I am Roscoe’s Bitch

By Michelle M.

I was setting at my desk going over some of my patients’ records, I’m a veterinarian running a small clinic in the southern part of Oregon, when JD comes charging through the door, throwing a paper down on my desk, “Have you seen this?”

I smiled. “Yes, JD, it’s a newspaper we get one every morning.”

I love it when I can be so sarcastic it really feels good. JD has no real medical skills, but he loves animals and he will do anything I ask, I think secretly he has a crush on me.

“No, I mean this article,” pointing to one I had not read this morning.

Seems there have been a strange thing going on with some animals in the area, they have been disappearing. I read no clues were available and the missing animals most were dogs, but two horses had also been stolen.

I thought about the whole valley, this had to be someone who moved in recently, but was not showing up on any radar of the cops. “I had not, JD, any ideas on who is doing this?”

He just shook his head. “More than likely they’re all dead and they were kidnapped for some type of testing.”

I agreed, handed the paper back to him telling him I’d keep my eyes open and went back to studying the files. I thought about who would do something like this when a call came in asking if I worked with dogs, and could I come out to a place outside of town to see what was wrong with theirs. I said yes, and after getting the address I picked up a couple of medical bags, got in the van and headed to the address given. Since there is only JD and a part time student nurse working in the clinic, I told JD I had a call and left.

The place was located in the next valley. I do get calls from there once and a while, but a lot of times the residents go north to a larger city for their medical needs. I can always use the extra money so the drive and the call was appreciated.


Following the address given on my GPS I pulled up in front of a very large ranch, isolated by trees and high fences. You would never see the place from the street. Grabbing my bag I walked to the front door, just before I was going to knock, it opened and a stunningly beautiful lady stood there. “Hi, you must be the Vet we called for. I’m Susan, please come this way and see about my poor Roscoe, he’s so sick.”

I followed her to the back part of a beautiful home, then down some stairs to a separate small barn, where several people were gathered around a large Great Dane, which seemed to be in a great deal of distress. I asked about what his symptoms were, how long he had been like this and what had been done so far.

Getting down on my knees, I checked him out feeling his stomach, then grabbing his cock hefting it and feeling his ball sack, laying this impressive package back to the floor, I reached into my bag, took out a needle, picking up a bottle of medication I filled the syringe then gave him a shot at the base of his testicles. I put everything away and settled back. “Now… Let’s wait to see if he isn’t better in a few minutes.”

A few minutes later the dog raised his head, got up and shook his body, gave me a big kiss, and wandered off.

Susan said, “You’re not only good looking, but a top rate vet. We need someone like you here all the time. Would you consider becoming a live-in Vet for us? We have a large amount of animals, but mainly deal in breeding dogs and horses. Although, on a special request we will secure anything desired.”

I thanked her, but I enjoyed my clinic and although the money she offered was more, a lot more than I was making, I declined. I told her to call me any time and I’d be here as quick as I could. I told them their dog had been fucking another dog and when he tied his one ball got hitched up inside him, causing the pain. The shot relieved the inflammation and the ball dropped back into place. I chuckled, and said, “He is one fine specimen, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger set of balls on a dog. I can only imagine how large his cock is. I can see why the female was bouncing around with that in her, she’s probably still coming down from that ride.”

Susan offered me a drink while I prepared my bill, so I sat at a table sipping on the beer she gave me and wrote out a hand written bill. “Oh, while I’m here, maybe I’d better take a look at the female to make sure she was not injured in the mating,” I said.

They agreed, but told me to finish my drink and then they’d take me to the mating stalls. I finished my drink, gave her the bill, and then followed her to the separate barn set aside for mating. Walking behind her for some reason I was beginning to watch her butt, this was causing me to feel a tingle between my legs. Something I had not felt for a long time. Once inside, I admired the amount of money they had tied up in just the mating stalls, but they were different in some way. These were the horse stalls, but inside each stall was a table with attachments on it. Having no idea what this was used for, I knew you could get one horse in but never two.

