Live Sex Show

By Baddad.

Part One

I was stationed in San Diego, California, in 1958. I had a girlfriend, Kim, at the time, and we went to T-town in Mexico one night. The main street was lined with bars and shops selling everything you can imagine. One bar, in particular, caught our attention. It advertised a live sex show with real performing animals. We wondered what that was all about, and the admission was free if you had a woman with you, so we went in. There must have been about forty couples inside, all sitting at small round tables and high-backed chairs. There was a lighted stage up front, and a band was playing some lousy jazz. We sat down and ordered drinks. When they came, we asked the waitress when the show would start.

“In a few minutes,” was her reply.

Sure enough, a drum roll started, and the curtains parted. In the center stage, there was a naked woman on a leash with a dog collar on. She was on all fours and was led around by a big man wearing a mask. Suddenly, from the side came about six male dogs. The masked man made the woman freeze in place with her legs slightly apart and her ass in the air. All the dogs started SNIFFING her, and one started to lick her and growled at the others.

He unsheathed his big cock, and then he mounted her, and with her hand guiding him, he slid his cock into her. She seemed to stiffen up a little, and he got his knot into her, and it was growing bigger and bigger. We could see it get bigger as it came out with each thrust until it finally got too big to come out anymore, and she was tied to him.

He increased his stroking speed and came in her. She hollered. It was hot, but she could not get loose. He tried to turn around, but the man prevented it, and in about ten minutes, he came loose.

Her pussy was hanging wide open with cum streaming out of it, and another dog was sniffing and then mounted her and started fucking her, but this time she reached back and took hold of the knot to prevent him from knotting with her and so it went until she had been fucked by all six dogs.

The masked man then led her out into the audience to see her up close and see that big gaping pussy. Two more men came out, and they picked her up and carried her back to the stage after some of the men in the audience had stuck all kinds of things into her pussy.

They put her on a narrow padded table on wheels. They sat her down on the table with her ass in a seat on its edge. The seat could move back and forth on a track down the center of the table. They put her feet into stirrups that were hinged to swing out from the end of the table to either side.

“Now that she has been stretched out,” said the masked man to the audience, “Watch this.”

And with that, a donkey came walking out from the side and stood by the woman on the table. Kim nudged me and said, “There is no way she can fuck that donkey. Look at the size of him.”

“Let’s watch and see,” I said.

One of the men did something to the table to lower it to the right height to fit under the donkey. They pushed the table and the woman sideways under the donkey, and then, with a man on either side, they forced her feet wide to each side and locked the stirrups in place.

One of the men reached under the donkey and began squeezing his cock, and soon, it came out of the sheath. He held the cock in the correct position while the two men on either side pushed the table back an inch until the donkey’s cock was firmly pressed against her pussy.

“It’s not going to fit,” Kim whispered.

“If it does, it will smart a little,” I said.

The two men pushed the table back again, and we saw the lips of her pussy stretch, and then the massive cock started to slide in. His cock was about eighteen inches long and about four or five inches in diameter. She took almost half of it, and then one man unlocked the chair seat her ass was on so it could move freely on the track, back and forth. I was later told this was to keep the donkey from going in too far and injuring the woman.

The donkey stroked in and out in rapid motions, and she cried out that he was getting bigger inside her, and suddenly, cum gushed out around his big cock and ran down her thighs and puddled on the table. It kept gushing out with each thrust. He must have come in several cupfuls.

Finally, he slowed down and started to withdraw. The two men on either side quickly unlocked the stirrups and pushed her feet closer together, and as soon as his cock came out of her with a loud sucking sound, they pushed her sideways out from under him.

They pushed her feet apart again, locked her legs wide open, and rolled her out into the audience. We all got to look at that big pussy. Some guys even put coke bottles up her. One guy had brought a large stick of bologna and shoved that into her about a foot. He pulled it out, and several other guys fucked her, adding their cum to the donkeys.

I’ll tell you about the gang-bang and when Kim got brave and put on a show of her own. This will be in the next installment of the SEX SHOW.


Part Two

In part one, the woman who had been with the dogs and then the donkey was taken off stage to be cleaned up for the next performance. I looked over at Kim and saw her look of fascination and awe.

“Umm, that made me hot,” she said. I noticed that she was squirming around in her seat. All five foot one and 112 pounds seemed to be vibrating to an inner song. Her long black hair had slung one side and covered one luscious pert breast.

Suddenly, I realized that the Master of Ceremonies, a beefy man with a gravel-like voice, announced a contest. The winner would get a one-week vacation at the Ritz in LA.

“Oh,” Kim said, “that would be great.”

The MC went on to describe the contest in detail: “I need four women to volunteer for our speed gang bang.”

Kim looked at me questioningly, and I nodded OK and said, “If you think you can handle it.”

That was all it took. She was out of her seat and on stage in a flash. I looked at the other three women there and decided Kim was the best-looking and sexiest.

One woman was about five feet eight inches and 130 pounds, with short blonde hair and large moon-shaped breasts. Kim had a tiny waist, and this woman was rather thick-waisted.

The other two women were about alike, about five foot four, 120-130 pounds, medium hair, light brown, and average-sized breasts with some waist but not as spectacular as Kim’s.

The MC explained that the men would divide up into four teams, one for each woman, and she would have to make every guy on her team cum in the shortest amount of time. Kim had a very responsive pussy, and I knew she would probably win.

“OK, guys,” the MC said, “come up on stage, and I’ll divide you up. First,” he said, “take off your pants and underwear and line up.” The MC walked down the line looking at our dicks, and divided us up so that each woman got about the same variety of dicks by size as the others.

“Get in line behind your woman,” he said, “and when I say go, you know what to do.” There were five eager men lined up in front of each woman. They had the women lying on their backs on a table, not unlike a tall coffee table, and her legs were spread in anticipation. I had not been picked to be in Kim’s group, but I didn’t mind.

“Go!” shouted the MC, and the first man on each team raced up and inserted his cock in the woman. He would pump furiously, and the woman would pump and wiggle back. As each guy withdrew with cum dripping from his cock, cum started to run from each of the four pussies.

I was at the end of the line in my group. The largest cocks were last. Talk about sloppy seconds. I grinned to myself. How about sloppy fifths?

Suddenly, it was my turn. I had drawn the woman with the short blonde hair. Her legs were spread wide, and her hole was bubbling with cum. I quickly inserted my cock and felt her pussy contract, squeezing me as I had never felt before. I gasped and then started to cum.

I looked at her and said, “How did you do that?”

Before asking any more, she grinned and said, “Lots of yoga exercises.”

