A Special Herd Of Cow Milking Girls

By Michelle M.

I have no idea what combinations took place when I was born, but in grade school, I was the first girl to start to develop boobs. By the time I was in eighth grade, I had a fine set of D cups, firm and proud. Not wearing a bra, my nipples were showing, attracting the attention of every young man who meant me.

I have no idea if the tits had anything to do with my constant interest in sex, but I had the reputation of being super easy by the time I entered high school. Everyone who dated me always hit home runs. I loved sex, loved to suck cock, loved to have someone use my tits to jack off the guys, and I loved blowjobs, couldn’t get enough cum to satisfy me.

My other interest was taking care of animals. When I graduate, I plan on becoming a vet, hopefully landing a position at a clinic near my parents’ home. Taking these classes was why we had a field trip to a farm with horses, cows, sheep, and a few dogs. Our teacher knew the owners well and thought it might be fun to see their problems with so many animals.

We arrived early in the morning. The first part of the trip was to walk around to feel what was happening. The herd of cows was just being hooked up for the morning milking, and one of the smart-ass guys, looking at the suction cups being put on the cow’s tits, pointed at me.

“Geez, Nikki, you should be in there. You’ve got bigger tits than any of these cows.”

Of course, he was pulled out of the trip, immediately suspended, and sent back to the school, with a huge apology being told to me, but watching the suction cups pulling down on each nipple, the milk squirting into the hose, all gathered in a large container, for some reason it wasn’t offensive to me, just the opposite, I wondered what it would feel like to be a cow and milked twice a day.

That became a regular part of my dream time. I looked up milking videos, visited porn sites where cowgirls were put on display, and in some cases, actually milked. Of course, they all got fucked to keep the milk flowing.

College landed a position at a veterinary clinic, where I was doing what I liked. Still, the secret life remained with me, even purchasing an automatic mother’s milking machine and pumping my tits regularly, but no milk ever appeared.

After graduating, I passed my exams and soon became an official Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. It was a super day for me, my parents, and my friends.

Moving to a hospital, sexually, I was as active and adventurous as ever, but in my current position, opportunities opened up for me that weren’t there when I was younger.

One day, I got the surprise of my life when an email came to me.

‘Dr. Nikki, my name is Brenda. My partner, Traci, and I own one of the biggest milk cow heads in this part of the country. I know you have heard of us because you sent several nurses and aides to our place at different times. We have the reputation of producing the best-tasting milk available. Since our business is continuing to grow, we are at the point of having a full type of doctor on hand at all times. That is one reason to write this email to you. We’d like you to come out, visit with us, and see if you’d be interested in changing positions.

The second reason for this text is to tell you that I have known of your secret desire to know what it would feel like to be hooked up to a milking machine, basically becoming a milking cow. We have a separate herd, totally away from anyone’s eyes but the two of us. Besides looking at a career change, a lifelong dream can be achieved, and no one will ever know.’

This came as such a surprise, and I looked at it, reread it, over and over – thinking this would give me the opportunity of feeling what a cow, a cow with big tits, would feel like.

This would also give me the chance to become a private doctor, something many think about, but the opportunity never presents itself. I eventually answered her back that I’d love to meet with you and your partner for an interview and this once-in-a-lifetime chance to check off a lifelong dream on my bucket list.

The milking ranch was huge. It looked like several hundred milking cows, all being taken care of in the cleanest conditions that I’d ever seen. The two ladies were on the porch waiting for me. Both were stunning knockouts. I wondered if this visit may end up being a sexual adventure in the back of my mind. For sure, I’d gladly make out with either one or both of these two. Hugging them, taking a few minutes on the porch explaining the various buildings I was looking at, one thing that surprised me, the cows were the same breed, no reason to see where their private herd was.

Stepping inside and taking a seat, Traci stepped into the kitchen, returning three drinks. “We understand you love eggnog.” Handing me one, “This is made with our special milk; we think you’ll love it.”

Taking a sip, it was wonderful. Not being shy, I finished the entire glass. “Oh, you were right. That is the best I have ever tasted.”

A refill on mine was immediate, emptying half of the second glass. We began talking about the setup when it became hard to focus on anything. Looking at them, they were smiling. Brenda and Traci moved by my side.

“We drugged your drink with a powerful hypnotic type of drug. You’ll do as we say, go along with anything we do, but not to worry, the drug will wear off in a couple of hours, plenty of time to show you our special herd.”

I wanted to protest, but I was feeling so good that nothing seemed to bother me. The two of them removed all of my clothes and led me to what looked like a solid wall; watching in awe at how it opened, the three of us stepped into an elevator. Traci was playing with my boobs, giggling.

“Oh, believe me, she’ll be producing some of the most any of our girls,” she said.

I was stepping out into a huge area of milking stalls. It was morning, and the morning milking was taking place, but even drugged, looking at well over two dozen women, down on all fours, their heads inside stalls, pumps hooked up to milking hoses. What was more shocking to me were the dogs, maybe a dozen or more. Most were mounting the women, fucking them, tied to rapid pumping with others taking place.

Trying to take all of this in, I didn’t understand what was happening when an oversized leather collar was placed on me and then locked into place. One of them led me into an empty stall, pointing out the soft floor.

