Belly Riding At The Vets
Julie couldn’t believe she was going to go through with it. Her friend Rebecca had found an article in the paper that had intrigued her and she had sent in a note under Julie’s name saying she was interested. The article in the paper said: Interested in trying something sexually different? Think bigger is better? Email me. The response Rebecca got back were instructions on how women were selling themselves at an auction to learn how to do very kinky things. The very kinky things were not spelled out in the email, but it intrigued Rebecca enough to say that Julie would go – all without Julie knowing anything about it.
Rebecca finally spilled the beans that Julie was supposed to go to a warehouse on the edge of town at midnight and wear something slutty. Julie laughed. “Yeah, right.”
“No, seriously, you should try it. It sounds wild. You never do anything wild. Besides, that shit-head husband of yours is probably screwing every girl in every port,” Rebecca said.
“Rebecca! Seriously! He’s just really busy. That’s why he’s not calling.” Julie didn’t take it seriously at all, but Rebecca was insistent. Finally, Julie puts a clincher in the subject, “Oh, yeah, and I just remembered, I am supposed to talk to Rich on the phone that night. I can’t even go anyway.”
So that pretty much ended it. Rebecca left and said, “Well, if you change your mind or he cancels, I’ll email you the directions.”
Julie laughed and shrugged it off. Her friend Rebecca was a wild child. Julie was anything but. Rich was in the Navy and she only saw him a few weeks out of the year. They were supposed to have date nights when he would call and they’d talk for a few minutes, but after a few months he seemed to call fewer and fewer times at the specified times. His emails had gotten shorter and ultimately she felt very alone. Julie fancied herself as a loving and devoted wife. The day rolled around and Julie waited for the call.
She waited and waited well past the hour that he was supposed to call. He had forgotten again. She actually went into her room when she got back and cried for a few minutes. The guys were so awful! She took a bath and ate some yogurt, trying to get her mind off of Rich and whatever he was probably doing instead of calling her. She went over to her computer, thinking maybe the jerk might have at least sent her an apology email.
Instead she was surprised to find Rebecca’s email, just as she had promised. Julie laughed as she opened it. At least her mood had been raised a little, even if it was by her crazy friend. She read over the email several times. Julie closed it, and sat back and opened it again. For some reason her curiosity had been piqued. Suddenly, she said out loud, “Fuck it!”
She made the decision to at least go and check it out. If it got too strange, which it surely would, she could bail, and Rich would be none the wiser. But who knows? A lot of times really amazing people have weird kinks, so she might end up having fun, or at least some laughs at some guys in diapers or something. Besides, the last thing she needed was to be hanging around waiting for that jerk of a husband to call or email her and say he was sorry. She didn’t want to hear it.
She realised she didn’t have a lot of time, even though her phone date had never ended up happening. She quickly got dressed in a tiny mini skirt and a shirt that showed her belly. She intentionally didn’t put on any underwear – hey the email had said to wear something slutty. She put on high heels, and quickly fixed her hair and make-up. It wasn’t her best, but it would do. She drove across town and rather easily found the place. There were a bunch of cars parked there. Some were really nice, others, like hers, were humble. She was comforted by that. At least there would be some normal people here.
She walked into a room with nothing of note in it besides a door with a burly bodyguard protecting it and a woman behind a desk. The older woman beckoned her closer, “Come in, sweetheart.”
Julie tentatively took a few steps closer and said, “Oh, hi. I guess I’m supposed to be here? My name is Julie?”
The woman looked at her clipboard, “Oh yes, Ms. Julie! We talked over email.”
Julie didn’t want to have to lie about that so instead she paused, “Uh, what is this place?”
The woman laughed. “Oh, well, it’s a place where woman can learn to try new things. Just decide what you want to try to someone will buy the rights to teach you.”
“So they’ll teach me how to get raped or something, I’m married you know.”
Julie said in a sarcastic voice, ready to bolt at any moment suddenly wondering what she was doing there, since she really had no interest in cheating on her husband.
“Oh dear lord no. It’s okay that you’re married and no, nothing like that will happen here. And if anyone even suggests that to you, let one of us know and we’ll take care of them for you. This isn’t a whore-house. This is all about women learning new things with pre-selected bidders. No one will blame you for wanting to know things here, or talk badly about your questions. All the bidders have a special interest in teaching. Their identities are known to us, though, so if anything does happen to the women, we’ll call the police ourselves. So you need to regularly check in with us to make sure that the men don’t misbehave. But in the two years we’ve held this auction, no one has stepped out of line. We have all their billing information and contact information, so I think that helps deter the worst.”
Julie thought that sounded good. “Okay, so what do I do?”
“You need to sign this document, because we need to make sure you behave. But once you do, you’ll just go inside and decide what you want to learn. Then people will bid on the rights to teach you. That’s it. The rest will take care of itself.”
“And if I don’t want to learn anything?”
“No harm done, you go home and promise not to talk about this again. And we all promise to do the same for you!”
The older woman smiled in a genuine, friendly way, which almost completely disarmed Julie. “Okay,” Julie said and signed the document and stood up straight, took a deep breath and smiled. “Wish me luck!”
“Oh, you won’t need it, sweetheart. But good luck anyway!”
Julie walked past the guard at the door who didn’t smile back when she shot him a timid smile. She walked in and she found a long empty hallway with pictures intermittently placed down the hallway. Some of them were purely sexual with captions beneath them stating the obvious – ‘anal sex’, ‘threesomes’, and ‘mutual masturbation’. Others were clearly far kinkier: ‘S&M’, ‘Foot Fetish’, and ‘smothering’. None of the pictures looked particularly appealing. Funny, perhaps, but not her cup of tea.
She was getting the feeling that her first impression was right on – this absolutely wasn’t something she’d be into at all. Then she saw something that absolutely amazed her. It was a picture of a woman in a sling, underneath a stallion, being penetrated by it. The woman looked orgasmic. Under the picture was the word: ‘Bestiality’. Julie was completely entranced by the woman. Could a woman really have sex with a horse? Julie had never really thought about it, but there it was. Julie sat and stared at the picture for probably too long. A very pretty blond girl appeared around the corner of the hallway.
She looked a little like a bimbo, with big fake breasts and huge blue eyes. “Oh! Hi! Find something you like there?” She asked.
Julie wanted to say no, but all she managed to say was, “Uh… Um.”
“Hah! Looks like you found yourself something fun! Come on, let me get you sorted out.”
Julie wasn’t sure what she meant, but she said, “No, wait, no, I didn’t…”
The blond girl laughed, “Oh come on. No one cares here. You don’t have to make excuses to me!”
Julie said, “No way, I couldn’t.”
“Ha-ha! What do you think that girl in the picture said,” said the blond girl pointing at the lewd picture of the woman beneath the horse. Julie didn’t know what to say, so the blond girl said, “Come on, no one is going to force you to do anything. It’s just a place to start. If you don’t want to do it, you can always make that choice later. But for now, let’s get you sorted out.”
Julie thought that sounded good. She would certainly change her mind, but she just wanted to get the ball rolling to see what this whole crazy thing was all about. “Okay,” she said.
The blond girl squealed a little and said, “Good! This will be so much fun, come on. My name is Trish.”
“Of course it is, mines Julie,” said Julie with a hint of sarcasm at her ditsy new friend.
They walked around the corner and down another carpeted hallway until they got to a door, and suddenly there were a lot of women milling around. Trish walked Julie over to a small desk and handed Julie a piece of paper to write some facts.
Julie wrote her height, 5’5″ her age, 24, her weight, 110 pounds and then stopped. She saw a checklist of things she was interested in with a note above it that said clearly, “Please check only one option.” Julie looked around at the other women and looked at the paper. She honestly didn’t know what to do. She was extremely interested in that girl in the picture. The more she thought about it the more butterflies floated around in her stomach and she felt like she was swimming. Could she really fuck a horse? It was a totally inconceivable thought. But as she looked at the other options, they almost all required her to have sex with some random guy or many people. The horse was the only option that didn’t involve her cheating. She breathed heavily and almost unconsciously the pen moved to the “Bestiality” check box and she saw her hand check it. Really? Could she really do this?
Trish looked up and smiled, “All done?” Julie wordlessly handed her the paper. Trish looked it over a few times for any obvious errors and said, “Perfect! Well, just feel free to mill around and get yourself a drink. I’ll call you in a bit.”
Julie decided she definitely did need a drink, if she was going to screw a stallion. A part of her was very curious, but a larger part of her was screaming to leave immediately.
She went and grabbed a glass of white wine from a small bar and managed to interject herself into a rather boring conversation about the economy with some of the other women, which thankfully distracted her a little. It was boring, but she was glad to have a normal conversation with a small group of women, who looked just as nervous as she did. No one seemed to walk, to talk about what this place was including Julie. She introduced herself as Julie, and the other women introduced themselves as well. It seemed like a really boring cocktail party, until over some speakers people’s names started to get called. One by one, women began to disappear into a door. An hour passed and over three-quarters of the room had disappeared. Suddenly, Julie realized that because the picture she chose was last and the check box was the last one on the list, she’d probably be in the last group of women to be called.
Finally the second last group was called, leaving Julie and two other women completely alone in the large room together. The three women gravitated towards one another. One girl was a small eastern European girl. She looked like a Romanian gymnast – petite in every way, but very pretty. Her name Ina. The other woman was closer to Julie’s build, with flame red hair, named Hanna. The women looked at each other and each averted their eyes until
Julie finally said, “So you both saw the picture back there, huh?”
They both nodded. Ina said, “I couldn’t believe that it was possible.”
Hanna laughed. “I know, it’s stupid, but I really just wanted to try it once. You know? Oh god, am I stupid? No, this is a terrible idea. I’m sorry, I have to go. Sorry…”
Hanna looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown as she held her purse close and nearly sprinted out of the room. Julie was wide-eyed. Surely she would leave too, or Ina would and then Julie would. Julie wasn’t going to stay, was she? She couldn’t see herself going through with whatever was behind that door. Still, she looked at Ina and said, “Are you going to go through with this?”
Ina bit her lip and said, “I have to.”
“HAVE to?” Julie was worried this was some crazy blackmail thing.
Ina nodded. “If I don’t, I’ll just wonder forever.”
“Oh… Gotcha. Well a horse does sound pretty exciting,” Julie said as she began to calm down slightly.
Ina laughed. “Oh, no, I don’t want to do a horse. I actually want to sleep with a dog.”
Ina blushed furiously as she admitted her fetish to Julie. Julie’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Okay!”
Ina shrugged, “I had a dog try to mount me when I was little. I just always wondered…”
Julie said, “No, it’s okay, I mean… Who am I to judge right?”
Ina smiled at that. “But you do want to have sex with a horse then?”
Julie said, “Uh, I don’t know, actually. I just came here to find out what this place was. I don’t know if I can really go through with it.”
Ina nodded. “I know what you mean. It sounds like a lot of fun, but who knows what it’ll be like when I’m bent over.”
Julie laughed, and said, “Let’s change the subject, I’m too nervous already.”
Ina agreed and they began to talk about where they were from. Ina was from the Ukraine, but had lived in the city most of her life. They began to joke and realize they lived only a few blocks away from each other. They even had similar music taste and all kinds of things, they decided to exchange email addresses.
Suddenly, their new-found friendship was interrupted when Trish walked into the room and looked around. “Where did the redhead go?”
“Hanna? She took off, I don’t think she’s coming back either,” Ina said.
Trish shrugged. “That’s too bad. Oh well. Her loss. They’re ready for you now.”
Julie looked at Ina. “After you!”
Ina smiled, breathed heavily and they both began to follow Trish into the next room. There they found a large platform that slowly rotated. All around the room were small booths with men in them and small computer terminals set up. Trish smiled. “Ina, you’re up!”
Ina stood up on the platform, looking particularly tiny, even though she was elevated. Julie noted that she could see up her skirt from this angle. Her pink panties were clearly visible. Unfortunately, Julie had not put on underwear, she suddenly remembered.
Suddenly, Trish said, “Gentlemen, this is Ina. She is 5′ even, 98 pounds, 22 and has expressed interest in learning about bestiality. Would you like to say anything, Ina?”
Ina smiled. “Um… just that I don’t really know anything about dogs, but I’d like to have sex with one – you know… Just to try it out. So please be patient.”
“Bidding will start at $1,000,” Trish announced.
Numbers began to flash on an overhead monitor. $2,000, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000… Julie was amazed how fast the bidding increased. It finally started evening out at just $20,000.Trish waited a few seconds, “Going once…” Then it hit $22,000 even. Trish smiled at Julie, waited a few second. “Going once… Gentlemen, twice… SOLD.”
A young man with a nice looking suit walked out of one of the booths. A few claps were made by the losing bidders as the man held out his hand. Julie thought he was rather charming, as she gently put her fingers in her hand to shake it. They walked off out of another door in the back.
Julie suddenly felt her stomach knot up. Could she really go through with this? Was she really about to sell herself? Trish said, “Okay, Julie, your turn. You’re the last one of the night, so try to put on a good show, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Julie nodded, not having any idea what that meant. She walked up onto the platform and suddenly she realised how hard it was to see the faces of the men as she slowly rotated around, because of the bright lights on her. She tried to smile, but she was very nervous. Trish said, “Gentlemen, this is the last lady of the night. Her name is Julie, she is 5’5″, 110 pounds, 24. Julie? Anything to add?”
“Um… Yeah, like she said, my name is Julie. I’m actually married, so I’m not at all interested in sleeping with any guys. That’s actually the reason I chose the horse. I figured it was safe. Not cheating. You know?” Julie waited for the men to laugh, but they were perfectly silent. Her attempt at humour wasn’t working so she decided on a new tactic – sexy. “But anyway, yeah, I figured I never had sex with a horse. I didn’t even know it was possible. But who knows? I’m always up for trying something twice.”
She winked and laughed a little, trying to ease her own nerves. That got a few chuckles from the men. Good, she thought, anything to be somewhat charming.
Trish started again. “It’s not all that often that I actually get to catch a girl in the act, but I spotted her ogling the picture in the hallway. Gentlemen, I’m sure you can picture it too, but Julie here will probably make a great student. So we’ll start the last auction of the night at $10,000.”
Julie was terrified. She almost trembled. She looked over and to her horror, the price had almost instantly gone up to $20,000. Was she really worth that? What if she chickened out? Would they be angry?
She looked over at Trish who mimed that Julie should be sexier, and show some leg. Julie was terrified of what was happening, but she tried to do what Trish was miming. She pushed her breasts out and let one leg hang out a bit and even lifted her skirt ever so slightly. She knew her vagina was probably easily visible from where the men were sitting as she slowly rotated around. She glanced over at the screen and her worst fears had come true. The bidding was over $40,000 and climbing. Julie tried to hold her breath. She was extremely nervous.
