Indecently Indentured to Dogs
Despite my off-color perversion. I fell in love with, and later married, a good catholic girl. Go figure!
Early on, she was a good sport about my obscene fantasies, trying the “animal sex thing” to make me happy in our first years of marriage. I even purchased a full-grown male Doberman named Boer to serve my pretty little wife at my pleasure. But sadly, bestiality often isn’t a catholic girl’s long-term vocation. I had to respect her decision, naturally. And so my wonderful Doberman dog stopped being a stud and became merely a guard dog for my home business instead.
If my first great passion is bestiality, my second is my profession, hairdressing. I was a really good hairdresser, mind you. Top awards for my final exams at cosmetology school and so on. But when it came to making real money, I couldn’t cut it, pardon the pun. So, instead of running busy salons in major shopping malls or city centers, I ran a salon, Mike’s Hair Studio, out of a back-office area of my own leafy, suburban home.
The salon was all very professionally appointed. The latest quality fittings and fixtures are separate from my home’s living area, with a lovely view of my well-manicured back garden. The most non-commercial aspect of my home hairdressing business was that my customers had to ring my front doorbell and wait for me to come through and escort them through the foyer of my home to the salon at the rear. I had little walk-by trade for the salon, so I would never make big money. I had some regular clients, but it had taken years to build a clientele to the point where I was making a small, respectable profit.
Anyway, one day, I decided I had finally reached a point in my business where I should consider hiring an apprentice.
I reasoned that many men in my neighborhood wanted cheap haircuts. Taking on a young girl as a first-year hairdressing apprentice seemed logical. I could have her do the cheap work, pay a small wage, and still make a small profit. I was sure most men would prefer to revisit my salon for a pretty girl to run her fingers through their hair instead of me, so I advertised for an apprentice in the local paper.
I’d booked a series of appointments and started interviewing. The fifth person I interviewed was Kelly. I might add that Kelly had the job when she walked through the door. Despite being only eighteen, I found her affable and enjoyed conversing with her. It is SO easy to describe Kelly. Just imagine music diva Kylie Minogue.
Kelly had loads of vibrant young feminine sexuality. Long blonde hair, a fantastic figure, beautifully manicured eyebrows, and makeup work. Kelly was shorter than the famous Aussie superstar. Still, she had a great presence. Very petite, yet perfectly proportioned. Great tits, a super sexy ass, and long, gorgeous, shapely tanned legs.
She wasn’t fazed when I told her frankly that I liked that she was a sexy blond since I wanted to attract a larger male clientele to the salon. She told me they would be crazy if they didn’t come back to see her again! She also promised to do whatever I deemed necessary to gain an apprenticeship and assured me I’d be incredibly happy with her. I hired her right then and there on the spot, telling her I’d see her the next morning and we’d see how things turned out.
Everything started fine. Kelly started work thereafter, promptly every morning, six days per week. Since the salon was never really busy, compared to salons in commercial centers, I had plenty of spare time between appointments to train Kelly to do rudimentary haircuts on manikin heads, along with teaching the basic multiplicity of dispirit tasks the profession requires of novices as the weeks went by.
She’d taken my comment about attracting males to heart. She wore mini-skirts, fishnet stockings, and deep V-neck tops almost daily and flirted nicely with male clients. I noticed the rebooking count going up immediately. I knew it was all due to Kelly. I was pleased and took myself with my new young apprentice and her admirable young womanly charms.
Now, remember that I considered myself a happily married man then and wished to remain that way. Despite numerous opportunities, I’d never cheated on my wife in many years of marriage. I’d even made this last point quite clear to Kelly at one time.
However, to be honest, I found myself wondering what it would be like to fuck Kelly more and more often as the days went past. I began to notice behavior that drew my male attention toward my enchanting young apprentice. Kelly’s clothes became more revealing and provocative from day to day. Once I mentioned I liked it, one of the perfumes she wore infrequently became her everyday choice. Kelly had been a novice ballerina at one time, and when the salon had no clients, she showed me little dance routines in the salon’s reception area. Well. I’m no great fan of ballet, but seeing Kelly’s gorgeous legs, raised on tiptoe, prancing elegantly, and flitting daintily as if floating on air was. Any man watching would have HAD to think about fucking her.
My salon was small, and I was always in earshot as she’d tell clients quite intimate details of her numerous unsatisfactory dates with “immature” boys around her age. She’d be better off dating their fathers! She’d say. How boring lovemaking with young, inexperienced men was, and my favorite,
“I haven’t had anything running down my legs for ages!”
Naturally, she pricked my interest, not to mention my cock, with these naughty little confessions.
As time passed, she started confiding more and more tidbits from her private life.
She’d recently escaped an abusive relationship with an older guy she’d run away from home with when she was only fifteen. I learned the man had been a real psycho-type, according to Kelly. A frustrated ex-footballer, he’d never quite made it to the big league. However, I got the impression that, despite some physically violent episodes, Kelly stuck by the guy because she thought she could change him if she loved him hard enough. And according to her, she loved him HARD she had.
