Lisa goes for a walk

By milqand

Lisa, a 19-year-old college girl, had a week off from school, and she’d been up early the entire week. She lived close to the forest, so she decided to take her dog for a walk for a couple of hours.

Lisa closed the door behind her and walked towards the little path at the side of the road with her dog on the leash. She played and chatted happily with her dog, a young female shepherd named Amy. Lisa had been her owner since she was a pup, and she loved her playmate. They went for a walk each day, a job Lisa carried out with love.

‘Let’s go to the woods, Amy!’ she proclaimed while walking. ‘Maybe we’ll meet those other dogs. Then you can play all morning!’ The dog looked up at her owner and wagged her tail in reaction to the sound of her voice. Lisa took that as a yes and went up the path towards the forest.

During the walk, she noticed her dog behaving differently. She stopped at every tree of lantern post, sniffing extensively and studying the apparently very interesting scents. Lisa had trouble guiding her along, and sometimes, she had to pull the leash quite strongly to pull Amy along. ‘What’s up with you?’ she asked, pulling away Amy from a tree for the umpteenth time. ‘You’re never like this,’ she said.

Obviously, the dog didn’t answer and appeared a bit annoyed. Lisa sighed and walked on, happy to have reached the field at the woods’ entrance. Almost relieved, she unleashed Amy, and the young dog hurried towards the bushes and trees, sniffing everything. But she always did that when they were here, and Lisa watched with a smile, happy that her dog was behaving normally again. ‘Look, Amy, there are your friends!’ she called when she noticed the two other dogs.

One of the dogs was a shepherd, like Amy, while the other was a Golden Retriever. Amy had seen the dogs in the woods, always without an owner nearby. Their owners lived at the forest’s edge and often let their dogs run loose. The forest was the ideal playground for the energetic animals. Amy had always gotten along well with those friendly dogs and played with them. And today, Amy ran towards them as usual. However, Lisa noticed something was not quite right. Instead of playing and jumping, the dogs stood close together, shaking and obviously agitated. The two other animals sniffed extensively at Amy and pushed their bodies next to hers regularly.

Suddenly Lisa understood what was going on. What a day for Amy to be in heat for the first time in her life! With a shock Lisa realized those two other dogs had to be male, and what that would mean. Quickly she started to run towards the three dogs, but it was too late. The dogs skidded off and disappeared into the lush bushes in the forest, barking and playfully biting at each other. ‘Amy’ Lisa called, without effect ‘Come back here! Come here!’

Bewildered she looked around for help, but she appeared to be alone in the field. That wasn’t all that strange, considering it was this early in the middle of the week. Going back home wasn’t an option, Amy was following her instinct and wouldn’t be coming home by herself. Lisa had to handle it by herself.

Lisa ducked though the bushed, pushing aside the leaves and branches. The first few yards were the most difficult. She had to weave between the trees and up a small hill. After that, the bushes thinned out and there were less trees, until finally she happened upon a small clearing. Relieved, she saw the three dogs standing there, but that feeling didn’t last long. Because right at that time, Amy was being mounted by the Golden Retriever. For a moment the girl saw a flash of red near the dog’s hindquarters. Then the dog started moving furiously on Amy’s back. ‘No! Stop!’, Lisa called desperately.

She knew what the dogs were doing, and understood that this would lead to a litter of puppies. She ran towards the animals to separate them, but before she’d reached them she tripped over a branch and stooped forward, letting out a small yelp. She smacked down hard and for a moment she lay down dazed. When she tried to get back up, it happened!

She was on her hands and knees when the other shepherd took his chance. The male animal aroused scent Amy was emitting, but was incapable to act on that urge because the Golden Retriever was already mounting the bitch. And Lisa suddenly presented a very suitable alternative!

Lisa screamed again, this time out of fear, because she thought she were under attack by the shepherd who jumped her from behind. The weight of the dog pushed her down and she almost fell over again. The dog stopped that from happening however, by wrapping his front legs around her hips and holding her in an iron grip. Then the dog started riding her. ‘Stop it’ she yelled when she felt the dogs hindquarters humping her firm bottom furiously ‘Get off me you stupid dog!’

