My Weekend with Butch

By likeknot.

I was working at a plant in South Carolina a few years ago and was staying there every other weekend. After several months of long hours and little time at my real home, I was getting extremely horny. As May rolled past and the work load eased, I spent the ‘work’ weekends around the complex pool. The large number of MILF’s tanning their hot young bodies was especially rough on this (not quite) old man.

In addition, the apartment complex allowed pets and the large number of golden retrievers, Dobermans, labs, shepherds, poodles, and mutts kept me thinking of the potential fun I could have with a hot, red rocket. Unfortunately, all of these pets were out of my reach and I just couldn’t keep a dog full-time while working long hours 10-12 days per stay.

One early June morning I walked into the plant carrying a box of doughnuts. Suddenly a large male boxer-mix, with nose held high, walked quickly up to me. It startled me at first as the plant was in a remote area, but this dog acted hungry and very friendly as I patted his head. Looking about 3 years old and wearing a leather collar, this tall, lanky dog was full of energy and was obviously looking for a friend. As he danced around me sniffing the donuts, I quickly noticed a large set of balls under his tail and immediately felt that familiar ache in my loins as my heart beat accelerated. My mind raced as I thought of taking him to my pet friendly apartment. A young fully endowed dog, hundreds of miles from home, strangers all around me, a secure place with no possibility of intruders, no work plans for the weekend, and I was horny as hell. This was shaping up to be a perfect scenario for a hot weekend.

But this was definitely a bad time to think about sex. I had an early meeting to lead, which brought me back to the present like an alarm clock. I gave him a crullers and started toward work. He literally inhaled it and followed me with a ‘don’t go’ look in his eyes. As I opened the door to the lobby, he tried to enter ahead of me, but a secretary was on her way out with half a sandwich and a bowl of water. Cool, that should keep him nearby I thought. For now I HAD to focus on the job. Not cool to stand in front of several men discussing technical plans showing a throbbing hard on!

Later, while sitting at my desk, I couldn’t get the thought of his large balls and thick sheath out of my mind. I was super horny and the idea of keeping that stud in my apartment for the last 4 weeks of my stay had me dreaming of hot cock, long ties, and empty balls…his and mine! I decided to tell the guard I would take him to the pound on my way home. My real plan was to call in sick the next day (Friday) and let him experience the joy of human ‘bitch’ sex over a three-day weekend at least!! It would be too complicated to keep him much longer.

Even after two trips to the men’s room to jerk off, I had a hard time keeping my dick pinned down as I walked through the plant lobby! As I walked toward my car I looked all around and called softly “Here boy, come here puppy!” But to my dismay, he was no longer around! I went back to the plant to ask if he had been seen lately. The day guard was still on and said: “Yep, just a stray. One of the lab-techs loaded him up at lunch and took him for a ride.” Damn it, I knew I should have left with him right after my meeting. Opportunities like this come around so rarely. Now there was no way I’d be able to find him. I watched carefully along both sides of the road as I drove back to the interstate, but no sign of him. Damn it, damn it!! Needless to say, that was a depressing Friday at work and an even more frustrating weekend! At least I had plenty of jerk-off fantasies to calm my urges. I walked around with a butt plug inserted for most of two days.

A couple of weeks later I was staying the weekend at the apartment again. The fat cock and balls on that boxer and his sad eyes were still burned into my memory. I HAD to have some dog cock, so I searched the internet for the local pet shelter. Where else could I find a four-legged sex toy and not raise suspicion? As I skimmed through the pictures of scores of dogs and cats up for adoption, I came across a couple midsize hounds that looked like a good temporary pet. One in particular resembled a foxhound I had as a partner for 3 years, even after I got married. I thought of ways to keep him hidden in my apartment and not have him crap everywhere and chew up the furniture. I had a small deck that could be used for a kennel if properly prepared. After using my temporary lover, I could just turn him loose at the end of my stay in a couple of weeks or maybe return him to the shelter – none the worse for wear – just drained!