She told of trying to leave him many times, but he’d had a sexual hold over her mind. In her own melodramatic words, the force of their orgiastic sex sessions enslaved her female brain. My take was that she’d break up with him just to enjoy the inevitable, heated makeup sex where he would wreak his often-brutal sexual revenge on her fine young body. Then one day, the guy had truly brutally raped and beaten her and left her tied to a mattress in a trailer home for another two days before she’d managed to escape. Kelly had finally left him permanently out of fear for her life.
Now she confessed to being increasingly lonely without her old footballer boyfriend around to keep her “satisfied.” She also let it slip; she’d left a few other jobs in the past due to complications with affairs with her older male bosses, yes, even married ones! Truth be known, I felt a certain empathy for her former boyfriend’s ruff treatment of the young girl. Kelly was easily the best-looking, most flirtatious little cock-teasers I’d ever met. Despite myself, she was wearing down my resistance to her charms. I should have set her straight about our professional relationship, maybe even fired her. But I didn’t.
Instead, I found myself being drawn into a kind of spiraling, provocative game. Each day, I’d whistle my approval for what she was wearing. Compliment her on her cleavage or her sexy legs. I found myself allowing my pelvis to brush against her invitingly rounded ass from time to time as I squeezed behind her at the washbasins when shampooing clients’ hair and so on.
Her little ballet sessions became more erotic; she would do handstands now, parallel against a wall. Of course, her short skirt would fall around her waist while she was perpendicular, giving me a full view of her skimpily clad crotch, hips, and oh-so-juicy young ass. Not exactly a maneuver from Swan Lake. She was spreading her sexy legs at my chest height and giving me a good hard look at her sheer panty-covered cunt and super feminine ass cheeks. I told her frankly that she gave me a hard-on when she did it. She’d apologize profusely then. She was so sorry to have upset me. But, surprise, surprise, it wasn’t long before she’d conveniently forget and do her little stunt again.
She was also inviting me to talk about my own sex life more often. Despite my better judgment, I told her a few intimate details of my colorful sexual past. You know, girlfriends, what they liked to do, stuff like that. I didn’t mention bestiality. However, Kelly had told me her “kink” was being dominated by powerful men. What little fetishes did I have? I should have said none or made one up. Instead, I said I couldn’t tell her because it was embarrassing. Idiot! That was like waving a red flag with Kelly in front of a bull.
At first, she just kept urging me, whenever she got the chance, to tell her my “kinky little secret.” When begging didn’t work, she started to make guesses: Is it cross-dressing? BDSM? Was I bi-sexual? I MUST be secretly Gay, hairdressing, hello! I would have LOVED to set her straight on that last score. But that would have been playing into her hands. I was virtually certain. Kelly wanted to engage in a sexual affair, but I was resisting out of devotion to my marriage.
No customers booked into the salon for a whole afternoon the next day. Kelly had been making a big deal about needing new shoes and suggested I close up shop for a few hours and drive her to a new shoe store in a neighboring suburb. With a “what the hell” attitude, I agreed.
Shoe shopping was no fun, even with a beautiful young woman like Kelly. I was very relieved when, after an hour of indecision, she’d left the shop minus any new shoes. Kelly suggested we drink at a nearby bar and grill before heading home. No one in their right mind would ever ask Kelly for an ID, so soon, we’d downed a couple of scotches over some pleasant chit-chat around the bar. Kelly was making a good show of being very tipsy on a small amount of alcohol, I noticed.
Ever the dutiful husband, I told Kelly I needed to get home to my wife and drop her off at her place.
No sooner had we gotten in the car than we started the drive home, than Kelly started talking about her love life again. I could guess by the way she was exaggerating her “drunken” behavior, slurring her speech, and so on that she was determined to get personal this time. She’d unbuttoned a few top buttons of her blouse, and just by a turn of my head, I could easily see almost her whole 38C-cup breasts encased in the very sexy, Victoria-secret-type bra she was wearing beneath. She’d also allowed her mini-skirt to ride up, drunkenly, along her lovely smooth thighs as she sat beside me in the passenger seat, revealing the luscious valley of her tawny thighs, almost to her crotch.
“I just don’t have any luck with men!” She announced sexily as she lamented her recent dating misfortunes; apparently, some poor young guy had failed to feed her more mature sexual appetite again.
“I should get a big dog to protect me instead. A big male dog!” She slurred, “To LOVE me. What do you think, Mike?” She spoke in caricatured drunkenness. I suspected immediately she was fishing for my “little kinky secret” again. And this time, I took the bait.
“I think that would do you good, Kelly,” I told her seriously. A dog will keep you safe from your old boyfriend if he ever returns.”
“You have a big male dog, Mike. Do you think if I had a big dog, he’d like to sleep in my bed with me? And keep me safe?”
“Kelly, I’d love to see you in bed with a big male dog. I think he’d end up having sex with you, and it would do you the world of good!” I told her very matter-of-factly.
“REALLY?” She replied, straightening sharply in her seat, exaggerating shock and smiling knowingly at the same time.
“Sure. Why not? Your lonely,” I observed, “one night you’d wake up with your dog licking your pussy. You’d never look back,” I continued nonchalantly, but my cock was rapidly filling out a trouser tent at my groin.
“Lots of women have sex with their dogs,” I pressed on, “You can’t get pregnant with a dog, and they can last longer than a human male.”
“Do you tell Mr. Mike?” Kelly leered at me, “Are you talking from experience?” She giggled in a way that told me she knew this was indeed the “kinky secrete” I’d tried to hide.
