My Summer Job 1

By Oliver Twist.

Hi, my name is Emma and I had just left school. I was due to start university in the September, doing environmental studies. You see, I wanted to save the world and all the animals on it, I was a tree hugger, I suppose. My dad called me naive and a dreamer but I didn’t care, he was just an old drunk and very, very cynical.

My Mum had died when I was twelve, which left Dad to bring me up, but he didn’t really want the responsibility, he was too interested in drinking and going to the pub. I was an accident, you see, both Mum and Dad were in their forties when I came along and had never wanted kids. So, when Mum died I more or less took care of myself, much to the joy of my father.

Luckily, Mum had given me her love of nature, something for which I was truly grateful. I studied really hard and gained a place at uni, another thing that pleased Dad, it meant I would be gone most of the time.

Being a ‘greeny’, as some of the girls used to call me, meant that quite a lot of peers at school didn’t really like me either. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was very pretty with a really nice body, then I don’t think anyone would have even spoken to me. However, all the boys definitely tried to talk to me, or rather they pretended to talk to me in order to be alone with me, so they could try it on.

I had one really good friend, Jane, and if wasn’t for her I would have gone mad. She was my rock and we did everything together, even lost our virginity together, in the same bed. She had decided it was time we became ‘women’, so she chose two boys and invited them to her house when her parents were away. After many drinks and Jane ordering me to the bedroom, we gave up our cherries. The lucky boys even got to swap with us after that first shag, another of Jane’s ideas.

I’m very timid you see and although I’m very vocal when it comes to the environment, anything else and I’m just too shy. I hate confrontation and would avoid anything that could cause it, even doing things I really didn’t want to do. The funny thing was, after losing my virginity I really wanted more sex, I loved it. Paul, one of the boys who shagged me that night, waited for me after school on the Monday after and insisted I went to his, for a ‘chat’, he said.

Once there he just started kissing me and within a few minutes we were doing it in his bed. I tried to say no but he wouldn’t listen, he just started stripping me and touching me, making me all hot. He fucked me three times that afternoon, making me cum like never before. We did it every day for a month, only stopping when he nearly killed himself on his bike. He was in hospital for months.

Luckily, the other boy who fucked me on that first night, John, took his place. After visiting Paul he gave me a lift home, stopping at his first, he had to get something, he said. Once inside he started kissing me, saying Paul told him he could. Being an idiot, I believed him and let him fuck me. It was only after when he told me not to tell Paul, that I realized what I had done. I never did tell Paul and when he waited for me after my next visit I let him fuck me again, he was so aggressive, saying he would tell Paul I had come on to him if I didn’t.

After Paul got out of hospital, John left me alone, not that I would have said no if he carried on, I liked doing it with him. Paul and me broke up a few months later, he met another girl who liked motorbikes and dressed in leather; she was perfect for him. I wasn’t that bothered but I did miss the sex, it made me feel good. Paul was a big boy, six foot tall and broad, the opposite of me. I was five foot two inches tall and weighed about hundred and ten pounds. My eyes were blue and my hair was blond, long and straight, to the middle of my back. I was slim with small tits but when I got excited my nipples grew to be very long, embarrassingly so. I was not really athletic but I had no fat on me, my tummy was flat and my bum was tight, Paul loved it, biting it all the time.

I had a few freckles but not too many; my nose was small and my cheekbones were quite pronounced, giving me a very distinct look, as many boys told me. Men and boys had always paid me a lot of attention, usually making me feel shy and embarrassed, sometimes even nervous and occasionally downright scared, especially when trying to get me to do something rude. Most girls would have told them to fuck off but I always struggled doing this, I would rather not make them angry and on a few occasions even let one or two of them touch me to avoid a scene, regretting it after.

The day after leaving school, Jane come round with some wonderful news. Her uncle, who worked in the local council environment department had offered me a summer job. It was helping with a survey to record the birds nesting on the local river. The river runs through our county for about fifty miles and if you count both banks that’s a hundred miles. I was to walk along the banks and record all the birds i saw and take some photos. I wasn’t expected to do it all, someone was doing the other side and starting in the opposite direction.

