My Summer Job 2

By Oliver Twist.

Read Part 1 Here


The rest of the day was a bit of a blur, I didn’t even go home, I just carried on with my job, going to my car and driving to the next location for the survey. I do remember having to wash my pussy several times in the river, though. Barny’s stuff just kept leaking out of me and running down my thighs, I had no panties to soak it all up.

When I got home I was disgusted with myself, I couldn’t get the picture of me and the dog out of my head, the way I cum while that man watched me, it was just so wrong. Jane phoned but I didn’t want to talk, I fobbed her off, telling her I had a headache.

The next day I was at the river doing my job, my pussy hurting and my body sore from the scratches Barny had left. As hard as I tried to forget about the previous day I just couldn’t, every little sound made me jump expecting to see that man and his dog, it was awful. After a couple of hours walking, I stopped for a rest, taking out my flask and having a cup of tea, leaning against an old Oak tree.

I gazed out on the river and began reliving, for the hundredth time, what happened yesterday. My dress today was much the same as the previous days, just blue but this time I had my panties on. I sipped my tea and closed my eyes, images of Barny on my back flooding into my head. The way he felt as he fucked me and the orgasm he gave me made me shiver, my pussy twitching despite it hurting from his huge cock.

‘Oh god, Emma, stop it, you stupid girl.’ I said out loud, my fingers under my dress, gently touching my bruised pussy.

My pussy was wet, I could feel the dampness through the material, it made me angry, how could I feel like this? I kept asking myself. I got up and started on the survey again, hoping I could keep my mind from wandering back to yesterday.

I managed for most of the day but as I returned to my car, I saw someone walking toward me. My heart began to race, I could feel it thumping in my chest and my breathing became ragged. Somehow, I managed to keep walking, the sweat trickling down my chest between my tits, making me aware of my erect nipples. I looked down at them and saw them sticking out clearly, mortified by my body’s behaviour.

I was looking down as we met, a sudden cheery hello making me look up. It was a stranger and he was perfectly normal, just saying hello.

‘Hello, I replied, it’s a lovely day.’

‘Yes, beautiful.’ He responded, walking on.

When I got to my car I leaned against it, looking back at the man, laughing at my stupidity but feeling something funny in my tummy. I drove home, still feeling silly but better, I was hungry.

The next few days passed much like today, my imagination running wild and my thoughts always going back to Monday, no matter what I did to try and stop them. My pussy was better and the soreness had gone, only to be replaced by a constant other feeling.

Tom had asked me to pop into the office this morning, he wanted to see my paperwork and just check everything was going ok. He was very pleased with my progress, telling me how invaluable this data would be. He then told me a farmer had called him and told him he thought there was a pair of river warblers nesting on his land. He wanted me to check it out, but be very careful not to disturb them and to get a photo if I could, he was very excited, I could tell.

He gave me the location and sent me on my way, telling me I had been there already but the birds probably had only just started nesting.

When I got to the location, I was shocked, it was where I was fucked by Barny. I nearly drove off but just sat there, looking into the field, frozen, not knowing what to do. The man’s words running through my head; the price I would have to pay if I trespassed again, I shivered and kept looking, expecting to see Barny running toward me.

Eventually, I got out of the car and stood by the gate, my heart pounding, my eyes scanning the area, trying to decide if I should risk it. I then realised I was wearing the same dress, I couldn’t believe it, was it fate, I asked?

I decided I had to do it, look for the nesting site, I couldn’t exactly tell Tom about what happened, what would he think of me? I opened the gate and stepped into the field, another shiver going down my spine, my nipples suddenly aching, just to add to my confusion. The cows came to see me, again, losing interest fairly quickly, leaving me to walk to the river by myself.

All the time I was walking I was looking around, half expecting to see the man, scared but not turning back, suddenly determined to do my job.

Apparently, they were nesting on the bend, near the rotten old rowing boat. I arrived and began looking, camera in hand, hoping this was not just a ruse to get me here. The sun was blazing down on me, making me all sweaty as I walked up and down, looking in every likely nesting spot but finding nothing. After an hour I sat down, taking my water bottle out and gulping half of it down in one go, I was so thirsty.

Tom would be disappointed but at least I tried. I was under a tree trying to keep cool, sipping my water and looking for a tiny little bird that could fly by me and I wouldn’t even notice it. I giggled and threw a stone into the water, enjoying the shade, closing my eyes for a few minutes while I relaxed.

‘Well, hello Emma. Why are you on my land again, trespassing?’ A horribly familiar voice suddenly asked.

I cried out and jumped up, shocked to see the man and Barny. Barny on a lead wagging his tail like crazy, the man leering at me.

‘I’m … not … trespassing, I’m doing … my … uh … job. You called … uh … Tom about nesting … birds.’ I stammered, sounding pathetic.