“Not from experience,” I lied, ” but sure, it makes me horny if I think about it if that’s what you mean?” I confessed, sensing her satisfaction at what I believe she felt amounted to having my sexual number, finally.
And if Kelly was shocked in any way, she didn’t show it. Instead, she giggled like a drunken slut and told me I’d reminded her of a very naughty little anecdote she then proceeded to share with me.
She’d been sleeping over at a girlfriend’s house some time ago; the friend, who was “like a sister,” according to Kelly, had a large male dog around the house. The girl’s parents were out for the evening, and at some point, Kelly’s friend had allowed the dog to lick her pussy as a kind of party trick. Kelly admitted to having been quite turned on by the spectacle, the description of which sent shivers of lust directly to my balls. But Kelly wasn’t finished yet; she then confessed her friend had urged her to have a try, and she’d also let the dog lick her vagina too. It felt nice, but I mustn’t ever tell anybody about it. God. She was killing me.
I was having trouble driving now. My cock was aching in my pants, and my shaky hands barely controlled the wheel before she finished the short tale. My mouth was dry. I could tell she noticed my obvious hard-on and lust-thickened voice. Using all my willpower, I dropped Kelly at her place and returned home before my wife missed me. However, I was like a heroin addict in need of a fix. I couldn’t get the images of a dog licking Kelly’s pussy out of my head. I had a sleepless night, tossing and turning next to my unsuspecting wife.
Right on time the next morning, Kelly showed up for work as usual. She greeted me with her sexy, winning smile, as always. She was wearing a short black mini-skirt I’d mentioned I liked, a cleavage-revealing low-cut top, and sexy black stiletto pumps that showed off her well-formed calf muscles and sweeping thighs. Nothing out of the ordinary for Kelly.
But suddenly, she did something she had NEVER done before. She went straight to the back door of the salon’s foyer area and called out to my Doberman, Boer, who, as usual, was roaming around the back garden. He came running up to her immediately with a curious, happy look on his skull-like head. Until now, Kelly had never shown the slightest interest in my dog, even though he was always about the yard as we’d worked together over the weeks.
Boer, always ready for attention, wiggled excitedly at her knee. Kelly squatted down, her sexy, tanned legs slightly parted and teetering tantalizingly on her stiletto heels. At the same time, she petted my dog and told him what a handsome boy he was. I’m sure, like me, he could easily see the white wisp of her panty-covered crotch as she crooned sweet affections to the tail-wagging canine.
That was the last straw. My restraint evaporated. Kelly had teased me till I was blue in the balls, but I’d be damned if I was going to stand by and watch the little bitch tease a man’s best friend as well. I’d already felt sorry for Boer. He’d been allowed to sleep inside and fuck my wife for a couple of fun-filled years as often as he’d pleased, until one day, she’d had a change of heart, and the poor animal was out of luck, out of love and living in a garden kennel instead.
I charged over and grabbed Kelly roughly by the elbow.
“Kelly, come inside the salon, please. I have something very important to discuss with you.” She seemed slightly taken aback, but I dragged her behind me.
“SIT DOWN!” I told her bluntly. She placed on the edge of one of the lay-down basin chairs while I stood, fuming above the nervous, frightened-looking teen.
“Kelly, I can’t stand this anymore. You’re FIRED!” She looked truly shocked. Salty tears instantly welled into her gorgeous blue eyes, and her lower lip quivered visibly.
“But why? What have I done wrong? She sobbed innocently.
“When we first met, you promised you’d make me happy. But instead, you’ve been driving me CRAZY. You’ve been teasing my cock for weeks now. Admit it!” I stormed; I’d lost my cool; I didn’t wait for an answer; I steamed ahead.
“Yesterday, you figured out what turns me on are women and dogs. Then today, Here you are playing up to my fucking dog right in front of me!” Kelly sat motionless, stunned, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“I just can’t take this fucking shit anymore, Kelly. I can’t keep getting sore balls working with you every fucking day ANY LONGER!”
Kelly was crying now. She reached out to me, sobbing pitifully, remorsefully.
“I like you, Mike. I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll be more professional from now on. This apprenticeship means a lot to me—to my mom and dad, too. Please don’t fire me.” She begged as I continued my ranting.
“Kelly. I’m not one of those poor stupid little boys out there tripping over their dicks to fuck you. I’m a full-grown man. Do you understand what I’m saying, Kelly?’ I blasted.
“Y. Yes, Mike. That’s why I like you so much. You’re mature. Please let me stay!” She wept. “I’m sorry, Mike.”
Damn, it felt good to be getting that shit off my chest. I was putting Kelly in her place and starting to enjoy it. She looked so sexy, scared, and regretful all at once. Something fired inside me. A mixture of lust and rage tore through me.
“I’ll only think about letting you stay if we start again from the beginning, Kelly!”
“B-beginning? What do you mean, Mike? She asked a little indignantly and still sobbing tearfully.
“Yesterday, remember you told me how you’d like a male dog? She nodded somewhat bewilderedly.
“Well,” I continued, “if I let you stay, it’ll only be because I want to teach you how to fuck a dog. Is that clear?” Kelly was flabbergast.