There were at least two men left in each remaining group when the MC announced a winner but said the woman had to finish up all the remaining men in her group.

I walked over to where Kim was happily humping away. “I’ll take you on vacation for being such a good sport,” I said.

“Heck,” she replied, “I love this,” and humped faster as the guy’s dick pulsed and withdrew, glistening and still spurting cum.

The last guy in her group shoved his dick so hard that cum squirted out all over his legs. They pumped and groaned for a few more minutes, and then it was over.

Now, all four women were through. They stood up, and the MC said, “Turn around and bend over and show everyone your gang-banged pussy.”

I looked closely at Kim’s. It was slightly swollen and gaped open a little. “I’ll bet you don’t want any more,” I said to her.

“I want a lot more,” she said.

The MC heard her and walked over and said, “We don’t usually ask first-timers to go with the donkey, but in your case, since you want a lot more – he will give you all you can handle and then some.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her.

“Oh yes!” was her reply, “Let me at him.”

They put Kim on the table with the seat on tracks down the middle of it. They strapped her down and walked a donkey out on stage. The woman trainer played with his cock, and it was already out and pointing at her pussy. They rolled Kim under the donkey and spread and locked her legs apart. They let me stay on stage with her just as long as I did not block the view of others. The donkey’s dick was pulsing with each of his heartbeats.

As the tip of it touched Kim’s pussy, she gasped. “It feels soooo big!” she said.

“It is,” I told her. “You wanted a lot more, and now you will get it.”

The donkey stepped forward, and his dick pressed hard against Kim’s hole. The skin tightened and seemed to stretch. The lips of her pussy, now moist and bright pink, suddenly parted, and a slight pop was heard as his massive cock entered her.

“Ohhhh wow,” was her response, and the seat her ass was on moved back slightly. He started to pump, and as he pumped, his big veined and throbbing cock went in and in an inch at a time until Kim cried out that he had gone as far as he could go. Now, the seat moved up each time he thrust in.

“It hurts, but it feels soooo good,” she said. “He is hitting places I did not know were there, and I’ve already cum several times. You didn’t notice,” she told me.

I looked down to where that small tree trunk of a dick was plunging in and out of her pussy. There, squirting out with each thrust, was her hot juices. “You must have cum at least a quart,” I told her.

“It… It’s getting bigger,” she said, “and he’s going faster too.” The donkey gave a big lunge, and Kim cried out, “Ohhhh, it’s hot. He’s filling me with his hot wonderful cum, and I’m cumming again.”

Her body stiffened, jerked, and humped his dick furiously. Cum had run out of her pussy and was dripping onto the floor. The donkey slowed down and started to withdraw his big shaft. A sucking sound was heard, and cum gushed out of Kim as it came out.

Kim lay there, eyes glazed over and smiling slightly. “Kim,” I said, “You OK?”

“Yeah,” was her response, “I’ve finally been fucked.”

“Hey,” I said, “what about me?”

She looked at me and said, “You are wonderful in your way too. That donkey was just pure sex. You are so much more,” and she raised and kissed me hard and long. “Thank you for letting me have this night.”

I looked down at her gaping cunt, “I hope it won’t stay that way, I told her.”

“Don’t worry,” she said, “it will be normal by tomorrow.”

“Well,” I said, “since it is already stretched, how about”

Sex Story Part Three is about Kim’s consolation prize and the twist she puts on it.


Part Three

Kim complained that her pussy was getting a little tender around the lips. One of the black attendants overheard her remark and came over with an ointment tube. “This will make it feel new,” he said, putting some on his tongue and knelt in front of Kim.

He pushed her legs apart, and before Kim could react, he stuck his long tongue into her reddened pussy. “Ooh,” was her response. “That feels soooo good. It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she said.

The black attendant stood up, a little ointment on his chin, which he wiped away and grinned at Kim. “As a consolation prize, we have a special surprise for you,” he said.

A curtain went up on the right side of the stage. There was a small pen with the most giant hog I had ever seen. As he ran around the pen, I noticed that this pig had balls the size of softballs. I had never seen nuts that large before, and they fascinated me. “If those nuts indicate his dick,” I said to Kim, “Someone is in for a real treat.”

“And you’re the lucky lady,” the black attendant said. “And as a consolation prize, you get to be the first to sample our prize pig buffet.”

“Wow,” said Kim, “I’m not sure I could handle that.” but before she could say more, the black attendant picked her up and carried her to the pen.

“Just stay down on your hands and knees with your legs apart and relax. You’ll love it. He can keep going all night if he likes you,” he said. He swung Kim over the low rail fence, and she immediately dropped down to her hands and knees.

The pig approached her from behind and stuck his snout on her swollen pussy lips. I and the audience rushed up on stage and crowded around the pen to watch.

“His nose is cold,” Kim cried out, “but his tongue is sooo long,” she sighed. “Ummmm, I’m getting wet. I can feel it,” she continued. And sure enough, as we watched, her lips were glistening with her hot juices.

The pig seemed to know that Kim was ready because he started to extend his cock, and it was strange looking. It looked like a bumpy corkscrew, growing as we watched. “Somebody is going to get screwed, and I mean screwed,” I said, and the crowd laughed. The pig tried to mount her, but he was too heavy.

“Crawl over to that bale of hay and straddle it so that your stomach is resting on it,” said the attendant.

Kim did as he said, and the pig trotted behind her as she positioned herself across the bale of hay. He seemed to know when she was ready and mounted her without further hesitation. The end of his churning dick was stabbing all around her pussy.

“Cup your hand over your pussy and guide the end of his dick,” I suggested.

Kim put her hand back there and began to guide his now tremendous cock. We watched as the end of it found her waiting, now running with juice, hot, swollen pussy. The lips seemed to pucker as the head inserted itself into her wet cavern.

“It feels a little strange,” said Kim. “Kind of like a large set of beads going deeper and deeper,” she said. The pig seemed not to notice the crowd around the pen and kept feeding more and more dick into Kim. “Hey, how much more has he got?” asked Kim as she started to squirm around.

“Just a little more,” the attendant replied.

And as we all watched, the last inch went in, and Kim was wide-eyed with amazement. The pig started stroking at a furious pace. Kim seemed to meet his every move, and suddenly, the pig’s balls seemed to swell even bigger.

“He seems to be getting bigger,” Kim said. And sure enough, as we watched, her pussy lips were stretched even further apart. The pig was making loud grunts and snorts and then started a series of short, high squeals. “He’s cumming in me,” Kim cried out, “and it’s hot and lots of it. I can feel it gushing out inside of me.”

We looked and saw cum pumping out with each thrust of his dick. “Oooeeee,” was Kim’s response. “I’m cumming and can’t stop,” she cried, “and I don’t want him to stop screwing me.”