Tom, her uncle, saw me on the Monday and explained everything to me. He told me i had permission from all the land owners to enter their land to do this, so not to worry about angry farmers and if any one did question me, i should show them my new shinny badge, freshly issued.

Armed with my clipboard and backpack, I set out on my first day as a real adult, working for a living, earning my own money. I was so proud and eager, determined to log every bird there was on the river. It was a beautiful sunny day, summer was in full swing and it must have been at least eighty degrees, perfect for a walk along the river.

I was wearing my white, cotton summer dress, it was perfect for this weather, light and airy. Because I had such small and firm tits, I didn’t wear a bra, it was too hot and I didn’t need one. Yes, the drees was short and rather low at the front but I would be in the middle of nowhere with no one around, so I felt comfortable, even opening an extra button down the front.

When I drove to my starting point, I realised just how remote the area was, I could see for miles and not a single building or other car came into view. Wow, I thought, this is really beautiful. I parked my car in a a small layby next to the field and got out. The field I was to go in, to get down to the river, had cattle grazing, about twenty or so. I looked for a bull but couldn’t see one.

I jumped over the gate and began walking, the river was about half a mile away. The cows all stopped grazing and stared, wondering who I was. As I passed them they began to follow me, they seemed very interested in what I was doing in their field.

‘Morning ladies, I’m just going down to the river, no need to worry.’ I told them, using my best cow voice.

They followed me for a little while longer but then gave up, eating far more important than some silly human. When I got to the river I stopped and looked all around, it was so peaceful and beautiful, I was so lucky to get such a job, I couldn’t believe it. I took my trainers off and walked a little way into the water, it was cold but felt so nice on my skin. For a moment I considered taking a swim but thought better of it, I had a job to do.

For the next hour I walked along the bank recording everything I saw, taking many photos, too. I then come to area that was particularly lovely, it was all grassy and the water was crystal clear, it was like something from a movie. There was a fallen tree that just reached the water, I sat on it and gazed out at the scenery, feeling so good about life. As I sat there, I began daydreaming, my feet in the water. I remembered the last time Paul fucked me, it was about three months ago, in his bed, he made me cum so hard.

I started to get horny, the sun and thinking of Paul was making me wet. My fingers went to my pussy, my panty’s already damp. I looked around quickly, just to make sure no one was there, though I knew there wasn’t. I pulled my panty’s down and placed them on the tree, my fingers going back to my pussy, entering me, making me moan loudly. God, I needed to cum.

The tree was big enough that I could lay back and spread my legs, which I did. Again, I looked around, I had never masturbated in the open before, I felt so naughty and it made me even hornier. My dress was now above my waist, my pussy on full display, the breeze adding to my excitement as I played with myself. I closed my eyes and imagined Paul with his big cock climbing on top of me, holding me down and forcing me to submit.

It didn’t take long for me to cum, I was so aroused, surprisingly so. I put it down to the weather and being my first day on the job. My thighs were all wet and sticky, so I knelt down and washed myself with the lovely cool water, taking a pee as well. As I was standing, I saw my white panty’s drifting away from me, the current taking them quickly, they were twenty or so yards away. I started after them but couldn’t reach them, they were gone, leaving me pantyless and now with a wet dress.

I got out of the river and sat back down, watching my new panty’s disappear downstream, giggling to myself. I was too happy to worry that much, who would know? It’s not like I’m going to meet anyone, I thought. It was time to walk back to my car and move further down the river.

Walking back was lovely, the sun was drying me out and I felt good after my orgasm. I decided me and Jane needed to go out and find some boys to have fun with, we were young and should be having more fun. About half way back I saw some movement in the distance, I could just make out a man and a dog, they were quite away ahead but I could just make them out. As I got closer i could see the man sitting on an old tree stump while his dog was jumping about. He looked like a farmer, I thought. He was probably wondering who I was, that’s why he was waiting there.

When I was about fifty or sixty yards away the dog came running toward me, he was a big old thing but I guessed he was friendly otherwise the man would be shouting at him. As the dog reached me I looked at the man but he was still just sitting there, watching.

