From A Spark To A Blaze

By JenK9.

I was 27 years old when the following transpired.


I had been running my new business for under a year and had no time to get to know women from being so busy, so I was single and lived alone with my Boxer (Blaze). I’m happy and love my new business, which is beginning to thrive. I left for work earlier than most people and followed the same daily route. I usually finished working around six pm and then hit the gym for an hour if I wasn’t too tired from the day’s work. I’d usually get home around eight pm, have dinner, and watch about an hour of TV with Blaze before going to bed.

I took Blaze to the park every Saturday and Sunday for at least two hours, but usually, we stayed a lot longer. This had been my routine since I started my business. My business has to do with ICT services (I’m totally mad about technology), and one of the services I offer is security surveillance systems with the capability of viewing the cameras over the internet from a smartphone or computer. I have a system like this in my home. I can view from anywhere in the world on my smartphone (you’ll see later why this is important to the story).

One morning, I decided to change my routine a little by taking a different route to work. I left just as the sun rose, so I was quite surprised to see a woman walking at dusk. I pride myself on being a gentleman, so I stopped and asked the young lady if I could give her a lift. As I asked her, I could not believe how beautiful she was. She is quite dainty and has long brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and a great body.

Her gorgeous face was the first thing I noticed, but I kept cool as I spoke to her. She thanked me for the offer and politely declined, so I continued. For the rest of my 15-minute drive, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and how much I would love to get to know her better. I decided that she was way out of my league and I should forget about her. I thought about her many times that day, but I probably wouldn’t ever see her again.

The next morning, I rushed to get ready so I could drive past the spot where I had seen her the previous day at the same time. When I reached the spot, I saw her walking again, and I stopped to offer her a ride again.

“Good morning,” I said as the window rolled down.


“I know you declined the offer yesterday, but I thought I would offer again anyway… so would you like a ride?”

She paused and turned towards me, taking time to assess me properly this time.

“It’s not in my nature to ignore a woman who I could help in any way, so I’ll make the same offer every time I see you,” I continued.

She smiled at my comment and looked down, and what a beautiful smile it was. She thanked me again and declined once more.

“Please take my business card so you can see who I am,” I said with a smile. “Check out my website. You’ll learn just about all you need to know about me.”

I greeted her again and drove off after she took my card. My heart was racing at that point, but the look on her face showed that she was concerned about getting hit on. So, I decided to put the idea of a relationship with her out of my mind and see her as a potential friend only.

The next day, she agreed to ride with me, so we exchanged a few pleasantries. I introduced myself again and told her where I work and live. She told me her name (Lillian) and where she worked but not where she lived.

“So, what made you decide to accept my offer today?” I asked

“Well, you said you’d keep offering, and I went to your website as you suggested. You seem safe enough.”

From that day forward, Lillian took a ride with me every day. Although her work is only three blocks away from mine, I couldn’t offer her a ride home because I worked much later than she did every day.


One day, she called me. She asked if she could walk to my office and take a ride home with me. She had no problem waiting for me to finish up since it would take longer to walk home anyway. This became a regular thing, and I now knew where she lived. Whenever we were together, I fought the urge to flirt with her, and we became friends. She commented one evening that she was so happy to know a guy like me.

“Almost all the guys I know try their luck with me, and it usually doesn’t end well, but I can trust you. Thanks for that,” she said.

I’m very glad to be trusted by her, but it sucked, too, because I thought that meant I could never flirt with her.

At close to 11 pm one night, I’m awoken by my ringing mobile. I’m quite pissed that someone had the nerve to call me at such a late hour, but when I saw it was Lillian calling, I wasted no time answering.

“Hi, Lilly, what’s up?”

“I’m walking to your place. Please come quickly,” Lillian said nervously before ending the call.

I raced out of the car and drove to her as fast as I could. When I found her, she hadn’t even walked a full block, and a guy was rushing to catch her. I stopped right next to her and climbed out.

“Don’t get out. Just drive,” Lillian said as she looked back at the guy following her.

I did as she asked, and my heart was pounding. We said nothing to my house, and I quickly took her inside.

“Lilly, you don’t owe me any explanation, but if I may ask, what is going on?”

