My Pussy Loves Puppy


Part 1

When I was a teen, we had what can be best described as a naughty adolescent puppy. Jed was a gorgeous black lab cross Kelpie that we had bought as a puppy from the pet store. From the time we had got him, we never once thought about getting him neutered and Dad is a traditional sort of guy, thought it was cruel to take his male hood away. Jed had been in the family for about 5 years and had become very much a part of the family. He definitely loved me the best, cos I was the only one that had really played with him the most and taken him for walks to the park. One day, however, took an interesting turn…

One long hot summer weekend the parents decided to spend the weekend down the coast and Jed and I were left alone. I had some study to do anyway, so I appreciated the peace and quiet living on an acreage block. On the Saturday morning I buried my head in the books early, before it got too hot and decided I would cool off with a rewarding swim around lunchtime. After doing some study and having a swim, I took a cool shower to wash off the chlorine.

It was so hot and with the parents not being home, I brushed off getting dressed and walked back to my room naked. As I entered my room, I noticed Jed lies at the end of my bed resting. He looked up when he saw me enter the room and started wagging his tail. I walked over to him, not taking much notice of the fact that I was still naked, and patted him on the head letting his snout rub against the side of my thigh. In doing so, he startled me, when all of a sudden he twisted his head slightly and started sniffing and licking. He must have been able to smell my period, cos as I looked down at the last-minute and in shock, Jed’s tongue was licking the inside of my thigh and getting closer to my pussy. As I pulled away, the tip of his slimy tongue had managed to lunge forward enough on the last lick to brush over my outer labia, sending a shock wave through my body.

My head and my body were in a tingly spin on what had just happened. I also saw from Jed’s excited reaction that he too knew, that he had hit me right where he wanted to. Jed had always been told off for sticking his sniffy nose into girl’s crotches, but on this occasion he had a shot too good to turn down and the cheeky beggar got away with it. I composed myself for a moment to take in what had just happened. My teenage virgin crotch, however, was now tingling for more.

I sat on the edge of the bed and couldn’t believe I was actually contemplating this. I mean Jed was cute, loyal and loved me, of course, but letting him make out with me, was a bit weird. The throbbing between my legs kept bringing me back down to Earth and Jed certainly knew this and didn’t waste any time in having another crack. For Jed, he was an adolescent, horny pup who, like me, had never had any sexual encounters before, so in a way I understood how he felt.

While sitting on the edge of the bed, Jed kept trying to bury his nose and snout into my crotch and every attempt came with another long lunging lick from his tongue, along all sides of my thighs. The more he licked my upper thighs, the more it tickled me and I couldn’t help but giggle. Even in my countless attempts to push his head away, he would not stop and persisted in licking and nipping at my thighs, belly, breasts and face. In my struggle, I kept glancing down and noticed that my body was now becoming all wet and sticky, from being covered in his saliva. I then tried to cross my legs to protect and lock away my pussy even further from his aggressive advances, but all this did was make him lick and nip at my ass and under thighs even more.

A thousand thoughts were racing through my mind as Jed persisted in trying to seduce me. I had never had these strong sexual feelings before, so for me, being my first time, it was a bit scary, seeing how persistent and aggressive Jed had become. This reflection didn’t last long as Jed finally got a nip on me that changed everything. Jed had managed to bite me in just the right spot under my thigh to cause my crossed leg to lift up. I jolted at the feeling, but before I could raise my voice and yell at him, he was fast enough to spot a glimpse of my wet pussy in the small opening and slipped his snout under my now lifted thighs and starting licking furiously at my labia.

I tried to put my leg back down, but it was no use. Within seconds, the tip of his long slimy tongue had begun teasing the inner lips of my pussy and was millimetres from my hole. Overcome with the feeling, I reluctantly succumbed to his domination and lifted my thigh a little higher, slowly inviting him in and giving him permission to lunge forward a little more. Jed had finally penetrated my defences and wasted no time in going for the kill, violating the most vulnerable, sensitive and private area of my body. As my pussy oozed, I became embarrassed and blushed from head to toe. Jed’s horny persistence had succeeded in seducing me. He was now the master and I was his slave.

Without hesitation, his snout nuzzled forward and nailed my virgin innocence. The tip of his tongue entered my now dripping hole and began trying to reef it open on one side. I gushed and fell back on the bed and pulled my knees up into my chest. My pussy was now open and exposed and sticking straight up. Jed got in under my feet and went crazy on my pussy, licking and biting it and trying to drive his tongue inside me as far as he could. As he did so, I felt my hymen break and a small gush of liquid dripping out of me. I panicked for a moment and slightly spread my knees apart to look down, thinking it was blood. As I did, I saw and felt Jed’s tongue slide deep inside me, moving more feverishly than before and hitting my g-spot with every lashing. His teeth also now nipped at my clit, which was driving me crazy. I opened my legs to him fully as he deflowered me, gasping and gripping the bed sheets as hard as I could, before plunging into the most explosive orgasm I have ever had.