It had no effect. The dog tightened his grip and increased the tempo of his already furious shagging. With every hard hump, Lisa slumped forward, powerless under the weight of the dog and in the iron grip of his front paws. Lisa didn’t understand what the dog wanted from her. Then she looked up and saw Amy and the Golden Retriever in front of her. The golden coloured dog was moving in exactly the same way as the shepherd on top of her. At that moment her eyes looked toward the hindquarters of the Retriever and now she could clearly see the big red dog dick. Her mouth fell open at the sight of that big rod moving in and out of Amy’s cunt, glittering with moisture. Only now it really hits her what the shepherd wanted with her. ‘Stop it! Stop it! I’m not a god!’

She struggled to get out from under the dog, but her attempts were fruitless. The weight of the dog pressed down on her, and the dog was stronger than her on top of that. Even letting herself fall didn’t help. The shepherd pulled her up effortlessly with his strong front legs and tightened his grip so much she couldn’t even attempt this a second time. And she didn’t dare call for help, so ashamed she was in her current place. ‘Oh god’ Lisa moaned when she realised how hopeless this position was. ‘Please! Stop it! Please, get off me you stupid animal’

Her begging was as fruitless as her escape attempts, The shepherd kept riding her. And if there was any doubt in her mind about the dog’s intentions, she was brutally yanked out of that dream. Because suddenly, she felt something hot between her thighs, something that felt to be growing and moving quickly backward and forward. She couldn’t resist looking behind and then she saw.

The shepherd had gotten an erection and now his dog dick was moving furiously between the young woman’s thighs. His dick as red and big, an impressive penis for a dog. The pointy tip came out between her thighs with each forward thrust, shooting small amounts of precum. This fluid wets her naked thighs slowly but surely, making her tanned skin glitter. Lisa looked at the shagging dick with big, shocked eyes. It looked red and ugly, and she felt a wave of disgust flow through her.

In trying to block the thrusting dog dick she closed her thighs. Sadly, that had the opposite effect. The increased pressure of Lisa’s thighs on his dick were enough to drive the shepherd mad. For a moment he froze, but then her redoubled his efforts, thrusting madly and even faster than before. His dick stiffened even more until is was like a hard, massive weapon, thrusting between Lisa’s thighs.

Suddenly Lisa’s attention was drawn to the two dogs in front of her. The animals were growling and whining, but it didn’t sound as if they were in pain from fighting. With some effort, Lisa tore here eyes off the shagging dog dick between her thighs and watched the two dogs, just in time to see the Golden Retriever on top of Amy tense up. With shaking hind legs he stood on top of the bitch, frozen.

Then he started thrusting again, first irregularly and shaking, but soon just as fast as before. Amy let out a whine and for a moment Lisa felt sorry for her. Then her eyes were pulled towards the thrusting Retrievers dick again. It was just as red and big as before, but while she was watching it was turning white. Astonished, she saw almost milky white drops fall of the shagging dog dick, fouling the coat of both dogs and splashing down on the grass beneath the animals.

Despite herself, Lisa felt her heart race. She understood the Golden Retriever was cumming. The male animal was still humping furiously while shooting his seed inside Amy, his hindquarters blurry with movement. His thrusting dick was just a blurry, red smear and Lisa could hear it sopping. With big eyes she watched both animals and became fascinated with the furious mating.

At last the dog came to rest on Amy, leaning heavily on the female animal. He panted loudly, while his body still made some uncontrolled shocking movement. The dog relaxed his grip on the bitch and slowly slid off her back. Lisa’s eyes grew even larger when she saw the huge dick slide out of Amy. Not only was it white with sperm, it was so swollen it almost seemed unreal. For a moment it looked like the animal was stuck in Amy, but then the huge knot slid out of the bitch and the dog’s dick shot out. Big wads of sperm splashed on the grass and sprayed all around when the impressive dick swung left and right.

The mating between the two dogs was over and the Golden Retriever stumbled away from Amy. Lisa felt and unprecedented arousal at the sight of that huge, sperm covered dick, still swinging heavily between his hind legs. Sperm was still dropping off and while she was watching the erection slunk visibly. Suddenly, the shepherd on top of her growled and with a shock the girl was yanked back to reality and her sticky situation.

She was so entranced by the spectacle in front of her that she hadn’t even noticed the shepherd had increased the tempo of his thrusts again. With incredible speed he rode against her ass, his dog dick pushing back and forth between her thighs. She let her head hang down and looked underneath her body, curious despite herself.

In a furious rhythm the point dick flashed between her clenched thighs, red and swollen and spraying small amounts of precum on the grass beneath her. Lisa realised the pressure of her thighs must have aroused him. She quickly moved her knees apart, and she felt relieved when the dog slowed down. But again, that relief was short-lived. Lisa was wearing a short, black sundress, which had slid up over her thighs because of her fall.

