New Home. New Dog. New Companion.

By Michelle M.

My mom passed away from a battle with cancer when I was eleven. That left Dad and I to grow and enjoy one another. When I was 25 a couple of years ago, my dad also passed away from disease. That left me alone, but it was not a shock to my dad. We knew it was coming. The one thing he made sure of before his passing was financially, I was secured for the remainder of my life.

Once I took care of all the changes that occur when someone passes on, time to mourn, I began to look for a new home. One that did not have close neighbors, one that had a lot of property around me, and one that would let me write some new novels.

It took a few months, but eventually, one was located, boarding a national forest on one side. The next-door neighbor was more than a mile away. The back property was open, with no fences, except for a partial one around the pool area that could be accessed from the patio. At the same time, the patio opened to the fenceless back property.

I had hired a group of young women to help me move in and put everything away. When that was done, I needed to stock my new home with supplies, groceries, and so on. I headed to a local area that seemed to have all or most of the things I would need to pick up.

As I began to get groceries and supplies needed, my eyes caught the local Humane Society’s large display for people to pick up a new pet. Mostly, dogs and cats were on display. Looking at the different dogs ready to be adopted, one large one caught my eye. He had long hair that looked so soft. For some reason, he not only caught my eye, but I felt like I needed to get to know him better.

I had been thinking of getting a dog ever since I closed on my new home. I was all alone, and my neighbors were a good distance away, so a dog made sense.

Moving up by him, kneeling, running my hand between his ears, I loved how he felt. He was as soft as he looked from a distance, moving down close to him. “So how come someone as beautiful as you are is here waiting to be adopted?”

He leaned forward, kissing me, not as a normal dog licks you, but this was an actual kiss like two humans show feelings, a real kiss. It caught me by surprise, moving back, looking at his mouth, but before I could react, he kissed me again, this time much more sensual. His tongue traced my lips, then entered my mouth. The kiss was one of the most erotic experiences I have ever had, causing me to forget what was actually happening. My eyes partially closed, my hands running all around his head … eventually broke the kiss, looking at him again through heavily hazed eyes.

“Where did you learn to do that?”

Just then, one of the representatives walked up. I don’t think she saw what had just happened between us, standing back up.

“This is a beautiful dog. What can you tell me about him?”

I was still feeling the effects the two of us had shared, especially between my legs. They were wet and looking at him, becoming wetter and wetter. I could feel how hard my nipples had become, but I needed to know more about him and his background.

She reached down, playing with his head. “He is one of the most beautiful dogs we have ever had in the shelter. A husband dropped him off. He told us his wife had received Riley from a girlfriend, but he hated this dog. So he turned the dog over to us. I think he would have gone earlier, but he requires a large yard to run around in. Most people don’t have space or the time, so we have not let him be adopted so far.” Then she hugged him. “He is one of the best-trained dogs we have ever had in the system.”

He had moved by my leg, making contact with me. While we continued to talk, I told her of my new yard’s size; I worked from home as a writer, so I had the time to spend with him. Finally, everything I needed to do was completed: I attached a leash to his collar, loaded a couple of weeks of food into my other items, and the two headed to my SUV to head to his new home.


As soon as we arrived, I took his leash off. He explored every room in his new home, then spotted the back doggy door, apparently the owners before I had a dog. He went through the door, stopped on the patio, looked over the entire property, and headed beyond the grass to the undeveloped area, taking care of his personal needs before running back to me, where I had taken a seat on one of the lounge chairs.

Stopping between my legs, we again share a kiss, but this time, much more passion than we shared earlier. Laying back in the chair, pulling him up on top of me, running my hands all over his head, enjoying the kiss, a kiss with so much care and concern, had my whole body tingling with arousal, never thinking in a million years I would be making out with a dog. Still, his hair was so soft and exciting, and I knew in my mind this was only the beginning of a long-lasting relationship between the two of us.

Finally, breaking our kiss, looking at those beautiful eyes. “Where did you learn to do all of this? Someone has taught you so much, and I’d give anything to find out where you were trained?”

Laying by his side, my arm around him, I felt his collar. Out of curiosity, I took a closer look and found the name of a dog breeding company that I assumed was the kennel where he came from.

Picking up my phone and dialing the kennel number, Janice answered.

“Hi, my name is Nikki. I live at such and such a home. I just adopted Riley, a big, beautiful dog.”

I gave Janice all the information I had and the collar on him, telling her he seemed to be so well trained that I was glad to contact the kennel where he was trained. I asked her if she could help me in any way with more information.

There was a number on his collar, and I confirmed the number. That is when Janice was shocked that Riley had been sold against the rules and contract. Also, she was worried that he might have picked up some bad habits, that is when she asked for more information about me and my living arrangements, and we talked more. The more information we shared, the more relaxed she was, but I needed to know all the commands Riley had been given. If it were possible, could I bring him to her ranch, planning on spending a couple of days there while both of us were trained? I knew I was falling in love with him, so I agreed to head out in the morning, planning on staying for a couple of days.

That evening, when we had enjoyed a second make-out session, my arousal and need were higher than they had ever been before. Still, he wasn’t making any advancements for me, and I had no idea how to have him do more for me. That evening, after a shower, I headed to my bedroom, figuring he’d be sleeping on a large, soft rug I had by the side of the bed. Instead, he was in bed, waiting for me, lying on his side.