Finally the bidding began to slow, as Trish said,”$52,000, going once… Going twice, and sold!” Julie’s eyes went wide and Trish said, “Thank you everyone for coming and bidding on our selection of women. See you next month!”
Julie saw a nice-looking man stand up from one of the booths and walk toward her, “Julie?”
Julie nodded. “Yes?”
“I’m Ed. Please come with me. I just need to settle up and then we can leave.”
Julie nodded as he put his arm out as if to help her. She took his arm and he walked down and out, along with a large group of men who congratulated each other as the noise in the room began to increase with the added intensity of it being the end of a long evening.
He walked over to a small booth where the same woman who had invited people before was standing, with another woman who was changing people out. “Ah, Julie! How did it go?”
“Good, I guess!”
“I’m sure you’re in good hands.”
Julie nodded, not at all as sure as the woman was about her new-found friend, as Ed pulled out his pocket-book and wrote a check saying, “Five-thousand-two-hundred-dollars to the house…” Then he ripped off another check, and said slowly, “Forty-six-thousand-and-eight-hundred-dollars to you, Julie.”
He handed her a check. Julie was shocked and confused, “Wait, for me?”
The woman said, “Oh, Julie, I’m so sorry, I thought I had sent that to you in the email, you get 90% of the take. The house gets 10%. I hope that’s okay. I mean, that’s a very generous price!”
Those damned emails. She wished Rebecca had forwarded them to her! But still, could she really take $46,800 from a strange man? She looked at the check and it said: ‘Ed Rosen, MD.’ The money was enough to buy a car or really pick herself up. Her husband didn’t make much and she made almost nothing as a waitress. She could quit her job and still come out ahead. But at what cost? Julie decided she could do anything a few times for $46,800.
“Oh yeah, no, this is fine. Sorry, I was just confused by the math,” Julie’s said to cover her surprise.
Ed smiled, “Okay, let’s get out of here.”
Julie felt a little nervous. “What about my car?”
Ed frowned. “You can leave it here. Do you need to be anywhere important tomorrow or the next day?”
“Uh, no, I can call in sick at work.”
The woman smiled, and said, “Oh, then, don’t worry about it. Lots of women leave their cars here. Don’t worry, we have a guard on staff – he’ll make sure it doesn’t get stolen or broken into as long as you move it by next week.”
Julie thought that sounded okay, so she left and got into Ed’s fancy car. Ed turned on some music, which was suitable, and raced off. Ed said, “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s very late, and the horses are probably asleep. You can sleep in my guest room and we’ll get started tomorrow morning. How does 8AM sound?”
Julie was nervous and scared so she just nodded. “That’s fine.”
Part 2
Julie barely slept. The bed was comfortable, but she kept worrying about hidden cameras or other scary things. Not that that made any sense, because she knew later that day she’d be spread apart by a horse, most likely with Ed standing right there. Ed knocked on the door and Julie answered it. He had some breakfast on a platter, “Eat up and take a shower. The bathroom had towels, a razor, an extra toothbrush and whatever else you might need. Don’t worry about cleaning up. I have a maid for that. Just meet me in the kitchen when you’re done.”
Julie nodded. She ate, took a shower, cleaned herself up and tied her hair back. She figured it was probably the best bet for whatever she was in store for. She wished she had another outfit, or even panties, but it was too late for that. She teetered down the hall in her skimpy skirt, her high heeled shoes and her crop top, feeling like a whore in the fancy house in broad daylight. Ed was in the kitchen reading a paper. “Ah! There she is… You ready?”
Julie nodded, looking around. “I guess so!”
“Good, it’s just a five minute drive from here.”
They climbed into the car again and drove to what looked like a rather nice and post-modern looking office single floor office building, on the edge of town. It was large, but it looked like it was only one company with the words Equine fertility clinic written on a small sign out front. Julie said, “Where are we?”
“My office,” Ed said casually.
“We’re doing this at your office?”
“Of course, no better place to learn. Come on in.” She followed him in, as he disarmed the alarm codes and turned on the lights. “Amanda will be in in a few minutes.”
“My assistant. Just make yourself comfortable. Go ahead and sit over there. I’ll start preparing the stallion.”
Julie nodded, not having any idea what was going on. She heard him go into the back, and down a long hallway. The floor was rubbery – not tile, like she would have expected. After a few minutes Ed returned with a rather large stallion, “Here’s Lucky Star. He’s a stud race horse! His family is one of the most prestigious horse breeds around.”
Julie felt as if she was about to have sex with horse royalty as Ed tied up the horse. He excused himself again just as another woman opened the door and entered. The woman, who’s presumably Amanda, barely looked at Julie, but rather said, “Is the doctor here?”
Julie thought she probably meant Ed. “I think he’s back there.”
“Thanks,” the woman said. “Doctor? Do you need anything?”
Ed yelled from the back. “Hey, yes, thanks, Amanda, grab the saddle and get it set up. I’m just getting the shots ready.”
“Okay,” Amanda called back.
She opened a closet and pulled out a mess of leather straps and began to put it on the horse. Julie was nervous and she wished Amanda would say something to her. Julie decided to be helpful, “Can I do anything?”
Amanda finally broke a smile. “Oh, no thanks, sorry, I’m just a little flustered today. It’s been a long morning. You’ve got a long day ahead of you. Save your strength.”
Julie wasn’t sure what she meant by that, so she just sat back and let Amanda work. Finally the saddle was in place and Ed returned with a smile. “Okay, Julie. Please disrobe and we’ll get started!”
Julie looked at Amanda, wondering if she was going to be there the whole time too.
Ed smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, Amanda is a trained professional. She’s my assistant.”
Amanda shook her head. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ve seen a naked woman before.”
Julie smiled, acknowledging Amanda’s gender and with a sigh, she took off her top. She didn’t think to ask why she had to get completely naked to do this, but she probably wouldn’t have argued anyway. Julie then undid her bra standing there topless felt very odd in a professional office, with two clothed people watching. Ed smiled. “Halfway there, come on.”
Julie then undid her skirt and stepped out of it and then her shoes. She stood naked in front of the doctor and Amanda. Ed smiled again. “Perfect, now we need to get in the saddle here. Amanda will help you.”
Julie stepped forward and Amanda whispered, “You look beautiful. Don’t worry. Now put your head right here, and sort of scoot down the saddle until your butt is right about here.”
Julie did exactly as she was told. Amanda said, “Okay, now spread your legs and I’ll tie both your ankles and wrists to the stallion so you’re more comfortable.”
“Tie them up?”
Julie looked a little panicked. Ed nodded, “It’s safer for you that way, believe it or not. Keeping your legs away from his is way better.”
Amanda smiled, “He’s a vet, so he knows these things.”
Julie’s eyes went wide, “Ah! A vet… I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, we’ll take care of you, now please lift your legs up.”
Julie spread her legs and lifted them up, while Amanda began securing Julie’s limbs to the stallion. After it was secured, Amanda puts on latex gloves on each of her hands with a snap. She then dropped to her knees and began stroking the stallion until its penis began to appear.
Amanda looked at Julie, and said, “It’ll help if you’re really wet, by the way. We don’t like to use lube unless absolutely necessary. It just makes everything more complicated if we do. So don’t get frustrated if this takes a few minutes, okay? It almost always does your first time.”
Julie nodded. Ed stood there on a small swivelling seat, watching Julie and waiting patiently with a shot in his hand. Julie was eye balling the shot with a tiny bit of fear. Ed said, “Don’t worry, this isn’t for you. I need to give it to him once you two are mated. It won’t hurt him at all, but it’ll keep him erect.”
“Oh!” Julie didn’t think that sounded as bad as she had feared.
Finally, Amanda managed to get the horse erect enough so that it touched her labia. Julie tensed. What would her husband say right now? Right as she was about to have sex with a stallion. Amanda was right, it took a lot of work of pushing and trying to get the right angle between the horse and Julie. Finally, after a few minutes Julie felt the horse’s head suddenly open her up wider than she had ever been opened.
“Whoa!” Julie shouted.
Ed laughed a little. “He’s a big boy, huh?”
Julie gasped. “No kidding… Whoa! He’s huge!”
Amanda said, “Be thankful he’s a racing horse, some of the show horses are even bigger.”
Julie said, “Oh my god, how far in me is he?”
Amanda chuckled, and said, “Oh about two to three inches now. Just rock your hips a little. It’ll make it easier.”
Julie did as she was told as inch after inch slid into her body. Ed finally reached down and to his word he gave the horse a tiny shot near its shaft, “There!” Okay, you’re set for another six to eight hours of hard horse cock.”
Julie gasped. “Eight hours? Oh my god! Really?”
Ed sat back on his stool and threw the syringe away, “I guess we had better talk about why you’re here, huh?”
Julie nodded as she tensed, trying not to cum immediately out of sheer embarrassment since Amanda was still feeding the horse’s penis into her as Ed talked. “We’re horse breeders. We’ve done a lot of experiments with the stallions and we found that they just orgasm better with something living. And they orgasm harder if they are inside something. That creates better sperm, pound per pound. The problem with giving them a mare is they can hurt the mares in the process. A thousand pound animal jumping on top of another can cause significant damage. So we looked for alternatives. Masturbation is fine, but it’s also dangerous for Amanda – the horses can kick. Automated systems are more cumbersome, and the quantity of sperm is less. So we decided to try a mare vagina analogue.”
“Me?” Julie said, trying to hold her breath to hold in her orgasm.
“No… Well, yes… But we had another girl before you who worked with us for almost a month,” Ed said. “Her husband made her stop. That’s why I decided to look at the auction format. I figured if someone wanted to try it on their own, there would be a greater chance they’d want to continue doing it. But during our initial tests we got a great volume of sperm, the horses were happier and ultimately it just worked out better in every way. So here you are.”
Julie’s stomach began to tense and her anus began to pulsate and all of a sudden she was orgasming. She tensed and arched her back and Ed laughed a little. Julie squeaked out, “Oh, god, I’m sorry!”
“Oh, you’re cumming! Already…” He said and laughed. “That was quick. Okay, good. No, no, don’t be sorry, that’s why you’re here.”
Julie huffed for several more seconds, as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Amanda finally felt the horse’s penis bottom out within Julie’s vagina as it pushed against her cervix. Amanda stood, taking off her latex gloves, “Okay, he’s all the way in her, Doctor.”
“Good.” He said with a nod.
Julie finally calmed down. “Sorry, sorry… You were saying, Doctor?”
“We communicated our opinions to the owners of the stallion and they agreed it was best all around. So we have been operating like this on and off for a few months now. Obviously it was difficult to find another woman who could act as a receptacle, but thankfully we found you.”
Julie’s breasts were still heaving a little. “Yeah, but it was really expensive.”
“Julie, $50,000 is nothing. Think about it this way. We used to charge $8,000 per insemination, but now we charge $10,000. The horse will end up orgasming probably four times today. We make our money back in two days and then some.”
Julie marvelled. “You could almost do it in one!”
“Uh, no… It takes two, definitely. You can’t reliably make a horse orgasm six times per day.”
“Six? But…” Julie was confused by the math.
“Oh, right, well, one round of ejaculate is lost per day because of this method.”
“Well… Hah… I mean women are a little greedy.”
“Yes, well, I think women’s bodies believe this sperm is meant for them.”
Ed smiled. “How should I say this tactfully? By the end of the day, you’ll orgasm so much that you’ll end up with nearly a full round of ejaculate in your uterus, where it will stay for hours after you two are uncoupled. Because your body is going to try to impregnate itself. It’s perfectly natural, don’t worry.”
Julie felt grossed out. “Eww… I’m not a pervert!”
Ed laughed loudly. “I see, well, that’s not what you said when I won you in the auction – you said you wanted to have sex with a horse.” Julie blushed hard as Ed tried to calm her, “Don’t worry, Julie, it wasn’t meant to be a mean comment. I just mean that your body works in predictable ways when you’ve got that much stimulus. It’s totally natural. We wouldn’t have brought you in if we thought this was a bad idea.”
“I see,” she said.
Julie didn’t like the idea of being a horse sperm receptacle.
“And more importantly, hopefully you’ll keep coming back and we can make it worth your while.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Sure, if you like it, maybe we can pay you… $100,000 a year?”
Julie’s eyes opened wide. She couldn’t believe anyone would pay her that much to lay in a saddle and get screwed by a horse all day. “What would I have to do?”
“Nothing really… Come in every day at eight, stay until five, and go home to your husband. Take a few days off between horses to make sure your vagina is free of competitive sperm, and start again. Pretty simple job.”
Julie couldn’t believe it. That was more than three times what she made as a waitress, and it seemed like much easier work. Ed sensed her in deep thought, “Look, just try it for two days. If you want a job at the end of it, we’ll talk more. Okay?”
Julie nodded.
“Good! Okay, Amanda, and I’ll leave you two alone now. We’ll just be in the next room greeting the customer. They should be here any minute with their mare. We’ll come in and check on you periodically.”
Amanda began to tie the horse up so that it couldn’t move much from side to side, and underneath Julie’s butt she tied a small and very flexible rubber dish. Ed left the room.
Amanda smiled. “There won’t be much the first time, like the Doctor explained, but this will catch the semen that flows out of you. Just let us know when he’s about ready to orgasm and we’ll come in and collect the ejaculate when he’s finished.”
Julie said, “So I’m just supposed to lay here?”
Amanda smiled, “If that’s what you want. I’d start by moving my hips if I were you. Remember to call for me before he orgasms. I’ll just be in the next room.”
Julie nodded. She watched Amanda leave the room without closing the door. Julie was left in complete silence as she heard Amanda booting up a computer and beginning to type. Julie wished she knew where the doctor was because she felt like she was in virtual isolation, except for the large animal in her pussy that she had already had an orgasm with. Julie didn’t want to move. She wasn’t sure why, but the last thing she wanted was to make a big scene and then have Amanda walk back in. She really didn’t want to seem like a pervert. Still, though, she wanted to orgasm badly. She had never had anything so large in her before, and it was even more erotic because it was an animal.
She whispered to the stallion so that Amanda couldn’t hear, “What do you say, boy? Do you want to cum in me?”
The horse lifted its head twice, almost as if he was nodding. Julie laughed a little.
“Okay, well…” She looked around the room again and finally made up her mind. “Let’s do it.”
Julie took Amanda’s advice and lifted her hips several times. She could suddenly feel how deep the animal was inside of her. Each time she lifted her hips she could feel the stallion bottom out against her cervix. He is massive. Her pussy felt tight. She knew that she was stretched to the maximum. She was getting more and more turned on as she moved. She even felt herself begin to get wetter. Yes, her body was beginning to react to this new mate. She felt pangs of humility as she wondered what her husband would do if he saw her lifting her butt as he breasts swayed lazily with each stroke. Yes, she would have to admit that she was trying to get the stallion to ejaculate in her. Maybe she’d never admit that to anyone else, but she had to admit it to herself right then and there.