We then walked into the next section, I could hear dogs barking, but not in this immediate location, I also saw a strange table, a large Ottoman type, very well padded with cuffs and restraints on it. Staring at these, I hadn’t noticed a beautiful Middle Eastern woman was lying on a bed completely nude, her legs spread wide open. Her eyes looking very disoriented and dazed, and her pussy gaping open with cum running out of it like a slow leaking faucet.

“This is the female you wanted to see,” Susan said.

That was all the explanation I had to have. “You mean you’re letting dogs, and I assume horses, fuck humans? This lady is the one that Great Dane fucked? Do you have any idea how illegal this is, or how much trouble you’re in? Let alone the chances of some real medical issues you could have. She could have been torn in half by the size of him.”

I quickly knelt by her side and inspected the Middle Eastern woman’s pussy to see if any tears were present, but she seemed just fine. When I put my gloves on and touched her clitoris, she jumped and moaned, having an orgasm from just my touch. I sat back watching her nipples throb from the orgasm that not only hit her, but was still washing over her from just my touch.

“We have a lot of people pay huge amounts of money to experience this type of sex. Usually they not only pay for the experience, but if the union is good they’ll also pay to purchase the dog or horse,” Susan said as I continued to kneel by the side of this lady.

I stood, looked at her knowing something is wrong. I felt funny and definitely aroused. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her knowing that huge dog cock had been inside her. What she was experiencing? How long would this go on? My eyes were becoming glazed with arousal.

Susan took my hand. “Now why don’t you sit, Doc. I know this is a lot to take in and I’m sure you’re more than aroused by all of this. So sit right here.” She then leaned forward to kiss me on the lips, squeezing my breasts, letting her tongue roam inside my mouth. “Oh… I know we’re going to have so much fun with you, now that you’re staff.”

I tried to comprehend what she had said about being staff. I had declined her offer, but I couldn’t seem to focus on anything right now. Glancing at a table off to my side, I saw a pair of boots, jeans and a pullover shirt, just like the ones I had worn here, also a bra and panties like mine. Then slowly, glancing down to find I was naked, sitting in a chair in front of that strange bench fingering myself. I wanted to say something, but nothing came out just arousal and moans. I looked at Susan with confusion.

“I know you’re wondering what is happening to you,” Susan said. “Why and when did your clothes come off. Well, we’ve given you a few drugs, one in your drink, and a few injections we have given you while we undressed you. Right now you’re so horny and getting more so, soon you’ll fuck anything to get some release and be able to cum. As soon as you’re properly initiated into the family, we’ll explain everything to you, but for now we’ll help you to the mating table and you can be like our guest here.”

Two workers came in adjusted the bench, raising it a bit, then helped me to kneel up against it while securing my hands and knees to the device. Spreading my knees as far apart as possible I was now completely open to anything that came in. Susan smeared some type of cream in me, causing me to hump her finger.

“This’ll help with your first time, the dogs cock will slip on more easily as the ointment will loosen your outer walls, allowing the knot to also slip in without any tearing or much pain. When you’re finished, I’ll take you upstairs to your new room and explain what has just happened. Now enjoy the ride, a ride you’ve never experienced before in your life!”

I could feel the drugs already working in my body. I’d heard about some drugs like this, but never figured it was real or a fairy tale. Now I was feeling just how real they are as my breathing was the first to change. Next I could feel a change in my pussy, a need that started to grow. Not an itch, but a real need to have something put in it. My pussy throbbed with desire. I realised I was moaning, my eyes had lost visual contact with anything around me they were now filled with lust. My hips were moving against the bench and back on their own and my pussy was dripping. I could feel a steady stream running down my legs. I sniffed the air and could smell my own sex. I was so far gone.