Traci commented, “When your tits get as big as our herd girls, it will be impossible for you to stand, so this is easy on your knees.”

That was when I realized just how big everyone’s tits were, way beyond anything huge. These were almost hanging to the ground. With the pumps on, the machinery touched the ground. Still, in a daze, I was led to my stall, my collar calibrated to the unit, then forced forward, requiring me to drop down on all fours. Some cream was rubbed on each nipple to prevent chaffing. Then the pumps were attached, the sucking starting immediately, rushing me into the most erotic feelings I had ever experienced.

Looking around, Brenda was preparing a syringe. “We had this substance called ‘Momilk’ developed especially for our unique herd and us,” she said. “It speeds up the production of milk in your tits, as well as enlarging those marvelous udders.”

Then she giggled, plunging the drug into my bottom. Traci was applying some cream to my pussy, making sure it was pushed up inside me, covering every part of me.

“The drug that makes you produce milk also makes your pussy taste and smell like you are in heat,” Traci said. “We had it designed to be linked to a dog’s desire to mate. We found to keep you producing milk. We have to keep your body thinking you have been bred; keeping a couple of dozen dogs, all males, and all having access to your cows makes it easy to keep you producing some delicious milk.”

By this time, the drug was wearing off of me; looking around, seeing how many women these two had kidnapped and turned into their special cows, the exciting feelings from these pumps making it hard to think clearly.

Turning to Brenda, I said, “You can’t do this to me. I need to get this collar off and stop these pumps from exciting me. Please, I won’t tell anyone what you have done to these women, but you have to let me go.”

Brenda knelt by my side, kissing my cheek. “Oh honey, it would have been so much fun, adding you to Traci and my sexual play, but we need more girls with naturally large tits,” she said. “But even if I wanted to let you go, the first injection has been given. We now have to give you one every hour today, then twice a day tomorrow for a week, once a week after that. Your tits are already changing, and the cream Traci put in your pussy, has also helped change your natural juices to convince our group of excited K9s to enjoy your body regularly. Even if we wanted to stop, what we have started can’t be stopped without doing extreme harm and discomfort to you.”

Then she kissed me again, telling me she’d talk again after my first experience with the dogs.

Those damn pumps were keeping my excitement on edge, but looking at the various women who were here, they all looked like they’d lost any hope of being free of this situation. Their eyes had lost any hope. None even concerned that I had been added to the herd.

Just then, I felt a rough tongue lick my pussy; trying to turn, telling him, no, to go away, bad dog, but he licked me again. Wiggling my bottom, but with my neck being locked by the new collar to the device I had on, there wasn’t any place I could go. By the time he had licked me multiple times, the roughness of his tongues surface was getting to me; trying to have Brenda take pity on me and not let a dog fuck me, but it didn’t seem to be anywhere that I could see, but my view was limited.

They were, however, behind me, both of them in each other’s arms, just as my new friend jumped up on my back. He was so experienced at doing this. His cock drove down inside me, his balls slapping my ass. The feeling was so sudden but by now, something I needed, even if it were a dog – then he started pumping fast, and I could have only dreamed of his first climax crashing over me, making my head drop down, as a low moan was heard by all the cows, which brought a smile from all of them.

His knot slipped inside me quickly. The cream must have loosened my muscles back there. That is when I let out a small whimper. His warm seed filled my pussy, rushing a comforting feeling all over me. I was mad, not sure how I’d ever get out of this situation I was in, but the pumps working my nipples and this marvelous dog using his huge cock to fuck me in a way I never even dreamed was possible triggered my second incredible orgasm.

My two captors smiling, Brenda whispering, “They are mad when we hook them up, but when they experience what it is like to have a dog fuck them, they never want to leave.”

There were cots and specially built bathroom facilities to use when we were on all fours. The collar pulled me to my stall that first evening; Traci hooked up my pumps. By then, I had been fucked three more times, leaving me exhausted but surprisingly satisfied.

On the second day, it was apparent my breasts were becoming heavy and much bigger. Still, no milk was coming, but even though I had been kidnapped, raped, and given drugs to change my life, somehow, I was beginning to enjoy it.

Walking upright was almost impossible by the morning milking of the third day. My tits were huge and so heavy that it was easier to crawl. That is when I noticed the soft surface so it wouldn’t hurt my knees. Traci took time to play with my tits, rubbing my nipples, kissing me softly, her tongue exploring my mouth, moving back, looking at me.

“Your tits have grown bigger than anyone we have in the herd,” Traci said. “I know your milk will add to the total production more than any of the other girls.”

Then she hooked up the pumps. As soon as they started sucking, my milk began to flow. The feeling was so sexually satisfying. At that moment, I knew there was no way I’d ever leave this lifestyle. To add to my experience, one of my four-legged friends came up, mounting me, his cock plunging in and out at a rapid speed, my milk flowing, the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced rushing over my body.

Brenda unhooked the pumps when my udders were empty, cum dripping out of my pussy. “So tell me are you enjoying being here more now?”

Kissing her, with the passion her lover had shared with me, looking at her, I said, “I was tricked, kidnapped, and drugged, but the sexual feelings that I am experiencing are something I never want to give up.”

We kissed for the longest time, then I was free to roam around, meeting some of my cow girlfriends, and of course, our pussies were constantly wet and ready for a dog to excite us.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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