She began to increase her tempo, feeling herself slide up and down the thick horse member, pleasuring it in the process. The horse began to whinny a little bit and stamp its foot. Julie took that as a good sign as she looked around again. Still no one was in sight, even though she could hear Amanda typing still on the computer. Tap, tap, and tap. Julie wanted to be louder, but she didn’t want to disturb Amanda. So she settled on just breathing heavily. Suddenly the stallion began to thrust into her. It completely took her by surprise. So much so that she almost forgot to tell Amanda. She kind of wanted to experience this alone, at least once.
After two big thrusts Julie moaned out, “Oh god, Amanda, he’s about to cum.”
Julie heard Amanda stop typing. “Oh! I’ll be right there,” she yelled out. “Doctor, the stallion is about to orgasm!”
Julie heard Ed several rooms away, “Okay, you take care of it, I’ll be right there.”
Amanda walked in and smiled. “How’s our patient?”
Julie huffed. “I’m fine!”
Amanda laughed, “No, not you, you’re not the patient, but I’m glad you’re fine too. That’s good.”
Julie felt the stallion thrusting harder and harder. Julie tried to hold out and not have an orgasm, but the rough pounding of the huge stallion penis against her cervix pushed her over the edge. “Oh my god, he’s growing! Holy shit!”
She felt the shaft suddenly stiffen even more than it had been, and grow in thickness inside of her. She felt it pulsate hard, almost lifting her butt off of the saddle with its strength. Julie arched her back just as the stallion began to erupt a rope of hot semen into her vagina. Julie couldn’t hold it in any more. This was the best orgasm she had ever had and as she curled her toes and her butt flexed, she began to moan loudly, just as Ed walked in.
“Oh, hoo! That was quick! Good! Julie, now this is important, try to get as long of a stroke as you can. Slide your vagina all the way up and down as far as you can. I want you to try to milk his penis. Can you do that for us?”
Julie’s eyes rolled back in her head as she answered his request by lifting her hips high into the air and then dropping them again, sliding the slick sperm coated horse penis back and forth the length of her pussy. Julie couldn’t believe she was doing this… Her pussy had become a living receptacle for the stallion. She has been just a side show act for the real importance, which was this animal’s semen. She was only valued for her interest in the animal’s penis, not for who she was, or what she felt. Her pussy was an asset, and she had sold it to be used as an artificial mare’s vagina. The worst part was that she liked it. She was in fact, in love with this feeling, as she let her body absorb the feelings.
Ed said, “There, there, Julie, you did just fine.”
Julie began to calm down. Julie almost jumped out of her skin as she heard a doorbell ring. “I’ll get that.” Ed said as he stood up and left Amanda and Julie alone.
Amanda rubbed the stallion’s muzzle, almost completely ignoring Julie, whose pussy began to drool a small amount of semen. She was somewhat excited about that fact as she said, “Amanda, it’s starting to ooze out.”
Amanda nodded. “Good, that means your vagina and uterus are probably pretty full. That’s what the Doctor was talking about – you’ll tend to absorb a lot of the sperm. There will be a lot more next time. That’s why we timed it so the mare would be here a little later. She’ll be ready for the sperm you extract.”
Julie really was a hole for the stallion to ejaculate into, she realised. Still, though, it was an amazing feeling. Julie heard a lot of commotion as Ed dealt with the people and the mare. It sounded like two people, a man and a woman. Eventually the sounds got louder and louder and finally there were two more people in the room, plus Ed and Amanda. The woman looked down at Julie and pointed in anger, “What is that, Ed?”
“I told you, Mrs. Thompson, this is how we extract the horse semen now. Our female volunteer here has been diligently working all morning.”
“You’ve got a whore down there, fucking one of the most prestigious award winning stallions in the world. You don’t see anything wrong with that?”
“I told you, this is by far the best extraction method we’ve found other than the natural way, which is more dangerous for your mare.”
“Wait!” The older woman looked closer at Julie’s pussy and said, “Is that sperm? Ed, is that sperm coming out of her? You aren’t even using a condom?”
Julie wished all these people didn’t look at her pussy. Julie loved how her pussy looked, although she probably needed to trim a little bit -it was a tad hairier than it normally would be, except that her husband had been gone for months, so there hadn’t really been a point in grooming herself more than was necessary.
“No, the horses didn’t react well to condoms in our tests, so we opted to remove them,” Ed said. “The horses seemed to prefer to, and you’ll have to excuse the expression, ‘ride the female bareback.’ It’s better for the human female as well due to increased seminal lubrication, which improved semen volume, we think because the female works harder for it. Therefore, it also improves the number of times per day we could extract the semen.”
“What about contamination? How many horses have you fucked in the last two days, Miss? Speak up!”
Julie felt berated by the questions. Who was this woman? She felt like crying, as she said, “I’m not a whore! And this is the first horse I’ve ever been with.”
“Oh.” The woman stood up, and Ed came to her rescue.
“Mrs. Thompson, we thought of that,” he said, taking her arm to steady her. “Our females take a two or three day hiatus between copulation with a new stallion and douche regularly to clean out their vaginas. There’s an extremely minimal risk of one mare getting the sperm of the wrong stallion by way of the human female conduit. That’s why we have increased the price a little – we wanted to take every precaution. And in your specific case there’s zero risk, as the female said, because today is this female’s first time with a stallion.”
Mrs. Thompson stood straight, “I see, well, I apologise, Ed. It looks like you’ve thought this through. As long as it’s safe and as long as you do get my mare pregnant, I guess I don’t mind either.”
Julie thought the woman was talking about her safety, “Well, I’m kinda new to this, and it’s been an interesting experience, that’s for sure. It doesn’t feel extremely safe, but that’s kinda what I like about it. He’s so strong, it’s amazing. But to be honest, it’s really embarrassing to be completely naked with you all here. You know… Watching?”
The old woman didn’t seem particularly sympathetic. “Yes, well, I’m sure you’ll get over it, dear.”
Julie felt totally rejected. She really wished she were wearing something in that moment. Her breasts weren’t particularly big, but they were perky. Julie’s skin was a milky white – from an Irish decent, and her nipples were a really pretty pink colour that stood out in perfect peaks topping her beautifully formed breasts. Julie was suddenly very ashamed of what she normally was very proud of. She wanted to cover them up and hide under her sheets in bed at home.
Ed said, “Why don’t we let the female here have some alone time with the stallion. It shouldn’t take more than an hour or so and I’m sure she will collect another round of ejaculate for us. You can watch how we collect and use it when she’s ready.”
Mrs. Thompson said, “That will be fine,” as her mute husband nodded, never letting his eyes leave Julie’s naked body.
They filed out except for Amanda. Amanda waited for their voices to die down as they moved several rooms away and she squatted down next to Julie. “Look, I know this is new for you, but don’t worry about the customers or what I think. We just need you to do your job.”
“Am I not doing it right?”
“No, I mean, technically you’re going through the right motions. It’s just that…”
“You’re really quiet,” Amanda said. “The last girl was a screamer, and I had to shut the door to get anything done. You’re so quiet I forgot you were even in here. Don’t be timid. Who cares if I think you’re a pervert? Besides, it helps me time everything when I know you’re close. Not that I really want to hear it, but it does make things easier, so I don’t have to pay attention as much.”
“You think I’m a pervert?”
“Uh, yeah…. I hate to break it to you, but I mean you did just mate with a horse, honey. And in case you hadn’t noticed, you still have his dick in you.” Julie blushed. “His sperm is even in your uterus as we speak!”
Julie bit her lip and couldn’t help but rotate her hips a little hearing that. It kind of turned her on to hear it.
Amanda said, “Hell, I know you can’t see it, but it’s drooling out of you and down your ass as we speak. You definitely got off on it too, don’t even pretend like you didn’t either. So, yes, that’s pretty much the definition of a pervert. My definition anyway.”
Julie stifled a little moan. Amanda was right. Julie frowned and moved her hips, as if she was just shifting her weight, but she was really doing it to feel the thick member move a little inside of her. Julie bit her lip and said, “I’m sorry, you must think I’m awful.”
Amanda sighed. “No, I don’t. I mean I think you’ve got some serious issues, but, no, I understand. I just don’t believe in this whole thing that Dr. Rosen has decided to do.”
Julie felt curious, “Why not? It doesn’t work?”
“Oh, of course it works,” Amanda said rolling her eyes. “It works really well, but there’s no evidence to prove that it’s a more cost effective way to do it. We only had two more of the mare inseminations end in pregnancies than normal the entire time we’ve been doing it. It’s just not statistically significant, and even if it was, I can’t see how it’s making the office any more money.”
Julie nodded, “I see. And the cost of turnover is pretty high too. The Doctor paid a lot to get me here.”
Amanda stood up and looked around making sure no one was around. “Well, actually, that’s sort of my fault.”
“The previous girl? The screamer? Karyn? She was a friend of mine,” Amanda said, and sighed. “I guess she wanted to try it for months. She finally broached the subject with the Doctor. Apparently he said ‘no’ at first, and rightfully so, but then he had this theory that he wanted to test. It took him a few weeks to find a saddle from some company in Brazil, but eventually they tried it. I wasn’t there, but apparently it leads to a huge failure in semen volume production. Of course, now we know that it wasn’t a failure, it was just all up inside of her, which became clear a few hours later when it was draining out of her all over the place.”
Julie nodded. “Oh, I see…”
“Anyway, so then they tried a few more experiments on the weekend when I was gone, and sure enough, it worked great. I found out the following week during our staff meeting. Karyn was married and I guess I flipped out a little bit,” Amanda said, screwing her face as she recalled. “The last thing I wanted was for her and her husband to get divorced over the whole thing. She’s a friend of mine, and I know her husband and there’s no way he’d be okay with her screwing a horse during office hours.”
Julie said, “Yeah, I’m married to.”
Amanda sighed. “Yeah, I saw the ring. Does your husband know you’re here?”
Julie fought back a tear, “I don’t think he cares where I am anymore.”
Amanda looked slightly softer when she heard that. “I’m sure that’s not true, Julie,” she said in a warm voice. “But anyway, I couldn’t talk Karyn out of it, and soon it was her obsession. She did it every single day for almost a month. Each day, she’d be under there, humping whatever stallion we had on staff, screaming away in here. It was a sight, let me tell you. I think she was just as much into showing off as she was into the act itself. But after nearly a month I finally talked some sense into her. I guess her husband tried to go down on her several times, but she had to stop him because she was still draining the horse ejaculate from earlier that day. Gross.”
Amanda shuddered in disgust.
“Oh! So you talked her out of it!”
Julie was surprised, but also somehow not so surprised given how Amanda had acted towards her. “Yeah, I did, in a way,” she said and shrugged. “But I think she knew it was really dangerous and it was driving a wedge between her and her husband. But she ended up telling the Doctor that her husband didn’t want her to do it anymore. I’m sure her husband wouldn’t want her to, so it was only a half-lie. In reality she almost broke up with her husband to be with the stallions. I couldn’t let that happen. She ended up quitting a few days later, and she never told her husband about any of it. I think she was just ashamed of herself after a while, lying there naked all day with a horse dick up her, and being a surrogate horse vagina. Ugh.”
Julie nodded, trying not to be too self-aware of her own lewd predicament at that moment.
Amanda smiled. “But who cares what I think anyway, right? There’s a lot of worse jobs out there. At least you look like you’re having a good time. You should love what you do for a living.”
Julie shrugged. “Yeah, I mean it’s fun. So what’s your problem with this anyway?”
“I just think the Doctor stepped way over the line. He’s like a mad scientist! I don’t know if this is his fetish too, or what. But either way, I think he’s exploiting you, just like he exploited Karyn. I loved having Karyn around, but this whole horse sex thing almost destroyed her and her family.”
“I don’t feel exploited. I mean… I guess I do in a way, but it was my own stupidity that got me here.”
“That’s what every prostitute says. I just don’t like the idea of humans and horses mating, I guess. It’s grotesque.”
Julie didn’t like being called a prostitute, or gross. “That’s a little degrading.”
Amanda laughed. “How did the Doctor find you anyway? He said something about $50,000?”
Julie swallowed, not really wanting to re-live the tale. She decided to keep it short. “I sort of auctioned myself off, I guess.”
“Yeah? I heard the Doctor mention that a few times. Was it like a bachelorette thing?”
“What’s a beautiful, married girl like you doing selling yourself at an auction and fucking a horse?”
Julie felt like crying, but she managed to hold in her tears as she thought about how horrible she felt. What would her husband think?
Amanda, sensing that Julie wouldn’t or couldn’t answer that question, asked, “Is this what you had planned?”
“Not exactly. I mean, I knew about the horse, yes, but not the specifics. It’s all my friend Rebecca’s fault. She found the ad in the paper, and coerced me into going. I guess I did volunteer though. I saw this picture of a girl screwing a horse. I guess it turned me on. Well, I mean, it really turned me on. I’d never seen anything like that. I never really thought it would come to this though.”
“I see.”
Julie wished her story were better, but it just wasn’t. Maybe she was a whore after all.
Amanda changed the subject slightly, “But honestly, the Doctor and I never really talked about his theories. And like you, I’m just happy to have a job. Although, I’m a lot happier to be up here than down there, I’ll tell you that much.”
Julie was temporarily defiant, “To each their own!”
Amanda nodded and mentally wandered off for a moment. “So hey, I’m going to go get some food in a bit – after your next round of insemination. Do you want some soup or something? I’ll be happy to feed it to you. I used to do it for Karyn.”
Julie smiled. “Soup would be great.”
“Cool, I’ll run out after you’re done here and we collect the sperm and get the mare situated. So maybe an hour or so from now – you’ll probably be hungry by then. Just holler at me when he’s getting close to an orgasm.”
Julie nodded, a little embarrassed that she felt like she was already pretty close. She might have to hold out a little bit just so it wouldn’t be so sudden, “Okay.”
Amanda said, “Have fun you two! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”
In a distant part of the office she could hear another horse whinny and the faint voices of the Doctor and Mrs. Thompson. Like before, Julie tried to relax, as she listened to the tapping of Amanda’s keyboard. Slowly she began to get into a rhythm, holding off a pending orgasm. She did her best to hold out, but she knew it had still only been a few minutes. Thankfully she could tell the stallion wasn’t too far off either. He was enjoying her slick vagina, and began to shift his weight as she rotated her hips under him – dancing lightly on his penis.
Julie began to wonder exactly what the horse wanted, and began to try to anticipate what it was that got him off. It started a flash of perversion in her brain, where she realised in that moment that she only existed to pleasure this stallion, and milk his prostate with her tight hole. She moaned out loud, almost forgetting that Amanda was only a few feet away, separated by a wall, but the door was still wide open. Julie listened and sure enough the typing stopped momentarily. Julie held her breath and after a few seconds the typing started again.
