Having Fun with Spitz

By kinkymira.

After two years of knowing Spitz, I finally can let him take me! I have been training every day for six months since the surgery, and I am so happy to have the first real cock that enters my new vagina be his. I’ve tasted the sweet cum dripping from his throbbing cock and am so excited for him to breed me!

Hugo texted me, saying the room was ready for me and everyone was ready to watch. My heart is pounding so fast. I’ve dreamed of this for so long; much has changed since that day two years ago.


My wife and I finally saved enough money to buy a place. We didn’t have much furniture, but this was our home. We were cuddling on the couch when there was a knock on the door.

Through the glass, I could see the outline of their bodies. A tall man with bright hair and some sort of large dog waited for me to answer. I undid the deadbolt and cracked the door a bit. The dog immediately tried to jump.

“Down, boy! Down!” the dog sat like he was told, looking up at his human. “Sorry about him. He can get a little crazy. I wanted to introduce myself and this mostly good boy here to you! I’m Hugo Senza, and this is Spitz. We are your neighbors!”

He was beautiful, a German Shepard mix of some sort, but larger than most I had seen. He looked powerful, and I was happy that he was being so obedient.

“Hi! I’m Lyra Green.” I said with a smile. “Can I pet him?”

“Sure! Just go slow. We are still getting him trained.”

I reached down to Pet Spitz, and he started licking my hand. Hugo tried to stop him at first, but after I smiled and kneeled to let Spitz lick my face, Hugo realized I didn’t mind.

“He likes you,” Hugo said with a chuckle.

“I like him too! He’s so pretty! What kind of dog is he?”

“He’s half German shepherd and half wolf. We saved him from a shelter about a year ago. He’s still kind of a puppy, just big.”

“Hey, babe? Who is it?” My wife called from the living room.

“Come here! Come meet our neighbors Hugo and Spitz!” I called back.

The four of us stood on the porch, talked with Hugo, and played with Spitz for a while. Hugo wanted us to get friendly with Spitz because he was incredibly territorial and protective. Also, Hugo and his wife Margaret occasionally went on business trips and needed someone to dog-sit if we were interested. Of course, I was interested! I already loved Spitz.

It happened at the end of our first meeting that day. I was playing throwing a stick Spitz had found and noticed he was excited. I saw his cock starting to peek out of its sheath. My first thought was that I wanted to taste him, and I knew I was in trouble. My clit started leaking in my panties at the idea, and I guess Spitz noticed because he gave up on the stick and buried his nose in my crotch. His cock pushed further from the sheath, and I think I was seen because Hugo ran over.

“Heh. Sorry about that. He’s not fixed.” He looked at me and must have noticed me blushing.

“I-It’s OK. Just his nature.” My heart was racing. What was this feeling? Did I want a dog? Since when?

“I’m going to get him home. It was a pleasure to meet you! Stop by later for dinner and meet Margaret if you two have some time! I’m sure she’d love to meet you both.” He had a slight smirk, and I knew I hadn’t kept my desire covered up well enough.

I walked back to the front porch and hugged Raven.

“He liked you, babe.” She giggled.

“Hugo? No, he’s a married man!”

“No, babe, I mean Spitz. That dog was dripping. I bet you are, too. You’re blushing so hard, so you might as well have told Hugo you wanted to fuck his dog.” Her voice wasn’t full of judgment but more playful banter.

“I haven’t the slightest what you’re talking about!” I said with a faux British accent. I was trying to play cool, but she knew me too well.

“Ooo! Listen to you! Down girl!” She pulled me inside, slamming the door behind us, and we played until neither of us could move.


That evening, Raven and I went to our new neighbor’s house to meet Margaret and have dinner. When we stepped onto their driveway, we could hear Spitz start to bark, alerting his family that people were coming. His bark was deep and hearty. My heart started racing again. How would I make it through hours of conversation with Spitz around? I was happy to be wearing a skirt. At least nobody would know how wet I was getting. Nobody but Spitz, anyway.

We got to their door and could hear Spitz barking on the other side. I rang the doorbell.

