Dumb Mutt
By Ken C.

Great Dane puppy tumbling back over himself. He wasn’t hurt, just surprised
he’d ended up doing a back flip and got up with his tongue lolling and
looking his cute dumb self. Embarrassingly for me my two mates (both of
them straight) were in the room and saw the whole thing and were pissing
themselves laughing.
“Don’t ever get a Great Dane for a dog” I said. “They’re as horny as goats
growing up and as big as a pony when they’ve grown up”. Ralph was your
typical example of a 6 month old Great Dane pup. 50% legs, 25% body, 0%
brain and 25% balls, cock and hormones. Ralph, (the family named him that
after an old honeymooners TV episode where Morty suggested the name Ralph
and said that way the dog would come to another dog that barked (rolf ,
rolf , rolf – get it!), had only just had his balls drop down and I
hadn’t yet bothered to get him booked in at our vet to get him spayed
yet. .
That 25% balls and cock I wrote about Ralph isn’t made up. His red rocket
had to have been 7 inches long, if it were an inch. His nut sack already
hung low between his back legs enough to show his two huge balls. The shit
was certainly damned better hung than I was to boot and just as horny. Mind
you while he wanted to mount anything, I preferred being mounted by guys
and not be mounting girls.
The dog was forever desperately trying to mount anything and everything not
standing up or sitting down at a table. Sitting on a lounge, or lounge
chair even saw anyone being mounted from the front, his red rocket well out
of his sheath and dripping. I’m 5’7″ and already when he stood on his back
legs he was as tall as I am and bloody heavy to boot.
As furious as I was with Ralph that had caused the hysterics among my 2
mates, it was hard not to love the stupid mutt. Like all Danes he had a
sweet gentle temperament although boisterously clumsy to match it. The
biggest drawbacks to having them was that they drooled badly, ate like pigs
the size of horses, took up the entire back seat of a car and left the rear
windows lathered in drool as well as the back seat. At four months of age I
gave up using the cars inside rear mirror and used the outside mirrors
because Dum Dum, when he wasn’t hanging out the rear windows was sitting in
the middle of the back seat and blocking my rear view mirror.
The only other problem with owning a Dane was seeing little children hide
behind their parents in the street if I was out walking Ralph and passing
them. If they’d only understood the mutt was simply curious to sniff them
when he’d dragged my physically towards a frighted family minding their own
business and walking somewhere.
After my mates left I sat back on the lounge to watch some TV and was
immediately copping horny Dane advances trying to mount me. After finally
getting him calmed down and lying on the floor, I sat back to watch the
show in peace, which soon had my hand choking the chicken and as frisky as
Ralph normally was. I was sort of between boyfriends and hadn’t had a cock
in me for several weeks, which was sort of driving me bat-shit.
Looking down at Ralph sprawled out in front of me also saw me look at his
wet red cock still out of his sheath in all its glory. Idly thinking I’d
like some cock right then made me start thinking about Ralph’s dick and
should I consider wondering if before he even got to enjoy being a male
dog, he’d lose the reasons very soon. Did he even think that or possibly
understand? What if it were me? Would I like it if someone cut off my balls
without having any say? Although I preferred to be the girlfriend in a
screw or possible relationship, I’d fucked my fair share of guys too and
still did occasionally.
That got me to thinking should I consider asking my parents about not
getting Ralph fixed since I wouldn’t want my nuts lopped off. Otherwise
he’d get to use that dick (and the breeder had asked me when I picked him
up if I’d consider allowing him to use Ralph for stud duties once he turned
12 months old?) The dog was certainly well hung and still growing too?
Slowly my mind dropped down to my dick which I was presently throttling and
enjoying the sensation. I wanted (no needed) to blow a load and no time but
the present was better to do that, so my hand sped up. Soon I was beyond
caring what I thought and tugged faster and faster till the python spat and
my undies and hand were being covered in warm slimy jizz as I tried to
catch my breath. My grunts must have awoken Ralph because I had no sooner
starting coming down from my jack off session than I was feeling my dog’s
body straddling me on the lounge his back hips desperately thrusting away
at air and his head and mouth brushing under my left arm and trying to find
a way inside the shorts I was wearing. My thoughts simply leapt to
feminine and I needed some dick inside of me right now and I didn’t care
whose dick it was as long as it was big, hard and horny.