That almost made Julie laugh. If Julie was low on the totem pole, Amanda was even lower – waiting patiently for Julie’s vagina to pleasure the stallion enough to collect the contents that overflowed out of Julie. Julie suddenly realised that the large amount of sperm in her uterus was a prize that she now treasured. She was excited that there was so much of it in her uterus, and she now wanted more of it – a lot more. Be damned the mare, this sperm was hers. She had worked hard for it. And with that she moaned and stiffened slightly again.
The typing stopped again, which made Julie laugh out loud, as she yelled back at Amanda, “Go back to your typing, this’ll take a minute!”
Amanda shouted back, “Okay, sorry.”
Her voice was much clearer than Julie realised it would be. She really was only a few feet away. She could hear every moan, every breath, and every creak of the leather saddle. It was unnerving! Julie tried to block that thought out as she began to settle into a rhythm. She tested the waters and moaned again, the typing continued. So she moaned again… Again the typing maintained momentum. Finally, Julie felt like she was vaguely left in peace to enjoy herself. Suddenly her mind flashed back to the picture of the woman under the horse in the auction house, and it occurred to her that that was probably a picture of Karyn. She tried to make her face look like Karyn’s in the picture. Sure enough, she had become that woman she was fantasising about.
She began to work her hips up and down, and the horse began to get more excited. She learned quickly what got the stallion off. Quick thrusts of her hips, followed by short circles seemed to excite the stallion. She continued to moan and rock back and forth, trying to prolong her own orgasm, while slowly mounting more and more pleasure within her for her new lover. That’s when the stallion began to fuck Julie back. A very hard thrust almost knocked the wind out of Julie as the thick horse head jabbed deep inside of her vagina.
She tried to recover, and yelled out, “Oh god! Amanda, the stallion…”
Julie heard the squeak of a chair and Amanda suddenly appeared, “Oh! He’s almost there, crap, one sec. DOCTOR! THE HORSE IS READY! COME QUICK!”
There was a sudden rush of footsteps in a distant hallway as the stallion inside of Julie thrust hard back and forth. Julie was suddenly very glad there was so much sperm in her. The thick member slid with relative ease inside of her, driving her insane as her moaning and writhing intensified. She tried to hold herself up with her legs which were still bound to the sides of the stallion to give the thick member a better angle by which to enter her. The Doctor rushed in with Mrs. Thompson and her husband in tow.
Ed said, “Oh good, they’re almost ready. Look, you can see how flushed the female is. And if you look at the female’s vagina, it’s engorged and red, making it a tighter fit than it was before even. The stallion’s penis are being held extremely tightly because the female is so aroused. That’s why we couldn’t just hire a hooker for this job – our female had to be a willing participant.”
Mrs. Thompson nodded as the horse continued to fuck the stark naked girl with violent thrusts. Julie moaned and writhed. She was on the verge of orgasming already, and hearing herself referred to only as the female was pushing her over the top, she began to reach her crescendo, just as the horse began to reach into his own. The horse’s testicles raised up and with a few more deep rough thrusts, the stallion’s penis began to thicken inside of her.
“Oh god! He’s growing in me again!” Julie moaned.
Amanda said, “Yes, it’s probably best that we started this female off on a smaller breed. I think she would have trouble with some of the show stallions at the moment. Maybe with time.”
Ed nodded. “There’s plenty of time to mate her to lots of breeds. I have a feeling she’ll grow into the larger breeds rather quickly at this rate.”
That did it. Julie arched her back as her whole body erupted in a violent orgasm. In that same moment the stallion began to ejaculate into her hungry body. The four people watched Julie and the stallion as they orgasmed in unison. Julie held on tightly as the horse bucked its sperm covered member hard against her cervix.
The Doctor said, “See? The female is orgasming. You can tell – look at the involuntary pulsations of her anal ring. She’s trying to gather even more of the horse’s ejaculate in her womb. That’s why we keep the females locked to the horse for the entire time. She’s already mostly filled, so she’ll only be able to siphon up a small amount of the semen for her own vagina. The rest will flow out of her momentarily.”
Julie indeed suddenly felt very greedy. She stretched her legs out as far as she could, given that they were tied by the ankles, and she lifted her butt, trying to widen herself as much as possible as her cervix greedily lapped up the still squirting fluids into her womb. She knew they were all waiting for her vulva to start oozing out semen, but she didn’t want to give it to them. She had worked very hard for her mate’s seed and she wanted to savour having so much of it inside of her all at once. She withdrew her body slightly, opening a small chasm in between her vagina where the horse’s head was and her cervix. Julie defiantly decided to make the onlookers wait. It worked, for a moment, just as Julie had planned. Long hot ropes of horse ejaculate squirted against her pulsating cervix and collected at the back of her vagina just as she had hoped it would, until the stallion fucked forward hard against her tiny body and suddenly she felt like she had wet herself as a gush of semen erupted from around her impaled vulva.
“Ah! See, Mrs. Thompson,” Ed said triumphantly. “After two successful matings today, the female is now finally managed to fill herself with semen. So what you’re seeing now is the excess. Despite how hard she might try to use all that sperm, there’s only so much room inside of her. She’ll have to be satisfied with the three quarters of a cup of ejaculate she’s managed to suck into her womb, as much as she’ll try to horde more of it, we’ll take the rest. So you can see, she’ll end up doing a lot of work for us before the day is over. At least three large doses of sperm will be produced over four ejaculations.”
Julie moaned and bucked her hips, clearly trying to increase the sensation between her legs as her orgasm washed over her.
The Doctor continued, “You might think it’s a bad thing that the female is trying to horde all the sperm inside of herself, but it actually works out to both our favour. The way in which the female does this actually heightens the horse’s pleasure and increases the amount of ejaculate he ejects into her. She gets more semen in the process, but so do we.”
Mrs. Thompson shook her head disbelievingly. “So you’re telling me the more she likes being with horses, the better it is for my mare?”
“Exactly! It’s a symbiotic relationship,” Ed said, poking the air with his finger. “The horse gets to reproduce and gets pleasured all day. The female gets the sexual thrill out of being successfully mated to a 1,000 pound animal for eight hours straight, and you get your pregnant mare. The first ejaculate of the day does belong to the human female, though, as she will use that sperm to try to impregnate herself, it’s the cost of this method of extraction, and a big part of the whole reason females want to do this in the first place. So it’s not worth trying to fight in any way. Quite the opposite.”
Julie was still orgasmic as she shuddered and moaned and slowly moved her hips in prolonged strokes, feeling the sperm covered rigid penis still pulsating hard in her.
“Oh, look here,” Ed said pointing excitedly. “See her hip movements? See how the horse’s penis is moving so far in and out? This is something that we’ve seen have a dramatic effect on improving semen volume. The female is literally milking the stallion’s erection with her vaginal muscles, and since he’s already orgasmic, he will release even more semen at this point. The female’s body is literally massaging the stallion’s penis to prolong his orgasm. In actuality it does almost nothing for the female, except increase the volume of sperm she hordes, and keeps her orgasmic for sometimes several minutes longer.”
Mrs. Thompson frowned. “An orgasm that lasts several minutes?”
Ed said, “Oh yes, in fact, few times it kept our previous female orgasmic for almost half an hour straight. She claimed the size of the horse penis helped, but it’s my opinion that it was doing more to quench her sexual fantasy than anything else. But it’s better for the stallion too. It’s one of the added benefits of mating a human to the animal instead of something inanimate. The female has a natural desire to want to increase the horse’s pleasure which in turn increases her own. That’s why the female is quite clearly still orgasmic, as you can see. She’s trying to fit as much of the horse’s penis in her as she can on the upward movements of her hips. It’s quite remarkable that two species so different can mate like this so easily.”
Julie, hearing that tried to calm down. Her chest was still heaving as she tried to breathe normally, but she knew her pussy was still convulsing involuntarily. Mrs. Thompson had a slightly wrinkled face as she was clearly slightly disgusted by the whole thing. “I just can’t believe any self-respecting woman would intentionally try to breed with a horse.”
“This female was hand selected,” Ed said, “because she specifically asked for this, so there’s no hardship on her whatsoever. Again, it’s a nice symbiosis. The female gets to fulfil a stated perverse fantasy while she helps you impregnate your mare. All so a nice future award winning foal comes into being. I can’t see the harm. We all win.”
Amanda put on a pair of latex gloves and began scooping up the semen from the small rubbery oval dish under Julie’s butt.
Mrs. Thompson nodded. “I suppose so. But you know, Ed, if this works, I’ll never say another bad thing, and I’ll bring all my mares here. In fact, I’ll recommend you as the breeder of choice for the pony club.”
Ed smiled. “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, your generosity is appreciated. Anyway, look here. Amanda puts that small, flexible oval dish under our female’s butt to catch the excess. So once the female’s vagina stops producing, Amanda scrapes out the contents, and will add it to a binder. We’ll then mix it together, put it inside of something that looks a lot like a turkey baster and then we’ll give it to your mare. We’ll stimulate your mare with a vibrator to improve the chances of fertilization and that will be that. We’ll repeat the process two more times before the day is over. It’s a rather simple process. We’ll also keep a small amount of the semen that our female has extracted and test it for mobility, health and so on, just to make sure.”
Mrs. Thompson smiled for the first time that Julie had seen. “Perfect. Well, now that I’ve seen everything, I think our mare is in good hands. I’ll stop by at 5 to pick her up. Please call me if anything comes up.”
“I will, Mrs. Thompson.”
Amanda smiled. “I have your number in our files.”
“Good. Then I’ll be off.”
She said her goodbyes to the Doctor and Amanda, completely ignoring Julie. Mr. Thompson just nodded to everyone and left close on his wife’s heels. Amanda and the Doctor waited a few seconds before they heard the front door open and close and then they both nearly burst out laughing. Apparently there was a celebration in order.
Ed laughed loudly once she left. “Did you hear that? She’s going to recommend us!”
Amanda shrugged and smiled. “I know. That’s such great news!”
Julie didn’t understand. “Why is that such good news?”
Ed leaned down, to her face, and said, “I know you don’t realise it, but your vagina there probably just made our little shop a few million extra per year. Mrs. Thompson is one of the most influential people in the horse world. If you want it, it’s yours.”
“If I want what?” Julies asked, her mind hazy.
“The job. It’s yours if you want it. I know it must sound weird to you, but this office would like to extend you an offer to be a professional mate to stallions. This is a professional career, with real demands, and like I said, I’ll pay $100,000 a year.”
“And all I have to do is have sex all day?”
“Yes, I want you to do just what you did here today. I want you to try to impregnate yourself with this stallion,” Ed said.
Julie laughed, “If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that!”
Ed didn’t laugh. “Seriously, Julie, I don’t need your answer now. I told you I’d give you until the end of tomorrow to decide. But please, just think about it. You could spend years under there if you wanted. You could make great money, and the best part is you wouldn’t have to buy any new clothes for work!”
“You want me to quit my job and spend all day, every day, screwing a horse?”
“Not every day. You get a few days off between stallions. So you’ll probably have anywhere from a week to a month of straight work, and then two days off, and then you’d start work again. But you get your evenings free as well.”
“If I can walk after this. Geez! You try walking after having twelve-inches of horse dick fucking you all day!” Julie joked.
Ed smiled. “You’re right, it’s a lot to ask, but your family will be much better off than they would if you were working as a waitress, and we both know that’s true. This is better for your family, it’s better for the horses, and it’s something you know you want to do. You asked me to train you, so that’s what I’m willing to do. Now, after tomorrow you’ll be able to make an informed decision. You and your husband can talk it over, and you can decide for yourself what’s best for you.”
“What if I want to have children?”
“We’ll pay for two months of maternity leave. That’s standard.”
“Two months?”
Ed sighed. “You can still have sex while you’re pregnant, Julie. Probably up to and including the last trimester, without issue. In the last few weeks it gets more risky, but even then, I’m a Doctor – albeit for animals – and I can help you make those decisions if and when the time comes. I don’t see any reason your pregnancy would interfere with your duties here. Besides, it’s unlikely you’d even get pregnant.”
Julie looked somewhat horrified. “Wait, why? Is he going to damage me?”
Ed laughed. “No, no, that’s not what I mean, no. I mean that your uterus is going to be so full of horse semen that it’s unlikely that any human sperm would get in there to fertilise an egg. It may be possible, but it would be unlikely. Plus the horse is far more likely to fertilise your eggs than a human would in these circumstances.”
Now Julie was convinced the Doctor is insane. “What?”
The Doctor leaned way back on the stool and nodded, “Contrary to many people’s beliefs, horses can fertilise a human female egg, however, the egg probably won’t live past a few cell divisions. So yeah, surprise! You’re probably pregnant right now, as a matter of fact. Or the zygote may have already terminated. There’s no way to know. It shouldn’t bother you though, but it’s something to be aware of if you ever do try to conceive. You’ll probably want to take some vacation time prior to trying to conceive with your husband. To let your uterus drain the excess horse semen before your ovaries release another egg.”
Amanda was busying herself in the corner of the lab, combining the semen with some other fluids.
Julie nodded in awe, “I had no idea.”
“Sure, and incidentally the opposite is also possibly true. If you have intercourse with your husband first, the stallion will very likely help you conceive. The orgasms could theoretically help fertilisation of your husband’s semen. Of course, there’s almost no reason to do that, and you’re better off just using a toy or something to elicit another orgasm, but it is theoretically possible.”
Amanda sucked the contents of the mixture she had created into something that looked a lot like a turkey-baster and left the room with it.
Ed smiled. “She’s on her way! Your first pregnancy! You should be proud, Julie.”
“Oh, I am, I guess. But I have a question, why do you keep calling me ‘the female’ when you’re talking about me and not using my name?”
“Oh, it’s easier to refer to human interspecies mates as females. We call male horse’s ‘stallions’, and female horses ‘mares’. It’s just quicker. And frankly, our customers probably don’t want to know your name. They just want their horses to get pregnant. Remember, this isn’t about you – this is about their million dollar foal that they want to sell at auction. Your role in this is critical, but a by-product of why they’re really here. It’s something you’ll have to live with in this job. Very few people will treat you with kindness or respect. If you can’t handle that, the job’s not for you. But some women don’t mind, or even enjoy being treated badly in that way.”
Julie bit her lip – she was exactly that kind of girl. She liked being treated like a piece of meat. It got her off, and hearing his explanation solidified how much she was enjoying herself. She lifted her hips gently. Ed watched her hips move slightly, he obviously noticed her arousal. But Julie coyly said, “I see.”
