Never Get Caught Stealing In A Dress

By flamingphoenix.

Part One

Thunder crashed throughout the almost silent town, with an occasional flash sending a blinding flash through the night sky. This signaled the start of the rain, which began to come down onto the sleeping city. The sounds of an occasional cat or dog in the street picked through the garbage cans, looking for a few scraps that had been tossed out of the nearby window or bar during business.

The town’s only working clock added to the silence, chiming that it had reached its new hour, chiming twice, ringing in for time to end any kind of drinking from the bars that had been opened at that time of the morning. After the chiming finally ended, the town was left in complete silence once more, nothing really stirring at all. The rain continuously fell, starting to drench the streets and walls with cracks of thunder, and the whistle of a slowly building wind running through the streets began a new sound joined in.

First, there was a single door banging open, then came another with the sudden sound of Orc and trolls starting to clamber out of the few buildings that turned out to be barred by the fact that half the group stumbled out of the buildings. Tripping over each other, some barfing as soon as they entered the streets, spewing chunks of food and foul-smelling alcohol out of their mouths onto the person(s) in front of them. However, not all of them were alone. Another female companion accompanied them. Some hung on their arm or at least tried to get their companion to walk correctly, dispersing into different directions after getting some sense of where they were.

One couple that had fallen behind the rest seemed to be enjoying the evening and were laughing rather loudly as they went. One figure was finely dressed in lightweight armor for battle, an Orc carrying a Sabre strapped at his belt with confidence and pride; however, at this point, he was stumbling along, muttering in confidence about his so-called adventures with his female companion.

The companion, another female Orc by the looks of her, tight-fitting clothing that fit snuggly against her form, showing off her thick flab of curves holding each curve in under a corset that pushed her bosom upward, adding probably a couple of breast sizes her breasts making them almost juicy to anyone that took the opportunity to suck on them. Dressed in rather middle-class clothing set up to look like a prostitute, that could probably make a good chunk of change.

During the entire night, she had been offered bedding down with others who could offer better money for a night with her. However, she declined each, making it known that she only wanted one person, and that was the Orc that she was with, the other Orc that she had finally chosen, coming down with being a Captain in the Orc Defense Guard. The Captain, having earned a reputation for being wealthy and a womanizer, had drawn her attention to the officer taking her entire evening to make sure that the Orc’s every wish was seen.

Bringing him drink after drink, adding her loving touch to the Orc’s desires, she was able to get exactly what she had been aiming for to get him to invite her back to his home. However, the Captain was happily married with three other children who were usually in different areas of the country, trying to get a perfect education. His wife was visiting her family in a different village over the pass when the snow above closed the pass, forcing her to stay where she was until she could make the trip over.

Throughout their marriage, the Captain had found that the wife had been so stubborn about sex that she would sleep around with other men whenever he was out of the village, heading out for patrol areas. So, these circumstances were perfect for the time that he found himself demanding the attention of someone who didn’t care about anything other than himself.

They weaved their way throughout the city, taking their time to get to the actual decker home that sat on the outskirts of the city; the Butler opened their door, greeting both, although allowing his eyes to scan over his master’s actual companion who pushed her bosom out toward his face calling for attention. The Captain quickly dismissed the Butler with a simple hand gesture before drawing the elegant female toward the stairwell; heading for the second-story area, the Butler allowed his gaze to follow the two up the stairwell with his eyes sticking to the female the entire way up the stairs before they turned down a different corridor disappearing.

The Butler was nearly ready to leave, realizing that it was late. He needed to get into bed as a long day was just coming as the mistress of the house and the rotten kids were coming home tomorrow, and they usually like a huge meal. About to spin on the heel of his foot, the Butler stopped in mid-turn, coming to realize something on his look over or two of his master’s companions. Looking back into his mind, he looked in shock and horror, coming to realize that he had noticed something that his master had never even seen. Still, it was only possible since the Orc was drunk.

Letting out a sigh as he cocked his head toward the upper level, where the sound of the door slamming shut rang throughout the mansion, causing him to realize that it was too late. The master never wanted to be interrupted during any kind of night that he may be spending with the mistress or another female companion.

Shaking his head before continuing into a separate area of the home figuring that the master would find out soon enough what he was about to get himself in. Closing the door behind him, the Butler locked and sealed the doorway before beginning to remove the clothing, tossing it into the laundry bin to be taken care of later before laying out the next day’s things on top of the dresser that sat next to his bed.

Up in the master’s quarters, the Orc Captain went about pouring another full mug of whiskey and alcohol, pretty much on the verge of falling asleep from consuming too much already; however, his companion didn’t seem to mind. She began to dance for him, doing a striptease, just removing the outerwear first, wanting to save the best for last; she allowed a cheap-looking fur to drop to the floor, leaving only a corset, stockings, and high heels with underwear covering her crotch, leaving much to imagine.

Moving over to the Orc Captain, she pulled him over to the bed. She allowed him to kiss and nibble at her neck, allowing for a soft moan to escape from her lips as she allowed her hand to move down to the Captain’s armor, pulling away the pieces one by one. The Orc continued to drink away at the alcohol. Finally, the sub came to the effects, falling backward onto the bed; the female finally smiled as she waited for a few seconds before getting to work.

