todger and within seconds it was spouting thick creaming spunk into the bushman’s gullet. He drank the pure verdant spunk and smacked his lips in satisfaction, wiping them with the back of his hand as Bruce whimpered and looked at his swiftly waning erection. The youth’s spectacles were sliding off his nose.

Donkey glanced back at the trailer and chuckled evilly. He was low in the bush and couldn’t be seen. He grabbed Bruce and flipped him onto his belly and spread the lad’s buttocks apart. He whipped out his own massive dick and rubbed it up hard while fingering Bruce’s dirty crapper. It was very evident that Bruce had just dumped from the wet dags around his hairy bum, but Donkey Bruce had no cares as he shoved his finger deep into the sticky orifice. Bruce giggled and wriggled. Donkey ignored the youth as he stroked his impressive member up to its full eighteen inches and shifted his body weight over Bruce’s back.

Sheila felt further back and felt something hot and wet nudging her hand. On further she probed, finding the kangaroo’s sheath, the big body projection that hung on it’s body and housed her prize for the day. She slid sideways, keeping the animal’s attention fixed on its luscious lickings, satisfied that her excited discharges were perfectly adequate in keeping it interested. Now Sheila could see what was nudging her and she gasped in delight, sliding further under the marsupial, avoiding its lengthy limbs. Its pointed gleaming penis had emerged and she grasped it and started to pull it gently as if extracting a porcelain pencil from a velvet purse. The animal whined, occasionally glancing under at the human attention. Sheila had now exposed the 12 inch long member which glistened even in the dull light at the back of the trailer. It was rigid, straight, pointed, not thick. She stroked and kissed it, letting her cunt occupy the great beast, until she decided the moment had come.

Swiftly, she swivelled her sturdy body under the animal, which fretted slightly at the disturbance until she aimed the pointed drippy end of its dick at her immense hole. She levered her butt off the grimy floor and shuffled her body forward, letting her twat devour each precious and unique inch of kanga cock. With her immense experience, she started to tense her highly tuned inner muscles, letting the animal know she was receptive. Within seconds the kangaroo had got the mating message and started to hump. Without any female to latch onto it was a bit confused and erratic in its humping, but the more Sheila urged her crotch up and round its slicing cock, the more it got the urge. She reached up and clung to it. Soon the kangaroo was fucking the unusual mate who now had her arms and legs clasped round its flea-ridden body, dangling under, with only her curvaceous buttocks in contact with the floor. 12 inches of thick to tapered beast meat cleaved into her capacious cunt as she revelled in yet another conquest to add to her ambitions list.

As Donkey thrust he leaned forward and clamped his fist round Bruce’s mouth stifling the horrendous scream that threatened to rend the deafening silence of the bush. His knob burst through the youth’s sphincter and found its way into Bruce’s turd tunnel with brute force.

“I’ll teach the bitch she can’t do me out of a dollar,” Donkey muttered as he pulled up and then barged down again, sinking more of his donkey-fucking cock into young Bruce’s fundament.

Hung like one and loving to fuck the herd of mixed donkeys and burros on his ranch, as well as the sheep and cattle, the farmer was well known for his bestial exploits as much as the trail of women that found their way to the remote area he flourished in. Men also found the trail to his dick, some wanting to suck it before fucking the hugely endowed native Aussie. Donkey Bruce didn’t mind whether he was giving or receiving, it was all good fucking to him and good money too. Now he rammed hard at Sheila’s retarded son, giving the boy as much length as he could. Bruce’s arsehole had expanded round the plunging shaft and he had gone quiet, so Donkey removed his hand hearing with satisfaction only the grunts and groans from the sand smeared face below.

Sheila felt her cum rising and hugged the furry belly closer as she urged the kangaroo to plunder the human vagina faster. Her incredible know-how was extremely useful to find fresh energy to concentrate on the task, her age of no consequence. The powerful, short, frequent thrusts of the marsupial was making the curled edge of its sheath bang against her clitoris. The furry wet skin stimulated her rosy bud and with a low howl she started to orgasm. The animal thrust harder as she gripped it’s back, grasping lumps of skin beneath the thick fur. As she let the waves of climax power through her, Sheila suddenly felt the drenching sluice of the kangaroo’s cum in her sensitive minge. Even though she had let hundreds of dogs and horses and less abundant species invade her massive vagina, it was always on song when in the act, whatever the animal. The added eroticism of this one- off adventure heightened her fervour and she was continually coming for 5 or 6 minutes as the kangaroo finished it’s downloading of unusual sperm into her box.

Sheila dropped from its underbelly and laying panting as the animal peered down at her. She met its gaze until it moved and she flinched until the great hind legs were clear of her vulnerable spent torso. She had heard that some jack kanga’s attacked their mates after coitus in a sort of after play. She hoped that this one would recognise that she wasn’t the same shape as the normal smaller females and it did. The kangaroo merely shuffled to one side of the trailer and stood quietly, as she slowly climbed up to her knees, watching intently as her mate’s prong receded into the big sheath. Reluctantly, she knew her chances of a second coupling were slim, but slid to sit propped against the wall to peer down between her shapely legs and examine her cunt.

Donkey Bruce shafted for two last plunges and let his jism flood Bruce’s bum. Arched high over the youth, the farmer moaned in ecstasy as his juices flowed freely then ceased. Immediately he pulled out and studied his greasy shaft that swung slowly like a pendulum. The lad turned his tear stained face upwards as he twisted. Donkey found Bruce’s spectacles half buried in the grit and placed them gently on Bruce’s nose and carefully wiped sand from his cheeks and forehead.

