Much Needed Excitement

By Mrs.Peaches.

I pull into the garage on a Tuesday afternoon and sit in my car, taking in the silence. As I sit, I think about how routine my life has become. I wake up and do the same thing every day. The same breakfast, the same accounting job for high-end trust fund babies, the same wife, and the same kids. Every day, I come home and wonder where the excitement went. But it’s time to get out of the car and make my way inside; as I open the door, I’m greeted by Hello, daddies, and leaping hugs; this isn’t a terrible life I have. It’s just boring and repetitive. Cartoons are on TV, mmm, something smells amazing.

My wife Kasey has something in the oven that will be delicious as usual. After setting my briefcase down, I start going through the mail on the counter, and I come across a solid black envelope addressed to me, Mr. Roger Westbrook. There is no return address, only a confidential seal. That’s strange. It doesn’t look like any junk mail I have ever seen, so I stick it in my briefcase pocket and throw the rest in the trash.

The next moment, my toddlers knock over something in the living room, and the black envelope is forgotten. My gorgeous wife comes in and lovingly kisses my cheek on her way to grab the broom. She asks, “How was your day, honey?”

“It was fine, darling. How was yours?”

My day is always fine, and hers is always fine, too.

Dinner was delicious; after the kids were in bed, I even got dessert from Kasey. She is so lovely when she spreads her legs and plays for me. God knew what he was doing when he gave me her. She knows just how to please me so that I sleep well. As I get ready for bed, she is already there, legs spread and fingers glistening. I am lucky to get this every night, but sometimes I wonder if there could be more to my life. Call me ungrateful, but I call it unsatisfied.

She comes over and puts my nine cock in her mouth. Mmm, she is so warm and lovely. Her warm wet mouth fits so perfectly around my cock as I slide into her throat. I start pumping in and out slowly until I feel she’s ready to handle more. The same mouth every night; unsatisfied, I begin to pump harder, giving her less time to catch her breath as I shove my member down her tight throat. I start pumping faster and harder until I realize she is patting my leg in an attempt to tell me to pull out so she can breathe, but I hold it there, watching the makeup run down her cheeks.

Suddenly back to reality, I pull out, and as I do, I cum all over her big c-cup breasts. Those nipples always do look splendidly covered in cum. I look up and see a look of surprise and concern on her face as I kiss her forehead and tell her to clean up.


The next day I’m at my desk doing some work and eating my lunch when my mind goes back to the envelope I put in my briefcase yesterday. I pull it out and open it up. Inside is a formal-looking invitation with only an address, a time, a dress code, and a bold line that says COME ALONE AND TELL NO ONE.

That is odd. I don’t remember agreeing to attend any events; my secretary usually handles everything in my schedule. This is something else. This is something exciting.

The week dragged on, and the hours ticked as I waited to see what was at the address and why I had to get my tux dry-cleaned. Finally, Friday came, and I told my wife I had a business trip to attend and left for my 3-hour drive. I grabbed some dinner and bought a hotel room with cash so my wife would overlook the credit card statements. It was time to get dressed for the event, whatever it was. I don’t claim to be the best-looking man in the world, but my 5’9” height and my fit body, due to my time at the gym, do me justice in this tux. I put on my shoes and head out for the drive to my unknown event. This is so strange, but my life has been so dull I am throwing caution to the wind. Besides, it’s probably one of my clients. They can be a little eccentric sometimes.

I see four luxury cars and five limousines in the drive. I park my Porsche on the end and walk up to the door of what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. This is weird. Maybe I should have held onto some of that caution, but I knocked anyway. A slot opens, and a raspy voice asks for my invitation, so I hand it through. The door opens, and I am escorted by a muscular man down a hallway and into an elevator. We travel up three floors, and when the doors open, we are in a luxurious viewing box where nine other gentlemen are chatting and drinking as they light their cigars. This is crazy, and what are we viewing inside a not abandoned warehouse?

The muscular man tells me to enjoy it and returns to ride the elevator back down. As I walk into the room, I’m greeted with business nods of hello and an offer of scotch on the rocks from the bar. I try to see into the viewing room, but it’s pitch black, and I still have no idea why I’m here. I sip my scotch and light up one of the cigars from the box on the bar. It’s Cuban and smokes wonderfully. I start to speak to the man closest to me as the lights dim, showing that something is about to happen.