The sounds of early morning birds chirping sounded throughout the room, causing a very hung-over Orc to slowly and groggily awaken from a drunken stupor, finding that his head was pounding. His rage was filling up as he found himself in a confused state. He couldn’t see as he had something covering his eyes; however the breeze that blew over his body made him come to realize that he wasn’t wearing anything but his birthday suit. What was worse was the fact that when he tried to move, he found that he was tied to the bedposts of his bed spread-eagle, all of his limbs tied to each post, making him feel vulnerable.

“WHAT THE HECK?! BUTLER!” he yelled out loud enough that he began to shake the walls, surprising half of the staff that was already at work in day-to-day life.

The Butler who had been waiting outside the door knew that his boss was upset about the position that he may be in, but that wouldn’t compare to what the Captain would find out happened during the night.

Pushing the door open, the Butler quickly moved into the room, trying to stifle what he had found as soon as he got into the room. There, as realized before, lay the Captain, who was struggling against the bounds that held him that tightly in place. Looking around at the Captain’s body, the Butler was even further amused by the fact that someone had gone about putting lipstick on the Orc’s mouth while dressing the Captain in lingerie, making him almost look like a cross-dresser. Underwear was drawn tightly over the Orc’s eyes, pretty much blinding the Captain from seeing his condition. Looking around, he was even more surprised by the fact that all of the loot that the Captain had brought back from his patrols was gone, leaving the walls completely bare. The loot included his highly valued armor.

“SOMEONE GET ME LOOSE NOW, OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO BE!” the Captain continued shouting out threats, demanding to get released.

Finally, the Butler went about untying the Orc Captain, trying to avoid getting smacked by the captive master. The struggling Orc was released as he ripped the garment away from his eyes, looking even more furious at his state. It didn’t take long before he realized how bad it really was when he noticed how much of his collection was missing from the walls and shelving in his room.

Slamming a hand down onto the wall as he was furious with how things were never realizing that there was a dull ache coming from his asshole the entire time or a slight hot liquid dripping from his hole that was being caught by the underwear that he had yet to yank off in disgust.

The Butler went about staying out of the master’s way when, all of a sudden, he noticed a folded note sitting on top of the nightstand next to the bed; bending down, he picked up the note, allowing his eyes to scan through the item before bringing it up to his master.

“Sir, you may want to look at this,” the Butler said, offering the note to his boss. The boss snatched it away from him, growling in the process.

Flipping the note open, the Captain’s eyes widen in shock before he hands it back to the Butler. “Read it and make sure that I am not mistaken,” he orders.

The Butler cleared his throat before starting to read the note out loud. “Morning Captain,

By this time, you are probably in a state of shock and anger at yourself for finding yourself in this state. Plus, half of the prizes that you have privileged from your patrols are gone in your room; however, you have yet to check the rest of your house.

However, do not threaten, as I didn’t leave with everything. I did leave a few things for you in return, leaving a good portion of your less valuable things in the other areas of your home. However, you may want to check your asshole because I left a good amount of my seed in your body as a way to signal that a real Orc took you.

Good day,

The Cross-dress Thief.”

Those final words roared throughout his mind as the Captain tore the final garment away from his body, revealing the dripping juices that continued to leave his abused hole. He was another victim of the cross-dresser thief.


Part Two

Riding onto the farm that lay on the outskirts of the only city for miles hidden among the forest away from the rest of the world, the lone figure was wearing a long cloak that flowed behind his back as he rode toward the destination without a worry in the world as he rode. It didn’t take him long before reaching the barn, where the figure jumped off of the horse, staying well hidden away from anyone who may be looking out of the farmhouse’s window. Keeping close to the barn, trying to keep out of sight as much as possible, the figure checked the entire house from the distance, making sure that there weren’t any movements or candles being lit as he approached down the road.

All seemed to be on the quiet side without a single movement indicated from the silent house; the figure pulled away from the edge of the wall before moving back to his horse, grabbing onto the reins and leading it toward the door that led into the barn. Once inside the relative safety of the large barn, the figure went about putting the horse away into one of the stables before going about lighting up a few candles, making sure that none of the light would be able to be seen through any cracks facing the house before heading toward the back area of the barn.

Unknown to many of the people who worked on the farm during the daytime, they barely knew anything about it. It was built straight into the tool shed. Although not directly connected to the shed, and with only one way into it, the figure didn’t have to worry about anyone stumbling onto it while he was away doing his kind of thing.

Looking around the barn once more, making sure there wasn’t anyone near, the figure pushed the single door open before slipping inside and closing the door once more. Lighting a single but larger candle fully eliminates the room in light, allowing for every detail to be revealed in the medium-sized room.

Inside lay a trove of hidden items that stretched on either side of the room as the figure pulled the cloak off of its head, revealing an awesome, revolting sight. In the proper light, the figure turned out to be the prostitute who had tricked the Orc Captain into bed, only to humiliate him in the worst ways before the sunlight broke across the skyline. The figure had stolen a good portion of the Captain’s fortune for his own.