She began to cry, so I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder. After a good sob, she began to explain. The guy following her is her boyfriend, and she found out that night that he cheated on her. When she confronted him, he punched her in the stomach and told her she couldn’t tell him what to do and that she belonged to him. I’m so enraged that it took every ounce of self-control to speak to her calmly.

“Men like that don’t deserve a woman like you, but he needs to be taught a lesson. There are only two options, in my opinion. The right thing to do is to report him and lay charges against him…”

Before I could continue, she interrupted. “Please, no. His brother is a cop, and I’m afraid to take that route,” she said.

“Then I’m afraid that leaves only one option… I’ll have to teach him a lesson, and you’re coming.”

She protested, but I had made up my mind. I got in the car and told her to get in. On the way, she begged me not to go through with it and told me that he enjoyed getting into fights and usually won. I’m so angry that nothing she said could dissuade me.

When we arrived at her place, we found her boyfriend in the front yard, about to get into his car. I blocked him with my car and jumped out. He was surprised, but his arrogance quickly took over when he saw her and was ready to fight. What was said after that is not important. He mostly cursed at me and then pushed me while telling me that he could do whatever he wanted with her because she belonged to him.

Suddenly the shouting stopped, and it was deadly silent. I didn’t even realize I had hit him, but he was cold. Lillian begged me to leave, but I told her it wasn’t over. Seven minutes passed before he regained consciousness, and I was standing over him when he did. I made him understand, in no uncertain terms, that Lillian belongs to no one and would regret it if he ever spoke to her again. I made him leave so Lillian and I could get her things, and then we went back to my place.

I convinced Lilly to stay in my guest room for as long as she needed. She is grateful, but she told me that she couldn’t afford a place so that Lillian would make a plan as soon as possible. I told her not to think about that for at least a week and made her feel better by explaining that my house had security cameras, and I showed her where the panic button was if she needed an armed response in a hurry. She called in sick the next day and stayed at my place, safely locked away.

I needed to check up on Lilly at about ten am, but I didn’t want to wake her with a call if she decided to sleep in, so I first checked my cameras. I had cameras all around my house, one in the living room and one in the kitchen. None of the rooms or bathrooms had cameras. I made sure there was no activity outside, apart from Blaze, and then switched to the kitchen camera. No activity in the kitchen, so I checked the living room camera. Lilly is sitting on my sofa watching TV. She is still in her night robe, but at least I could call her. I continued watching her while I called.

When her mobile rang, she had to reach for it, and when she did, her robe fell open, revealing her perfect right breast. Her breast was still visible when she sat back up and answered the call.

“Hi, Matthew… Matthew… Hello. If you can hear me, I can’t hear you.”

I was so stunned by the unexpected sight of her breast that I couldn’t speak. It took me a few seconds, but I finally said something.

“Ah… yeah, hi. Sorry about that, um. I got distracted and didn’t realize that you had answered yet,” I replied.

We spoke for a little while, and she assured me she was okay. She thanked me for standing up for her and giving her a place to stay before we finally ended the call. My eyes were still glued to the screen. I watched her for another minute before I realized how creepy I was behaving, and just as I was about to disconnect, she got up. She was facing the camera when her arms went up to tie her hair in a pony, resulting in her robe parting down the middle.

Only the inside edges of her breasts were visible, but I could see between her legs quite clearly, and the sight of her shaven sex made my already hard penis throb as if it were about to burst. As she tied her hair, she saw the camera and quickly covered herself. She shook her head, probably because she forgot about the cameras even though I told her, and then went to the kitchen. I forced myself to disconnect and battled to work for the rest of that day.


That night I brought home takeout, and we enjoyed it in front of the TV. We ignored the TV completely as we both enjoyed talking to each other more than watching some silly show. While we were cleaning up together, Lilly asked me about the cameras.

“So, do these cameras record everything they see?”

“They do. But since I installed them, I’ve never checked the recordings. Usually, one only does that when something goes wrong so you can see what happened exactly, like a break-in, for example.”

She was a bit concerned, so there must have been more to see. I decided to do the right thing, so I showed her how my system works and how to view, copy, and delete recordings.

