Fun With My Dog Bud

By ArtOutOfMyMind

Part 1…

Until recently, I thought I was a normal 23-year-old single guy enjoying life a day at a time without a care in the world. My job in construction gave me lots of money and a decent apartment that I didn’t have to share with anyone but my dog, Bud. My only sexual thoughts were of the hot women that I met at the local clubs. They were constantly trying to move in with me, but I let them know that it wasn’t going to happen. I had no plans to settle down for a while.

On game days, my friends and I would watch football on my big-screen TV. No girls were allowed on game days, as we wanted no distractions from the game.

This idea came to me after a game night when a friend of mine, Ted, was again drunk as hell and puking his guts out in the bathroom. This was a regular thing for Ted. On most game nights, this is where he would spend the night. He would eventually pass out bent over the toilet. The first few times he did it, I worried that he would fall in head first and drown. Somehow, he always found the perfect balance on his knees, with his head lying on the padded seat. He spent hours in that position. He never fell in, so I quit worrying. I usually checked on him and flushed his last barf down before going to bed. He never woke up when I did this.

When Bud, my German shepherd mix, got about five months old, like most male dogs, he started humping people’s legs. My friends would kid me that I needed to get him laid, but there were no willing female dogs around.

Then that fateful night, buzzed after a party and listening to Ted barfing in the bathroom, Bud started humping my leg. He was about seven months old by then. The rest of my friends had gone home, so it was just me, Ted, and Bud—and Bud was horny.

Well, I let Bud hump my leg while I petted him. I noticed that he was sporting some impressive meat. I hadn’t noticed it before, but it was obviously big, red, and ready for action. He had to have about 6″ of thick red meat showing, and he was looking at me with those sad puppy dog eyes.

Ted had quieted down, so I knew he was out for the night. I went over to check on him and found him on his knees with his head lying on top of the toilet with his bare ass showing. So wasted, he hadn’t pulled up his pants. Bud pushed right past me and started sniffing him. The toilet stunk with barf, so I flushed it. Ted didn’t flinch. I shook him. He didn’t move. He was out cold.

My perverted mind clicked and started racing. First, I tried to get Bud to mount him, but he didn’t get it. I went to the kitchen and got some gravy from the fridge. Bud loves gravy. I dropped a little gravy on Ted’s ass crack and shoved Bud’s nose in it. As he started to lick it up, Ted started moaning. I freaked and ducked out of sight. Peeking around the corner, I watched Bud licking Ted’s ass. I reached into the room and jacked Bud a few times to get him hornier. Suddenly Bud jumped up on Ted’s back and started humping him. What luck, this was what I was hoping.

Bud danced around for a while, getting closer and closer until he made some contact. I was silently rooting for him, but I could see he kept missing low and high. He was at the right height but had bad aim. I didn’t want him to give up, so I reached back in and helped him hit the spot. When he felt that, he went wild. Ted moaned, so I hurried out around the corner again. Bud was holding on tight and fucking like there was no tomorrow. Ted was moaning, and that only encouraged Bud.

Bud was getting close to cumming, I could tell by his whimpering. Suddenly, he stopped and held himself tight to Ted. He was cumming. I noticed Ted had also cum on the floor even though he was passed out. I thought it was all over, but when Bud went to jump off, I noticed that he was stuck in Ted’s ass. I forgot about the knot. I panicked; I reached into the bathroom and held Bud’s collar so he didn’t pull Ted off the toilet. What a great show this was.

Eventually, Bud did shrink down and plopped out of Ted’s ass. Then he cleaned up himself and Ted before going into his corner for a nap.

I went to bed with a hell of a hard-on from the show and ended up jerking my meat to a fantastic orgasm. I had all kinds of wild dog dreams that night. Ted was gone by the time I got up in the morning, as was his usual way.

The next game day at my place, Bud hung around Ted all night. He even tried humping his leg a few times. Ted asked me what was up with Bud. He really didn’t remember. Ted was in fine form again and ended up in the toilet again. I had to latch the door to keep Bud away from him. It’s a good thing I have two bathrooms. I couldn’t wait for everyone else to leave.

When everyone was gone, I opened the bathroom door. Ted was out cold. Bud was ready and jumped up on him right away. I had to pull him off because there was a problem. Ted still had his pants on. This wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought.

