Arctic Fun

By Unknown.

“Nothing larcenous?” I asked.

“Of course not! It’s just this company needs some volunteers for six month studies. You know, how isolation affects people, interaction between the wildlife and humans, stuff like that…”

Ten grand, eh? Why not. “It’s a deal.”

“Fine, meet me at my place about 10 AM tomorrow. Bye…”

What the hell, I thought, couldn’t hurt to look into it any way. Little did I know…

The next day, I met the representative, and he described it as “A scientific study into the… blah, blah, blah.” Then it was, “Fill out These Forms… Sign here, and here, and here…” After what seemed like hours, he finally said, “All set. Here is your ticket, and your supply voucher. Good Luck.”

A month later I found myself sitting in a tower, staring out at a field of snow, wondering how in the world I ever let myself get talked into this mess. Oh, yeah. I almost forgot the best part. Under the Tower, slung between the four pylons that hold the platform up, is a cage. It’s about four feet wide, and five feet high, with an access hatch. Once a day, I am supposed to go down, climb into the cage, and read the gauges. It’s actually a balmy two degrees above zero in it.

Of course, sitting in a hollow, it doesn’t get much wind. There are five foot snow drifts piled up about one hundred yards away from the platform, keeping things pretty still. I am also supposed to record any sightings of animals, and note their behavior. Well, if I was out there, it would be shivering, and cursing, and trying my damndest to build a fire!

Things were pretty quiet until the sixth day. I was in the cage, making sure everything worked, when a large animal came down one of the drifts, and walked over. It was a Polar Bear, and he was curious. I quickly latched the opening, and sat down in the middle of the cage, out of reach. The Bear decided to bang on the top. Since there was a gap that ran around the cage, roughly waist high, I got a close-up view of the animal’s crotch. I wonder…

Since it was pressing it’s mid-section against the cage, it was easy to feel around in the thick fur. Aha! A nice pair of balls… The bear gave a startled grunt, and tried to back away. Not so Fast, Guy! I had to dig frantically through the thick fur, but at last a warm ball-sack rested in my hand.

I licked on the shiny, hairless surface, and the bear stopped trying to leave. He gave out another grunt, when I placed them in my mouth. His testicles swelled as I played with them. I held them against the roof of my mouth, and rolled first one, then the other. Something parted my hair, and tapped me on the head, demanding attention.

I spat the steaming sack into my hand, and looked at the sex-organ that stood firmly in front of me. The shaft was a good seven inches, and dark red. The tip was bulbous, shaped like an unopened tulip. I licked it, finding the taste a little strong, but no worse than what I had been eating since I got here.

The Polar Bear in the other paw, was ecstatic. He moaned, and clung to the cage. I took off one glove, and gently played with his still wet testicles, while I lapped at his “lollipop”. The poor animal must have been in need, because I had no sooner started sucking in the bulbous tip, than his balls contracted in my hand, and Bear-cum poured into my mouth.

I gulped each spurt down, rubbing the underside of his cock- head with my rough tongue, coaxing more semen out. The animal clung to the cage and shuddered, panting. When he was done, his cock disappeared back into the fur, and I shoved his balls back out the opening. The bear dropped back to all fours, and sniffed at me. I stood, and opened my fly, letting my cock out.

Hmmm… I moved closer to the “hole” and the animal sniffed, then tried to lick on my dick. I pushed my erection out a little ways, not enough for him to get a hold of, or bite, but enough to lap at. And Lap he did! All over my cock, up, down, across… I wondered if he had one tongue or 20. It didn’t take long for my own orgasm to hit. My cock jumped, spewing cum.

He sat down, and placed both paws on the sill, catching what his rapidly-moving tongue didn’t. When I finished, I let him clean my dick off, then stuffed it back into my pants. He licked on his paws until I wasn’t sure there was going to be anything left of them. Then He grunted, and waddled off up the embankment. Making sure there weren’t any others, I jotted down the info, and got out of there. I made a few notes in my diary, and wished I had a camera. For about 2 months, me and a bear (It was hard to tell if it was the same one or not), would repeat the process.

I would suck on his cock, he would lap on mine. One day I was idly masturbating a thick length of maleness, and had an idea. My face was kept warm in the fur, when I sucked on him, how about my butt? I stood up, and dropped my pants. The animal peered down at me curiously, but didn’t move away. I rubbed his spit-slick cock with my ass, and grabbing my knees, pushed back at him. He snorted loudly, when the tip slid into me.

I slowly pushed back, until I was pressed against the cage. It was somewhat warm, and the fur tickled. The bear-cock was deep in me, and I wiggled my buttocks, enjoying the feeling. Then the sneaky bastard grabbed the cage and plowed four more inches into my ass, making me yelp. Where the hell had he hidden it?!

