Gone to the Dogs 4

By Randy Howard.

Read Gone to the Dogs: Part 1 Here
Read Gone to the Dogs: Part 2 Here.
Read Gone to the Dogs: Part 3 Here.



The four young people lay exhausted for a moment, limp with their sexual spending. Donna’s ass pushed back against Jasper, the boy heavy against her; then she toppled sideways, his cock riding down and out of her cunt.

“Oh, shit!” A silly grin was on Jasper’s face, his hands out flat as he stared up at the sky. A delicious tingle spread across his balls. “Shit, Maybelle! Pa’s gonna love us for bringin’ these two home!”

“Yeahhhh!” The girl swallowed, licked her lips, and sat up carefully, her cunt aching from the strain of the child’s fist. “Pull out, stupid. Easy! Goddamn it, you tryin’ to rip me apart?”

Susan wanted nothing but to escape from this nightmare situation. She opened her hand within Maybelle’s cunt, drew it out carefully. Her arm was coated with the girl’s spendings, sticky with the stuff.


Maybelle gasped as Susan withdrew and sighed with relief. Her cunt, her whole lower body, ached with the strain of taking the girl’s fist and arm. She touched herself gingerly, unable to believe she had really done that!

“Shit, Jasper! At last, I found something bigger’n Pa’s cock!”

He laughed. “Yeah. But I bet it wasn’t half as much fun, takin’ it in.”

“You’re right there,” she said, shaking her head.

Jasper got to his feet, nudged Donna’s ribs with his toes. “C’mon, bitch-get up! You’re goin’ home to meet a real cock!”

Groaning, Donna obeyed, as Maybelle forced Susan to stand. Jasper’s sister looked at the youngster’s discarded clothing. The jeans and panties were still intact.

“Shit, I thought you were gonna rip their clothes to pieces, Jasper!”

“What the fuck you want, damn it? Them jeans are hard to rip.”

“You got a knife in your overalls, ain’t you?”

The boy shrugged, moved to pick up his own discarded article. He found the knife in his pocket, flicking open the wicked blade. Donna sucked in a breath, afraid to make a sound, as Jasper picked up Susan’s pants and proceeded to slash them to ribbons. That done, he gathered Donna’s already damaged things and cut them into squares too small for anything but patchwork for quilt squares.

Donna hugged her tits as the boy worked quickly and efficiently, reducing her clothes to nothing. Susan moved closer to her sister, shivering in fright rather than fear.

“What are they going to do to us now?” she asked, whispering.

Maybelle heard and grinned. “Somethin’ you ain’t gonna like.”

“Please!” Donna had to try again. “Please, we’ve done everything you demanded! Let us go!”

“Not until Maw an’ Pa see you,” said the boy, picking up his jeans and throwing them across his arm after he put the knife back into the pocket. “Come on, move!”

Maybelle gathered her own things, although she made no effort to dress. The helpless prisoners followed their captors, moving through the woods for a short distance, away from the road. Then they were crossing an open meadow, moving toward a dilapidated set of farm structures in the distance. They came out on a dirt lane, followed that to the lawn, the dogs darting around their legs and Turd yipping happily as he dashed toward the house and back to the stragglers. Then there was a low howling, and another dog darted out onto the porch and down toward them.

Good, God! Donna glanced at the sight of St. Bernard. It was as big as a pony! Much bigger than Turd! And unmistakably male.

Woofing happily, the dog stood on its hind legs, its paws dropping onto Jasper’s shoulders. He knocked it down, affectionately.

“Hold on, Pisser-you’ll get your fuckin’ as soon as we get these cunts inside.”

They were almost to the porch when the door opened again, and a boy came out. He seemed no older than Susan, dressed in bib overalls but nothing else. He wiped his runny nose as Jasper herded the captives up the steps.

“Who the fuck’s that, Jasper?”

“A couple of wise cunts,” he said. “Maw an’ Pa inside, Georgie?”

“Pa’s down to the barn. Can I fuck them?”

“Sure, but go get Pa first.”

