Sindy Loves Fridays
“Hey, Sindy! Join us for lunch?”
“Thanks for the offer, Chuck, but I will have to pass, as I have a few things to get sorted,” said Sindy, waving to her co-workers as they trooped out to lunch. The same thing happened every Friday: the whole floor of the accounting office would vanish for an hour to take advantage of the all-you-could-eat offer at the local diner.
At 30, Sindy kept her slender figure but was reaching the stage where she had to be careful as any extra calories would fly to her hips. Her blonde hair tumbled to her shoulders, and although she had never married, it wasn’t through the lack of offers. Sindy never dated in the office, and her encounters were either short holiday romances, though if she was honest, they were more about sex than romance or one-night stands on a Saturday night. Sindy considered herself bi, though I would admit that she probably leaned more towards her sex.
Sindy watched the last of them troop out before she breathed a deep sigh of relief and glancing at the clock on her PC, it showed 12:02. She knew she had until 12:59 before they would return, and as this was her Friday treat, she was determined to enjoy every last minute of it. She had already slipped her panties off when she had used the bathroom that morning and could feel her pussy twitch as she unlocked the bottom drawer of her desk and removed a large black dildo.
Laying it on the desk, Sindy lifted her skirt until bunched around her waist, sat on the towel in her bag, and lifted her feet onto the desk wide apart. Logging on to her normal porn story site Sindy searched for her favorite porn writer and began to read the latest story. These stories would dictate her weekend as many times she had tried, and often succeeded, in recreating the story. Her sexual encounters had been wide and varied over the weeks ranging from getting herself gang-banged to seducing a married woman and the fucking her in front of her husband.
Sindy squirmed in her chair as she read the plot synopsis that this story was about a young girl being seduced by an older woman and her sister. As Sindy read, she teased her pussy, and as the story got hotter and hotter, describing in graphic detail the young girl was being double penetrated by the two dykes, Sindy reached for her dildo.
Glancing at the clock, she saw it was 12:40 already and plunged the thick latex cock deep into herself, not noticing that the green light of the webcam was on. Sindy was lost in the story, and as the girl in the story came for the hundredth time, Sindy felt her orgasm burst through, causing her juices to bubble around the shaft of the dildo. Breathing a satisfied sigh, Sindy slid the dildo from herself with a loud slurp and then sucked and licked it clean before locking it away on her desk. She only had time to smooth her skirt back over her hips before the doors opened and her co-workers filed back in.
On Monday morning Sindy sat gingerly on her chair as she turned her computer on and waited for it to go through its morning wake-up. Sindy shifted a little in her chair, trying to ease the throbbing pain in her ass from the rampant sex she had enjoyed on Saturday night. With the story still fresh in her mind, she had cruised a couple of lesbian bars until she found a couple of bull dykes who were willing to re-enact the story. She hadn’t told them the story plot but the ending to which they both enthusiastically agreed. For the rest of the night, Sindy was like a rag doll between them as they tried to outdo each other with the ferocity they had fucked her holes.
Logging onto her mail account, Sindy scrolled through the mail, sorting the urgent from the important, when she came across one with the subject ‘nice show.’ Reading the mail, she laughed as she assumed it was one of the standard scam emails demanding Bitcoin for saying they had recorded her, but this was different; it was softer in tone but stressed she should at least check it out before deleting it. There was a URL link in the mail, and Sindy’s hand hovered over delete but then clicked on the link in defiance. She knew that the company’s IT department would have a check for any viruses or malicious spyware, so she had no concern but a lot of curiosity.
The website appeared on her screen with a still of a close-up of a woman’s pussy with a large dildo inserted deep into it. The face and upper body were covered by a digital timer that showed 999, but Sindy knew in an instant that the hand on the base of the dildo was hers. As she felt her mouth go dry and her heart began to race, a chat box appeared in the bottom right corner, and words appeared.
A friend: Hi Sindy, I’m glad you made it. It’s a great show, by the way, and I think it would be a shame not to share it with your co-workers, don’t you?
As Sindy watched, the timer moved from 999 to 998, and the words continued.
A friend: When the counter reaches zero, it will vanish, and all will be revealed. LOL. Oh, and the link will be sent to everyone in your corporate and personal address book.
Sindy started to type and was horrified to see her name was already there.