“Excited to see your boyfriend, babe?” Raven side-eyed me with a smirk. I must have already been blushing.

“Babe, stop! I don’t—”

The door clicked open. My heart pounded.

“Hi! You must be the new neighbors!”

She was beautiful with long, curly black hair and deep dark skin. Spitz stopped barking immediately and came to sniff my crotch.

“Oh! Stop it, Spitz!” She said, embarrassed. “Hugo insists on keeping him virile for some reason. It means he humps everything that moves and things that don’t move.” She shook her head a bit, realizing we were still standing there. “Please come in! Can I offer you anything?”

I don’t know what was said for the next few minutes. Raven and Margaret started conversing about something, but I could only think about Spitz. We ended up in the kitchen with glasses of wine before I clicked back into reality.

“Are you OK?” Margaret looked at me and must have finally noticed I was mentally elsewhere.

“Me? Yes, I’m fine. Sorry kind of got lost in my head a bit. You have a beautiful place!”

“Thank you! I like it too, but sadly, we are hardly ever here. Trying to balance life and work hasn’t gone well, and now we have this one to deal with.” She playfully scooped the air at Spitz, who was lying on his doggy bed licking his crotch.

Eventually, after some calling up the stairs, Hugo descended and joined us at the table. The food was delicious, but I couldn’t help drifting off again. Spitz and I were in the deep forest, and I was about to taste his –

“I think he’s begging.” Hugo looked at me, grinning. I hadn’t noticed Spitz come to sit beside me, mustering the biggest puppy eyes he could. “You can give him some if you want.”

“Begging for what I wonder.” My phone buzzed to let me know Raven’s smirk had words attached. I could feel my face flush red. Hopefully, the wine would cover my rosy cheeks well enough. I gave her a quick death glare before pulling off a small bite of chicken to give to Spitz. I half expected him to take my hand off, but he was gentle and simply licked it out of my fingers, then continued to lick my fingers. Thank goodness these people had a tablecloth.

“You know, we are supposed to fly out next Monday for a couple of days. Would you two mind watching Spitz while we go and lose ourselves in our work?” Hugo’s voice sounded both excited and a little stunned.

“We’d love to!” I blurted out too enthusiastically, and it seemed all three were in on the joke. Maybe it was just the wine, but they all smirked.


Raven got caught up with work and asked if I could check on Spitz for a bit. He needed a lot of attention and separation anxiety, so we needed to watch him constantly. She had taken the morning shift with Spitz while I took care of some of my work. Since we both worked from home, it was a pretty easy gig. Our two cats could keep themselves entertained at home, and we could trade shifts while sleeping at the Senza’s home. Neither wanted to move our computers, so we landed on trading shifts.

We had only known Spitz for about a week, but when I walked up to the door, he didn’t even bark. He just ran up to plant his face in my crotch. My knees went weak. “Seriously, every time?” I whispered to him while petting his head.

“Have fun with your boyfriend, babe.” Raven sauntered over, giving me a kiss and a smirk.

“Sure thing, love.” I squinted at her, playing a joke, but we both knew where my head was.

We kissed one more time and promised to have dinner together. This was the most time we had spent apart in our relationship, and we both felt kind of off about it.

She left playfully, closing the door behind her, and it was just Spitz and me in the Senza’s huge house. I needed something to do, so I went to the kitchen to see if there were any dishes to clean or anything I could do.

Spitz stayed with me and excitedly dripped precum in a couple of minutes. I thought maybe making tea would do the trick to keep me distracted, and I put the kettle on. It didn’t work. There he was with his cock pushing further and further out of its sheath. I must have been going crazy. What was I thinking? I wanted to taste it. There was nobody here but us. I knew Raven wouldn’t care. She had been hinting at it anyway for days. We had talked about our fantasies, and I doubted she would begrudge me, fulfilling one of mine.