With my plan ready I headed to the shelter only ten miles from the plant to see if any of the dogs there were intact, friendly, and healthy. I got there about 4:20 on Friday and the lone attendant was getting ready to go home. I asked if I could see the dogs displayed on the internet. He reluctantly agreed and led me to the kennels. Man, there were plenty of dogs there, but all were neutered, smallish, or looked like they wanted to chew my leg off!! As I passed the line of cages with no candidates I was really feeling frustrated.

The attendant asked me what I was looking for. I told him I needed a mid-sized watch dog, but it had to get along with my kids and cats. He said they had a mutt that was just coming out of quarantine and he really seemed friendly and rarely barked. As we walked to another set of pens I saw a slender, light brown dog lying at the back of the cage. I could also see he wasn’t neutered and my cock twitched in my pants as the butterflies made my balls tingle and ache. The cage was labelled ‘Butch’ and I called his name. Immediately his head came up and he trotted to the door. OH SHIT… it was him!! The donut dog!! He was a bit shorter and younger looking than I recalled, but it was all I could do to keep my trembling knees from fading as I leaned forward to pet him and got my finger tongue bathed.

I told the attendant I would take him, but only if I could bring him back if he didn’t pass the ‘friendly test’ with my kids and cats. He was in a hurry to leave so he said: “OK, but only if you pay the fees up front and return him no later than next Wednesday morning when I’m here.” “Perfect,” I said and he put a leash on Butch and we went to the office to complete the paperwork. As we stood at the desk, Butch leaned over on my leg as I petted his head and shoulders. I glanced down to see an inch of lipstick staring back at me. It was all I could do to keep my bulging dick hidden behind the counter. Since I lived in town the attendant had no other questions, but warned me to have him back in time or “he was mine” as he locked the door behind us.

I loaded him into the rear of the car and headed to Quikmart for some dog food. Everything else I needed was already in the apartment. My 12-unit building was near the back of the complex, but only 6 or 7 apartments were rented and I saw very little of any of them. I waited until everyone was out of sight and quickly led Butch to the grass behind the building. Good thing…… He took a massive dump and pissed on every bush in sight! As I petted him more he was obviously a friendly dog, but a bit shy from his stay at the pound. Still, he looked well fed and healthier than a couple of weeks before at the plant. I led him up the stairs to my door and fumbled with the keys as I thought of the night to come.

I fed and watered him, then emptied my bowels and bladder, which was no small task with a raging hard-on. Next I led him to the tub for a good bath. The smell of the shelter soon faded as I spent extra time washing his legs, belly, cock, balls, and ass. Butch loved the water and more so the attention. As I dried him I focused extra attention on his belly and sheath, he began to hump vigorously and his tail thumped the side of the tub like a bass drum. By this time my cock was rock hard and oozing pre-cum in anticipation. With desire building by the second I went to the bedroom to change into a T-shirt and shorts. Butch followed and as soon as I dropped my pants and briefs, he sniffed my drooling cock and began to lick eagerly. Well, no need for shorts now.

I slipped the shirt on, spread a spare bed cover on the floor, and dropped down to inspect my prize and calm myself. Butch continued to sniff and lick my cock and balls. I was a bit sweaty from work that day, but he was more than happy to nose around. He was especially interested in my arm pits. As I continued to pet him and talk softly, my hand slowly worked down to his belly and sheath. He obediently rolled onto his back with his tongue lapping anything close. A gentle push on his foreskin and 4″ of blood-red dog cock began to twitch. A little more and his knot slipped easily from the sheath. He twisted around to lick his own cock, and then turned back to me. Standing quickly with his tail banging the side of the bed, he put his front leg over my arm. That was all the sign I needed.

My heart was pounding and my hands trembled as I milked the slippery drool from my own cock. I reached back and lubed my asshole with a finger, then two, inserted all the way to my palm. Butch eagerly licked the residue from my hand and I assumed the doggy position on the floor. I had to keep reminding myself – ‘take it slowly….We have all weekend’! Pushing him gently toward my hips, he quickly picked up the scent of my ass. I shuddered as he sniffed my butt and dragged his tongue from my balls to my asshole. He focused on the pre-cum around my ass and drove his tongue around and into my anus.

