Stacy Releases Her Inner Beast

By Beastwhore.

It was a dark and stormy night in the sleazy part of the city. I was at a run-down diner in the part of town where electricity was spotty and crime rampant. Sirens were always within earshot, and police helicopters were usually overhead. My name is Stacy. I’m 5’0″, C cup, twenty-something, with long red hair, freckles, pale white skin, and green eyes. I was currently wearing just a trench coat and Fedora. I was sitting in the back of the diner, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee. Other than the waitress, I was the only person there.

My sexuality is a mystery to most, as it was to me until a few weeks ago. I hate men with a passion. I’m not drawn to women, either. I’m attracted to animals, and I decided to embrace that, which is how I ended up here. I placed an ad in the paper that those in this life would only pick up. ‘Young woman loves farm life and the peace of animals.’ I got many responses. Most were unaware of what I was seeking.

She walked in. Her name was Diana. She was an Amazon over six feet tall, with long blonde hair, rail thin, a B cup, denim jeans, and a shirt to go with her brown ankle cowboy boots. She sat opposite me, and I slid her an envelope.

She briefly checked it. “There’s more money here than we asked for. Why?”

“I’ve added a few desires. I want to be locked into stocks on my hands and knees all weekend. I want your entire kennel. I want you to drop me off at work on Monday morning naked with cum dripping out of me and exhausted. I want to be carried out of the kennel. I want it recorded for blackmail later.”

She poured herself a cup of coffee. “People usually don’t ask for blackmail, but we do it. Tell me more.”

I exhaled a puff of smoke towards the ceiling. “This weekend is dogs only. After that, I expect you to call me at all hours of the day or night and have me drive somewhere to have animal sex. You choose the place, time, and animals, but I’m always treated as one of them. If I’m with dogs, I’m in a kennel. If I’m with pigs and look forward to that, I’m in the mud with them. Same with goats, horses, bulls, and any other beast you can think of. I’m a whore from here on out. Treat me as such. I want all of it recorded, with no exceptions. I don’t know how long it will take, but it will be a fun ride.”

“Usually a few months. One of my whores made it a year. You know that eventually, you will be exposed, right? You’ll blow a deadline for some reason, and I will have no mercy. I won’t care about you getting fired, or you about to be divorced, or disowned by your family. Even if you don’t blow a deadline, you’ll eventually run out of money.”

I crushed out my cigarette and lit another. “Yes, I’m counting on it. I’ll probably have to leave the country and go somewhere and do this for a living. One more thing: no human contact. Ever. All my future money to you will be dropped at the site where I’m to be fucked. I don’t want to see another human.”

“People are paying to see this. It’s part of my profits.”

“I know. They can see, but I don’t want to see them. They can be behind curtains or watching TV. I’m giving you 10K for this weekend. How much are you making off people watching?”

‘Another 10K, easy. People pay money for live performances.”

“That’s 20K for every encounter with me. That’s more than enough to buy some distance from other humans.”

She nodded. “Fair enough. As I asked, did you take the fertility pills the last few weeks?”

I nodded. “Yes, but I don’t understand why. I can’t get pregnant from animals.”

She chuckled. “That used to be the case, yes. You’re not my only whore. Many women need this. Some want to breed. We’ve had labs overseas working on ways to bridge the DNA gap between us and animals. It’s hit or miss, but it has been known to happen.”

My nipples got hard just from her saying it.

She pulled a video camera out of her purse and put it on the table. “Now, before we go further, I want you to say who you are and what you want for the record. After that, you lock your keys in your car, I take you to the ranch, and my dogs pound you into submission. No mercy.”

“So that you know…” She began. “Most women who do this don’t return to men. You should also know it doesn’t end well for them. Humans don’t take too kindly to women that fuck animals.”

I smiled. “I don’t consider myself human. That’s what you’re not getting. I don’t just hate men. I hate humans. I want every animal cock you can find, regardless of the danger.”

“I understand now. This weekend you’re a bitch. Next time, you’re a sow. The time after a cow. By the way, I’m also hooking you up to a milking machine, whore. I was going to ask, but since you wanted blackmail.”

I quickly teased my hair for the camera. “I like that.”

After a short yet candid interview, in which I gave my full name and didn’t hide my face, I was escorted to her farm. Within minutes of my arrival, I stripped and was put into stocks on my hands and knees. I looked at Diana and said, “Let’s skip the oral, shall we?”

I heard her voice over a speaker. “This time, yes. Next time you will suck animal cock and enjoy it for the cameras. Oh, and I’ve been giving my dogs Viagra.”

I heard the clamor of paws on concrete behind me. He wasted no time and mounted me like the bitch in heat I was. He slid straight in. I gasped for air as he pushed…he was thicker than any man I’ve ever had, and I could see why women didn’t return to men after this. He fucked me hard and fast as an animal should. He was so fast that it was hard to breathe to keep up with him. All I could do was gasp and breathe heavily as he used me.

“How does it feel, whore?”

My nipples were hard, my clit throbbing and I could see the milk flowing from me into hollow tubes and a jar. “YES!” I screamed. “YES! I fucking LOVE IT!”

“How does his cock feel? Tell us.” She said.

“He’s full! FUCK, he’s so full! He’s long…longer than any man I’ve known…he’s not wasting time. I love that!”

And then it happened. The moment I heard about it, he knotted me.

I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain and pleasure. I felt like I was going to split in half. I don’t know how my body took him, but I did.

“HOLY FUCK!” I screamed. I heard laughter from behind the walls all around me. “I… FUCK! He’s… FUCK! SHIT. SHIT. SHIT!”

“How’s he feel, whore?” Diana asked, laughing hard.

I had to concentrate on answering. It was all I could do not to scream. “FUCK! I’m cumming!”

Usually, orgasms in women build slowly and come in waves. This one hit me like a truck! I dug my nails into the ground and pushed against him. I lowered my head and drove back towards him.


Diana walked out in front of me naked. She put a ball gag in my mouth and strapped it on tight. “My clients want to see you drool for the rest of your time here. We’re just getting started. Monday is far off, and you’re not getting any breaks.” She showed me a butt plug with a tail on it. “Since you want to be an animal…” She walked behind me and inserted it into my ass. “Now, when we drop you off naked in front of your office Monday morning, you will NOT take the plug out. If you do, I expose you, and you don’t want that yet.”

I nodded as my eyes rolled back in my head. All the muscles in my body locked as I came again on his cock. I wasn’t the only one. I could feel him flooding my pussy with his sperm, but he never broke pace. He didn’t shove in and hold it like humans. He worked my pussy hard.

“He’ll take another ten minutes to unknot, but then we give you another, whore. The line between getting pregnant and not seems to be wanting it. The drugs will let you if you want them, so you must choose your beast. Dogs this time, pigs next time.”


The End?


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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