Having it stored in a different location with the help of several others, they had carted off the goods without any interference from anyone as the goods were smuggled to a different location. As the party had left, the figure had gone about fucking the Captain, although the Orc, as he pulled off the cloak revealing that he was wearing regular male clothing, however, still had the wig and lipstick on with the makeup. Now, from the candlelight, the Orc didn’t look anything like a female; however, whenever he picked his targets, he always chose a time when the sun was down. There was no moon, making his attempts to find a partner so much easier for the night. He had all of the typical taverns mapped out right, so he knew which one to target for the best collections to sell.

He always left the clothing that he wore into the house as by the time he left a target house, it was nearly daylight, and he didn’t want to be caught in drag, especially with a huge warrant out for his arrest or the arrest of whoever the cross-dresser may turn out to be.

The room itself held a size collection of extra female clothing ranging from corsets that gave him a rather large bust size, which allowed him to get many of his targets, undergarments, garter belts, hoses, and lingerie that left so much to reveal. On a dresser that held a full-size mirror allowing for him to give himself a look over when applying makeup and lipstick, on the top of the dresser just sitting below the mirror, were three mannequin heads where three different wigs would sit waiting to be applied to his head, with one sitting empty having worn the wig already being worn which he quickly replaced.

Sitting down on the stool in front of the mirror, the Orc began removing the makeup and anything left over from his night trip. Within minutes, he looked normal once more, looking upon a less beautiful face than that of an 18-year-old Orc that had gone about rather than wanting to get a real job making an honest living working on his family’s farm, going by the name of Gorc Islaric.

Gathering a group of goblins together that were able to move around with no trouble at all, Gorc went about figuring out a plan of action of how to get into the target house without being caught. One of the goblins, who was gay and into the idea of cross-dressing, brought up the idea, explaining how much business the goblin had made when he prowled the bars at night.

After some long thought about the process, Gorc agreed with the goblin and arranged for the goblin to do the shopping for him, getting all of the right material for the operation. So when the goblin had been able to get the stuff, the operation was thrown into effect, with the goblin helping apply the makeup and lipstick correctly enough that it would convince even the less drunk person that he was a female Orc.

Drawing the corset up tight enough, giving him a good set of cleavage that made most of the goblins drool in greed and hunger, Gorc found that the ploy probably would work before putting together the actual plan.

That had been six years ago, and so far, the thieves had gone about stealing a ton of material ranging from gold, art, armor, and food included on the rare occasion when needed, always finding the right buyer for the items the group had found a huge profit of things making an easy lifestyle for them. However, Gorc found that he needed to tread carefully because the whole town was in an uproar about the thieves stealing, so they went about making small purchases of places to hide the stolen goods under secretive names.

So far, there was a small cabin hidden in a different valley that no one really knew about, hidden among the trees covered by branches obstructing any kind of view that someone would look into the valley from getting any sight of the lone cabin.

Along with the cabin and a storage shed hidden with it, the thieves began to collect female clothing, expanding on different styles to try and attract more customers. The only problem was that they found that if they were to target the same bar, it meant the possibility of getting caught again, so it was the main idea to change clothing styles, wigs, and makeup to avoid getting caught.

The goblin who introduced the idea of using cross-dressing for their purposes suggested that they use more than one person to lure more targets to take them home. Gorc thought for a long while before nodding with the idea, figuring that it would be best for trial.

Well, after the first night, they found out that the idea of a goblin prostitute wasn’t as appealing as a female Orc prostitute, so they were forced to go with only Gorc being the bait. Which made the trips long and treacherous because of the longer journeys away from home; however, the operations outside of the valley were limited, with his travel having to attend schooling, which wasn’t the best thing that he really wanted to do.

Although he was good at what he was currently doing now, Gorc was very lousy in school, not really caring about getting a good education, although he did quite well in art and math using both techniques for the job, picking out the items that were worth more for selling. Although he did well in those two items, his stay in high school was far more, with being a sophomore far longer than his friends and others.

This continued to cause his teachers some concern about the fact that although he was old enough to be a senior now, it also caused his father to become hostile toward him, calling him completely worthless with the way that his father was spending money on him to send him to school for a proper education. Nevertheless, he didn’t seem to care anymore about graduating or what his father’s wishes were now. If he truly wanted and he planned on it when he got old enough to be considered an adult, Gorc planned on disappearing from the farm one night taking everything with him and heading for the hills.

Which would be his downfall for the days to come. As he finished clearing off the rest of the makeup and eyeliner, Gorc pulled out a separate book that was kept for keeping track of the night’s targets, collections, and all before slipping it back into the bookcase hidden by a simple red binder that hid any kind of suspicious if someone did come upon the hidden room. Again, it was one thing that led to Gorc’s downfall, as the books didn’t list any of his cohorts who took part in these thefts.

Reaching into one of the hidden cabinets that sat near the dresser pressed into the wall, Gorc pulled out a ¾ bottle of bourbon and scotch combined into the bottle for a special blend blended for a special kick. The bottle had been snatched from his father’s special stock that the old man never allowed anyone to really see or indulge in; however, Gorc only drank from the bottle whenever the group actually had a successful robbery, plus an awesome collection of artwork and gold qualified for even a larger dose of the drink, during the times that he found that he couldn’t stop drinking the liquid that when he first tried it so fowl that his stomach nearly heaved out the entire gulp. Given time, he was able to stand the liquid to come to drink entire amounts of it at night, even spending some of the gold to get more of it for later celebrations.