Sliding off of the lounge and quickly getting up, I had Ralph half trying
to mount me standing up as I struggled to pull down my shorts and undies in
frantic lust. I’d no sooner got them down to my ankles and was trying to
bend down to get them off, than Ralph decided now was his chance to do what
it was inside his head that Mother Nature had put there. I lost my balance
and rolled over onto the floor, before struggling to get up on my hands and
Which as soon as I did had Ralph leaping onto my back like greased
lightning and fucking the air behind me as his front paws desperately
gripped my sides, which were protected thank god by the T shirt I had on. I
managed to get the slight coating of my slimy jizz on one of my fingers up
against my hole and wipe it without losing my balance before I felt Ralph’s
tip find my opening. I then discovered after several painful jabs into my
butt cheeks how had a dogs dick actually was, before I pushed back slightly
letting my legs drop and my bum lift higher whereupon Ralph found his
opening again and I felt myself being opened slightly before any lightening
thrust saw myself impaled on his hot thick dick and my back door feeling as
if it was on fire, the entry had been so fast and rough.
Ralph seemed to know he was on a good thing and began to jack hammer fuck
me frantically. I was simply trying not to clench my back door as he slowly
struggled further onto my back and deeper inside me at the same time.
I’d never in all my years of being fucked ever been fucked so fast and
desperately before. The initial fast painful entry was now giving way to
the more enjoyable in out motions of a dick fucking a hole and Ralph was
certainly ploughing me properly. I’d felt some squirts of something slimy
and hot inside of me as he began mounting me and with the token amount of
my own jizz, I was now well lubricated for his hard fucking motion and was
starting to enjoy it so much I was pushing back trying to get him further
inside of me.
Soon however I felt my back door opening being pushed slightly wider. I
simply complied with it and tried fake pooping myself which had my opening
being forced slightly wider apart. This seemed to spur Ralph to try forcing
himself even further into me and I felt my back door being painfully forced
wider and wider apart while I was quietly screaming at the pain in my
arse. Forcing his front paws slightly more up the sides of my body had me
squeal “fuck” before I felt my opening suddenly close around his cock with
my insides now absolutely full.
Then I began to feel a rapidly constant hot squirting inside me while at
the same time I felt his cock also growing thicker inside me. At the same
time the jackhammering had now slowed down and ben replaced by a slower but
more steady deep thrusting. I hadn’t bother to douche myself this morning
since I hadn’t planned on going out for a fuck later on, so my shit for the
last day or so was trapped inside of me and being forced deeper inside of
me, which was making me feel nauseous and wanting to vomit.
Ralph was definitely fucking me properly and I was beginning to think to
myself how to stop dad from getting him fixed now, as man’s best friend was
definitely mine now forever. I just wondered how long he’d be hard and
remain inside of me since I’d have to get the room tidied up afterwards
before any of the family got home.
On the floor on all fours my mind in sexual bliss, I didn’t hear the door
handle turn. “Oh my god Chris, what are you doing” screeched my sister
Susan as she stood there gazing down at the bestial sex happening before
her eyes. Mom, Dad and her knew of my sexual leanings and on the whole left
me in peace provided I didn’t do anything stupid, which I feel having the
family pet fucking me would be justifiably considered stupid.
“What do you think I’m doing Susy, I’m letting Ralph fuck me senseless” I
answered. Then feeling the familiar tingle down below I said breathlessly
“oh fuck me dead Ralph you’re making me cum” and felt my cock explode and a
noisy splat as my jizz hit the floor under me, which had my sister kneeling
down beside me and asking me how it felt being a dog’s bitch. “Bloody
fantastic Susy, best fuck I’ve ever had and trust me I’ve had a fair few” I
informed her.
“Yeah I know that for a fact little brother, I’ve had to do the family
washing occasionally and I’ve seen and felt the damp crotch on a few pairs
of your undies. So what’s Ralph dick feel like? She asked.
