
By Michelle M.

Being a single girl, winning a two-week-long trip to a remote location in Brazil was a dream come true. This fantastic gift was filled with plenty of sunbathing, swimming, sightseeing at various locations, and, of course, what looked like some of the most wonderful meals anyone could ever imagine.

As soon as I heard that I had won, I went to a ladies’ boutique to pick up multiple sets of very skimpy bikinis. That and some light shirt-like tops were all I planned on wearing for the entire two weeks.

The flight was long, one smaller one, and then a limo drove me to the remote location.

The resort was beautiful in every way possible. As soon as I checked in, a cute young lady with the most beautiful skin I have ever seen pushed my suitcase to my room, all the while telling me about the resort and the many things I’d find interesting.

Walking behind her, listening to what she was saying, but enjoying the way the smallest bikini that I’ve ever seen barely covered her sex between those gorgeous legs and small pieces of cloth not completely hiding her erect nipples, I was becoming more and more excited the further we walked.

Never having been with a man, only women, this one was what dreams were made of.

The lady who checked me in had given me a fruity drink. While walking along, sipping on it, I was already feeling a warm buzz, which was only adding to the arousal that was enveloping all of me.

She was able to sense my erotic feelings as soon as we were inside my room, laying out my suitcase, then turning to me, “That was a long flight to arrive here; I’m sure you are tired. Would you like me to give you a message? I promise it will be worth it; I am excellent. And oh, by the way, I’m Cindi. I’ll be your companion as long as you are here.”

Realizing this is what I had been thinking may take place, reaching around to undo the strings on my top and bottom, and dropped them to the ground, my D cup tits firm and ready, between my legs already moist, nodding, but unable to speak.

Following my lead, she also drops her bikini, leaving her body perfect in every way, stepping up to me, her hand rubbing between my legs; I have a small landing strip above my pussy. She is entirely smooth. Using her thumb to rub the landing strip, her middle finger stroking the lips, then pushing up inside me, “The drink you have been sipping on is such a perfect blend of relaxing drugs. You are already so wet, and we are going to have fun.”

I could only stand her massaging and teasing between my legs for a short time before my knees gave out, dropping me on the mattress, legs spread wide apart, her hand now plunging two fingers in and out of me, sending me over the edge immediately, screaming until I finally relaxed.

The excellent mixed fruity drink is stocked heavily in my tiny fridge. Take one while I let my body come back to some normality, laying by my side, running her finger around my nipples, teasing my breasts, still enjoying the effects of the second drink, “Tomorrow is a free day. I have a secluded area where you can enjoy the sun.” A small giggle. Actually, being nude if you’d like to eliminate any lines of any kind.”

I told her it sounded like the perfect spot for me, and we agreed to meet the following morning.

In the evening, a fantastic meal was prepared for us. We enjoyed it with a pretty blonde who had also won a vacation, looking forward to the next two weeks. We retired to the hot tubs in no time, tribbing together, finally ending up in each other’s arms, making out for a long time, ending up in my room, and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Waking the following day, enjoying an excellent breakfast also more of the juice, Cindi was ready to take me to this private place. Riding side by side, the ride took close to an hour, dropping me off, kissing me, “I’ll be back later on in the afternoon to pick you back up.”

She had packed more drinks, some food, and various supplies for me in a backpack. Laying out of a small lounge chair, stripping down nude, kissing her goodbye, then making sure a new drink was near me, she left me. The sun was warm but not burning hot, so it was easy to lay back, slipping into a restful sleep. A clicking sound woke me, and I took a few minutes to adjust to the brightness, my chair now shaded from the trees.

That was when I noticed a strange-looking spider. It was multicolored, making that weird sound and flashing its colors constantly while it danced on the tree. The clicking, flashing colors, and its movements quickly captivated me, and I was helplessly unable to look away.

I don’t like spiders, and I am not completely afraid of them, but not freaking out scared either. However, this one was bigger than I’d ever seen before. It danced and flashed, clicking down the tree, where suddenly, there were two of them moving in my direction.

What I didn’t know was my new friend had silently slipped a new drink, one much more powerful than the ones I had enjoyed before, one that would open my mind to accept anything that was coming my way. Becoming extremely thirsty, reaching down, emptying the contents of the glass, still entranced by the movements and sounds of the two coming towards me.