Underneath, she only wore her slip. Before she could react, the shepherd’s rock hard, huge dick slipped up between her legs and started to bump into the crotch of her panties. Lisa felt a shock going through her at this intimate caress and in a reflex closed her thighs again in a far too late attempt to stop the dog’s penis.

The shepherd tensed up on top of her and bent his back, tensing all his muscles. Panting loudly, he stayed on top of the girl like that, as if he had to adjust to the increased pressure on his cock. High between the girl’s thighs, his doggy cock was being warmed up, which aroused the animal. With a hard thrust he rammed his cock forward and immediately started humping, fucking Lisa maniacally between her thighs.

‘Ungh! Aaaahhhh!!’ she moaned surprised when the big dock dick started rubbing against her panties. A warm glow spread through her lower body and in an instant her nipples went hard. These feelings assaulted her just like the shepherd had assaulted her not minutes before. Unintended enjoying all this, she closed her eyes for a moment, and she started panting softly.

She could feel her panties getting wet. First she thought it had to be the precum, being spat out of the point dog cock, but then she realised she was getting wet herself. She felt herself going red, momentarily ashamed at the thought of being aroused by the shepherd. But that big, juicy dog cock was rubbing so fast and deliciously over her crotch that soon enough all she could do was enjoy herself. ‘Oh yes!’ she panted, staring under her belly at the thrusting dog dick. ‘Ooh … Nice… Keep… Keep going!’

She noticed she was moving with the fucking animal, rocking back and forth on her hands and knees. She could keep up with the blistering pace of the animal, but she couldn’t sit still either. An incredible, invigorating tension started building in her belly and from the few times she’d pleasured herself she knew an orgasm was building up. With a growl the humping Shepherd tensed up and at the same time Lisa could feel his huge lid swelling between her thighs. It was as if her legs were being pushed apart by the swelling erection. With big, fascinated eyes she watched the dog dick between her thighs and saw a little stream of moisture dripping out of the red, point cock. But it wasn’t colourless, like the precum had been. This time, it was almost milky white.

The dog was shaking from head to tail and was lying on top of her for at least five seconds, pressing down heavily on her. His front paws gripped the girl’s waist like a vice and she noticed the animal pulling her towards him, at the same time pressing his body towards hers almost intimately.

Then the dog started humping again, with short, shaking movements of his hindquarters, slapping his hips against Lisa’s ass. She let out a small yelp when she saw the dog cock emerging between her thighs, shooting a thick wad of sperm on the grass beneath her. Immediately the dog dick was pulled back, and she felt the semen dripping on her thighs. Then it appeared again, shooting another thick stream of sperm.

She shivered when she heard the dog howl, but it wasn’t a shiver of fear of compassion. The animal was humping her again, his cock teasing and arousing her. The tension in her belly rose again, almost reaching a climax. She could feel how hard and swollen her nipples were, just like her clit, while the sensitive knobs tingled deliciously, increasing her pleasure. Semen was now dripping on her thighs, while the grass beneath her was glistening with it. Lisa saw how the dog cum was fouling the underside of her dress, but she couldn’t care.

She only cared for that ragging doggy dick that just kept thrusting between her thighs and was happy her dress had slid up, she had an unobstructed view. With growing fascination she saw the dog keep cumming between her thighs.

‘Yes! Yes, keep on going!’, she encouraged the animal, pressing her thighs closed together to arouse the dog some more. ‘Keep going! I’m almost there! I’m almost coming!’

And just at that moment, the dog slowed down, reaching the end of his load. The disappointed girl watched the dog’s cock moving ever slower between her thighs. At the same time, the caressing on her crotch decreased, and with it her pleasure, leaving Lisa with an empty, unsatisfied feeling. ‘Ooh, come on!’ she panted, moving back and forth to encourage the dog. ‘I want it, I want it, I WANT it!’

Without considering the consequences, she reached back and ripped her panties down. Quickly she opened her thighs and before the dog could pull back she’d caught his still hard dick between her fingers. Letting out a muffled moan, she moved the point end of his cock between her swollen pussy lips. ‘Uh.. I’ll…’

The shepherd felt her moist heat tightly around the top of his cock and reacted instinctively. With one hard thrust he threw his hips forward.

