Doing Dog

By Mikhail Conrad.

“I might be able to help you, Mrs. Meyers. Just let me ask you a few questions so I can make sure my facilities are adequate for your needs,” I told my neighbor/potential client on my speakerphone, “Is that okay?”

“Oh, certainly. Whatever you need… within reason, of course,” the grandmotherly woman replied with a laugh, “He’s had all his shots, and I can bring you the last report from our vet just last month. He’s perfectly friendly to anyone who doesn’t act aggressively toward me or my husband. I think you will find that Ransom is one of the best-behaved animals you’ll ever meet. My husband, DOCTOR Meyers, is, after all, an Animal Behavioral Psychologist. Fifty years he’s been with the zoo, just this past February.”

“He’s been a perfect gentle dog every time I’ve seen him on my walks,” I reassured her. “Do you know if he suffers separation anxiety?”

“Oh no, he is often quite content without us for extended periods. It’s just that the kennel is so far away, and so many people in the neighborhood say such nice things about you keeping their dogs while they are on vacation. I know it’s the last minute, but Jean Addison told me that the Billlingsway twins came home with mono, poor things. Hence, their parents, Mac and Eileen, had to postpone their vacation and cancel with you. Do you really have an opening this week, Mr. Zeeman?”

“I just might, Mrs. Meyers, and please, call me Mike. Just a few more questions,” I told her, “Is he an intact male that could be bothered by an in-heat female? Does he have any issues with other animals? Does he have any special diet requirements?”

“Yes, he is a fully functioning male. Dr. Meyers puts him to stud on occasion. If he is contained, there should be no problem. He might whine a small bit, but he’s not an escaper. He would chase the occasional rodent, and he was so funny snapping those cicadas right out of the air. Still, he gets on nicely with the neighbor’s cat and has to do the dog sniff greeting with all the other ones we meet on our walks. That’s how we first met. If you remember, you were walking Juarez’s dog… Oso, right?”

“Oh yes, I remember thinking then how friendly and behaved Ransom was.” I replied, “What about his diet? Are there any special needs?”

She said, “I’ll bring you a big bag of food. He gets one scoop, and the scoop’s in the bag in the morning, one at noon, and then one at night. We feed him that way to avoid bloat. Don’t worry. He’ll remind you if you forget. And I’ll also bring a bag of pig ears. He gets one in the evening. And if you have him inside, he will hold it all day if you have to be away for at least a good six hours. And if you have an emergency and can’t get back to him, he will relieve himself on your bathroom tile if he can get to it.

“He seems to know that that is our place to do our business. He just prefers outside, and he will mark your trees and fence posts but not your bushes or plants. And he doesn’t chew things that you don’t give him. He really is a great pet. I know he’s big, but I’ve seen you with several large dogs before. I know he’ll be no problem for you. All he needs is a daily walk. We usually go around two or three blocks. That’s all we can do at our age, but it keeps Ransom content, and he has the whole quarter-acre backyard to run around in, too. You live on an outside neighborhood street that backs up to the state forest, too, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do,” I said. “I have a little less than an acre fenced in my backyard. It’s a five-foot chain link,” I told her, “If he might jump it, I have a side yard by my pool that is enclosed by a seven-foot privacy fence. Plenty of yard room there, too, about three thousand square feet, including the pool. Does he swim?”

“He won’t jump your fence, and all Otterhounds swim, sometimes for hours,” she said. “They have webbed feet. We really don’t like him to spend too much time in chlorinated water, though. It isn’t good for his skin. Will that be a problem?”

“Not at all, Mrs. Meyers,” I answered. “My pool is saltwater, and I have an outdoor shower there where I can bath and rinse dogs. I think that’s enough about Ransom. When will you be leaving so we can make plans for you to drop him off? And how long will you be gone?”

“We’re leaving in the morning as early as we can. We’ll be back late Sunday week but before dark. Is that okay for you, Mike? That’s nine days. Jean said you charge forty dollars a day for large dogs. Is that right? I’ll give you Three sixty in cash when I drop him off in the morning, along with a contact list for us for emergencies. Is seven in the morning too early?”