Sindy Slut: who r u, how do I change my name
A friend: Type properly or I will speed the timer up. As to who I am, that is for me to know and you to find out… if you can. I will set you a task. If you complete it successfully, the timer will stop for a while.
Sindy Slut: what do you want me to do?
A friend: Come back here with your mouth full of your Boss’s cum.
Sindy stared at the screen, letting the words sink in, but before she could type a reply, the chat connection was closed, and the time rolled onto 997.
She thought for a moment and then shrugged. She knew her boss had the hots for her, so maybe she might be able to make this work. Locking her workstation, Sindy travelled the 10 flights to her boss’s office, and as she did, she thought to herself that this must all be an elaborate ruse by him. Well, if that’s the case, then she would play along. Who knows, it might have added benefits in the long run.
Walking into the office, Sindy was greeted with “Hi Sindy, what can I do for you?”
“Well, Mr Jones, it’s more what I can do for you,” Sindy said as she closed the door behind herself. “Do you remember what you wanted at the last office party!” Phil Jones coloured bright red as he recalled how he had propositioned Sindy when he was quite drunk.
“I thought we had put that behind us,” said Phil, wondering where the hell this was going as he stepped out from behind his desk.
Sindy said nothing but just dropped to her knees causing him to stop dead in his tracks. He was about to ask what she was doing when the words died in his throat as Sindy deftly unbuckled his trousers and in one deft movement pulled them and his boxers to his ankles. “This is wrong Misssss,” Phil never finished his sentence as Sindy sucked him into her warm wet mouth and started to move her head back and forward.
Phil couldn’t remember the last time his wife had touched his cock, let alone sucked it, and he thought he had died and gone to heaven, as Sindy’s talented mouth worked its magic he could feel himself getting close. “Sindy be careful I am close,” Phil moaned afraid that he might cum in her mouth and cause the anger he had suffered the one only time he had dared cum in his wife’s mouth. To his shock and delight, he felt Sindy grab his buttocks and pull him deeper. With a deep groan, Phil unloaded into Sindy’s mouth, grabbing her head and thrusting in as he emptied his balls for the first time in months. Sindy had to fight back her instinct to swallow, as she actually enjoyed the taste of cum, but instead tried to retain the majority of it in her mouth.
Phil was trembling as he stood with his eyes screwed shut as he savoured the last minute when he heard the door open and close. Opening his eyes he wondered if what he had just experienced was a dream and then realising his trousers were still around his ankles hurriedly pulled them up.
Sindy waited for the lift and to her horror, Mandy from accounts was already in there. “Hi Sindy how you are?” Mandy said with her normal level of enthusiasm.
Sindy mumbled in reply, not daring to open her mouth as Mandy went on, “Did you watch Love Island last night, that Dazzler is such a liar.” As Mandy prattled on Sindy grunted her responses praying for the lift to hurry up. When it did finally arrive Sindy rushed to her cubicle not even bothering to grunt a response to Mandy’s cheery farewell.
When she got to her desk it suddenly dawned on her she had no idea what to do next so clicking on the link again she waited for the site to load then opened her mouth to show it was full of cum. The timer was showing 936 as the chatbox opened and words appeared on the screen.
A friend: Well done Sindy, that buys you 24 hours.
A new box appeared with the numbers 24:00:00 in the top right that started to spin downwards as 24 hours ticked away. Sindy watched for a moment and saw that the main timer had indeed paused she breathed a sigh of relief.
A friend: You had better swallow now
The screen flickered and went blank for a moment before her normal resting page appeared at the same time as one of her co-workers stuck his head around the side of the booth. “Hey Sindy, have you got the Abrahams file?”
Sindy realised she had no choice so swallowed deeply letting the cum slide down her throat before answering “Sure Mike” and handing him a large ring binder.
Sindy spent the rest of the day replying to emails from her boss as he tried to get her to agree to a meeting using phrases like, “he would like to discuss further collaborations” and “further integration would be mutually beneficial.” Sindy shrugged and decided she might as well reap some rewards and agreed to come to his office after the end of normal office hours.
Tuesday morning Sindy logged on with a big smile on her face. Yesterday evening had gone quite well with her boss after it started with “I would never want my wife to find out,” and ended with her bent over the desk as he fucked the life out of her. To be honest, she thought to herself, he wasn’t a bad fuck with a reasonable-sized cock and was desperate to keep it all discrete.