“Hurt hurt,” the youth moaned, wriggling round to sit up and then fidget as his sore arse took his weight.

“No no it doesn’t – you like eh?” reminded Donkey smiling into the frowning gaze. “Like like like.”

“Yeah, like like,” mimicked Bruce, grinning.

Donkey helped Bruce with his shorts and tidied him up. Then he coiled his waning erection and stuffed it back into his jeans, smacked his mitts together in a gesture of cleaning, stood up and walked back to the heat ticking trailer. Bruce loped along rather gingerly open legged behind him.

They reached the ramp and scooted up it to find Sheila sat against the wall, her legs wide apart and watching with a smug smile the way the animal’s jism was dribbling from the wadge of puffy flesh that cocooned her cunt. She smiled as they entered and Donkey Bruce squatted alongside her and whistled.

“Some kitty there mate. Did you do it OK?” he asked, noticing the benign attitude with which Sheila greeted him and allowed his eyes into her privates.

“Yeah! We did it alright. It was beautiful,” she murmured airily. “Look.”

She pulled the loaf like sides of her gash wide apart, showing Donkey the gaping red/purple hued cavern beyond and the rich flow of thin sperm finding it’s way out and passing into the hairy basin round her arsehole.

“Yeah! Some loads those roos,” he chuckled. “More than I could do for you – no worries.”

“Too right,” Sheila agreed. “And how’s my boy?”

Bruce stood idly picking his nose and staring at the fidgeting animal beyond his satiated mother.

“He’s doing OK,” answered Donkey for the youth. “Been exploring. Got stung didn’t you sonny?”

Bruce nodded and repeated the word ‘stung’ several times.

“It’s OK. Nothing to worry about, not poisonous or anything. I know these things,” added Donkey, fascinated at the idea of chancing his arm for a chance to shag the strange woman.

She had rebuffed him in no uncertain terms earlier. What if he showed her his donger? he wondered. Sheila ruined that idea by asking him to help her up. When she stood, there was a sound like a draining wet fart and she opened her legs and they both saw a river of discharge flow down her leg. She chuckled and reached for her bag hanging on the trailer wall. She dabbed at the mess on her thighs with tissues and then proceeded to get dressed. Money exchanged hands. Donkey sorted the animal from its bindings and then he gunned the rig and eased it onto the unsealed track.

“Mind if I ask you a personal question mate?” he quizzed, changing up through the gears and glancing across at the silent smug woman perched alongside him.

Sheila indicated okay so he continued.

“That elephant you told me about. How you manage it? I mean your kitty can take it no doubt, but how? Those fuckers are big,” he added.

“Oh it’s easy, ‘ answered a satiated Sheila pleasantly. “Got a cradle made up to sling me under him and got the trainer to get him up … er it up, if you see what I mean,” she giggled cutely. “Then I hung there and just opened up and swung back and forward onto it … easy!”

“You let the beast smell you first?” he queried.

“Oh sure. No worries. Always do. That’s one powerful scent down there, but he needed the scent of a female elephant too. Not quite enough for him I’m afraid,” Sheila told Donkey, with a shy smile. “Quite liked his hairy trunk playing about though.”

They all went in to the diner and took cold drinks from a young cheery girl serving several truckers until Fat Bruce emerged from the kitchen, closely followed by Slack Sheila, both carrying plates loaded with mountains of food.

Donkey sat with the truckers and ordered food. Sheila and Bruce left the diner and drove away. After about 80 kilometres, she stopped the car and squatted at the side of the road and pissed. It burned, which always happened as her urine sluiced over the tender entrails of her vagina. It always excited her too. Her son sat in the car, sucking on a lollipop. Sheila looked around at the space below the big sky. There was a tree offering some shade 20 feet from the car. She strolled up to it and dropped her shorts and panties.

“Hey Bruce. Good boy. Here, here good dog,” she called in a sharp gutteral tone.

As the youth bounded yelping out of the car, she turned onto her hands and knees and waggled her butt at the scampering retard. Within seconds, she had pulled off his shorts. The lad did not need any urging and mounted his mother like a dog on a bitch and started to joyously ream her fat fanny with his rampant member. When he had finished, Sheila quietly sat and searched her body for fleas and ticks and picked them off. Learning the ways of gorillas and countless other animals had included the self grooming procedure too.

Lunch didn’t take long. Donkey Bruce strolled into the back to take a piss, to find that the usual trap 3 was engaged, but only in the sense that as he pushed the door open against the slight pressure from within, he found Slack Alice bending over the pan, naked, legs wide apart. Smiling, he pulled his jeans down, aimed his cock and pissed all over her rump as she squealed with pleasure. Yellow urine splattered around. Her buttocks gleamed wet, drips ran off her extremities and he had also fountained it into her butt hole and cunt.

He gathered up his still flaccid dick and stuffed the knob into Slack’s loose snatch and budged his feet forward, stuffing more length into her heat as he felt his erection start. The stench from her unwashed and steaming twat over the hours that had passed, combined with arse flavours from the boy in the bush made them both sniff the air with desire as Donkey filled Slack Sheila’s ravenous cunt.

“Seen one to match this beaut today Slack,” he snickered as he hit top speed, not even panting.

“Just give me the juice you Abo bastard,” snarled Slack, jutting her rump back at him. “I’ve got a new filly out the back that needs opening up too before you go.”

“No worries mate,” muttered Donkey Bruce as he finished fucking her.

The fucking end mate!


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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