“You should try it for yourself Suzy. I’ll be willing to bet you that none
of your boyfriends could ever fuck you this good” I told her. “In fact I’ll
even help you out if you want to try him, but don’t blame me if you can’t
walk properly afterwards or ditch whoever it is your fucking at the
moment. You’d also better be able to be on your hands and knees for a
while”. As I said that I saw my sister put her finger into my jizz and then
pop it into her mouth, before waiting to taste it and quickly doing it
again. “Breakfast of champions Sis?” I said cheekily, which got me a nod
along with a broad smile.
About another five minutes later and with my sister seated on the lounge
behind me watching everything asking me the occasional question, I felt
Ralph slip off of me clumsily and then the most intense pain in all my life
around my arse as the dumb mutt tried moving away while being still trapped
inside of me. My scream of pain and shouting at my startled sister to grab
the dog had her momentarily frozen in place until another shout to her
about the dog had her dashing over to hold onto Ralph.
I explained to her the problem but told her I had no idea how to help. This
is when my sister’s worldly knowledge came to the fore and she told me
about the male dog knot and how it would soon shrink enough to slide out of
me. But it didn’t quite shrink small enough and his exit was painful
although admittedly fast, leaving me to crouch down with my head in my
hands and breathing furiously trying to mask the pain infront of my sister.
His withdrawal also meant I was helpless to stop a lot of his sperm from
squirting out of my anus and onto the floor, having my sister say the
appropriate “eeewww” sound and tell me I’d better get my pants back on and
clean it up. She meanwhile led Ralph outside into the backyard, before
coming back to see me getting gingerly upright and putting on my undies and
shorts again, although slowly as I still hurt back there. I staggered out
to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of sponges and a roll of paper towels and
went back in and knelt on the floor to clean up the mess. While doing it I
was unable to prevent making a wet sloppy farting noise in my underpants
which I knew were now stained.
“Christ on the cross Chris, get a shower and make sure if you’ve shit your
undies, to throw them in the garbage and not into the dirty clothes basket
will ya” Suzy told me. After I’d cleaned up the room, then showered and
checked for any bleeding, which there was which had my sister loaning me
one of her sanitary pads to put in the clean undies I was now wearing, my
sister and I had a long talk about what had happened to me today and had us
both make a pinkie promise together, as we worked out a time and place for
my sister to experience Ralph as well.
But that’s another story! …Look for Ralph Rides again! – Sometime in the
next week or so, but try to remember to donate to nifty first as well. If
you like this story you can always contact me by email kencoomber@yahoo.com
to tell me.
I found it impossible to walk around the following day without have to walk
slightly bow legged as If I’d been riding a horse far too often. My sister
Suzy would smirk at me whenever we saw one another and I’d mime like I was
in pain around my nether region, before grinning then pointing at her as if
to say “you know exactly how it feels too”.
At tea the following evening dad raised the subject about getting Ralph
neutered that had mom’s agreement, by pointing out that it was embarrassing
to see a dog walking around with an almost constant erection. My sister
hadn’t said much before about the Great Dane pup except to complain
whenever she’d catch him swinging from the clothes with his jaws clamped to
a pair of her underwear.
Tonight however she asked if it was fair to neuter a silly 6 month old
puppy without it even realising why. She asked dad if when he’d been that
young and silly, would he have liked it if his parents had had him neutered
without him knowing why. The look on dad’s face was priceless and one of
absolute incredulity at Suzy’s remark. I chipped in in support of her with
a similar argument saying if it had been me, I would have wanted to bite
anyone who came near me wanting to take away my gonads. Mom made it known
she didn’t like me saying that type of word and I laughed when asking her
if she would have liked the thought of having her ovaries cut out to
prevent her having any children?
I carried on by adding that the pup wouldn’t even know why or what its body
was actually doing and that with a bit of obedience and corrective
training, the whole problem could likely disappear. My sister encouraged
the argument until dad finally shook his head in disbelief and surrender
and told us that for the moment he wouldn’t get Ralph fixed. My sister and
me were told to find a place where there was puppy and dog training and to
take him there for obedience training, with now my sister and I being in
charge of making sure the pup didn’t do anything to silly or walk around
with a permanent “wet one” on show for everyone to see when Ralph was out
for a walk somewhere.