I knelt by Spitz and ran my hand over his fur. It was soft but sturdy. With each stroke of my hand, I worked further toward his flank. He licked my face. I ran my hand down his back leg, and he made a few humping motions. His cock looked wet and was dripping. I slid my hand toward his shaft and let my finger run the length. I could see the knot still in the sheath, trying to push through. It was so big! He started licking my face again as I pulled a little precum from his tip with my finger for a taste. He almost got to my finger before me, but I won out and licked the juice from my finger. It was salty and musky. I had sucked plenty of human dicks in my life and was used to the taste of human cum, but this was a whole new taste entirely. I wondered if he would let me.

I started stroking his shaft slowly, and he immediately started humping my hand. He was up on all fours, and I wondered if it would work. I put my head under his belly and tried to guide his thrusting cock towards my lips. It missed, and precum dotted my cheeks. He was still thrusting, and I tried to move my head and hand with him to catch, and THERE! He was thrusting into my mouth. What was I doing? This was crazy!

I felt his knot slip out of the sheath, and he was trying to push it into my face. There was just no way. I used my free hand to help keep him from being too aggressive, but he was thrusting with all of his might. I felt like his wolf side was shining. Without warning, warm fluid was filling my mouth. The musky, salty cum kept pumping from his cock, and I moaned, trying not to choke. It was so much.

SSSCCCREREEAASCCCHEEE! Oh, fuck the tea kettle!

I jumped up, startling Spitz, and ran over to turn off the kettle. Cum was dripping out of my lips, and I swallowed. It was slick and mucus-like. My face was covered. I plopped down on the floor in front of the oven, and Spitz approached me and started to clean my face. I started giggling and scratched him behind the ears.

I wondered what the Senza would think, knowing their new neighbor just gave their dog a blow job. I knew Raven would never let me hear the end of it.

I poured some tea and held the warm mug on the kitchen floor. I was leaking in my panties, and there was mostly dog precum all over the lovely tile.

I watched Spitz go over to his doggy bed and clean himself. I felt a little jealous. I wished to be able to bend over and lick my clit like he was licking his cock. I pulled up my skirt and slid my panties down, letting my clit flop out. The tile was cold on my butt cheeks, but I didn’t care. I kept watching Spitz clean himself and started rubbing my clit. I was so wet already, and it didn’t take much to get myself writhing on the floor. Spitz came over right as I was reaching climax and started licking the tip of my clit. His tongue felt so good, and I began to peak within seconds. Thanks to hormones, not much came out of me these days, but Spitz made sure to clean up what did drip out.

He seemingly felt done and returned to lying on his bed, falling asleep. I just lay there on the kitchen floor, panties half down. I pulled out my phone and clicked on Raven’s contact.

“Babe,” I panted out. “Guess what just happened?”


The Senzas weren’t scheduled to return for two more days, and I made the most of it. Spitz was constantly horny, and I didn’t know how long this little tryst between this gorgeous dog and me would last. I wanted to stay cum drunk as long as fate would allow it.

Raven reacted much as I thought she would. It was more fuel to her having excuses to make me blush in public. Our games of mutually embarrassing each other had grown incredibly complicated, and this was just too much of a slam dunk for her. I’d never heard the end of this. She genuinely wanted to know what it was all about (and film it), so after we both finished with work for that day, we went to have dinner together at the Senza’s home.

I don’t remember what we had for dinner that night. It didn’t matter. I couldn’t get the events of that afternoon out of my mind, and I wanted to repeat them. I wanted to show off for Raven while she filmed me. Always the exhibitionist, this was too perfect. We worked together to set up a tripod to hold our camera while Spitz smelled the legs of this new gadget in his house. He hadn’t spent much time away from me since that afternoon. He kept sticking his nose in my crotch, and I had been dripping for hours. All around the tile floor were tiny drops of his precum.

“You should clean that up, ” Raven said in a dominant tone. I loved it when she did it and loved doing what she told me.

“Yes, Mistress.” I smiled warmly and walked off to grab a rag from the kitchen. Spitz followed close.

“No, not like that.” I stopped at her words. I knew what she meant. “Ooo! That’s dirty! I like it!”

I got down on my hands and knees and licked the drips off the tile.