“It sounds like you’re in a bit of a rush, Mrs. Meyers,” I deduced from her hurried responses, “What if you just go ahead and bring him by today when it’s convenient for you? I won’t charge you for the extra day. Will that help you out any?”

“You are such a dear, Mike!” she said, “That would help a lot. I can bring him now if you’d like. It really will save me time. I can’t thank you enough, and I won’t hear of you doing it for free. You’ll take the four hundred with my sincerest appreciation.”

“Okay, Mrs. Meyers,” I said with a laugh, “Don’t rush on my account. I’ll be home all day.”

“Then I’ll see you shortly,” she added in a rush, “And thank you again. Bye.”

“Goodbye, Mrs. Meyers. I’ll be here.”


Twenty minutes later, my doorbell rang, and there she was with Ransom on a black leather lead attached to an expensive padded chest harness. The dog was a real beauty. His rough-looking coat was amazingly soft when I bent down to greet him with a neck rub. It was a wheaten color with dusky grey undertones on his body and ears. The end tufts of his hair on his legs and face were almost white.

His feathery tail swung in a small, rapid arc right behind him, showing him returning my greeting with one just as friendly. He was a big boy, around thirty inches at the shoulder, and I guessed him to weigh in at one hundred plus pounds. It’s really hard to be accurate in estimating any dog’s weight, though. Fur can be shockingly deceiving when it comes to bulk.

I went out to Mrs. Meyers’ blue SUV, got the fifty-pound bag of food, and put it in my garage. She followed me with Ransom obediently at her side, telling me about how rushed she was with this last-minute trip to her daughter’s to help her out with the three grandchildren while their father, her son-in-law, was in the hospital for knee surgery. She handed me Ransom’s lead, four crisp new Ben Franklins, a large stainless steel dog dish, a printed list of her itinerary with contact phone numbers, and a large plastic bag full of dried pig ears.

“Be a good boy for Mike, Ransom,” she said, bending down just a little bit to hug the large dog around the neck. Thank you again so much, Mike! We’ll come straight here Sunday next to pick him up. Call me if you have any problems. His emergency Vet number and chip ID code are on the list.”

She hopped right spritely for a sixty-something lady into the driver’s seat, backed carefully out of my driveway, and was gone. The whole visit hadn’t even lasted fifteen minutes. I was left on my front porch with Ransom looking up at me, still wagging his tail, proclaiming his amiable nature.


“Let’s go in Ransom and get to know each other better,” I told him as I opened the door awkwardly with both hands full.

He didn’t crowd me or rush me. He came in on my heels and made a deft turn with his hind end shutting the door behind us. That was a surprise.

“Oh, so you’re a smart one,” I said as I set the bag, list, and money on the foyer side table, “Let me show you around.”

I unhooked his lead from the ring at his shoulder and hung it on a hook on the coat rack by the front door. I walked to the kitchen with Ransom casually following me and set his dish down at the end of the counter on the kitchen tile. He looked at his dish and stepped over to give it a sniff. Then he looked up at me as if to say, `Okay, what’s next?’ I laughed and led him to the back door, opened it, and stepped out onto the deck. Ransom followed readily and looked all around the deck, sniffing out the whole area. He paused at the three steps going down to the yard and looked at me.

“Go ahead,” I told him, motioning to the yard, “Check it out. Do your thing. It’s all yours for the week.”

He bounded down the steps and then slowed, looking back at me. I motioned him on with a laugh, and he was off. It took him about half an hour to smell out the leftover scents from other dogs I had boarded, mark the trees and fence posts, find the outdoor auto-fill concrete water dish, and then prance back up the steps to stand in front of me where I sat on a wrought iron rocker waiting on him.

I didn’t go back in the back kitchen door we had exited, but instead went to the other end of the deck and opened the sliding glass door leading into the den. I turned to hold my palm up to Ransom and told him to stay while I slid the door shut. I got down on my hands and knees, stuck my head out the dog door flap beside the sliding door, and called Ransom to me. He bounded over, licked my face, and followed me through the flap as I backed in. I stood up, patted him on the head, and told him to stay again.

I went out the sliding door, closed it behind me, and called for Ransom. His head appeared through the dog door flap, and I called him again. He bolted over to me, wagging his whole body this time. This was apparently a game as well as a learning thing to him. I laughed again and went back in the sliding glass door, not telling him to stay this time. I took a seat on the couch and waited. It took about fifteen seconds before he stuck his head in the dog door.