That night my sister and I scoured the internet looking for both a nearby
dog training school as well as reading about anything concerning young male
puppy’s sexual traits, paying particular notice of any suggested
remedies. My sister who up until when she caught me the other day with
Ralph I’d always thought of as somewhat innocent, but now as she and I had
decided last Friday evening (when dad always took mom out for dinner) and
listening to her smuttily describe what she wanted the puppy to do to me
next, left me incredulous. In my bedroom later on and looking on my laptop
at sexy lingerie, I started to think who we could get for Ralph to fuck
My mind kept switching between gay friends who “might” have a bestial kink
as well as a few people I didn’t particularly like and would’ve wanted to
see get fucked senseless out of spite. I’d always had a bit of a thing
against Old Man Withers who lived three houses further down the road.
I’d started hating him back when I’d been about 10 or so, we used to have
several other families with boy my age living nearby. For reasons unknown
although our clothes line might have helped, (especially when my sister’s
or my mom’s underwear were hung out to dry) the children used to hang out
at my house most times whenever there wasn’t any school.
Back then my sister Suzy might have only been 4 years older than me (mom
had just turned 40) but I knew from experience (because I used to borrow
and wear moms and my sister’s underwear all the time) that they both wore
sexy undies and bras in exceptionally erotic colours. No awful full cut
briefs granny undies in dull white or flesh colours for them. Nope, Mom
usually wore high cut briefs and Suzy copied mom wearing the same style or
bikini styles (only smaller in sizes although mom wasn’t a heifer – she
was a dress size 12, which was pretty good for a woman of 40 who’d had two
Mom’s panty size was 10-12 while my sister wore 6-8 but was catching up to
mom in the tits, hips and butt areas fast!) Yet it was mom’s tits that
stood out the most (pardon the pun) about her. She wore a 38DD bra size and
my 14 year old sister could only manage a size 32C, but believe me, every
one of those 32 inches mattered. And to see their bra’s or panties pegged
out on the clothes line in colours like Purple, Lilac, Red, Emerald, Deep
Blue or even the few white pairs they owned (often with matching underwear
in Lycra/spandex or satin fabrics had many a 10 year old’s willie hard as a
Where was I…Oh yeah I remember now… Because more often than not there
were often racy items of lingerie on the clothes line in our backyard all
the neighbouring boys used to come around to play at our house. If the
backyard wasn’t available for playing games in, we’d play out on the street
out the front of our place. Everyone knew we did and the street inhabitants
used to be careful driving down the street to avoid hitting anyone and just
hope that miscued footballs or baseballs didn’t hit their cars.
Anyway Old Man Withers hated it whenever a ball landed in the bushes of his
front yard and was forever complaining about it when he’d return it (almost
always of an evening) to my parents. To hear him tell it, “I” was the
instigator every time and we should be using a park to play in and not the
road outside his house. Or if it wasn’t some ball landing in his front
yard, it was something else I’d supposedly done and each time it saw him
talking to my parents about it (even if I hadn’t even been there when it
Anyway, I really hated the old coot and could just imagine him screaming
himself hoarse while Ralph fucked him senseless. Yeah, I’d enjoy seeing
that sort of thing happen to HIM!
So a few weeks later I came home after school to find mom running around in
a panic and blubbering. She was crying and apologising to me repeatedly
till I managed to get her to tell me what was actually wrong. She told me
she’d driven off earlier in the day to go to the shopping mall that Ralph
had jumped the fence chasing after the car (he’d never done that before
although he probably could have easily jumped the fence anytime). Anyway
mom saw him doing it as she drove off and seeing the dog chase after the
car, sped up hoping that Ralph would stop running after the car. She’d
turned at the end of the road and looking in the mirrors didn’t see anymore
of Ralph before driving off to the shops.
But when she returned from the shops and pulled into our driveway,
expecting to see Ralph on the front porch or in the bushes, he wasn’t
there. With tears flowing from her eyes mom earnestly told me she’d walked
up and down the street several times calling out Ralph’s name hoping he’d
hear her and appear from wherever he’d gone, but he didn’t.