Logging on Sindy started work and after an hour or so she decided to check the site. Clicking on the link Sindy could see the 24-hour timer was nearing the end and the chatbox appeared with the words.
A friend: Good morning Sindy, I trust you enjoyed your fucking from your Boss last night, but no matter, let’s talk about today’s task. I think there is a problem with your PC.
Sindy Slut: What sort of problem?
A friend: the type that only Donna can sort out so best you get onto it now… Oh, and I expect to witness her orgasm from here.
At that point, the chatbox closed, leaving Sindy wondering what to do next to actually make this happen. As she thought, the timer clicked to 935.
Donna was well known around the office as a predatory dyke who flirted aggressively with all of the women, she was also an IT genius which is why the management turned a blind eye to actions they would have sacked most men for. Donna was renowned for seducing women at work and then dragging her latest conquest into the disabled stall before proceeding to either lick them to the heights of ecstasy or fuck them senseless with one of the strap-ons she had. If any of the women split up with their husbands or boyfriend, Donna would be there like a moth around a flame, and more than often, cries of passion would be heard from the disabled stall within a few days. Using the disabled stall had become known as ‘doing a Donna’ even if it was being used for its more traditional purpose. Sindy was not immune to Donna’s charms and had been in the stall a couple of times and had been thoroughly satisfied with the outcome.
Picking up the phone Sindy dialled Donna’s extension and she waited it occurred to her that Donna would have the skills to bug her PC so maybe it was her at the other end of the chatbox, but her speculation was interrupted as she was greeted by Donna’s laconic drawl.
“Hi Donna, it’s Sindy. Was kinda hoping you would be free to give us a hand with something.”
“Depends where you want the hand?” Donna laughed suggestively. It was spoken in whispers around the office that with the right partner Donna loved to use her fist deep in the other woman’s pussy and it was even rumoured that Donna loved to be on the receiving end, so Sindy chose her words with care.
“Why don’t you pop down to my cubicle and we can discuss how we can work it out,” said Sindy before adding, “and I am sure I will be able to give you a hand if you want.”
Five minutes later a dark spiky-haired face appeared around the side of the booth and Donna whispered, “let’s go see if the stall is free.”
“In a minute, but first step inside,” said Sindy smiling as she saw that Donna had already removed her rings and bracelets from her right hand leaving it free of jewellery. “Before we go there, I want to discuss things here first,” Sindy said as she looked into Donna’s eyes and slowly removed her own jewellery from her right hand placing each item on the desk.
“Here?” Said Donna breathlessly, “here in your cubicle?” Her eyes were ablaze with lust. Sindy nodded slowly and Donna lifted her short skirt to reveal a bald and naked pussy. “Fuck yeah” gasped Donna “but use your mouth first,” and grabbed Sindy’s long blonde tresses and pulled her close to her pussy.
Sindy knew what Donna loved and started to tug at her clit as she pushed 2 fingers deep, working them in and out with fast rapid strokes. Sindy could hear people walking past, and every so often, Donna would pass a comment like she was instructing Sindy about her PC, but luckily, the cubicle sides were high enough that no one could see in unless they stood close.
Sindy lapped and teased Donna’s clit as she worked 3 then 4 fingers into her pussy, having to slow her thrusting to keep the squelching noise to a minimum. Folding her thumb into her palm Sindy pushed upwards and felt Donna nearly tear a handful of her hair out by the roots. Drawing her hand back a little Sindy formed a fist and started to fuck Donna with sharp staccato movements. There was little more than a squeak from Donna but Sindy knew she had cum by the amount of juices that flowed down her arm.
After she had removed her hand, leaving Donna panting for breath, Sindy slowly licked her fingers clean until Donna eventually spoke, “Cubicle 5 minutes,” before departing quickly, muttering under her breath about getting Big Bertha.
The screen flickered into life and showed the centre timer had stopped and the countdown clock showed 12:00:00.
Sindy Slut: Hey that’s only 12 hours.
A friend: Who said you always got 24 hours? That task was too easy, maybe the next one will be more stretching.”
With that, the chatbox closed and Sindy hurried off for her meeting with Donna and Big Bertha.
Wednesday morning Sindy logged on and went straight to the website to see to her horror that the central timer had now dropped to 513. This time Sindy opened the chatbox and typed in quickly.
Sindy Slut: I need to earn time, set me a task.