The waves of pleasure from this rim job sent chills up my spine and down my arms and legs. I dropped down on my elbows to give him better access and reached one hand back to stroke my still drooling cock. Butch stopped licking my ass and walked around to my face. I think he just wanted to be sure he was allowed to do this. With a few encouraging words and a gentle push; he put his head under my belly and licked the tip of my cock. Just as I felt a massive orgasm building Butch returned to my ass and after a couple quick licks to my balls he mounted me.

This was obviously not Butch’s first time. I thought he must have gotten lost while following a bitch in heat and only found people at the plant.

His belly felt warm and soft on my back as he clamped his front legs firmly around my waist. Sliding back as he humped the air, his dew claw dug into my inner left thigh and I reached back to clear it. That made him pull me even closer to his crotch and I felt his thin bone stabbing me in the left butt cheek. As hard as he was humping I knew it wouldn’t be long before he found the mark, but I had no desire to get stabbed in the sphincter if he missed. Been there, done that, and it wasn’t pleasant. So I reached behind me with my left hand and grabbed his sheath. He was startled by this new sensation and dropped off my back. After a quick lick of my hand and butt cheek, he eagerly mounted me again.

I pushed his hips over to get him between my legs, then gently held his seat and guided his cock to my aching asshole. On the third thrust he buried his cock up to the knot. By the fifth stroke his small knot was slipping in and out of my anus like a sex machine. All I could feel was his knot sliding past my sphincter and the warm glow of his body on my back and hot dick in my ass. His grip around my waist tightened as I rested on my knees and elbows, thoroughly enjoying this long-awaited mating. In less than a minute I could feel his knot begin to swell.

His ass pounding thrusts intensified, but shortened and both hind feet left the floor as he began to snort and grunt. His cock burrowed deep into me as I felt his hot cum load began to fill my colon. His knot was now making a sloshing sound as he dragged it from my ass and quickly rammed it in as deep as it would go. I could feel his hot cum dripping from my asshole and down my balls as a wet spot formed on the bed spread. Butch whined sharply as his orgasm peaked. He thrust his cock deep into my bowel and I felt his knot quickly expand. Bigger and bigger it grew, putting a lot of pressure on my prostate as I felt several mini orgasms as drops of milky fluid spilled from my cock.

His pounding hips slowed to a grind and his feet dropped to the floor. His breathing sounded like he just ran the Iditarod! Now we were committed, locked together, but with no one to interrupt us. His knot filled quickly to full lemon size and I could feel him making short thrusts as his cock also swelled to full size. I felt a dull ache in my ass and lower belly as my rectum stretched to accommodate his size. Damn, I loved that sense of fullness! His knot and cock were pulsing with his heartbeat and the post-orgasmic twitching continued as he began pumping clear seminal fluid into my now tightly plugged butt.

He relaxed his death grip around my waist and leaned backward, putting painful knot pressure on my sphincter as it strained to hold him in. I quickly grabbed his front legs to hold him in place, pushing my ass back into his crotch to reduce the strain on my rim. Butch lay quietly on my back now as he panted and licked my neck.

We stayed that way for 5, 10, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and I could still feel every twitch of his hot, swollen, rock hard cock through my anus and prostate as he continued to pump spurts of fluid deep in my ass. I looked below me and saw a 2″ puddle of milky fluid beneath my cock as it twitched in time with my heart beat. An even bigger wet spot under my balls spread slowly as Butch’s juices leaked from my ass. Still holding one of his legs, I gently rocked back and forth, moving his cock in and out of my ass a short distance along the thin base of his penis.

