Megan Tells Her Husband
“I’ll rush home as quick as I can, but it won’t be until tomorrow at noon at the earliest,” he said as she gave him some sandwiches she had prepared for his trip, a snack for him to enjoy on the long drive to the hotel, he would be staying in.
“I’ll miss you,” Megan said with a smile as he headed for the door. She followed him to wave him off as he got in his car and pulled it out of the driveway. She saw some of their neighbors in their little gardens watching and smiling as a devoted wife waved her husband off before returning inside to get on with her day. A perfectly happy little couple…
And to the outside world and Clive, that is exactly what they were. Looking at them, you would see two people in their late thirties who were in love. Partners who had taken the ultimate commitment and married were planning on having children when they were a little more financially secure, maybe in a year or two tops. So, if all this was true, why did Megan feel a hot ball of nerves in her stomach today as she said goodbye to her husband?
The reason for it was simple. For the last eighteen months, Megan had been having an affair; every time Clive would be away for an extended period, she would arrange to meet up with her lover, go over to his house and spend the day with him, his cock sliding into her pussy as she cried out in pleasure. It wasn’t that she was again going to see him today that was making her nervous now; it was what she was going to do when she was with him that was making her feel sick.
For a long time, she had gone over just to fuck, it was a thrill to have an affair like this, and the sex was so good it was worth everything. As time went on, however, she felt guilty, and after much encouragement, she finally decided to come clean; she was going to reveal her affair.
“Okay Meg, this is it, don’t back out now!” she said as she laid out her clothes for the drive over to her lover’s house. Since she would be seen by the neighbors driving away, she didn’t select anything too slinky or provocative, instead, she picked a nice sensible all in one blue dress, to too short or low-cut but not something a nun would wear either. She went without underwear, her breasts were still firm enough not to need the support of a bra full-time, and as for knickers, well, she would only have to remove them when she got to Mike’s house anyway, so she didn’t see the point in bothering with them in the first place.
She looked herself over in the mirror and was happy with what she saw. If she really was going to do this than she at least wanted to look her best while she did it. Her hair was pulled back into a pigtail; she preferred to have her blonde locks out of her face but she did accept she looked hotter with her hair loose for now though she would leave it tied. Her make-up was minimal but effective, enhancing her cheeks and eyes while making her lips look fuller and much more kissable.
“This is it Meg,” she said again before she got her phone out and called Mike, informing him she would be over in half an hour, he could go ahead and get everything ready, she had not backed out and was going to do it today. She felt her stomach knot as she said it; the amount of nervous energy she felt could have lit up a whole town.
Megan had hoped to get to Mike’s with as little distraction as possible. She didn’t want to be caught by any of her neighbors wanting a chat but that was exactly what happened. As she got in the car, Carol from next door caught her and came trotting over and asked where Megan was going. She made something up on the spot, telling Carol that she was going to the shops before spending the day at a spa, which would at least explain why her car would be gone and not return until that night at the soonest.
Finally, after a very boring and frustrating ten minute chat, Megan got on the road and hustled over to Mike’s house, the whole journey her mind was full of thoughts and doubts about what she was doing, yet she couldn’t back out now and if she was totally honest there was a little excitement there mixed in, a naughty thrill at what she was going to do.
She arrived a few minutes later than she had wanted to but at least she had arrived. At one point she had almost turned the car around and backed out. She got out of the car and went to Mike’s front door, looking around she saw the streets were empty as she rang the bell and waited.
“Say cheese” Mike’s loud deep voice rumbled into her ears as he opened the door and she was surprised to see a camera lens instead of his face as he snapped a picture of her.
“What?” Megan said in surprise as another click signaled another photograph had been taken.
“Come on in,” Mike said stepping aside and allowing her to enter his home. “Thought I’d get some pictures of you arriving, you know make a whole series out of today from start to finish”
“Oh right,” Megan said a little nervously, this whole thing was scaring her but she kept telling herself to be brave.
“You look great Meg, give me a pose,” Mike said as he brought the camera up to his eye and adjusted the focus, Meg smiled and put her hands on her hips as a model as he snapped a few shots of her.
Mike stopped taking pictures and smiled at Megan who tried to return it but with mixed results. He could clearly see she was nervous and he understood why, what was she was about to do, reveal her affair to her husband and the world like this was certainly a brave thing to do.
“You look terrified Meg, relax a bit, there is a glass of wine for you in the kitchen,” he said and led her down the hall
Megan thanked him and drank the wine, it didn’t do much to make her nerves go away but it helped a little and that was enough. Mike took a few pictures of her as she drank, he told her he would go through them and pick out the best for the website to go along with the video she would make later.