Part 3
The Doctor left to go observe the insemination procedure. After it was over Amanda grabbed her purse and left for a while, leaving Julie alone for almost half an hour. Julie had no idea what time it was. She usually used her phone which was in her purse, which she had left in a heap under her clothes in the corner of the room. She had turned the ringer off, so she wasn’t sure if she could hear any calls come in. Not that she could have done anything about it with her arms bound to the stallion. Finally, Amanda returned with the soup and sat on a stool next to Julie.
“I got vegetarian because I wasn’t sure if you ate meat,” Amanda said.
“That’s fine, I do, but I don’t mind. Vegetarian sounds great,” Julie said.
Amanda sat and started asking Julie about how she had met her husband. Julie felt a little wary at first, wondering if this is a first step in trying to talk her out of having sex with horses for a living. But after a few minutes it was clear that Amanda was genuinely interested in Julie. Then Amanda began to talk about her boyfriend. It was interesting, and Julie really like that Amanda seemed to be warming up to her, but at the same time there was still very much a large sperm coated horse penis in her naked body as she was being spoon fed soup.
Julie quickly realised if she reached her head forward, she could sort of subversively move her hips at the same time, in a way that didn’t look like she was intentionally moving them, but rather stretching to get another spoon full of the soup. She could feel her stomach tensing hard as with each movement. Her legs began to shake even as Amanda talked on about how her boyfriend is always working late. Julie suddenly felt a tiny orgasm overcome her and she moaned gently, and shuddered.
Amanda stopped and looked at Julie seriously. “Did you just cum?” She asked.
Julie didn’t want to say that she was indeed still climaxing, so she just said, “Sorry!”
“Oh no, I’m sorry.”
Julie flushed – she was very embarrassed. “No, no, I’m really sorry, I just can’t help it.”
“It’s okay, I mean, it’s understandable. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“No, it’s not like that at all. I want to hear more, it’s just very distracting to be naked like this.”
“Oh, I get it. Karyn used to cum sometimes when I fed her too. She asked me to make her reach for it so I kinda got used to holding the spoon a little further away. It’s my fault,” Amanda said.
Julie laughed. “I was just thinking that it felt good to reach for it too.”
“Bad habit, I’m sorry.”
“No, I mean, who’s complaining?”
Amanda smiled, having helped Julie get off in a small way. The girls began to bond a little.
The day continued on, leaving Julie breathless and with more sperm in her vagina than she had ever had in her whole life, let alone her two years of marriage. Two more large gushes of horse ejaculate were her sweet reward. She climaxed hard and moaned, and writhed, enjoying every last second of her intense embarrassment and perverted fantasy come true. Finally the day had come to a close, and the Doctor walked in with Amanda behind him.
“Okay! It looks like we’re done for the day,” he said loudly. “It’ll take Amanda about an hour or so to perform the last round of insemination on the mare, put the stallion away, feed him, and by then Mrs. Thompson will be back. So you’re all done, Julie!”
Julie lifted her head as the Doctor and Amanda began to unbuckle her. She asked wearily, “What time is it?”
Amanda said, “It’s four.”
Julie said, “But I didn’t work a full day!”
The Doctor said, “We could leave you tied to the stallion all night if you wanted, but he needs to be fed and watered. Your days will usually be from 9AM until 4PM anyway. So this is a pretty average day. Some days might be longer or shorter, but this is about right.”
“A seven hour day, huh? I could get used to that!”
The Doctor let her legs drop, but said, “Before you get up, do you want to see yourself in the mirror?”
Julie looked at him and then at Amanda. She shrugged, saying, “Uh… Okay, sure… Yeah, I would.”
Ed grabbed a small mirror off of one of the counters and held it beneath the horse’s testicles so that Julie could look at the union between the stallion and herself. She was amazed and appalled at the same time. Her vulva was bright red from the orgasm she had just had a few minutes before. It was stretched wide open where the thick horse shaft disappeared into her body. Her vaginal lips and pubic hair were a complete mess though. They were matted and stringy with at least three different rounds of ejaculate, and her own vaginal lubricant. She looked like a sticky, gooey mess.
She said, “Ew… Wow… Look at that! Amazing!”
Julie knew she had to trim her pubic hair a little. It stuck both to her labia and to the horse’s penis. Absolutely amazing looking to her. “If you were to go back in time one day and ask me what I would be doing today…”
She trailed off for a moment as she tried to burn a mental image into her brain of what she looked like in the mirror. Julie caught a glimpse of her stomach and her breasts swaying as she strained to get a better look. She was completely nude. That thought had somehow been lost on her. She was in a random veterinarian clinic on the edge of town, stark naked and impaled on a stallion’s cock. She ran her left hand down her stomach and felt her clitoris for the first time that day. She caught a glint of her wedding ring in the mirror. It suddenly came back to her that she was a married woman.
“I never, ever, would’ve guessed I’d be doing this,” she said and sighed deeply.
“Best or worst mistake of your life?” Ed asked.
Julie smiled honestly. “I guess that remains to be seen. Okay, how do I get out of this?”
Julie struggled to both get out of the sling and extricate herself off of the giant penis that she had been impaled on for seven hours straight. A sucking sound made Julie wince as the giant mushroom shaped head popped free, spraying a little sperm in all directions as the rubbery head sprung back into shape. As soon as she freed herself, she felt a hot flash of fluids leaking out of her. She reached down to feel herself and realised that her pussy is still gaping.
“Oh my god,” she shrieked. “I’m not going to stay like this am I?”
Amanda laughed. “That’s exactly what Karyn said! So funny.”
“I’m not though, right? Seriously! My husband would definitely notice this!”
Ed shook his head with amusement. “First of all, I encourage you to talk this over with your husband. It’ll be nearly impossible to keep it from him anyway. But secondly, no, your vagina will go back to its normal shape within an hour or so. However, like anything, if you stay impaled on a stallion for years on end, it will surely re-shape your pubic bone slightly, and the muscles will certainly learn how to accommodate the larger mass more easily. In some ways, you’ll be far stronger down there than you’ve ever been, but you will probably feel a lot less pleasure from your husband through the act of vaginal intercourse. Your husband would certainly notice a difference unless you concentrated on keeping your Kegel muscles taught during intercourse. Is that a problem?”
Julie shrugged. “No, not necessarily. I don’t think my husband would notice, honestly. I think he could hump a tree stump and get off if it had breasts.”
Ed nodded, as Julie continued to struggle to free herself from the saddle straps. It made Julie laugh a little, as she said, “Where did you find this sling anyway?”
“Brazil,” Ed said. “Many women down there belly ride their horses for recreational reasons. There’s an ancient lore that it started when a woman caught her man cheating on her, and she decided to take a stallion as a mate to prove that she didn’t need him. It caught on, and now many women in Brazil do it. It’s not too well popularised, but at one point women used to even walk down the streets during ‘Mardi Gras’ under their horses in broad daylight. I believe that the practice has been outlawed, but as you can imagine, that didn’t stop the women from doing it.”
“Wow! Really?” Julie said.
“Really,” Ed said patronisingly. “I bought it from a saddle maker who apparently has made nearly a hundred of them since he opened his business. He said all the saddle makers have made dozens or even hundreds of them. So I’d guess there are thousands of belly riders in Brazil roaming around country roads or what have you. If you notice this saddle has a place where you can tie in reigns, right up there. So apparently the women actually walk around, perform their jobs, go on errands, all while impaled. Crazy, huh?”
“Sounds like heaven!”
Ed laughed loudly. “I never thought of Brazil as heaven, but to each their own.”
Julie stood up and stretched her back. She felt how weak her legs were, as she tried to put them together. “I’ll get in much better shape doing this. My stomach, back and legs are all killing me!”
Amanda nodded. “Karyn lost a bunch of fat and gained muscle. So she never lost weight, but she was very toned after just a few weeks. Yeah, if you stick with it, I bet you could really improve your muscle tone.”
Julie felt her body for a few seconds. It felt like her skin was brand new, even though it was covered in a very thin sheen of sweat. She reached down to her mess of clothes on the floor in the corner and put the mon. She yawned and said she was tired. She looked at her phone and there were two voice mails. One from her waitress job that she had forgotten to call in sick for and one from Rebecca, who no doubt wanted to know what happened with the auction. Julie decided she didn’t want to take either call. And with that Ed and Julie drove back to his house. He made some food while Julie took a bath. When she emerged, they ate in relative silence, while he read a book. Julie couldn’t believe what a day it had become.
When they finished, Ed said, “Okay, Julie, I’m going to wake you up at seven so we can be at the office by eight. You okay with that?”
Julie nodded. “Whatever you say.”
“You ended up being a good student after all, Julie. Let’s see how you go tomorrow,” Ed said.
Julie repeated her ritual that she had the day before when she woke up to Ed bringing in a platter of food, including getting dressed in her two day old outfit. Julie emerged from her room after eating and getting ready. Thankfully, I have makeup in my purse, she thought. She said, “Ta-da! You’re going to think I only own one outfit and it’s a slutty one at that!”
Ed shrugged. “It’s a little silly to bother wearing clothes to the office anyway.”
“So I could just literally roll out of bed, take a quick shower, put on makeup, get in the car, and drive to work and you wouldn’t be upset?”
“Not at all, in fact, I suspect that sooner or later that’ll be your status-quo, unless you have some other reason to need clothes – like an after work get together or something.”
Julie smiled. “I might just take you up on that. My car has tinted windows too.”
“Perfect. Well, let’s go. No time to waste this morning.”
They got into the car and roared away. On the drive Ed noticed Julie yawning, and asked, “How did you sleep by the way? Is the bed comfortable enough?”
“Oh yeah, the bed is really comfortable actually. It’s just that two nights ago, I got no sleep because I thought you were going to be a creep and try to rape me, and last night I kept waking up with more horse cum oozing out of me. I kept having to run to the restroom and wipe it up.”
“Ah, the perils of the job. I’m sure you’ll get used to it after a while.”
Julie nodded. “I can just imagine what my sheets would look like after a few months. Talk about wet spots!”
They arrived at the office and got out of the car.
“But really, I spent the better part of the night lying awake thinking about yesterday and what I would tell my husband. Hell, if I end up taking this job, I’d be the bread winner of the family. I don’t think he could say much at that point,” Julie said.
“That’s certainly true. But you should definitely talk it over with your husband.”
“I’m just so angry with him right now. He was supposed to call me, but then he didn’t. I bet he’s out there with some random chick, and has totally forgotten about me.”
Ed didn’t know what to say to that.
He turned off the alarm, and they walked in. Julie was far more comfortable with the second day and stripped naked almost immediately. This time she carefully folded her clothes and put them on the shelf, along with her shoes, and her purse. She pulled out her phone and put it on top of her clothes, so she could hear it buzz at least. Then she waited patiently for the Doctor to return with the stallion. Just like before he did and he tied the horse up.
Amanda walked in after a few minutes, looking tired and saying, “I hate these early mornings.”
Julie was wide eyed. Normally she’d look for a cup of coffee in the mornings, but she really had never been more wide awake, standing there naked, she pulled on her pubic hair. That’s right, she had forgotten to shave again. She was totally out of sorts, she realised. She still couldn’t believe the doctor said she could just show up in the mornings completely naked. She supposed it would be odd for him to care given that she was about to have sex with a horse and all, but it’s still an erotic thought. As Amanda began to saddle the horse, Julie decided to lay the groundwork for possibly never having to wear clothes to work ever again.
She said, “The Doctor said that I don’t have to bother wearing clothes to work anymore – that is, if I take the job.”
Amanda nodded. “Yeah, that kind of makes sense, I guess. Really, what’s the point?”
“I know, right? I’ve been wearing these same clothes for two days, and aside from some horse sperm stains from where I sat on the way back to Ed’s house, they’re practically new.”
“I suppose so. Yeah, that makes sense. Why ruin a bunch of clothes,” Amanda said.
Julie’s heart was in her throat. Was she really getting sexually aroused thinking about not wearing any clothes to and from her own house to her office? “I guess I could just put a towel down so I don’t ruin my car’s leather, and so I don’t stick to it. Sure. I mean, that could work. Okay, I’ve decided. If I do take the job I’m not going to bring any clothes to work.”
Amanda seemed visibly unsure why Julie is going on and on about this. “Okay.”
Julie didn’t catch the hint. “I mean, I bet I could stay naked for a week. I’d just need clothes for shopping, for food… Oh, and maybe an emergency dress I could keep in my car in case I needed to get gas or something.”
Amanda looked bored now. “Good thought.”
Ed said impatiently, “Julie, come on, and get in the saddle.”
“Oh!” Julie realised they had both been waiting for a while Julie went on and on about being naked all day long. “Sorry, I’m just excited about this whole staying naked thing. It’ll definitely cut down on my mornings, not having to worry about what I wear,” she said as she began to climb in the saddle.
The Doctor and Amanda strapped Julie’s wrists and ankles. Amanda put on her latex gloves again, began to massage the horse and within a minute or so, Julie was pushing hard against the growing horse erection. She was much wetter than she had been the previous day, and rather quickly the horse’s head slipped past her tight vaginal opening. Julie’s eyes opened wide, as she said, “Whoa! That was way easier!”
“It looks like you still have a little sperm in there. That definitely helps lubricate you,” Amanda said.
The Doctor delivered the shot and stood straight, as Julie continued to rotate her hips, feeling the horse slide deeper and deeper into her until it finally seated itself deep inside of her. “Wow, I forgot how big he is… Geez!”
Ed smiled. “No, your vagina just went back to its original shape. It’ll always feel like this in the mornings.”
“Oh good! I thought I might never feel like this again, especially if my pussy gets out of shape.”
“Oh, no, you won’t notice a significant change as far as that’s concerned. However, you’ll notice when we bring in bigger stallions, like the show horses. I think we have one on the schedule for a few weeks from now, actually,” Ed said.
“I can barely wait.”
Ed frowned. “Yes, but you haven’t accepted yet, and today is going to be a long day for you. I wasn’t entirely forthcoming you see.”
Julie’s eyes widened, “What do you mean?”
“The reason we had to get up earlier than usual is because we are going on a little trip.”
“Yeah, I have a trailer parked out back that I’ll put you and the stallion into, and we’ll drive over to where one of our clients houses his mare. They weren’t willing to drive the mare all the way over here, so we offered to bring our office there. We’ve done this before with the previous female we had on staff.”
“Wait, so what? You’re going to drive all over town while I fuck a horse in the trailer?”
“Well, not all over town. It’s pretty much a straight line, but it’s about an hour drive from here. So we need to get going.”
Julie began to panic. It’s one thing to screw a horse in the privacy of an office that already dealt with horse mating. It’s quite another to screw a horse at sixty-miles an hour down the highway. “Wait, will people see me?”
“No, the holes in the trailer are very small. Oh, and we put a heater in there when the previous female complained, so you shouldn’t freeze either. Okay, let’s go.”