The lights in the viewing area start to brighten. Finally, I’m going to see what the mystery is about. It’s funny; I haven’t seen anyone I recognize. As I sit, I realize I am looking down into a large gray cement room with various padding, chains, and tables everywhere. As I look closer, I realize those women in those chains bent over those tables.

These weren’t ordinary tables; they were short and angled so that the very pretty redhead’s naked ass was in the air with her legs chained to the sides and her arms chained to the floor in front of her. How the hell did I end up here? As I keep looking, I notice a petite blond chained in the air with her arms and legs spread in a very vulnerable-looking position. My cock starts to twitch as I see the thick brunette chained ass up on a mattress with a smile on her face.

They all look like they are in some splendid daze. You can see the blonde’s pussy drip onto the mat below her. Where am I? How did I get an invitation to something like this? My cock grows, and as I puff on my cigar, the scotch relaxes me, and I realize that this is not going to be a boring regular night.

A voice comes over a screen, and I see a clean-cut, sharp-dressed businessman across the screen. “Hello, gentlemen; thank you for joining us this evening. We have an excellent time planned for you tonight. I hope you will find everything to your liking.”

And he was gone. I can see the mystery, but why can’t I figure out how they added my name to their list?

A buzzer goes off, and metal doors beneath us start to open. When they do, I gasp as I see five giant dogs enter the room. This is going to be a strange night. Oddly enough, my cock begins to grow more at the thought of what those dogs are about to do. I see two enormous Great Danes start to sniff at the blond as she dangles helplessly in the air. She doesn’t fight them off and is still as they begin to lick her body, trying to find the source of that beautiful smell. A German shepherd approaches the redhead and dives directly into her wet spot with what looks like experience.

My dick is throbbing against my pants. A rottweiler and a lab mix find the brunette, and as they sniff around, their red cocks begin to grow. I can sympathize with them. They are going to need to fuck soon. The lab mix lands his red cock right beside the brunette’s mouth and starts a fast-paced hump as it nears her lips. I cannot believe I am watching a woman suck off a dog. This is not how I picture my weekend going. This is so much better. As the great Danes find their way to the source, they start licking and biting at the blonde’s pussy. As she begins to writhe and moan, she is utterly helpless to the onslaught happening to her wide-spread pussy.

Just then, the German shepherd gets onto the back of the redhead and lands his hard dick right into her wet pussy. Without hesitation, he starts pumping in and out of her like nothing I have ever seen. Oh, how I wish I could trade places with him. She’s moaning but can’t go anywhere as her pussy is mercilessly pounded. Her anal plug protects the brunette’s asshole, but that doesn’t stop the rottweiler from stabbing until he hits his mark. As this woman takes a lab in her mouth, she takes a rottweiler in her pussy, and she looks to be in pure heaven. I feel like I am going to cum in my pants. Oh, this is wonderful and not boring at all.

This night continues as I sip scotch and watch these dogs knotted with these girls pumping gallon after gallon of cum into their pussies. Each woman sucked at least three different dogs and enjoyed being mounted by all five dogs twice. These women were nothing but a heap of dog cum and smeared makeup by the time they were done. And I felt like I would explode if I didn’t release this tension soon. What is the plan to tease us and send us home? This has been amazing, but I need some release soon.

A few moments later, the muscle man entered the room and directed us all to the hallway that turned into what looked to be a set of dressing rooms. Inside, we found hangers for our suits and robes. We were instructed to undress and return to the room with our robes on. Imagine ten men trying to hide their raging hard-ons in a plush black robe. Either this is leading to some release or something embarrassing. Once we are all robed, we are taken by elevator to a door. We are told that behind this door, we can do whatever we want, and after we are finished, we may shower and leave. Finally, I’m going to get my sweet relief.