“Don’t worry,” the attendant said, “he’ll keep going for a long time yet.”

Kim bucked, squirmed, and groaned with each series of thrusts and twists. Her pussy made sucking sounds with each backstroke, and cum ran down her legs steadily. Slowly, the pig ran down.

His humping became less vigorous, and finally, his cock slipped from Kim’s pussy. It looked like a giant corkscrew and was wet and glistening with his cum and Kim’s juices. He dismounted and backed away. Kim still lay across the hay and weakly said. “Someone help me up. I’ve cum so many times I’m dizzy-headed.”

I jumped over the rail and pulled her up. The pig was drinking some water from a pail in the other corner and seemed not to notice us. The attendant opened a small gate and motioned us to come through. “I’ll never complain about never getting enough again,” said Kim, rubbing her backside. “Can we go home now?”

“Well,” I said, “why don’t we just watch for a little longer.”

“OK,” she said. The music blared, and the center stage curtain went up. “Oooooooohhhhhh,” Kim screamed.


Part Four

Kim had just been through quite a night of penetration. As the music faded away and her scream of surprise faded away, the audience was treated to quite a sight. There is a center stage with spotlights outlining each detail. In the bright, piercing light was a bull. He stood sideways to the audience, but his massive head swung around and looked menacingly at us. A low rumble that could only be described as a growl exited him. The handler was a huge black man. He grinned and motioned off stage.

A woman with long black hair came out on stage. She walked up to the bull’s head and suggestively rubbed her abdomen against his thrusting muzzle.

“I’ll bet she’s done this before,” I said to Kim.

“It looks that way,” she replied. “He looks very interested,” she continued. The woman on stage was now removing the lacy panties that covered her love area. As she again pushed herself against the bull, his long tongue snaked out and disappeared into her pussy. A shudder shook the woman from her toes to her long, flowing hair. A sound from her caressed our ears. I could only be described as pure desire mixed with mounting passion.

As we watched, the handler reached under the bull and began squeezing the sheath of the bull, and he started to extend his giant dick. The end of it was moist and dewy with his desire. The handler’s hand squeezed from the head of the sheath back to the balls. As he repeated this several times, the bull fully extended his shaft.

The woman walked back, and she started gently rubbing the member with her hand. She worked from the head to the base in slow circles. We saw the giant cock swell and stiffen until it pointed straight ahead. Now, the woman leaned over and kissed the head of that big pulsing cock, and her tongue flicked out several times to caress it. At each touch of her tongue, the dick grew even larger.

“Now that’s a dick,” I said to Kim.

“It sure is,” was her reply. “I don’t see how she could ever get even one inch into her,” she giggled.

“Well,” I said, “You’re already stretched out from the dogs, the gang bang, the pig, and the donkey; I’ll bet you could handle it.”

“Are you insane?” she replied. “Look at the size of that cock. It must be at least two feet long and four to five inches in diameter.”

I had seen the black attendant from before standing in the wings, and I motioned to him to come over. “Let’s get an expert opinion,” I told her. “I’ll bet he will know.” The black attendant looked questionably at us, and I told him what Kim had said.

“You’re right,” he said. The woman on stage isn’t ready for him yet, but you are,” he grinned at Kim.

“No way,” she said. “That could ruin me for life.” She said.

“Oh, we take precautions,” was his reply. “He will be prevented from inserting more than twelve inches, I promise,” he said.

“How?” Kim asked.

“We put a collar around his dick,” was the reply.

“And that works?” Kim asked.

“Sure,” was the reply, “No one has ever gotten hurt yet, and if you try, we’ll let you take the dog of your choice back to your hotel room with you when you leave.”

“Well…” she said, looking questionably at me.

“It’s your pussy,” I laughingly told her. “I’m sure they won’t let him hurt you.”

“That husky that tied with me was wild and wonderful, and I’d sure love to spend the night with him. Are you not jealous?” she said, looking at me.

“Heck no,” I told her. “If a baby can squeeze through that pussy, I don’t think that bull will do any damage.”

“OK, I’ll try him out for size,” she laughingly replied, and with that, she sprang up on stage and walked to the bull. “Let a real woman show you how it’s done,” she told the woman standing by the bull.

The woman walked off without a word, and two men wheeled a low table onto the stage. They picked Kim up, laid her on her back, strapped her hands over her head, and strapped her feet wide apart with her knees bent. The attendant wrapped a thick collar with a cone attached around the massive pike of the bull.

“This will keep him from going into you too deep,” he told Kim. “I’ll put some more ointment on your lips to make sure it doesn’t hurt,” he said, and with that, he put a glob of it on his tongue and stuck his tongue deep into Kim’s now large and very swollen pussy.

“Ummmm,” was her response. “Maybe I’ll take you home instead of the dog,” she laughingly said to him.

“OK, you are ready,” he said. The two men began pushing the table under the bull. Kim’s eyes gleamed with anticipation.

“Hurry up!” she said, “I can’t wait to feel that dick sliding into me.”

One man pushed the huge shaft down to align with her very large pussy. The other man began rolling the table back toward that impressive shaft. As the head of his weighty instrument pressed against her now very moist pussy, Kim let out a loud sigh and arched her back. We all watched in amazement as that pole-sized cock slowly inched into Kim.

“OEE-AHH…” was her response as she arched even higher.

The collar bumped against Kim’s slippery lips, and then he began to stroke. Kim went wild under him. I understood why they had strapped her down now. With each stroke, Kim made an even louder noise. The room was filled with screams and the sucking sounds of a hungry pussy being stroked by the meaty cock. The bull quickened his motions and let out a loud bellow as he came into Kim. Cum spurted out of her pussy in quarts. I had never seen so much cum at one time. It ran down on the floor under the table and puddled there.

Kim had her belly pressed tightly against the underside of the bull and was keening loudly as she climaxed again and again. The bull’s motions slowed and then stopped. His giant cock still split the lips of Kim’s pussy.

As we watched, the cock slowly started to slide from her embrace. And finally, with a loud pop, it dropped from her now gaping lips. His slackening shaft dripped more cum on the floor, and a steady dribble of cum ran from Kim’s slack hole. The men pushed the table out from under the bull and led him off stage.

“Wow,” Kim groaned, “Now that’s what I call a fuck.”

“And then some,” I replied as I approached the table along with the rest of the audience.

“Holy shit,” remarked one man, “Look at that big pussy.”

I’ll bet you could park a Volkswagen there,” said another.

One man stepped between her legs and inserted a large wine bottle into Kim. “There’s room for at least two of these,” he said.