Amy let out a scream when she was penetrated roughly by the big, hard dog cock. Her pussy stood no chance against the dog’s big rod. A short stab shook the girl, and immediately she overwhelmingly felt filled up. Then the dog started humping furiously, his doggy dick thrusting in and out of her hot pussy at a speed seemingly invisible to the human eye.

‘OH! OH GOD… Jesus!’ Lisa yelled, throwing her head back with her eyes wide and full of wonder. ‘YES! YES! Oh… OOOOOHHGOOOODD!’

She only vaguely realised she was being fucked by a dog. But that realisation didn’t scare her this time, but it aroused her even more. In no time her pleasure was just as intense as before, or even more so. The shepherd was fucking her at an incredible pace, faster than any man could.

‘Oh! Yes! Yes!’ She yelled time and again ‘Fuck me! Fuck me, dog! Oh dog, you horny dog, this is wonderful! Oh.. This… Oh! This is magnificent!’

The hard, fast thrusts of the humping shepherd made her rock back and forth, so she moved to the animal. She felt the front paws of the dog clenching her hips while the animal pulled her close with every thrust. She dug her fingers into the high grass beneath her, as if she tried to hold on. Panting and moaning loudly she completely submitted, feeling complete ecstasy by the dog’s big cock.

The dog was panting, while driving his red and swollen rod in and out of Lisa’s tight cunt. The animal was shaking with effort, but he did his utmost best, mainly driven by his own pleasure. The dog felt as if his balls were about to burst while fucking Lisa, but due to his earlier ejaculation it would take some time before he would come again.

Lisa didn’t have that problem. She felt her pleasure rise each second, driven by that incredibly fast thrusting doggy dick. It was pure, greatest pleasure racing through her shuddering body, awakened by that shagging dog cock rubbing ceaseless past her swollen clit. Her juices flowed richly and she became even more wet due to the dog’s precum, being shot into her belly in small, warm rays. She shivered when she heard the thrusting dick in her pussy, making a wet sucking sound. ‘Oh god! Ohm god!’ she moaned, her eyes dark with lust ‘OH! I’m coming! I’m going to come! Ungh! Yes… YES! I’M COMING! I’M COOOMMMIIIINNG… Oooooooohh!

She froze under the shagging shepherd, but that didn’t stop him driving his cock in and out of her pussy. On the contrary, Lisa’s clenching muscles drove the dog to his limit. With bent back he stood over her, his hips a whirling movement. With unseen fury he drove his throbbing dick in and out of her cumming cunt, with no other purpose than to shoot his hot load in her belly.

Lisa screamed out her orgasmic pleasure. She’d forgotten where she was, or that anyone might hear her. The only thing she could think of at this time was the pleasure coursing through her body, that incredible fire driven by the amazing speed of that magnificent dog cock. Moaning, panting she sat beneath the shagging shepherd and let herself be fucked, and felt incredibly horny. Despite her unbearable pleasure and her orgasm which kept raging on, she regained a bit of control. While she started moving with the shepherd thrusts, her attention was drawn to movement in front of her. She looked up, just in time to see the Golden Retriever attempt to mount Amy again.

Still panting and moaning she put her hand between the bodies of the two dogs and gripped, before she knew it, the huge erection of the Retriever, right before he could penetrate Amy. She was startled for a moment, the dog’s cock felt hard, hot and wet. But then her fingers clenched around the big cock. It was enough. The Retriever started thrusting furiously in Lisa’s fist, just as the shagging shepherd was doing now. Already the point cock was spewing forth precum. ‘Oh yes, yes. Go on! Keep going!’ she encouraged both male dog, shivering both with pleasure and delicious excitement. ‘Oh, so incredibly horny this all is! This is great!’

The shepherd increased his grip on her hips while increasing his already incredible pace driving his cock in and out of Lisa’s pussy. She shivered with excitement with the thought of the shepherd coming in her hot cunt. It was a strange, but very arousing though which almost made her come again. She thought it would be amazing to feel all that seed in her belly and splashing on her pussy.

She managed to concentrate on the dogs in front of her again. The Retriever was still humping, and Lisa started moving her hand up and down at a fast pace, arousing the Retriever even more. Her fingers pinched rhythmically in the animal erection, skilfully masturbating the dog. She was sure he’d also come eventually, thinking of the shepherd who had come between her thighs first. That was the moment the shepherd tensed and clenched his paws around her waist.