“Hey, Ransom!” I said as a greeting.

He pranced over to me. I gave him a generous neck and back rub as he snuggled up to my legs. I got down on the rug with him and started to give him a good petting all over. When I reached him under his chest, he promptly laid down and rolled over onto his back. His sheath stuck out and had long curls around its tip. They were slightly discolored from his piss. It was a thick sheath and looked to contain a healthy-sized cock. His balls… oh man, his balls.

They were the size of golf balls and hung in a short, silky fur cover sack. I rubbed down Ransom’s chest and over his bulging sheath and gently stroked around the dog’s big sperm-making orbs. Both of his gonads squirmed slowly around in his scrotum, making fresh sperm as I caressed around them. His sheath twitched, and the blunt-angled tip of his dog dick nudged its way out of the end of the hairy casing framed by the piss-stained curls around its end.

Ransom chose that moment to bend his head around and lick rapidly at the exposed tip of his red veiny cock and then lick my teasing hand. That was the go-ahead signal I was waiting for. I hugged him as I stood and toed off my sneakers. I undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, slid the zipper down, stepped out of my pants, and draped them over the back of the couch. That left me in my tee shirt, ankle socks, and jockstrap. I went back down on my knees, facing Ransom, who rolled over and crouched right in front of me with his tongue hanging out and tail wagging to beat the band.

I spread my knees apart and leaned back on both hands, putting my red/grey Timoteo jock-strapped crotch right in front of him. The Otterhound shoved his snout into my rising pouch and started licking, getting faster as my jock-bound cock jerked and tented the mesh of the pouch outward. I moaned as I watched the handsome dog find the side of the pouch and lick at my nut sack, which showed more and more as my cock hardened and stretched the material outward.

I leaned further back and let the animal sniff, snort, lick, and snuffle in my groin. The dog’s muzzle dug further down into my butt crack, and I felt the dog’s tongue lapping at my taint. I arched my back up as I spread my legs wider and got just what I wanted. Ransom’s rough, wet, huge tongue slathered its way over my asshole. The tangy taste must have appealed to him on some primal level because he shoved his whole snout forcefully into my butt crack and plastered his tongue over my shuddering butt pucker over and over, again and again, until I was moaning in dog slut lust.

I lowered my ass back to the floor with Ransom making every effort to keep licking across my receding asshole. I leaned forward and hugged him, and he licked my face energetically but not as aggressively as he had gone for my butt hole. I reached forward under him and was somewhat concerned to feel a good seven inches of wet dog cock protruding from his sheath. It wasn’t spritzing out pre-cum yet, but I felt it throb and swell as my hand encased it. I slid my hand back along the slowly engorging organ. It was already thicker across at the end, tapering slightly smaller back into the sheath until… YES! Right there, just inside the fur cock cover, I felt a hardening lump.

It was his knot, and it was already about the size of a lime, and it had seven inches still growing of thick dog cock ballooning outward in front of it. Ransom arched his back and began humping, thrusting his cock into my hand. The knot shot out, and the hairy foreskin sheath bunched up behind it, covering his slowly distending flexure. Ransom shoved me gently with his snout, pushing at me softly but insistently. This dog was one horny fucker.

I did what he wanted. I turned around, got down on my elbows and knees, spread my legs, and winked my asshole at the big dick dog. He shoved his muzzle back into my ass and started lapping at my hole, pasting it with dog spit until the hairs around my sphincter were slobber plastered with it. Then he mounted me.

His front legs latched onto my sides, clutching me tightly above my hips. He began to hump fuck into my ass. I felt the bone in his cock as it repeatedly jabbed into my ass cheeks. He jab fucked at me a dozen times, jamming his hard thrusting bone into one butt cheek after the other, and then jumped off. He circled me excitedly, pausing to lick my face a couple of times before thrusting his cold, wet nose right up against my dog-slobbered butt hole. Then he was back to tongue-lashing my asshole again.

“Fuckin’ A Ransom!” I breathily urged him on as I shivered in yearning for the rim job.