Grinning, the boy jumped off the porch, rubbing his crotch suggestively. His cock was already standing out, tenting the faded fabric. At least he couldn’t be huge, thought Donna.

Now they were herded through the rusty screen door and into a cluttered living room, junk piled everywhere. A woman came out of the kitchen, wiping dusty hands on a towel. She was a giant of a woman! She stood six-two, her tits as big as Donna’s head!

“Who these, Jasper?”

The boy repeated his earlier statement, jerking his thumb toward Donna. “This’n was spyin’ on me ‘n Maybelle playin’ grabass, Maw.”

The woman’s hair was streaked with gray, but there were no signs of age in her beautiful face as she tilted her head to study Donna. She wore only a simple housedress, buttoned down the front and straining against her tits and the swell of her hips.

“You fucked her good?” she asked.

“Sure did.” He grinned. “So’d Turd an’ Fuckhead.”

His mother licked her lips. “They any good?”

“Not bad, Maw. You want your pussy sucked?”


She tossed the towel over her shoulder, her fingers working the buttons of her dress nearly ripped as it popped away from her tits. Despite her age, there was no sag, the nipples jutting straight out, the mounds of her tits gracefully curved. The nipples were gigantic, as big as the first joint of Donna’s thumbs.

“Which’n’s best, Maybelle?”

Maybelle giggled. “The brat, Maw. She’s good!”

The woman was barefoot and now was completely naked. Her pubic patch was dark brown, her mound swelling down in a curve as large as Susan’s ass. The hair was thick, curling away from the gaping maw. She reached out for Susan, grabbed her shoulder, twisting her down to her knees, almost effortlessly. Susan gasped in pain, stabbed through her kneecaps when she hit the painted floorboards of the house. “Ohhhh! Please,” Susan implored. The great ham of a hand flicked out, casually cracked against the child’s jaw. Susan fell over, stunned, tears spilling from her eyes.

“Get up here, you little bitch,” said the woman, conversationally. “Suck my pussy.”

The order came in a matter-of-fact tone of voice, and Susan scrambled to obey. Her fear was greater than when Jasper first captured her. The woman grabbed her head and shoved her against the throbbing cunt opening. Susan’s breath was cut off as Maw sagged against her.

“Suck good, you brat! Suck!” she ordered.

Susan buried her face in the sopping hole and could almost have buried her head inside. The woman rubbed her head with one hand, sighing softly as the other moved over her own tit. She looked at her son, and Jasper hurried to service her without the command being spoken. He sucked down on the great nibble, chewing it lustily, his tongue fucking against his mother’s breast.

“Ohhh, yeah! Good boy! Suck Maw, Jasper!”

He gurgled against the shape of his mother’s breast, holding it with both hands as she pushed her groin against Susan’s face. The child worked her tongue as far into the cuntal opening as she could, but Maw seemed even deeper than Maybelle, who was deep enough to take Susan’s arm all the way to the shoulder! Or so Susan thought.

“Yeahhhh! Yeah!”

Maw stroked her son’s nakedness, her hand roving over his hip and reaching around to Jasper’s ass while the other hand rested on Susan’s head. She sighed, her eyes closing as the children serviced her, pleasured her. Her knees pressed against Susan’s arms, trapping the child completely between her legs.

“Oh, suck! SUCK! YEAHHHHH!”

Donna edged away from the table, swallowing her fear, and moved nearer to the door. Oh, God! Could she get away and bring help before they did something worse to Susan? Susan would understand. She had to go. There was a joyous deep bark, and the Saint Bernard crashed into the house, paws slamming against the small of Donna’s back and throwing her to the floor. Her knees cracked, and she barely saved her chin from hitting the floorboards, the hot body of the dog moving over her. Pisser’s prick was sliding from the sheath, moving against her shoulders, his tail slapping her ass.

“Pisser! Goddamn, boy, get off that!”