Julie wanted to complain and she even tried to struggle momentarily, but it was completely futile. The bonds at her wrists and ankles were designed to withstand her entire weight easily, and she wasn’t going anywhere. All she managed to do is wiggle her butt in a weird way so that the giant phallus waved back and forth a little, which felt weird in her vagina.
“Now, now,” Amanda said, “just relax!”
Julie didn’t know what to say or do as they lead her out the back and sure enough, suddenly she was outside, with the bright light of the morning sun shining down on her. She had to squint for a moment as she tried to get her bearings. She was in a small parking lot in the back. There were a few buildings surrounding the area, but none appeared to have a good view of her or the parking lot. So maybe she was still safe from view.
The Doctor let down the gate and coaxed the horse up into the trailer as Amanda pushed. It felt weird as the horse stepped up, which drove Julie further down the rigid horse cock she was impaled on.
“Whoa! Ow!” Julie complained.
She tried to hold herself up, but by the time she figured out how to do that, the horse had been already levelled again. The pain subsided almost immediately, as the Doctor looked down the trailer. Julie’s ass was at chest height now, and her pussy was in plain sight.
“That’s quite a view,” Ed said getting a good eyeful.
Julie felt flustered. “What?”
“Nothing,” Ed said. “Listen, Julie, we’ll be there in about an hour, so please get the stallion to ejaculate before we arrive.”
Julie didn’t know what to say as she was sealed up in the trailer. She felt so awkward. After a few seconds she saw the Doctor walk by through the slats. She agreed, it would be almost impossible for people to see in the trailer through the very small holes, but she could still peer out, which was kinda fun, she quickly realised. Suddenly the truck doors slammed shut and the truck roared to life. They started driving slowly out of the parking lot and down the road. It was surreal, as she felt like she was floating. Each turn, or slight change in speed changed the angle of the horse’s penis in her. Julie had no idea where she was anymore. It was confusing looking at the world like this, and despite herself, she was getting more and more aroused.
She felt an orgasm approaching rapidly, as suddenly the truck started slowing down and began making turns. Julie tensed hard, feeling her orgasm begin to overwhelm her as the truck pulled into a Starbucks parking lot and the engine turned off. Julie was distraught – people might be able to see in here. The truck doors opened and Ed said something as he walked into the store that was inaudible as Julie tried to fight off her climax. Her milky white butt tensed as her pussy tensed involuntarily. She lifted her butt up and down rhythmically as the thick member slid back and forth in her – but she did it as quietly as she could, hoping no one would look through the slats and see her.
Suddenly the trailer was flooded with light as Amanda opened the back of the trailer and looked in. She asked loudly, “Hey, how are you doing in there?”
Julie stopped moving her hips, and said, “Oh my god! Shut the door! Someone might see me!”
Amanda laughed and looked around. “There’s almost no cars out here. I think you’re safe.”
Julie sighed a little relief. “Oh, thank god.”
“Sorry, Ed and I both needed some coffee. I’d offer you some, but I don’t think it would be all that easy to give it to you while we drive, and it’ll be cold by the time we arrive.”
Julie shook her head, “Oh, yeah, no thanks anyway.”
Julie still wanted her orgasm and she looked at Amanda with wider eyes than normal, as if to tell her to fuck off and leave her alone. Amanda didn’t get the hint. “Your vagina looks really red, by the way. I’m not sure if it’s the light or what…”
“Or maybe I’m close to cumming…”
“Oh, were you?”
Julie nodded, as if she had any rights at all while she was strapped to and impaled on a one thousand pound animal in the back of a trailer, completely naked. Julie knew she had no recourse, but she did want to be left alone, but Amanda still wouldn’t get the hint, “Well, don’t let me stop you, I’m just waiting on the Doctor.” Julie sighed, and finally decided to just let herself go. Screw Amanda, she needed an orgasm, now.
Julie began to move her hips again, and quickly she got back into the groove. A minute or so passed, and Julie began to feel her orgasm approaching again.
“You know, from this angle it looks totally different. You can see everything so much better.”
Julie wished Amanda would shut up and go away, but she had a morbid curiosity. “See what?”
“Everything, I mean… I can see how far his dick is going in you, because I can see a ring of liquid where your vaginal fluids reach. I can see your vulva pull apart when you withdraw, because his head is so much wider. I can see how your clitoris is standing out all straight, and how your anus is pulsating. Your butt is jiggling because you’re tensing so hard. It’s pretty wild looking. Too bad you can’t see it.”
Just then the Doctor walked over with a cup of coffee for Amanda. “Here you go. Checking on our passengers?”
“Yep, the female is about to orgasm. We might want to wait a minute.”
“No problem, it’ll give me time to drink my coffee without risking spilling it all over myself.”
Amanda laughed, while Julie tried to ignore her audience, and continued focusing on getting herself off. After another minute Julie began to feel her stomach begin to tense, and her legs felt rock hard as she began to orgasm. She begins to cum – hard. She let out a moan and arched her back. It felt great. She continued to roll her butt and stiffen her entire body. Virtually dancing under the stallion’s stomach.
Amanda smiled and reached up and began to fondle the horse’s testicles. “Come on, boy, she’s ready for you.”
That’s all it took for the horse to begin thrusting into Julie’s orgasmic body. Julie’s eyes opened wide as she looked over and a young woman with a little boy walked by, behind the trailer. The mother looked busy fishing out her keys and talking on the phone, but the boy looked directly into the trailer, and saw Julie’s writhing body under the stallion as it thrust hard into Julie’s soft orifice. He must have been confused by the sight because he literally shook his head and did a double take, but then kept walking. Julie hoped he might not drive by on the way out of the parking lot, but after a few seconds a car roared to life, and sure enough it drove right past the back of the trailer. Julie saw the boy looking into the trailer again as his mother drove past quickly.
Julie was so turned on that her orgasm actually increased. The stallion began to climax too, ejaculating a huge stream of semen into Julie’s trembling orifice. Julie moaned and arched her back, her body, coaxing more and more of the semen out of her lover. After a minute or so the horse began to calm down, but Julie was still a mess, as her vagina began to overflow she felt another wave of orgasmic pleasure wrack her body.
Ed said, “Well, I don’t want to stay in this parking lot for another fifteen-minutes while the female gets herself off. That’s counterproductive. We need to get to the stable before the stallion orgasms again.”
Amanda said, “Okay, let’s just pack them up.”
With that, they left Julie in the back of the trailer – alone with her lover, her sperm coated vagina, and her orgasms.
“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself, Ed,” said Mrs. Richards, a tall, thin pretty woman, not much older than Julie herself.
The stall inside the stable that they had brought Julie to was impressive. Well maintained and huge. “Yuuup… This is our new semen extraction technique I was telling ya about. It’s proven quite effective. Amanda, how many more pregnancies did we have with our previous female as a surrogate vagina?”
“Two in a month,” Amanda said.
Ed said to Mrs. Richards, “See? Typically we have about eleven pregnancies per month, on average. For it to jump up to thirteen is really impressive. That’s an eighteen-percent increase in pregnancies. So it works out to be very successful, and it makes sense even with the added costs.”
Amanda looked at Julie and frowned and looked back. “I never thought about it like that,” she said to Mrs. Richards. “He’s right, this is a superior way to collect seminal fluids. I was a sceptic, to be honest.”
Julie got the feeling that Amanda was serious. She felt actually impressed, finally the maths made sense. Julie would dramatically improve the chances of these horses successfully mating.
Mrs. Richards said, “Hah… Yeah, just don’t tell my husband or he’ll be down here trying to ‘help’ by videotaping the whole thing.”
“I’m sure he would like this, but no, we assure complete discretion,” Ed said.
“And what about her?”
“The female?”
Mrs. Richards nodded. “What’s her story?”
“The female, volunteered for this. She’s considering full-time employment with the company. This is a trial run.”
“So, this is her first time with a horse?”
Amanda shook her head, saying, “Yesterday was.”
Ed ignored Julie completely and talked as if she weren’t even there. He said, “This particular female stayed mated to this stallion for seven hours straight yesterday. Today will be a nine hour stint. If she can handle two days of this, I’d say she can make an informed decision about whether she wants to do this full-time, or not.”
Mrs. Richards shrugged. “I’d say so, but she looks like she’s certainly enjoying herself. Look – her pubic hair is already covered in sperm. It’s matted down already, and it’s only eight in the morning!”
Julie wished she had trimmed her pubic hair a little bit, but in a way she was proud of how gross she looked as she remembered what she had looked like at the end of the day in the mirror. She liked how messy she looked. She really looked like a horse had fucked her for seven hours straight, and she actually lifted her hips in front of Mrs. Richards thinking about it.
Ed said, “Yes, the female and the stallion copulated on the drive over. I wanted to make sure they were well prepared before we arrived so we can get everything done today. The female acts as a surrogate vagina, so it takes a while to fill her up enough to where it will flow out of her.”
Mrs. Richards laughed loudly. “Well, I’ll give you one thing, Ed. Your methods are unique! Hey, miss surrogate vagina, do you know how valuable that horse you’re having sex with is?”
Julie shook her head, feeling stupid, “No idea,” she said.
“He’s worth over a million dollars, and my somewhat lame mare, she’s almost worth the same.”
“Yeah, we didn’t bother to explain that to her,” Ed said patronisingly. “This stallion’s sister won a number of races. And your mare, before she hurt her leg was up there too. Combine their lines, and you could end up with a derby winner!”
Mrs. Richards nodded. “So you do your thing, surrogate vagina. Hump him good. We need whatever you can gather.”
Julie swallowed, really disliking being called such names, but still enjoying the eroticism of it all.
Ed said, “I normally wouldn’t come along on these trips, but I’ve decided it’s a good idea for the first time.”
“It’s a good idea. Now let’s leave the female alone so she can help me make my foal.”
Mrs. Richards left to leave them alone.
Hours later, Julie had managed to make the stallion orgasm in her three more times. Her pussy felt squishy, warm and her whole body felt both electric and numb at the same time. She loved the feeling. Mrs. Richards came back as they were beginning to pack up after the long day in the stable.
“Well… It looks like you were successful, miss surrogate-pussy. I thank you.”
Ed said, “Yes, our female has proven herself to be very good at this. We just need to convince her now that this is her calling, now don’t we?”
Mrs. Richards laughed. “I don’t think she needed any convincing. She looks plenty happy.”
Ed said, “Whelp, we’re all done, Mrs. Richards. I’ll come by in a few days and test your mare to see if the pregnancy took.”
“Thank you, Doctor. I really appreciate it.”
Ed looked down at Julie, “And now about you. Would you like us to untie you, and you can sit in the back seat of the truck, or would you like to stay under there for the ride back?”
Julie somehow knew this was her defining moment. Up until now it was training, but now she had to make the conscious and verbal decision to take her horse or take herself home. Julie swallowed hard and looked at Mrs. Richards, the Doctor and then Amanda. It just wasn’t that easy of a choice for her, but at the same time, she really wanted to continue staying mated to the giant animal. She thought about what the Doctor had told her about women in Brazil spending all day under their horses, and doing work. She remembered she had called it heaven. Maybe this was heaven!
“Um… Well… I didn’t bring any clothes with me, and I’m a real mess. It’s probably just easier for me to stay under him.”
Amanda winked at Julie, “Yeah, you wouldn’t want to mess up the Doctor’s truck,” she said rolling her eyes.
Everyone knew Julie was full of it, but the point was clear. Julie isn’t going anywhere. Ed smiled at Mrs. Richards. “Looks like we picked a good female.”
“I agree. I’m sure she’ll do well in this new endeavour of yours,” Mrs. Richards said, shaking his hand.
They left to go back to the clinic. Julie managed to get herself off one last time. They brought the stallion back into the office and unstrapped Julie. She slowly extricated herself from her stallion lover’s huge penis, as a gallon of horse cum gushed from her gaping hole. Julie stood up and stretched her back. It felt great to put her legs together. Her muscles were really sore, but she felt wonderful.
Ed said, “So, Julie, you’ve had two-days of training, and I think you’re now pretty familiar with our operation here. We could really use your help, and it looks like this is something you’d enjoy. So… How about it?”
Julie looked at him, and put her hands on her hips. She felt her nude skin in her fingers, a strange reminder that she’s still naked. If she is to accept this job, her boss and Amanda both probably would never see her with clothes on again. She loved that idea. She loved the rough sex, and the erotic feeling. Even Amanda seemed to be warming up to her. But she still sensed that he wanted her to take the job more than she wanted it.
“I want one-hundred-and fifty-thousand a year, three-weeks paid vacation, and premium medical insurance with dental.”
Ed frowned a little. “OK, but one-hundred-and-thirty is as high as I’ll go.”
Julie put on her dirty clothes, saying, “You can drive me back to my car now.”
Once dressed, she stood by the door waiting, not looking at Ed or Amanda. “God damn it, alright, I’ll give you what you want. Will ya do it?” Ed shouted at her.
Julie smiled. “It’s a deal.”
Ed shook his head in annoyance. “You’ll need to clear your vacations ahead of time, so I can schedule the stallions around it.”
Ed held out his hand and they shook, Amanda clapped a little, completely out of character, a testament to how Julie had grown on her. Amanda even walked over and gave Julie a little hug. Julie’s nipples rubbed against Amanda’s shirt. Julie blushed a little and smiled, “Thanks! So when do I start?”
Ed said, “Tomorrow morning, nine AM. We have another mare coming in around ten.”
Julie nodded. “Great, well, if can you drive me back to my car now?”
“Of course. Just let me gather my things.”
Julie walked over to her phone and saw another message, but no number. Julie knew that meant it probably had been her husband. She listened to the message: “Hi, honey, I hope you got my email last night that I would be calling. Sorry, there was a bomb threat here and we had to evacuate. The whole squad had to move in the middle of the night. Don’t worry, everyone here is safe. Turns out it was a dud, thank god. Anyway, I hope things are good, and I’ll try calling you at the regular time next week. I love you!”
Julie’s heart sank. Her husband hadn’t forgotten about her, he’s in a war zone. She decided not to tell her husband about her new job. He didn’t need to know about this.
Part 4…
Her husband is finally coming home after a very long tour of duty. Julie had worked as a belly rider for six months, and had sex with fourteen different stallions during that time. She had gotten used to her daily ritual. She’d wake, shower, eat a small breakfast while she let her hair dry, put on some makeup, and literally walk out the door, without putting on a scrap of clothing – just her purse with her keys, makeup and phone. She did her shopping on the weekends, and of course she’d wear clothes, then, or when her friends would come over. She told Rebecca about what had happened, but other than her co-workers and her new friend Ina, who she had emailed with several times and then eventually became close friends with, no one knew.