“You been looking forwards to your visit? It’s been what, two months since the last one?” Mike said as he quickly went through the pictures he had already taken on the digital camera while Megan had a second glass of wine.
“Been a little more nervous about this one with, well you know?” she said nodding at the camera in Mike’s hand “but I always look forwards to coming here you know that” she added trying to be conversational, the red wine now loosening her up a little
Mike laughed before he spoke again “You always do go home with a huge smile on your face don’t you” he said brightly. “Before we go to the bedroom I want to take a few glamor shots”
Megan nodded; it was hard to say ‘no’ to Mike. He was the reason she was so sexually satisfied in life, sure she had a good sex life with her husband but Mike gave her something she couldn’t get at home which was why she had started going over to his house when Clive was out-of-town. Mike was also a big alpha male, well over six feet with a huge barrel chest and strong arms with skin that was so dark that it almost shined in the light and being around him just made her feel submissive to his wishes.
Mike had Megan pull her dress down, exposing her breasts as she posed for a few more pictures and then she pulled it back up to cover her breasts but lifted the bottom of the dress up over her waist to expose her pussy. As he snapped photographs, Megan began to feel better, she got a new naughty excitement from posing for these provocative pictures, bending over and showing her naked ass as she listened to the camera click again and again.
Finally, after the impromptu kitchen photoshoot was finished, Mike said they should head to the bedroom and do what she had come here to do. As he turned to go up the stairs Megan saw the big bulge of his cock in his trousers, he had obviously enjoyed the shoot more than she had thought and she smiled as she went up the steps behind him and walked to the bedroom where all the action always happened.
“Go on in, you know the way,” Mike said chuckling as he snapped a picture of Megan opening the door and entering the room
“Bullet!” she said happily as Mike’s big Rottweiler greeted her eagerly from the bed. He had been laid down on it watching the door but as soon as he had seen Megan he had jumped up and gotten down to the bed, his stubby tail wagging and his excitement clear to see. Like his owner Bullet was well-built, his body was sleek but thick, with shining black short fur all over except his feet which were all light brown, his head was wide and powerful looking.
Megan knelt down and fussed him, rubbing his head and neck while he licked her face and she heard the camera click to signify Mike was taking pictures again as she greeted Bullet after not seeing him for months.
“Hello,” she said over and over as she let him lick her face and gave him a big hug “have you missed me huh?”
“He sure has,” Mike said from behind Megan who didn’t turn to look at him, she was too engrossed in getting her face slobbered on by the over excited dog. “As soon as I said you were coming over he was up here ready and waiting”
“Really? That’s because you’re a good boy isn’t it?” Megan said to Bullet and kissed his head “Yes it is, you are such a good boy and it’s why I come here to see you”
“Give him a kiss Meg, it’ll make a great picture,” Mike said as he focused the lens on her face and waited for the perfect shot
Megan hesitated for a second before she opened her lips and stuck her tongue out, Mike had gotten her to do this before but without the camera, he said it looked so hot to see her make out with his dog and Megan had to admit she had grown to like doing it. At first, it had been strange, feeling his tongue in her mouth as she kissed him but the more Mike had asked her to practice the more she liked it until now she was happy to make out with Bullet.
Mike snapped a picture as Bullet licked Megan’s tongue and she pursed her lips and gave him a kiss, holding his face with her hands, it was not exactly like two humans but it made for a good picture and Megan did moan as she felt Bullet’s long tongue touch her own as they, in their own way, made out as much as is possible between woman and dog.
Megan giggled as she felt Bullet lick her lips and she opened them again to let him put his tongue back into her mouth for a second kiss, she felt her pussy grow wetter as she made out with the dog that brought her so much pleasure, ever since she had seen him she had been hot and bothered but touching him and kissing him made her all the more aroused.
More clicks meant more pictures but Megan tuned the sound out as she got more into the kissing, she playfully flicked her tongue on the tip of Bullet’s as he pulled his tongue back and started to pant, she hoped Mike got a good picture of that as she would love to have seen it for herself to see if it looked as good as it felt.
“I think old Bullet is ready for more than just a kiss,” Mike said as he snapped a picture of Megan as she looked deeply and lovingly into Bullet’s eyes for a moment. Megan smiled; her nerves were gone for now as she thought about having Bullet take her for the first time in too long. This was why she came over to Mikes house, so this beautiful dog could fuck her and fill her with his seed.