At some point, I think I started begging her to let something fuck me, but it was only a hazy memory. Eventually I heard a dog being brought in, then his nose was between my legs licking the cum that had already leaked out, following the stream up each leg, ending up finally on my pussy, and planting one long lick with his tongue up my entire opening coming to rest on my anus.

I gasped, panting with desire. “Oh please, boy, get up on me and fuck me! Be a good boy, and put that big dick in me! I need you so bad!”

He continued to lick me, apparently not being anxious to give me what I so much wanted. He licked then sent his tongue deep inside me, causing me to moan as the first orgasm hit me hard. I had been waiting for this to happen, and it washed over me followed by a couple of mini-orgasms hitting me harder than I normally orgasm on a natural basis. Finally, after tormenting me he mounted me and in one motion sent his cock deep inside my yearning pussy. The next orgasm hit me before he hit bottom, just him entering me caused me to convulse and moan.

Once inside, he stopped, something very unnatural for a dog to do. This one was trained to do exactly what he was supposed to do to enhance the moment. He then pulled out slowly, but thrust back with such pressure I felt another orgasm hit me. I screamed. “Omigod! How many of these are going to hit me? Can’t you help me and have them stop? I can’t take many more of this!”

My cries though fell on deaf ears. I learned later the senior staff had come to watch and be there to welcome me to the ‘family’. The senior staff being women, and all having gone through the same experience, even Susan who owned the place. When the drugs were first discovered she had them give her the first injection, then in turn, she gave them to the head of the horses, the head of the dogs, and now me the future head of medical.

He finally got into a natural rhythm and started pushing his knot against my vaginal opening. Because of the preparation given to me earlier, his huge knot slipped in easily and lodged itself deep inside me, slowing him down and letting him start to release his seed into me.

I hung my head down, resting it on the cushion knowing I’m now a dog’s bitch. He had taken me, and I had given myself to him. He had planted his seed deep inside me, even though the seed would never mature. Something had changed in me, and my relationship between me and all future dogs I was to come in contact with. They would sense I’m their bitch, and the males would take full advantage of it.

When his first load of cum hit me, I came the hardest, this was number – I have no idea – but it caused me to lose all control over my body and my mind. My mind shuts down, my body went into auto-pilot as orgasms washed over me now for no apparent reason, much like the poor woman I had seen lying on the sofa after that Dane took her. I floated in a sexual bliss somewhere, as my body responded again and again to the slightest stimuli.

I assume he finished sometime, dismounted and they released me.


I woke late the following morning, in a strange bed with Susan by my side. “How do you feel?” She asked with a sweet smile when I opened my eyes. “You’ve been asleep for more than twelve hours, it’s just a few minutes before ten in the morning.”

I looked at her groggily, trying to comprehend what she said. She smiled at me knowingly. “Let me help you into the shower then get you some food, your mind should be clear now of the drugs we gave you. While you eat the four of us need to tell you what is going on and why we choose you,” she said.

She helped me up, took me to the bathroom shower, dropping her clothes she stepped in with me and together we showered and made slow passionate love to one another. I’m not a lesbian, I had thought about trying it sometime, but had never followed through with it. Now it just seemed so natural.

We finished and she took me downstairs after helping me with a one-piece pull over, no panties and we sat where I was served a large bowl of fruit salad, OJ, along with some toast.

The lady in charge of the horses was called Brie, and the dog’s Deanne. Both very beautiful and dressed in the same one piece I had on. Susan was dressed the same only in a light blue, while Brie’s and mine is white, and Deanne’s pink. Each one had the company’s logo – ‘The animal happy place, where dreams cum true!’

I giggled when I read the logo. They let me eat a little first, then told me how the place had started. The women shared equally in the profits earned. Normally a person, male or female, calls and sets up an appointment requesting the type of dog or horse they’re interested in and the special requirements they may have. Most are willing to take one of the trained animals, but occasionally they want one that has never been with a human before. That is why some of the animals have been missing from around the various towns.