By now I was starting to worry. Ralph might have only been a 6 month old
puppy, but a 6 month old Great Dane is huge and although he was a friendly
playful pooch, he didn’t have a brain in his head and would probably come
bounding towards strangers hopping for a pat and scare the bejesus out of
them, fearing they were going to be attacked by a savage dog.
I immediately began asking mom if she’d phoned up anyone and had her tell
me she hadn’t blubbering she’d too busy looking for the dog. So I told we’d
first up better ring the dog shelter in case someone had rung the pound
reporting a stray dog loose, then after a negative there, I rang the local
police, being careful to tell them that Ralph wasn’t viscous, described him
fully and where he’d last been seen. Getting off of the phone I told mom no
one had reported him yet before telling her I’d go walk around the
neighbourhood and call out his name, knowing that Ralph recognised mine and
my sister’s voice.
The first place I headed for was the park since that was the one area Ralph
would hopefully head for since this was also the only place my sister or I
had ever walked him to, which turned out a dead loss although it did get me
a strong chastising from one ancient biddy complaining about me shouting
out her dead husband’s name outside her house. Of all the luck!
On the exact same way back I made sure where possible to be able to see if
Ralph may be in someone’s backyard as I repeatedly called out his name. The
closer I got to home, my hopes of finding him faded rapidly and although I
might have been 15, I really did like the lovable goofball of a pup. He was
simply too gangly and awkward and friendly not too. The fact he’d fucked me
silly two weeks ago and I was hoping to make the both of us a regular happy
pairing was beside the point.
Anyway I’d just walked past No 42 and was coming up to No 40, Old Man
Wither’s house, when I heard a muffled crash that sounded like it had come
from inside No 40. At first I thought it might have been Old Man Withers
falling over and as much as I detested the old cunt, wouldn’t have wanted
him to be lying on the floor somewhere hurt and unable to move. So I walked
into the front yard and knocked on the door, to hear total silence. I
called out his name (NO not you old cunt, but Mr Withers) and heard a
familiar scuffling sound. I knocked hurriedly again and “thought” I heard
Ralph’s whine so quickly running around to the back gate and letting myself
in there, I dashed up to the back door and found the door handle turning in
my hand and opened the door.
Inviting myself in and also calling out who was there, I walked through the
kitchen and into the long hallway with rooms on both sides and the front
door at the end of it. I could now hear Ralph’s whining as well as his paws
scrabbling on the timber floorboards till I looked into an opened doorway
and found Ralph awkwardly standing next to Mr Withers on three legs who
himself was down on all fours, naked and obviously with Ralph’s cock in his
arse both looking up at me. Ralph’s look was one of expectation of me
helping him out, while Old Man Withers face showed he was blushing bright
red, possibly in embarrassment as well as being in some physical discomfort
Finding Ralph was safe although also in some difficulties had me look more
closely at the situation confronting me. Old Man Withers was totally naked
with none of his clothes lying on the floor anywhere in the room. A small
glass topped coffee table nearby had an opened tube of KY on it which had
been squeezed in slightly. There was also a smell in the room I was quite
familiar with of semen mixed in with faecal matter and smeg as well as
seeing the sheen of fluids on the timber floor under and around Old Man
Wither’s butt and legs. Ralph’s whining had me immediately making up my
mind without saying a word. Old Man Wither’s first words only decided it
for me to help Ralph first.
“Kid, get this fucken mongrel off me, so I can call the pound and get him
taken away and put down”. So I helped Ralph to get his other hind leg off
of Wither’s back and carefully repositioned him, quite painfully in Old Man
Withers case till they were finally butt to butt. I then went over and sat
down on a lounge chair to marshal my thoughts carefully while Old Man
Wither’s bitched about me doing nothing and I’d be arrested and thrown into
the nearest juvenile detention center.