I pinched my ass cheeks together with each push backward feeling his knot and cock slide slightly deeper with each contraction. The hot massage of my prostate against his knot was maddeningly good. I could wait no longer and grabbed my own red-purple cock and stroked firmly. It didn’t take long as I shot load after load onto the spread under me. The first two squirts splashing hot, thick seed onto my chin.

I rested under Butch as my orgasm faded. My back muscles suddenly weakened and I collapsed onto the bedspread on my stomach, with my legs straight behind me. This immediately puts huge pressure on Butch’s cock as it tried to rip my sphincter open. Sharp stabbing pain (like a severe toothache) surged through my sphincter nerves! Luckily, his hind legs also collapsed and we lay stacked on the floor with his cock still locked into my rectum as the pain faded, both of us breathing heavily as our bodies relaxed. After 5 more minutes (tied 30 minutes in all) I felt Butch’s cock and knot slowly soften. As he stood up it popped from my well reamed ass with a sloppy wet ‘splat’. It felt like he pulled 12” of fat cock from my ass although it was more like half that. He laid down behind me licking his knot back into the sheath.

As I lay there flat on my stomach, I could still feel the pulsing in my ass and prostate that felt like Butch’s cock was still buried there. Dog cum was draining slowly from my ass and across my balls as I stood up and stumbled to the toilet. As I pushed to start my bladder, a thick stream of cum flowed out ahead of the urine. Relaxing further a flood of dog jism poured from my ass, it felt like a full cup! Damn, I felt fulfilled and satisfied!!

Butch had been already asleep when I walked back to the bedroom. Well into middle age, I was too tired to go again and slept like the dead. Saturday morning we strolled through the grass behind the building for Butch’s nature call. He ran around the area like a pup, several times coming back to me for a quick petting. Otherwise, he acted like nothing happened the night before. After breakfast we slept for another hour. I awoke to find Butch on the floor next to my bed. As soon as he saw my eyes open, his tail started flopping on the floor. I knew he was ready to go again as his bright red lipstick poked out from its furry enclosure.

This time I pulled a small coffee table from the living room into the bedroom and covered it with a couple dirty towels. My ass was still dirty from the night before, but I used a touch of KY to lube the tube. I was so horny yesterday that I forgot to eat supper so there was no residue to purge this morning. Butch was following me at all times and stuck his nose and tongue in my ass crack every time I stood still for a second. My cock responded well and swelled to its full 5.5″ length and 5.5″ girth, pre-cum quickly oozing from the red-eye. Butch’s cock responded well also as I massaged his balls and sheath, stopping each time he began to hump the air.

I sat on the end of the table and lay back with my knees apart. Butch walked over and stuck his nose in my asshole again and gave me a couple of minutes of rimming. Luckily I had no soreness from the night before in spite of the long tie. His soft hot tongue was like a gentle sponge bath and sent waves of warm pleasure through my hips and belly. Butch was eager to fuck me again, but this position obviously confused him. I patted my stomach and he finally put his front feet onto my gut. I grabbed his feet and pulled him into missionary position. Reaching between us I grabbed his sheath and began jacking him quickly. Immediately he clamped his legs around my waist and started humping as I guided his lipstick into my butt hole.

In this position it didn’t take him three strokes to bury his knot in my rectum. But his rapid humping was too much and he pulled his cock out with a loud ‘PLOP’. He dropped down and licked his partially swollen cock back into its sheath. A little later Butch walked between my legs for another ass sniff and I leaned forward to grab his front legs and pulled him onto my stomach. I pulled my knees up for a better thrust angle and held him in place with one arm across his back, reaching down with my free hand again to guide him into my eager ass. Only this time I held his knot firmly to keep him from tying.

After his knot swelled enough to prevent entry, I relaxed and let him screw me until his cock was fully engorged, hugging him with both arms to keep him in place. I didn’t feel his orgasm this time, but the steady pumping and squirting after his hot cock was hard was pure pleasure. His knot pushed firmly against the tight outer rim of my anus as I felt each spurt pulse from his balls. After a few minutes of this, it was simple to reach down and stroke my cock to another quick orgasm.

