Cerberus’ New Dog Bitch

By Michelle M.

I had never heard of Cerberus before, never even knew anything about him entering a dog and, through sexual contact, being able to enter the body of a human, making that human his bitch. Had I known that, I probably would never have stopped that morning.

I had some things to pick up at the local Wall-Marts for a project I was doing and some food items as well. Noticing a lady and several small puppies she was selling; a white one caught my eye. But I passed on by, but while shopping, my mind kept wandering back to a long-time dream I had been having – being fucked by a dog in my ass. Becoming a dog’s bitch and servicing him as he wished. I had read stories of guys who were fucked by a dog; I masturbated thinking about this and how wonderful it would be to try this. But I never dared to give it a try.

Driving out, I stopped and looked at the puppies. They were a cross of a full-size poodle and a lab, but the lab was not purebred, so there were no papers on any of them. The poodle mix would eliminate the Labrador’s shedding problems, and I could have one in my home at all times. The white one was a male, and we bonded immediately. I gave the lady a few dollars to hold him for me, went back inside, and got some dog food, a small bell, and some treats and toys to play with – I was back and paid her cash for the dog – and Sunny and I were on our way home, and a new friendship hopefully was being born.

Once inside my home, I stripped down naked and took him out to my backyard. My yard is fenced, so no one under 8 feet high can see it, but I also live in an area bordering a city park, so there are no real neighbors around me. Frequently, I sunbathe and work out here in the nude.

Sitting on the grass, we played and rolled around; my cock was hard as a rock, with him licking it and jumping on it; soon, I lay back and jacked off, shooting streams of cum all over my stomach and chest. He attacked the cum, licking every drop up, then kissing me on the lips while his tongue was inside my mouth. Hugging and kissing him back, I knew someday he would be taking me as his bitch, and I’d eagerly surrender to him when he did.

It only took a few days for him to be completely housebroken, and since I have a home office, I was with him all the time unless I had to go out for something. By the end of the week, he was sleeping with me in my bed, and I developed a ritual where I would play with his penis sucking on it, getting him more and more comfortable with me handling him down there. When I began to beat off, he would sit patiently and wait to lick up all the cum I produced – then I taught him to lick my cock as well, cleaning up any that was left there, paying particular attention to the tip where it still oozed come out. His licking was now bringing me to a second orgasm where the process was repeated.

By his sixth month birthday, he was almost full-grown, easily as big as an average lab, and I had found one of his favorite treats was a combination of smooth peanut butter and some honey mixed in. I would spread this all over my asshole, and he’d lick it out, causing me to tremble with desire. Then I’d put some on my cock, and he’d lick it off, taking time to lick it extra, causing me to cum and him to clean it up. I no longer had to give myself a hand job; this process would always produce the same results of him licking and me cumming – then he’d clean it up, and I’d cum again.

I had coaxed him up on my back and had his cock out, but I could never get him to penetrate me. I was sucking him off on a regular basis, he’d cum in my mouth, and I’d try and swallow all he was giving me, but no matter what I tried, he would never enter me.

By the time he was a year and a half, I had read every article I could on ‘how to get a dog to fuck you,’ but it was not happening – so I was grateful for what we had and figured I had more than most and was happy with that.

One evening the two of us had just completed a long sexual session, where I gave him a long and slow blowjob. He, in turn, did the same for me, and I ended up cumming multiple times. I was lying on my back on the grass, his head on my chest, while I played with his ears, Looking up at the Cerberus constellation of stars.

Saying out loud, “Oh great Cerberus, if you are real, if you can hear a lonely servant who only wishes to serve you and your following, please grant this one wish – that my lover, my soul mate, who lies here beside me, please instill in him the desire to take me as his bitch, to fuck me, to plant his seed deep inside me, filling me in every way to become a dog bitch forever. I pledge my body, my soul, and my spirit to you, Oh Great Dog God, please, if you can hear me, please, I beg of you to grant me this one wish.”

Laying on my back, watching these particular stars, I rose on my knees and repeated the prayer word for word three times, then bowed my head, and the two of us headed for bed. That night, something was different. Both of us felt it—we cuddled and knew we had opened a door, both of us may have wanted, but at the same time, filled with fear of what was coming.

For the next five nights, after a round of some of the greatest sex two people let alone a guy and his dog, could ever have had, I repeated the exact prayer in a kneeling position, and each night, both of us headed for bed, hugging each other tighter than we ever had, fearing what was about to take place and change our lives forever.

The seventh night was the same as the rest to start with, incredible sex between the two of us, then lying on the grass, resting from our time together. I got up on my knees as was the usual ritual, but this time Sunny got up with me and sat next to me as I chanted the prayer/request to the Dog God Cerberus. As soon as I closed the prayer, a light seemed to come from heaven – and traveled downward at an incredible speed, striking Sunny directly between his eyes, causing him to whimper and fall. His body was shaking as I reached out to him and kissed him, asking if he was Ok – the shaking of his body only lasted for a few minutes, then stopped – but as I picked him up and carried him to our bed, kissing him, hugging him and laying him down on the bed, it was easy to tell something was different about him.

I held him on my lap as we fell asleep, whimpering occasionally. Finally, exhausted, I lay back and fell asleep myself.

Waking early the next morning, he was resting comfortably, but when I rubbed him, his hair was so much softer than it had been earlier; kissing him – he tasted different from what he had previously. He woke, looked around, and jumped off the bed, heading for the door. I let him out, as he usually did, and went about my day. Since this was Saturday, I had the day off, so I began to clean the kitchen, leaving the door open. Soon, he came back in, looked at me, whimpered again, drank some water, and then headed back to the bedroom. Following him there, he was curled up at the bottom of the bed, fast asleep when I stepped in. Sitting down by his side, rubbing his ears, “What have I done to you? I am so sorry for being so stupid and praying like I did; whatever is happening, it should be happening to me and not to you. I am so sorry.”