“Is that CLEAR!” I demanded sternly, hovering menacingly above her while she blinked away her tears somewhat incredulously.
“So if you choose to stay, and it’s up to you now, then you can consider part of your apprenticeship requirement is to fuck my dog whenever I want you to. Do you understand?”
I sat down heavily in a chair opposite, glaring at her. She didn’t move; she didn’t speak. Seconds past.
“Well. What will it BE, Kelly?” I demanded once more.
Kelly was pensive, sad-looking; she kept her pretty head down, eyes on the floor. Finally, she lifted them towards me and sniffled;
“I.. want to stay, Mike.”
“Then you’ll accept my new conditions. Is that clear? Otherwise, you can get your things and leave now!” I said, gesturing towards the exit.
“I’d miss you, Kelly. I like you. But it’s up to you.” I added more softly, letting her feel my affection for her in my voice.
“What exactly are you saying I’d have to do, Mike?” Kelly asked, seeming to brighten a little at my last remark.
“Besides hairdressing, you’ll have to have sex with Boer,” I told her frankly, “You’ll have to let him fuck you. Is that understood?” I instructed in a gruff, authoritarian tone.
“Really?” Kelly seemed sort of repulsed and excited all at once. She straightened up, and I saw the irrepressible Kelly I knew and loved starting to make a comeback.
“So basically, I’d have to be your dog’s “human bitch”. Is that it?” She asked, wiping away her tears.
“If that’s want you want to call it, yes.” I agreed.
“So, when would I be a fully qualified “human bitch”? She asked somewhat sassily, a little smirk on her face as if she were playing along with a joke. I could sense a change in her mood. I wanted to keep the momentum of what I perceived as her growing interest.
“The day you’re masturbating, and you find yourself wishing your fingers were a dog’s tongue instead. You’ll know.” I assured her; getting to my feet, I moved alongside her at the edge of the couch while looking down seriously into her lovely blue eyes.
“And when you’ve enjoyed being fucked by dogs so much that you can’t see one pass you in the street without imagining it fucking you, you’ll be through your apprenticeship.” I rested my hand gently on her knee as she gazed back hotly, her eyes like blue bonfires, lip slightly aquiver. I could tell she was getting aroused.
“Let me see your pussy” I ordered almost sternly, hoping I’d contained my lust enough that my voice hadn’t cracked. I waited, challenging Kelly with my eyes, hoping the threat would work. Waiting for her to comply. More seconds passed. The air in the empty salon was electric.
Finally, she stood up a little shakily, lifting her slender hands under either side of her short skirt; she wiggled her white panties down her smooth, tanned thighs with her thumbs before stepping out of them over her stilettos and sitting back on the edge of the basin chair obediently.
She kept her eyes fixed on mine, exhaled heavily, then, with trembling hands, slid her skirt up her thighs and lifted the hem to her waist, exhibiting her pussy, bare thighs, and belly to my ravenous stare.
My cock twitched appreciatively as I ogled her cunt. I’d been imagining how lovely it would look for weeks. It was tremendously exciting to see it now fully exposed before me. Kelly’s breathing was shallow. I stared at her damp pussy lips, pearl droplets of her sweet pussy nectar clung to some of the silken blond hair. My hand glided up her thigh.
Kelly suddenly sucked in her breath. “Mike. I…”
I looked seriously into her eyes. I knew I had to dominate the prick-teasing side of her nature, or she’d turn the tables on me.
“Spread your legs, Kelly,” I said, my voice firm, struggling to keep my burning passion from shining through. Kelly gulped a little, dropping her eyes as she spread her legs. She breathed in hot little pants as I stroked her creamy inner thighs, moving closer and closer to her pussy.
“Hmmmm,” she murmured, trembling. She stared at my hand, hypnotized as it teased and dithered up her smooth thighs to her exposed cunt.
When I felt sure she wanted me to, I touched her pussy. The heat exuding from her cunt was like a furnace. It was unbelievably hot.
“Yes. I think my dog might like what you’ve got there, Kelly, but I have to let him decide,” I rasped, almost choking on my lust-thickened vocal cords as my eyes devoured her pussy.
“Stay there. Keep your legs open,” I ordered, checking my appointment book again before fetching Boer from the backyard.
When I returned with the inquisitive, tail-wagging animal beside me, Kelly was still perched, legs spread invitingly, wobbly with passion on the edge of the couch seat. I led Boer to a position where he could easily inspect Kelly’s feminine charms at close range. I guess Kelly’s female sex scent was already thick in the air since Boer was already tossing his head, sniffing as he zeroed in on the patch of moist blond curls at Kelly’s fully exposed fork.
“The first rule is to be nice to your customer,” I instructed hoarsely, without compassion.
“I enjoyed your little story yesterday.” I reminded her, “Now I want to see it for myself. Let him lick you down there, Kelly.”
I eyed her sternly until I felt her submit.
“Ok,” she whispered, blushing hotly, all aquiver.
Then, trembling hands, she reached out, petting the dog’s head and long pointed snout. She bit her lip nervously and looked at the handsome Doberman already sniffing between her legs towards her moistened crotch.
Her cunt was fully open to the large dog. He picked up her scent and jabbed his pointed nose at the nervous girl. His fervent animal head and body bumped impolitely about between her tender, invitingly spread thighs.