Megan looked up at Mike who took a picture of her and she began to peel off her dress, lifting it up and over her head until she was sat on the floor fully naked. Bullet took notice and Mike snapped a picture of him with his head down between Megan’s thighs, his snout pushed right up against her wet pussy.
This was how things usually started with Bullet for Megan; once she was naked he would almost right away explore her crotch, pushing his nose against her pussy lips before he would start licking her. She felt it now, his wet tongue sliding up her entrance as she let her head fall back and just enjoyed the pleasure of his oral talents. She could hear clicking as Mike took pictures for his website but she didn’t pay it any attention, all she wanted to focus on was feeling Bullet lick her aching pussy.
“Oh yes,” she said under her breath as she spread her thighs a little more for him to get better access to her pussy, no-one had ever gone down on her as good as this dog did. She felt Mike looming over her and opened her eyes to see him getting a good close up picture of Bullet’s tongue on her pussy, she reached down and spread her lips, shuddering as Bullet touched her clit with his tongue and Mike got it in a perfect picture.
After a few more licks Bullet began to show signs of wanting more than just licking Megan’s pussy, he started to hump the air a little and stood up straighter, looking at Megan expectantly. She smiled and felt her pussy get wetter and the need to feel his cock filling it grow stronger; first, she had a little ritual to perform, however.
Mike snapped a few more pictures as Megan wormed her way onto her side and got her upper body towards Bullet’s hind quarters. Once in position she reached up and massaged his sheath until his pink/purple cock started to protrude about half way out, already it was long and fat and she knew it got a whole lot bigger once he was fully erect, but for now this was fine.
Megan brought her lips up and licked them to make sure they were nice and moist before she parted them and took the tip of Bullet’s cock into her mouth, sucking him as Mike took pictures. He told her to open her eyes and look at the camera so her husband could see how much she loved sucking dog cock. Megan did as he said, opening her eyes and looking into the lens as he snapped photos of her with the dark pink, almost purple, cock in her mouth, close-ups and wide shots, different angles as she bobbed her head back and forth sucking with loving care.
“Yeah, suck that big dog cock,” Mike said as he took another picture “your husband and everyone else will love seeing how you can’t get enough”
Megan felt her pussy tingle as Mike said those words, every time he reminded her these pictures were going on the internet she felt the nerves come back and yet it only made the excitement grow stronger within her also.
She took another inch of the veins purplish cock into her mouth and flicked her wet tongue along it as she lovingly sucked while Mike snapped pictures, she could hear the click at different distances away, some right up close and some far away as he got different perspectives of her giving Bullet a nice doggy blowjob. She felt her pussy getting wetter the more she thought about how she would look in the pictures.
A moan escaped her throat as she worked the big dog cock between her lips, closing them tightly around the thick shaft as she savored the taste of dog cock that she had grown to love so much since she first started seeing Bullet behind her husband’s back.
“Okay, okay,” Mike said eagerly “that enough sucking, that’s enough. Time to get that big dog cock in your pussy!”
Megan let Bullet’s cock slip from her mouth, she had enjoyed sucking him as she always did but even she had to admit she was eager to feel him filling her more today than ever, she’d not gone this long between matings since she had begun the affair with Mike’s big Rottweiler.
She got onto all fours and put her head down on her arms which were resting on the floor, her ass was up in the air in a familiar mating position for Bullet who quickly went around and began to lick her pussy eagerly. He could smell her arousal and wanted to get a taste of her. Megan groaned as she felt his tongue once again lapped at her pussy, the pleasure growing stronger with each lick.
After a few licks Bullet decided it was time to mate and Megan grunted as she felt him mount her. Bullet was a big strong and above all heavy dog, when he mounted Megan he covered most of her body, enveloping her as he gripped her around the waist with his powerful front legs, holding her in a tight embrace as he attempted to find her pussy with his growing cock. It was this embrace that Megan always found so sexy, feeling him hold her and knowing that she was under his control now, was his bitch which he would mate and seed.
Megan heard the first snap of the camera from her left-hand side and knew Mike had taken his first picture of her getting mounted. She turned her face towards the sound and saw Mike take another picture this time showing her face as Bullet tried to get his cock into her pussy, missing with his first attempt. She reached up and pulled the band holding her pigtail in a place free and let her hair fall loose and messy, shaking her head to give it a sexy look.