Susan said, “We needed a Vet for the animals and since you’re single, look hot, love animals, and had enough training to take care of minor problems any of our guest might have, we decided to call you to come out when our beauty pushed his ball inside himself.”

Then came the final question.

Susan asked, “We know we drugged you, but do you want to stay here of your own free will?”

I looked at the three of them, placing my hand on Susan’s leg and rubbing it.

“I would’ve said no yesterday, but I have been fucked by a dog and there’s no turning back from that. My relationship with them has changed and I have to say I loved it… I don’t think I want to try it again real soon, my poor pussy is still throbbing. I’m still having small orgasms as we sit here, but yes, I want to be part of this.”

I leaned in and kissed Susan, each woman got up and kissed me as well. Apparently, besides having sex with the animals, all four of us have sex with each other. No boundaries, no limits.

“One thing though,” I said as a thought struck me. “I can sign over the clinic to my assistant who’s graduating soon, but my guy, JD, is in love with me and won’t let me just go without following me here and making trouble. I don’t want to hurt him. Any suggestions?”

They smiled. Deanne said, “The guys who work here have no idea what we do is wrong. We bring them in, seduce them, and drug them. The drug erases their minds and they work for us without any questions or any arousal. The drug eliminates their male testosterone, as well as drying up their balls. Their cocks shrink so small that after a while they automatically start sitting to take a piss like a girl, but they’re loyal to us forever. The Amazon women developed the drug originally, when the productive male was of no use anymore. They screwed him one last time, administered the drug, and he’ll defend them with his life.”

I finished breakfast. They offered to have two of the guys follow me to move my stuff, gave me the drug for JD, and I was on my way. Before I left, I said to the women, “I have one more condition. When I get back, without any drugs, I need to spend some time with Roscoe. He and I need to get to know one another much better.”

They laughed, and agreed it would be a deal and I was off.


On the road I called Mel to let her know I needed to meet with her as soon as I got back, and to plan on spending the remainder of the day with me. I then called the bank told them what I wanted to do. I would co-sign with Mel to set everything up, but the accounts were to be switched to her name. I then called JD asked him if I could meet with him, in my room at the clinic, for about 15 minutes, Mel would be coming in just after that and I wanted our business to be taken care of before that.

I drove up in front of the clinic, took one good look around, went inside and got the drug all prepared and ready to be injected into him once I had him on his knees licking my pussy. He arrived asking if everything was OK, I assured him it was. “JD, I’ve been so lonely lately and spending the night away I realised why. I’m in love with you. I need you and want you, if you’ll have me?”

He looked shocked but so happy. “Oh, Michelle, you can’t believe how long I have wanted this, but figured you didn’t want anything to do with me. I…”

That’s all I let out of his mouth. I moved forward to kiss him deeply, letting my tongue wander inside his mouth, then playing with his cock, I pushed him down in front of me, dropping a pair of shorts I had on, no underwear, as soon as he licked my pussy I leaned back picking up the syringe injecting him in the neck. He stopped momentarily, looked up, then his eyes went blank. I pulled up my pants and helped him up, laying him on the bed to rest while the drug did its’ thing. I left my room located in the back of the clinic and prepared to meet Mel.

We discussed my job offer, and her new found enterprise if she wanted it. We got in my car, headed to the bank, stopping by my home and telling the guys what to take and leave. Signed over all the clinic holdings to Mel, told her I would be taking JD since I doubt I could leave him behind, we both laughed. Then we headed back to the clinic, got JD up and told him to pack all he wanted to take, and put in the back of my SUV. He seemed so docile now, and had no memory of what happened.

Telling Mel goodbye and having her promise if she got a case too big to give me a call, then reaching over and massaging JD’s cock, no response was given, we headed back to the ranch.


Pulling up, I noticed the guys who had followed me in, were unloaded in a small cabin to the side of the house. I got out, directed JD to go and see the foreman, he was expecting him, then walked into the house.

