Judy’s Pretty Pussy
Her boss, a woman, said she had loads of potential. However, she needed to come out of her shell and express herself to her peers and managers. Thus, her boss enrolled her in this eight-day seminar to help Judy deal with her image problem. Contemporaries had told Judy that she was a very hot chick, although it was hard for Judy to believe that.
The seminar was being held in a hotel. The attendees were assigned two to a room; as luck would have it, Judy’s roommate checked in simultaneously.
Judy is a 22-year-old well, well-built Latina woman. Her tits are great, but no doubt her best feature was her splendid ass. Her roommate was much taller than Judy had raven black hair, and a regular-sized chest. The girls introduced themselves. The roommate was Kathleen. Kathleen snapped her fingers and got a bellboy.
They followed him to their room as he put their suitcases on the racks. Judy tipped him, and the girls proceeded to unpack. While unpacking, Judy noticed Kathleen rubbed up against her, even though there seemed to be ample room for her to get by Judy. Later, Judy would admit it felt nice to have another human being touch her, as it was hard for her to get dates because of her confidence issues.
Kathleen finished before Judy, and as Judy was bent over placing things in a drawer, Kathleen came up behind her and put her hands on Judy’s waist, and rubbed her crotch against Judy’s ass. There was no way this could be viewed as an accident.
Judy asked Kathleen, “What do you think you are doing?” Kathleen never moved or took her hands off Judy. She smiled and asked if Judy liked what was being done. Before Judy could answer, Kathleen said that Judy was so fucking HOT she couldn’t resist.
Kathleen said they should get the suspense over and that Judy should take her clothes off now. Judy stood straight, but before turning and facing Kathleen, the taller woman encircled Judy’s waist with one hand and grabbed her tit with the other. Judy was semi-shocked and couldn’t believe what she heard when Kathleen said she would fuck Judy’s brains over the next eight days. Kathleen licked Judy’s neck and ear and said she would show Judy what it’s like to be fucked and fucked perfectly. And Kathleen said, “To think the best fucks you ever receive from another human will be done to you by a woman!”
Judy stood trying to digest what Kathleen had said when she realized Kathleen had Judy’s skirt up around her waist. Kathleen had gotten her hand inside Judy’s thong and stroked Judy’s bare pussy; while unbuttoning Judy’s blouse with her other hand.
Judy would later admit Kathleen’s hand on her pussy felt very good, but at that moment, reason prevailed. Judy tried to pull Kathleen’s hand out of her thong. That’s when she found out how strong Kathleen was. Kathleen had her hand clamped on Judy’s pussy, and Judy could not budge it, no matter how hard she pulled.
Kathleen then said in a real low but controlled voice, “I told you to get undressed, you little fucking pussy. And from now on pussy, you do what the fuck I tell you to when I tell you. Now get the fuck out of your clothes.”
Judy got up and told Kathleen to get her hands off or else! The next thing Judy knew, she was being tossed onto the bed. Kathleen sat on the bed and pulled Judy across her knees. Before Judy could react, Kathleen had unfastened Judy’s skirt, pushed it down over her hips and below her knees, and ripped Judy’s thong off her. Judy was bare-assed, lying across Kathleen’s lap.
Judy was hollering like hell when she felt the first smack. Her brain was in total shock. Judy couldn’t believe Kathleen would spank her like a little girl. But spank Judy Kathleen did. Kathleen rained hand smacks on Judy’s poor ass, and these smacks hurt like hell. Judy started crying. Between sobs, she pleaded with Kathleen to stop. Kathleen did not stop until she had turned Judy’s ass fire engine red.
Judy was lying across Kathleen’s lap, crying like a baby. Judy does not deal with pain very well. Kathleen quietly asked if Judy doubted who owned her for eight days. Very stupidly, Judy answered that no one could own someone else in this country. She no sooner had those words out of her mouth than Kathleen bestowed another dozen hard smacks to Judy’s gorgeous-ass globe cheeks.
These last spanks made Judy scream that she belonged to Kathleen. Judy squealed that Kathleen owned her. Kathleen kissed Judy’s ass very gently and rubbed it very softly. Kathleen said that now that they understood each other, Judy should get undressed so Kathleen could get a full view of her property. Judy’s ass was so sore from the spanking she didn’t think she would be able to sit for a week, but she surely didn’t want more spanking, so she got up and began removing what little clothing remained on her.