The roar came from a deeper voice, and when the dog moved aside obediently, Donna looked up to see a man who was forced to bend his head as he came through the door. Oh, God! If Maw was a giant, he more than outmatched her! Like his sons, his only clothing was a bib overall, although he also wore manure-caked work shoes. His upper body was perfectly developed, the muscles swelling, and his cock, hanging soft, pushed in a huge lump against his overalls.

“Look at her cunt, Pa!” Jasper came away from his mother’s tit, licking his lips. “She shaved it!”

“Yeah?” His shitty toe moved out, prodded Donna until she turned over on her back. He scowled. “What the fuck did you want to do a thing like that for?”

“She wishes she was a little kid,” said Jasper, repeating her explanation.

He guffawed. “Crazy cunt!”

“Can I fuck her, Pa?” George was back, pushing around the bulk of his father, his head beneath the man’s arm. “Can I, huh?”

“You take the brat, George,” said Pa. “She’s more your size. This’n needs a man-cock. She’ll forget all about bein’ a kid.”

“Pa says I can fuck the brat, Maw!” said George, moving to lay claim to Susan. “He said I could!”

“Shit!” His mother sighed, straightening, and releasing Susan. “Goddamn, but she was doin’ good.”


Her husband cocked his head. “How she at suckin’ cock, Jasper?”

“She did okay on Fuckhead, Pa. I ain’t had a chance to stick my dick in her mouth yet. The older one’s a good cocksucker, though.”

“All right, woman. Get over here. Take my shoes off.”

The order was addressed to Donna, still flat on the floor. She carefully picked herself up, moved on hands and knees to the man, untied the shoes, and tugged them from his feet when he raised them in turn. He wore old-fashioned work socks. His feet and his ankles were grimy when they came off. Then he worked the straps of his overalls from his shoulders and pushed them down from his hips, and stepped out of the tangle of fabric.

“Oh, my God!” Donna exclaimed.

The involuntary exclamation burst from Donna’s lips as she saw Pa’s cock for the first time. Completely limp, it hung almost to his knee, the great head shaped like a small pear, swelling out near the glans. He was circumcised, his cock hanging against huge balls, his curling public hair was inches long. The line of hair ran dark up to his belly, but his chest was smooth, his nipples dark brown nubbins the size of a pencil eraser.

“Like it?” Jasper chortled at the look of wonder on Donna’s face on Susan’s as well. The child shook her head in disbelief.

“Taste it!” said George as Donna’s hand rose slowly toward the burning flesh before her face. She could feel the man’s sexual heat emanating from his cock even though there was no sign of tumescence. “Eat it up!”

Donna heard the boys jibes, but she ignored them, oblivious to everything except the great cock before her face. She came up onto her knees, her body straight, and touched it for the first time. It swung free, like a curtain pull batted by a playful kitten.

“Oh, God!” she said.

She licked dry lips, worked saliva into her dry throat, her eyes burning, and then she blinked. The great cock seemed to take up the whole universe as Donna moved closer to it and touched it with the tip of her finger. It burned, and electric shock running into her body, the cock jumping as the man worked his belly.

“Suck it!” he commanded. “Suck it!”

Donna shook her head. She could never take that! Not even the head! But even as her head swung from side to side, she was moving closer, smelling his unwashed work smell, his stink coming from his crotch, his ass, and his armpits. It was intoxicating. Her tongue darted across her lips as they pursed, almost touching!

“Yeahhhhh!” he grunted.

He sighed as Donna kissed the surface of his prick and made it jump up before her face. Donna took the great shaft into her fingers now, holding it gently in both hands, as though afraid it would vanish. His cock was heavy across her palms, her throat aching as she opened her mouth to its widest, leaning .. . falling forward against his glans.

“Ohhhhh, yeah! Suck my big cock!”

His taste was in Donna’s mouth now, her saliva coating his glans, which throbbed with his pulse. She moved her finger against the great vein along the bottom of the shaft, marveling at the strength of the thing.

“Come on, take it in your mouth! Suck it!”