I shook Ted to make sure he was out. Again, I flushed the last of his barf. Then, slowly, I carefully undid his pants and pulled them and his underwear down to the floor. Bud started licking his ass. Soon, he mounted Ted, and this time, he didn’t need my help with the penetration. He hit home right away and was off to the races.

I was brave this time and lay down on the floor to watch from the side. What I noticed right away was Ted’s cock was hard as a rock and throbbing in time to Bud’s thrusts. I don’t know what got into me, but I reached over and grabbed hold of it. I stroked it a couple of times. It was hot, hard, and leaking. What the hell, I thought, no one would know. So I slid my head underneath him and took him into my mouth. I’ve never done anything like that before. I sucked and tongued his cock slowly just to get the feel of it while enjoying an underside view of Bud’s red rocket ramming Ted. I could see the knot this time and watch for its entry.

Soon, I could tell Bud was getting close because he sped up his thrusting and was whimpering again. I sucked a little harder on Ted’s cock. He was oozing precum steadily. Then Bud pulled himself in tight, and I watched the knot squeeze into Ted’s ass, and that’s when I felt Ted’s cock throb and spew gobs of cum into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could. I couldn’t believe how much cum he put out. It didn’t taste half as bad as I expected. I swallowed it all. Why not, I thought. There was no use spitting it out and then cleaning it up later.

Well, Bud hopped off Ted and stood there ass-to-ass with him, this time not trying to pull away. He was a good dog and a fast learner. By this time, I had a major hard-on in my pants, so I unzipped and pulled it out to see what Bud would do. He licked it eagerly. That tongue felt great. My cock drooled precum, and when I was sure it was going to cum, I backed out of his reach. I had a better idea. Ted was going to pay me back for the favor I did for him.

When Bud pulled out and went to clean himself, I plugged in. It was an easy entry because of Bud. He was nearly as big as my 7-inches. I went slowly at first, but it wasn’t going to last long, so I rammed it into him. Ted didn’t seem to mind. I had what had to be the best orgasm of my life. I nearly passed out. After I had pulled out, Bud came around and licked us both clean. What a night, and what a way to end it.


The next morning when I got up, Ted was gone again like usual. I went to the bathroom for my morning piss when Bud tried to lick my cock again. Therefore, I let him lick me while I was pissing, and I started to get horny. When I was done, I dropped my shorts and sat down to let him have his fun. I was really getting worked up, so I started stroking while he licked me.

Soon, I was feeling that feeling down deep in my gut, and then I blasted out across the floor. Bud licked as fast as he could but missed a lot. When I was done, I leaned back and let him clean me up. Then he jumped up and started humping my leg. I reached down and held his slimy cock as he humped, and he really went wild.

Thinking back to last night, I wondered what it would feel like to let him fuck my ass. I pushed him away and got down on the floor to see if he would try. He did. He jumped on my back and started humping me. I walked around the floor on my knees to tease him for a while. He hopped around, holding onto me. Then I stopped to let him get me. He hit the spot quickly and went to town. It hurt at first but soon felt very good. I was just letting him do his thing while I enjoyed the new feelings when I thought about the knot. I really didn’t want that in me for the first time.

I started to feel it bumping up against my ass, so I looked under myself to see if I could see it. Bud must have liked the new angle because he pulled himself up tight and rammed it in. I just caught sight of it going in. Holy shit, what a feeling. It swelled up quickly but didn’t hurt too bad. Bud stopped moving, and I could feel him pumping cum into me. I could feel the warm dog semen filling up my bowels.

It was a good feeling, and I was savoring it. Bud was destined to be my best friend from now on. Soon he hopped off, and we waited ass to ass for the swelling to go down. I pulled away from him to feel the knot tug on my ass. It was a nice feeling. I clamped down with my ass muscles a few times to see what Bud would do. He turned around, hopped back on me, and started humping again.

I wondered what I had restarted, but he quit after a couple of minutes. I kept squeezing my muscles, feeling the knot. He stayed on top of me until he plopped out. Bud then jumped down and went to work cleaning up. I stayed in my position until he came back and cleaned me up. His tongue felt so good on my ass.

I took my morning shower thinking what a way to start the day.


Part 2…

After the fun I had with my dog Bud and my drunken friend Ted, I decided to keep my eye out for more opportunities for fun with Bud.

