A Dog Act

By SSC Our house sat on a quiet street in a small town about twenty miles north of Birmingham, at that time our nearest neighbour is about a ten-minute walk away. Of course now the area is filled with subdivisions and yuppies, but at that time it is a peaceful quiet place to grow up. We had a low fence surrounding our backyard just to keep the animals from tearing up the place, but not high enough to keep anyone

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Lisa goes for a walk

By milqand Lisa, a 19-year-old college girl, had a week off from school, and she’d been up early the entire week. She lived close to the forest, so she decided to take her dog for a walk for a couple of hours. Lisa closed the door behind her and walked towards the little path at the side of the road with her dog on the leash. She played and chatted happily with her dog, a young female shepherd named Amy.

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The Flat Tyre

By Desigal It was well after midnight, and I was in my car, driving with my eyes completely focused on the road, and my mind reminding myself – don’t go above 40 mph, don’t go above 40 mph. Driving faster would have meant reaching home sooner for sure. But I was aware that I was still somewhat under the influence of alcohol I had consumed at the office party at the famed resort . I am usually very careful never

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Not How I’d Imagined It

By curiousNat I came from a strict catholic family. Raised to believe that sex belonged in marriage, between a man and woman, anything else was wrong. It had been that way in the house I grew up in for as long as I could remember, and I never once had a reason to question the beliefs being enforced onto me. I went to an all girls school, attended church every Sunday, had bible hour every night, did all my chores

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The Guide Dog

By Jenk9 I currently live in a building that does not allow pets except for Dan’s Golden Lab (Nick) because Dan is completely blind and Nick is his guide dog. When I first met Dan about 2 years ago he didn’t have a guide dog as he couldn’t afford one. Most of us who live on the third floor with Dan would help him when we could and we all got on very well with him. Since Dan lived directly

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The Rotty and the Hotty

By Tank. Part 1… It was another sunny May California weekday afternoon, like many others she had experienced for the past four years. The final bell of the school had rung for this just turned eighteen-year old high school senior, and she was on her way home. A few of her friends drove by in their Jeep to offer her a ride home, but she refused. The home was only a mile and a half away, and rather than worry

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Feeding Time At The Kennel

By Ca.Doglady.Lover I started with the pack of large male dogs that we kept penned up in the first kennel. I stepped into the huge room-like cage and carefully latched the door behind me. The dogs seemed more excited than usual, even for feeding time. I thought nothing of it however, setting the heavy bag of feed on the floor and proceeded to tear it open. “Hey! Look out dammit!” I shouted in protest as the gang of dogs closed

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The Price Of Being His Bitch

By cosminmihail Hi, my name is Carla. I’m 36 and have been married to Alex for 15 years. We have two girls and a boy: Sonia is 14, Marta is 12, and our little boy Robert of 9. We are a pretty happy family, with my husband working hard and providing for the family. Sometimes, he needs to go on business trips to other cities and even countries. We met in high school and have been sweethearts from then; little

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The Amateur Dog Catcher!

By cum_munkey69. Summer is great in Vermont for a dog lover like myself. This might not seem like something you would think about, but it has worked out quite well for me in picking up strays. When I say, ‘picking up strays’ I don’t mean the: ‘Do you come here often and what is your sign’ kind of strays. It’s more like the: ‘Come here boy, who’s your owner?’ It’s kind of a scam that I came up with about

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Janice’s Revenge

By Anon Janice heard the knock at the door and, looking out the spy hole, saw it was her so-called friend Carol. She realized she still had no idea what to say to Carol, as she was very angry with her. Steve was her guy, had been for years, and that sneaky slut Carol had crept around, flirting, enticing her man away behind her back. She wanted to face this slut for sure. Ruth, one of Janice’s co-workers, had just

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The Backyard Bitch

By Hella Barbara was feeling lonely and very, very horny this morning. As usual, her husband, Pete, was off at work. That meant all she had was her fingers to give her the relief she needed. She sprawled naked on the bed, running her hands up and down her body. She could feel her pussy swelling with arousal and her juices began to flow. Her large tits rested high on her chest, and despite their enormous size, they did not

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Not such an Angel!

By photo_wolfy Angel could not believe what she was seeing on her computer screen! The guy she was having an IM chat with was telling her to screw a dog, her dog. An honest to god four-legged dog. She shook her head in disgust; what a pervert this guy must be. Her black lab-rottie mutt named Kong had been trying to hump her leg all that day, but still. So she looked it up on Google and was blown away

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By Anon Brenda had followed the rising path as it hooked to the right. It progressed over a series of small knolls bordering the trail by wooded lots carpeted with knee-high berry bushes. The trees were placed sparsely at this section of the mountain and were mere saplings, which offered no concealment for changing clothes. There was an unusual stillness in the woods today and she knew it wasn’t resulting from heavy human activity. She sensed a vacated population of

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The Awakening of Amy

By Amy8680 My name is Amy, and I am 19 years old. Earlier this year, a horrible thing happened to me that changed my life forever. Until now, I had only ever kissed a boy, much less gone any further. I was innocent, and my body was sweet, pretty, and untouched until that day. It was a warm summer day, and I decided to walk and enjoy the beautiful weather. So I put on my new red hat and matching

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Those Dog Days of August

By Rachael Ross My life changed just after I’d turned eighteen and moved into a new life at Community College. That’s how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I’d grown up, I moved to the modest town where I was attending college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, but I wasn’t sure. But I liked art, and I was kind of good at it anyway. So those were the kind of

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That Damn Dog!

