I Became my Dogs Bitch

By Unknown.

I had lost quite a bit of weight. Consequently, I was not only enjoying life more, but was more active with my 3-year-old lab ‘Sundance’, who was my best friend. We would play catch, go for walks, bike rides and he was with me all the time when I was outside.

But one Saturday our relationship changed forever. I still had quite a few comfortable sweats from when I was heavier and enjoyed just pulling them on and then continually pulling them up as I went along. This particular Saturday I had been in my office viewing some great porn between guys and animals and I suppose secretly wishing I could figure out how to get my lab to do those things to me, but not wanting to take that fateful first step.

My wife was still fast asleep as I came out of my office and entered the garage to play with my dog. As I played with his head and got down on my knees to give him his daily doggy kiss I reached around and stroked his cock area until the pink tip started to appear. He stood perfectly still and in the back of my mind, I wondered how I could go from where I was at to the next step. Realising this would probably never happen, I gave him another kiss on the lips as he greeted me back with a full face tongue lick. “Sun, I wish you could understand me and just fuck my brains out, I would be all yours,” I told him, and then got up to head out front to check something out.

Stepping by him, he reached up with his paw and pulled my pants off my body and down between my ankles. The next step I took sent me flying forward, fortunately being quick enough to catch myself, but landing hard on all fours. My arms and knees hurt and for a few seconds, and I was stunned.

Dancer immediately came up behind me and ran that wonderful tongue over my balls and up into the crack of my ass, leaving me in a daze and a hard on starting to develop. A second lick was now changing my breath and my own cock was continuing to grow. I reached around and patted his head to continue, fearing he would lose interest as he had before and come back up to my mouth and give me his usual licks. But this time was different, for some reason he concentrated only on my rear end licking from my balls to the top of the separation of my cheeks.

I stroked my own cock a couple of times and then picked up a large amount of pre-cum from the tip, inserting this around my bum hole, enabling me to insert first one finger then in no time a second one. The tongue was continuing to get this area more and more wet with each slobbery path. Removing my fingers to again stroke my own cock again, for the first time his tongue hit my hole and pushing the tip of it into me. I suddenly shook from the anticipation of what was about to happen, but still afraid this would not go where I wanted it to.

The licking was driving me crazy, at the same time my arousal was increasing. My breathing was now coming in pants, my cock was begging for some type of release, and my hips were now moving into his tongue on a steady basis. Seemingly to be now operating on their own.

However, as much as all of this was going on there were some problems that kept entering my mind but being blocked out. First the garage floor was getting hard on my knees and balancing on one arm, while the other was busy trying to increase the pleasure I was feeling at the time.

Secondly, the nagging thought of what would happen should a neighbour walk by and glance into the garage, and although this was early in the morning it was still a real possibility. Trying to get up, pulling up my pants and then facing a stranger who happened to look in would have been very difficult in my current state of arousal.

And third, what would happen if my wife got up early and opened the garage door to see what was going on? There I would be on my hands and knees letting the dog lick my ass. This would obviously be hard to explain.

Then the most wonderful and yet scary thing happened, Sundance stopped licking and hopped up on my back walking his body forward with quick little hops. The front feet had pushed my golf shirt up and his claws caught me several times on my sides, scratching hard and deep enough to make me feel the pain. I then dropped my head down to look between my legs and bringing my other arm in front of me to support his added weight, for the first time I saw the size of his cock. I had played with him and stroked him, but I was never able to get more than a few inches out of the sheath. However, this was far more than a couple of inches.

Now a real fear set in since I had a virgin ass hole, never having anything in there more than a couple of fingers, this was now much longer than any of my fingers and the width was at least as big as two or three of my fingers. My self-preservation took over immediately and I tried to pull his paws from me and stand up. For the first time since he was a pup he growled at me and tightened up on my waist with his front paws. Feeling his prick hit the back of my balls first and then started to move up as he was adjusting his thrust, I tried again to stand up and stop this thing I had once dreamed of but now only wanted it to stop. This time, along with the growl came a solid grip with his teeth on my shoulder, letting me know he was now in charge and this was not going to stop.