Impossible! But she closed her eyes, sucking against the smaller swell of the pear-shaped cockhead, pushing against it. Her jaw cracked painfully as her mouth opened to its very widest, the man’s fingertips resting lightly against the top of her head. Donna stared at his cock hair, which was out of focus, as she opened her eyes again.

“Suck!” he demanded. “Suck!”

She tried to turn her head against the cock glans, but he caught the back of her head with one hand while the other lifted his cock and shoved. Donna choked, tried to gasp and the cockhead popped through her teeth.

“Gargggle! GLAGGGGG!”

“Yeahhhhh!” he said softly. “Oh, yeahhhhh!”

His ass tightened, worked in reflex as Donna sucked against the shape of the cockhead, still marvelously soft between her teeth. And pliant; she sucked down on it, the shaft moving after the glans until the shape of it filled the back of her mouth.

“Suck!” he begged. “Swallow it. You can take it! You can!”

He was asking the impossible! But Donna thrilled to the great cock in her mouth, her hands sliding along the bottom of the shaft, holding it straight, her thumbs digging into the pliant flesh. She breathed hot air through her nose, rank with his work-stink, and his sweat. She sucked down on him, swallowing again. This was impossible! No one could take a cock like this-not even for a seasoned porn star!

“AHHHHH! TAKE IT! TAKE . . . IT!” he demanded.

He humped his ass against Donna’s face, and she swallowed again, her teeth working against the cock flesh. Her throat was dry, was full of some obstruction that made it impossible for her to accept the cock beyond the barrier even if her pipe would stretch wide enough to take the massive amount of flesh. She couldn’t do it!

“SUCK! SUCK . . . MY . . . COCK!” he begged.

He was begging now, and the cock was so wonderful, Donna felt she must do what he asked. She tried again, swallowing, swallowing, pushing her head down against his groin, her hands cupped around the shaft, barely stretching together to hold it in. Thank God it wasn’t hard!

“OH, GOD! PLEASE, DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!” he implored.

His ass was shivering, quivering as Donna worked against the marvelous cockhead, summoning her last reserve of strength as she tried one final time to take him all of the ways into her body. Jesus! Dear Jesus! Let her take this, and she’d never ask another favor of God. Please, God! Let me take it all!

“GAHHHHH! MY GOD! SHE DID IT!” he exclaimed.

Pa screamed in triumph as Donna thrust down against him one final time and his great cockhead broke through the barrier, four inches of it sliding down her gullet. She held herself there a moment, fighting for breath as the cock throbbed with the beat of his life. Then she began to work against him, sucking more and more of the marvelous huge cock into her mouth and her throat.


His cock slid down, steadily, disappearing before the transfixed stares of his wife and his children and before Susan’s unbelieving eyes. Donna sucked against the swelling shaft, but the cock was moving through her throat of its own volition, sliding down until she could feel it in her chest, an impossibly huge lump. Ten inches were in her now-how much more could there be?


Donna wanted to cry out with him as her lips moved over the writhing shape of his cock, drawing closer toward the base and the great pubic patch. The longest hairs were in her nostrils now. She gasped as she fought for breath, but there was too much of him still outside. She had to have it all! She had to have every inch of this great, marvelous, throbbing, man-cock!


His cock was completely within her now, Donna’s lips pressed tight against his groin, not the tiniest millimeter of burning flesh protruding. She sighed against his shape, his balls drawing up, pushing against the bottom of her chin. She swallowed again, working the cock within her throat, her fingers pressing her tits, sure they could feel the shape of him inside her body.

And now his cock was throbbing, erecting, the blood rushing into the muscular interstices, drawn from the rest of his body by the force of Donna’s sucking. She swallowed, sucked with all her strength as the cock stood out, rose higher, forced to rise with it, coming to her feet and bent sideways as the cock tried to rip up through her. At last, she could hold it no longer, her jaws aching with the strain. She pulled back, rode out until just the throbbing, swollen cockhead was within her teeth, her tongue fucking into the opening and darting half an inch down.

She pulled off, sighing, massaging her throat, and straightened to hold his cock in both hands, pressing it up until the head slid against her tits as she looked up at him, begging.