Judy stood unbuttoning her blouse, naked from the waist down, and Kathleen was telling her what great legs she had, what a killer ass she had, but most of all, Judy had the most beautiful pussy Kathleen ever saw. Kathleen made Judy spread her legs while removing her skirt, blouse, and bra. When Judy’s bra came off, Kathleen whistled like a man, making Judy’s pussy even wetter than it was from the spanking. Two strange occurrences, Judy thought!
Kathleen was sitting on the bed, ogling Judy’s body. She made lewd remarks about Judy’s pussy and tits. Kathleen ordered Judy to come to her with her legs spread wide. Judy was still somewhat rebellious and slightly pissed that Kathleen was doing this to her. Judy stood firm, glaring at Kathleen. HUGE mistake!
Kathleen jumped up, grabbed Judy’s arm, pulled her to the bed, forced Judy again across her knees, and proceeded to spank the hell out of Judy’s ass again. Kathleen made Judy cry like a baby again. As Kathleen inflicted hard, sharp blows on Judy’s firm ass cheeks and thighs for what seemed like hours, Judy wailed, sobbed, and cried, begging Kathleen to stop. Judy promised she would be a good girl for Kathleen.
Finally, Kathleen stopped spanking Judy. Kathleen told Judy to spread her legs as wide as she could. Judy didn’t hesitate a second to spread them. Kathleen grabbed Judy’s pussy and, in a low, sexy, nasty hissing voice, said, “Listen, you little fucking pussy, this fucking pussy belongs to me! Did you get that, you little fucking whore? This is my pussy to suck, fuck or sell if I want to. Do you understand that, you little pussy lapping fucking whore? You are my pussy to use as I see fit!” As Kathleen spoke, she twisted Judy’s pussy lips to emphasize her point.
Judy screamed. Kathleen slapped Judy’s ass, telling her to shut the fuck up, and Kathleen told Judy if she didn’t want more of the same, Judy should get on her knees between Kathleen’s legs. Judy didn’t even stop to think about it. She got on her knees as fast as she could. Kathleen pushed Judy’s face into her pussy, telling her to eat Kathleen’s fucking pussy real good.
As Judy’s lips came in contact with Kathleen’s pussy, (and it was Judy’s first taste of pussy), she was so happy to discover that pussy tasted a helluva lot better than Judy thought it would. Judy found that she liked the taste of Kathleen’s pussy. Deeper in Judy’s mind and heart, the thought that Kathleen was forcing and making Judy do this excited her.
Plus, Judy’s ass was so sore that there was no way she wasn’t going to do what Kathleen ordered her to do. Kathleen instructed Judy on precisely what she wanted her to do. Judy licked and sucked Kathleen’s pussy as she was instructed. She was very good at following directions, for she had Kathleen moaning like a porn star. It didn’t take much or a lengthy time at pussy lapping before Kathleen was moaning. She was going to cum. Kathleen told Judy that if Judy let one drop of Kathleen’s cum escape her mouth, Judy would receive another ass spanking so severely Judy would not be able to sit for a week.
Kathleen filled Judy’s mouth with her hot pussy, squirting girl cum. Despite the residual angry feeling Judy harbored toward Kathleen, she loved the taste of the hot sweet pussy juices that flowed from the older woman. Judy got quite excited. She grabbed her pussy and began to stroke it.
Kathleen had grabbed a handful of Judy’s hair, pulled it, and said, “Keep eating my pussy, you little fucking pussy lapper. I’ll fucking tell you when you have had enough. Now show me how much you love my pussy and make me cum again in your pussy lapping mouth.”
Judy went right back to eating Kathleen’s sodden-drenched pussy. When Kathleen screamed, she was cumming again. She filled Judy’s mouth again with pussy cum.
Now Judy didn’t know what the fuck she was feeling about the entire situation, but much to her chagrin, she had liked the taste of Kathleen’s pussy, especially when Kathleen squirted her mouth. Judy was still, however, miffed that Kathleen was using her like she was Kathleen’s property.
Judy didn’t have to think about things for long. Kathleen told Judy to get on the bed. When Judy didn’t move fast enough to suit her, Kathleen threw Judy on the bed. She bit Judy’s tit, leaving a bite mark. While Judy screamed, cried, and squirmed, Kathleen turned Judy over and spanked her poor beleaguered ass again. Judy was lying on the bed sobbing from the pain. Kathleen told her to turn over quickly, or she would spank her pussy in addition to her ass. Judy flipped to her back in a flash. She spread her legs just in case. Kathleen smiled at Judy. “That’s a good girl,” she said softly, stroking Judy’s pussy with her fingertips. Kathleen rose and went to a small valise she carried with her. From it, she removed some lengths of silken rope.