“I asked because I was half-naked this morning and forgot about the cameras.”

“Don’t worry about that. If you want, you can take your time and delete the footage of you.”

I loaded the app on her phone to remotely access my system and showed her how it works so she could go through the footage and delete whatever she needed. She felt a lot better and did that while we watched TV. All I could think of was how much I wished I could see all of that footage before she deleted it.

After some time, I convinced Lilly to stay for as long as she wanted, and she agreed as long as I would accept her contribution to groceries and help with chores. We were both quite happy with the arrangement, so things were set to continue this way for quite some time. Unfortunately, Lilly’s company liquidated about a week later, and she is without a job. I consoled her and told her she need not worry about anything as long as she stayed with me. I tried offering her a job, but she said she would be taking advantage of me and looked for a job daily on the internet.

Her biggest problem is finding a job close enough to home or my office so she wouldn’t have to walk too far, so I helped her set up an online store where she could sell goods without keeping any stock and have them delivered to her customers direct from her suppliers. Amazingly, her little online business did well enough to pay her even more than she got working for her previous employer.


One evening around one am, I got up to get a cool drink of water from the fridge as I was too hot to sleep. I always sleep in the nude and decided that Lilly is probably sound asleep, so I needn’t worry about her seeing me. I went to the kitchen and flooded the room with light from the fridge. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, but soon I was drinking a bottle of water as I stood in front of the open fridge. After closing the fridge, I turned to go back to bed and froze in place when I saw Lilly appear from around the corner.

She is completely naked, too, and froze like I did when she saw me. We just stood like that for a second, and I couldn’t help but look her up and down in all her beautiful glory. The funny thing is that she checked me before we both turned away and covered ourselves as best we could with only our hands.

We both began to laugh as she returned to her room so I could return to mine. As I entered my room, I saw her walking toward the kitchen again, wearing her robe this time, and she glanced at me again too. After I closed the door, I felt my heart pounding in my throat, and my penis was getting hard quickly. I knew I would masturbate, so I got into bed and ensured the tissue box was closed. Before I got started, I heard a knock at the door.

“You decent? Can I come in?”

I made sure to cover myself properly and then invited her in. She sat on my bed, and we laughed again about what happened and then spent the rest of the night talking. Fortunately, I had competent people working for me at this stage, so I called my second in command the next morning and told him to handle things for the day so that I could catch up on sleep. As soon as Lilly left my room, I took care of business and slept until eleven am.


One Saturday evening, after Lilly went to bed, I decided to look through my security camera recordings to see if Lilly had deleted any more footage. I’m quite surprised that she has stopped doing that for quite some time. I got to see quite a few recordings of her walking around in her robe with a glimpse of her breasts and between her legs a few times. I found one recording of over 3 minutes where she is completely naked in the kitchen while she stands at the counter eating cereal. I watched that footage a few times before looking for more.

I’m so glad I didn’t masturbate to the footage I found earlier because I found even better footage of her from a few days later. In that recording, she is in her robe but lying on her back on the sofa while watching TV. She must have been getting hot because she opened her robe completely, so I had a full view of her naked body, apart from her arms still in the robe sleeves.

I was about to get myself into a comfortable position to masturbate when I saw him touch her left breast and squeeze it. I could see she was turned on, and I hoped she would stay on the sofa to masturbate. It was my lucky day, I watched her other hand go down between her legs as she spread them wide open, and she began to rub her clit in circles. She was heavily breathing as she masturbated, and so was I as I watched with an open mouth.

She looked at the camera for a moment, and her hand stopped moving, but a few seconds later, she shrugged her shoulders and continued to masturbate. I zoomed in so that her body was in view from just above her head to below the action between her legs. I knew that I probably shouldn’t be watching that footage, but there was nothing I could tell myself to convince me to stop. I was slowly rubbing my penis while I watched her work her clit, and I could see her breathing intensify as an orgasm approached.

I watched her perfect body as it erupted in orgasm, and even though I wasn’t masturbating properly, I ejaculated at the sight. I watched that footage several times and saved it to my laptop in case she ever got around to deleting it.