“Fuck me! Please!” she asked.



Susan stared at the sight of Pa’s huge cock disappearing into Donna’s mouth. She could see the shape of the cockhead working down through her sister’s throat and beyond, her own stomach hollowed at the thought of taking the man-meat inside. Jesus!

“C’mon, cunt! C’mere!” he said.

George caught her arm, dragging her impatiently away. Susan tried to resist, but the boy scowled, doubling his fist and advancing on her.

“Pa said I could fuck you! Damn your asshole, get over to that fuckin’ couch!”

Biting her hip, Susan obeyed, fear driving her on before the boy. George didn’t seem to be any older than herself. He stripped off his overalls, revealing a prick almost as long and every bit as thick as his brother’s. He rubbed the head of it with his thumb, grinning at the new look of shock on his victim’s face.

“Purty, ain’t it? You ever suck one as nice?”

Her head slowly shaking, Susan moved back until the back of her legs hit the dilapidated couch. She sat down suddenly as George came before her, between her legs, stroking the length of his cock at her face. “Taste.”

Her voice was hoarse; Susan swallowed, shaking her head again. “Please . . . I’ve never done-”

“Bullshit!” Jasper looked around, his arms around Maybelle’s body, fingers fondling his sister’s tits. “She sucked Fuckhead’s cock, Georgie. She can damn well suck your little pecker!” Jasper said.

“I ain’t little!” said the younger boy, hotly. “I’m almost as big as you, Jasper!”

“Almost don’t count, does it, Maybelle?”

Jasper planted a wet kiss on his sister’s cheek, and Maybelle turned to him, coming into his arms with a long sigh. The sight of her father’s prick gobbling into Donna’s mouth had fired her to a new passion.

“Shit, no!” she said, clutching Jasper’s ass with both hands. “Come on, Jasper. Plant your big old pecker right in my pussy-hole!”

The teenagers kissed, mouths and tongues battling; then Jasper moved Maybelle to the couch, making Susan scoot down to one end as the bigger girl’s ass hit, creaking the springs and rocking the couch back.

On weak legs. It crashed back to stability, and Jasper thrust his oozing cockhead into her cunt, burying himself at the very first stroke, his feet slamming against Susan’s hips. “Oh! Oh-”

Her cry was choked off as George grabbed Susan by the hair, forcing her down against his cockhead. The dry glans banged off her nose, stabbing her in one eye, her nose scratching against the wiry hair covering the boy’s young balls as she fought for balance. Her small tits nearly pushed into her kneecaps before he eased up on the pressure, let her come back up to where she could brush her lips over the bottom of his throbbing cock shaft.

“Suck my balls, cunt!” he demanded.

George chortled as Susan swallowed, turned her head sideways against his prick, moving along the burning-dry shaft to where her tongue could dart out and rub across one of the egg-shaped testicles. They were as large in proportion to his age as his cock, hard in the wrinkled sac. His cocktail was in her nostrils.

“Yeah! Suck ’em! Yeah!”

Jasper’s thrusting legs slammed continuously against Susan’s thigh, bruising the girl as he fucked into his sister’s running cunt. The child tried to edge farther away, but the arm of the couch prevented escape in that direction, while George’s cock stood guard at the prison’s open door. She was trapped; there was nothing she could do but give in to the boy’s demands. George sighed with pleasure as Susan’s mouth moved across his sac.

“Suck ’em in! In, damn you!”

Shuddering, Susan nibbled against the lower testicle and pulled it between her teeth. Her neck ached, trying to hold the awkward angle. She came off the couch, cracking her knees on the floor, falling below him. Her feet moved between his legs until her ass was flat on the floor, her back supported by the couch. George straddled her tits. His balls were directly over her face now, his cock foreshortened above her.

“Oh, yeahhhhh! Suck my balls! Suck!” he cried.

The boy sighed with pleasure as Susan worked the captured testicle within her teeth, her nose banging the bottom of his cock. His asshole twitched, opening and closing, his cock jumping against her as the girl’s tongue moved the testicle around, turning it and caressing it.