Another picture was taken from a closer distance just as Megan felt Bullet’s cock find her entrance and with a powerful thrust of his hips, Megan felt him enter her, her pussy opening as it was invaded by a big dog cock once again. No matter how many times she was fucked by Bullet it never prepared her for that initial thrust or feeling of fullness as his cock slid into her, spreading her as she was filled with his big purple/pink cock. Her mouth fell open in a loud groan of pleasure and her eyes fluttered closed as she felt him inside her and the humping began, she knew Mike was getting some very close-up pictures of her face and she didn’t care, let the world see how much she loved getting fucked by Bullet, pleasure this good was worth it.
Bullet began to hump her hard, his cock expanding as he thrust into her with animalistic urges, she was groaning and moaning all the while as she felt his big cock sink into her before he would pull back and drive forwards again, her whole body rocking from the strength of this powerful dog mating her so fiercely.
“Oh yeah, you like that don’t you!” Mike said as he snapped a picture of Megan getting mated by his dog, he took some more pictures of her face and some of her body with Bullet holding onto her tightly as he panted away while humping her hard. “You love having that big dog cock in your pussy, fucking you!”
Megan nodded and groaned as she put her head back down onto her arms as she felt Bullet fucking her; Mike liked to talk to her as he watched her take Bullet in her pussy. She had never been with Mike, she came here just for his dog and he was fine with that arrangement, he had told her he had other women he could have himself, but only Megan would get fucked by his dog.
Bullet humped on, his hips like a piston as he thrust his cock deeper into Megan who could feel him swelling more and more as he grew fully erect inside her pussy. It was amazing to feel him expanding while already inside her, his cock was already big, much bigger than any guy who had ever been with her and feeling it grow and swell more made her wild with excitement every time even though by now she had felt it well over forty times.
“You going to take his big knot aren’t you?” Mike said from somewhere in front of Megan “yeah you going to let my dog shove his big knot into your pussy and let him fill you with his cum like a bitch aren’t you?”
Megan didn’t answer, she was too busy enjoying the feeling of her pussy getting fucked so hard by this big strong dog, feeling him holding her still with his front legs while he used her pussy for his pleasure. She hadn’t realized that the clicking sound which indicated the taking of pictures had stopped.
“Look at you, getting fucked by my dog and loving it,” Mike said in a loud voice which made Megan squirm, she was feeling an orgasm building fast as Bullet swelled more. She could feel the beginning of his knot as he slowed the speed of his humping and she knew the time was coming for her to be tied and receive his cum. This was her favorite part of the whole process, as much as she loved him fucking her with his hard cock, and she did greatly, feeling him filling her with his seed, knowing she was his bitch, drove her mad with pleasure and always brought her to orgasm quickly.
“Oh god it’s true,” Megan said in a groaning voice as she felt Bullet’s knot swell inside her pussy licking the two lovers together, she had become an expert at taking his knot after doing it so many times in the past year and a half.
“Look up and say it,” Mike said and Megan felt confused for a moment, why would Mike want her to look up and say that? He could hear her just as well with her head down like it was.
“Why?” she asked as she felt Bullet begin to squirt his cum into her, his body was still but his cock pulsed inside her, the heat of it was really hot and she could feel the tell-tale signs that she loved so much that he was starting to fill her with his cum, to truly make her his bitch.
“Look at the camera and tell your husband everything!” Megan blushed as she heard Mike give her the order. Suddenly it dawned on her why he had told her to look up. Mike had started the video camera he had set up to record her video confessional, she had thought he would interview her after she had finished being mated, but it was clear now he was going to do it while she was tied to Bullet and receiving his seed.
This was what she had come here for today, the pictures that he would post all over his web page, this video he was making of her confessing to what she been doing that would take pride of place. She felt shameful and scared and yet excited as she raised her face until she was looking right into the video camera, its dark lens staring back at her. She thought about it taking in her features, her sweaty face, her messy hair and most importantly the panting face of Bullet the Rottweiler dog above her as he filled her pussy with his hot seed while she confessed what she was about to.
“My name is Megan Stevens and for the last eighteen months, I have been chatting with you, Clive. I’ve been getting fucked by this dog!” she said and felt her cheeks redden as she said the words. “Whenever you are out-of-town, I rush over here like a bitch in heat and let him shove his big dog cock into my wet pussy. I come so much as… as… Oh God!”
She stopped speaking as she felt an orgasm begin to explode inside her pussy, confessing to being mated by Bullet while Clive was out-of-town, knowing this would be going on the internet where anyone could find it and feeling the heat of the dog cock that was deep and knotted inside her pussy throbbing as it squirted more and more cum into her, all came together to bring her to the peak of pleasure.