The following day was a little awkward for me to be with her, but it didn’t take long before I was in ‘friend mode’ with her, and things could continue as normal. I had many thoughts of putting up spy cams in the bathroom with a view of the shower or in her bedroom looking down on her bed, but there is no way I could ever do that. I knew I’d be looking for more footage of her that night, so I decided to forget about her naked body until then.


That Sunday evening, I continued trawling through my recordings and saw her naked more as each recorded day passed. Eventually, she is naked most of the time while alone, so just about every recording I looked at yielded something to enjoy. The best is yet to come, though. As I’m approaching the last of the recordings, I find another one of her looking like she will masturbate again.

I prepared myself for a good show as I watched her sit back in a kitchen chair and begin to rub herself. Her legs were wide, and the camera angle was perfect. Telltale signs of orgasm began to surface when she suddenly stopped masturbating and slammed her legs shut. She was looking at the back door, which was open, and there stood Blaze, wagging his tail as he looked at her. She said something to him and stood up to get to him and rub his head. While she rubbed him, I could see that she was talking, and I felt a little disappointed that Blaze had interrupted a very good show. It was very late, so I decided to call it a night, but the unexpected happened as I was about to close the recording.

Blaze shoved his snout between Lilly’s legs and gave her a firm lick. She sprang back in shock, and her finger came up when she said something to Blaze, the way you do when scolding someone. I had to see what happened next, so my eyes remained fixed on the screen. Lilly disappeared out of the frame in the direction of the living room, leaving Blaze alone in the kitchen. I switched the view to the living room and saw her sitting on the sofa. I’m in luck. She had decided to continue masturbating as she sat in a reclined position with her legs open and her head back with her eyes closed. I was very pleased to watch her continue, but then I saw Blaze appear.

“No, Blaze, you’re going to ruin it again,” I said softly.

Blaze is sniffing the air and watching Lilly closely. He edged forward, and I was hoping that she’d orgasm before she noticed him. Blaze got closer and closer and was heading right between her legs. When Lilly opens her eyes, she is startled. She smiled at Blaze and said something I wish I could have heard. Then she strangely looked at him as if she were contemplating something. My mind wouldn’t allow me to figure it out. I mean, the thought is preposterous.

Lilly slowly sat back as she stared at Blaze, who was only two or three feet away. Her legs opened very slowly, and her hand went back between them. She watched Blaze closely as she started rubbing herself again, her legs opening wider as she continued. Blaze took a step closer, and she opened her legs as wide as they’d go, rubbing her clit without interruption. I’m stunned at what I’m watching; my penis is harder than ever.

Blaze took another step and now had his head between her thighs. Lilly is still rubbing her clit and watching him closely. She said something to him, tapped her pubis, and then removed her hand. I don’t think I was breathing at this point. Blaze leaned forward and sniffed her sex, her breathing intense while she gripped the sofa cushions on either side of her without any attempt to stop Blaze from doing the unthinkable.

Then it happened.

Blaze’s tongue flicked out and went right between her labium and up to her pubis. She flinched but with a clear look of pleasure on her face. Blaze stopped for a moment but continued to lick her as soon as she invited him again. This time he didn’t stop, licking her while turning his head to get every inch of what was on offer. Lilly was enjoying it, and it seemed like she would let him continue until she reached her climax.

It didn’t take much longer for Blaze to give her an orgasm, and it looked really good. Eventually, she stopped him by closing her legs and rolling to one side. Blaze continued licking her butt cheek in front of him, but when he found her anus, he focussed his efforts there, and Lilly just let him lick to his heart’s content. Pre-cum is seeping out of my penis by now, and it only took seconds of masturbating before I ejaculated after watching that footage. After I was done, I watched it a few more times, and the best part was that the date stamp on the footage showed that what I was watching happened only two days before.


After that, I kept checking the recordings daily, saving the ones I liked best, and it turned out that Lilly got Blaze to lick her another two times during the following week. I decided to see what would happen if I also left them alone on a Saturday. I knew it wasn’t any different from them being alone during the week, but I’m hoping that being a Saturday might feel different to Lilly and motivate her to do something new with him. I informed her on Friday evening that I’d be at the office all day on Saturday, and she was quite disappointed.