She felt him shivering and shaking, pressing his hairy body intimately against hers, panting loudly, while she felt his hot breath on her neck. Suddenly he let out a sort of whine and Lisa felt his cock swell in her pussy. Her heart seemed to race when she realised the dog was about to come and she let out an excited yelp. ‘Yes! Yes!’ she encouraged, delightfully horny. Curiously she looked down between her legs, at the doggy dick buried in her pussy. ‘Oh yes, come doggy! Come inside of me! In my horny pussy!’

Slowly, the animal started thrusting again, while his cock kept swelling and swelling. Lisa felt the huge erection pressing more and more against the sides of her pussy and her clit and screamed with joy! She had felt filled up by the dog’s cock from the start, but now that sensation became almost unbearable. Before it started hurting however, the animal started shooting his load.

It was as if a load of thick, hot, slimy fluid was being shot into her cunt and that, together with the pumping dog dick in her hand, was enough to make the girl come again. In her indescribable pleasure she seemed to want to scream the entire forest awake. Again the dog ejaculated and now his dick seemed to explode in her pussy. She felt the hot sperm being shot in her belly in one hot, powerful stream, spreading a hot, pleasuring glow through her body.

‘Oh god! Yes!’, she screamed when she saw the milky white sperm drip out of her pussy. ‘Fill me up! Fill me up with your hot sperm!’

A big drop of semen dripped from her swollen pussy lips, forming a thread that became longer and thinner, until it broke and splashed on the grass between her spread knees. But a new thread was already forming, while more sperm was running down on the inside of her thighs. Lisa shivered with pure ecstasy and lust when she saw all that seed.

Then she closed her eyes and fully gave into the pleasure of her own orgasm and the ejaculation of the shepherd. The animal drove his sperm shooting dick in and out of her pussy, the thick base of his cock captured tightly in her cunt. Which was for the best, otherwise it would have slid out of her pussy with all that furious movement.

Lisa felt the dog ejaculate deep inside her belly time and again, with one how spray of sperm landing in her pussy after another. She’d expected this ejaculation to be less intense and shorter after he had come between her thighs. In any case she enjoyed the sensation endlessly, her arousal increased with the realisation it was a dog shooting her sperm in her pussy.

At last she felt the shepherd slowing down and leaning more heavily on her back. His shagging dick came to rest in her tortured pussy , the dog lay down on top of her panting, while Lisa felt his dick shrinking in her pussy. But it was still large and slightly hard when the shepherd finally slid off her and his dick shot out of her pussy.

She shivered with delight when she felt him exiting her pussy and opened her eyes again to watch. It was almost completely white, just like the dick of the Retriever had been when he had come in Amy. The seamen dripped off. She saw it fall down in thick was on the grass and felt it running down her thighs. The pointy end followed by an extra-large stream of sperm and while his big dick swung between the shepherd’s legs, his seed gushed down between Lisa’s thighs.

Slowly Lisa caught her breath and regained herself. Now that the shagging dog cock had left her pussy, her orgasm calmed down swiftly. The shepherd had climbed off her, but still the girl sat next to Amy and the Golden Retriever, supported on one hand. With the other, she was still masturbating the Retriever, looking at the red dick with an equally red face. The Retriever was fucking her fist with fury, his red dick flashing in and out between her fingers.

Later, she couldn’t remember what came over her, but she bent forward, opened her mouth and swallowed the big, animal dick. Her arousal was still big enough so she wasn’t capable of thinking straight and consider her deed. Only when the dog dick was between her lips and immediately started thrusting in and out of her throat she was startled a bit, but not for long. Her arousal took over again and even increased when she tasted the dog’s precum.

The thin fluid tasted strangely arousing and turned her on even more. It sprayed deep inside her throat, so she had to swallow to be able to catch a breath when the Retriever pulled his cock back for another thrust. Every time she swallowed, the muscles in her throat agitated the shagging dog cock, driving the dog insane. Thrusting just as furious and fast as the shepherd had done before, he drove his cock in and out of her mouth, literally fucking her throat.

Lisa noticed the Retriever shot bigger loads in her mouth and throat when she sucked his shagging dick. Her cheeks went hollow when she started working his thick, hard rod. She could hear the dog panting above her. He kept driving his bursting dog dick in and out of her mouth and throat, desperate for the release of an ejaculation.

