Doggy Style Island: Survival

By Lexi Lust. Prologue My life didn’t quite turn out as I expected. Actually, that’s not entirely true. My life is nothing like I imagined it. It all started when I graduated college. Once upon a time, all you needed to succeed in life was a college diploma. But no more. Given the state of our economy, you have better odds of winning the lottery than landing a job in your area of expertise. It’s a depressing thought, but it’s

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The Bestiality Whore – Part 1: The Virgin

By Lexi Lust. Prologue My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t even hear the motor rumbling. The black sedan I had been forced into sped along, swerving through traffic. Whoever my kidnappers were, they were in a hurry. But that’s not what worried me the most. Neither of the abductors seemed to care that I saw their faces. This could mean one of two things. Option one: Their plans didn’t involve anything illegal. Option two: What they had planned

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My First Bestiality Experience: The Dog

By barbielez. All families have secrets. Some are small. Some are big. Some are so extreme minds are blown and relationships forever altered at the mere mention of them. That is the kind of secret my family had been keeping from me for the past eighteen years. It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young women my age, I was excited at the prospect of becoming an adult. But it had nothing to do with being allowed to

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