“I’m stuck in this house all week long. I look forward to taking Blaze to the park with you on Saturdays,” she complained.

“Don’t worry. We’ll go on Sunday, and maybe we can get a bite to eat or have a picnic or something.”

She liked that idea.

“Why don’t you and Blaze go for a walk or spend some quality time together tomorrow,” I said. “I can see how much he’s fallen in love with you, so I know he’ll appreciate it.”

After I said that, she looked in a trance, so I knew the seed was firmly planted.


The next morning, I left at nine am, making sure to be noisy so Lilly would wake up and know she and Blaze were alone. I also let Blaze inside to feed him, but I didn’t chase him out again before I left. I rushed to the office, and it seemed to take forever for my computer to power up. As soon as possible, I logged into my cameras and quickly found Lilly in the kitchen with Blaze. The night before, I installed two wireless microphones to connect to my system, one in the living room and the other in the kitchen, so that I could hear and see. Lilly was talking to Blaze as she made a coffee; what she said was enough to turn me on completely.

“Hey, lover boy, I see your daddy left you inside today,” Lilly said to Blaze. She finished making her coffee and took a sip. “So, what do you want to do today?” Blaze wagged his tail. “Do you want to go for a walk, or would you prefer to stay home and lick my pussy?”

“YES!” I shouted as if I had won a prize.

“I know you wanna lick my pussy, but maybe today I can return the favor,” she said.

I’m beside myself, and I’m watching a live feed this time, making it much sweeter.

“Do you want to feel good too, Blaze?” She asked rhetorically. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot, my boy, and I think it’s time I make you feel good the way you make me feel.”

She walked over to him and petted his head before turning around and disappearing toward the bedrooms.

“No, no, don’t take him to the room,” I said quietly.

I heard the shower being turned on, so there was still hope for a good show. It felt as if Lilly’s shower took forever, and when she was done, she didn’t appear again for almost an hour. I’m so frustrated that Blaze was outside again and Lilly was nowhere to be seen that I’m beginning to lose hope. I was making myself a cup of coffee when I heard her voice again.

“Blaaaze… Blazey-boy,” I heard her yell.

She was calling him, so I rushed back to my computer, leaving my coffee half-made on the counter. She was completely naked, with her wet hair hanging over her shoulders. She also called from inside so she wouldn’t be visible to anyone outside (Not that it’s possible with the high walls I have around my yard at the back). Blaze came bounding in.

“There’s my lover, boy. Let’s go have fun in the living room,” she said in a baby voice.

“YES!” I shouted again

I quickly switched to the living room camera and watched them enter together. Blaze was giving her licks between the legs as they walked, but that only pleased her. This time she lay on the rug and let Blaze lick her face. After a bit, she got him to lick her nipples, and he finally went down between her legs. I had my pants off and sat in my chair with my rock-hard penis in my hand. Blaze lay down between her legs while he licked her, and I loved watching her labium move around as his tong split them apart. Soon, she was moaning, and she had a big orgasm. As soon as she came down from her climax, she sat up and patted him.

“Okay, boy, now let’s see what I can do for you,” she said to Blaze.

She made him lay down on his side and lifted his leg to reach his penis. She wasted no time getting her hand on Blaze’s cock and rubbing it. Soon a red tip was visible and growing rapidly. She leaned in without hesitation and started sucking his penis. Blaze lay very still for the blowjob. He was enjoying very much. I thought this was a great way to end the show, so I started masturbating slowly while I watched. Lilly sat up suddenly and looked at his penis in amazement. I was quite shocked to see how big it had gotten, and I couldn’t wait to see her finish his blowjob. Lilly was deep in thought, and I was very anxious for her to continue, but she surprised me completely.

“Blazey-boy, how would you like to feel your nice cock inside my wet pussy?”

I couldn’t believe it. I’m on the verge of ejaculating just from her words. Blaze wagged his tail as he looked at her, and she got herself over him.

“Let’s do this,” she said. With that, she lowered herself onto the dog until she had his penis inside her. “God, that’s big,” she moaned.