But Butch wasn’t done and neither was I. His cock and knot were still rock hard and twitching as he spurted his hot clear fluid into me to flush the dog sperm deep into my bowels. I lowered my feet to the floor and held one arm around his shoulders and one across his hips pulling him close to me. I gently rolled off the low table with Butch still plugging my come-filled ass and onto his back on the floor, between my knees, with me now on top. He panicked a little and almost pulled out, but I stroked him and calmly talked him into relaxing. I pulled his hind legs out behind me so that I was sitting fully in his crotch with his fat 6″ cock still buried deeply in my rectum and his 2.5″ knot pushing to spread and enter me as well. But it was way too big for that now.

Gently I began to rock forward on my knees and back into Butch’s crotch. His belly skin was really hot and felt great on my bare cheeks and balls. As I got into the motion, I was soon fucking him with long 4″ strokes. The feel of that hot, rock hard cock (almost as big around as mine) sliding into and out of my ass was fantastic. Soon my cock was rock hard again and I began to stroke it slowly in time with the dog cock sliding in and out of my well lubed ass.

Several times my ball sack and asshole tightened as I reached the verge of spewing another load but I would stop everything to hold off. After the fourth cycle I reached my limit of resistance and had to blow my wad. It shot six feet across the room and I could feel my sphincter gripping that dog cock with every orgasmic contraction. As I looked down at Butch, all four of his feet were totally relaxed like he was playing dead. His eyes were rolled back and his tongue was flopped out to one side like road kill! I have no idea how many times he came, but he was obviously enjoying this fuck session.

I wiped my come covered hands on his belly and let him finish licking my fingers clean. I leaned forward, letting his still hard cock slide from my ass with a soft ‘plop’ onto his belly. Immediately a gush of thick dog cum poured out of my still open butt hole to puddle on his stomach. Most dog cum is watery before and after the ejaculation and may be up to a cup in volume. This time it was 2-3 tablespoons of thick, human-like sperm, and almost no thin fluid. He must have cum several times in that position! Butch rolled over and began to lick up the mess, then came to me and licked my ass and cock clean. Damn, he had a soft tongue!

Butch was done for the day…..Almost. After he slept for 3 hrs we made another trip to his potty, then ate a good meal. He loved the fat and scraps from my steak. We watched a few hours of TV and napped some more. As the sun began to set we took another walk around the area. As we headed back home, I felt a little dog cum dribble out of my ass. I had shorts and briefs on but felt a distinct wet spot under my balls.

When we got back to the building we again walked to the small back yard. The grass was well-lit, but a short wall below the stairwell provided a good dark zone. I stepped back against the wall as Butch came back to me. I dropped my shorts and briefs and leaned over as my temporary pet crammed his snout between my ass cheeks and licked my ass and balls clean. My cock started to respond again for a quickie; but suddenly a glass door on the ground floor slid open. I was out of sight, but I had no intention of getting caught and quickly jerked my shorts up and headed for my room.

Butch liked water so I used the shower hose to clean myself and then carefully washed him – especially his belly, cock, and ass. After watching Saturday Night Live that evening we were lying side by side on the couch. I started to stroke his belly and sheath again. But this time he didn’t have much interest. What is the best way to re-invigorate a soft cock? Man or beast….BJ. I slid to the floor and got him to lie on his back. Gently, I pulled his sheath back to expose the red lipstick. Good nickname, as I used my lips and tongue to stroke the soft delicate skin and tip. He was slightly salty but the taste was not bad. The velvety smooth skin on my lips and tongue was very stimulating for me as my cock stiffened. Butch’s cock was still soft as I slid all 5″ including the soft knot into my mouth. I gagged a little and spit was dripping onto his belly as I worked to get a rise out of him.

This was only the second dog cock I had ever sucked and I have to be VERY horny to get into it. I do like the feel of a soft dog cock in my mouth, but I don’t care much for sucking hard ones. They work much better buried in my ass! Following two baths, Butch smelled musty sweet and I was happy to pamper him after the great orgasms he gave me.