By markagnew. I was round at me mates last night and about 10pm he said he had to nip out for some ciggies as he only had a few left. He said he wouldn’t be long to just nip down to the garage and back and he left me in charge of his big ugly black mutt! Don’t ask me what breed it was all I knew was it was bloody huge and slobbered all over the damn place and

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Susie’s Zoo Submission

By bilicious The heat had finally broken, and the sun was slanting to the side as Susie walked through the thinning crowds of the animal park. It had been a fun day, meeting with her sister and nieces to have a girl’s day in the zoo, helping her forget about the craziness that was her life. David, her abusive, now ex-boyfriend, and the general anxiety of being done with college without a next step. But wandering through the large exhibits

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Buster’s Bitch

By nooneminman It was Dan’s idea to breed dogs that is, “A sure-fire way of making a bit of extra money”, as he put it, “for very little outlay.” I wasn’t convinced, “What about the rearing and vaccinations and the Vet bills?” I had asked, “Ah, don’t worry about any of that,” He said, “It won’t cost us a cent. Apart from the outlay for a good stud dog and his upkeep, that will be a pittance compared to the

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Jen’s Story

By JenK9 It was Christmas break during my freshman year in college. I finally had some time to myself after several days of parties and reunions with friends and family. Today was going to be my special day alone. Dad hadn’t returned yet from a business trip, and Mom was off doing last-minute shopping. Walking into the family room, I slipped out of my bathrobe and slid onto my old friend, the beanbag. My nipples were already red and extended,

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The Vet Nurse

By Anonymous The Vet left at four, but the clinic did not officially close until five. Becca was instructed to lock up at that time but leave the lights on and answer the phones until 6 p.m. Even though she turned the latch on the front door, the woman knew it would be hours before it was safe. Even at that, there were names on the emergency number list who could call at any time and mess things up. That

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Bunny’s Story

By DeviantAgenda Long after the ordeal, if there was such a thing as after, Bunny Rengel would blame her mother. Had her mother let Bunny have a dog, nothing would have happened. How do I know you’ll take of it, her mother had said, which, looking back, was pure irony. Do you have any idea, mother, what I’ve done to take care of a dog? Perhaps ironic as well, Bunny didn’t blame Mr. Thomas. She felt other things, certainly: hatred,

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A Dog Orgy

By Randall It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call, and nowhere to go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was quite a hot night, so I threw on a tee shirt and loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for a

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The Stray

By Kelly This is an account of an experience I had. This happened sometime after my first experience. Ben had died several years earlier, and I moved to the country. Every morning, I would run a couple of miles down the road, and a curious black lab would follow me a little way. I felt particularly naughty one morning and decided to coax him into my house. But he was not cooperating. I looked around. It was early. No one

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By Desmond Young Cindy woke to the feeling of a wet tongue brushing over her face. She opened her eyes to see Rover the pet dog licking her face with his long wet tongue. Cindy yawned as she pushed rovers roving tongue from her face. Rover stepped back and sat on the floor wagging his tail, looking at Cindy. Cindy lay there, trying not to disturb her husband who lay beside her. Cindy had a secret, one that she kept

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The Dog Pound

By FOXI2 Chapter 1: The worst Day of Her Life Mia got the news in Boston and almost passed out from shock. Her Aunt, back home in Michigan, told her that her mom was in a serious car crash and had died and to please come home. It was the worst day of her life. She packed and caught the first red-eye available. She knew she looked awful, red puffy eyes from crying always did that and of course, lack

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The Bully & his Dog!

By Bullied Victim Guess what. I’m a dog fucker. Yes. That’s true. I know you probably think that sounds unbelievable. I mean… Who in their right mind would spread their legs and offer their cunt to a dog? Okay, so maybe I’m not entirely sane. I can explain, though… At least I can try. I can make an effort to tell you how I became this shameless bitch in heat. Have you ever been bullied? I mean, bullied? I’m not

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Man raped by neighbour’s dog!

By Anon This is a true story that I feel I must share after 30 years of keeping it a secret. This is not something I can tell people face to face because it is just too shameful. But I need to get it off my chest; even to a bunch of perverts like you is better than nothing! Then maybe, at least, I can put it behind me. As I said, it happened 30 years ago when I lived

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The Barnyard Sluts

By Emily Rose I always dreaded having to stay with my Aunt Margaret. She was always so strict, and she looked the part of a stern aunt. She always wore proper herringbone tweed skirts, accentuating her long, strong legs. Her blouses were always buttoned to the top, an effort to camouflage her enormous breasts. Her long red hair was always worn in a severe bun, and I never saw her without her black-rimmed glasses. I was not looking forward to

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Not a woman’s best friend!

By Kellie C. Part 1… My name is Christine, and a dog raped me. I was thirty-two years old (I’m thirty-five now) and twelve miles east of Seattle, Washington. The only reason that I’m telling you this is because of all the stupid Internet stories floating around about how women are won over by having sex with a dog and have great orgasms and end up not only fucking them but sucking their dicks. That is such bullshit. It was

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The Horny Hiker

By Pants32 I’ll start things off by describing myself. My name is Charlie; I’m 6’4″ with red hair and blue eyes. I’m a little shy of 200 and in good shape. I’m 20 years old and live in a small town in a rural area. It was a nice, sunny day out, so I decided to go for a walk. In my hometown, we have this great new trail that goes back into a wooded area. I was wearing a

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