‘I didn’t phone anyone, I couldn’t care less about some bird nesting. I’m only interested in my cattle and land. You are trespassing, now come here, you know the price for that.’ He said, still leering at me.

‘No … stop this, please. I didn’t do anything wrong. You … you … did phone. Please.’ I begged, my body feeling so hot and sweaty.

‘Emma, you want this, that’s why you trespassed, just accept you want Barny. Now come here.’ He ordered, sounding very serious.

‘Please, let me go, I’m sorry … please.’ I pleaded, my legs feeling very weak.

‘Come here, now.’ He shouted, now angry.

I let out a little gasp, scared by his anger, walking slowly to where they were, my heart pounding in my chest. It was as if I was under his spell, hypnotized by some evil creature, I felt powerless to resist.

‘Good girl’, he said, as I stood there, shaking.

His fingers went to my buttons, undoing the first one. I gasped again, knowing what was coming, my hand going to his, holding it.

‘Uh uh, no, hands down.’ He told me, sternly.

I dropped my hand, looking down at Barny, he was sitting patiently, his tail still wagging, his long tongue hanging out, drool dripping to the floor. I shivered as my eyes saw his cock, bright red and sticking out, ready to fuck me.

Before I could regain my thoughts, my dress was falling from my body, landing at my feet, the warm sun feeling good against my skin.

‘Oh Emma, look at those nipples, so long and so hard, anyone would think you’re excited. Are you excited, Emma?’ He asked, reaching out and pinching one, making me gasp and wince.

I didn’t answer him, it was too humiliating, being naked and treated this way, I just stared at Barny.

‘Answer me.’ He demanded, his other hand pushing my panties down.

‘No … no … i’m not, I hate this.’ I whispered, lifting my leg and letting my panty’s fall to my ankles.

‘Good girl, but I think you are, look how eager you are to lose those panties.’ He sniggered., twisting my nipple, the pain delicious.

He unhooked Barny, the big dog going straight for my pussy as the man stepped aside. He knocked me back, his head pushing hard between my thighs, forcing them apart, revealing my wet and puffy pussy, his tongue diving between my lips, licking furiously. I moaned loudly, unable to hold it in, blushing even more if that was possible.

The man just smiled, I had to look at him, see if he heard me. He did, of course, his arrogant grin telling me instantly. I wobbled backwards, the feeling of his tongue and his sheer power making me feel weak, it was beyond humiliating.

‘On all fours, he needs to breed his bitch and she definitely needs it.’ He laughed, again.

I was going to beg, again but as I looked into his eyes, I knew it was pointless, he wanted to see me fucked by his dog and nothing I said would change this, my fate was sealed. I knelt in front of him, submitting to them both, waiting for my lover to take me, waiting to be humiliated for this man’s pleasure.

Barny went straight to my rear, his tongue snaking out and tasting my bum, making me jump and moan, the feeling every bit as good as last time. I bit my lip, punishing myself for giving them the pleasure of knowing I liked that. His tongue was going so deep now, I could feel it scraping my insides, scooping out my juices, making my pussy spasm in delight, it was horrible feeling this way knowing it was a dog causing it.

I could see the man’s legs in front of me, just yards away, and every time a low moan escaped my lips, I could hear him sneer or chuckle, my attempts to remain silent still failing. Why? I kept asking myself, Barny’s tongue deep inside me, why me?

He then climbed on my back, he was ready now, gripping me tightly, like last time, his cock banging against my pussy, spraying me with his warm sperm as he lined me up. I gripped the dirt beneath me, waiting, knowing what was coming, my pussy soaking and ready for his huge cock. His rear nails scraping my hips, making me wince with pain, reminding me of his eagerness and determination to breed me. There would be no escape.

‘Good boy, Barny, take your bitch, she’s dying to feel you inside her.’ He cried, all excited.

God, I hated him, how could he make me feel this way? Before I had time to think of an answer Barny had found my opening, his cock suddenly filling me up completely. A deep moan escaped my mouth, there was no stopping it, the feeling of being taken by this beast was overwhelming, it was amazing, no matter how much I fought against it.

My pussy was so wet he only needed one push to bury himself, I was so ready for him, almost sucking him in. The man was now kneeling, his hand holding my face as he stared into my eyes, his head nodding his approval. I closed my eyes; I couldn’t stand seeing that expression, the one that said, I told you so, you wanted him.

‘Ok Emma, you just close your eyes and concentrate on cumming, I’ll just watch, I love to watch you cum.’ He laughed, letting go of my face.

Barny was fucking me wildly, he was so eager to have me, I could feel his urgency. I was his bitch and he was reinforcing his dominance over me, It was that simple. For a second, I embraced it, wanting to feel that desired, it was madness but I couldn’t stop it, at least for that instant. He was just so powerful and the way he held me and filled me was so different from Paul, it was intoxicating but I knew I had to fight with all my strength to deny him my acceptance.