After a few minutes of dedicated effort, I felt his cock begin to swell, then twitch as his hips started to hump instinctively toward me. I continued to suck slowly and deeply along the full length of his cock and soon the soft flesh was getting firmer. As his cock and knot slowly swelled I could only suck the first 3-4″ but he was soon squirting pre-cum (salty and metallic tasting). As he humped my face harder I allowed him to thrust his cock between my pursed lips in short strokes. I flicked my tongue across his cock tip, trying hard to avoid his cock hitting my teeth. After a few seconds of this I got a new taste of thin dog semen (similar but thinner than mine). It had a nutty, earthy taste, but I didn’t swallow. Only a teaspoon worth, I let it slide down along his cock and knot as he ballooned to full size and started pulsing with clear ejaculate. I rubbed the dog cum over his cock and knot to keep the delicate skin from drying out.

I was now hard as a rock myself and I let Butch lick my cock drool. It felt good, but I had another idea as Butch switched to cleaning his cock. I got the KY and lubed up my middle finger. Slowly I rubbed the outer rim of Butch’s quarter sized asshole. He stood up quickly, not sure what to think about this new sensation. But his ass still winked as his cock twitched in time with it. With even more KY I inserted a finger slowly into Butch’s ass. I could feel the anal muscles gripping my finger and after a few seconds inserted another finger to stretch him more. His cock seemed to get even stiffer as I gently pushed deep into his butt to the base of my fingers.

When I felt like he was lubed and relaxed enough, I lubed my cock and put one hand under his belly as I lifted his tail against my stomach. Then placing the tip of my cock against his rim, I slowly worked my cock in about an inch; stopping each time he whined a little. Soon I was 2″ deep and felt like I was past his sphincter. His ass was HOT on my cock and the muscles gripped me tightly as I slowly pumped his butt hole. I put both hands around his waist and pulled him back onto my cock to bury all 5.5” as he stood perfectly still. His dark red cock was still twitching and spurting a little on the couch below him as I worked him with 3” strokes. It only took a few minutes before I felt a climax building.

Like before, I paused with each building orgasm to delay the ultimate pleasure. But his ass was so hot – milking my dick like a woman’s pussy in the middle of an orgasm. My balls tightened and my ass started to spasm with another intense orgasm. With KY still on my hand, I gave Butch a reach-around. The feel of his hot cock in my hand and the taste of his cum still on my lips pushed me over the edge and I blew my load deep in his ass. By this time I didn’t have much cum left, but the orgasm was just as intense as the first one the night before. I continued to pump his tail hole slowly as my cock softened and fell limply from his still winking butt. After a few more minutes Butch’s cock also softened in my hand and he twisted around to give his dick and butt hole a good tongue bath.

I hopped back into the shower where I forced a short piss then scrubbed the skin on my cock harder than ever before. A dose of alcohol, hopefully made sure any dog ass bacteria was fully dispatched. The bed sheets were soft and cool that night as I settled in for another satisfied rest.

So far, this weekend had provided the most satisfying dog sex of my life! But Sunday we were both tender and needed more time to recuperate. I took Butch outside to the grassy area which was shady until well after noon. I tied him to a small tree with a 15’ piece of cord I occasionally used for a clothes line. After a quick piss and crap (which was easy because of the KY still in his ass) he stretched out in the cool grass like he owned the place.

I headed for the pool and a few hours of sun and MILF watching. As I lounged by the pool I did notice several scratches along the sides of my thighs and along my right arm. Hopefully no one else noticed my zoo signs.

Back at my building, a few mosquitoes and gnats were buzzing Butch and he looked a bit hot in the 85deg afternoon. So I took him inside and we both had a cool shower. Near dusk, Butch was playing and I used a hand towel to play tug of war. After a half hour of that he was ready to breed me again and let me know by sticking his snout under the leg of my shorts and licking my soft cock and balls. Returning to the bedroom I lubed up with a little KY and assumed the doggy position to repeat the first round of fun by tying with him again.