Judy saw the rope and panicked. She thought, “Oh my God, what will this woman do to me now!” As though reading Judy’s mind, Kathleen whispered, “You have such a pretty pussy. I am going to tie your hands and legs to restrain you. I am doing this because I will make your hot wet little pussy even prettier than it is. And Judy darling, you have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen.”
The ropes were soft, and Kathleen tied Judy’s arms back over my head and her wrists to the bed headboard. She pulled Judy’s legs farther apart, spreading her wide open. Kathleen tied each leg to a footpost at the foot of the bed. Judy was secured and spread-eagled. At that point, Judy wanted to die from embarrassment, fear, and humiliation.
Kathleen got between Judy’s legs and stroked Judy’s pussy very lightly. All the while, Kathleen kept telling Judy how pretty her pussy was and how much prettier Kathleen was going to make it.
It was as though Kathleen had driven a stake into Judy’s heart. She was so fucking scared about what Kathleen would do to her. Judy couldn’t see what Kathleen was doing as Kathleen returned to the valise and removed another object. Judy felt something being placed over her pussy. Judy began whimpering, whining, and crying like a baby. Kathleen continued to fit, place, adjust, and mold the object over Judy’s pussy.
The object must be in 2 parts because Judy felt something fit over her clit, and a mild suction was applied to her clit, while the other object was being molded over her pussy. Kathleen kept cooing to Judy not to cry. Kathleen maintained that Judy was going to enjoy this.
Judy felt something sucking at her pussy. The sucking wasn’t painful. It was just sucking at her pussy and clit. The sensation was not unpleasant at all. When Kathleen told her it was a pussy and clit pump, Judy was slightly less worried. Judy felt much more comfortable when Kathleen said for Judy to tell her if the sucking sensation became too uncomfortable. Judy relaxed and realized something was happening to her pussy, but she couldn’t tell what the feeling was other than sucking. The sucking was making Judy more than a little hot.
Kathleen was playing with Judy’s tits. She sucked on one and played with the nipple on the other one. Despite herself, Judy was getting fucking hot from the pussy and tit manipulation. She was panting like a little fucking whore. Kathleen put her face next to Judy’s and kissed her very passionately. This made Judy respond in kind. When they finished the kiss, Kathleen smiled at Judy and told her what a good girl she was being, and Kathleen was going to make Judy’s pussy very happy.
Judy had the feeling that the pussy pump was going to suck her pussy right off her body. Sensing the younger woman’s thoughts, Kathleen took it off, saying how beautiful Judy’s pussy was now. Kathleen ran her finger over Judy’s pussy. Judy almost jumped out of her skin. Her pussy was so sensitive. When Kathleen grabbed Judy’s pussy with both hands, Judy knew the pussy pump had made her pussy swell, but she wasn’t prepared for how much it had swollen.
Kathleen kneaded Judy’s pussy with both hands. When she stroked Judy’s clit, Judy came like a broken water main. This made Kathleen happy as hell. Kathleen got a mirror from the valise so Judy could see her pussy. Judy almost fainted when she saw her pussy. It was four or five times bigger than usual, and her clit was exposed, looking like a miniature dick poking out of her pussy lips.
Kathleen very lightly ran her fingers over Judy’s engorged pussy. Judy screamed from the extreme pleasure when Kathleen licked her clit. Judy’s pussy shot cum from it like a hose. Kathleen got between Judy’s legs, kissing and licking her super-sensitive pussy, making Judy beg for more. Judy was reduced to a little whore, and when Kathleen took Judy’s clit in her mouth, people out in the street had to hear Judy scream.
Judy never had a sensation even close to the one she had when Kathleen sucked on her clit. Judy’s mind and body were both on fire. Judy didn’t want Kathleen to ever take her mouth off her pussy. Judy’s body and mind were so overcome with passion. She would do anything Kathleen wanted just to have Kathleen continue to make her feel this way. Kathleen made me cum so many times it exhausted me, Judy thought.
After a while, Judy realized Kathleen was discussing what was being done to her. Kathleen explained how many times Judy had cum. Kathleen said the cums would get even better as she made Judy’s pussy flower with the pussy pump. Kathleen said it was time to put the pump back on Judy’s pussy. Judy was so worn out that she went to sleep feeling her pussy sucked again.