Now, all of the gold that they were able to collect didn’t just go to hiding the stolen goods for later auction. They went about partying most nights, indulging in other things that began to satisfy their needs, from women, food, and wine to finer livestock that included horses and sheep, a lot of times meant for self-pleasure than to farm for selling later.

Again, the group wasn’t stupid in buying and spending their goods; rather than spending it all out right, they went about being discreet about it. They avoided spending too much in one location, so the suspension would never go their way.

Standing up and taking the bottle with him, Gorc finished off the contents, wanting to enjoy the moment while he could before having to go back into the house and try to get some sleep before his father forced him to get up. However, as he got to his feet, he found himself stumbling and uneasy on his feet, feeling already light-headed and odd as he found himself crashing into the wall of the room, sending a thunderous thud throughout the entire barn and scaring a few of the horses that were in the stables nearest the hidden door.

Dropping to the floor in a state of daze and shock, nearing unconsciousness, Gorc found his vision on the verge of blackout when the door to the room pulled open, revealing a rather bulky yet muscular form that said something to him just as Gorc passed out.


Part Three

The thick and unpleasant scent of hay and an unknown musky smell directly underneath his nose caused Gorc to shake his head, trying to get the unpleasant smell away from his nose so he could sleep. When the smell continued to be near his nose, Gorc tried to raise his hands to push or scratch his nose, figuring that it was just a particle of hay or something stuck on his nose after he fell. However, he found that both of his arms were being penned down, more likely tied to posts causing his eyes to jerk open and finding himself staring into a massive cock head about the size of a bodybuilders arm with droplets of precum dropping down onto his nose causing Gorc to try and jerk his short nose away.

“Ahhh, I see that you finally decided to wake up before the true fun begins.” A husky-like voice commented as Gorc felt a hand begin to pat him on the head with his eyes, never leaving the thick mammoth that sat inches away from his face. It took the captive Orc a few minutes before coming to realize that it was his miserable father, buck naked, who stood in front of him with such arrogance about him and his voice when he spoke to him.

“What the fuck are you doing, father?!” Gorc challenged his father, starting to struggle to get loose from the bounds that held him in place; however, the ties weren’t giving away. Suddenly, a hand snapped out, catching him upside the face, sending a stunning feeling throughout his body before his father continued with his words.

“There will be not of that now, my little whore! From now on, you will need to get used to this position as you will be servicing, or, should I say, earning a living from now on this way.” His father growled, grabbing his son by the back of the neck and forcing him to look away from the massive phallus into the senior Orc’s eyes.

Letting go of his son’s neck, the father disappeared from Gorc’s sight, causing him to twist and turn again, trying to locate the Orc once more; however, since his body was tightly tied down, keeping him from really getting sight of the massive Orc. “Since you like selling your body for a profit, although he never has delivered, I think it’s time for you to learn your place.” His father’s voice continued talking behind him, causing him to panic, figuring that it wasn’t a good sign.

“What are you talking about?!” Gorc challenged again, causing a harsh smack sounding out of a leather strap, striking his bare ass and sending sheering pain coursing throughout his body, animating from his rear.

“You know if someone was to actually say that you were dressing up like a whore I may have defended you for the family honor.” His father continued before a leather book was thrown down in front of his face mere inches away. It didn’t take him long to realize that it was the book that he kept all of his records. “Until I found this after an interesting incident…”

With that, he began explaining about a particular morning in which he had come down from bed early. After all, he had a lot of work to do because he needed to get the corn fields planted since the fields had been plowed the day before. Having ordered that the workers that he had hired for the job get here early so they could get the fields planted before the noon sun made it too hot to work as quickly, the father had started making himself a mug of the finest vodka that he could purchase before looking out toward the barn where the sun usually rose.

He was surprised to find that a single figure was riding at a good pace toward the farmhouse. However, he figured that it was one of the workers coming in from a late night at the bars, which he couldn’t stand because it meant that accidents would most likely happen. Slamming the mug down on the countertop, he started moving out of the house just as the figure disappeared behind the barn just as he came out of the house.

Quickly staying on the balls of his feet, he swiftly moved toward the barn, keeping himself from being seen. He hurried up to lean against the wall, waiting for a few minutes before slowly making his way toward the barn entrance.

Inside, he could hear someone moving, walking about, lighting up candles by the looks of it; however, the lights were so faint that he could barely tell right off the bat. Waiting for another second before pushing the barn doors apart just enough to allow him to slip in, he was surprised to find that no one was inside other than a single horse that had already had its saddle removed and was already eating oats and hay that was next to its stable.

Carefully moving into the room and closing the door so it wouldn’t make a sound, he allowed his eyes to scan the interior, looking for the person who would’ve come in. He found that there appeared to be no one here. However, it wasn’t possible, as there were a few candles lit, and he knew dang well that no one would be that careless about leaving a lit flame near so much wood and hay.

Growling softly, he found his hand jerk out, taking ahold of one of the candles before continuing into the barn, checking every nook and cranny, looking for a form that may have fallen asleep in the loft from being too drunk. However, with no sight or appearance of anyone left, he wondered if he was mistaken as one thing that he had noticed was that the horse in the barn was one of theirs, so it may have been a mistake; however, that sure didn’t explain why the candles were lit. He was about to put it off for a weird accuracy when a new sound sounded out in the back of the barn, causing him to duck into an empty stall just as a new figure appeared from a hidden room that was located in the back.