Susan stepped out of the kitchen, “Oh good you’re back, any problems?”

“Nope, went as smooth as possible”

“I had the guys put your stuff in the cabin, all of us have a separate one for those moments we need to be alone. The rest of the time we spend upstairs, the room you woke in is yours, feel free to change it like you want. Do you feel like taking a look at your clinic, to see if everything you need is there?”

I grabbed a beer out of the fridge. “Sure, let’s go see it.”

The clinic is a dream, machines and instruments I had only used once in veterinary college. I saw the lab where a group of men worked on new drugs to further our business. We then went through the stables seeing all the horses and the training they went through, then the kennels to look at the dogs. I knew one day I would have to try a horse, but for now I wanted to sample or I should say have all the dogs sample me, but only one a day would be fine. Eyeing my big friend Roscoe, a tan Great Dane, I said, “You ready for me, big boy?”

He was wagging his tail, as I opened his pen putting on a leash and walking with him and Susan back to the breeding room. The other two girls were there, having already prepared an ointment for my pussy to open up and take him easily.

I gave the leash to Brie, dropping my clothes and kneeling down In front of the Ottoman, to my surprise it raised to Roscoe’s height, so he could mount me without doing any damage to me. Socks were placed on his front paws so he wouldn’t scratch me, then the two girls attached me to the unit, adjusting the legs so they were wide open. Brie said, “You ready, little girl?”

I nodded, please bring him on, I’m already throbbing and no drugs have been administered.

The moment he was released, he walked around me letting me look at that impressive cock he was supporting. He knew who he was and who I was, he could sense I had already been broken in and knew my place. Walking in front of me he kissed me with that big long tongue, letting it run inside my mouth and lick the interior.

Behind me, I heard one of the girls say, “Have you ever seen him do this before? He’s always the one who drives straight into the bitch and fucks her like there’s no tomorrow. He uses his bitch completely and then leaves them wanting more.”

Susan said, “I saw him fuck a Brazilian lady, then pull out of her, step back and licked her several times, then re-enter her fucking her harder the second time. When he was finished, she was useless for several days. She was the one we had to put in my cabin and watch over her, she kept having orgasms rake her body for at least two days”

After giving me what I considered to be a warm up kiss, he walked around the back again, then returned to the front, this time lifting himself up and presenting his cock to my mouth. I wasn’t prepared for this, neither was anyone else, I could sense their concern, as one of them prepared a dart gun with a tranquilliser dart in it to bring down an animal that may be out of control.

I didn’t, however feel any threat at this time, so I waved them off with my bound hand. Instead, I raised my head, taking his cock and licking it first, then taking the head in my mouth and sucking on the tip. Since my hands were secured for my protection, I could not roll over and really suck him like I wanted to but he adjusted making himself as available as possible. I sucked and licked him until he was thrusting forward, then as suddenly as he started this he pulled back and walked around again to my back, stopping directly in back of me, licking from my knee to the outside of my pussy and around my butt. Turning then to the other side, he repeated the process, I was so turned on I was trembling, my body taking over causing me to dry hump the Ottoman.

I no longer watched him, just lay my head on the Ottoman, eyes filled with lust and unfocused, panting some now. I waited for what was coming and what I so needed now.

His nose touched the bottom of my pussy opening, putting a lot of pressure on my body, he brought his nose only up my pussy, separating the lips as they did more pressure was applied almost to the point of entering me with that huge nose. Then when he was dead centre on the top of my opening he pushed in with such force I cried out with pleasure and some very intense pain. He was trying to push his nose inside me, maybe even his whole head. I moaned from the pain, but at the same time thrust back into him trying to help him with.