“Ahhhhhh,” she gasped lustily. Boer’s heavy, short gasps filled the empty salon as he began to whine for her juicy pussy.
“Encourage him to lick you!” I told her as she patted the increasingly interested canine. She made a kissing sound with her lips.
“C’mon, boy. C’mon.” She cooed sweetly.
Boer moved forward and pushed his pointed nose against her thighs, aiming for her crotch, but she closed her thighs a little in reflex. The erotic smell of her heated pussy agitated the old dog, and he growled, his head squirming in a concerted effort to spread the teenager’s thighs apart.
The tension in the room mounted as Kelly’s passion grew in intensity. Boer was snorting in the sweet, heady aroma of her pussy. He began licking the cleft at her buttocks as his pointy prick slid out menacingly from its hairy sheaf. She gazed between Boer’s legs, catching sight of his jutting cock.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” She cried out in joy as the little prickling pains from his fangs on tender flesh drove tremors up her spine. I noticed her spreading her legs in a wide erotic vee. I knew she was ready to accept the dog’s tongue and give herself to him.
“Good dog. Lick it!” She wriggled her ass cheeks in his face, becoming impatient, her pussy splayed for the horny animal.
“Lick me, Boer,” she urged again, begging the dog to swipe his tongue across her hot bubbling cunt.
She reached forward, grabbing the dog’s head and snout, guiding his quivering nostrils to the oozing sticky hole of her cunt. She humped off the basin chair in an inviting effort to make the dog lick her pussy.
“Please,” she begged. Boer again picked up the heated scent of her hot pussy. His tongue slapped across her belly, licking her tiny belly button as Kelly squirmed, frustrated. He growled, his nose finally coming in contact with her pussy.
“Ohhhh,” she wailed as his cold, wet nose hit her hot hard clit.
She reached down, spreading her cuntlips. Boer burrowed his long, pointed snout against her cunt, his tongue slithering out, darting between the outer folds of her luscious pussy.
He lapped noisily at her gaping, succulent cunt. He pranced on all fours, growling as his long cock point waggled about below his hairy belly. His long snout inched up into her pussy. His tongue slapped across her bloated clit and slurped on her cunt. I could tell she was sold on my perverted little training program now.
She wiggled and contorted on the couch, her body twisting as she tried to get the dog to screw his tongue into her and fuck her cunthole with it. She slapped her pussy at the horny dog, grinding her clit into his snout. She banged and humped her white curvy bottom on the black vinyl.
Boer gobbled on Kelly’s oozing cunt, his doggie tongue lapping up the juice as fast as it could seep from her flavorsome, feverish flange. His tongue squirmed into her pussy, licking as far as it could go while Kelly fed it to him. He growled, frustrated by her repeated banging on his muzzle.
Kelly worked her pussy into a bubbling lather as she rocked and bucked on the slurping dog as if she were trying to fuck his entire head. She wanted his tongue inside her pussy. Boer sucked in the heat from her highly inflamed vagina. His prick was throbbing, exposed to the fullest extent from its hairy sheath. He growled into her bubbly cunthole, his tongue dancing through the outer coral-pink lips, straining into her delicious young cunt tunnel beyond.
At that moment, I pulled the dog back from her steamy sex organs. Kelly looked indignant; she’d been enjoying herself.
“Ok. He’s sucked you. Now you can suck him!” I told her authoritatively, offering her a hand and bringing her to her feet as I pinned Boer back with the other.
“Take your skirt off. I want to look at you while you suck Boer’s cock.”
She sucked in a ragged breath, shivering with lust at my obscene request.
“I’m nervous,” she sighed, but her fingers were already fidgeting with her skirt.
“Don’t be,” I used my voice to soothe and calm her.
“This is just part of your job now, sweetheart, but you’ll love it.”
Her fingers found the button on her skirt and opened it, the zipper sliding silently down. Her hand came away, and the skirt dropped to her shoes. My raging cock wanted to grab her and throw her to the floor and fuck her beautiful young pussy. I bit my lip, fighting my instincts.
“Get on your knees,” I commanded, coarse with passion.
She looked into my lust-crazed eyes.
“I… I’m not sure… I…”
“Do it,” I said impatiently. “Please, for me?” I implored as I crouched, tugging Boer to lie on the floor at her feet.
I noticed a fleeting smile as she dropped softly to the tilled floor on her knees. She wiped sweaty palms on her hips. I rolled the dog onto his back. His hind legs fell wide open, and Kelly stared at his long, thick prick, throbbing wetly for her. I nodded her towards his animal phallus.
She crouched in above his belly, pinning his quaky body with one hand while the other floated gently to his prick. She caressed his cock lovingly. She stroked the throbbing cockmeat tenderly. The tip of the dog’s already excited prick began to bubble with pre-cum.
“Ooooo!” she purred when she saw the foamy juice starting to seep from its pointed pink tip. She reached back higher and cupped the dog’s jizz swollen balls. She seemed hypnotized now that her pretty face was so close to his prick. His cock filled her soft, cool hand nicely, and the feeling of his piping-hot prick pulsing in her fretting feminine fist turned her on.
“Kiss it.” I directed. She moved her head in closer over Boer’s steaming fuck prod.