Peering up over the edge of the fence, he was surprised by the appearance of his son, an arrogant little piece of garbage that ever lived. He had tried his best to get the little shit to get a better life since his mother had died when he was little. However, the Orc had shown no care at all about growing up or getting a good education, making him come to realize that it may be best that he stopped babying the kid and started using punishment.

The kid went about securing a hidden door that blended into the walls of the barn before heading for the barn entrance, allowing him to move out of his hiding place, making sure that his son was gone before moving to where the concealed door lay. Placing a hand against the wall, looking for the outer frame of the door as it blended in well with the rest of the wall, it took him some time to actually find the right area as there was no indication which would allow the door to be opened.

Shifting the knob correctly, he carefully pulled the door open, not really knowing if a trap had been set just in case someone had found the door, he found himself staring into a darkened room, but the heavy scent of candles that had been burning was still in the air causing him to look around for the actual candles lighting them up before turning back to the room.

What he found before him was something that he had never considered, although he could have thought it may have been for a woman. However, when he noticed the mannequin’s heads sitting on the dresser with wigs on top of them, it caused him to realize that it had to do something with his son. Going through the items, he found that the entire room was set up as a dressing room, although there were a few books on top of a shelf that sat on the far end of the room’s wall.

Stepping toward the shelf, he ran a finger along the bindings of each book, looked through the items, checked each title for the books, and became more surprised by the titles that he had found so far. Most of the books detailed how to dress properly for women, walking techniques, how to apply makeup, and how to act like a woman. Books that looked like they were rather difficult to get ahold of than any other book.

He came upon a book that looked so out of place, causing him to reach forward and pull the book out of the group, keeping in mind the book’s original position so he could put it back when needed; he flipped it open to reveal exactly what the contents were. Allowing his eyes to scan over the information that was scribbled down on the pages, he was shocked coming to recognize the addresses written down on the page as several addresses that had been reported as having been robbed, and the owner, well-known figures of the community had been raped either by drug and anally, and it had been going on for some time that it had a lot of people in an uproar.

Growling low in his throat, the Orc went about wanting to turn his son in cause he knew that many would love to get their hands on him. However, he stopped and started making plans of his own. Putting the book into place and leaving the room as he had found it, he went about saddling a different horse to carry him into a nearby village in which a hidden cabin lay near a lake. There, he approached a mage, one that had been known for tricks and doing wonderful things for people in the nearby villages; however, not everyone was happy with him for some reason.

Laying out everything to the Mage, the Orc was able to get ahold of a potion that the Mage suggested should work the perfect concoction of medicine that would produce the proper punishment for the target. The Mage went about instructing the Orc to keep putting the potion into the target’s actual drink either every meal or whenever was necessary and just allow the potion to do its work, and that was all that the Mage had instructed him other than requiring about half the loot that the Orc’s son had stolen.

Coming home immediately, the Elder Orc went about putting the potion into the kid’s drink whenever supper came around and the bottle of bourbon when he found the bottle later on adding it to the bottle quickly. That had been two months ago, and the entire potion was gone with no real indication of any kind of change at all to the point that he went back to the Mage going about demanding that the loot be returned because the potion was not currently working; however, the Mage wouldn’t comply saying that he needed to give it time before the potion would take effect.

Although he did say that the potion may work quicker if the subject was to be fucked by whomever or whatever, which led to this point here.

“That’s until I found this and truly found out who you were, which got me to planning this moment.” His father told him before giving a sharp yet tuneless whistle calling in what sounded like the family dog, Duke, the war mastiff that had been Gorc’s companion for some time during hunting; however, the Orc had never really been nice to the animal. Weighing about 200 lbs. altogether, Duke was about the size of a medium-sized pony. The pet was by far the biggest dog that Gorc actually saw, especially with it being originally made for war and, at the time, had been getting ready to be used for stud services for farmers that were looking for a good guard dog but also good with children. “Well, Duke, you sure look like you need to throw your seed now. Here’s your chance; this bitch is in heat and is willing for a good fuck to have your pups!” his father’s cruel words caused Gorc to panic, starting to struggle hard and further with his bonds as he felt hot musky breath breathing heavily on his ass.

Trying to pull away from the beast as a thick muscular tongue slid down the valley of his ass crack, finally finding the tender virgin opening that he was looking forward to breaking into, causing Gorc to break down to begging. “Stop him! I don’t want to be a beast’s bitch!” Gorc cried, trying to plead with his father once more.

“Too late for begging, whore! You are getting off lucky right now because I could be using your cunt ass for my sex toy forever; however, Duke demanded to have the first chance at you.”

His father laughed, coming to stand back in front of Gorc as the mastiff quickly abandoned the licking, allowing Gorc to think that the dog had given up; however, that sure didn’t last long. Jumping onto Gorc’s ass, quickly locking his forepaws around the Orc’s waist before starting to jab its thick cock into the Orc’s flesh, trying to find his hole.