He jumped back up on me, grasping excitedly with his front paws. I was grateful for the tee shirt then because I felt his dew claws pressing into my sides through the fabric. I would have gotten clawed big time otherwise. His backside lurched forward, driving his cock into my butt crack this time. Then his bone stabbed my taint brutally, and I let out a cry from the sudden pain.

“OH FUCK!!!” I cried out.

Ransom humped his bone at me again. This time he punched the blunt end of his cock right into my hole a couple of inches. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, but he jerked back, and the dog cock was withdrawn as fast as it had penetrated me. He slammed his hips forward again, and the hard rod slid down across my taint under the straps where they joined at my jock pouch to gouge into my nut sack.

He drilled his cock into my jock-covered sack several times, thankfully not impacting one of my nuts, and I felt the wet drops of his now pre-cum squirting cock dampen my balls and jock pouch. I reached into my jock with my right hand and let his swelling fuck stick spray my hand. I then pulled my cock out of the side of the pouch and began to stroke it with the dog juice as lube slowly.

I spread my legs just a little more as Ransom yanked his cock back to make another try at my now pre-cum juiced hole. We got it right this time, and fully half of his even now thicker fuck tool drove into my ass, making me gasp in shock at the size of the thing. He didn’t jerk it back out this time but leaped forward, snatching my sides in a death grip, and plowed the whole length of his growing cock right up to the knot into my fuck shocked, spasming asshole.

“OHH FUCK!” I wailed as I felt my asshole burst into flames.

I was reeling in the pain that radiated from my dog cock impaled hole. This was too big. I had let my lust for dog sex take me too far this time. This cock had to go. It was just way too much. And way too much was getting even bigger.

Ransom didn’t agree. He commenced to fuck pound his expanding cock into me like a jackhammer. More pain exploded in my overstretched ass, and I would have collapsed to the floor in agony if the huge dog hadn’t held my butt up to his fuck level with his powerful clasping forelegs. He fucked into my hole at breakneck speed, slamming what felt like a baseball into my anal ring with every thrust.

“AHHHHH! OHHH, FUUUCK!” I managed to cry as the dog pulverized my ass.

It wasn’t brutal or cruel on his part. It was just pure base animal fucking. He kept wildly power-lunging his expanding cock into my hole. I began to recover from the agony of the initial penetration, only to realize I could now feel his knot battering into my throbbing asshole as he fuck pummeled me, and it was getting bigger. I gathered my strength and put my palms on the floor to push myself up in an attempt to escape the monstrous knot that was about to rip my asshole to shreds.

Ransom must have realized that I was making some kind of attempt to escape the fucking I had so willingly offered him. He wasn’t about to let me go back on what I had offered up. He bore down and dug his back paws into the floor and drove his rutting cock into my aching butthole with a much more powerful thrust. My asshole caved in as the knot forced its way into my dog fucked chute.

It felt like the breath was knocked completely out of me. My vision went black, and my mind teetered on the edge of unconsciousness from the pain. And then I was hit with a completely conflicting feeling. My prostate contracted with a jolt. My wrecked asshole somehow achingly contracted around the tremendous knot, and my half-hard cock belched out a wad of cum as I was dog fucked into an orgasm. I shook from my head to my toes as my balls drew up, and my prick belched out another wad.

My whole fuck chute shuddered as I was thrown into sexual ecstasy. After the second wad, my now fully hard cock just dribbled cum until the last tremor of my orgasm faded away, leaving me with an agonizing asshole that throbbed in time to my heartbeat and to the pulses of cum that Ransom was now ejaculating deep into my bowels. His knot was so big that there sure wasn’t going to be any leakage.

When I caught my breath, I reached under between my legs and gently felt around my hole. It was wet and felt badly bruised. I couldn’t feel any certain damage placed as I tenderly probed my ring that was now snuggly wrapped around the Otterhound’s flexure. I could feel it pulse as another squirt of watery dog cum surged through it to be added to the already huge amount deep in my colon at the pointed end of the mammoth dog cock up my ass.

I drew my hand back out, dreading to see the amount of blood there had to be on it. There was no blood, just dog pre-jizz from the smell of it. I let out a sigh of relief and licked the spooge off my fingers. It had the ever-present metal tang of dog cum, just not as strong. The real stuff would be running if not gushing out of me soon enough. I always liked to lay back after good knotting breeding and finger up the dog cum that oozed from my fucked open hole.