“Mmm, good girl.” Raven sat on a bar stool, watching me. “I think he likes it too!” I picked up my head to see Spitz coming over to me.

He took me on my hands and knees as an invitation, and I felt his front paws wrap around me. He immediately started humping me, and I could feel his cock trying to push through my skirt and panties. “Mmm! Oh no!” I called out excitedly. I didn’t have the proper hardware to enjoy Spitz like that, not yet, anyway. He wasn’t getting off of me, though, so for the next few minutes. Raven sat like a queen watching me get humped by Spitz.

My panties and skirt were practically soaked in my precum and his seed. Raven had her hand in her pants and was enjoying herself.

“You’re such a good little slut Lyra!” She panted out. “Mmm! I’m cumming!” her body shivered on the bar stool. I lay on the kitchen floor, covered in Spitz’s mess, watching her body quake and her legs shake as the orgasm passed over her. Spitz had gone to lie in his doggy bed and diligently cleaned himself.

“I forgot to turn the camera on.” Raven panted out, looking over to the tripod. “I guess we got too caught up!”

“It’s fine. Honestly, maybe it’s better. I wouldn’t want the Senza’s to find out about all of this and have evidence to back it up.”

She nodded, and we both cleaned up the mess.

The following two days were full of me drinking as much of Spitz’s cum as I could and Raven enjoying the view as often as she could get away from work. Forty-eight hours passed by too quickly, and I was sad to go home the night the Senzas returned. They paid us for our time and thanked us profusely for keeping an eye on Spitz. We did our best to hide our grins and let them know we could help anytime!


A week passed, and we didn’t hear from our neighbors. At first, I thought maybe they knew something had happened, but after a while, we fell into our daily routines and assumed they were too busy to stop by and say hi. Raven and I spent most of our spare time that week setting up our home and enjoyed each other’s company.

One of the nights, she pulled out some of our rope and told me to kneel. I was always giddy to get tied up and complied. She pulled my arms behind my back and bound the rope around them tightly. I sighed as the strain stretched my chest, and the rope dug into my skin. She pushed my head down onto the ground, leaving my ass up in the air.

“I want you to think about Spitz,” she said in a commanding tone.

“Mmm! Yes, Mistress!” I tried to imagine being mounted by him. His beautiful red cock slid into me. One day I’d have my surgery and could feel him pushing into my pussy. One day, I could feel him knot me and fill me with his seed. I started dripping with anticipation.

“Good girl.” She started tracing my hole with her finger, and I widened my stance for her, for Spitz to have a sturdier bitch to mount. She slipped a wet finger into me, and I moaned. She slipped another and then another. Spitz is sliding into me. I can feel his cock pressing into me.

I let out a moan. Four of her fingers pressed in. He wants to knot me. He is trying to push his massive bulge into me to fill me. She pushed her knuckles in. I let out a gasp and a deep moan. His knot is almost in me. She started to press further in then began to pull. She repeated the motion until her knuckles were deep in me. He knotted me. I am his bitch.

I cried and moaned in pleasure. Her hand pressed into me and then pulled as my anus followed her knuckles. I imagined Spitz picking up the pace as she did the same with her hand. I dripped with anticipation and then began to seize. Pleasure built up, and my legs began to quiver. I screamed as climax took over my body. He is filling me. She pushed harder and harder as I clenched against her wrist. My whole pelvic floor quivered and seized as I called out in pleasure.

“That’s a good little bitch! Take it!” Raven called out. My mind spun, and my body gave out. I couldn’t keep my ass up anymore and fell to the ground laying there helpless. She deftly pulled out her hand and looked down at me with a wry grin. “How was he?”

“Mmm, baby. So good. That was amazing.”

“Maybe one day that can be a reality.” Her words sounded like drums in my heart. Could that ever happen?

She untied me, and we lay in bed together. She held me tight, and I fell asleep to the blissful thought of enjoying Spitz. That night would be full of beautiful dreams.


Another week passed, and we both groggily woke up to my cell phone ringing. I grabbed my phone haphazardly and answered.

