Our House Sitter, Jack

By Chase Bush

Jack is eighteen, kind of skinny but cute with blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He had been cutting our lawn and washing our cars for two years, every weekend. When I say ours, I mean Larry my partner and me, we’re two gay men in our forties. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not into twinks. Dogs, yes, twinks, no. We have a black Labrador called ‘Brut’ who loves to fuck us. He has a huge cock and fucks either of us almost every day.

We also have a hot tub in our home and often sit in it and later jump out to let Brut fuck one of us.

We always made sure when Jack is around, we never let Brut in the same room. Jack would often come into the house for a drink, while we often were in the Hot tub he would come over and chat. I lost count as to how many times we invited him to jump in, he always blushed and said no. Shame I wanted to see his package, and Larry and I had a bet whether he’s uncut or not. Jack never minded if we walked around naked in front of him.

One weekend we went away to a party. Jack would be staying over and looking after Brut and our home. We left him plenty of food, some DVD’s and gave him the run of the house. We told him not to touch our beer though. We also have security cameras we can access anywhere on a tablet. Late Friday night we’re in our hotel room and Larry turned on his tablet to check on the house and Jack.

“Oh, looks as if Jack is going to use the Hot tub,” Larry said and smiled.

I came over, sat, and watched. We turned up the volume. Jack had some rap music blasting out. “My god, he has the music loud,” I said.

“You’re just old,” Larry Joked.

We both stopped talking as Jack undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. He’s wearing briefs and seemed to have a nice package. He then picked up a bottle of beer and took a mouthful.

“Damn, I knew I should have hidden the beer, I hope he only has one,” I said.

Larry is silent, his eyes fixed on the screen as Jack slipped his thumbs under his waistband and pushed down his briefs. He is uncut, maybe three-and-a-half-inches soft, some nice hairs around his cock. He seemed to have very large balls for such a small framed guy. He stepped into the hot tub and slowly sat. For ten minutes nothing happened, he fooled around in the bubbling water, floating and dunking himself under.

Finally, he got out and is sporting a boner. He is maybe five-and-a-half-inches, thin, but very upright, it almost is level with his thin stomach.

“That’s better…” Larry said to the screen. “Now, how about you jerk it off for us.”

No such luck, Jack went to the kitchen and came back with another beer. His face red as the water is clearly too hot for his thin body. He knelt on the step and slumped his chest on the edge of the tub. One hand holding his beer, the other he let his fingers flick the bubbling water.

“Oh shit,” we said in unison.

He had let Brut into the Hot tub room. Brut is soon sniffing Jack’s body, then went straight for Jack’s arse.

“Cut it out, that’s dirty,” we heard Jack say pushing Brut away.

Brut did not give up, he kept on trying to lick Jacks arse and balls. Something changed in Jack, he must have felt Brut’s tongue on his balls and seemed to enjoy it. He pushed his ass out and let Brut lick him. Jack put his beer down and started to jerk his cock while Brut licked him.

“Omigod, we have to call him, Brut may mount him,” I said.

Larry nodded and grabbed his cell phone and dialled our home. We could not hear it ringing on the screen, but he had the music too loud. So we sat opened mouthed, hoping Brut would stop or Jack would quickly cum and jump back in the hot tub, safe from Brut.

Jack is enjoying it, he is frantically jerking himself off while Brut rims him Then Jack made his big mistake, he looked over his shoulder at Brut because of a dog that means ‘yes’. Brut is up and on his back in a flash. He’s a one-hundred-and-fifty-pound dog, and Jack can’t be no more than ninety-pounds, no match for Brut. Instantly Brut wrapped his front paws around him and started trying to fuck him. We could just hear Jack’s voice above the music, shouting at Brut to get off.

We could clearly see Jack’s face, and there’s no doubt in our minds what just happened. Jack’s eyes went very-wide almost popping out of his head, I thought he would pass out. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. Brut had found his mark and is now inside him.

Brut started fucking Jacks arse like crazy.

Larry gasped. “He’s too small to be knotted!”

“Yeah… Brut won’t get it in him,” I said with hope.

Tears started to stream from Jack’s eyes as he eventually put his head down in defeat. Brut pulled Jack’s skinny body closer and positioned himself. Jack screamed at the top of his lungs, again and again as Brut rode him. We could hear his screams over the loud music. Eventually, when Brut moved back Jacks arse moved back with him. He was tied, knotted, locked – whatever you want to call it.

Jack smashed his hand on the edge of the tub in pain. Brut stopped moving, Jack started to scream again. Its obvious Brut’s knot is swelling even further, locking his bitch tight and getting ready for the next plan. Then it started, Brut licked Jack’s ear. He does that to us when his cock starts pumping sperm. Jack is being filled with Brut’s hot cum. Jack stopped screaming and he fell onto his elbows lifeless. Brut cocked his leg over, again another scream from Jack. They were locked arse to arse.

“Look,” Larry said, pointing.

Either semen or precum leaked from Jack’s semi limp cock. We started to pack, it’s a three-hour drive to get home, but knew we had to go back and help Jack. It took us ten minutes to pack and check out of our hotel. I turned on the tablet as Larry drove. They were still locked, Brut had dragged Jack across the room, and stood, his tongue hanging out, looking happy with himself.

Jack is still on all fours, his forehead is on the floor, and he is motionless. It’s another twenty-minutes before Brut is finally free and walked back into the kitchen. Jack curled up into a ball and cried. He was still in that position when we got home.


When we walked in he looked up at us, he no longer looked the confident young man, he looked like a boy scared and hurt.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He slowly climbed to his feet, he had red claw marks across his chest, stomach and pelvis. His cock is now limp and lifeless. I still couldn’t believe how big his balls are.

“Yeah, I fell asleep,” he said quietly. “I had a beer.”

“Or two,” Larry said, looking at the empty bottles.

Brut came to greet us.

“Is Brut okay?” I asked Jack.

“Yeah,” Jack said. “He’s fine.”

“Don’t you have any PJ’s?” I asked.

Jack suddenly realized he’s naked in front of us.

“Oh, I was gonna get in the hot tub… Is that okay?” He asked, looking at us both.

“Sure, we’ll join you,” Larry said.

Slowly Jacked climbed the step and cocked his leg over into the edge of the hot tub. Dog semen and a trickle of blood ran down his leg. He gingerly lowered himself into the water. We joined him, he seemed to have lost his shyness.

After a few minutes I put my arm around him, he moved in close for the comfort of a cuddle. Of course, I felt horny as hell and feeling his soft wet skin against me made me wonder if he had gotten off yet. I’m about to find out.


The End.

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