The precum was now so abundant the girl could barely cope anymore. It dripped between her lips and ran past her cheek and neck. She could feel it running past and over her perky breasts and shivered. She knew the thin cum was befouling her sundress, but she couldn’t and didn’t want to do anything about that now. She needed all her concentration to keep the thrusting cock in her mouth, so furious was the Retriever thrusting.

She could only breathe through her nose and did so loudly. While the dog drove his cock in and off of her mouth and throat with force and ferocity, the girl started to move her head up and down, so her soft lips moved even faster along the long, hard dog cock, caressing him delightfully.

Driven to the edge of his limits by her mouth, tongue and throat, the dog started thrusting uncontrollably. The point dick penetrated deeper into her throat each time, shooting a wad of precum. When the dog retreated for his next thrust, Lisa caressed the sensitive tip with her tongue for a moment, before it disappeared deep into her throat again.

Lisa noticed the acceleration of his thrusts and understood the animal was ready to shoot his seed into her mouth, just as the shepherd had shot his into her belly. She was too excited to let the doggy dick slip out of her mouth, instead starting to suck even more vigorously and moving her head up and down even faster. She could hear the dog panting on top of Amy, until suddenly he let out a strange whine.

At the same time the dog tensed up, throwing his hips forwards hard and fast, driving his cock extra deep into Lisa’s throat. Lisa felt the dick swelling in her throat, the tip shooting a stream of precum in her throat. The thin fluid she couldn’t swallow gushed into her mouth, forming a wet, warm bath for the trembling dog cock.

Growling, the dog suddenly thrusts towards her, pulled back out of her mouth and throat and immediately drove his erection back deep into her mouth. The huge load of sperm which suddenly spat of off the pointy tip surprised Lisa completely, despite the fact she’d expected his ejaculation. The thick, slimy sperm filled her throat and forced her to swallow. Her throat muscles pushed the sperm both up and down, back into her mouth. Like a milky white wave it gushed between her lips and over her chin, forming a thick thread dangling from her chin and swinging back and forth on her still up and down moving head.

The Retriever started fucking her mouth hard and fast again, but this time his dick spat out a big load of sperm with each wild thrust. Lisa was astonished but the huge amount the dog was letting loose. It seemed so much more than the shepherd had shot into her hot pussy before, but she suspected that was just her imagination. It was, after all, something else, having a dog coming in her mouth or her pussy.

Sucking and swallowing she tried to keep up with the huge amount of sperm, but it kept escaping between her lips. The red, swollen dick became more and more white with all that sperm. The girl had released the thrusting dick with her hands, do she could put both her hand firmly on the ground. She hadn’t counted on the fact that would allow the dog to keep thrusting uncontrollably.

Before she realised what was going on, the shagging dick shot between her lips, at the same time shooting another load of sperm. The seamen splashed in her face and she could feel it running down her cheeks. Blinking her eyes to keep the seed out, she grabbed the swinging, still thrusting dog dick. Before she caught it, he ejaculated again and this time thick wads of sperm landed in her hair.

She closed her finger around the thrusting dick and moved her hand in a fast rhythm up and down, masturbating the Retriever and increasing his pleasure for a moment. Lisa quickly opened her mouth to taste the last bit of his sperm. She shivered when she really tasted the sperm. It tasted very exciting, in a way. Sucking on the dick, she enjoyed the last bit of seed and licked the dog’s cock for the last bits of taste.

The Retriever now slowly calmed down. Lisa felt his animal erection shrink in her mouth and let him slip out between her lips. The Retriever relaxed. Lisa watched him disappearing between the bushed, followed by the shepherd. Only she and her dog remained, slightly confused but still enraptured by what had happened.

It took a while before she came to her senses. Licking her lips, she could still taste the Golden Retriever’s and only now she realised what had happened. She felt her face turn red with both shame and excitement and looked around startled, remembering how she had screamed while the shepherd was fucking her. She could scarcely believe no-one had heard her.

Luckily, she had some paper towels with her, and she managed to clean herself up a bit. She couldn’t remove all the sperm, so she could only hope no-one would note her walking home. Her panties and sundress showed a few stains, but she could remove those at home.

‘Come on Amy, let’s go home’ she said to her dog. ‘I’ll keep you on the leash, before anything else happens.’

She struggled through the undergrowth with some effort and sat down at the edge of the forest for a while. To her relief the field was still empty and quickly she left the bushed. With Amy at her side she quickly ran home, cheeks still blushing. She could feel a bit of shepherd sperm dripping out of her pussy, leaving an even bigger stain in her panties.



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