“That’s enough,” said the attendant. “I’ll take her backstage and get her cleaned up,” he told us as he picked up Kim’s clothes hastily thrown off by the two men.

“See ya in a few,” Kim told me and smiled that beautiful smile I loved.

Just then, a warm tongue licked my hand. I looked down into the wild, clear eyes of the big husky dog. “I’ll keep your lover company,” I called after Kim as she disappeared off stage.

Want to hear what happened after the show? What about the next day? What happens when we visit the most unusual castle in the world?


Part Five

I watched the curtain where Kim had disappeared. The large husky dog sat patiently by my side. He seemed to know that he was to go with us. I wanted Kim to hurry back to me. I was in love with her from the first time I met her. She had been sunning herself on the beach in Malibu, and I had walked by and accidentally kicked over her bottle of suntan lotion. I stopped, bent to retrieve the bottle, and gazed into the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They were large and tear-shaped, set wide apart. There seemed to be specks of gold floating on a blue-gray cloud within her eyes. The mouth smiled at me, a generous mouth with full lips. The face was a heart-shaped one and crowned with long, curly black hair. She was perfection, and I was lost in her at first glance.

“I’m sorry,” I stammered, now taking in her whole body. She was about five foot one or a little less tall and had a perfect figure. Large breasts for her size pointed at me, and she had a tiny waist, beautiful hips, and long, tapered legs. What was there not to love?

“That’s all right,” came her purring reply. What a sound her voice made, like a viola being stroked with a velvet bow. She wiggled a little, and her bikini top slid almost off her breasts. “Would you like to make it up to me?” She purred at me.

“Sure,” was my almost shouted reply. What was this angle up to? I never picked up girls. Why me?

She was speaking again, and I focused again with a start and heard her say, “My name is Kim. What’s yours?”

Help me. I had forgotten my name for a second. The sight and sound of her were so overpowering. “Uhh-er… Rod is my name,” I finally got out.

She laughed a tinkling laugh and said, “I thought the cat had got your tongue.”

Someone was calling my name, and as the beach vanished from in front of me, Kim stood there all dressed and ready to go. “What was wrong with you? She said. “I’ve been calling you for over a minute.”

“Oh, I was just remembering how we met.” was my reply.

“Boy, what an afternoon,” she said and smiled knowingly.

“We must have done it at least half a dozen times,” I grinned back at her.

“And that was before supper,” she laughed back.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked.

“OK,” came her quick response. We walked toward the exit with the large wolf-like dog silently trailing behind us.

As we stepped through the exit and into the street, we were greeted by the sounds of guitars and trumpets. A street band was playing on the corner.

“Oh, that’s pretty,” exclaimed Kim. “Want to dance?”

“Not right now,” I told her, “I’m getting hungry.”

“Our hotel is right up ahead,” Kim noted. “We can get supper there and then have some more fun.” She giggled and affectionately stroked the head of the large dog. He wagged his tail enthusiastically and whined.

“We had better put the dog in our room first,” I suggested. They may not let dogs in the dining room.” We walked to the elevators. A few bystanders gave us questioning looks. The three of us calmly got on the elevator as it slid its doors open in front of us.

“I’ll bet they are wondering what is going on,” Kim giggled over the whine of the elevator as it approached our floor.

“I’ll bet they can guess.” was my laughing reply. The door to the elevator slid silently back, and Kim and the dog stepped out into the hall. “Last door on the left,” I called and followed behind. Kim unlocked the door and went in. The dog followed her.

“I think he likes me,” she said as I came through the door.

“You’ve got the only pussy in the room,” I told her and ducked as she threw a shoe at me.

“That’s not the only reason,” she replied. “I think he likes me.” And to prove her point, she sat on the bed and patted it beside her. The dog leaped on the bed and sat next to her, his tail wagging furiously. “See, I told you so,” she said.

“OK, you’ve proved your point,” I said, “now let’s go eat.”

“You be a good boy while we are gone, and I’ll bring you a special treat when we come back,” she crooned to the dog. He jumped down and lay by the foot of the bed and watched us go. “I wish we could take him home,” Kim said as we finished dinner.

“I’ll see what I can do about that,” I told her. “He is very smart and would make you a good watchdog.”

When we returned to the room, Rocky, the name she had picked out for the dog, was sitting in the middle of the bed, and I swear, he was grinning at us. Kim unwrapped the piece of steak she had brought from the restaurant and offered it to Rocky. He jumped down and ate with gusto. “I think he is ready for some fun,” said Kim, “I know I am.”

Kim removed her blouse, and I noticed Rocky’s ears perked up. “He knows what is coming.” I told her, “Look at his ears.”

“LOOK at his dick,” Kim laughed. I looked, and sure enough, he had extended his dick, and he was ready to do business.

Kim hurriedly stripped off the rest of her clothes, sat on the edge of the bed, and spread her legs. Rocky walked up and placed his nose against her now-wet pussy. Kim gave out a low groan and spread her legs farther apart. Rocky began to lick her pussy. At first, his tongue merely slipped over the crack, but as I watched, it went deeper and deeper until Kim was moaning with delight.

Rocky knew when Kim was ready for him, and he obligingly mounted her with his head resting on her shoulder. I watched his big cock repeatedly stabbed until it finally found its mark. As the massive cock sank deeply into Kim’s stretched pussy, she uttered a cry of surprise. Rocky’s knot was already in her and growing in size with each heartbeat. She had shrunk some from the extreme stretching she had taken from the bull, but now Rocky was stretching her again. Rocky’s strokes began to speed up. “He’s going in soooo far!” cried Kim. Suddenly cum started spurting out from her pussy.

“It’s so hot,” Kim cried and started to shudder with her first orgasm herself. Rocky kept stroking as Kim reached new heights of orgasmic pleasure. Rocky slowed and, with a loud popping sound, untied Kim. Cum streamed from her tunnel.

“I’m sure glad we put towels down,” I told her. “He must have shot two quarts into you.”

“It sure felt like it,” was her reply, and she sat up and motioned me over. She got on her hands and knees and wagged her ass at me. “Got what it takes, big boy?” she smiled at me. “Take me dog style.”

I climbed onto the bed, having shed my clothes while Rocky was warming Kim up. I mounted her behind and slid my cock into her quivering, wailing pussy. I felt her muscles grab my cock and pull it deeper inside her. I felt small orgasms with each thrust, and she humped back with more force at each stroke. We came in a series of long gliding orgasms. My cum mingled with Rocky’s inside Kim and ran down her legs.

“Now that’s what I call a real screw,” I grinned at Kim as I walked to the bathroom.