“Oh, yeahhhhh! Both of them! Take ’em both!”

The other ball pushed against her lips. Swallowing, Susan opened her mouth and pulled it in to join the other. She bit down against them, capturing them completely within her teeth, rolling them over and stabbing her tongue between them.

“Ah, JESUS! Be careful! Christ!”

George tried to yank out as Susan’s teeth ground against the hairy skin of his sack, but the girl had him trapped; there was nothing he could do. His hands banged against her temples, bringing pressure as she worked her jaw sideways, sawing against the scrotum until he begged for relief.

“Ohhhhh, God! Stop! Damn you, stop!”

Susan released the boy’s balls, sighing and working her nose where it was bruised from banging his cock. She massaged her throat with her fingertips, staring up the slope of his cock to where a drop of pre-seminal fluid was forced out of the opening by his stroking fingers, running down the bottom of the glans to fall off toward the girl’s face. Susan’s tongue shot out in reflex, and she captured it, tasting him for the first time.

George saw what she had done and grinned. “Tastes good, doesn’t it?” Susan nodded shyly.

“Want some more? You can have my cum. You can have my piss, too, if you want.”

“No!” she said, shocked again. She stared in fright. “Please, don’t. . .”

“Shit, I said if you want! Dumb whore! C’mon, suck my cock!”

He whacked his prick against the girl’s face, and Susan gasped again and then straightened against the couch as George bent his knees to bring his burning shaft down against the naturally erecting muscle. He gasped as Susan’s has caught it, cooling the burning flesh as she sucked him inside until the wall of her teeth captured the glans. She tasted him again, only strongly this time.

“Ohhhhhh, yeah! SUCK! SUCK!”

George fell forward, his hands out against the back of his cock, his belly pushing down against Susan’s forehead as the girl accepted the first inch or so of his rampant, burning prick. The cockhead slid over her soft palate, punishing the roof of the girl’s mouth as she wiggled her ass around, sliding down again until her neck rested across the edge of the sofa cushion, the angle right for his penetrating push.

“SUCK! Oh, shit. . . SUCK!”

The couch was rocking with the force of Jasper’s fucking into Maybelle. Still, Susan ignored everything, even Donna, as she accepted the very last bit of Pa’s huge cock and concentrated on the boy who was sliding into her throat. She swallowed convulsively as George’s cock banged against her uvula and tried to break through her constricting barrier, the boy trying to enter her as his father had entered Donna. But she resisted, fighting the intrusion, her eyes stinging and watering, her teeth aching with the force of the swelling cock between her lips.


She couldn’t! Susan’s breath was cut off in her throat as the young boy pushed down against her with his man’s prick, trying to stab through her body’s natural resistance-trying to break the barrier. She swallowed, her ribcage aching with the strain of holding him back, the taste of his cock sweet in her throat as he flexed his prick again and again.


George’s ass drew back, cockhead riding out until it was barely within the circle of the gleaming teeth again. Susan sighed, breathing hot breath flavored with the stink of the boy’s perspiration as she relaxed, and then he slammed again, waiting for that instant of abandoned caution, driving himself deep into her throat.

Susan stiffened, her legs shooting out straight. Her back coming up between George’s thighs, arching against him as she tried to fight him off. Her tits were pushing up against his buttocks, but George had no intention of retreating. He thrust again, and his cock buried completely, the circle of hair digging into the girl’s soft lips.

“SHIT! SHIT! I MADE IT!” he cried.

“Graggghhh! Glagg! AagggHHHHHHH!” she gagged.

Susan tried to fight him off, unable to breathe, her senses beginning to swim. Her body was tingling over the surface area with the fever heat of her struggles as the boy drilled down against her, held himself tight within her mouth. She was sinking into a red haze, her ears ringing as she fell across the edge of the bottomless pit, the fires of Hell burning in welcome far below.

“Jesus, George!” His mother saw what was happening as Susan’s hands fell limp, the girl’s body sagging beneath her son. “You’ll fuckin’ kill the brat. Pull out!”