I kissed his head, rubbed his body a couple of times, and left, making sure the room was as dark as possible so he could sleep and regain his strength.

This seemed like a good time to thoroughly clean the kitchen, so I removed all of the items on the shelves, cleaned the cupboards, arranged the dishes, and put them back in some kind of order. When I finished, it was about noon, and I was exhausted.

As was my normal routine, I did this entirely nude, and setting in a chair, I leaned back, taking my cock and stroking it, wishing my pal was there and we’d have a little sexual release session. Just then, he appeared in the doorway, looking at me – something was different; he stood there with more authority, wagging his tail, then walked to me, tongue out and keeping his eyes on me at all times.

“Sunny, how do you feel? You look—” was all I got out of my mouth; he moved between my legs, his tongue licking from below my balls, taking my balls in his mouth; it felt like he had actually sucked on them. I had fallen back in the chair when his tongue made contact with me, but this sucking brought my head back up like a shot, grabbing his head, but before I could say or do anything, he had moved his mouth to take in my whole cock, and he was indeed sucking my shaft. His mouth had closed around it, his tongue busy licking the bottom of it, circling around to its head, and diving deep in the opening while licking the entire head – it felt like I had two or three tongues working on me at the same time. It was so sudden and so exciting; a shot of instant arousal surged through me, like an injection – my head went back, my hips began to hump into his face – my arms tried to grab at him, then the chair, then my tits – but nothing was helping.


That’s when the rhythm changed, leaving me on the edge but not allowing me to cum. As soon as I was calmed down, the sucking changed to once again bring me to the brink of the edge of the cliff, and it changed, allowing me to calm back down.

This pattern has happened so many times. My whole body was sweating; my arms had lost all strength, my head flopped over the back of the chair, and I could only moan, begging him to let me cum

Barely in a whisper now, “Oh please, Sunny, let me cum; I can’t take this any longer; please let me cum, before I pass out.”

But the onslaught went on and on. Somewhere during this whole thing, the two of us had moved to the backyard. I remember going out there, my hips still humping, like a dog does when he is excited and nowhere to put his cock. Sunny was in the back of me now, licking my ass, sending his tongue deep inside me; it felt like he had reshaped his tongue to feel like a cock. All the while, my cock was so hard it was hurting, and I was still humping air when he jumped up on me. In one motion, he entered me, his knot did the same with no real pain, but once inside me, it began swelling. The pressure was so intense I tried to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth. Then he began to fuck me, fuck me like I had been dreaming of being fucked, warm seed shooting in me with each thrust forward, my body still humping air but matching his thrusts in me perfectly. My cock was bigger still and more full, my ass becoming so full my stomach was aching. His whole body was on my back, and his head was right by my ear.

That’s when I heard it. His voice was deep and sultry sounding, “So you want to be fucked by a dog, and you’ve been praying for me to grant that wish; well, your wish has been granted. I’m fucking you now, like you’ve wanted to be fucked, like you’ve been dreaming of being fucked, but be very careful when you pray to a God; sometimes your prayers will be answered. Now cum for me, cum for your new Master, cum like the bitch you have become.”

My whole body shook, cum shot out of my cock, shot after shot after shot. It continued to shoot strings of cum, and he continued to fill my ass with cum, but none was leaking out of me. My whole body was in convulsions, but I still kept on cumming, and he kept on fucking me.

Looking down between my legs, my cum was puddling on the grass; my body was shot, no longer being able to support his weight, and my arms gave way, dropping me to my elbows. His knot feeling like it had doubled in size, his voice once again clear, “Do you accept me as your master? Do you agree to be my bitch from now on?”

Moaning and nodding my head, as it lay on the ground, “Yes, I’m your bitch, I’ll always be your bitch; I am all yours to do with me as you please.”

Hearing my acceptance of him as my Master, he pulled out of me, walking around and presenting his cock to me for cleaning. None of his cum ran out of me, but I could feel it sloshing inside me. Once I had cleaned his cock, I fell forward on the grass, falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up as the sun filled my backyard. Sunny was sitting on the patio in a lounge chair; the side gate was open. Then two, then three, then four large dogs came in the yard, walked by Sunny, seeming to acknowledge him, then the first one walked up to me, sniffed my ass, and barked at me, causing me to get on all fours immediately fearing I would be bitten if I didn’t comply. He jumped up on me, stabbed me four or five times before his cock found my ass, and he was inside me after several thrusts. A few quick strokes and his knot began to press against the opening in my ass, then it was in me, and I felt his seed fill me to the brim. Ass-to-ass, I could feel the pressure on my ass ring, then it popped out, and cum ran down my legs, puddling everywhere. No sooner had the one pulled free of me, but the second dog mounted me, repeating the process. All in all, six dogs took me that morning before I made my way to the shower.

Sunny fucked me when I was clean, a repeat of the previous encounter with him, but this time not as painful, and I was able to stay with him until he told me to cum.

That evening, I was led out to the backyard again; this time, seven dogs had their way with me. I was filthy when I showered that night, but Sunny took me to bed before I was allowed to sleep.

It has been six months since I became my dog’s bitch, and I’ve settled down into a routine. I am fucked morning and night by at least 5 dogs and sometimes as many as 10 each morning and the same each night. Sunny always takes me when I have finished showering. He sleeps in my bed; I sleep in a small cage at the bottom of the bed, with my collar that says, “This Bitch is the property of Cerberus.”


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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