Small Horses. Huge Urges.
Doing this herself was part of the agreement that her parents allowed her to have the animal. She had to take care of it herself, including keeping the place clean. The eighteen-year-old blonde didn’t mind, as long as it meant that she could have a horse. Even if it were only a miniature horse, she could not even ride.
However, cleaning out the stable was a dirty job, and because of that, she had taken off all her clothes, like she always did, and was only dressed in a blue coverall, green rubber boots, and large gray working gloves.
When the slender, blue-eyed girl got to the pen, Dirk was already waiting for her. He was used to the routine and greeted his mistress with a loud whinny.
“Hey, Dirk, nice to see you too, boy. I guess you already know what time it is, huh?” Laura said to her horse to greet the animal, and then she added, “Can we make one agreement, though? No funny stuff this time, please, you naughty boy, just let me do my work.”
Of course, Dirk usually tried to mess up Laura’s work but did not respond. The 170-centimeter tall teenager put her long, wavy blond hair in a ponytail. Then she grabbed a pitchfork and shoveled the old straw and manure from the floor. She dumped it all in the wheelbarrow that she had brought along.
When she shoveled out the manure, she took a bucket and filled it with water and disinfectant soap. It was time to scrub the walls and the floor. When she was back in pen, Dirk did his utmost best to walk in Laura’s way as much as possible. It wasn’t that he intended to be mischievous. It was just his way of getting her attention and getting her to play with him. Laura had no intention of letting him disrupt her work this time. She continued scrubbing the best she could, even if he blocked her way. Then, when little Dirk noticed that this usual trick didn’t work this time, he decided to try something else, and then he kicked the bucket with his hind legs and knocked it over, spilling all the water on the floor.
“DIRK! Knock it off,” Laura yelled, frustrated at her horse.
Then she grabbed the bucket and headed back to the tap to fill it up again. A couple of minutes later, she came into the stable Dirk acted utterly innocent, as if he had done nothing. Laura put the bucket back on the floor, took the brush, and started scrubbing again. But no sooner as she had her back turned to the bucket or she heard another kick. The eighteen-year-old turned around and saw she could get another load of water.
“Diiiiiiirrrrkkkk!” Laura hissed at her horse, clearly letting him know by the tone of her voice that she did not appreciate his behavior.
Then she grabbed the bucket and went for another fill. But this time, when she returned, she decided to place the bucket out of Dirk’s reach. She put the bucket on top of the wooden front fence of Dirk’s pen, which was wide enough to hold a bucket and high enough for him not to be able to reach it. Frustrated and insulted, Dirk gazed at the bucket, now out of reach. Then he stared at his mistress, who could continue scrubbing the pen. But then, when she was nearly done scrubbing – all there was left inside the front fence of the pen–Dirk really did it. Just when Laura bent down to start scrubbing after having cleaned the brush in the by-now rather filthy water, Dirk gave a massive kick against the fence, and the bucket, which stood directly above Laura, came tumbling down, right on top of the poor girl.
“OUCH!” Laura cried out when the bucket hit her on her back while the water poured down on her. And then she yelled: “What the? Oh my God, DIRK! Now look at what you have done! Now I’m all wet and smelly from the dirty water! You naughty, naughty animal!”
And Dirk, who understood that he had gone too far this time, quickly took a stand in one of the corners of his pen, facing away from his furious mistress. Laura, in the meantime, stepped out of the pen and considered her options.
“Okay, Laura, now what? I can either head back to the house and get new clothes or keep working in these clothes and catch a cold,” she said. Then she turned to Dirk and said jokingly, “I can also take my horse to the butcher shop and then get myself a hamster or something, or at least some animal that will not give me so much trouble.”
In the end, she came up with a compromise. It was cold and wet outside, so she didn’t feel much like walking back home in this wet coverall, even if it was only 50 meters or so to the house. She also did not feel like keeping working in this damp, smelly thing and was alone in the barn, so she decided to take off the coverall and do the rest of the work naked. She had never done that before, and she was sure it would give her quite a thrill, especially as there was the risk of someone entering the building, but she was willing to take the chance.
The coverall could then dry up, and by the time she was done with her work, it would be dry enough to put back on. Once she was back in the house, she would take a long, hot shower to get the smell off her body. All in all, it was a great plan if she said so herself.
And so Laura started to undress in the middle of the barn. She removed her rubber boots and pulled down the zipper at the front of the coverall. Then she let the blue thing slide down, off her shoulders, down her body, until the baggy outfit lay on the floor. She revealed her slender body, her medium-sized, nicely rounded breasts, and then her crotch, decorated with a rectangular patch of blond pubic hair. Now, she was ready to continue cleaning out the stable.
Completely naked, she stepped back into the pen and decided that she was done scrubbing. All she had to do now was remove some small items from the pen before she could hose the place down. And at first, she didn’t even notice. She turned her back to Dirk, who gazed at his mistress with more and more interest.
Dirk had never seen his mistress without her clothes on, and now she was suddenly naked in front of him. thanks to the water in the bucket, she even smelled a bit like a horse. He could even smell her sex, which aroused him, making his dick grow large.
At first, Laura didn’t even notice it; she was too preoccupied with her work. She was on hands and knees picking stuff up from the floor so she could hose the place down when suddenly she saw in the corner of her eye what it was that was troubling her horse.