My pussy was quivering as I felt liquid gushing and oozing out of me. I looked down to see Jed’s whole snout and head covered in my sweet girly cum and he wasted no time in lapping up every last drop, paying particular attention to me, making sure I was completely cleaned up. What a gentleman!

I lay my head back on the bed for a second to collect my thoughts and looked across to see what Jed was doing. He had used his two front paws jump up on the side of the bed and as I looked, could see his large penis sticking out of its sheath at full erection. It was huge! I don’t know why it turned me on so much, but I got really horny again and wanted Jed to finish what he had started. I gestured him onto the bed and hurriedly, he obliged. His excitement led him to start sniffing and licking my young, sweet pussy again, while working his way up my stomach. His tongue, then paused and licked out my belly button which sent another shock wave through my body as I started writhing in pleasure again.

Then he started sniffing, probing, licking and nipping all over my semi-firm but soft breasts and nipples. Every time I tried to look down to see what he was doing to my breasts he would try to distract me, by licking my face, before returning to my breasts. When I could finally look down, my breasts and stomach were all slimy from his saliva and covered in reddish bite marks. He paid particular attention to gently bite on and around my nipples and they stood to attention as he molested them.

As it continued, he got more brazen and on one bite, he opened his mouth much wider, got his bottom jaw under my breast and took a large mouthful of my right tit, right into his mouth, biting and chewing down on it a little harder. Even as a 15-year-old, I certainly had the right shape and size of boobs where he could grab a decent mouthful, but it scared me a bit when he did it. At first, it looked like he was going to bite my whole breast off and eat it, but to my amazement, he was always gentle. As he gently gripped onto the full flesh of my tit, he began lifting his head, pulling the flesh of my tit up from my chest, almost like a wild animal trying to grab and pull up on chunks of flesh. I was shocked and turned on at the same time, to look down and see that most of my right tit had now been engulfed in the jaws of Jed, as he tried to squash and puncture almost my whole tit between the rows of teeth in his mouth, as he pulled me upwards. My now deformed looking breast was changing shape and bulging with every mouth movement. As his jaw continued to close,

I saw and felt his front teeth, gently begin puncturing and cutting into the soft flesh at the top of my tit. And while his tongue lavished my nipple with saliva, his back molars were chewing down on the softer flesh around my areola. He really scared me when on one hard bite down, it felt like my whole breast was being sucked and swallowed down the back of his throat! I whimpered and moaned to him softly, as my fingers tapped his snout.

“Owww… Owww, puppy, you’re hurting me”

He took a few more unexpected, deep and biting lunges before suddenly letting go. I then saw my red, fleshy tit flops back down, all covered in saliva and bite marks in the perfect imprint of his mouth from the top to the bottom of my breast. Some of his sharper teeth had also punctured the flesh and drawn little tiny spots of blood, but nothing serious. Seeing my tits like this turned me on more, even though Jed apologetically started licking them better and gesturing me to roll over. Was that why he was pulling me up by my boobs? So I would roll over?

I rolled over onto my stomach and protected my throbbing tits with my arms. Jed buried his nose right into my crotch again, licking and nipping like crazy. I turned my head back to Jed to see him getting ready to mount, seeing his massive cock standing to attention. Instinct took over, as I got into the doggy position and arched my back, lifted and spread my knees apart and let my tits hang down. I slapped my ass with my hand and within seconds I felt Jed’s front paws on my back sliding forward and over my sides. Suddenly I felt the slimy wet tip of Jed’s cock resting on my inner thigh and working its way forward. As it came to rest on my crotch, I felt it pressing on my ass.

I panicked momentarily trying to think how to move, but my panic subsided quickly when I felt Jed pull back slightly, allowing his cock to slide down and rest on my labia. He also surprised me because he didn’t thrust into me straight away, like I thought he would. He waited for me to push back onto the tip of his cock a couple of times, giving him the signal that it was alright to go ahead, before he began to enter me! Wow again, what a gentleman!

Then Bang! His long thick cock drove hard, fast and deep inside of me. He thrust in so hard that the entire length of his shaft and bump drove deep inside me in seconds. I let out a small scream and moaned for more as I felt the tip of his head rubbing against the top of my uterus. His thrusting tempo intensified and his front paws clawed into the sides of my chest for grip. On occasions his front paws would smack the outer sides of my breasts, slamming them into each other. I looked down at my red and sore right breast with the perfect imprint of his teeth and imagined him biting me again from below as they hung down! Electricity rippled through my body as his cock became so engorged inside my tight teenage pussy, that I was now unable to move. The puppy has me pinned! Puppy loves pussy! Pussy loves puppies!

Jed has stamina. He thrust and pumped away, like an animal for a good three minutes before he quietly began to whine. My moans intensified to almost a small scream as I felt a Jed’s cock swell more as it began to violently pulsate and throb as he pumped volumes of hot doggy cum deep inside me. The feeling of thick doggy cum pouring and pussy farting out of my throbbing pussy caused me to explode as Jed continued to thrust. The sudden convulsions of my pussy orgasm, causes Jed to twist and turn his cock from side to side as he keeps thrusting and pumping. This sensation stimulates the peak of my orgasm and I am able to ride it out a little longer, before it subsides. I collapse.