I normally sleep in the nude, looking at him there on the bed, my own more than a little aroused, but still unsure how far I wanted this relationship to go. Quickly dismissing this, I joined him on the bed, moving to him, my back to his body. It felt so good to be against his warm body, and I easily slipped off to sleep. I woke the next morning, enjoying a long make-out session, spiking my arousal once again, knowing it would not be long before I’d need some relief, but we had a couple of hours drive to his kennel, so I showered, the two of us were in the car on our way.

I am a fairly good-looking woman with a good figure, blonde hair, nice-sized breasts, and larger-than-average nipples that remained hard most of the time. That coupled with the fact I am a confirmed lesbian, I was pleasantly surprised when Janice turned out to be a scorching redhead with a total killer body and tits that begged to be played with.


As soon as the car stopped in front of her home, Riley was so excited to see her. The two of them hugged, and then two extremely good-looking younger ladies greeted him, leading him to the kennels located in the back of this large property, much larger than mine.

Janice then greeted me. “I’m so glad you were able to come and visit us. The girls will start checking out Riley while you and I get acquainted. Please come in and have something to drink.”

Following a total fox dressed in a skimpy outfit, showing how large her boobs were and how good she was looking, I guess I was so excited.

Fixing me a drink, we sat close to each other. “So tell me, what made you call me after you had some private time with my dog?”

I told her of our kissing, how much I had enjoyed it, and feeling somewhat embarrassed about how horny I was from the time with him.

Moving closer to me, running her hand along my bare legs. “Well, I can help you with the tension he built up inside you, but you need to know we train dogs to take complete care of the needs of his Mistress.”

Then she leaned in, kissing me on the neck.

Then she said, “But you will need to know what to tell him to have him help you. By rubbing his head, it told him you needed to kiss him. The more you kissed him, the more he needed some relief, also. My staff is taking care of him now, but his saliva is a drug we introduced to him when we first began to train him when he kissed you. The drug has taken away all of your inhibitions, as well as continually making you aroused and horny at all times.”

She moves her hand to my pussy, rubbing her hand over the panty-covered area, making me moan and writhe under her onslaught. The panties are soon removed, and she eases two fingers up inside me, making me hump her hand. The need to cum, to get some relief is all that matters now.

Before I know what is happening, a second young lady joins us, coming up from behind, easily taking hold of both of my breasts, massaging them, playing with my nipples, and kissing me on the neck and my mouth with a lot of passion and desire. I have never experienced anything like this before. My whole body desperately needed some relief. I was on the verge of begging them to let me cum, but this was not the first time they had prepared a lady for the next stage. So when I was as close to cumming as possible, they led me out to the kennels. As soon as we entered, one of the big males greeted me.

Sometime between my arrival and now, all of my clothes had been taken off of me, so his head went directly to my pussy, his long rough tongue making contact with my body; my eyes rolled up in my head, legs spread wide apart. The second lick caused my legs to give out. Someone helped me down on a large ottoman type of furniture, a heavily padded carpet, which helped me kneel on it comfortably. The big K9 was again behind me, licking me, making my lips separate as the next ones rolled over my leaking opening. His tongue curled into a type of a ball, pushing up inside me, pumping it in and out, my head coming up off the surface, screaming, as the much-needed orgasm washed over me.

But before I could enjoy the afterglow of this, my beautiful companion had no intent on letting me relax. Instead, he kept on licking, pumping his tongue in and out of my now over-sensitive pussy, bringing on a second wave of pleasure. Just as that one was upon me, he stopped, jumped up on my back, plunged his massive cock deep inside my pulsating pussy, and began to fuck me, not like most dogs do, fast and furious, but slow and steady, building to a much bigger explosion.

Normally I would be doing anything to get a dog’s cock out of me. But for some reason, this felt so good, and I needed the release so much. Dropping my head, I enjoyed it so much when suddenly I could feel his knot against my opening.

This was the first time since I kissed Riley that I was having second thoughts. Somewhere in my mind, I knew the pain would be unbearable, so no matter how much under the dogs’ influence, I was. I tried to get away, pushing back on him, trying to reach around and get from under him. Just then, a second dog began to kiss me. It only took a few seconds, and my eyes rolled up in my head. The enjoyment of him kissing me made everything seem fine now.

The knot slipped in, and the pain was intense, but as soon as it was in me, it hit directly on my magical g-spot, causing a massive explosion of my juices again. Before I could thoroughly enjoy what had just happened to me, his warm cum flooded my pussy area, sending a new wave of pleasure all over my body. He kept pumping load after load of this warmth. Finally, much too fast, I could feel his knot shrink in size, enabling him to pull out of me, leaving a terribly empty feeling in me.


Janice and one of her assistants helped me back into the house to get a shower. I then joined her in the family room, where a much-needed drink was waiting for me. I sat down and picked up my drink.

“Thank you, Janice, that was quite the experience. Now, I know how valuable Riley will be to me. Please tell me the commands I will need to enjoy what he can do for me completely.”

The commands were simple, ‘Lick my pussy Riley and mount me, Riley.’ He was also trained to lick my breasts as well as anywhere else I needed his tongue.

Since I had planned on spending an additional day, Janice and I enjoyed a complete afternoon in her bedroom before returning to the kennel. I got to know another one of the pets they had trained.

After loading Riley back in my car, Janice walked me out. “Much of our business is a referral, so if you find someone who could enjoy our specially trained dogs, please let Riley kiss them, and then we can take it from there.”

Smiling, I said, “Knowing my lesbian desires will not be slowed. I’m sure I’ll be sending you more business.”

Riley gave me a deep and passionate kiss. Then we settled in for a long trip home.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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