Kelly’s nimble pink tongue pushed out, glistening daintily. She touched the tip of her sexy tongue against the head of the Doberman’s gnarled-looking cock, gathering a drop of his acrid-smelling dog-cum onto her taste buds.
“How does it taste?” I asked.
“Hmmm, salty… good!” She rasped giddily.
Then, she began tonguing the head of the dog’s prick, licking all over the hot hunk of cock meat. She let her lips slowly part and fed that cockhead into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing in on both sides as she sucked hungrily. Boer began to fuck into her mouth. His hindquarters bunched with trembling muscle as he fucked his prick into her face. His big, hairy dog balls quivered fitfully before her lust-glazed teenage eyes.
Kelly’s lips pulled, collaring his cockhead and slurping voraciously. At the same time, her hot tongue continued to bunt and bathe his meaty prick.
Her fist was holding him by the hilt of his cock now. She began to pump up and down his prick-rod again, adding manual stimulation along with her oral, in her eagerness to milk his pre-cum spraying cock.
His cockhead was flowing steadily now. Little jets and spurts of briny pre-jism dosed her tongue, heralding the full creamy load dammed up in his bloated animal balls. Kelly lapped his dog soup up, swallowing it and sucking for more. Her fist began to fairly fly up and down on his prick now, bumping against her lips on the top stroke and pushing against his cum-filled balls as she dragged back down to the root of his quivery cock again and again. I swooned as I noted Boer’s liquid lust overflowing her compressed lips and bubbling wickedly down her dainty little chin.
“Dogs have a lot of pre-cum honey. Just keep swallowing it. You’re doing very well, darling,” I instructed, desperate to ignore the intense aching from my ragingly engorging cock and control my powerful urge to slam my cock into her throat. I bade her to continue her erotic bestial perversion.
“Pump your sweet mouth on his nasty animal cock now! PUMP IT!” The Doberman began to whine and fidget frightfully as she did.
His mighty haunches drove his prick in as best he could while his back was bouncing against the floor, the slippery, slimy cock-knob lodging in her throat. Kelly sucked the dog’s prick with gusto and greed.
“Ummm–ummmm–ummmm,” she sighed.
I was delighted with my young apprentice. I knelt to one side and watched as the young girl lewdly jacked the doggie-prick.
“You’re so sexy, Kelly,” I whispered. “I love to see you jerking my dog’s prick. It makes my cock so hard.”
She huffed appreciation, muffled by the dog-cock sawing between her pressingly pursing lips.
I reached under and finger-fucked her cunt then, as I watched her swoon her feminine pleasure in turn onto Boer’s massive cock. Boer grunted and groaned and turned to stare at the girl giving him such remarkable customer service.
“I like it,” Kelly murmured, watching his prick jolt in her loving hand. She pumped his cock slowly as my fingers groped and fiddled in her buttery twat, enthralled by her cunts sucking teenage tightness around my diddling digits.
The dog’s cock suddenly enlarged in her fucking fist, and his prick caught her undivided attention.
“Look!” she gasped. “His prick is growing lumpy!” I steadied her and explained,
“That’s his knot. It stops his cum leaking out of a bitch. It means he’d like to fuck you.”
With a soft whimper, she lowered her pretty face to the animal’s belly and rested a cheek. Giving my probing fingers better access as her pouting young lips parted, and she took his doggie-cock into her wetly sucking mouth again.
“Mmmm,” she moaned as Boer’s prick filled her mouth. She squeezed her fist tightly around his cock-shaft and jacked his prick as she blew him. She snuggled closer, took more of his cock into her mouth. Her hand shifted to his big, hot balls. She fondled them playfully as she fucked her mouth up and down the length of his rigid fuck-pole. It was a beautiful, perverted sight.
Boer groaned loudly. His hind legs flailed in the air as he tried again to fuck. I knew he ached to fuck his stiff, throbbing prick into the girl’s cunt. But he could only writhe and whine as the girl sucked him off. Kelly’s pussy was extremely hot. Even her little pink nipples stuck out stiffly as the dog-prick fucked again and again into her flutteringly sucking mouth. I was incredibly pleased with my apprentice’s progress as the horny teenager drove the animal crazy.
“It’s time to let him fuck you now, darling,” I told her. I needed to physically pull the lust-struck teenager away from Boer’s crotch so that he could be bound to his feet.
“He needs to come, and so do you!” I told the frustrated teenage beauty, knowing from experience that the time to act was now. Boer bound and prancing around the room like an anxious stallion.
Wordlessly, she complied. I pulled her gently forward, positioning her, palms down, butt up, on the salon’s tiled floor. I corrected her prone posture till I had her beautiful ass-rounds splayed nicely in front of old Boer. Dog and master both enjoying the horny spectacle of Kelly’s creamy round ass-cheeks and long, passive lips of her teenage cunts fuck-mouth glistening invitingly before us. I moved her knees apart so that her cunt was open and pink and ready for dog-cock.
Then I encouraged Boer to take her, patting her dutifully upturned ass. Kelly moaned when she saw the large, doggy cock flexing excitedly at his groin. Doubtless remembered how his prick had tasted in her mouth and whimpering. She breathed rapidly, wiggling her eager ass. I could tell she was giddy with animal fuck-desires.