The bear fucked me with smooth strokes, slamming his thighs against the cage, making sure every inch was buried in my anus. He grunted, holding it in place for a moment, then slid out again. The monster buggered me for a good five minutes like that. Then he roared, his cock flexing inside of me, while warm cum splashed deep in my guts.

I came about the same time, and my anus squeezing on the intruder. I was just glad that he was sagging on the steel cage, and not on me. He lay there, panting for a few minutes. Then with a groan, slid out, and wandered up the slope. I finished my work, and went back up into my platform. Now, I alternated. One time I sucked them off, another time they buggered me. I didn’t even latch the hatch any more, and that almost proved to be my un-doing…

I was intent on the thermometer (it was actually Ten degrees above zero!), and didn’t hear the animal. How can anything so big, move so quietly? The first thing I know, I was being pulled out and up, much like a fish at an ice-hole. The Polar Bear sniffed me up and down, then tossed me right into another bear!

I ended up in a heap, lying on top of the animal, with a mouthful of bear-cock. Well, it was more like sheath, but after a few seconds, a dick jack-knifed down my throat, followed by a rumble from its owner. The larger of the two bears, came over and sniffed my coat, moved down to my ankles, and back up. The nose stopped at my buttocks.

He had either screwed me before, or somebody had trained him. He opened my pants, and pulled them down to my knees, like he had done it a hundred times. Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me up, and onto his erection. His big cock sank down to the roots, while I groaned around another fleshy pole. The other Polar Bear was busy lapping on my now exposed organ. That is until a drop of seminal fluid dripped onto his tongue.

Then a pair of warm, rubbery lips clamped around my dick, and sucked it down into a hungry muzzle. So while a thick cock pistoned in-and-out of my ass, another rubbed the back of my throat. At least the monster humping me had both fore-paws on the ground. The one who was nursing like a famished cub, had both paws locked on my thighs, holding me in place. The bruin above me grunted, the one between my legs slurped, and I concentrated on trying to breathe, push back against one animal, and shove towards another.

The Polar Bear above me suddenly grunted deeply, and slamming forward, blew his wad deep in me. I felt warm ejaculate hitting my intestinal walls… And the second animal came with just as much force. It wasn’t so much swallow as keep my throat open, and let the river of spunk flow down into my belly.

I felt my orgasm wash over me, and my ass squeezed hungrily at the bear-cock, still being pistoned through it, while my cock was filling a muzzle full of semen. No sooner had they taken a few breaths, than they started again. The Big animal above me pistoned his nine-inch dick into me again, and the other animal slid his seven-inch sausage along my tongue, and teased my cock back into hardness with rapid licks along the sensitive head.

So, we did it again, and the fireworks were just as grand, the second time around. And the third time… On the fourth explosion the whole sex-machine fell on its side, still locked together. Finally the bears pulled their shrinking cock out of me, and one licked my buttocks, while the other slapped a wet tongue across my testicle sack, in a bearish kiss. I pulled myself together, and my pants up, and made my way back into the cage.

I just had enough strength to write down the numbers, lock the hatch, and crawl into the “Dumb-Waiter” that served as an elevator. I had used to carry my supplies into the platform, and I felt like a sack of potatoes… Well Mashed. It took me three days to recover from that orgy, and even though I still had sex with the bears, it was one-at-a-time!

After about five months had gone by, I had a visit. An Eskimo, with a team of six sled-dogs. It was getting close to the “Night”, when the temperature really dropped, that he came by. It was plain both the man and the dogs were beat. I told him he could stay the night. In halting English, he asked if the dogs could come up too. Of course, I said “Yes.”

It dipped down to -40 at the coldest times. Besides, they were all male! It took all of two hours to unload his sled, feed the dogs, and get everybody up via the dumb waiter. He grinned, “Warm Here.”

It was warmer than the outside, and he looked hot. I told him to undress, if he wished. He did so, in a hurry. His skin was the color of copper, and he sat cross-legged on the floor. One of the dogs came over and sniffed between his legs. Then it lapped on his cock. He grinned, and talked as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “Mook, Thank man.”

I started getting warm myself, so I got nude, and sat down on the floor, also cross-legged. Another dog came over and lapped at my erection. It was a Husky, with one pale blue eye. When his cock was rock-hard, Mook grinned at me, and grabbed the hound that had been licking on him. It whined, then yelped, as Mook shoved his saliva-covered erection under the animal’s tail. It disappeared, and the man got down on all fours, still holding the dog with one hand. Then another dog jumped up onto his back, and started buggering him, while he screwed the first one. I did the same with the husky.

He moaned, as my cock sank into his tight anus. I too went onto hands-and-knees, and a more-wolf-than-dog pumped 7-inches of canine meat into me. I fucked the dog hard, and fast, and he loved it. The wolf/dog on top of me licked my back, and growled lustfully in my ear.