The dog began to whimper in frustration, catching the Elder’s attention. Being an experienced breeder in the past, the father had made sure that the bench that he had tied his son to was set to the correct height so the bitch of whatever breed was getting ready to be bred can be easy access to the stud ready to breed them in this case. Moving forward a bit, putting his mammoth cock just inches away from Gorc’s mouth, the Elder reached down and took ahold of the massive cock putting it into the proper position for penetration.

When the tip brushed up against the hole, Duke shoved hard into the hole, shoving the entire thing deep into Gorc, causing him to scream out loud and long as the thick pole stretched it beyond its limits. Taking ahold of the Orc’s head just as the mouth opened to the full limit, the Elder shoved his cock into his son’s mouth just as the mouth closed in on the massive pole. “Welcome to your new life of being the town’s whore!”

With no choice to move anywhere, Gorc found that if one thrust into him, he was forced onto one of the cocks, causing his throat to constrict on his father’s cock, sending terrible trembles throughout his entire being. The Elder began withdrawing his cock, feeling relief radiate from his crotch as Gorc’s tongue began to work around the thick pole. Although it felt like he was trying to force it out. However, his steel hold on the Orc’s head wouldn’t even allow it.

After some time of going around without much relief that he could experience from fucking his wife, the Elder found that the stimuli were beginning to allow his balls to get ready to unleash his cum into Gorc’s mouth. Gorc, himself, experiencing too much from both ends, found the terrible fucking that he was getting. However, it started terribly and was starting to feel really good.

Every time that Duke drilled his cock deep into his no longer virgin hole, he found that his hole clenched down onto the pole, trying to hold on to the pole that was starting to send shivers throughout his body. It didn’t take long before he felt something about the size of a ball started to hit the entrance of his ass hole, moving into his hole everyone in a while. Still, it was becoming harder to pull out.

When it did come out of his hole, Gorc found that he was experiencing greater pain than before, causing his hole to catch the ball tightly as it entered his hole, holding it in place as the dog tried to pull it out once more. The action caused Duke to whine in slight pain from his cock being held in place as he gave up on the thrusts as he couldn’t get his cock to come out any further, laying on Gorc’s back, panting in pleasure as slobber dribbled out on to Gorc’s back as spurts of cum began to spurt out of the flared end officially making Gorc his bitch.

In front of him, his father let out a roar as he finally found the release of sexual tension, unleashing torrents of cum down Gorc’s throat, shoving his cock fully down his throat, and forcing his son to take it all. From all of this that was happening, Gorc found himself releasing also; however, instead of the thick-looking cum that usually came out of his cock, a slight drizzle of piss came instead, soaking the hay that lay below him. As soon as his cock went limp, a searing fire shot throughout his cock and balls as it felt as if they were dipped in molten lava.

“And the changes have begun.” The man’s voice said somewhere in the darkness.


Part Four

Undoing Gorc’s bindings that had kept him strapped in the breeding bench where Gorc remained collapsed upon the wooden structure with the Elder deciding that it be best if he left the pair as is because of Duke was still being tied with Gorc, not standing ass to ass with the Orc seemingly having a grin on his face. After the intense feeling of pain coming out of his balls and cock, Gorc passed out from the searing pain as the changes that the Mage had mentioned began to happen, although the changes were happening far from sight.

When Duke finally pulled out of Gorc with a sharp plop as the golf ball size knot released itself from its bitch’s hole, allowing the deposited cum to come streaming out of his hole. Without a second hesitation, the Elder went about carrying, although to the point of dragging the unconscious Orc back into the house, where the changes had already begun to happen well before Gorc had arrived home.

Gorc wasn’t sure of how long he was out; however, when he finally did come out of his unconsciousness and daze, he was completely surprised to continue when he found himself in bed, which caused him to start to think that all that had happened was nothing more than a bad dream. That was until he found the first strange thing that he found was the silk feeling against his normally rough skin that now had a soft and almost silky feeling of its own. When the silk shifted across his chest, Gorc nearly choked on his tongue when the erotic feel of the material running across his chest made him almost groan in pleasure with the sharp thrust of pain to join in on it, causing his eyes to shoot open to come to see the rest of the room which caused him to have a massive heart attack nearly.

Normally, his room was filled with things that you normally would consider boy stuff or, in this case, Orc Stuff from football gear, jockstraps, dirty laundry piled on the floor, heavy metal stuff, etc., the kind of stuff that you would expect in the room with the walls were even a dull grey color at one point that which would be fine with him.

However, now everything was different, with everything having been changed to fit a different personality or a different person altogether, as the walls were painted pink with unicorns and rainbows all over the walls with girly pictures of naked male Orcs & male strippers covering them. The bookshelves where he had once contained proudly displayed weapons, shrunken heads, and other trophies that he once displayed. Now, the shelves had a ton of fashion magazines that were neatly stacked on the shelves, old dolls that showed signs of being played with at one point, sitting side by side with wooden horses that were finely hand painted.

Against the far wall next to the door that led into the room stood the same desk with a mirror that had sat in the hidden room; however, it looked like it fit perfectly here, made of oak and finely made by a craftsman who was well known for his work. Sitting on top of the dresser, instead of the mannequin heads, lay a small wooden box that lay closed, but Gorc could only guess that it may hold jewelry. Next to it, lined further along the mirror, were an assortment of different shades of eyeliners, lipsticks, mascara, etc., everything that you would need to look beautiful.