Bud was my German Shepard mix dog. I’m not sure what he was mixed with, but he ended up being a good bit bigger than a standard German Shepard. I’m 6′ 1″, and he stood almost eye to eye with me when standing up. He could put his paws on my shoulders easily.

None of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my earlier story, was a friend who would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to keep a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more nights of similar fun.

Ted wasn’t coming to my game nights as often as he had in the past. I wasn’t sure if he suspected something or didn’t like the attention that Bud gave him. Bud stuck to him like glue, even grabbing his leg and humping him. The other guys got a great laugh about it.

I had to spend some time teaching Bud that it wasn’t ok to hump anyone he pleased anytime he felt like it. Eventually, I had him reacting to cues from me. I would whisper his name, give him a look, a hand motion, or a nod, and he would go and do something. Sometimes, he would look at me for permission, and I would either nod or shake my head. He always obeyed my cues.

I had some fun with this at parties pretty often. I always made sure that there were things placed on low tables so opportunities would present themselves. If I saw a particularly obnoxious girl or drunk bending over just right, I would get Bud after them. Bud would grab onto them or nose under a skirt and cause some real embarrassment. It was a real howl.

Sometimes, people told me not to bring Bud to a party, and sometimes, they told me to make sure I brought him. Some people realized what I was doing and enjoyed it as much as I did. A lot of people knew how to avoid being victimized, and it was funny how cautious they would sometimes be, especially the girls.

At a party at a friend’s house, I lost track of Bud for a while. I didn’t realize that he was gone right away. When I realized that he wasn’t around, I started looking for him. I looked all around the house for him and was starting to worry. I checked all the bedrooms, but one was occupied. I could hear a woman in it, obviously having a good time. She was moaning up a storm. I moved on to looking for Bud outside, thinking that he might have gone out to the bathroom. I didn’t find him there either. I was panicking by then, and when I went back in the house, Bud was sitting at the feet of a beautiful strawberry blonde.

Her name was Sharon. She was tall and had a great body. Bud was glued to her feet, and she was petting him. I introduced myself as Bud’s owner. She introduced herself and said she really liked Bud. I sat and talked with her for a while and eventually exchanged phone numbers. Shortly after, she had to leave the party. Strangely, there was a slight scent of sex in the air.

When I told a friend of Bud’s disappearance, they told me they saw him following a hot-looking strawberry blonde up the stairs. CLICK! I thought to myself, “WOW! It was her and Bud I heard upstairs.” I could not believe it. I was going to have to call her for sure. My head was in the clouds for the rest of the party.

I could only hold out for two days before calling Sharon. I told her that I couldn’t stop thinking of her (which was true). We chatted for about an hour, after which she agreed to a date on Saturday afternoon. She wanted to go for a picnic out into the country, with Bud along at her insistence. She said she knew just the right place.

I picked Sharon up Saturday around eleven, and she looked great. She didn’t look like she was dressed for a picnic as she had on a sort of short, clingy skirt and was obviously braless under a very snug top. But I wasn’t complaining; she looked great, and my cock was throbbing its approval.

We took lunch along with us and had a great 80-degree sunny day for our picnic. Sharon directed the drive and had us go to a very nice area in the country where we had some privacy. As far as I could tell, there was no one around for miles. We had a nice stroll through some woods and came to an open area with thick woods around it.

She said we could eat here. We spread out a large blanket, sat, and had a nice lunch. Bud sat quietly while we ate, never begging. Sharon was impressed. She said he was very well-behaved.

She asked if he did any tricks. I told her he did a lot of tricks, some of which I couldn’t show her. He did the standard shaking the paws, rolling over, playing dead, and fetching. She wanted to see more. She wanted to see the other tricks that I didn’t want to show her. I told her they weren’t very nice tricks.

This had her more curious and she insisted that I show her. I told her some of his tricks were only for parties when everyone was drunk. They weren’t as funny when everyone was sober. She insisted on seeing them, so I told her to bend over like she was looking at something on the ground. She did, and I gave Bud a quick look and rubbed my leg. Quick as ever, Bud had his nose up the back of her skirt, nudging her. She gave a quick jump and turned away from him, laughing loudly. She thought that was great.

She wanted to see more, so I had her stand and look over into the woods. I looked at Bud and rubbed my hands together quickly. In a flash, his nose was up the front of her skirt, and it looked like he gave her a couple of quick licks before she got away from him. She laughed again and wanted to see more. I asked if she was sure, and she said yes.