Ina came over several times. Julie decided Ina wouldn’t care if she wore clothes or not. Rebecca never saw Julie in clothes either anymore. So Julie really only wore clothes a few hours a week now. Her apartment is set up so she could walk from her back kitchen directly into the garage, so there’s really never a need to put on anything other than when she’s out shopping or doing errands. Ina too, seemed a lot more open about her sexuality. She told Julie every gory detail about how she had screwed several dogs on camera and how the guy who had bought her had sold the videos and given her part of the profits. Ina didn’t mind at all, and said she’d probably do it again, except for the fact the dogs scratched up her sides with their nails pretty bad while they were screwing her.
Julie’s main expense had been clothes and shoes, but now she really had almost no need for them. So in a very short time she had managed to save a lot of money. Not to mention the huge sum the Doctor had given her the first day. Julie had told her husband nothing about her new job, just that she had gotten a new job. She let him believe it was another waitressing job, during the day. She never told him the truth. But she told the Doctor her husband knew about it. She didn’t want him to think she’s ashamed of what she did all day. Finally the day had come where she went to go pick him up. She had bought a special dress just for the occasion. She splurged a little and bought something really sexy, a very tight-fitting little black dress, a black choker, and black strappy high heels. The most dressed up she had been in a very long time.
Her husband appreciated it and they barely made it back to her apartment before he tore her clothes off and made love to her. She couldn’t help thinking her husband is nowhere near as much fun as the horses, but she loved him dearly, and there’s nothing that would come in the way of her love for him. She tensed her PC muscles hard during the entire love-making session, for her husband’s sake. He never said anything, despite Julie’s fear he would suddenly know immediately she had spent nearly every day for the last six months with eight to twelve-inches of horse penis in her. She had scheduled two days off, which normally would have counted as a vacation, but she had just finished with a stallion, and she had to take a few day hiatus anyway. So it worked out well.
Finally, however, the day had come where she had to go back to work. She knew she had to tell her husband the truth. She had basically lied to him for six months, and now she had to tell the truth. She did her normal morning ritual, and her husband got up at the same time and got dressed. Julie stayed naked like she normally did, which isn’t unusual for her husband, Bill, since she’s still safely in her bedroom.
“Honey, I want you to come to work with me today. I want to show you what I do.”
Bill tucked his shirt in. “Okay, well, I was going to go out and look for a job.”
“Don’t worry about that, you can do that tomorrow. Please? Please come with me. I need to show you.”
Bill shrugged. “Okay, sure.”
Julie swallowed. “Great, let’s go.”
She grabbed her purse, put on flip-flops and opened the door.
Bill laughed at his naked wife opening the door as if she were going to leave their small apartment like that.
“Yeah, right,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“You don’t think I’d leave like this, huh?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Dare me to drive to work naked?”
He laughs. “Sure!”
“Okay, let’s go!”
Bill looked suddenly incredulous, but he followed his wife, who got into the car, opened the garage door, backed out and began driving, all while completely naked. Bill didn’t say a word, but he’s smiling. Clearly he’s got a thrill out of seeing his beautiful wife naked, driving around town.
He asked with a wide grin, “I bet you’re glad I bought the car with the tinted windows now, huh?”
Julie laughed, “You bet!”
Julie drove across town, and then into the clinic and around back. Bill frowned, “Where are we?”
“Oh, this is where I work now. I guess I never told you- I work at a horse clinic. The waitressing gig was getting old. Plus, I get paid One-hundred-and-fifty-grand a year.”
Bill’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “WHAT? One-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollars? Are you kidding?”
“No, pretty cool, huh?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I guess I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You were gone, and I didn’t want you to think things have changed too quickly without you, or that I was forgetting about you. I missed you so much!”
“I know you did, sweetheart. I’m not angry. Hell, now I don’t feel so bad about taking a day off. I thought you were making a tenth of that!”
She laughed softly. “No… You don’t have to work for a while, if you don’t want. I’ve saved a lot of money on clothes lately. Trying to budget as much as I can, so maybe we can get a house someday.”
“We will baby.”
Julie hugged her husband tightly, and then with a deep breath said, “Okay, let’s go, I need to show you what I do all day.”
Bill nodded, expecting his wife to put on a dress or something, but instead she opened the door and got out. He followed her, not knowing what to say or do. He looked around, but like Julie originally noticed, no one could see her back here. She walked to the back door and fished in her purse for the key. She opened the back and walked into the stable area. A big stallion stood there, brown all over and as proud as punch. The lights were off.
She disarmed the alarm which beeped at her, and said, “See, we have both mares and stallions here each day. We collect the semen from the stallions first. The mares arrive a little later in the day. Then we artificially inseminate the mares with the semen so the horses have no chance of hurting each other.”
Bill nodded, unsure why his wife is still naked. She grabbed the stallion out of his small pen, and brought him into the room where she had first copulated with him. She had come to make this room home. She turned on a small radio on the wall, and there were photos of all the stallions she had slept with, and their mares she had helped impregnate. There were fourteen stallions and almost one-hundred mares, of which only about thirty-five pregnancies. Still, though, that’s really good results. Julie showed her husband all the pregnancies she had helped with. She left out the detail about how, exactly, she had helped.
Still, she is buck naked. Suddenly they both heard the front door open and footsteps. Bill looked panicked, but Julie calmed him slightly by saying, “Don’t worry, it’s my co-worker, Amanda.”
Amanda walked in, and said, “Oh! Hi! I’m Amanda. You must be Bill.”
Bill seemed confused why the appearance of his naked wife didn’t seem to even vaguely phase Amanda. Bill stuck out his hand and shook Amanda’s. “Yeah, nice to meet you,” he said.
“Julie here has told me so much about you. I’m glad you’re home in one piece.”
Bill said, “Oh me too, trust me. It’s great to be home.”
Amanda smiled and touched Julie’s nude shoulder affectionately. “I’m sure you two had a lot of fun over the last few days.
Julie is all nerves. She said, I shopped for weeks to find the right dress.”
Bill is still stunned Amanda hadn’t once mentioned Julie’s nudity. “Yeah, it was a great dress, but it was better to get it off of her.”
“I’m sure, but the real trick is trying to keep it on this one,” Amanda said and both women chuckled.
That’s it, Bill needed some answers. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, it’s just Julie’s always naked, that’s all. I haven’t seen her in anything other than flip-flops, actually. She says she had a closet full of clothes, but I doubt she’s wearing more than a few dresses in months. And even those are only on the weekends,” Amanda said knowingly.
Julie looked at Bill, and said flatly, “I work naked.”
Bill frowned, “What? Why?”
Julie shrugged. “It’s easier this way. I like it. Bill there’s more.”
“Yes, a lot more,” Julie said. She turned to Amanda saying, “I haven’t told him what I really do yet.”
Amanda’s eyes were wide. “Oh?”
She looked concerned she had said something she isn’t supposed to. “I’ll just get the stallion ready,” she said walking off hurriedly.
“Just what’s going on here, Jules?” Bill asked, looking her dead in the eyes.
Julie said, “Bill, it’s complicated, but I want you to promise me you’ll listen to me and not freak out, okay?”
Bill frowned again “Okay, I’ll try.”
Bill went pale before her eyes, somehow he sensed this situation is more serious than he had realised.
Julie said to Amanda, “It’s probably easier if we show him?”
Amanda nodded as she saddled the horse. “Just a minute.”
Julie looked at Bill and hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
Bill hugged his naked wife back, confused. Finally the horse’s straps were in order, and Julie walked over to the stallion and began to get herself situated by sliding her body under the horse’s belly and into the sling. Bill still felt confused as Amanda began to cuff her ankles and wrists to the stallion. Finally, Amanda put on her latex gloves and began to massage the horse’s member. Julie looked up at her husband, and he looked alarmed again.
“What is Amanda doing?” Bill asked Julie.
“Just wait a minute, Bill. You’ll see,” Julie said.
His worst fears were realised as Amanda stroked the stallion to an erection and then began to work it into his wife’s pussy.
Both Amanda and Julie looked at Bill as he watched on in horror. Julie sighed and began to lift her hips, to let the stallion enter her easier. Amanda said, “Bill, your wife has sex with horses for a living.”
Bill stepped back as his eyes nearly popped out of his head again. “W-What the fuck?”
Julie said, “Honey, please, don’t get upset. It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. This is actually for a good purpose.”
“And w-what could that possibly be?” He asked, then scratching his head.
“See the wall behind you?”
Bill turned around to a wall full of pictures of horses. The stallions were on top and the thirty or so mares were beneath them.
“Yeah? So what?”
“I helped the stallions on top sire foals with those mares. Amanda collects the sperm after the stallion ejaculates into me, and inseminates the mares with it. I’m just a vessel, but an important one,” Julie explained.
His shock suddenly turned to anger. “No wonder they’re paying you all this money? You’re whoring yourself out! How did they coerce you into this?”
“No, baby, this is my choice! I thought it through and this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
A big frown now formed on Bill’s face. “How many horses have you fucked?”
“Fourteen… Well… Fifteen now, I guess.”
His face began turning reddish. “You’ve fucked fifteen horses! Jesus! While I’m away getting shot at, you’re here fucking god damned horses?”
“Honey, that’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d be upset, but please don’t be mad. I promise, this doesn’t change anything. I still love you and will continue to love you forever.”
Amanda took Bill’s arm, saying “Bill, why don’t you just sit and watch for a while. I was a sceptic for a long time too, but now I know this is good for everyone. Your wife loves her job, the horses enjoy themselves, and the owners of the mares get their offspring. Everyone wins.”
Bill sat in a chair that gave him the full view. “I’ll sit, but I’m not going to think any differently,” he said.
“It’s okay, Bill, you’re right to feel deceived. But I know she didn’t tell you so you wouldn’t be worried,” Amanda said.
Amanda reached over and grabbed a syringe and gave it to the horse to keep him erect. “There, you’re all set.”
Julie said, “By the way, Amanda, you were right. He’s bigger.”
Bill asked, “What does that mean?”
Amanda said, “This is the first time Julie’s had sex with a show horse. They’re bigger than racing horses which she’s been mating with this whole time. Anyway, I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll leave you three be.”
Julie smiled and said thank you to Amanda as she walked out and into the next room, leaving the door open, as always. Bill sat completely motionless, looking pissed off, as Julie tried to calm herself. She needed not only to charm her husband, but she needed to charm this new stallion she hadn’t yet mated with.
His penis felt a bit thicker than the horses she had been with before, and she was already really turned on. Especially because her husband’s now watching her with an eagle eye. Amanda began her typing in the next room, giving the two, a sense of how close she is, but she’s no longer paying attention. Feeling butterflies in her stomach from being so nervous, she began to lift her butt. Her husband felt helpless as he watched his wife try her best to cuckold him with a stallion. She decided to make it last. She gently moved her hips, feeling the extreme girth in her loins. She tried to smile and relax, to calm her husband. She noticed the more she moved, the less pissed he looked and the more interested. She knew he didn’t have a good look at the horse’s penis and where it impaled her.
So as she continued to move her hips, she said, “Honey, move your chair a little over there. You’ll get a better view.”
Bill looked at the open door, and then nodded, silently, as he re-adjusted his chair. She smiled, “See? Now you can see well.” Bill nodded again, stoic. She let her head go limp and she began to raise her hips again, slowly, enjoying the feeling in her. She wondered what her husband is thinking as he watched her writhe in ecstasy. After several long minutes she began to feel an orgasm approaching. Her tempo began to increase. She felt her breasts jiggling, and her butt tensing and flexing. Her anus began to pulsate gently as her orgasm came closer and closer. Thankfully, Julie could feel the head of the stallion’s penis begin to swell inside of her. She instinctively knew the stallion is beginning to enjoy her body.
The stallion’s testicles began to lift up, and Julie spread her legs as wide as she could, given her ankles were bound. She lifted and lowered her hips and butt, taking the large shaft and moving it backwards and forward with each thrust. Suddenly the giant animal thrusts hard. Bill’s eyes went wide. Clearly he hadn’t expected the animal to move so quickly and he looked like he felt slightly scared for Julie, as she moaned. She’s so used to it now she rode the stabbing erection like a child would ride a pogo stick. Her body moved in rhythm with the animal as it jabbed its thick meat hard into her, slamming its mushroom-shaped penis head against her insides.
Julie began to moan. She knew her clitoris stood erect and she knew her husband could tell how turned on she is. She tried to emphasize that fact for him. She wanted him to see how turned on she is if it isn’t already obvious. She bit her lip and began to arch her back. She felt painfully close to an explosive climax.
She let out a loud moan, and said, “Honey, he’s close!”
Amanda stopped typing and hurried in. “Ah, she’s almost there, and looks like the stallion is too.”
Bill’s anger had gone from his face as he watched his wife of four years begin to climax while impaled on the thousand pound animal. She yelled out and began to arch her back and writhe as the fat penis thrust back and forth hard. The stallion trying to fuck deeper and deeper into Julie’s tiny orifice, and Julie is doing everything she could to let him, but her body is just too small. Thankfully, she’s so tight, just like the many times before, the giant animal finally reached a tipping point of pleasure Julie had given him. Almost without warning, the stallion made a loud coughing sound and a thick jet of semen thrust out of its prostate gland, down the length of its huge erection out of its mushroom-shaped flaring penis and deep into Bill’s wife’s orgasmic vagina.
Ed opened the front door and walked into the back, “Oh! Hi, we have company, I see.”
Amanda answered for Julie, who was in the mist of being inseminated. “Oh, Doctor, this is Bill, Julie’s husband.”
Julie moaned and twisted. Her pussy convulsed hard, like it’s trying to swallow the horse’s penis and gulp down the mess of semen being ejaculated into her. Her cervix lapped up the cum and Julie arched her back in no uncertain terms as she consciously tried to let the animal ejaculate directly into her womb. The two were clearly successfully mated.
Bill stood and shook the doctor’s hand, in typical military respect, and said, “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”
“Oh, you too, Bill, Julie talks about you a bit. Thank you so much for your service to this country.”
“Oh, well, thanks.”
Despite that Julie and her stallion lover were from two completely different species, Julie had managed to get the stallion to try to impregnate her while her husband looked on.
Ed smiled. “That’s quite a woman you have there, Bill. She’s managed to do an amazing job here in a very short amount of time. She’s quite amazing, actually.”
“Oh yes, definitely. She’s extraordinary. Our clients have all taken a liking to her, and she’s done wonders with the stallions. We’ve been very happy with her. You must be proud too.”
Bill could sense the Doctor had no idea Julie hadn’t explained what she did for a living since she started this job.
“Oh, yeah, she is amazing.”
Julie saw her husband adjust himself. Is he turned on by this, she wondered? That would be beyond Julie’s wildest expectations. Maybe this would work out after all, she thought! Julie could feel a small amount of semen oozing out of her as the Doctor watched.
“Ah, there it is. You can see the horse’s ejaculate coming out of the female… Err… Out of your wife, rather. You’ll notice it’s not all that much though,” Ed said.
Bill nodded, “Yeah, I thought there would be more.”