Sindy watched the cursor blink steadily and then cursed under her breath as the timer turned to 512
A friend: Where are your manners, were you not taught to say please?
To her shock, the timer suddenly jumped from 512 to 412, before she could type a response.
A friend: and I don’t like swearing
Sindy nearly screamed as the timer moved again to 311, in a frenzy Sindy typed.
Sindy Slut: sorry, sorry sorry, please please set me a task.
A friend: that’s much better, now we all know Bubba.
Bubba the janitor was legendary in the office. He was a huge man of Afro-American descent who always had a happy smiling face and kept himself to himself with very little interaction with the rest of the staff apart from a cheery hello. That was until at an office party, the one time he did socialise, one of the women asked the immortal question about whether it was true about the size of black men.
Bubba had looked at the woman slowly and then invited her to his janitorial office where she could judge for herself. Two hours later, the woman had emerged walking bow-legged with a very large smile on her face, and the legend of Bubba was born. From time to time from there on, women would pay a visit to Bubba’s office in the depths of the building to discover the truth for themselves. Cindy was no exception and had enjoyed a torrid evening or two, even measuring Bubba’s cock one night at a mind-blowing 14 inches at its fullest hardness.
A friend: now all I need from you to earn a 12-hour delay is one picture on your phone…
This was going to be too easy Sindy thought, not daring to smile in case she could be seen
A friend: … of Bubba’s cock buried to the hilt in your ass.
Sindy froze in fear, she enjoyed anal, in fact, yesterday Donna had used Big Bertha, her 10-inch dildo in her ass, but this was different, but before she could protest the chatbox died and the timer clicked to 311.
Sindy rode down in the lift to the sub-basement hoping to find Bubba was alone, conscious that until she returned with the picture the timer was steadily reducing. Without knocking, Sindy entered Bubba’s little room and the words she had rehearsed in the lift died on her lips at the sight before her.
Sat on the desk with her skirt up around her waist was Ellen from HR with Bubba gripping each ankle, slamming his cock in and out of her open pussy. Sindy could see quite clearly Bubba’s cock driving in and out, covered in white juices as Ellen proceeded to thrash her head from side to side.
“What the fuck?” Screamed Ellen in fury as she saw Sindy standing there with her mouth open.
Ellen was known as the Dragon lady around the office, at 50 she was head of HR and ruled the office with a fist of iron. Heaven help you if you got on the wrong side of her as many had found out when they thought 5 minutes late every day was fine or taking the odd roll of tape for wrapping would be OK. they soon found themselves summoned to the Dragon’s lair where they would be roasted, often before being marched out of the building.
“What are you doing here?” Ellen barked, still with Bubba deep in her pussy, though he ceased his movement.
Without thought Sindy blurted out, “I came to ask Bubba to fuck my ass.” Her words stunned Ellen to silence as she stared at Sindy in disbelief. Her shock became even greater when Sindy continued with, “and I want a picture of it,” holding up her phone as if to confirm her story.
Pushing Bubba gently backwards his snake slithered from her pussy with a loud slurping sound and quivered still hard and covered in goo. Gravity was such that his cock couldn’t rise much above the horizontal and Sindy’s gaze was transfixed as she had forgotten just how big it was.
A snapping of fingers moved Sindy’s attention to Ellen who barked, “Phone,” Realising with a start that Ellen was going to take the picture Sindy handed it over before Ellen went on, “bend over the desk, Bubba get some gel.”
Sindy bent over the desk and gripped the edges as she felt the cold squirt of gel on her anal star. She knew straight away that this wasn’t Bubba’s thick calloused fingers and twisting slightly could see Ellen had moved behind her. Ellen’s fingers were moving in and out, rotating them as she worked them around, stretching and opening her ready.
“You ever fucked a woman in the ass before Bubba?” Said Ellen conversationally as she pushed a 3rd finger into Sindy’s sphincter.
“No Ma’am’ said Bubba respectfully, “sure does look tight though.” He could see how Ellen was having to work her fingers with effort.
“Don’t worry she will stretch soon enough,” laughed Ellen and the reached over and grabbed her discarded panties before stuffing them into Sindy’s mouth.
“Something for the screaming, now I think she is ready for you,” Ellen said as she pulled her fingers out and added a final squirt of gel.