Judy slept for quite a while with the pump working her pussy. When she woke up, her pussy was feeling different than ever. Judy knew it was swollen now, and when Kathleen showed Judy her pussy in a mirror, Judy gasped. Her pussy was swollen up bigger than before. The first time Kathleen pumped Judy’s pussy was a natural bright pink. This time, it was almost blood red.
Kathleen again went to the valise and returned. She began rubbing Judy’s erect clit massaging her engorged pussy lips. As Kathleen reached to pinch Judy’s hard nipples, Judy saw Kathleen’s hands were gloved with purple surgical gloves. Why gloves, Judy wondered. And why surgical gloves?
Kathleen removed the ropes and turned Judy to her tummy. Retying Judy, Kathleen got all the pillows and placed them under Judy’s tummy. Judy was on her hands and knees with her ass, and pussy elevated high into the air.
Kathleen began fingering Judy’s pussy again. The pump had made Judy’s pussy lips and clit hypersensitive. Kathleen eased one and then the 2nd finger into Judy’s gorgeous quim. As Kathleen’s finger fucked her new pussy whore, she twisted her fingers to reach Judy’s most sensitive inner places. Two fingers became three, and as Judy’s swollen pussy dilated, three fingers became four.
Judy felt all four fingers push into her stretched vulva. Her cunt was so slippery from cumming 2 or 3 times earlier due to the pussy pump. Kathleen’s gloved hand slid in easily. Slowly, Judy felt a slight pressure she had not felt before. Kathleen had folded her thumb into her pal and was slowly pushing and rotating her hand to make it into Judy!
“Relax, Judy. You almost have my hand to my knuckles and the first joint of my thumb. Your hot pussy is loaded with cum and natural juices. You are slippery.”
The pressure was not a sharp pain but an ache due to muscle stretching. As Kathleen pushed harder, Judy writhed slowly on the bed. Judy fell from her hands to her elbows with her forehead pressed to the bed. Her ass and pussy were elevated, and Kathleen had easy access and leverage to push her hand in Judy’s hot, soaking-wet pussy.
“Breath deep and relax. Try rapid breathing like Lamaze, and then instead of pushing Babe, relax your pussy. I’ll push. I’ll stop if it hurts too much.”
Judy began rapid Lamaze panting and relaxed her kegel muscles. Kathleen pushed, and Judy could feel Kathleen’s fingers deeper in her pussy.
“Again, sweet pussy whore.” Kathleen ordered. Judy resumed her rapid breathing and then relaxed. Kathleen pushed, and suddenly, the pressure on Judy’s muscles disappeared. Kathleen had her first buried in Judy’s hot pussy up to her wrist.
Judy felt so complete. Kathleen’s hand pushed the pussy juices out, and cum dripped down Judy’s inner thighs. She could feel and hear a little trapped air squeezing out. Kathleen’s hand was not as deep as it could go, but she was stretching Judy’s pussy walls more than they had ever been stretched. Kathleen flexed her fingers, and Judy could feel the tugging against her womb. Kathleen twisted her hand, and her thumb knuckle rubbed Judy’s G-spot. Judy’s pussy muscles gave a sharp contraction as she had another small orgasm.
“Ahh, Kathleen. Oh, oh, I’m sooo full. I’m cummming. Ahhh”
“Judy, I’m making a fist.” Kathleen’s fingers rubbed past Judy’s cervix. Judy could feel her pussy stretch to hold this huge lump. Judy felt an exquisite mix of pain and pleasure. The pain was not sharp but deep and stretching. But the pleasure was indescribable. My G-spot was overloaded. I began gasping and spoke inaudible words.
“Ahh, Mf OH OH OH OH” My breathing became ragged as wave after wave of cum swept through me. Then, only roaring noise in my ears and ……….
“Judy, Judy. Are you OK? Honey! Babe, talk to me!” Judy could feel her body again. Judy’s pussy was wet and empty. Her pillow was wet. As Judy opened her eyes, Kathleen was kneeling over her.
“What happened?
“Are you OK?” You passed out, Baby.”
Judy smiled and said, “OHHHH fuck Kathleen, I have never cum so hard or so long in all my life.”