“Shit! SHIT!” he protested.

But he obeyed his mother’s warning, pulling back from Susan, his cock popping free into the air and slamming up against his belly. A long sigh escaped from the now unconscious youngster, her head falling sideways until he caught it with his knee. The boy reached down to pick her dead weight up, pushing Susan back across the couch, ignoring the fucking ride of his brother and sister as he wiped his mouth and then the head of his cock.

Susan started to topple sideways against the slamming feet of Jasper and Maybelle, slowly coming back to consciousness. George caught her again, straightened her, pulling the girl down until her ass rested against the edge of the sofa cushion.

He fell to his knees, stabbing his tongue deep into the swollen, tortured flesh of her no longer virginal cunt, Susan sighing in reflex and bringing her hands up to rub the palms across her burning nipples.

“Ohhhhh . . . God! Good .. . God! Good . . .” she murmured.

The young boy’s mouth gobbled against her swollen vulva, stabbing deep into her tender cunt, crashing against Susan’s clit. She gasped at the contact, brought her knees up against the boy’s shoulders, her eyes open but staring at nothing as the fiery sensation coursed through her body. She was coming alive again, the ache in her throat and her teeth forgotten, her fingers catching and twisting her nipples into full erection.

“Ohhhhh, oh! OH! OHHHH, GOD! YES! YES!” she exclaimed.

Her ass was twitching, throbbing, thrusting up against George’s face. The boy’s cock burned -against his belly as he slid his tongue through Susan’s sparse bush, stabbed it deep into her gut, sucking with all of his considerable strength until her cunt popped hollowly when he dragged his tongue out again to breathe.

“Oh, GOD! GOD! DO IT! DO .. . IT!” she implored. “Do what, bitch?” demanded the boy, grinning evilly. “OH, PLEASE … PLEASE! OHHHHH .. .”
“You want my pecker? Damn you, say it!”


“Where do you want it? What do you want me to do with it?” “In. .. ME! IN ME!”

“Shit-headed cunt! In your asshole?”


“Yeahhhhhhh!” “AGGGGHHHHHH!”

Susan screamed as the boy came up over her, stabbed his cock against her cunt, penetrating deep on the first stroke. She had already been violated by the dog and by Jasper, but the pain of the older boy’s fucking was eased now. But George’s slamming broke open old wounds, hurting far worse than Jasper’s virginal theft.

“God! God! God . . . Gawwwwwd!”

“Yeah, God! God! God! Hot. . . pussy!”

“Oh, oh oh oh, gahhh! Ahhhhh!”

“You want it, bitch! You . . . want it!”

“Yesssss! I want… it!”

“Say it, damn you! Say it!”

“Uhhhhhhh . . ‘. uhhhhhhhk …”

“I can’t hear you!”

“Fuhhhh .. . uhhhhk . . . fuhhhhk meeee!” “Yeah! Yeahhhh! Yeahhhh!”

Susan’s shoulders were pushed down against the cushion’s back by George’s thrusting stiff arms. Her head bent painfully upward. But she ignored the aching, the pain, aware only of the marvelous feeling as his throbbing cock thrust deep into the other ache, the void in her belly, the hole in her middle that needed filling. And only a strong cock was shaped to be the plug.

“Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck . . .”

“Fuck you, cunt! Shitty cunt! Stupid cunt!”

“Fuck me . . . fuck me . . . fuck me . . .”

“Fuck you! Yeahhhhh! Fuck you!”

“Fuck me! Damn you, fuck me! Harder!”

“Yeah . . . yeahhhh . . . ohhhhh, shit!”

George thrust against the young girl, riding deep into Susan’s entrance, his cockhead sliding up into her belly. She could almost feel the shape of it as she slid her hands through the sweat on her groin, the glans swelling large, shaped now like his father’s. It was a visible lump deep in her body, the shape of his cock hard when she pressed down against it, trying to bring more strength to her cuntal muscles as they milked against George’s male organ.