Boer seemed to get the message, too. With my help and guidance, the huge canine mounted Kelly’s willing young body. I encouraged them approvingly. I had empathy for my dog at that moment. He hadn’t fucked a new human female for quite some time. Nor had I.
Boer’s cock was already out of its sheath and hunting for his bitches fuck-ready female funnel. He fucked his haunches vibrantly, and his cock stabbed the air, the backs of Kelly’s thighs, her ass-cheeks, and pussy pell-mell.
“Tell him you want him to fuck you, Kelly!” I ordered. Kelly moaned hotly.
“Tell him!” I just wanted to let you know that I asked sternly.
“Ohhh! Boer, I do want it! Fuck me! Get it into me!” She stammered, doing her best to support both her own and her animal lover’s swaying bulk with her tremulous young body.
I knelt closer in behind my dog and reached around him to guide his massive cock up into Kelly’s fuck-hungry little cunt.
“She’s not teasing anymore, boy, fuck her,” I encouraged hornily as my cock twitched like the devil in my pants.
“C’mon, boy. Get it in there.” I raged as I managed to steer his slimy red spike to her slippery fuck-mouth.
“Oooooo!” Kelly wailed, feeling the dog’s cock-head lodge at the entrance of her hot pussy-mouth.
“It’s getting in me! He’s pushing! Oh! Ohhh! God! He’s fucking meee!”
I knew I was going to get a fucking good show now as I stroked my aching cock through my gabardines and took in the obscene spectacle of my faithful old guard dog fucking my horny little teenage apprentice. The same little bitch that had teased my cock for weeks now was finally getting all the scolding-hot prick-meat she could handle up her mightily deserving little cunt.
Boer’s enormously thick cock drilled faster right up into Kelly’s open, pink pussy. She squealed with pleasure as she felt all of his cock plunge into her cunt-tunnel. She squealed again as she felt the pointed end of his cock, punch into her rubbery cervix wall at the furthest reaches of her cunt tube, like never before. From the very start, Kelly screwed her pussy back against the animal like a champion. I was sure she sought an honors grade pass from Mike’s Kinky College Of Doggy Doing.
As the dog’s knobby prick locked into the depths of her cunt, Kelly lunged her hips back and forth in a natural fucking rhythm; I could see she was desirously wanting his cock in her. Boer locked his powerful paws more tightly around the girl’s wasp-like waist. As the helplessly horny girl shook and trembled with rising passion, Boer pressed onward and drilled his hot cock deeply into her sucking pussy.
The huge dog fucked her teenage body brutally. I wondered, briefly, if her old boyfriend could have done a better job of the blistering fuck battering the little prick teaser was getting. Boer was ramming his horny dog-cock into her fiery fuck-hole and pumping it and out with savage, jack-hammering fury.
“How does it feel?” I asked my sexy young pupil, my throat almost horse with lust.
“Ohhh! It feels so good!” The little cunt rasped.
“Tell your customer he’s a good fucker!” I urged her as she buffeted about, gasping for breath dazedly.
“Tell my dog he’s fucking you good NOW, you horny little bitch!” I demanded.
“Ooh. Give it to me. Fuck me, Fuck me hard!” She begged the wildly humping, salivating beast impaling her quivering young body.
The longer Boer fucked his prick into her twisty, churning little cunt, the more brutal he was becoming. Re-adjusting his front paws around her hips, he re-positioned his hind legs on the floor for more leverage and slammed all of his wet cock into her juicy cunt as hard as he could go.
Her pussy quivered more vibrantly than before. She mewled and whimpered with lust, fucking back on his animal cock rapturously.
At first, she had been merely quivery as the dog had fucked her cunt. Still, now I could tell the rapid-fire thrusts of the relentless doggie prick had turned her quivers into violent spasms of joy. She was succumbing to the mind-boggling fuck-feelings she’d never had before from a human lover. Her lithe young hips started swiveling hotly. She wiggled her hot ass and churned her fiery pussy to help the horny animal fuck her even better.
“Good girl. Give it to him,” I hissed delightedly as I imagined her cumming wetly all over the huge animal-cock stuffed inside her. She didn’t know I was sitting behind her on the floor with my aching hard-on in my fist now, pumping it up and down as I watched Boer fuck her sweet pussy.
“Ohhh! Mike, he’s getting so big up inside me! His cock is growing bigger! She mewled as my dog frigged her mercilessly. My head was spinning. I was panting for breath as I whacked my swollen cock and stared hotly at the dog fucking Kelly’s tight squirming cunt, his stiff prick rasping in and out of her relentlessly.
“Fuck. I love watching you get fucked by my dog Kelly! I gasped, “Fuck I wish I was him right now!” I confessed.
“Come here, Mike!” Linda squealed pleadingly. “Let me suck your cock!”
Almost delirious with glee. I made my way across to her on hands and knees. My body felt weakened with lust. Kelly’s horny plea for my cock was irresistible. I struggled up onto my knees and gratefully guided Kelly’s pretty, sweaty face to my tormented, aching cock. Her lips looked so fucking horny for sex. I got my big, wet prick into her greedily sucking mouth. My dog never missed a beat as he stroked into her from the rear.