The dog was indeed friendly, his tail was going mad as he jumped around me, he was a real beauty, his face was adorable, black one side and white the other. I looked again at the man, this time raising my hand in greeting, but he ignored me, still. The dog was demanding attention, knocking into me and then running around my legs. I began to pet him, scratching his head, telling him how good he was. He was so nice and i loved dogs, i always wanted one but was never allowed.

He then put his head under my dress, his cold nose touching my pussy. I gasped loudly, my eyes shooting to the man not forty yards away, so embarrassed he could see this. I pushed at the dog, desperately trying to get him away from my still wet pussy.

‘No … no … naughty dog.’ I cried, trying to walk nearer his master, hoping he would call him.

But he didn’t, he just stared. The dog was now licking me, his head jammed into me, not moving, his tongue swiping along my pussy and lapping up my juices. I cried out again, stumbling as he pushed harder against me, loving my taste.

‘Please, stop this, bad doggy.’ I implored, my hands trying to push him away and keep my dress down at the same time, failing on both accounts.

The more he licked me the more determined he seemed, he was not stopping, no matter what I did or said. I changed tactics and called out to his owner: ‘Please call him, can you pleaase stop him?’ I begged, his tongue going deeper and deeper inside me.

The man said nothing, he just sat there, watching, expressionless. I was now only yards from him, my dress quite high and my pussy probably in view, I was so embarrassed but helpless, the dog just wouldn’t leave me alone.

He pushed harder, suddenly I was on the grass, my legs open and the dog in between them, still licking me. My dress was above my waist, the man now fully aware I had no panty’s on. I cried out as I tried to cover myself and push the dog away, again failing miserably. His bloody tongue was relentless, going so deep inside my pussy, making me gasp not only in horror but more and more with a little pleasure.

‘No … no … stop, why are you letting him?’ I managed to ask, trying to turn on my side and escape.

The man still ignored me, but he was now smiling, moving forward on his tree stump for a better view. I managed to turn over, my bum now the object of interest, to both of them. The dog was now licking my pussy and bum, his head forcing my legs apart, his strength far greater than mine. No tongue had ever touched my bum hole and now this big dog was forcing his leathery thing inside mine. The feeling was incredible, he would swipe along my pussy and then into my bum, making me moan as he did so. I had to stop this, it was disgusting, no girl should be made to suffer this.

I started to crawl, the dog following, his head still between my legs.I looked behind me and the man was now standing, he was making sure he still had a good view, he didn’t want to miss a thing. It suddenly dawned on me, he wanted this to happen, probably knew it would happen, maybe it was something that had happened before. How naïve and stupid of me, I thought, he was getting off on this, watching me, enjoying my reaction. My god, was he going to rape me after the dog had finished with me?

I stopped crawling, it was pointless, he was not going to let me go until he had finished with me, whatever that might be. He was licking me furiously, my juices flowing out onto his tongue, making him even more determined. I couldn’t decide whether to lie down or stay as I was, either way the humiliation would continue, that was certain. A huge shudder went through my body, his tongue had scraped over my clit, the pleasure unbelievable, I was disgusted with myself.

‘Just enjoy it, let it go, he won’t stop until he’s made you his. He knew the moment he smelt you, another bitch in heat, he’s got the nose.’

His words hit me like a train; ‘He knows’. My god, I thought, he could smell I had just had an orgasm, he thinks I’m in heat or something.

I collapsed on the floor, trying to roll into a ball, to protect myself, I’m not in heat, I told myself. The dog was having none of it, he pushed hard with his head and pawed at my sides, forcing me to open up, not letting me off the hook. As soon as I was lying straight, he was back in between my legs, opening them wide for easy access. I looked up at the man, he was now standing over me, watching me squirm as his dog molested me, smiling each time I let out an involuntary moan.`

I hated my body, why on earth was it reacting to this abuse? The man’s eyes were on mine, holding me, boring into my soul, seeing me.

‘Get back on all fours, he wants to breed you and deep down you want him to.’ Came his shocking words.

I shook my head, telling him no, my eyes begging him to make it stop. Another low moan escaping my lips, my pussy was on fire now, this tongue was so good and the deep humiliation of having this man watch me was somehow adding to my reaction.