“YEAH . . . YEAHHH! HARD . . . HARD … HARD!”

He was thrusting, pumping, with all of his young strength, his muscles working, rippling through his ass and across the back of his thighs as he planted his naked feet, the balls of his soles, against the floorboards. George pounded up into Susan’s incredibly open body, the rim of his cockhead trapped when he stroked down again, unable to escape the clutching outer ring of her muscles. Susan was milking him, drawing his blood forward, squeezing his cock shaft base with all of her strength. The two youngsters worked together, riding hard, their hearts pounding and their vision clouded as they fucked each other.

“Ohhhhh, shit!” cried the boy. “Sweet shit! Sweet fuckin’ mother of Christ! Ma! Maaaaaa! She’s tearin’ my cock off! Tearin’ it offff!”

“Oh, God!” screamed the girl. “God! Make him fuck me, God! Make him do it… do it.. . dooooo it!” “Fuck! Fuck!”


There was no way he could throw himself down with any more force than he was drawing upon now. Throughout his whole body, the blood was fevered, stealing energy, ounces melting away from the muscle tissue as his heart and his organs called upon greater reserves of fuel. The boy was conscious of aching in every fiber, but he could not stop, could only continue to fuck with all of his reserve of strength until his heart failed.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUHH . . .”

His voice cracked, was lost completely, his throat aching and too dry to form words. His teeth bit into his lower lip as he pounded into the girl’s throbbing cunt, unconscious that other fucking had stopped, that all other eyes in the house, even the animals, were watching this wild ride.

“Jesus!” said Maybelle, peering beneath Jasper’s chest as her cunt milked out the last of her brother’s cum. “Christ, Jasper! Look at them!”

“Yeah!” gasped the boy, sobbing in breaths as he collapsed against his sister’s fat tits.

He turned his head to watch his younger brother pound into the prisoner’s cunt, the force of George’s blows rocking the couch backward until it was in danger of toppling over.

“Oh, my God!” Donna huddled against Pa’s legs, her arms around his knees, her head turned to watch Susan and George pound together across the room. “Oh, no, he’s going to hurt her!”

“Shit!” said Pa, rubbing Donna’s head good-naturedly. “Fuckin’ never hurt nobody. A cunt takes a cock. It can’t hurt her at all.”

His own prick hung down against the top of Donna’s head, half-hard now that she had pulled away from him. His wife stood near the fucking youngsters, her fingers working her nipples, tweaking and rubbing them viciously until the St. Bernard rose against her, trying to fuck his cock against her leg.

“Pisser! You bastard!” she yelled.

Ma started to kick him away, then fell to all fours beneath him. The dog’s cock was halfway out of his sheath as he moved behind her great body, which was perfectly positioned for his entrance into her cunt. He thrust, sliding in completely, Ma sighing in pleasure as the cock pounded against the back of her passage.

“Good Pisser! Fuck Ma, Pisser!”

Pisser obeyed, his cock as large as Jasper’s, pushing against Ma’s ass and pounding deep. The woman’s tongue pushed across her lips, staring up at her son’s flexing asshole as George rode back and then shoved up into Susan’s cunt again.

“Oh, Jesus, Jasper!” gasped Maybelle.

“Fuck me again, fuck me!”

“Fuck me, Pisser!” cried Ma. “Fuck me!”

“Oh, please!” Donna begged, sliding her hands up around Pa’s hips. “Please, Pa, fuck me!”

“FUCK MEEEEEE!” screamed Susan, arching her back and pushing up against George’s burning, pounding belly as the boy fell into her cunt again. “FUCK … MEEEEE! DAMN YOU . . . DAMN YOU . . . DAMN . . . YOUUUUUU!”

She thrust against him, her cock-hungry cunt trying to chew his prick away from his body, her orgasms convulsing her in constant tremors, and then George stiffened, slammed one final time, crying out with tears streaming down his face to fall into Susan’s gaping mouth.

“OH, SHIT! SHIT! COMIN’! I’M . . . COMIN’!” a voice cried.


To Be Continued…


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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