“Did you hear that? She just came while confessing to how much she loves getting fucked by a dog, isn’t that right Megan? Tell your husband!” Mike said from behind the camera and zoomed in on her pleasure contorted face, her eyes closed and her mouth a tight grimace as the orgasm subsided and she regained control of her body.
Megan composed herself and then opened her eyes again, the camera lens now much closer to her face to get a better shot of her post orgasm face. She nodded her head a little and bit her lip as she felt the last remnants of orgasm fading, all the while she could still feel Bullet shooting his seed into her pussy, however.
“Oh god please,” she said bowing her head as she felt her emotions getting the better of her, she was feeling so many different things, nervousness, excitement, shame, and pleasure.
“Look at your husband Megan, eyes up and tell him,” Mike said in his usual hard tone, he was obviously enjoying this; it had been his idea after all.
Megan raised her head again and looked at the camera, it took a great effort but the thrill of doing this, confessing to whoever watched the video that she was a dog slut who loved nothing more than taking Bullet’s big cock in her pussy was giving her strength she didn’t know she had.
“Clive, it’s true!” she said in a rush to get the words out “I just came as this dog pumps me full of his cum, he’s in me right now and I came”
Mike smiled down from behind the camera, his white teeth glittering from his dark face as he watched Megan receive his dog’s cum while she told her husband all about how she had come, he had other things he wanted her to tell too, she would be tied to Bullet for over ten minutes, plenty of time for a little interview.
“Good Megan, now tell your husband how much you enjoy getting fucked by my dog,” he said with glee. “He and everyone else have already seen the pictures by now, seen you sucking that big dog cock, seen it in your sexy pussy but now you have to tell them how it feels, explain it to him how much you love it”
Megan closed her eyes as she heard Mike say the words, just thinking about the pictures he had taken made her stomach do flips, her face clear to see in each one, her red lips wrapped around Bullet’s cock. She was down the rabbit hole now, nothing to do but get it all out.
“It feels so good,” she said forcing the words out “It feels so much better than a human cock” she added looking right into the camera to emphasize the point if she was going to confess she had to do it right, be totally honest.
“You hear that Clive? Say it again louder Megan, make sure he hears you”
Megan took a breath and repeated what she had said only louder this time, her heart thudding as she confessed to how much she loved feeling a big dog cock in her pussy. All the time she was talking she felt Bullet throb inside her, she felt his cock stretching her pussy as he squirted another dose of his canine seed into her, trying to breed her like his bitch. His tight grip around her waist made her feel extra naughty as did hearing him pant above her while she told the camera all about her love of his cock.
“Tell him how it’s better than his cock” Mike said as he looked down at Megan and then at Bullet on top of her, he loved watching him fill her with cum, he had seen Bullet’s big cock slide into her pussy many times and seeing her here on all fours telling the world about her love for it was so much more exciting.
“I don’t know,” Megan said in a slightly annoyed tone, she hadn’t expected him to put her on the spot like that to explain how it felt but it was more that he was, at least in her mind, saying something about her husband personally.
“Tell him; come on, how is it better than his cock?” Mike prompted
“It’s not just his cock, a dog cock is just better than every guy,” she said in an attempt to defend her husband for some unknown reason, she felt like Mike had insinuated that Clive was lacking somehow when he wasn’t
“It’s just bigger okay, and it’s shaped different, and I don’t know,” she said honestly. “You have to feel it to understand it, having it inside your pussy or in your mouth, it’s just different. Better”
“You a slut for dog cock aren’t you?” Mike said really getting into this line of questioning now, seeing Megan look at him with that look of desperation and anger in her eyes as she was filled by Bullet and confessed was really turning him on.
“Yes,” she said and lowered her head again for a moment “I am a total dog cock slut” she knew what he would say and smiled to herself, he was going to tell her to look at her husband and tell him loudly. She felt Bullet squirt another load of cum, his cock pulsing inside her as she felt the heat and wetness rise inside her, she loved it as she felt the tip so deep inside her and the knot holds tight to keep the cum in.
“Yeah, you love that big dog cock in your pussy and mouth don’t you,” Mike said in his deep rumbling voice “Do you give your husband your ass?”
Megan looked up quickly and opened her mouth in surprise. She had never expected him to ask her that and she blushed really deeply now, realizing what he was going to get her to confess next.