“And what are you thinking about, you little naughty boy?” Laura said to Dirk jokingly when she saw his massive boner from the corner of her eye. Other than that, she didn’t think much of it. She had seen it before, but it did not arouse her, so she continued with her work.
She never heard him come forward, and even if she had, she still would not have suspected anything. But suddenly, Dirk stood right behind her without warning, and before Laura could react, he mounted his mistress, who was still on all fours cleaning up.
The little horse placed his front hoofs firmly on Laura’s waist, resting his weight on the poor, unsuspecting girl, who didn’t know what came over her.
“HEY! What are you doing? Dirk, get off me, you rascal!” Laura yelled in agony because she feared the hoofs might damage her, so she tried to push her horse off her, but she couldn’t.
The little animal was too heavy for the young girl to push away, and he firmly held on to her. Then Laura felt something poking at her pussy, and she only realized what kind of a vulnerable position she was in. She was naked, on hands and knees, and her horse, who was mounting her, was horny. Suddenly she understood what Dirk was doing. He wanted to mate with her! Now, had Laura been a horse-girl all her life, she loved the animals, but this went even a bit too far. Again she tried to get the animal off her back, but it wouldn’t respond. For the first time in its life, it had found the opportunity to mate with what smelled like a mare, and nothing was going to keep him from doing it.
“Dirk. NO! DON’T! Get off me!” Laura yelled and tried to kick her legs, about to scare the animal, but it made no difference.
She could feel Dirk trying to poke his dick into her pussy, and after a couple of failed attempts, he suddenly hit the jackpot. His dick, broad at the base but skinny at the head, found the entrance of Laura’s pussy, and the narrow tip had little difficulty separating the lips, which the girl frantically tried to keep closed.
“Oh God, nooo!” the young girl whined, but once the lips were separated, there was no stopping it.
Laura felt how Dirk started to hump her and how, with every hump, more of his dick disappeared into her still, dry, virgin pussy. When he reached her hymen, he just pushed straight through, which made the girl scream in pain. And with every hump, Laura could feel the animal grow bigger inside her. The more he pushed in, the more her insides became stretched. It quickly became unbearable for the eighteen-year-old.
“AAAAAAAAHHH! Aaahhh! AAAHH!” Laura screamed as Dirk violently thrust into her, trying to get all ten inches of dick into her. He even bit her on her neck like he would with a mare.
Laura hated what was happening to her, and she thought she was going to die, but then, just as she was about to pass out, something she did not expect happened. Her body started to betray her.
The inside of her pussy had now stretched out, and she had gotten used to having Dirk’s massive dick. Now that he was thrusting into her more regularly, it became more bearable and pleasurable for the girl. The rubbing of her insides started to stimulate her flesh, and Laura felt herself quickly getting hot and moist at her crotch, and this only helped to make thrusting into her easier for Dirk.
“Oh God, no!” Laura moaned, “Please don’t make me enjoy this!”
But that was precisely what was happening. Her horse’s dick inside her pussy makes her hot as hell and hungry for more. She went down on her elbows and arched her back, pushing her butt to open herself up further for Dirk to get more of his member in. She started thrusting back at him and even brought her right hand to her clitoris to stimulate herself even more.
“Ahhh! Oooh! Oh yeah! Oh, that’s it! Ooohhh! Come on fuck me, baby! Make me cum,” Laura moaned to her little horse to make him fuck her even harder. She felt herself reaching her peak.
The pressure was mounting in her abdomen, and her body began to shudder. She tightened her muscles and then came with a scream, and moments later, hot girly juices started dripping from her pussy. This drove Dirk nuts. He pushed in as far as he could, and the tip of his dick passed through Laura’s cervix, who once again screamed from agony when she felt that tiny opening stretched wide open. Then she felt the tip of her horsy’s dick grow large inside her womb, as it swelled up so that he could not even pull out anymore until he had his moment.
Again the animal kept thrusting, and despite his agony, Laura kept thrusting her ass back at him. Then Dirk neighed loudly and shot his horse cum straight into Laura’s womb.
“Aaaarrrrgghhh!” Laura moaned when she felt her womb being filled up with horse cum. It must have been a good milk bottle full and was the most incredible thing she had ever experienced.
She never wanted that feeling to end.
“Oooohhh yessss! That’s it, baby! Fuck meee! Cum in meeee,” Laura moaned to stimulate her horse to go on and do what he was doing.
But sadly for the girl, Dirk had cum inside his mistress no sooner than his dick started to shrink again. And as soon as he could pull out, he did so. He returned to his little corner of the pen and left Laura, entirely spent, stretched out, and exhausted, to collapse on the floor where he had just mated with her. Horse cum and human female juices started pouring out of Laura’s pussy, but she was too tired to do anything about it. She just lay there, trying to regain her strength and energy. Finally, after half an hour or so, she slowly crawled back on her feet and stumbled out of the pen.
She gave Dirk one last look and mumbled: “That was awesome, Dirkie! We’re going to have to do that again someday.”
Then, without even bothering to get her coverall back on, she struggled out of the barn and back to the house. She was too tired to notice if anyone had come home while she was in the barn, and she could care even less if they would see her now. She had just been fucked by her miniature horse. He had deflowered her, and it had been the best experience in her life so far. She was a real horse-girl now, and she only regretted that Dirk’s cum could not leave her with a little filly in her womb.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.