Quickly understanding now that the Old Man must have somehow lured Ralph
into his house and why, I took out my mobile and started videoing the
knotted pair as well as showing the slightly used open tube of KY lubricant
on the coffee table, using my own words to describe what I thought may have
possibly happened. I then took about a dozen photos including close ups of
Ralph’s cock firmly stuck inside Old Man Withers arse as well as the puddle
of sperm and smeg under him as well as on his legs and anywhere else on him
I could see.
“Have you liked being Ralph’s bitch?” I asked the old bastard. “I bet when
everyone sees the photos of the two of you, you’ll have a lot of explaining
to do” I said sarcastically. Before I’d spoken, Old Man Withers had been
making death stares at me, but as soon as I began talking I could see his
angry façade crumble before my eyes knowing he’d been caught and no one
would ever believe him if he tried to deny everything, especially the local
church he worshipped at.
I then went out to the kitchen and brought back a bowl of water for Ralph,
who I had no idea how long he’d been knotted to the old man for. I returned
to place the bowl in front of Ralph who immediately started drinking, while
also handing a glass of water to Old Man Withers which he took and drank
before surprisingly thanking me.
“Hey, look kid, I know you and I didn’t see eye to eye when you were
younger, but that’s water under the bridge and I don’t hold no grudges” he
told me while chuckling self depreciatingly. “So I’ll give you $500 if you
get your dog out of me, delete off your phone those pictures you took and
NEVER say another word to anyone about this”. He might have assumed my
silence was me thinking about his offer, but I wasn’t. This was ecstasy to
me, pure gold that no amount of money could equal.
I began undressing and as I did, Old Man Withers eyes became glued to every
movement I made. After the shoes and socks and on seeing the red satin
camisole I had on (which was my sister’s – an unauthorised borrowing)
after I took off my shirt, his eyes started to glaze over and I could see
his body tense. When he saw the matching pair of high cut satin briefs he
seemed to shiver. I stiffened very quickly so his eyes were soon aimed at
the front of my out stretched panties as I walked over to him and rubbed
them over his face, before turning around and lowering them and positioning
myself over his face till I could feel his mouth kiss my butt and then his
tongue started to find a way inside me. “Oh god yes” I moaned before adding
“did Ralph use his tongue on you, it feels incredible if he licks inside
you” I told him, now wanting to have someone’s tongue in my arse.
“How long have you and Ralph been tied” I asked and found out it had been
about 2 hours ago. “I can see a few scratches on you Mr err ah…” and I
found out my nemesis called himself Carl. “He fucked ME like a machine LAST
time Carl” I told him wondering how he’d react to hearing that.
“You’re kidding me?” he said, to have me tell him I wasn’t and see the look
of stunned disbelief on his face. He wasn’t embarrassed any more at being
caught like this and was actually curious, so I was going to make certain
I’d have an enthusiastic friend and helper living several doors away in the
future if ever I needed one.
“Ahh so Gary, how did you umm, you know, argh, umm, teach him how to fuck
you” he asked and since we now appeared to be on a first name basis I told
him all about how Ralph’s balls had only recently dropped down but for last
few months he’d been trying to mount anything that moved humorously telling
Carl about my mom and Ralph.
“Carl, getting Ralph to get on my back wasn’t that easy. It took me a lot
of Friday nights as well as whenever no one else was home for me to get him
used to the idea of even mounting me let alone mounting and fucking
me. Then about 3 weeks back, I was presenting myself for him again and I
was down on my hands and knees when after a few false starts, his cock
found my backdoor and before I knew it he’d kicked it in and smashed it” I
told Carl. “It fucking hurt and burned and before I could stop him it felt
like my arse was being ripped apart and I was knotted to his big thick
gorgeous cock inside me” as I felt Carl’s tongue lightly brushing my ball
sack. “Ohh god yes keep doing that to me” I told him.
“But the best part was having my sister walk into the back room where Ralph
was drilling me and see Ralph and me fucking like titans” I told him which
saw Carl’s tongue delve in as far as possible while I pushed back against
it. “I even talked Suzy into trying Ralph too and she almost lost her anal
cherry before I got him aimed at the right hole” I told him laughing loudly
and having him join in.