Further to the right sat a dresser that would match the desk, probably made by the same designer in town specially made to fit into the room, making Gorc feel that he was still in a nightmare as he tried shaking his head clear enough to get the images out of his head. Looking down at the floor, he found that the piles of clothing that once piled up on the floor, which made finding clothes for the day much easier as he didn’t care about keeping clean now, were gone with the floor now covered in a plush carpet with a bright purple color look to it. The bright colors that surrounded him made his eyes hurt, causing him to reach up, trying to get some sense back into his head.

The feel of some extra silk against his skin caused Gorc to jerk his hand away from his eyes, looking down at his body and the silk covers that were starting to drive him insane. Once again, he felt his heart nearly give out because of the surroundings now, the once ragged sheets that once suited his tastes well enough to clash with his room.

Nevertheless, now it was replaced with a silk-looking comforter that caused his stomach to wretch as he found that it was frilly pink with even more ponies on it. When he felt the even looser clothing driving his nerves into overdrive, causing him to throw the disgusting blanket away from his body that had been pressing the material into his skin, Gorc found that the surprises continued to pour in on him. He dressed in a bright red nightgown that hung very loosely against his form, flowing down over his slightly less stomach where it ended, hiding his once proud cock from view.

Reaching down, he took ahold of the nightgown, feeling revolting throughout his body. He realized it was a pleasure and a thrill as he pretty much ripped the material away from his body. Gasping in relief, the cool morning air spilling in against his skin caused him to close his eyes in relief, breathing normally as he figured that it would be normal.

However, the terrible ache and tenderness in his chest drew his eyes downward where the sight of his chest and nipples poked outward, standing at attention, almost reacting to the cold air that brushed into the room. Allowing his hands to start to roam downward to the nipples as they continued to rise and fall, his breath continued to quicken from the strange feelings that he never got when he was naked.

Gorc finally allowed his hands to take hold of the nipples, squeezing them and pulling, causing a groan to form behind his lips, forcing its way up past his lips as he found his body inside, demanding attention. He found himself wanting to force his hands away from the nipples; however, his hands wouldn’t move with his own will as they continued to grope the nipples, pulling on them, causing him to moan further in pleasure.

Allowing his hand to travel downward passed his plump belly, his hand brushed against even more silk that rubbed up against his limp cock that seemed to enjoy the feeling of the silk against his skin as his mind seemed to be demanding more attention from it. Inside his head, Gorc’s mind began to rewire itself to work properly for the changes that were occurring to the point that he still thought he was a male. However, his body would become that of an 18-year-old Orc Female who had extreme sensitivity to the point that any time someone or something touched him, it would send his need to please himself or the creature, whoever was closest to his reach.

Given time, the changes would continue outward, adding additional sexual tension throughout his entire body that even wearing tight clothing would drive him insane to the point that he couldn’t wear any clothing at all. In the end, he would end up finding himself jumping on anything with a cock just to get released.

For now, Gorc found the sensations that he was experiencing were too much for him as he pulled down the panties that had covered his limp cock before driving his fingers into his aching how that still leaked Duke’s juices. Deep down, he found it was repulsive as he tried desperately to stop himself from continuing. He wanted to get control of himself and try to get back to normal enough to where he could get the goblins to help him get revenge on his father for doing this to him.

“Oh, I see that my little princess is awake and demanding some more pleasure!” his father said from the doorway; however, Gorc didn’t seem to register the voice as he whined in some sort of desperation for relief, causing his father to smirk once more. His cock was already growing erect, pushing upward out of his trousers without any kind of assistance as the Elder just stood there, allowing the cock to push up against the front of the trousers, tenting the front of it.

Gorc, whose mind was already crying out for the beginning of pleasure, found his eyes locked on the growing bulge in his father’s pants, his mouth drooling, dropping his hands away from his puffy nipples, displaying his rather puffy chest, coming close to demanding release from his father. However, the Elder could only laugh as he stepped forward, allowing his hands to stay at his side with an evil grin playing across his face.

The Elder wasn’t going to make this easy on his son, nor should he start calling him his daughter. The way that Gorc was dressed and acted would suggest the making of a true nymph who could barely handle herself. Gorc found that his body finally allowed him to stand up; however, instead of charging at his father, he found himself moving seductively toward the older Orc, proudly displaying his body as the nipples became erect with each step that he took.

Upon reaching his father, he pushed out his chest, showing off his budding breasts that seemed to have grown since he had started the slow walk toward him, finding that his lips were trembling as the desire for attention to his hypersensitive body began to rise again as they got closer to the Elder. He found himself almost willingly begging for some release as his chest rose and fell with each heartbeat as his mouth finally allowed words to form.

“P-please…help me….” He begged, although it came out in a tight whisper, and his subconscious tried to stop him from saying the words. Again his father just stood there with an evil grin on his face, although it looked more like a pleased look of triumph than pleased standing there listening to his only son beg like a whore to get pleasured.

“Tell me what you want, whore!” he commanded, demanding that only he have the authority around here. The sound of charge in his voice sent shivers throughout Gorc’s body, although it felt more like thrills as he felt once more that his lips were trembling. The words seemed to set his new mind into a start of new sequences that overridden his subconscious commands of masculinity as the need for pleasure quickly took over.