My mind was now in overdrive. Fear took over completely, and my body tensed up. I tried to shift my body to adjust to his weight a little bit better. My knees were starting to really hurt and he was pushing me on the cement as he tried to get a good hold on me. All the while I could feel his cock getting closer and closer to its mark. Suddenly, it hit the mark and I felt for the first time in my life something other than my finger being pushed into my manhole. I also was aware that Sundance also knew what just happened because he only pulled a few fractions of an inch back and thrust with all his might the full length of his cock into me. I felt his fur hit my backside and something not necessarily painful, but at least filling drive deep inside me. I tried to pull away out of natural instinct, but only succeed in scraping my knees more. Then, in and out, he seemed to still be growing in length because the next thrust was much deeper. A strange sensation was taking place as he pulled out of me for only an instance, I had a completely empty feeling, but was quickly filled back to maximum and then empty again and full once more.

I have watched a large number of movies where dogs are fucking women and men, so I know all about the knot that starts to grow at the base of a dog’s penis. However, until I felt his cock starting to grow, I never really understood what exactly happened. The size of his cock was growing and he was pushing with all his might to get it into me. For some strange reason I was now pushing back equally hard to get that knot inside me. Even though I knew in the back of my mind it would mean we would be in this position for an extended period of time, thus exposing my situation to someone walking by certain.

Then suddenly I realised he had forced the knot inside me and was now locked to me, the stroking had slowed a little. Just as I was starting to get comfortable with his size and the pain the knot had caused going in and the fact I was still having some problem supporting him I felt the first gush of warm liquid hit my insides. A feeling I cannot fully describe, but a feeling you have to try to truly appreciate what was happening. At that same time I also felt the familiar building up in my own cock, and within just a few seconds of Sundance releasing the first load inside me I exploded on the cement beneath me. This was by far one of the hardest orgasms I had ever had and seemed to go on forever. Spurt after spurt left my own cock as I was feeling the warmth of his cock and the continual amount of cum leaving him and settling inside me. There must have been so much of it that it had nowhere to go and was now oozing out of me and running down my leg.

My own orgasm, the warmth of his cock, the feeling of his cum continually being dumped inside me had sent me into a state of euphoria and at that moment I could have had the entire neighbourhood standing in front of me and I wouldn’t have cared. I realised he had just made me his bitch and our relationship had changed forever. Turning my head slightly to the side as he was now just lying on my back, I said, “Thank you, Sunny, for fucking me, I’m now yours anytime you want.”

I think he sensed the closeness the two of us now shared and the new relationship we had just formed. His tongue came out and licked me on the side of my face, I was truly his.

A short time later he reached his one leg over me and it was all I could do to not have him drag me across the cement floor as he tried to pull his cock out. I have no idea how long we were locked together; I had now dropped my head on the cement as well and just lay there panting. My cock was still twitching and if I had the strength I would have probably been able to jack off again fairly quickly.

As he shrank down to a smaller size he pulled out of me along with a large amount of his cum dripping down my legs onto the floor. I just collapsed with my pants still around my ankles and enjoyed the glow of being fucked truly fucked. As he pulled out of me a strange feeling of total emptiness entered my area and reaching around to feel me my fingers easily slid in without touching any of the sides, he had stretched me to a very large size. My anal area was extremely sensitive now and his cum coated my fingers easily. Bringing them to my mouth, I tasted how sweet my new love now tasted. I knew it would not be long before I gave him a blowjob.

Finally, I gained the strength to start to stand up about the same time as he came up and started to lick my rear end and clean up the excess cum that had dropped out. I picked up some extra towels I keep in the garage and cleaned up the mess on the floor as well as cleaning myself off, leaned down and gave my new love a kiss on his lips then headed inside to get a shower and lay down and rest.