With his head at the opening of my pussy and pushing in as far as it would go, he started moving his nose back and forth from side to side. This causes the peak of my arousal to come crashing forward, throwing me into one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had. Probably one the most intense anyone has ever had. Just as this was coming down, his tongue slips under his nose landing on my clitoris licking it as he applies pressure to it. The orgasm instead of coming down went right back to the top again, crashing through me before the first one had a chance to eliminate all the aftershocks that always follow after one this intense.

So the mini-orgasms were crashing as another huge one hits me, causing me to lose all ability to know where I’m at, what is happening to me. I basically have been turned into a sexual puddle of mess, and he hasn’t even entered me yet.

I was now panting so hard I was afraid of a possible health problem, even though I was in excellent shape, I knew the limits a body can take and I had gone way beyond that several orgasms ago. That is when he removed his nose from my crotch, licking me clean from my own juices running down my legs, then stepped up, actually very slowly and moved forward, lowering his cock in line with my throbbing and still have orgasms thunder through it. I gained enough sense to realise he was on top of me, and about to enter me. Knowing there was no way my body could take this, I tried to signal to the girls to pull him off. I wanted to yell, but the continual eruptions hitting me were causing my language to come out as muttering moans and screams.

I tried to look at them to see if I could let them know I was in trouble, real trouble, I think he sensed it and moved his body between my head and where they were sitting. I’m his bitch, and he’s going to teach me some type of lesson now. I had no idea why, but he literally was going to fuck me senseless.

He pushed into me slowly, again, something that is not only not normal, but I doubt there has ever been a case of this happening with a breeding dog. Once fully inside me, he waited until his knot got sufficiently large enough to enter me easily, and pushed it in very slowly.

Once inside me, he tested the size to make sure he’s locked securely, then started to massage my G-spot with his knot. Each time he pushed forward I’d go off, the endless orgasms were now making me sick. My body had experienced so much it had moved from pleasure to an actual habit, my body getting used to having and expecting an orgasm. I collapsed before he released his seed in me and long before he was ready to release me.

I’m told it was the longest fucking any of the girls could remember, they didn’t even know if that was possible, but it was and it happened.

They washed me, carried me to the bedroom upstairs and covered me all the time I was experiencing wave after wave hit me. They would set me up three or four times a day and force some soup down me, as well as giving me vitamins to keep my body somewhat up.


Three days later I stirred, still experiencing the waves hitting me, but now considerably slowing down, I had lost my voice, but knew where I was and had a vague memory of what had happened. A day later I was awake and able to carry on a conversation, but had to stop every two or three minutes for the next orgasm to ravage my body. These were now normal ones, so we figured I was getting better.

The girls all apologised for not stopping the thing, but they felt I was in some control and they truly had never seen anything like it before, they were basically hypnotically controlled as much as I was sexually controlled. He had all of us.

We discussed the possibility of getting rid of him, but he owned me, we all knew it, he knew it and nothing was going to change that. About a week later I walked to his pen, he came up gave me a kiss on the mouth sending his tongue deep inside my mouth.

I returned the kiss, sending my tongue deep inside him as well and stroking his head while we kissed. He then went back inside the cage and laid down. So I went in, laid down beside him as I snuggled close to him, he put his one paw over the top of me, pulling me closer to his chest, my head resting on his other leg. I felt for the first time completely at peace with myself and my life, I had found a master to control me, I was his, he knew it, he also knew if he wanted to he could give me so much pleasure I would pass out.

I woke knowing it was late in the morning. Walking to the main house, Roscoe followed me to find everyone was gathered at the kitchen table for the regular weekly meeting.

They turned to see Roscoe beside me. “I see you’ve developed a new companion. Can I assume we’re now seeing a new relationship?” Susan asked.

I smiled. “He owns me, and he knows it. I’m totally his now, you all saw what happened. Can I remove him from the breeding pool and move him into my room with me. I’ll pay the normal fee for such a purchase?”