When I returned, Rocky was on the bed licking Kim again and again. He mounted her, and as I watched, his cock, seeming even bigger now, entered her pussy with a sucking sound. Again and again, Kim bucked and strained against the huge cock. It swelled and grew within her until I thought the skin would tear. She was locked tight with the huge canine, and Rocky poured on the speed. Kim’s cries of pleasure and pain echoed around the room, and as Rocky finally slipped from her, she collapsed in a heap on the bed.

“Help me to the bathroom,” Kim whispered hoarsely.

I pulled her up gently and steadied her as we went to the bathroom. Kim stayed in there a long time, and when she came out, she had taken a hot bath.

“Now I feel better,” she said, and we both laughed as Rocky’s snores filled the air.

“You wore him out,” I told her.

“He’s just recharging his battery.” She laughed. “I’m not through with him yet.”

The following day, after several more double-teaming, Kim, Rocky, and I were tired. “Come on, you sleepy heads,” Kim chirped. “I feel great.”

“Your pussy should be sore,” I told her sleepily.

“Not at all.” she said, “The black handler gave me a tube of his special ointment, and I used it before I went to sleep, and now I feel just great.”

I went over to where Rocky was snoring. I nudged him awake. “Why don’t you take the first watch,” I told him. Rocky just groaned and rolled onto his back.

“There’s your answer.” laughed Kim. “I want to go sightseeing today.”

“OK,” I replied. “First, we have to walk Rocky and feed him and us too.”

“Let’s get going then,” Kim said and bounced on the bed. I went into the bathroom and showered and shaved, and when I came out, Kim had laid out my fresh clothes for me. “Hurry up, slowpoke.” she cracked at me. “We don’t have all day, and I want to see Ivan’s Pleasure Palace today. It’s just down the street, and it opens at ten o’clock.”

We went downstairs and walked Rocky in the park behind the hotel. We decided to eat on the outside terrace so that Rocky would stay with us. We fed Rocky Eggs and Bacon, and he even had a couple of pancakes. We put Rocky back in the room to sleep off his large breakfast and went down the street to Ivan’s.

Ivan’s Pleasure Palace was built like a large tower. It had a large central area with rooms outside with large windows opening into each room. As Kim and I strolled around, we stopped and looked in the windows as we came to them. A man was fucking a sheep in one room while a woman was getting her pussy licked by a goat. In another, a woman was letting snakes crawl into her pussy. And then there was a large group of people in the third room, and it was a big gang bang of sorts.

“You can go into any room you want and watch or participate, ” said a large woman walking by. The bottom floor is free, but the upper floors cost more the higher you go.” She smiled, pointing up. Kim and I saw a staircase winding upwards at one end of the open area. “Let’s go up, ” she giggled.

What is up there, and what happens as you go higher and higher? How strange can it get?


Part Six

When Kim and I walked into Ivan’s Pleasure Palace, we noticed small groups of men and women around each of the windows that opened into each room outside the palace, a circular tower. As we watched, some people went in, and some came out, and all seemed very happy and in a good mood. When the woman invited us to proceed to the following two levels of the pay-per-visit sites, Kim and I quickly ascended the spiral staircase at one end of the tower. Kim squeezed my hand and smiled at me as we went up the stairs to the first level.

“I thought we had seen it all,” I remarked, “What else could they show us?”

“I don’t know,” was Kim’s reply, “but I’m ready to find out.”

As we approached the first doorway, we heard a series of yips and growls. “Sounds like a pack of dogs,” I told Kim.

“It sounds like more than that,” she said, pressing her nose against the glass.

Inside, we saw a woman strapped down to a weight lifter’s bench. Her legs were held wide apart by ropes fastened to her ankles and ran through each sidewall cleats. She had a gag in her mouth, and a man we had seen earlier downstairs was shaving her pussy. He stepped away and motioned to a door set into the sidewall as we watched. The woman seemed to start to struggle against her bonds. Her eyes were wide in what looked like real fear. As we continued watching, the door swung inward into the room, and a pack of gray timber wolves bounded into the room. The din was deafening. Yelps, barks, snarls, growls, and yips assaulted our ears.

“OOOH!” exclaimed Kim as she watched the wolves circling the woman.

The man had retreated through a door on the opposite wall. Now, he strolled up to where we were watching through the window.

“I haven’t seen you two here before,” he said in a friendly manner and extended his hand to me. “Everyone calls me Jo-Jo around here.”

“My name is Rod,” I told him, shaking his hand. And this is Kim. “

“This is the fantasy story level,” he said. “Do either of you have a fantasy you want to act out?”

“I’ve got one, but I’ll bet you can’t get it acted out for me,” Kim said and laughed and jiggled all over.

When Kim laughed, I noted that her larger-than-usual and pert breasts would bob up and down and rotate counter-clockwise to each other. Her nose wrinkled up, and her hips swayed back and forth. I felt my pants getting too small in the crotch again.

“Oh, I think we can arrange it,” the man countered, “You would be amazed at what we can arrange.”

Our attention was drawn back to the window. Inside, the wolves seemed to have separated into a pecking order. We saw the pack leader, an impressive beast with beautiful long gray hair, mount the woman and shove his massive cock into her slit. We saw the skin stretch as it slid in. We could see his knot start to swell, and with a sudden lunge, the knot disappeared into the unfortunate woman.

Her back arched, and her eyes were tightly shut. Her movements seemed perfectly timed to match the motions of her huge beast lover. The knot had distended the mouth of her pussy outwards, but the knot was too big to slip out. The woman shuddered again and again, and her orgasmic juices dripped from her stretched pussy with each thrust of the meaty cock.

“Her fantasy was to be raped by a pack of wolves and believe me, it was not easy finding these guys,” Jo-Jo said. “We got them from a traveling circus that came through here a few weeks ago, and then we got in contact with her and told her we were ready to fulfill her fantasy. She brought $1000.00 with her and signed off on the film rights, and now she is enjoying her fantasy.”

The pack leader was cumming as we returned our attention to the woman. Large amounts of cum spurted from her pussy with each stroke of his cock. Shortly, he dismounted, and the next wolf took his place after the initial licking and sniffing.

“There must be at least fifteen horny wolves in there,” I told Kim, “let’s look around and see what else they have to offer here.”

Kim looked at me through those incredibly long black lashes. She tossed ringlets of long black hair off her forehead. “Aren’t you interested in my special fantasy?” she smiled at me.

What could be her secret fantasy, and what other treats are in store? What is on the second level?


Part Seven

Kim and I had been watching the wild wolves rape the woman, one after the other.

“I think,” I said, “this is that big fellow’s third time around.”