He was fairly excited and after a few quick ass licks he mounted me and poked my butt a few times before hitting the hole without guidance. A few jack hammer thrusts and he was buried to the hilt again. I relaxed to enjoy my screwing as his hot cock swelled to full size. Then Butch unexpectedly decided to turn. As his hind leg slid over my back, his knot pulled hard against my sphincter and pain shot up my back. Damn that hurt!! I immediately rested my weight on my head and used both hands to grab his hind legs to stop any pulling.

Luckily he didn’t try to drag me across the floor! His knot was so big there was no way he could pull it out at full size. (Been there, done that, and NEVER want to repeat it! I couldn’t walk straight for 3 weeks after my first true tie ended too soon!!) After we were fully butt to butt Butch relaxed a little and I backed him slowly into a corner between the bed and wall. This way I had more control and was able to relax. His cock continued to pulse and twitch against my prostate and I rocked back and forth gently to enhance the sensations and squeeze his knot with my ass cheeks. Soon we were both in full tie bliss and thoroughly enjoying ourselves. My cock was still a little sore, but I managed to bust another nut as Butch was filling me with cum.

But I came too soon and as I relaxed my ass began to burn and ache at the same time. I tried to push back hard against the logjam in my butt, but it took another ten minutes of pain before his cock began to deflate. I was grunting and whining like a little girl when his cock finally softened enough to pull out. I let him lick my bruised hole as long as he wanted to help ease the pain. That was it for the night!

Monday morning I put Butch on the outer deck with water, food, and papers to crap on. My cock wasn’t as twitchy as it had been over the weekend so I took a Cialis with my other MEDs. All afternoon at work I couldn’t wait to get home for another session. I stopped to pick up some fast food and hurried home for another round of deep penetrative sex. After a little play time we headed for the bedroom and I got Butch to lie down on his back. I rubbed his belly and stroked his cock until he started to show lipstick. Then I straddled him and worked his cock into my ass.

He tried humping me, but it was too painful because of the angle. I slid back to get his cock vertical, then pushed his sheath behind his knot; shortly he was fully hard and pulsating. Soon enough, I was giving him 4″ strokes with my ass full of hot dog meat. I rode him for 20 minutes this time with multiple pauses to build my orgasm. My cock stayed extra hard as I firmly stroked it in time with the cock sliding in and out of my ass. DAMN it was another good release with 7 or 8 hard waves washing over me.

I kept his cock in me for another 10 minutes until he finally went soft and fell out. No post-orgasm pain for me this time as his knot wasn’t inside me. Damn it felt good riding him slowly as he softened. I had thick dog cum in my ass that drained onto his belly as we separated but not nearly as much as before. My rectum had gentle spasms for another hour after this session.
Butch, however, was spent!

I’d be a very wealthy man if I could invent a pulsating, twitching dildo with an inflatable knot that operated at 105 degrees.

Tuesday morning Butch woke me up early because he needed to go out. Back in the room, I decided I needed more than a butt humping and hand job this time. So I put Butch in the shower and joined him. After cleaning his butt hole carefully, I lubed him and me for another doggy butt fuck. He wasn’t as eager for this session as I was and it took some time to work his ass hole loose with my fingers. I had to fold up a rug into several layers to rest my knees on and get the proper height. After several attempts and chasing him around the tub, I finally got the tip of my cock into his ass and, surprisingly, he stood still as I put my hands around his waist to hold him.

He arched his back like he was trying to shit as I pushed my cock in slowly. His cock wasn’t hard this time, so I didn’t feel the spasms as his ass winked, but he was very tight and SO HOT on my cock that I blew my load in less than five minutes. I finished showering and scrubbed my cock carefully. I got dressed and again left, Butch on the deck with the blanket, food, water, a rawhide chew toy, then headed to work.