Kathleen told Judy that they had such a good pussy pump session that when the swelling goes down, Judy’s pussy will stay at least twice the size it was before. Kathleen was working Judy’s pussy with her hand while telling Judy these things. Kathleen’s fingers felt so good to Judy.
Judy asked one question, “will my pussy always be this sensitive?” Kathleen said it would be almost as sensitive as it is now, but not entirely because a swelling loss desensitized the labia. Judy smiled and begged Kathleen to make her cum again. Judy said she couldn’t wear underwear or tight pants now because the sensation on her clit would make a huge wet spot on the pants or panties.
Kathleen took Judy’s phone with her once the seminar concluded. Kathleen told Judy that she had another experience for her, which would make her cum as hard or harder as the pussy pump cums. Judy grinned and stripped her clothes from her body in seconds.
Kathleen told Judy to go into the far spare bedroom, get the ‘bench,’ and bring it into the playroom. Judy did as instructed, and Kathleen left the playroom to fetch Judy’s new source of pleasure.
Judy placed the bench where Kathleen had indicated. Kathleen entered the playroom with a monstrous dog on a leash. Judy gasped and began to shake her head. Kathleen smiled and secured the big dog’s leash to a ‘D’ ring fitted into the wall.
“Why are you shaking your head?” Kathleen asked Judy.
Judy’s mouth hung open, and she could only shake her head. Kathleen sat on the bench and motioned Judy to come to her. Hesitantly, Judy walked to Kathleen. Kathleen motioned for Judy to assume the over-the-knee position. Whimpering now and with small tears falling down her cheeks, Judy draped herself over Kathleen’s lap.
Kathleen slowly and softly rubbed Judy’s fine tight ass. As she did this, Kathleen leaned forward and whispered to Judy, “Darling, do you remember the seminar and me telling you your fucking pussy belongs to me! It is my pussy to suck, fuck or sell if I want to. Do you understand that, you little pussy lapping whore? You are my pussy to use as I see fit!”
Judy nodded her head. Kathleen then asked Judy if another harsh spanking was necessary to reinforce this point. Judy quickly shook her head in the negative. Kathleen whispered that Judy was a good girl, and as the last word left her lips, her right-handed landed two thunderous smacks to Judy’s ass. Judy howled, and another two ultra-hard on her ass when she did.
Judy sobbed, and as she did, she ground her pussy onto Kathleen’s thigh. Judy’s swollen pussy lips and her hyper-extended clit were super sensitive. Judy’s drooling pussy left a long broad streak of girly pussy juices streaked across the top of Kathleen’s thigh. Kathleen helped Judy up and sat her on the bench. Kathleen brought the dog over and sat on the bench next to Judy.
The dog kept trying to sniff each woman since it was used to female pussy. As he inhaled the pussies, the dog’s dick was starting to grow. Kathleen noticed this and told Judy that she was having an impact on the dog. Judy said it was her fertile time, and she got wet. Kathleen snorted and said,
“Tell me about it. Your hot little pussy runs like it has a broken water pipe in it.”
Kathleen looked at the dog’s almost hard dick and told Judy to look at the dog’s dick.
“Too bad more men don’t have a dick like that.” Kathleen quipped. “If they did, I would probably be a bi-sexual soccer mom with a hubby.” Kathleen noticed that Judy continued to stare at the dog’s hardening dick. Kathleen commented that it wasn’t good for a dog to be constantly horny. Kathleen said the dog could become aggressive.
Kathleen looked at Judy and said, “Is your little hot pussy getting all wet and slick for that dog dick? Is your sweet pussy yearning to experience how that huge dick will feel when it spreads and pierces your super sensitive pumped pussy lips?”
Judy wailed at the nasty talk that flowed from Kathleen’s mouth.
“Ohhhh fuck yes. My hot little pussy is flowing like a river in anticipation of you making me take that dick. I know you are going to make me give that dog some pussy! YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME AREN’T YOU?”
Kathleen knew Judy was getting hornier than ever and said to her that her pussy smelled so good to the dog, and he was looking for a fuck. Kathleen told Judy, “I don’t have to make you do anything. You want to give my handsome boy your pussy. You want his huge hard red dick plowing a long deep furrow through your cunt.”
Judy said laughingly, “I must be his bitch-in-heat dog.”
Kathleen giggled and said, “If you aren’t, you soon will be.”
Kathleen pulled Judy to the floor and positioned her on her hands and knees. Kathleen adjusted Judy so her head, tits, and shoulders touched the floor. This raised Judy’s pussy and ass to a perfect height for the dog.