‘Barny.’ The man said, the dog stopping at once.

‘Stand up.’ He told me.

For a second, I just lay there, not moving, breathing heavy.

‘Stand up.’ He repeated.

I found the strength to move and got to my feet, shakily, my legs trembling as I stood in front of him. He reached out and began undoing the buttons on my dress, not stopping until they were all open. I did nothing, just looked down, my body frozen, unable to stop him. He then pushed it off me, leaving me naked. I took a deep breath, shocked by being naked in front of this stranger and even more so that i still did nothing.

‘Mmmm, nice body. Small tits but wow, look at those nipples, so long.’ He said, a knowing sound to his voice.

He pushed me downwards, forcing me to my knees. Again, i let him.

‘On all fours, Barny is going to fuck you.’ He simply said.

Barny was in front of me, he was bigger than I was, much bigger. I looked at his cock, I couldn’t help it, it was sticking out, big and red, disgusting looking. I leaned forward and put my hands on the grass, I was now on all fours, naked, in front of a stranger and his dog, waiting to be bred like a bitch in heat.

I was convinced it was a dream, i’d had them before, sexy ones. Usually they were about Paul forcing me and Jane to do things to each other. I would wake up all wet and aroused, having to masturbate to get back to sleep.

This must be one of those, i told myself, only realising it wasn’t when i felt Barny’s nails scraping my bum. I jumped and looked back at him, he was climbig on me, trying to fuck me, just like the man said he was going to.

He was soon gripping me with his front legs, holding me in an embrace, preparing me for his cock. I ccould feel his thing banging against my cheeks, trying to find my pussy, all the time dripping drool over my back and neck. He was not giving up, his cock was getting closer, banging right next to my opening, i could feel his sperm wetting me, it was warm as it sprayed my pussy.

He reajusted himself and started again, his back nails raking my hips, making me gasp in pain as he began thrusting. This time he was on the mark, his big, red cock suddenly entered me, knocking the air from my lungs, making me cry out. I couldn’t believe he was in me, a dog, i had a dog’s cock in my body and there was nothing i could do about it.

A wave of deep shame hit me, i felt totally humiliated, nothing would ever be the same again, i just knew it. Barny was now fucking me, his cock was going in and out at a breakneck pace, he was stretching me with every thrust, i could feel him getting bigger, it was painful but not in a bad way, not something that would make me scream in agony.

I was also being pushed along the ground, such was his power, he was so big and strong, i could feel it, he had me under his control and would do as he pleased. I held onto the grass, trying to steady myself, his pace relentless. The pain had gone and now there was pleasure, it felt good, i had never felt so full, it was an amazing feeling.

The man came to the front and knelt down, telling me: ‘He will soon knot you. Have you ever seen two dogs stuck together when fucking? Well, that will soon be you. Can you feel something big trying to get in your pussy? That’s his knot, it’s at the base of his cock and once it’s in you, you are sealed together so his sperm can impregnate you.’

And he was right, i could feel something big hitting my pussy lips, it was slowly being forced in me.

‘Stop it, please, i don’t want puppies.’ I cried, as another wave of pleasure hit me.

I was so scared now, the thought of being stuck to this dog made me sick, i had to do something. I squeezed as hard as i could, trying desperately to close my pussy and stop his knot but all that happened was it caused me to moan loudly as a new, even better wave of pleasure hit me. I squeezed again, not realising i had done so, moaning even more.

Then it entered me, i gasped as it stretched me to the limit, filling my whole pussy, rubbing itself everywhere, sending bolts of pure pleasure throughout my body.

‘It feels good, huh?’ The man asked, chuckling.

I ignored him, fighting hard not to show any sign i was enjoying this. I wasn’t enjoying it, i told myself, my body might have betrayed me but i hated this, and him. Barny was now still, laying across my back, but his cock wasn’t, it was throbbing and releasing all his sperm, jet after jet hitting me, i could feel everyone, i bit my lip in an effort not to moan. How could it feel so good, i asked myself, hating my body.