I am awoken soon after, by the slightly painful attempts of Jed trying to pull out of me. I soon discover to my horror, that Jed’s cock has swollen so much inside me that he cannot pull out. Every time I feel a stretching pain, I feel Jed trying to pull out of me as he whines. I grab his front paws and try and pull him towards me. OMG! Jed is stuck inside me and I can’t pull him out! What doesn’t help is the fact that every time he tries to pull out, his cock has become so sensitive, that he keeps having orgasms and pumping more of his doggy cum into my pussy. Doggy cum keeps pouring out of my pussy. Eventually his constant orgasms overwhelm me so much that I plunge into my 2nd, 3rd and fourth orgasm. I’m completely knackered and pass out again.

I’m awoken again by Jed. This time he has started to walk off my back to walk away, but has been stopped by the agony of his throbbing cock still stuck inside me. Jed and I are now both in doggie position, but facing away from each other, still stuck together. Panicky thoughts start racing through my mind and a shiver runs down my spine about how to get him out of me. Jed must have sensed this, because next thing, I felt this hollowing empty feeling as I feel Jed’s cock begin to excite me. Within moments, his whole cock slides out, leaving the tip of his head to rest just inside my hole, preventing all of his cum from pouring out. It almost feels like he’s either waiting to have another go, saying thank you or trying to cork me like a wine bottle, or all three.

I decide to tease him by pushing back on his head. I see him doing the same, trying to thrust into me again, but I resist and pull away from him quickly. Cheeky boy wanted to fuck me again! I quickly lie on my side, trying to contain the doggy cum that keeps oozing out of my pussy. My bed is a wet sticky mess and will need to be changed and cleaned as soon as possible, plus some air freshener. I have 2 more days! Safe as pie.

Jed decides to startle me again by cleaning up the mess. Before I can blink, he drives his whole tongue deep inside my pussy and licks out every drop of doggy cum. He then licks me all over licking up every drop and even licks up all the spots still left on the bed. He does a thorough job and leaves me in orgasmic bliss yet again! What a sweetheart!

Before leaving, he repeatedly licks my face to show his affection for me. I give him a quick peck on his snout and a pat on the head for being such a good boy. As he starts to leave, he pauses and gives my pussy a few more fast, deep stabs with his nose and tongue before heading down the hall. My pussy gushes again! What an awesome guy!!

I’m his bitch and he’s my boy and I fuck him in every room in the house on a regular basis! Jed and I, have also turned the “titty biting” into part of our four-playing ritual. It’s a real turn lying back on the bed and watching his whole mouth so close to my face, as he growls, bites and clamps down hard on both of my fleshy breasts, molesting them out of shape with his sharp teeth. And it’s not unusual for my breasts to be all red, covered in bite scratches and pitted with bloodied love bites, after our love-making. Jed certainly knows how to hit my buttons!

Jed and I even practised missionary position to the point where he can now lay on top of me and fuck me while devouring my breasts at the same time! In fact, we have tried a few positions, including me on top, which allowed me to fulfil my fantasy of Jed devouring my breasts, whilst they were hanging down. As I fuck him, I tease his face with my breasts as they jiggle around, and like a wild animal he repeatedly reaches up to lick, bite and chew down hard on them!

I haven’t let him fuck me in the ass, as that would be too much, but I have licked and sucked his cock a few times while we fucked, and after tasting my own sweet juicy cum on the shaft of his enormous penis, I can now certainly understand why he loves to tongue me so much! And when he blows his load down the back of my throat, the taste of both our cum, mix perfectly together. We’re both lustfully, blissfully addicted to each other and it’s our little secret!

In fact, what’s been good for both of us is the incredible work out we both get. Taking him for walks and fucking his brains out has really helped keep Jed fit, healthy and very active, especially for the years ahead as he becomes a Grandpa puppy. And as a 5-year-old puppy, taking into account doggy years and multiplying that by 7, that makes him about 35 years old in human years! OMG! A 35-year-old, fucking a 19-year-old! Jed is just a dirty old man who now has his very own hot, little teenage slut to molester when the hell he wants! What a lucky guy!

Six months after this happened, the folks moved overseas for work and left me here at the family home to study. They only come home at Christmas time, so having the house all to myself for most of the year, really has its benefits, especially now that Jed and I can have a lot more fun together. Being an attractive, athletic blonde, Jed also gets jealous and aggressive if guys come sniffing around when we are out on a walk, which is quite cute. He’s very protective of me.

Jed is discreet, he protects me, he’s loyal and faithful, he would never hurt me, and he knows me better than anyone and knows how to satisfy me sexually! The perfect guy! And it’s not uncommon for our love-making sessions to last a few hours, before both collapsing from exhaustion. Some of our lovemaking sessions have also included others, but you will just have to read Part 2 of that!


Continued on the next page (link below).


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