The other’s stood, waiting their turn, eyes bright, tongues hanging down, tails wagging. The husky snarled, and slid his tongue across my fore-arm, hips thrusting eagerly into my crotch, as did Mook’s animal. He grinned at me. “Dog Fuck Good!” I wasn’t sure if he was talking about the one humping its brains out, or the one who was panting like an over-worked steam engine above him. I grinned back and nodded.

About that time, all four dogs threw back their heads and howled, and the Eskimo snarled. Cum spurted into my ass, setting off my own orgasm. The animals waited until I was through, then both slid free, and moved off to one side. With a bark, another animal jumped onto my back, his doggy-cock pumping into me. Another of the sled dogs padded over to me, and turning, slid himself under me. His tail lifted as he backed up, yelping when my dick pressed, then entered his neither end. He shook his head, and moaned softly, eager to have his ass reamed.

Mook too, had new partners.

The animal on top of me slammed in to the hilt, as I rubbed his furry belly with my buttocks, also pulling out of the tight anus of the canine under me. He grunted, and shoved up, taking me to the balls, while the one above smoothly pulled out. Unhhh! Cocks squirted, and were squeezed by ass muscles, to be replaced by fresh animals. Not until all of the dogs had both fucked us, and been buggered, did we bed down for the night.

I took a shower, Mook used a cloth to clean-up with. I lay down, and felt a warm tongue on my chest. The husky I had first mated with lay down beside me, and nuzzled my cock. Then he snorted, and turned around, pressing his back against my stomach. I threw an arm around him, and went to sleep. The next morning, I awoke to a lapping tongue.

I had an erection, and the dog was really going to work on it. I pulled his sheath back, and took his cock into my mouth. He growled, continuing to lap at my dick. I sucked hard, hungry for his semen. My tongue slid across his cock-head, and he did the same to me. Then I had an idea. I got up and flipped the dog onto his back. He stared up at me, curious, but trusting. I lifted his haunches, and as he sighed, I impaled his ass. Lifting him up, I bent over, and again sucked his cock into my mouth.

He yelped, squirming under me, trying to hump my mouth, trying to get more of my dick under his tail. Mook watched me, smiling. He was also fucking one of his canines. The husky howled, his balls lurched under my chin, and cum spilled into my mouth. I gulped it greedily, wanting more. When His balls were drained, I stretched out, and savagely buggered the dog, who whined, and whimpered, and yelped. He also lapped my arms, my face, my nipples, anything his tongue could reach.

Grinding his ass into the floor, I blew my wad deep into the dog, as he howled, cumming again. I got up, thanked Mook for the use of his dogs, and he thanked me for the use of my roof. After breakfast, we got everybody back on the ground, re-packed the sled, and got the team hitched. Then he left, promising to return in a few months. I got my readings, and went back up to clean out the place. The rest of the time was uneventful. But, I was still sad when my replacement showed up.


Back to civilisation…

I had to suppress a chuckle, as I read the local paper while waiting for the plane. “Local scientists were baffled by a rash of “Rapes”. It seems that Polar Bears were mating with any human male they could catch. Details were sketchy, but one person, who declined to be named, had an encounter with the love-struck bruins.” I had to hold my sides. ‘Love Struck?’ More like… Never mind.

It continued…

“Yeah, I got ****** by wunna dose ******* ********!” I was walking back from the Busted Antler, when I heard this ******* noise. It was a huge White-Coat, and the ****** ****** was a-follerin me! Let me tell you, I high-tailed it fer the cabin… ****, I didn’t make it five feet, till he was on me. I was sure I was a gonner when he pulled me down. But, that horny ******* had other plans, let me tell ya!

“He ripped up my Jeans, and unders like they was nuthin! I started to yell, but decided to clam up, when I felt his big **** shove inta my ***. Dinna want ta give him any other ideas! The sunofa***** ****** me fer a good five minutes, pant’n in muh ear while the muthuh wasa doin’ it! Hurt? **** no!

“I’ve stuck my bare *** out inta the cold more damn times than I can rememba! What I wanna know is… Who’s gonna pay fer my Long-Johns!!!”

I quietly folded the paper, and sighed. I was going to miss those huge cocks sliding into my mouth, slithering up my ass. And of course Mook, and all those Horny dogs.

I walked up to the phones, and dialed the number on the card I had carried for the past 7 months. “Hello… Mr. Gordon please. Yes, Mr. Gordon. This is John Maxwell… Fine. I was wondering if I could sign up for another tour… Well, let’s just say I’m crazy… Where? T-A-M-A-N. Never heard of it… Large population of Brown Bears, eh? Is it warm? Ha, Ha… Sounds Fine. See you in four days. Bye.”

I grinned quietly, changing my reservation. Well, I wonder how horny Brown Bears are? Seems I would have a whole new batch of pupils to teach. I stretched. Maybe I would retire after this… I wonder how hard it is to get on the fire-watch in one of the bigger parks?

Just let one of those bears come around my tower; I would make sure he got a surprise he would not soon forget!



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