I knew i would cum soon, there was nothing i could do to stop it, my body had decided. His knot was constantly moving and rubbing me, the friction as it did so delicious, it was so wrong to feel this but i just couldn’t stop it, i was almost there. God forgive me.

The man lifted my face, i had been looking down, trying to hide what i was feeling but he wanted to see me, he knew what was happening and was determined to see me cum.

‘No, don’t, please, leave me alone.’ I begged, my body shaking as my orgasm began.

But he didn’t, he held my face and watched as i cum with his dog, my whole body shaking and mewing sounds escping my mouth. I closed my eyes and just accepted i had no choice, the best orgasm of my life ripping through my young body. My cunt was going spastic, gripping hard on Barny’s cock while at the same time going into the most beautiful spasms.

It went on and on, by far the longest continuous feeling of plesure i had ever experienced, it was amazing. I pulled at the grass, trying to hold still, my body rocking uncontrolably as Barny continued to ejaculate, adding to my pleasure, almost sending me crazy.

The man was still holding my face when i opened my eyes, his arrogant smile greeting me. I shook my head, not wanting him to touch me, i was alredy humiliated and i didn’t want him staring at me, laughing, making me feel like a slut.

‘Hey now, it’s ok, you couldn’t help yourself. Barny here is an expert lover, no woman has ever not cum when he’s fucked them. Just enjoy it.’ He said, all smarmy, grinning.

He let me go and sat back, still watching me, knowing i couldn’t go anywhere with Barny still tied to me. He was just sitting there, enjoying himself, relaxing while i was fucked by his dog and chuckling everytime i let out a moan or shuddered, knowing what it was.

I couldn’t stop myself, that knot just kept rubbing me in all the right places, it was the strangest feeling having this thing inside me giving me such pleasure.

‘What’s your name and what are you doing on my land, trespassing?’ He asked, sternly.

I couldn’t answer him straight away, the pleasure i was feeling rendering me speechless. It took me a few minutes before i could say anything.

‘Emma and i’m not trespassing, i work for the local authority.’ I answered, quietly, shuddering again.

‘You are trespassing and that is why you’re paying the price, but i think you don’t mind the price, do you?’ He chuckled.

Barny was moving again, the knot rubbing me in just the place, causing me to moan and close my eyes, wishing the ground would swallow me.

The man laughed out loud and said: ‘See, you do like the price.’

‘How long will i be like this?’ I asked, my voice very quiet.

‘About twenty minutes or so. Relax, just enjoy it, let yourself go.’ He teased, laughing again.

I was going to cum again, even though i had just minutes ago, Barny moving around was bringing me ever closer. No matter how hard i tried to think of something else, i just couldn’t stop my body reacting to this knot. Barny then jumped down from me and turned the opposite way, we were now bum to bum. In doing this the pressure and rubbing against my G-spot sent me over the edge, i put my head down and cum, my fingers pulling at the grass as i grunted and gasped, Barny pulling at me, sending me mad with pleasure, it was just too much.

‘Oh yes, a second one, well done, good girl. You’re a natural bitch, born for this.’ He sniggered, loving my humiliation.

I couldn’t believe how good that was, Paul had never made me cum like that, how could a dog do this? I asked myself. I even pushed back against him, unconsciously but i did it, trying to squeeze the last drop of pleasure out of him.

Two minutes later there was a loud plop as Barny pulled out of me, a gush of sperm flowing out and onto the grass. I could feel my pussy gaping open, stretched wide by this monster cock, the sudden feeling of emptyness making me wish he was still inside me. I collapsed onto the grass, laying there not knowing what to do, not wanting to look at the man but desperate to get away from here.

‘Well Barny, another bitch satisfied, well done lad, let’s go home. Oh, and Emma, if i find you on my land again you know the price you have to pay.’ He laughed, walking off, whistling for Barny who was trying to lick my face.

‘Oh yes, we’re here every day checking the cattle and fences, about the same time.’ He added.

What does he mean by that, i wondered, watching them walk off toward the road. I turned over and looked at my pussy, it was still open and i could see right in it, Barny’s jizz seeping out still. I lay there stunned, not able to comprehend what had just happened.


To Be Continued…


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