“Hello?” I must have sounded like I had smoked 100 cigarettes.

“Good morning, Lyra! This is Hugo! It sounds like I just woke you up. Would you like me to call back later?”

“No, no, that’s fine! What’s going on?” I tried to clear the frogs from my throat and slow down my heart rate.

“I was wondering if you were both available later to come over. Margaret and I wanted to talk to you.” His words hit like arrows piercing into my chest. They knew. They must have known. That’s why they didn’t talk to us for two weeks. They were discussing how to deal with us.

“Y-yeah, that’s fine! What time?” I looked over and Raven, who looked both amused and slightly worried.

We decided to meet that afternoon, and I spent the morning in an anxious panic. What would they do with us? Should we lie? Would we both be in trouble? Would they never let me see Spitz again? Those must have been the longest 3 hours of my life, but they did pass, and Raven and I mustered the strength of will to walk from our house next door.

There was no barking. What had happened to Spitz?

The door opened quickly, and Hugo’s smiling face greeted us. He didn’t look mad or even upset. He almost looked excited. We were so fucked.

“Come in, come in!” He gestured kindly, and we both followed his hand inside.

“Where’s Spitz?” I asked, still trying to read Hugo’s face. He looked like a naughty child who was hiding some secret.

“He’s at the vet. Just a normal checkup. I’ll go and get him in about an hour.” He gave me a wry grin, and my heart started racing (if possible) faster than it already was.

The three of us walked to the kitchen, and I immediately returned to the scenes with Spitz. Thoughts of his cum dribbling down my chin. Thoughts of Raven watching us play and drip all over. Thoughts of cleaning his mess with my tongue from the floor, we now casually walked over. It seemed surreal.

Margaret was seated at the dining table behind a laptop and some books. She looked up and, realizing we were there, gave a wry grin and closed her computer.

“Hey, girls,” she almost over-excitedly blurted out. “Please have a seat! Sorry about the mess. No rest for the weary.”

We all sat while Hugo brought us coffee. He hadn’t even asked, but somehow, he knew it would hit the spot.

“Hugo and I wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of Spitz while we were away.” Margaret’s voice was measured now, and the inflection on ‘taking such good care’ was undeniable. They knew.

“Of course,” I stammered out. There was no playing it cool at this point. We had been caught, and I was most guilty.

“He’s never been as calm as when we got back. Whatever you did while we were away, it worked wonders.” Hugo was stifling a laugh. Were they going to draw this out?

Raven and I stared like deer in headlights. What does someone say to that?

“Speaking of which,” Margaret interjected, “We have cameras installed for security, and you put on quite a show.” She was trying with everything. She could not but laugh. Raven and I sat stunned.

Seeing we couldn’t find the words to say, Hugo gave me a warm smile and a little laugh and looked me in the eyes. “It’s OK, Lyra. We don’t mind. It was obvious from the moment you two played in the yard a few weeks back that you had an erm connection.” He let out a laugh. Margaret let out a laugh. Raven stopped breathing in shock. I felt like I would faint, but what now?

“We have a proposition for you two if you are interested.” Margaret’s business voice was somehow both comforting and cold. “We both enjoyed watching your little display and would like to make this more of a regular thing. You seemed to enjoy yourself, am I right?”

“Erm, um, y-yes. Yes, I did!” I choked out in disbelief at what I was hearing.

“Would you like to continue your little fling with our dearest Spitz? We will happily pay you extra for the effort.”

Once Raven and I realized we wouldn’t be forever ruined, we discussed what was expected. After all, any good situation like this requires plenty of understanding. The Senza’s would continue to let our dog sit Spitz and watch us enjoy each other through their home’s security cameras. We all agreed and looked through the schedules.

“There is one last request I have.” The tension had released, mostly, and Hugo’s voice was now full of hope rather than sarcasm. “Margaret and I would like to watch you and Spitz tonight in person. Would you be OK with that?”

My heart raced again. Of course, I was OK with it! Raven and I would return that evening for dinner and a show.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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