Kim smiled. “I’ll bet her pussy will be sore in the morning,” she said and leaned closer to the window. “Look at that!” she exclaimed. “He’s got his knot in her, and look at it grow.”

As we both looked, the knot seemed to swell. The mirrors mounted on either side of the woman gave a good view of the action, but the best view was on a large monitor screen mounted just above her head. A remote-controlled camera was now showing a very clear close-up of her pussy. We could see the knot just inside the lips growing. It seemed to pulse and expand with each thrust he made into her enlarged hole.

“Wow,” Kim exclaimed, “it’s almost as big as a softball.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “and he’s just getting started.”

As if the mammoth wolf heard the conversation outside the room, he stroked faster and harder. We listened to his increased labored breathing over the loudspeakers. The woman made short gasps as he drove that knot deeper and deeper into her stretched pussy. The knot was no longer visible on the monitor. He had driven it into her, and the lips now covered it completely. The woman started a low moan that slowly went up the scale and increased in volume.

“She’s cumming!” Kim cried.

I noticed that Kim was wiggling all over. She was very excited. I moved over behind her, reached around, cupped both her breasts in my hands, and squeezed gently. Kim responded by pushing back against me. I slid one hand loose and pulled her short leather skirt up over her tight quivering ass. Kim wore no panties. She never wore underwear. I loved this about her. She was always ready for anything.

Kim reached back, slid my zipper down, and reached inside. I felt her little hand grasp my swollen member. She pulled me loose. I didn’t wear underwear either, at least when I was with Kim. She spread her legs slightly and guided the head of my shaft into her. Very wet and pulsing pussy. I felt her muscles contract around my shaft, and as I shoved it deeper, I felt the head of my cock grasped by her inner walls, and she started a milking-like rhythm with her muscles. First, the base was grabbed, and then the contractions ran down to the tip of my cock. This is repeated over and over. Kim was very talented and experienced.

As we ground against each other, we became aware of the louder, now more persistent sounds coming from the speakers. We looked in to see the large wolf humping the woman in a frenzy. His tongue was hanging out, and he was panting heavily.

“Look at her cum,” I said to Kim. “It’s running from her like a babbling brook.”

The woman had her back arched and quivered and groaned loudly with each quick hard thrust of the wild blood-engorged cock. We heard him start to whine, and he quickened his speed. The woman had arched a foot entirely off the tie-down table. Suddenly, the big gray gave a massive thrust. The woman screamed, and cum started squirting out with each inward motion of his animal dick.

“Oh!” Kim cried, and I felt her muscles contract hard again and again.

I felt her cum wet, running down all over my balls and dripping down inside my pants leg. I felt my orgasm coming swift and brutal. Kim felt it, too, as she pushed back even harder against me and squeezed and squeezed with her pussy. Finally, I pulled out from her, and we both looked to see the knot pop loose from the woman. Cum gushed out in a steady stream, and her pussy was wide open and hanging down.

“Wow,” it was my turn to remark. “He stretched her out.”

“You know,” Kim remarked, smiling at me. “I’ll bet that felt good.”

“But what’s next?” I said, and an attendant stepped from the end door and called everyone over to him as if to answer my question.

“You have all seen this woman’s fantasy come true. For a price, we will do the same for you.” The attendant took requests from several other couples, and then he came to Kim and me. “What about you two?” he asked. Kim laughed, stepped up, and whispered in the attendant’s ear. He wrote busily for a moment and then said. “This will take about a week to arrange. Can you come back next Saturday?”

“Sure,” said Kim and nudged me. “Rod,” she purred, “you owe the man $1000.00.”

“Wow,” I gasped again. “What is your fantasy?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see,” she laughed, “now be a good boy and pay the man.

I reached for my wallet and pulled out a credit card. “You take plastic?” I asked the attendant.

“Sure thing,” he replied and took the card. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

While we waited, Kim and I watched as the woman was released from the tie-down table. She stood up, and cum dripped from her pussy onto the floor. She limped to a door in the side room, and in a moment, she came back and was tied back down.

“Now what?” I said. “Surely she has had enough.”

“I know the wolves have,” Kim laughed.

The wall to the right slid back, and there stood a large male lion. “Don’t worry,” the attendant called. “He’s been declawed and had his teeth filed down.”

“Now, this might get interesting,” I told Kim, moving closer to the window.

The big cat seemed to sniff the air and walk meaningfully over to where the woman lay spread eagle and waiting. The colossal head was between her legs now, and we saw, on the monitor, his thick long tongue stroke up and down her now swollen pussy.

“I’ve never seen anyone get eaten by a lion this way,” Kim giggled.

“I wish I had a tongue like that,” I told her and nibbled Kim’s ear.

We watched as the tongue dipped into the pussy and sampled her juices.

“Oh,” Kim shivered, “I can feel that out here.”

She began pressing hard against me again.

“If you keep this up,” I laughed, “We’ll have to go back to the hotel for Rocky. I’ll bet he can cool you off.”

“I almost forgot about him!” cried Kim. “I’ll bet the poor baby needs to go out.”

“That dog is plenty smart,” I smiled at Kim. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t know how to use the toilet.”

“Well, we had better get back soon,” said Kim. We need to find out if he is for sale so we can take him home with us.”

“Let’s finish watching the lion first, and then we’ll go,” I told her.

A roar caught our attention, and we pressed against the glass. The lion was starting to mount the woman. She was on her back with her legs strapped apart. He rested his huge paws over her shoulders. His cock was partly unsheathed, and as we watched in fascination, he placed the massive head of his shaft against the lips of her pussy.

“I’m impressed,” I murmured to Kim. “He’s built down there.”

The woman arched her back once again as she felt the pressure of the large feline cock. We saw the skim wrinkle and stretch as the head popped into her waiting hole. The lion went right to work and, with each thrust, drove his spike deeply into the woman. Her eyes were wide, and amazement was on her face.

“Do lions have a knot?” I said to Kim.

“I think so,” she said, “and I know so. Look!” she cried.

I looked and saw his knot starting to swell near the base of his dick. It went in and out of the woman with small popping sounds. Then, it was too big to come back out.

“Now she’s hung up!” said Kim. “Let’s see how she handles this.”

The woman was humping the lion with the hard thrusting motions of her womb. The lion was shoving his cock so far that I could see his knot swelling her lower belly.

“That knot must be gigantic!” Kim said, pointing to the swelling on the woman’s lower stomach. “I’ll bet she’s got that filled-up feeling,” laughed Kim.

In response to our remarks, the woman screamed and started a series of short, hard motions, thrusting against the lion.

“That’s it!” shouted Kim.