“Please, no,” she said in a weak attempt to avoid this line of questioning
“Do you give your husband access to your ass?” Mike asked again, his eyes ablaze with mischief “Answer the question”
“No, I don’t let my husband fuck my ass,” she said shamefaced, although as she said it she felt Bullet tighten his grip on her with his front legs and pump another hot load of cum into her already soaked and aching pussy which sent another tingle of pleasure through her body.
“Tell him how much you scream when my dog puts his big cock in your asshole, Megan,” Mike said with a huge grin before he moved closer and put the camera right on her face for a close-up.
Megan hesitated for a moment, that was a source of shame for her, she had always told Clive she didn’t like anal but when she was Bullet something just came over her and she would let him have her in any hole he wanted including her ass.
“I’m sorry Clive, it’s true,” she said with a grimace “I scream so much in pleasure when Bullet puts his big red cock in my tight ass, and it feels so good to have him stretch me while he fucks my tight hole”
“And what do you do?” Mike prompted her to give the whole story
“I rub my clit and beg him to fill my ass with his cum” she said “I love feeling him pumping his seed into my forbidden hole that only he gets to have, and I beg like a bitch for him to fuck me and fill me so I can feel it gush out when he is done”
Mike laughed for a second and then backed up a little to get a wider shot of Megan as she was tied with Bullet, he was panting like mad as he squirted his seed into her pussy and from the way Megan was looking and the little movements she was making, Mike could tell she was getting close to another orgasm as she told all to the camera as the dog used her to deposit his cum.
“Oh Clive, you married a real slut here you know,” he said joyfully “you should hear the stuff she says when she is getting humped by my dog, tell him, Megan, give your husband a crash course in your vocal range”
Megan could feel the orgasm building as the knot stretched her pussy and the hot pulsing dog cock in her pussy filled her to overflowing with its water like cum, she really was starting to get off on this video that Mike was making of her now too, she had told all and now it was out there her fear was loosening.
“What should I say?” she asked, looking past the camera to Mike
“Give him some of your reactions to getting humped hard in your pussy, just like you did earlier,” Mike said after thinking for a second.
Megan took a breath and then began to groan and moan as she did when Bullet first started to thrust his hard cock into her pussy, she thought about how it felt and the orgasm began to build much more quickly as she did so. She gasped and began to become more vocal, going through her normal repertoire of encouragements for him to fuck her harder, to give her all his cock, to fuck her like the bitch she is and all the time she felt his cock pulse inside her and the heat rise as she was filled by more dog cum.
“Oh fuck! I’m going to come again” she said suddenly as she felt the orgasm begin. This time she put her head down on her arms and groaned loudly all the way through it, her breath coming in short gasps as she felt herself shaking from the pleasure.
“Oh fuck!” Mike said, “You see that she just made herself come again thinking about getting her pussy fucked by that hard dog cock, or was it that it’s in you right now, filling you with some doggy cum?”
“Both” Megan said in a low gasp “Oh god I can’t resist his big dog cock, it makes me come so much every time it’s in me!”
“One more question Megan, look at your husband,” Mike said, he could see that Bullet was getti.g ready to dismount from her and he wanted to wrap up the video confessional before that happened.
Megan looked up into the camera lens again and awaited the final question from Mike. She was glad it was over but in a way she was also more nervous also, after he had finished this last question and got his answer he would be posting the video and pictures on his website for the world to find.
“Will you ever be able to give up taking big, fat dog cock in your three holes?”
Megan smiled at the question that was so easy to answer. She felt Bullet move around a little on her back, his knot pulling at her tight pussy which did its best to hold onto him, his cock inside her stretched pussy giving her a final little bit of his cum before it would slip out with a wet plop and she would feel his seed dribble out of her used pussy.
“No,” Megan said grinning “I am a dog slut for life”
With that Bullet pulled free from her pussy and she felt the familiar gush of dog cum leak out and down her thighs. Mike lingered on her with the camera for a moment as she relaxed and sighed. He signed off the video confessional by getting Megan to once again tell her name and that she was a dog slut and wave a goodbye after blowing a kiss to Clive before he turned off the camera and hooked it up to his PC to begin the upload to his website.
Megan laid on her stomach and watched as the pictures were positioned and the video was uploaded, she felt her nerves washing away as Mike clicked the button that sent the page to live on the internet, she was out there now, her face and actions and confession all over the world-wide web for billions of people to find and judge.
The confession was good for the soul they say and she certainly felt better now she had gotten it all out. She smiled to herself and wondered just how long it would take before her husband and friends came across the site if they ever did. It would be an interesting day when it finally did that was for sure.
The End.
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.