As soon as the dancing pair reached my feet, a third one appeared, matching beat for beat. All three moved slowly up onto my ankles; the movements of their bodies against my body instantly spiked me sexually, to the point of separating my legs wide, wanting to give them easy access to all of me.

One moved to my pussy, still making the sounds, but its body moved back and forth between my legs, much like a vibrator would do, making me moan and writhe under this stimulation. The other two moved to each of my breasts, setting down on each nipple; the dancing and touching they were doing only added to my increased sexual needs.

The drugs in the drink I had been given, along with what the spiders were doing, had me deep in an erotic haze I had no idea I’d ever come out of.

Suddenly all three had repositioned themselves over me, at the same time sinking their fangs into each nipple and just above the entrance to my pussy.

Instead of their being instant pain, my body exploded with an orgasm. Still, before I could thoroughly enjoy the sudden surge of pleasure, the one that injected venom above my pussy, pushed her cock like tail down deep inside my pussy. It only took a few minutes for me to realize she was laying eggs in my pussy. The eggs must have needed the moisture from my climax to grow and develop. The more she pumped eggs in me, the more mini-orgasms took place.

Finally, when I started to feel the pressure from the hundreds of eggs she had deposited, that is when I spotted a similarity marked one coming my way, but this one was much bigger. It had to be twice the size of any Goliath one I’d seen in zoos. She kept her body buried deep in me, all the time keeping an eye on him. Just as he arrived by her side, she pulled out of me. He quickly replaced her pussy like tail with an actual cock of his own, immediately pumping his seed over every small egg she had laid.

He pumped and pumped and pumped deep inside me until I was bloated way beyond anything I had ever felt. Finally, pulling out of me, depositing a wax-like barrier, much like a pig does, sealing my pussy.

I wanted to move, but the venom the three arachnids had injected into me had placed me in a semi-paralyzed state, unable to move any part of my body.

As soon as he was finished, a team of spiders joined them, easing me out of the chair and carrying me to a cave-like structure deep underground. I could feel the eggs and seeds swashing inside me, and my tits started to tingle also, probably from the bites I had received, but I had no idea at that time why they had bitten me there. Unable to move, the darkness of the cave made it impossible for me to have any idea how long I was under their control. Some sweet-tasting item was fed regularly, but the loss of reality took me deeper and deeper into a submissive state.

At an unknown time, I could feel the baby spiders coming out of their eggs, feeding on the juices I had inside me. That was when I felt my nipples begin to push what felt like a gooey substance, covering my breasts, attracting the new lives to move from between my legs, up to my tummy, to my breasts.

My head back, eyes closed, feeling hundreds of spiders crawling all over my body, feeding on my breasts, leaving my pussy empty. Something clicked inside of me, shutting down any reality as to what had happened to me.

I no longer missed my family and my friends – the only important thing was the sexual ways I could enjoy what was happening to me.

Eventually, the spiders moved me out of the cave. The little ones had all left. Cindi was waiting for me, helping me in the exact vehicle that brought me here. We arrived back at a large facility next to the main resort and used a wheelchair to move me inside. Four women were inside, some suntanning, two in a sexual encounter. My first stop had to be a shower, where the sticky substance was washed off of my breasts, my pussy cleaned as completely as possible, and finally, joined the four girls; one moved between my legs, sucking my pussy, almost instantly triggering a familiar climax. When she had filled her mouth with my nectar, she shared it with me in a deep, sensual kiss.

My juices were different now, a new, wild, exotic taste that spiked my arousal as soon as I tasted the liquid.

Eventually, I learned five girls, one circulating into the cave, while the other four enjoyed sexual pleasures. The time spent in the cave varied, but after the second session, all the girls looked forward to their next time.

When Cindi told me it was my turn again, I jumped in the vehicle, drank down the special drink, and lay on the ground, opening my legs wide when my three friends appeared, biting me as before. I slowly drifted off in the welcomed sexual state, feeling her push inside me.

I had no idea why they needed human females to give birth to their young, but being so lucky to be used by them made my days the best.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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