The door opens to the same room as before with the same women, dog cum, and all. This is going to be amazing. The smell of the dog cum is very potent, along with the scent of sex and sweat. The men undo their robes and rub their swelling cocks at the girls. The girls still look dazed and grateful, begging to be fucked more, to be filled with cum. I make my way to the redhead since I have been eyeing her sweet little pussy. It glistens with the leftover dog cum, and her ass is scratched. I’m going to enjoy this.

I go behind her, smacking her ass, paying attention to get the scratches with my hand when it landed. She screamed and moaned as she drooled and begged me to fuck her. My cock is so hard it’s standing at full attention, ready to enter her soaking pussy. Mmmm, it’s so wet and mushy. My dick slides right in there, thanks to the dog’s knots being so huge. I start to pump in and out as another man finds her mouth. We make eye contact briefly enough to agree and begin fucking this whore for everything she is worth. I have been building up this load, and if feel it is boiling up as I move in and out, sliding the cum deep into her pussy. I go deeper and deeper until I can’t go anymore. This feels so good; I could do this forever.

Just then, the man in her mouth grunts signaling that he is releasing his seed into her throat as he fucks her face. It sure is a pretty face. I look over to see the blond being fucked in all three holes at once, just as mercilessly as I’m pounding the redhead. She looks like she’s in heaven. The brunette receives equal treatment as everyone is as full and ready to bust as I am. I spank the redhead’s scratched-up ass again, and I start to cum deep against her cervix. Oh, I hope they are taking measures against pregnancy.

As that thought flashes, I’m consumed by lust as I pump faster and faster as she screams in bliss. This whore will take all my cum, just like those dogs. As I empty, I pull out and admire my handy work. Her pussy looks swollen and wet as it drips into a puddle on the mat. I moved around her mouth as the other man had moved on and instructed the whore to clean me up. She does as she’s told happily as another man enters her used pussy to cum inside of her the way I did.

As I think about all the cum inside of her, my dick begins to swell again. Mmm, where is that thick brunette? I walk over to where she is chained, and I make her take me into her mouth just like they took the lab mix.

“That’s right. Be a good little whore and make my cock hard,” I ordered.

She does as she was told, and I fuck her face hard before pulling out and moving behind her. Her freshly fucked pussy was so wet with cum that it puddled around my dick before dropping to the ground. I think I’m going to cum right on the spot, but I resist. I’m going to enjoy this. I move slowly, taking in every stroke. I move in and out, feeling the cum slosh around my member as she moans and gags on another man’s dick. I may have found a new hobby fucking whores, but I will have to get my wife on board. I love her, and she has always been a freak. As I think of that time, I saw her at 15 in porn with an elderly man. I blast my cum all over, replacing the already full limit in her pussy.

I continued like this for hours, fucking and cumming, spanking the girls and choking them. I stuck my fist inside of the blond until she came in my hand, and then I made her lick it off. When I was finally tired, and one of the three men left, I decided I had enough excitement for the night and needed sleep and more scotch. I left the room escorted by the muscular man to the shower, where I redressed in my tux and left the robe in a laundry basket. I was escorted to my car and handed another black envelope.

At this, I was left to drive back to the hotel, where I went inside sleepily, took another shower, and had a stiff drink as I read the 2nd black envelope. It read, ‘Thank you for coming. We hope you enjoyed yourself, and look forward to seeing you again soon. We will be in contact. TELL NO ONE.’ I fell asleep, rubbing my well-used cock.


I woke up and mostly stayed in my hotel room, checking emails and watching TV until it was time to travel back home. Back home to my boring life, except now, I have new memories to think about while I’m sitting in the garage. My wife greets me when I walk in the door, and I immediately take her into the bedroom and lock the door. The kids bang on it, but I won’t open until I have had my way with Kasey and her nice round ass. Oh, I missed this ass even while I was inside of the brunette. She protests at first, but realizing it’s useless, she spreads herself for me, and I notice how wet she is.

What has she been up to while I have been gone? The thought fades as I begin to fuck her like we are newlyweds. She screams my name as I caress her curves and nibble on her breasts. I’m inside of her when I release my seed and coat her womb with everything I have. Emptying myself inside of her causes her to moan out in pleasure as she digs her nails into my back and cums for me like my good little whore. For the moment, I am satisfied, thanks to that mysterious black envelope.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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