This time, I had her kneel like she was cleaning up on her hands and knees, and she did face me. I looked at Bud and gave a quick turn of my head. In a flash, Bud mounted her and started humping away.

She was laughing hard but didn’t try to get away from him. Bud was hanging on tight and humping like it was for real.
Then I realized that she seemed to be enjoying it more than she should. She looked like she was moving back against him in time for his thrusting.

She looked up at me with glassy eyes and told me she wasn’t wearing any panties, and Bud was fucking the hell out of her. She told me to get out of my clothes and feed my cock to her. My cock was hard in a second and in her mouth in two. She was sucking my cock like she was ready for dessert now. It didn’t take me too long before I was feeling the cum boiling up from within. I fought it all I could, but she was determined to suck it out of me. I came hard deep into her mouth, and she drank it all down, not spilling a drop. She kept sucking me until I was clean.

I was so turned on by what was happening that I never went soft. She licked and sucked my cock until Bud pulled up tight and started cumming. She closed her eyes, and I could tell she was cumming too. She was grunting and pushing back at Bud moving her ass in circles. She held Bud by the collar so he couldn’t turn around and try to get away.

She said she really liked a good dog fuck once in a while. I asked her if she had one back at the party. She smiled at me and admitted that she had lured Bud upstairs and took advantage of him. I told her that I had heard her while looking for Bud but thought that it was a couple having a good time, not her and Bud. She was still stroking and sucking my cock and talking to me while waiting for Bud’s knot to shrink enough to fall out.

When Bud’s cock came out, she released him, and he cleaned her, then laid down and cleaned himself. She looked at me and said it was my turn. She wiggled her ass, and I jumped behind her and rammed it home. Since I had already come once, I knew I would last for a while, so I reached under and twiddled her clit while I fucked her. This got her going, and she started thrashing around like crazy. She came four times before I unloaded into her. It felt like I came more than before. It just didn’t want to stop. We rolled to the ground and caught our breath.

We hugged for a while, and then she told me to be a good doggy and clean her up, and since I couldn’t clean myself like a real dog, she would clean me. So I straddled her head and dipped my head down to her freshly fucked pussy, and looked at my first creampie. It was a sloppy matted mess of a mixed dog, and people cum creampie at that. I licked around it at first, teasing her clit, but she quickly bit my cock and told me to get down to business. I tasted the wet, sloppy mix of our lovemaking and decided that I liked it a lot.

I got to the task and licked and sucked that pussy, trying to get every bit of cum out of her. She was going wild under me and had her legs wrapped around my head, pulling it down tight when she would cum. Meanwhile, she was doing a great job on me too. It seemed like every time she would cum she would deep-throat me.

This was getting to me, but I was holding on, trying to make this one last. After she came about the sixth time, she started slapping my butt while sucking hard on me. I thought she was trying to tell me that she wanted me to cum, so I started to concentrate on getting there. I was still sucking and licking her pussy, and she was getting ready to cum again when I felt the stirrings of mine. Right about then, I felt her tighten up and start cumming. She was sucking hard, trying to make me cum too, and I was getting closer.

All of a sudden, I felt Bud on my back, humping me from behind. I was too close to cumming to stop him. He found my ass and plunged in deep. Well, that hurt like hell, but I started cumming like a fire hose.

Sharon was almost choking on my cum but was doing a great job swallowing it down. She pulled me down to her pussy and ground off another orgasm that seemed to paralyze her.

She held me tight and kept sucking my still, rock-hard cock as Bud had his way with me. When he knotted with me, she sucked another load of cum from my cock, which was getting quite sensitive by now. Never before have I cum so many times in such a short time.

I looked under me, and Sharon was rubbing Bud’s balls while he unloaded into me. She kept talking to Bud, telling him what a good dog he was and how much fun we were going to have with him.

After Bud finally shrunk down enough to fall out, she grabbed his cock and licked it clean. Then she licked my ass clean and even tried to suck the cum out of it. She hugged me tightly and told me that this was as much fun as she had ever had, and she loved me for it. She said she had been fucked many times by a dog, but it was her fantasy to watch a man get fucked by one. She hoped I wasn’t upset about it. I told her it wasn’t my first time with Bud. She laughed and said I was her dream lover and hoped this was going to be a long-lasting relationship.