He did her but good. The lion had cum by then, and his giant cock slid from her pussy with a loud slurp. It hung under him, dripping her juices and cum.

“Is this the end of the show?” asked Kim.

“I don’t know,” I said, “but we had better get going and take care of Rocky before we have an awful mess to clean up.”

“OK,” said Kim, “but wait until next week.”


Part Eight

Kim and I left Ivan’s Pleasure Palace with the idea of getting Rocky and taking him for a long-needed walk in the little park across the street from the hotel. As we stepped into the street, we were greeted by the usual crowd of hawkers who crowded around each group of tourists. Tijuana, Mexico, was famous for its street vendors and people. One man, in particular, caught our eye. He carried a sign advertising a local bar with a floor show.

“Come see the woman take the pleasure from the donkey,” he was saying. “Admission is only ten dollars each or fifteen dollars a couple.”

“That sounds interesting,” said Kim, nudging me.

“We’ll come back to it later,” I said, “but we should go and take care of Rocky right now. I’m sure he is about to bust.”

“OK,” laughed Kim, “if you insist.”

Hand in hand, we made our way through the crowd to our hotel. The music of bands playing as we passed open bars and the smell of cooking food had perked up our appetites.

“Boy,” I said, “I just realized I’m starving.”

“Me too,” said Kim and stepped into the lobby.

We rode the elevator up to our floor. As we stepped off, we heard distant whining.

“Oh, the poor dear,” wailed Kim, hurrying to our door. I quickly unlocked the door. Rocky bounded out and headed down the hall.

“I think he knows the drill,” I laughed to Kim.

“It would seem so,” she said and ran after Rocky. I locked the door and went after them. I found Kim sitting on the floor by the elevator, scratching Rocky’s ears.

“Just a few more minutes,” she crooned to him. He wagged his tail.

“I’d wag my tail too if you scratched my ears and talked that way,” I laughed.

A soft ding sounded, and the elevator door slid open. Rocky bounded in and sat down.

“Boy,” I said, “he must have to go bad.”

I reached down and pulled Kim to her feet. We rode the elevator down to the main floor lobby, and when the door slid open, Rocky ran out and across the lobby and stopped by the outside door.

“Let’s go,” laughed Kim, “He’s ready to flood.”

We hurried across the lobby, and I pulled the main door open. Rocky shot through it like a runaway rocket. “Good thing there is no traffic,” Kim said, watching Rocky disappear through the hedges of the park across the street. We strolled across the street and found a bench near a little fountain.

“It smells so good here,” Kim remarked and squeezed my hand.

“It smells like a flower shop,” I said, looking around. There were flowers planted in neat designs, and flowering bushes and trees were everywhere.

“This is quite a place,” said Kim. “I could stay here for hours and hours.”

“Hey, look,” I said. “They have picnic tables set out under those trees.”

“Let’s have a picnic!” Kim exclaimed, jumping up and down.

“You’re going to give yourself a black eye if you jump any higher,” I laughed, reaching for her.

Kim came into my arms, all warm, soft, and sweet-smelling. Her larger but firm breasts pressed into my chest. I could feel her hardened nipples punching into my flesh. I lowered my head and gazed into the most beautiful eyes in the world. Her pupils were dilated, and her raven hair hung in loose ringlets to her shoulders. Her black glossy hair framed her heart-shaped face.

“UMM,” I said. “Your hair always smells of honey and sweet wine.” A joyful bark caught our attention. Rocky came bounding back across the park and skidded to a stop by Kim’s feet.

“I think he feels much better,” laughed Kim, patting Rocky’s head.

“I’ll bet he’s hungry, too,” I said. “Why don’t I go and get a blanket from our room, and then all three of us can have a nice picnic.”

“Oh, that would be fun,” said Kim, hugging Rocky around his neck.

“OK,” I said, “I’ll be right back.”

When I returned with the blanket, Kim was throwing a stick for Rocky, and he was happily chasing it for her.

“All we need now is the food,” I remarked, “but don’t worry. On my way to get the blanket, I stopped by the front desk, and they were going to get to the kitchen to pack us a picnic basket. It should be ready in a few more minutes.”

Kim spread out the blanket, lay on her back, and stretched out her arms. I lay down gently on top of her, and our lips merged in a warm, moist exchange of our love for each other. Kim started to giggle.

“Now what?” I grinned at her.

“Look at Rocky,” Kim laughed.

I looked over at Rocky sitting by one of the tables. His keen eyes were watching us.

“I see him,” I told Kim, “what about Rocky?”

“Look at his cock!” she exclaimed.

I saw that Rocky had a woody, and it was extended out at least six inches from his sheath.

“I think he wants a threesome,” giggled Kim.

Now, I got ticked off at the idea and laughed, but I saw she considered it as I looked at Kim again.

“I’ll go and get the basket, and we can eat first,” I said.

“Always thinking of your stomach first,” Kim chided me. “Just like a man to want to eat instead of fuck,” she laughed.

“With you,” I said, “I need all the energy I can muster.”

“OK,” she said, “go and get the basket, but don’t be surprised if I start without you.”

I think Rocky smelled food, too. He stood up and walked over to me and wagged his tail. “I think the pooch is hungry, too,” I laughed. “After all, he’s a male too.”

“Oh, you two,” Kim laughed back. “We’ll all go and get your food.”

Kim remarked, “I wonder why nobody else comes to this park?”

“Maybe they will come later in the evening,” I offered.

“OK, now, let’s feed you two so we can get on to more important things.”

I looked at Kim and saw the look of excitement on her face. I knew she had decided what was going to happen after lunch. I loved Kim for this. She was no-nonsense about her sexual desires and willing to try anything new.

Kim fed Rocky a whole turkey leg, which he eagerly downed. She then gave him some potato salad and a deviled egg.

“You’re eating high on the hog, boy,” I told him. He just wagged his tail, went over to the fountain, and lapped some water.

“I’m thirsty, too,” said Kim.

“I think I saw a bottle of wine in the basket,” I said. “Yup, here it is.”

“I don’t suppose they provided a corkscrew, too,” Kim said.

“Here it is,” I replied, reaching into the basket.

After we had eaten and drunk the whole bottle of wine, we were feeling quite mellow. Since it was July, the weather was quite warm and moist.

“Now I’m too hot,” said Kim, standing up and stripping off her clothes. “Last one in is a rotten egg!” she cried, heading for the fountain.

The fountain was surrounded by a large pool about twenty feet in diameter. In the center were several layers of smaller pools that decreased in size to the top. Water splashed from the top and ran from each pool until it splashed into the bottom pool. Kim stepped into the bottom pool. It was about waist deep.

“Oh,” she cried, “this is nice.”