When he forced his knot inside me, I let out another involuntary moan, this one louder, the bolts of pleasure shooting from my pussy to the rest of my body was just too much, my body was tingling all over, getting hotter and hotter.

‘Oh god, I hate you.’ I cried, my head now on the floor as the first orgasm approached.

‘I know, I know. What a bastard I am letting Barny give you the best sex of your life.’ Came his sarcastic response.

His knot felt incredible, there was no point denying that, probably even better this time, the way it rubbed my insides was just perfect, I could feel its texture as it pressed against my G-spot, the friction almost painful but not quite, my hands desperately trying to pull the grass from the dirt. I tried thinking of my drunken dad moaning at me, or Tom coming onto me, anything to try and block out what I was feeling, all to no avail.

The man could see this and knelt back down, he grabbed my long hair and pulled my head up, clearing it from my face so he could see me, my eyes staying closed.

‘You can fight it all you want, Emma, but we both know how much you’re enjoying this and there’s point in delaying the inevitable, but hey, it’s your choice. I enjoy it either way.’ He said, letting me go and standing back up.

He was right, I was enjoying it, but I knew it was wrong and I shouldn’t feel this way, it was dirty, so dirty and I would fight no matter what. I was scared if I went too far down this road, I wouldn’t be able to get back, something was happening to me and it wasn’t normal…

As soon as that thought left my head I began to cum, my body went rigid and pussy contracted hard on Barny’s cock, squeezing down and gripping it, holding it while I sucked all the pleasure from it.

The fight was lost, my body needed release, the pressure was too much and now I was fully letting go, the wave was washing over me and it was beautiful. The lights in my head were like a firework display, exploding different colours and sounds, it was spectacular, water and fire mixing together to bring me somewhere very special.

Barny’s cock was pumping his cum into me, each pulse bringing its own pleasure, the warmth of his sperm making me feel even hotter, I was panting loudly, sometimes grunting, it didn’t matter, I was not in control anymore, my body was, my mind was just a passenger.

The man was laughing, I could hear him through the fireworks in my head, taunting me, mocking me, knowing me, knowing what I was becoming.

Barny was off me again, we were butt to butt, like last time. His knot was moving and rubbing and making me moan in delicious agony, it was torture and I could nothing about it.

I began to cry, partly in shame but also, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I couldn’t cope with such a feeling of euphoria; my mind was still fighting it and crying seemed the only option. My tears rolled down my cheeks, the salty taste reaching my lips as I sighed deeply, my eyes opening and focusing on the legs in front of me.

‘Are you happy now?’ I asked, totally defeated.

He knelt and looked at me, asking: ‘How does the knot feel in side you, tell me?’

My god, he wants more, I thought. I looked back at him, for the first time really, he was about forty and really quite good looking, but he had something dark about him, I could see it in his eyes, he was dangerous.

‘Big.’ I simply said.

He laughed, loudly, pushing my hair from my face and saying: ‘You really are very pretty and such a sexy body, I’m so glad we found you. Maybe next time you can describe it all to me, I’d like to hear how you’re feeling while he’s inside you.

I was going to tell him there wouldn’t be a next time but Barny moved and a bolt of pleasure hit me, making me gasp and unable to speak. The man laughed, standing, not waiting for my response.

We both knew it could be a while until Barny pulled out of me, and more than likely I would cum again, like last time. The man stood there watching, waiting, smoking a cigarette. I wanted to say something but I was too embarrassed, so I just stayed silent, Barny’s cock lodged deep inside me. All the time he was moving around, making me moan and gasp, building up the pressure, bringing me ever closer to my next explosion.

When it came, I cried out, unable to stop it, the man clapping his hands as I debased myself yet again, seemingly incapable of any restraint. My whole body embraced this exquisite feeling, absorbing it all, my pussy pulling at the knot, the pain giving me even more pleasure. I was acting like a whore but I couldn’t stop, a primal need was driving me, regardless of how it looked.

‘Oh my, Emma, look at you, wow.’ He mocked.

Barny gave a big pull, escaping my pussy, leaving me on the floor with his seed flowing out of my gaping cunt. I crawled into a ball; any self-respect I had left now surely gone, fresh tears wetting my cheeks as I waited for them to leave.

Barny didn’t want to leave, he lay next to me and began cleaning his huge cock, his tongue licking the long shaft just in front of my eyes. I watched, mesmerized by its size, amazed that thing could fit inside my small pussy.

‘You could help him clean it, I’m sure he would appreciate it.’ The man suddenly said, chuckling.

I knew exactly what he meant but didn’t answer him, I just wanted him to leave so I could dress and go.

‘Maybe next time.’ He added, walking off, leaving Barny and me laying together.

I watched as he got further away, wondering why he wasn’t calling Barny. Barny then got to his feet and came to my face, licking me before following his master, leaving his taste on my lips.


To Be Continued…


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