I then stood up straight and asked him if Ralph had been as fast mounting
him and learned how Old Man Withers had seen Ralph trotting up and down the
road somewhat confused, so he’d simply called out to him and Ralph had
quickly rushing inside. He described how his rocket was prominently on
display and that Carl had tried to suck him off which had seen him
swallowing a lot of his precum before going and getting himself lubed up
and undressed before going back downstairs and kneeling down on all fours.
He claimed he hadn’t even steadied himself before Ralph was up on his back
with his front paws dragging himself further up onto his back and his tip
poking Carl’s nuts viciously. I laughed and said I’d had the very same
thing happen to me and told him how I dropped down slightly and suddenly I
was impaled internally, with Carl agreeing the exact same thing happened to
“How many times has he cum in you” I asked and Carl said he had no idea but
said he was worried we’d have to call for Paramedics to get his cock out. I
looked down at the join and assured Carl THAT wouldn’t be necessary, but
that the extraction might be painful even after Ralph’s cock had deflated
“But right now Carl, you know what?” I told him. “I’m really stirred up
back there thanks to your tongue and YOU’RE going to need to wait for
Ralph’s cock to deflate more, so I think I just might take me a little
advantage of your present situation and get YOU to get ME and Ralph’s nuts
emptied while you’re down on all fours and enjoying being fucked silly” I
told him happily. “We just need to make sure that Ralph’s plumbing is
flowing properly and filling you up entirely, then when he’s finished
impregnating you, we can get him out of you” and I placed my hand on the
rump of Ralph’s tail and his back, then started massaging it heavily.
“What the fuck” Carl exclaimed suddenly as the start of further strong jets
of warm dog sperm started spraying his insides, which I calmly told him
Ralph wasn’t finished impregnating him yet and promised Carl it would all
be OK before adding “We girlie bottoms need to satisfy our men properly
don’t we Carl honey?” Suddenly he realised I knew his hidden submissive
leanings and was in full agreement as he looked up at me smiling and
nodded. “Fill your bitch full of puppies Ralph” he said then moaned again,
now in pleasure at finally accepting the idea he was submissively girlie
I then took off my panties and knelt down on all fours and shuffled back
into Old Man Withers, telling him to fold his arms and drop his head down
resting on them before soon feeling his tongue once again wrestling to get
into my back door with long slow firm tongue licks. Soon afterwards, I
managed to turn around and lie on my back with my legs now on and across
Carl’s shoulders, which allowed his tongue complete access to my arse,
balls and cock. I managed to get him to lift his up just far enough so he
could have his mouth on my cock when I blew a thick load down his throat.
He didn’t even question me when I commanded him to rise back up on all
fours again and I went and stood in front of him before placing my cock in
his mouth and gripping his head firmly before telling him to be a good girl
now and to swallow everything without stopping, before I pissed a long
steady stream into his mouth and down his throat, with only a little
leaking out of the side of his mouth.
In return and soon after having obtained an old towel out of his linen
closet, I laid under him and noisily sucked him off too, which had him
shrieking in ecstasy and then realising that his reflex anal clamping
spurred Ralph to impregnate him yet again, which when he told me what was
happening had me cheekily telling him I knew it would happen. “When it’s my
turn next Carl, I want you to make sure you get Ralph to keep impregnating
me till I swell up like a balloon” and he assured he would.
Shortly after 6pm my mobile rang and since I’d already phoned mom and told
her I’d found Ralph a few houses away, I’d used the excuse of getting Ralph
used to other people and that we’d be home by 6.30. That allowed me 30 more
minutes to help Carl get ready for the withdrawal.
Knowing how much it had hurt me with Ralph pulling out of me I gently
gagged Carl’s mouth to muffle any screams, before I slowly eased Ralph’s
bloated cock out from inside him, causing the inevitable messy flow and the
need to ensure Carl made it safely to the shower where we discussed the
turn of events this afternoon.
Both of us happily agreed that the end result, although somewhat messy was
certainly worth it and Carl told me he knew how to douche properly before I
headed four houses up with a tail wagging but rocket absent Ralph
accompanying me. I also had a new place to hang out and let Ralph breed me
now and Ralph had another bitch too.
The End.
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.