In a few quick strides, I shed my clothes and was beside her in the pool. Kim was floating on her back.

“I could never learn how to do that,” I told her.

“It’s easy,” she said, smiling over at me.

“Well, you have an advantage over me,” I grinned back at her. “You’ve got those two big Mae Wests attached to you, and I don’t have anything.”

“You’ve got that inflated ego,” Kim grinned back.

I lunged over to her and grabbed her around the waist. “Now you’re going to pay for that wench,” I laughed and pushed her under the water. She came up sputtering and grabbed my dangling manhood.

“Now,” she grinned, “we’re not going to hurt each other, are we? I haven’t filed my nails in a while, and I might scratch like a cat.”

I laughed and pulled her to me. Her nipples were still hard and protruding about an inch from her breasts. I lowered my head and took one of them into my mouth. Kim closed her eyes and pushed against me. As I sucked the large nipple in my mouth, it grew in size until it was about the size of a small cocktail frank. Kim pulled away suddenly, leaped from the pool, and ran for the blanket. I ran right behind her, my dick pointing the way. Rocky met us about halfway there and barked and yelped and ran with us to the blanket. Kim dove onto the blanket and lay on her side, smiling at Rocky and me.

“Now, here’s what I want you two to do,” she said and grinned.

I knew it. She was serious, I thought.

“Rod, you lay on your back, and I’ll get on top of you, but first, we have to get you something to lie on,” she said, looking around. “Rod, bring that little low bench over here.”

The bench had no back, just a broad plank with legs. I dragged it over, and Kim draped the blanket over it.

“OK, on your back,” she told me, smiling.

I lay on the bench, my cock pointing skyward. Kim, still wet from the pool, straddled me, her knees on the ground under the blanket. She lowered herself onto my cock, and it slowly slid into her. She raised, and I slid out.

“Hey,” I complained.

“Shhhh,” she said and called to Rocky. “Here, boy,” she crooned, wiggling her ass at him.

We were on the end of the bench so that Rocky could walk up between our legs. His long tongue flicked out and licked at Kim’s wet pussy. Rocky mounted Kim and wrapped his paws around her waist. Kim reached back and guided the end of his protruding cock into her pussy.

“Now, to make this work,” she said, smiling down at me, “you will have to insert your cock in me under his.”

She lowered a little, and I felt the underside of his doggy dick inserted into Kim’s now very wet pussy. I pushed up gingerly and felt the head of my cock glide along with Rocky’s cock and slide up against Kim’s pussy.

Kim pushed back, and I felt the head of my cock enter her. I felt the tip of Rocky’s dick, even with mine. Rocky was humping now and driving his cock deeper into Kim. I pushed and kept up with him. I pushed harder and went into her in one massive ten-inch shove.

“Oh!” Kim gasped and shoved back. I felt Rocky sliding in further with each thrust, and then I felt his knot hard against me and Kim’s pussy. Rocky was pushing hard, and with one final backward thrust from Kim, his knot popped inside.

“Wow,” said Kim. “Double penetration is great.”

I felt Rocky’s knot swelling and Kim’s pussy pulsing. I started thrusting again and met each stroke of Rocky until I sensed he was about to cum.

“He’s about to cum,” I grunted to Kim and felt her muscles tighten. I felt hot warmth all along my cock as Rocky ejaculated his hot cum into Kim. Kim wiggled and shuddered, and I felt her first orgasm start, and then others rippled through her. Each one caused more swelling and contractions of her pussy. I could not stand it any longer, and I exploded into her mixing my cum with Rocky’s with a yell.

Kim kept up the thrusting until she was completely satisfied. I felt Rocky’s knot start to soften and shrink. I wanted to stay inside Kim and feel what it was like for the knot to pop out. Sure enough, I felt Rocky pulling back in a moment, and the knot slid to the opening. With a final jerk, Rocky popped the knot loose. His cock slid the rest out, and I felt Kim’s pussy relax. She was raising herself now, and I felt my cock slipping from her dripping pussy.

Kim stood up and smiled at Rocky and me. “You were both Soooo good,” she crooned and headed back to the pool.

I jumped up and followed her. Rocky ran ahead of me and jumped into the pool after Kim. When I got there, Rocky was happily paddling in a circle around Kim. I stepped into the pool and waded over to Kim.

“Now that’s what I call a far-out threesome,” I laughed at Kim.

“I thought you would find it interesting,” she grinned back. I kissed her hard on the mouth and knew that this was the only woman in the world who could satisfy my every need. It seemed my needs were hers, and hers were mine.

“Let’s get dressed and go bar hopping,” she said suddenly.

“You bet,” I readily agreed.

“Can we take Rocky with us?” Kim asked.

“We can try,” I said. “I don’t know how strict they are about animals in those places.”

“Oh, Hell,” grinned Kim, “if they let donkeys in, why wouldn’t they let Rocky in?”

Now that made sense, I thought. “OK, I said, let’s give it a go, but first, let’s go back to the hotel and freshen up a little.”

“What’s the matter?” Kim grinned, “Afraid of a little mess?”

“No,” I replied, “just that I would like to change my clothes. These got a little damp and wrinkled.”

“OK,” she said. “To tell the truth, I could use a fresh change too.”

When we got back to our room, Rocky jumped up on the bed and curled up.

“I think he needs a nap,” I laughed at Kim.

“Poor baby,” she crooned, “Did Mamma wear you out?”

As if he understood, Rocky thumped his tail and closed his eyes. Kim and I went into the bathroom and stripped our clothes off. I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature, and then we both stepped in. I took the soap bar and ran it all over Kim’s body. I paid attention to her ponderous pert breasts and her full but firm ass. Kim’s thighs were a work of art, too. Full and firm. Her skin was pure silk and satin. There was not a rough spot on her.

Kim took the soap from me and subbed it over my body. She cupped my balls in one hand, lightly ran the soap over them, and gently squeezed until I got erect again. She took my erect cock in her hand and slid her soapy hand back and forth on my shaft. I closed my eyes and felt her hand let go of my meat. I suddenly felt the head of my cock enters her pussy. She had stood up on tiptoe and impaled herself on my dick. We stood under the water and made love until we were both exhausted.

We toweled each other off and collapsed on the other bed. Rocky’s snores filled the room.

“What a buzz saw,” I laughed.

Kim got up and nudged Rocky. He opened his eyes and looked at Kim.

“Turn over,” she said and pushed him again.

He stood up, got down, padded onto the terrace, and flopped down. Kim got back into bed and wrapped herself around me.

“I wonder just how she takes the pleasure of the donkey in the bar in front of everyone?” she smiled.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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