For a moment Sindy felt empty as Ellen removed her fingers and then she felt Bubba press the head to her well-gelled anal star. Despite the gel and the fingering, coupled with the juices lubricating Bubba’s cock it was still an effort for it to fit. Sindy could hear Bubba grunting as he increased the pressure and his moan, “ain’t gonna fit Miss Ellen.”
“Yes it will, now relax slut,” and with those words, Ellen bought her hand sharply into contact with Sindy’s ass cheek. The sudden shock caused Sindy to relax and at that moment Bubba’s efforts were rewarded as the head popped inside. Sindy bit down hard on Ellen’s panties as the pain shot through her body and she heard the click of the camera.
A second later Ellen’s manicured hand held the phone in front of her face showing Bubba’s black snake just inside her ass.
“Oh man she is tight” gasped Bubba as he slowly moved forward letting his cock slide deeper into Sindy’s anal passage.
Another click and the picture in front of her eyes showed Bubba was over halfway in but still with a way to go. Sindy had white lights dancing before her eyes as she heard Ellen say, “do you want more or is that enough?”
Sindy wanted to stop in some ways, yet in other ways she wanted this to continue as she felt a hand reach under her and probe at her pussy. “Well if the wetness is anything to go by she wants more,” laughed Ellen, “so don’t disappoint the lady.”
“No, Ma’am,” muttered Bubba as he pushed himself deeper and deeper.
Sindy had never felt anything go so deep and wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry or laugh when Ellen held a picture in front of her face accompanied by, “just two more inches to go.” She could feel the sweat trickling down her spine and Bubba’s strong hands on her shoulders pulling her onto his cock until finally, she felt his belly touch her ass cheeks.
“Way to go girl,” said Ellen as she clicked a final few pictures, “wasn’t sure you were going to make it. Now in case you hadn’t noticed poor Bubba here has yet to shoot his load so Bubba… fuck that pretty white ass.”
At those words, Bubba pulled back a few inches and drove home again as Sindy shouted into the gag. Each time he pulled back a little further before driving back deep leaving Sindy whimpering with pain and pleasure. At one point Sindy felt him fully leave her ass followed by a soft whistle from Ellen, “wow Bubba that ass is well open, best you fill it”
With that Bubba started to saw in and out of Sindy’s ass sending orgasm after orgasm through her body until finally with a deep guttural moan he shot his seed deep into Sindy’s bowels.
Grabbing Sindy by the hair Ellen pulled Sindy’s face close to hers and thrust the camera into her hand, “you ever breathe a word of what you have seen in here you are finished do you understand?” Sindy nodded weakly, “good girl,” said Ellen her tone softening, “now get yourself sorted and back to work, I have some cleaning to do.” Ellen dropped to her knees and started to lick and suck Bubba’s still impressive member despite it slowly becoming flaccid.
Cradling her phone like a precious antique, Sindy made her way back to her desk and uploaded the pictures. Her reward was seeing the timer stop at 247 and the twelve-hour timer start its countdown.
On Thursday morning Sindy had to drag herself out of bed and needed to soak in her big bathtub to soothe her ravaged ass before finally arriving at her office 10 minutes late. Clicking on the website she saw the timer had stopped to 92 giving her just over an hour and a half before the timer expired and the whole company saw how she spent her Friday lunchtimes. The chatbox opened.
A friend: you are late, not a good start to the day.
Sindy yelped as she saw the timer slip from 91 to 81.
Sindy Slut: please please I will do anything just stop the countdown.
A friend: anything?
Sindy Slut: yes anything I beg you.
The cursor light flashed steadily and Sindy bit her lip as the timer slipped to 80.
A friend: this is now a security issue, go and see Simon.
The chatbox closed and Sindy was confused as she said to the empty booth, “now what?”
A voice from outside laughed, “Be careful Sindy, the first sign of madness is talking to yourself.”
Sindy rushed from her station, needing to catch the night watchman Simon before he finished for the morning at 10:00. Finding him in his hut packing up his stuff after his night shift, Sindy said hurriedly, “I am glad I caught you, Simon.”
“Why is that?” said Simon, his old wrinkled face breaking into a grin at such a pretty young thing even knowing his name let alone any attention. At 61 he had been grateful to get this job to compliment his meagre service pension and try to ease the next few years until his state pension started. He looked at the young woman and waited for her to speak.