“Oh, there is… A lot more. Most of it is in her uterus though. That’s why we have to keep your wife copulated to the stallion all day. Only after your wife has had her fill of animal semen will it begin to flow out of her so we can use it for the mare. We have a joke around the office, it’s the ‘vagina tax’ your wife puts on the process. She keeps a good quantity inside of herself as she tries to impregnate herself. Once her need is satiated, we’ll finally be able to use the excess.”
Bill had no look of disgust at all in his eyes. He had more a look of amazement than anything.
Ed said, “So did you come in just to watch the horse inseminate your wife?”
“Yeah, I guess so. She asked me to come and see where she worked.”
“Well, now you’ve seen it, what do you think? She sure does seem to have a thing for the horses, doesn’t she?”
“Well, to be honest, sir, I had no idea about this whole horse thing until today.”
“Oh! Really? I thought Julie had told you.”
Julie spoke up, “I’m sorry I lied to you, Doctor. I didn’t want to tell Bill while he was away. I thought it would be better for him to see me… and what I do… in person.”
Ed said, “Ah, and now you’ve seen it in person, what do you think, Bill. I hope you’re not too upset.”
Bill turned to Julie, as his eyes alternated looking at the semen slowly oozing out of his wife and her face, he asked, “Do you really like doing this?”
Julie nodded. “I do, sweetheart. I hope that’s okay. I get to stay naked for all but one or two days a week now, I’ve lost weight, gained muscle, made interesting new friends, and I get fucked by horses. I know you can’t relate to it, because you’re a guy, but he’s so powerful and huge. God, honey, I can’t get enough of their penises or their sperm! I have sex for six to eight hours a day now, and I still keep coming back for more.”
“I didn’t even know you were into horses… in this way.”
“Oh, I wasn’t until a few months ago, but then it just sorta happened. I just missed you so much, and I didn’t want to cheat on you, but I still needed to get back at you. This seemed like a good way to do it, and then it turned out that I loved it.”
“Is there room for me? I mean… Geez. You two seem very happy together.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, sweetheart. His penis is just a plaything I like to impale myself on and ride all day. I like his sperm because it shoots so hard inside me. It’s like a fire hose inside of me. I just keep cumming and cumming! God, honey, it’s a great feeling. His huge cock fills me up and I just can’t stop orgasming. People come in and watch and it makes it even better. Sometimes I can keep cumming for twenty or thirty minutes straight even.”
Amanda nodded. “Yes, yes, she can. Have you ever had to do paperwork while listening to a woman moaning for half an hour straight? Let me tell you, it’s distracting to say the least!”
Bill grimaced. “Well, I guess if it’s something you want to do.”
Julie said, “Do you mind if I’m naked all day? Or is the horse, or both?”
“Do you really have to drive to work naked?” Bill asked.
“No, I don’t, but I want to. I like the thrill. Plus, it gets my pussy nice and wet. Remember, I have to fuck a stallion’s cock all day long. The extra lubrication is nice in the morning. Sometimes I’ll even drive into a fast food restaurant parking lot and masturbate there to make sure I’m nice and wet before I come in. It just makes it so much easier when Amanda helps me in the morning.”
“And the horse?”
Julie decided to come clean. “Well, I mean, you’re great and everything, sweetheart, and I love having sex with you, but yes, I do love the stallions. I’ve literally done everything I can to impregnate myself with their seed, and every day I keep trying in the hopes someday I’ll get pregnant myself. I know it’s gross, and perverted, but having a huge horse dick in you all day will make you think some crazy thoughts. So, yes, I do have to do this. I think my body chemistry has been altered in some way, because all I can do is think about the next huge load of semen I’ll take, and how I might be able to contort my body in some way to get his ejaculate to squirt right into my uterus. I’ve tried and tried to get his cock to go deeper and deeper. Instead of a crazy horse-baby, all I’ve gotten is one-hundred-and-fifty something days filled with orgasms.”
“Are your orgasms… better with the stallion?” Bill asked.
Julie blushed. “The sex is worse, but yes, the orgasms are better. But the horse’s cock is the size of your fist, baby. It’s hard to compare the two. Once you’ve had fifteen horse dicks in you, it’s hard to even get off on a human penis. But I love you so much it works out anyway.”
“So if I were to say I’m not okay with this, and I wanted you to stop?” Bill asked.
Julie blushed harder. “To be honest, I might have a hard time making that decision. It’s just such an erotic feeling, honey. But, please, don’t make me make that choice. You’re very important to me, and I want you to share in this. I want you to watch me and hold my hand while he’s cumming in me. Or maybe you can kiss my breasts while he’s inseminating me or something.”
Amanda said, “Sure, anything to help her orgasm is better all around. The strength of her orgasms helps the horse to ejaculate more. Your wife’s surrogate vagina is very important to keep satiated. That’s why we sometimes take her out of the town and into the hillside a little, and let her and the horse mate in the wild.”
“Yeah, a few times they’ve let me belly ride up a mountain trail on one of our client’s private property. I learned how to guide the stallion, so we go on long hikes. It’s so amazing to be at a thousand foot elevation, looking over a canyon while a foot of horse penis is doing its best to impregnate you. God!”
Julie began to lift her butt again, thinking about it. “The best part is that he wants to cum in me too. It’s so mutual and awesome. You have no idea how flattering it is to have an animal ejaculating inside you for the fourth time in a single day, honey, it’s amazing.”
Ed said, “It’s too bad that method doesn’t work as well for impregnation as our current method. Although it’s better for your wife’s pleasure, it’s worse for sperm collection. I’m always looking for ways to satiate your kinky wife here, but at the end of the day it’s all about results. And if we can’t get your wife’s hairy surrogate pussy to produce exactly three large dose ejaculations, we have to look for alternatives. Ultimately, we found she tends to get the sexual tension from almost any environment where people are nearby. That’s why we’ve taken to inviting more and more of our clients in to watch your wife copulate. The male customers seem to like it too.”
Amanda smirked. “I think a lot of the female ones like it too, they just don’t say so. Mrs. Richards has asked Julie to come over three times now.”
Julie began to orgasm again, thinking about that. She rolled her hips and arched her back as the three continued to talk.
Bill said, “Well the money is good, and we really need the money.”
Ed nodded. “And don’t forget about your wife. You know what they say – a happy wife is a happy life.”
“There’s nothing I can say.”
The Doctor, sensing Bill is still a little upset changed the subject. “So do you have a job waiting for you now you’re back?”
“No, sir, I was going to go looking for one today in fact.”
“What do you do?”
“Well, I was a clerk, and a radio operator. So I guess general office work. I can’t imagine it civilian office work would be anywhere near as hard as what I was doing before in combat situations. I think I can handle pretty much anything at this point. Even the fact my wife has decided to mate with a horse.”
Julie still climaxes as she lifted her hips. The semen coated shaft in her slipped backward and forward as she continued to move.
Ed smiled. “I’ve got an idea. Amanda, you’ve been buried since Karyn left, haven’t you?”
Amanda nodded. “Yeah, actually, it’s been crazy. I’m always behind.”
“Bill, Karyn was our previous surrogate vagina. She moved from an office role to the role your wife has now,” Ed said. “She stayed there for a month or so until her husband asked her to stop. So we lost an administrator. As you can imagine, advertising for someone to take that role is tricky, given what they’ll be exposed to. Now you’re initiated into the process, and I know you aren’t going to freak out since it’s your own wife, I think you’re more than qualified. I don’t know what you’d think about this, but we could use another hand around here to take care of paperwork. There’s a lot of it too. We could offer you say fifty grand a year, if you’re interested.”
Julie wondered how her husband would take making less than half Julie is making as her toes curled and her body shuddered. Bill’s eyes widened and a smile crossed his face.
“Really, sir? You mean it?”
“Sure, why not? You can do the paperwork and keep an eye on your horny wife at the same time. We need someone to answer phones, file paperwork, billing, scheduling, and all sorts of things. I know Amanda would appreciate the help,” Ed said.
Bill nodded enthusiastically. “Oh god, sir, you have no idea how much I appreciate that.”
Julie felt ecstatic too. “Wow, now we can work together. You can come in a watch me with the stallions when you’re on a break and everything.”
“Good, it’s settled then,” Ed said, shaking Bill’s hand. “We’ll keep your wife mated to the stallions, you’ll be behind the desk in the front, and we’ll continue to grow the business. I’ll leave you two alone for a few minutes. When you’re ready, find Amanda and she’ll show you around the office. You can start today.”
Both Amanda and the Doctor left the room, leaving Bill and Julie alone.
Bill said, “I never expected to see my wife with anyone else, but now I’m glad you decided to do it.”
Julie asked, “Are you serious, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I mean, this is quite a shock, but you look hot under there. All you can ask is our family be happy and healthy. The money is great, and at least I don’t have to worry about you screwing one my friends. Who could compete with this?”
Julie shook her head. “I’ve had plenty of men come in here and solicit me, because they think I’m a whore. I’m not, I’m very faithful to my husband. I just happen to mate with animals when he’s not available, and as a profession. Who could blame a girl for wanting a cup of semen shot into her? God, honey, it’s amazing!”
She had never stopped writhing as she talked. She lifted her butt a few more times, and she felt the stallion’s penis begin to swell again “Uh-oh, he’s going to cum in me again.”
Bill smiled. “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. You’re amazing.”
Julie huffed and moaned. “I want you to watch, Bill. I want you to see how much cum he inseminates me with. It’s incredible! His dick is so huge too. Look at it, honey. It’s like seven-inches around!”
Bill nodded, impressed. “I can’t believe you can fuck a horse. It’s impressive it all fits in you?”
“I know, right! Look you can see his penis is growing and throbbing inside of me, honey. Look, he’s going to start fucking me any minute.”
“Oh, I know, I thought he was going to hurt you last time.”
The horse thrusts hard into Bill’s wife. “Oh god! Mm… No, I mean, it hurts, but I like how rough he is. He thinks I’m his mare. His cock head is growing to be huge inside of me. Look, baby, he’s thrusting! He’s getting close! Call Amanda!”
Bill stood and shouted back to the office, “Amanda, I think the horse is getting close again.”
“So soon,” called Amanda, as she stood up from her desk and hurried in. “Wow, she’s horny today, aren’t you, hon?”
Julie panted. “Oh god, he’s so much bigger than the other stallions I’ve been with, you were completely right! Whoa! I can feel every vein of his cock in me. Bill, what does it look like?”
The stallion slammed home as Bill inspected his wife’s wide open and plugged up orifice. “He’s probably about nine-inches into you right now. It’s hard to tell for sure. But some of his semen is coming out.”
Amanda smiled at Bill’s willing participation. “It’s okay, your wife is about to get a fresh dose.”
Julie huffed as she continued to moan and writhe. “He’s getting closer! I think I’m going to cum too, honey. Can you help?”
“Help? How?”
Julie made him hold her left hand with his left hand so their wedding rings hands were together and she begged him, “That’s perfect. I just like the idea of fucking an animal while my husband is holding my hand. I don’t know why. Tell me what it looks like, honey. Please… please… I need to hear you talk about it.”
“Uh… Well… His dick is thrusting back and forth pretty quickly now. It’s covered in something slick. It’s not clear if it’s your lube or sperm or what. But it’s also all matted in your pubic hair. It’s all over your clit and your labia, and your pubic hair is all matted down. It really looks like you’ve just been fucked by a horse. Your pussy is all red.”
She interrupted him, “He’s CUMMING!”
Bill said, “Yeah, his dick is pulsating pretty violently. I guess that means he’s trying to impregnate you now.”
“Oh god! Yes!”
“Oh, wow, your butt and your pussy are pulsating now. Are you cumming?”
“Okay, well you’re both cumming. I guess, at the same time. Oh, wow… Here’s a bunch more semen. It’s oozing out all over the place. Whoa!”
Bill almost took a step back, slightly horrified by Julie’s nether regions and the spurious volume of ejaculate that’d suddenly appeared from nowhere around the edges of her vulva.
Julie arched her back and became completely quiet for a few seconds as her body suspended in mid-air on the pulsating penis deep inside of her. They had successfully mated twice in under an hour. Bill felt astonished at his wife’s vagina and how much semen now covering her pubic hair, her vulva and her anus as it drooled down in long strands onto the small rubber dish Amanda had put there. It’s an amazing sight, as his wife continued to convulse. It seemed clear to everyone in the room Bill had suddenly become okay with the fact his wife would probably much prefer to get impregnated by this stallion than him, and is doing literally everything she could to try to accomplish that goal, while she made him watch.
Bill felt a sudden twang of jealousy as his wife clutched his hand and continued to work her hips up and down for several more seconds until she fell back into her saddle, with her breasts heaving. Her pointed nipples shook at the end of her milky white breasts as she struggled for breath. Julie struggled to ask her husband the most important questions of their married life.
“Are you going to be upset listening to me and the horse together all day? I can’t promise to try to be quiet and I’ll probably even call attention to it. I probably will go out of my way to make sure you know every time I’m climaxing.”
“You always were kind of a show off,” Bill said, then breaking into a smile.
Julie chuckled. “I’ll want you to take pictures and put it on our walls at home. I’ll want you to video tape it and I’ll want to watch it at night while we have sex, so I can imagine I’m under a stallion while we make love, so I can really get myself off.”
Bill rolled his eyes. “I suspected you’d want something like that. I’m fine with it, but only if you don’t mind if I try not to think about it too much.”
“Do you mind if I say hurtful things just to get myself off?” Julie asked.
“Like my cock can’t get you off like a horse cock?”
“Something like that.”
“I dunno, I guess not, as long as you tell me you don’t mean it afterwards.”
“And will you be upset if I just stop wearing clothes entirely no matter what or who is over? You’ll have to do the shopping, so I can stay home and masturbate to the tapes you make of me. Will that make you jealous, or angry, sweetheart?”
He took a deep breath and shook his head. “No, you’re the major breadwinner now. I don’t see how I have much say in that. If I started making all that money, I’d expect no less of you, to do whatever I needed to support me in my career.”
“Yes, this is my career!”
“And you look like you’re a professional at it.”
Julie smiled. “Thank you! I love you, honey.”
Amanda butted in suddenly, saying, “The real question is can you handle sloppy seconds of this magnitude?”
Bill sighed, he hadn’t really thought about it like that. “I guess I’ll have to. Right, honey?”
Julie nodded. “It kind of comes with the territory. MY job is to get inseminated four times a day, so you’ll have to eventually come to love that about me. Along with all my other faults.”
He reached down and adjusted himself before leaning forward and kissing her on the shoulder, “No, honey, I know how important this is for you now. It would make me very happy, sweetheart.”
Amanda smiled and gave Bill a gentle hug. “Wow! You two are a great couple.”
Julie smiled and winked at Bill. “I know. Bill’s not too bad either.”
The End