“C-cock…I want your…cock in whatever way…you desire…master.” Gorc answered through trembling lips with the answer causing the Elder to grin wider with deep-seated pleasure.

“Then go ahead and pull it out, bitch.” He answered, moving away from Gorc, taking a seat on the frilly bed, and lying back on the covers allowing his growing cock to push fully up against his work trousers catching Gorc’s attention fully. With his eyes fully locked on the tented prize that his new personality was forcing him to demand, Gorc licked at his lips continually to drool as he slowly walked toward his father’s lying on the bed.

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as Gorc’s male self tried to exert full control over his body once more, with it a losing battle almost. The new instincts continued to push the male self away from the surface, pretty much eliminating it as it went, dwindling the resistance to the new personality that was soon developing and taking over his body.

Stopping in front of the laying form, Gorc felt his knees collapse finally underneath his weight, dropping him to eye level with his father’s crotch as the alluring sight of the massive cock seemed to call to him. The steady thump, thump of the throbbing cock, or was it his heartbeat thumping in his chest, caused his head to pound as his hand reached up, moving the zipper downward, allowing the well-hung cock to break free almost of the tight confines of his work trousers.

The only thing that held it back was a think material of his undergarments that stood between Gorc and his prize that he found himself desiring so much now. Instantly he found his hands that, once trembling in disgust from the very thought of touching something like another male’s cock, were instead trembling in harsh desire forcing his hands to grab at the material, frantically tearing at cloth and material to get to the prize hidden underneath the material.

Within seconds, the undergarment was in tatters, laying spilled off to each side of the crotch allowing the massive cock that had once appeared in front of his face once before to spill out into the open air. Once free of the tight confines of the trousers, the cock became fully erect, with the veins pulsing in the air throbbing every second that it was in the cold air. Gorc paused for only a brief second before attacking the massive cock with his mouth, allowing his tongue to start to slide up and down the massive member tracing lines along the veins and length.

The attack on his cock surprised the Elder greatly because he didn’t honestly think that his son would actually allow himself to be degraded so terribly that he would attack his cock like such. Before he could think any further, Gorc allowed his tongue to slide up the massive pole to the flared head, coming to take the head into his drooling mouth, quickly sliding it past several taste buds inside of his mouth, which began to savor the salty and musky taste that came off the pole on to the buds.

These further sent shivers coursing throughout his body, causing him to want more of it; however, the Elder finally stopped Gorc from continuing to pull the cock out of the sucking mouth. Gorc seemed to protest the withdrawal until he met his father’s eyes, which housed a glow of domination demanding that she submit to him.

Gorc’s eyes cast downward immediately, with his actions continuing to take on the act of a whore or pet submitting to her master. Growling in lust and desire, the Elder grabbed the forced feminized Orc at the front of his cock to stand up, surprising Gorc standing there in confusion until his father forced him to turn around, facing away from him.

Picking up Gorc, the Elder maneuvered the Orc over his massive pole, allowing the tip of the cock to trail a line of precum down the volley of Gorc’s ass, starting to look for the hole in the Orc’s body. Inside Gorc’s mind, as all of this was happening, he was still trying to break past the fog over his masculinity; Gorc’s final thoughts of the disgusting events slowly slipped into his subconscious just before the massive pole shoved deep into Gorc’s body. Gorc let out a cry of pleasure and pain as the massive cock, one that was a lot bigger than Duke’s, sent an even more of a thrill to run throughout his body as a desirable moan pushed out of his mouth.

The Elder allowed his hands to drop away from the Orc’s waist, allowing Gorc to either escape from the supposed rape or continue with the pleasure. Again deep down, Gorc was fighting for control enough to pull himself up off the cock; however, the female side continued to have a strong hold on his movements, although he still held on to enough of his original self that he didn’t die.

Nevertheless, he found himself shoving down onto the cock, allowing it to sink further into his bowels, ready to massage his prostrate with the head. He allowed a moan to pass out of his lips as he tried to allow himself to pleasure himself wanting more of the cock inside of him. Reaching forward, the Elder took ahold of his son’s budding breasts that had already started to protrude from his chest and started to squeeze on the puffy nipples, sending shock waves throughout Gorc’s body.

You see, the one thing that the Elder wanted to remain in his son was about 2% of his masculinity, allowing for him to have some self-respect for himself; however, his feminism was just below the surface, only coming to the surface whenever the sight of a nice thick juicy cock caught his eye or whenever a guy was asking the Orc out. By the time the potion was finished with him, that would be happening more often than what Gorc’s male side would want. He would find that he wouldn’t be able to refuse even the slightest advances from the male sex.

Gorc would find that when he was done receiving the fuck from his father that he had little choice but to follow the orders of his father, who had a great deal in mind for his bitch. Other than making him go to school to get a proper education, plus denying him any kind of sex unless he did better in school, he decided to send him into the villages and act as a prostitute as he had always done in the past, stealing from the rich.

He always figured this was a way to pay the villages back for the pain that Gorc had committed against the family name. ~Yes, life is going to be good, the Elder thought as he shoved upward into Gorc, allowing a pleasurable smile to cross his face.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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