They giggled. “Of course you can,” Brie said. “I have my own horse, but can’t figure out how to bring him into the house. Susan has a pig, she likes the little curly cock and the plug they put in you after sex. She loves it when in the middle of a meeting all the cum rushes out of her body, causing an unannounced orgasm to hit her.” Brie leaned over giving me a kiss. “When the four of us get together at night, we’ll let him watch so later on he can be good and horny for you when you get to bed.”

I turned to Deanne, she realised I wondered about her. “Oh, me? Well. I don’t have a favourite, I’m just a slut looking for the next cock to take care of me. Although I’ve never had the courage to try Roscoe, he frightens me as well as a Rottie we have. We got him when he was young and I have trained him, but he is so aggressive during coitus I haven’t tried him yet. Maybe I will in the future with all of you watching, so I can feel safe.”

We then got down to business making arrangements for the next month’s visitors and taking deposits on the Internet.


We work for several more hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom or get a drink. Finally, we finished for the time being and the reservations were in place with only one sticky request to get a mule to fuck a lady from southern California. The girls are about to do some research when I told them of a fine specimen, located on a ranch with an owner who is one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever known. The arrangements were made to pick him up.

Then we grabbed something to eat and this night all of us head for bed. Roscoe has stayed by my side only getting up to get a drink, or relieve himself outside, and lay back down by my feet. Before we headed upstairs, I let him out to take care of any business he may have. The ladies ask me if they need to be present. I’m confident he’ll be better this time, since I’m his and he no longer has to prove it. He follows me in as I close the door and strip off my one piece standing in front of him nude.

“You and I both know I’m your bitch for as long as you’ll have me, so please be gentle with me tonight,” I said to him.

I open the night stand take out an ointment we used before to help with his knot. I kneel in front of him and take his head between my hands. “I love you so much, you know that, I’m yours when you want me and at all times you want me, all you have to do is ask and I’m on my knees open and ready for you.”

I open my legs sitting with my back being supported by the bed, he sniffs and takes a long lick then drives his tongue inside me twisting it from one way to the other.

I’ve been dreaming of being with him again, it only takes his tongue entering my pussy and I cum. Not the mind blowing orgasm I had before, but sufficient enough to cause my body to go into a state of arousal sending mini-orgasms through me again.

He continues to lick me until I’m leaking like a water faucet, then he backs away nudging me to turn over. I crawl up to the bed, kneeling on the bed and present my pussy as high as possible for him to mount. He comes up to me, enters me in one smooth motion and is so quick at bottoming out in me, I cum again. He then becomes the dog I expect him to be, pounding me quickly and with such force that each time he bottoms out. He’s fucking me so fast my body cannot keep up.

His knot grows and I can now feel it as it hits my pussy each time he thrusts in and finally it is pushed inside me, he slows but remains in a steady rhythm of in and out, his knot hitting my G-spot causing me to moan and cry out. Finally, I feel him getting larger and I know he is about to cum. His load hits my body with such force and his size is so big I’m filled to capacity so the only place for the cum to go is to force my insides outward, my belly extends, my body convulses as a powerful orgasm hits me. The orgasm washes over me like a train, and drains me completely.

I collapse as he continues to unload his cum deep inside me extending my belly even more, I feel like I’m pregnant.

He finally is through swinging his leg over me waiting for the knot to shrink down in size. I have no idea how long we were locked together, mini orgasms were raking my body, so time lost all meaning.

He pulled out of me and I collapsed on the floor. Instead of cleaning himself up, he put his nose between my legs and licked me, I was so sensitive between my pussy folds I shuddered each time he made contact. He then went over to lie down and clean himself.

Finally getting up and nudging me he jumped into bed, waiting until I could calm down enough to join him. Pulling me close to him, he brought his one paw over my top as I fell asleep.


Today, three years later, that is how our evening ends. Sometimes he fucks me, sometimes I give him a blowjob, and others we just lay in each other’s arms and sleep. I truly love him and this all started because I was needed to fill in an empty spot for an illegal mating clinic.


The End.

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