I helped keep her lips locked around my shaft, both my steadying hands about her head as she sucked on me feverishly, and the dog fucked her horny cunt from behind.
The dog-cock drilling her fuck hole made her gulp wonderfully around my thankfully buffeted cock as she gave me a blowjob. At the same time, she braced herself back into the blistering fuck attack Boer was giving her clenching cunt-channel. She clutched at his powerful cock and sucked on it hotly with her fluttery cunt and tummy muscles, lashing my cock constantly with her saucy little tongue as she blew me hotly with her mouth.
The small salon, normally scented by perm solution, was now filled with acrid fuck fumes from human and animal genitals coming to the boil.
I wanted to blow my nuts into Kelly’s sucking, young mouth. Boer wanted to get his rocks off in the sexiest little human pussy he had ever fucked. In a nearby mirror, I could see Kelly’s twitching pussy and Boer’s ramming prick. His animal pre-cum had already overflowed her pussy tunnel and was running down her quaking thighs in glistening rivulets. I could sense Kelly wanted to succumb to the wild female joy of her orgasm at any moment.
Her pretty, lineless forehead was furrowed now as if she were internally searching for that ultimate of female pleasures, and her jaw dropped wider. I took it as my cue to be less kind with her maddeningly prick-teasing mouth. I grabbed her by the ears and force fucked her mouth onto my long, twisting cock. Mashed it against the back of her throat as I brutally fucked my plundering prick-head in and out of her choking, sucking throat.
Grunting and salivating, Boer seemed to be experiencing the extreme canine pleasure of his own now. He drilled his dog prick into her gulping cunt tunnel as I fucked her mouth, Master and Hound, like some kind of obscene wrestler’s tag team. My fat, hot balls slapped against Kelly’s willing young chin as she took her double-ended, animalist fuck-tapping like a pro.
Boer let out a growl that announced he was going to dump his jism into his rutting human bitch.
“He’s going to come in you, Kelly. Don’t worry. You’ll love it!” I assured her from the red fog of my lust fucked brain.
Hearing that, Kelly whimpered around my prick and fucked her pussy viciously onto the doggie dick. I imagined fervidly her pussy-muscles clamping and clenching tightly around Boer’s massive dog-cock and her pussy sucking him off like her mouth was puffing and sucking me off.
At that moment, Kelly’s pussy clenching, sucking, juicing, and vacuuming became too much for Boer’s tempest-tossed prick. It exploded deep inside her pussy. He was shivering tumultuously above her; the thought of his rank animal sperm filling my prick, teasing little apprentice’s churning cunt, overwhelmed my lust-crazed mind, and my cock erupted deep in Kelly’s gulping throat.
She moaned hotly, drinking my squirting jism, and fucked her hot cunt deliriously on Boer’s cum-spitting prick.
The dog-cock gushed longer than mine, and after Kelly ate my cum, her burning pussy was still fucking wildly on the spitting animal prick. She whimpered with heady pleasure when I pulled my spent cock from her grasping mouth, and she gave herself up totally to the animal who was still brutally fucking her defenseless little pussy.
In gratitude for my student’s first-class dog fucking efforts, I reached under her jiggling young tits and found her taut nipples hard against my fingers. Her nubs were inflamed and crinkly as she churned her hips and fucked her hot cunt viciously on the marvelous dog dick. She whimpered with joy as I rolled her tit nibs between thumb and index fingers. She looked like the happiest girl in the world right then. Her face was a beautiful mask of raw female lust, with a mounted mongrel humping overhead.
Boer’s hind legs danced nervously between her trembling thighs as his massive cock gushed wetly into her sucking young cunt. She squealed and groaned as he came, driven wild by his shooting prick as she fucked her pussy round and round on its spurting shaft. I saw her eyes roll back loosely in her head, and I knew Kelly’s orgasm had finally arrived.
Her pussy-juice leaked around his plunging prick and dribbled down her shaky thighs as a long, low-blowing howl built up within her. Kelly quivered from head to toe, her arms collapsed, and she sprawled, tits mashed against the cool white tiled floor as powerful spasms flensed through the erotic stupor of her lust-fucked mind. Leaving her spent, reduced to a gently whimpering, quivering heap of raw feminine never endings upon the salon floor.
Boer dismounted her right after he shot the last drops of his animal wad into the little bitch. He slipped his bony cock out of her twisty cunt-hole with an obscene, sucking, plopping sound and then padded to the other side of the salon to lick his cock clean of her stinky human secretions.
“Are you all right?” I asked Kelly worriedly.
Kelly looked like she could pass out at any minute. Instead, she rolled off to her side on the floor after a moment, giggling softly.
“Yes! Yes! She giggled as if she were drunk. “I’m marvelous! I’m wonderful! That was the best fuck I’ve EVER had!”
I couldn’t resist her gorgeous, dog fucked, young body any longer. I ditched my pants and rushed to her, kissing her like a madman. I mauled her ripe, jutting tits, sucking the life out of them.
“Do I get the job?” Linda gasped as she fed me her tits.
“You’ll report to work without panties from now on, Kelly,” I told her seriously,
“I think you have the makings of a first-class dog fucker, darling,” My prick throbbed against the flesh of her thigh for a moment before she guided it between the thoroughly dog-fucked labia of her soupy, cream-filled cunt.
The End.