She moved in with me and Bud the next week. My friends could not believe it. How could I have a girl move in with me after one date? They thought I would never marry and thought Sharon would end our game night fun. I told them game nights were still on as she had agreed that she would go out with friends on that night.

On the first game night, Ted showed up and, like usual, got drunk as a skunk. When Sharon came home, Ted was on the throne, and passed out. I showed her what we did after game nights. I made sure Ted was out and pulled down his pants. She had to hold Bud back as he seemed like he couldn’t wait. We whispered to Bud to be easy, and he slowly mounted Ted and started humping him. We each lay down on each side of Ted and watched his hard cock bounce to Bud’s thrusting.

She looked at me and asked what I did now, and I showed her by taking his cock in my mouth. She reached in and rubbed Ted’s and Bud’s balls while I sucked Ted’s cock. I gave her a turn, and she sucked it and hummed on it for a while. Bud was starting to whine, and Sharon told me it was my turn again. As soon as I got it in my mouth, Ted let loose with a huge torrent of cum. It squirted out the sides of my mouth before I could seal my lips around it. Sharon whispered for

Me to save some for her. I passed it to her, and she sucked it dry and then some. Meanwhile, Bud had pulled up tight and was unloading his load of cum.

I got out from under Ted to make sure Bud didn’t try to get away until his knot shrunk. Sharon stayed under Ted, still sucking his cock. She loved sucking cock. After Bud pulled out and licked Ted’s ass clean, he went to the corner of the bathroom and cleaned himself.

Sharon was still trying to suck another load out of Ted. She said he was hard and would cum eventually. I decided to fuck Ted’s ass myself to help him cum. I lined up my cock and slowly slid it up his sloppy ass. I quickly got into a good rhythm and gave him a nice slow fuck. Sharon was encouraging me, telling me that it was helping, and he was about to cum. I sped up to cum with him, and this time, when he came, a slight moan came out of his mouth. That did it for me. His clenching ass made me spew my load deep in his ass.

Bud came over and jumped on Sharon’s back and was humping her before she was finished with Ted’s cock. She had already removed her panties, so she was ready, and he rammed them home. I pulled out of Ted and sat back and watched the show while I cleaned myself off.

After Bud was finished with Sharon, we engaged in a sixty-nine so I could suck Bud’s cum out and get her off several times while she sucked another load of cum out of me.

We repeated this game night scenario several times before we realized that Ted wasn’t really passed out at the toilet each time. I watched him get drunk game night once and realized that he had only drunk three beers. We continued our game nights with him and never let on that we knew that he was awake for it all. We did all kinds of things in the bathroom with Ted present. I let Bud fuck me right beside him with Sharon under me, sucking my cock.

A couple of times, we had sex in the bathroom beside him, and his cock would be throbbing and dripping until we let Bud fuck him, and usually, he would shoot his load as soon as Bud would mount him. One of us had to be sure to be ready to suck his cock, or he would shoot his cum on the floor. That would be a waste as we both liked swallowing it. We found that if we teased him by having sex without him first, we could get him to cum hard three times in one night.

We never did let Ted know that we knew he was aware of everything we did with him. He never missed a game night in the seven years that Sharon and I have been together. We had at least one game night a week and Ted even started bringing good beer to them. I guess he appreciated a good party. I know that we sure did.

We decided to add another dog to our home because our appetite for sex was still on the rise, and using dogs was a way to add something that we couldn’t get anywhere else. Since Bud was starting to get older, he was tiring out quicker than he had been. Sharon picked this one out, and she was especially careful to make sure he was equipped for what we had in mind.

She picked out a Great Dane mix breed dog that no one seemed to want, probably because of his size. She named him Rodger for some reason. He was only three months old and was already bigger than Bud in all ways. He has been very easy to train, but sexually, all he is good for so far is licking Sharon’s pussy. She loves his big tongue, and he seems to really like her juices. He gets all excited and humps, but so far, no banana.

The great thing about dogs is they don’t gossip or get aids. They are always willing and ready when we are. We keep them in a fenced yard and take them to the vet regularly for checkups. We didn’t worry about Ted getting aids because he was a loner who still lived with his parents and didn’t date anyone. The only sex he is getting is with us, which is why he is at every party we throw.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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