It wasn’t long before I was once again outside working on a shed I have in the back yard. This is fairly large and with a little clean up and organising I was able to clear out the centre of the place, then heading to Home Depot I picked up a large piece of foam so my knees would not get as badly torn up. Getting this in place and secured down so I could step back inside and no one would ever see me unless they came directly in front of the shed. I then sat down and kissed my new master several times, explaining we would have to wait for a little while as my ass was still very tender and my knees were still really sore. As I got up and came back into the garage, he was ahead of me and although we were still very close I sensed something had changed between us, I was now his bitch and he owned me. Today he would let me slide and heal, but from now on when he wanted me I was his for the taking.


That night I was restless and I kept thinking about what had happened between us. Most of the night was a constant arousal feeling, so early Sunday morning I was up and showered, making sure I was clean in the rear and headed outside to my new lover. Heading down the stairs to the shed, stripping down my pants I got down on all fours and presented myself to him. Sunny took a few minutes to size up the situation, then walking behind me licked me from the bottom of my balls to the very top of the crack almost heading up my back. My cock was hard and starting to leak, I had placed a little bit of gel in my rear end to make the entry easier on my still very tender hole. A few more licks and up he came hitting his mark on the second try.

His cock only went in a few inches on the first lunge, the second one felt like it had bottomed out and the jamming was going strong. This time I felt his knot starting to build and as he continued to push into me it was becoming painful from the previous days abuse, but a couple of good heavy thrusts and pushing back on my end while trying to relax. I felt it enter. This was the first time I realised how much warmer he was than me, and how much I loved the feeling of him being in me.

Once he was locked into place the heavy pounding started to slow down and a steady rhythm was established. I was becoming so hard and I really needed to play with my own cock, but both hands were required to keep my balance, so I could only enjoy the feeling again as I had the previous day. As soon as I felt him slow down and expand I felt the first wave of doggy cum hit my insides and as before I exploded all over the pad in front of me. As you do, sometimes I was making mental notes, one to have a towel underneath me and to build myself a bench with padding on it so I could stroke my own cock as he fucked me from behind.

This time I also realised how long he continued to cum inside me, something I had missed the previous time. It seemed like forever, I felt new cum hit me until I felt it leaking down my legs as more than my poor little man hole could hold

He settled down on my back and just rested. Then lifted one leg over me and waited patiently for the knot to shrink down enough for him to break free of me. Again a load of cum dumped out of me and I collapsed on the mat. I was still lying there when he came back and started to clean me up. Finally getting the strength to get up, I cleaned up the mess left behind, picked up some towels and placed them on a shelf in the shed. I took a few minutes to measure how high and long to make the bench, then headed back insides to have another shower and lay down for a nice peaceful morning nap.

My wife got up later on and wondered why I looked so relaxed. “Getting up early in the morning and playing with Sundance is the secret,” I told her.

She just smiled, and said, “I would rather be sleeping.”

If you only knew, I thought.

Later on Sunday afternoon I built a sturdy bench and placed some left over carpet on it, then took a few days off not letting Sunny take me as I continued to heal. Both of those days I had large amounts of cum drip out of me into my underwear, realised I had no idea how much was actually put inside me or how much I was retaining. The bench worked perfect on Wednesday when he took me again in the evening, and from that time on he has been fucking me at least two or three times a week or more. I have stopped at the park one evening and had my first time with a strange dog and have had several dogs I have taken care of fuck me while the owners were away.

I also had the first opportunity of fucking my own bitch when one of my neighbours asked me to watch their dog as she was going to be going into heat and didn’t want to have her get pregnant. But those are other stories. For now, Sundance and I are fucking like rabbits. My asshole is so stretched that I had sex with a guy in the park not long ago and he asked who had been fucking me. I was so wide he really enjoyed it. I only smiled at him but didn’t answer.


The End.

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