The worst part of being a man is having such short duration orgasms. Dogs and pigs cum for up to 30 minutes. I guess if men had orgasms last that long we would never stop fucking and die of starvation. Or be like insects and cum once all day then die. No matter, I enjoyed fucking Butch’s ass just as much as he enjoyed fucking mine! Too bad we couldn’t do each other at the same time. That would be intense!!!

That night after work, we were both about fucked out. With thoughts of the short time Butch could stay with me, I tried to stimulate his interest. With slow and steady efforts I got him to mount me doggie style again. He wasn’t as active this time and we didn’t tie. He did get his fat cock buried in me and I held on to him and screwed him by rocking back and forth while he squirted his load of jism in me. I loved feeling his furry warm belly on my back as he rested his head on my shoulder. His hot stiff rod felt so good sliding in and out through my anus. He stayed hard for only about 10-12 minutes, then dropped out of my ass. The Cialis was still working so I tried to get him in position for another doggy ass fuck. He wasn’t interested this time.

But he licked my asshole long enough to get every drop of his cum out of me. The best part was him inserting his tongue about 1.5-2” deep in my loose rectum as I pushed his seed out. That was more than enough stimulus for me to come again. I turned toward him this time and squirted in his mouth as he licked my cock and lapped up every last drop.

By Wednesday morning, neither of us was fit to fuck. Even steady jerking of his sheath didn’t interest Butch and he even gave me a low growl as if to say “Damn it, that’s enough for me!” The memory of his deep diving tongue last night worked up another urge to cum a final time. But with no dog cum in my ass Butch had little interest. I collected a tablespoon full of peanut butter from the kitchen and pushed it into my asshole with my index finger. Down on my elbows and knees, Butch took great pleasure digging every morsel of it out of my ass with his tongue. My butt hole was fairly loose by this time as I spread my cheeks to grant him full access and gently pushed my stomach muscles to relax my sphincter.

Butch licked continuously at the creamy filling. After cleaning up the excess around the outside of my rim, he focused his effort on the centre of my anus digging deep with his tongue to get at the buried truth. Damn, it felt great to be tongue fucked! 1″ to 3″ of dog tongue dipping deep into my ass got me hard for the last time with Butch. With an extra-firm grip I was able to cum again. This was one trick I would use on my neighbour’s spayed bitch back home. I’ve used peanut butter to entice a lot of K9’s to rim me, but the key this time was loosening my sphincter enough beforehand to allow deep tongue penetration. Thanks again Butch!

Reluctantly, I took Butch back to the pound as I went to work late that Wednesday morning. Both of us needed the rest! And I still had two and a half weeks of work to do before going home. Needless to say I didn’t get much work done that week. Also, I did have two cats at home that wouldn’t take kindly to a big yellow dog chewing their asses. Nor did my neighbourhood allow dogs to roam freely. If I took him home my wife would likely get very suspicious, knowing that I enjoyed watching doggie porn. She still has no clue as to how deep into zoo sex I am. Fortunately, I had one hell of a long weekend with that young stud!

At the shelter the attendant asked what happened over the weekend and I simply said: “Good dog for the most part but he just didn’t get along with the cats. He’ll make a good pet or ‘service dog’ for a good family.” I petted Butch for a while, then let the attendant him take him away. Butch trotted along and never looked back.

I only had three weeks left to work there and my sexual needs had been fully satisfied. As I finished my assignment, I still worried about Butch and asked several people at the plant if they could make a pet out of him. No help there. Just before I left town, I called the shelter to check on him and a lady said he had been adopted last week by a young couple with a new house. My, I sure hope they’re ready for a cold nose if either gets butt naked around Butch!

I remember this weekend, about 7 years ago, as if it happened the last week. It will go down in my history as the most intense and satisfying dog sex experience I’ve ever had. Being away from home, in a private place, free of responsibility or guilt when it was over was very liberating. It allowed me to take the time and make the effort to pleasure myself and my partner with attention to detail. Butch is pushing 10 years of age if he is still alive, but I will never forget him.


The End

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