“Are you ready to give my boy that pussy?” Kathleen growled to Judy.
Judy giggled and said, “AHHH HAAA!”
The dog quickly circled Judy and promptly hopped up on Judy’s back. Kathleen draped a towel over Judy just in time to prevent the dog’s claws from scratching her. The weight of the dog pushed Judy down a bit more.
Judy gasped. The dog’s 10″ dick was extended and slapping against her tummy. Judy started to cry and wanted the dog off. Kathleen went up beside Judy and said it was all right. Kathleen proceeded to pull on Judy’s clit and nipples, telling her to relax and allow the dog to have his way.
The dog’s dick was running up through Judy’s slit and pressing her clit shaft between his hard dick and her pubic bone. Judy moaned and squealed at how her sensitive pussy lips seemed to feel every millimeter of dog dick as it slid along her puffy lips and scraped her clit shaft.
Kathleen could see Judy’s pussy and how sopping wet it was. Judy started to cry more and asked Kathleen to stop the dog. Kathleen had this devilish grin, reached under Judy, and grabbed the dog’s dick. Judy looked underneath her and could see this. Kathleen pointed the 10″ dick at Judy’s dripping pussy hole and let about 2″ enter Judy’s dick-starved cavern.
Judy cried and asked Kathleen again to stop. Judy wailed that she could not handle or take that huge doggie dick. Kathleen shushed Judy and said, “Oh, sure you can! Your little pussy is starving for it. Your hot little cunt is begging for this dick. Your pussy wants this dick sooo bad! And you will love the fuck this wonderful dick will give you.”
Kathleen let another three inches of big thick hard, doggie dick enter Judy’s pussy. Judy was still crying. Kathleen restrained the dog from humping too fast so Judy could get used to the length and width of the canine pussy pleaser. Another 2″ went in and said the dog was now in virgin territory, a depth no dick had ever reached in this sweet Latina pussy. Judy started to moan and moved her legs further apart.
Her pussy lips were well stretched around the dog’s dick. Kathleen could smell the musky smell from her pussy. Kathleen was getting into it now and was rubbing her clit. Kathleen told Judy she would stop the dog and remove him as requested.
Judy sobbed and begged Kathleen not to do that. “NOOOO!!” Judy cried. “Please let him stay in me! My pussy needs this dick so much.” Kathleen released the remaining 3″ of hot dog dick and watched in awe as Judy’s tight little pussy opened and swallowed the complete length of dick and the knot.
Judy was really into it now. The dog was starting to hump with short power strokes. His knot was pressed against Judy’s G spot, and it rubbed that spot with each insert and pulled back. Tine, prickly doggy hairs would stick Judy’s elongated clit, and she was cumming one petite orgasm after the other as the dog fucked her pussy. Kathleen knew it wouldn’t be long before Judy and the dog had huge orgasmic cum.
Kathleen slid underneath Judy with her pussy at Judy’s face and her face at where the dog was fucking Judy. She propped her head up on a pillow to get her tongue to lick both the dog and Judy’s clit. Judy opened her eyes and saw Kathleen’s pussy in front of her. She started to lick Kathleen. Kathleen and Judy were having orgasms when the dog began to whimper.
Judy felt his scalding hot cum splash deep inside her pussy and womb. As the first hot jet of puppy cum hit inside her, Judy squealed, and a huge tidal wave cumming overwhelmed her. The dog was shooting power jet streams of cum inside Judy’s quivering pussy.
“Milk his dick, baby. Use your pussy muscles and milk all the cum from his dick!” Kathleen commanded Judy.
Judy twitched and jumped as hot sperm went deep into her womb. Gobs of cum started to come out of Judy’s pussy and landed on Kathleen’s face. The dog kept cumming for more than 20 minutes, and it was another 20 before his knot subsided enough to allow him to pull out of Judy without causing her any injury or pain.
The dog got off Judy yet remained at Judy’s pussy and ass to clean her of all his and her juices. He then went a few feet away and lay down to lick his dick. Judy came up to her hands, and Kathleen helped her stand. Judy licked cum off Kathleen’s face and tits. They slowly kissed and played a little as they sat down.
Kathleen said to Judy, “Isn’t that the best dick you have ever had?”
Judy smiled and said, “Yes, it was. One had to get over the fact that it is a dog dick, but it was the best fuck I could ever imagine.”
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.