Most dogs wanted to lap up their spent cum as it dribbled out of my hole too. It wasn’t a problem. After a good dog fucking there was always plenty of the thin, wet, slick nut juice to go around.

I started stroking my cock as Ransom continued to load me full of dog semen. I was really getting into the depraved lasciviousness of being fucked full of a huge dog cock when the dog at the other end of the huge cock decided to turn on me. I tried to reach his harness to hold him in place, but stroking on my meat put me in the wrong position to successfully catch the harness.

As Ransom’s back right leg and haunch stretched out and came across my ass and back, I knew that it was going to be brutal. At first, the knot didn’t spin at all. It was so big that it clung to the insides of my asshole like it was fused to it. My insides twisted in response, and the twist on Ransom’s adjoining flexure made him stop in mid-turn.

Then the bulbous fuck tool came loose and began to turn in my rectum. It felt like someone was twisting a jagged brick in my ass. The widest part of the bloated knob gouged into my prostate and raked across it agonizingly. Slowly it bulged into my sex gland, and as the pressure increased, I could feel the pulse pumps of hot dog cum going through it across my prostate. I could feel the familiar tingle of an impending orgasm as the knot suddenly lurched and spun the full one hundred and eighty degrees.

Ransom leaned forward and pulled at my ass with his enormous cock and knot. The underside of the knot pressed the big cock’s urethra tightly against my prostate bulge, and I could feel the squirts of cum more intensely as they pulsed through it. I grabbed my cock and started jacking like a madman. In less than a minute, the tingle exploded in my cockhead, and I was again gushing cum as my asshole clamped down on the knot lodged in it. That made Ransom start cumming even harder, and his hips rocked, making little tugs on my asshole. But the knot was way too big now to be pulled out so easily.

I reached back and, with years of experience, slowly started to bend Ransom’s back knees, one in each hand, talking soothing words to him the whole time. As his legs bent, I slowly lowered my ass. Finally, his butt plopped down, and my ass went with it. It took very little petting to get him to lay down fully on his side ass to ass with me with his left leg cocked up in the air. I rocked my ass back and forth on his knot, giving him the pulls that stimulated his breeding.

I knew that a dog’s knot was the part that had the highest concentration of feel-good nerves. For men, it was in their cockheads. We lay like that for another twenty minutes before I felt his fuck bulb begins to throb and shrink slowly. There were no more squirts of hot dog cum going into me now. This fuck was coming to an end. I started to jack off again, going for another orgasm to end the fuck breeding right.

I began to cum after a couple of minutes of rapid dick-jerking. My piss slit just dribbled out small globs of man snot this time, but the feeling was still incredibly intense. With the last orgasming clasp of my fuck wrecked anus, Ransom gave his cock a big tug and scrambled to his feet, yanking the huge wet red slab of his cock and still fairly large knot from my ass. It was easily twelve inches of monster cock from the back of the knot to the tip end. Dog cum came running out of me for a few seconds and then slowed to a trickle as my gaping hole failed to contain it.

The big Otterhound casually stuck his snout in my ruined fuck hole and started licking his cum as it dribbled from my depths. I reached down and got both hands wet with the goo and brought them to my mouth to savor the taste of raw dog fuck as the big boy’s lick soothed my dripping fuck hole. Five minutes later, Ransom and I were taking turns licking his receding cock back into its sheath. I finally reached up and grabbed a pillow off the couch and sprawled out on the floor with my legs spread wide, feeling the air from the AC lightly cooling the inside of my gaping fuck hole as it ever so slowly closed.

Ransom snuggled up beside me, resting his head on my neck, and we both fell asleep. As I dropped off, I wondered how many times I could take a giant dog cock knotting from him over the next nine days. I knew I had to have that again. The pain would be huge, yes, but that didn’t deter me as much as the exquisite rapture of an orgasm with a prostate spasming next to a colossal dog knot mesmerized me. Yeah, I’d be doing more dogs this week, lots more. I fell fully asleep with my asshole throbbing in time to my breathing. Totally dog fucked senseless.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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