She took a moment before she began to rock back and forth, but soon she had a steady rhythm, and Lilly was moaning. Blaze just lay there with his mouth open and tongue out one side. His eyes closed, but not all the way, the same way they do when he’s enjoying a good belly rub. Lilly’s moans got louder and louder, and eventually, her body spasmed as she climaxed on Blaze’s penis. A long, hard climax made me stand up to masturbate as I watched. I ejaculated immediately, and a few moments later, I watched her slump down onto his chest.

“Such a good boy, Blaze. I can’t wait to do it again,” she said.

True to her word, I watched them do it again about two hours later, but this time she was on her hands and knees, and she let him mount her. Blaze went at it with a furious pace and gave her two orgasms before he tied with her. It’s clearly not the same as being on top of her as they were stuck good and proper this time. Blaze was exhausted, so he lifted one leg over her butt to turn around so he could stand more comfortably. Lilly squealed when he did that, and they remained that way for over three minutes before his engorged penis finally released her. She collapsed to the ground and rolled over. Blaze licked her between the legs to clean her, but she was too sensitive to allow it and stopped him.


When I got home late that afternoon, I couldn’t help but smile at Lilly when I saw her. She frowned at me when she hugged me and then started preparing dinner for us. While we ate, I didn’t have much to say and never realized how quiet I was until Lilly began to question me.

She asked me, “Why do you look so distant, Matthew?”

I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said the first thing that popped into my mind. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just been thinking about my lack of relationships. It’s been so long since I was intimate with someone, and I’ve been missing it.”

She went quiet and continued eating. “You’ve never hit on me. Why was that?” She eventually asked.

“Well, when we first met, you told me you appreciated how I don’t try to hit on you as every guy does,” I said. “So I guess I’ve kept respecting that boundary since you moved in.”

She asked, “Are you at least attracted to me?”

“Most definitely. The first time I saw you, I was in awe at how beautiful you are.” I’m surprised that I just said that. “I know how tough it’s been for you when it comes to men, and my friendship with you was too important to spoil if a relationship doesn’t work out between us. You’re out of my league, so what’s the point?”

She told me how much I meant to her and that I had treated her far better than any man she’d been with. Then she shocked me by telling me she would happily date me if I wanted. I could not contain myself. I got up, went over to her, and gave her the kiss I had been dying to give her since I met her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back passionately.

We kissed for quite some time, and I knew things were going to progress quickly when she took my hand and placed it on her breast. I squeezed it gently and picked her up to take her to my room. We made love for hours that night, and I’m the happiest man alive.

The next day I took off from work to be with Lilly. We made love again that morning before I took her out to treat her. It was an amazing start to our romantic relationship, and it ended in the living room with us ripping each other’s clothes off. I sat naked on the sofa while she straddled me to ride my penis. Things changed when I saw Blaze enter the room, and I wasn’t sure if I should say anything, but I did.

“I hope you don’t mind an audience,” I said

She turned her head and giggled when she saw him. She turned back to me with a smile on her face. “As long as you don’t mind if he tries to join us.”

I smiled, took her firmly by the waist, and rocked her on my lap. Blaze came closer and started sniffing at her behind. Lilly and I said nothing. We just continued having sex. Suddenly I felt Blaze’s tongue rasp over the base of my penis and onto her. We still didn’t stop. Blaze continued to lick, and we just enjoyed the moment. Eventually, she got off me and turned around before sitting back down on my penis.

She spread her legs wide open, so Blaze could lick between our legs while she rode me. It felt nice, but Lilly enjoyed it most, having a penis inside her while a tongue teased her clit. She climaxed in a very big way, and I’m ready to have my climax very soon.

When I mentioned I was close, she got off me, kneeling between my legs to finish me off with a blowjob. Before my penis was in her mouth, Blaze mounted her and began to hump her frantically. She looked up at me with a huge smile and then took my penis into her mouth. Getting a blowjob while Blaze was humping her got me to climax within seconds.


It has been ten years since this occurred, and since then, Lilly and I got married, we got another dog (a Rottweiler named Bo), Blaze got old and died sadly, and we moved into a bigger house. We miss Blaze tremendously, but Bo has done a great job in his place.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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