Sindy was in a panic, her mind was flicking all over the place trying to work out what to say as she stared at the kindly old man observing her with a confused look on his face. Deciding to leap straight in Sindy said in her most seductive tone, “is there anything I can do for you?… anything at all.”
At that moment the old man’s phone buzzed with a text alert which he read slowly, his mouth open with amazement and then when he read it again a broad smile appeared on his lips, “anything?” He said his voice cracking with emotion.
“Yes,” Sindy said quietly, “a blow job if you want or you can fuck me.” Slowly unbuttoning her blouse as she talked.
Simon laughed softly, “afraid my days for all that are long gone,” he paused before he went, Klaus, on the other hand, hasn’t emptied his balls in a long while.” At the sound of his name, Klaus the 5-year-old Doberman perked up before he got out of his basket and padded over to his master.
Sindy looked at the dog and tried to look shocked and reluctant but inside her pussy was churning as until last year she had been covered on a regular basis by her own, now departed, German Shepherd.
The dog’s sensitive nose picked up on the scent emanating from Sindy and his ears pricked up in attention at the same time as the cock started to show from its furry sheath.
Simon chuckled, “looks like this isn’t your first time is it?” as he recognised the signs.
Sindy blushed to her roots as she shook her head, her gaze fixed firmly on the large angry red cock that was getting bigger as it started to drip steadily.
“How long has it been,” said Simon.
“Six months,” croaked Sindy.
“And your cunt is aching for it isn’t it?” Sindy nodded as he went on, “you won’t be the first bitch he has covered but you will be his regular bitch from now on won’t you?”
Sindy didn’t reply as she was almost in a trance as she finished stripping before moving forward to stroke the dog’s head, then running her hands down its powerful flanks. The Doberman let out a sharp bark and without thinking, Sindy dropped to all fours, pressed her breasts to the cold floor and presented her ass to the air.
The dog walked slowly round as if inspecting her pausing only to sniff before moving further until finally stopping behind. Sindy shivered in anticipation before the dog’s long tongue snaked out and took a long lap from her clit, up her pussy lips and over her still sore ass. There was a deep animal moan of pleasure from Sindy as the tongue started to probe both her pussy and ass, soon having her juices flowing freely into its eager mouth.
“Mount,” came the sharp command from Simon, and Klaus rose on its back legs and began to jab, seeking Sindy’s pussy. Before Simon could issue instructions for Sindy to guide him home her slim fingers reached between her legs and her fingertips guided his cock to the promised land. Simon smiled to himself as he watched the union between a well-trained dog and an even better-trained bitch.
Klaus was a powerful and well-exercised dog with a lot of stamina and energy, all of which he was enthusiastically proving as he drove in and out of Sindy at breakneck speed. Every so often his claws would scrabble slightly on the hut floor as he shifted his balance but it didn’t reduce his pace and ferocity as he covered his new bitch.
Sindy was in heaven as the dog drove in and out, its cock warm inside her belly, the fur soft on her back as she orgasmed to his persistent fucking. With a groan of pure joy, she welcomed his knot inside feeling the first deep spurt of his seed almost before her pussy had clamped around his root. As the dog’s knot pulsed and throbbed against her g-spot Sindy squealed her pleasure as she knew this was going to be a very regular thing.
Finally, it was Friday and Sindy wondered what task she would be set today if she was honest she had more fun this week than she had for ages. Clicking on the link with excitement Sindy could feel her pussy twitching with anticipation but to her shock, the words “URL Not Found” appeared on her screen. After a couple of checks to make sure she was online and a quick visit to one of her favourite porn sites, told her there was neither a connection problem nor a censorship problem.
The morning passed slowly for Sindy as at random moments she tried the link with the same results and Sindy decided maybe whoever was behind the camera had their fun and moved on. Her thoughts were broken by her co-workers filing out for lunch and Sindy decided she might as well enjoy her normal Friday lunchtime and set her ‘menu’ for the weekend. Hell, she thought as she navigated to her normal story site, the worse that could happen is she got filmed again.
Locating her favourite author she was surprised to see her own name in the title of the latest story ‘Sindy loves Fridays’ and clicking on the link she giggled at the weird coincidence of her name and it was also Friday. As she read the opening lines she started to giggle which turned to a chuckle that soon became a gale of laughter … “As the clock on her PC showed 11:59 Sindy felt her heart start to beat faster, it was Friday at last…”
The End.
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.