Stumbling into Beastiality

By Tracy Trouble.


It started by accident. We aren’t exactly a couple of nuns but neither of us
had expected to plumb the depths of depravity which we now had.
To use a colloquialism we were MILFs, my friend Mary and I. Both in our
forties, both mothers. I am divorced, Mary is in a lovless and sexless


We’d met, bonded, and led each other into a sexy lifestyle.


I could tell you about that journey but that’s not why you’re here is it? You
want to know how we plumbed those depths I mentioned.


As I say, it started by accident. We were taking sexy photos of each other at a
mutual friend’s house when her dog came to investigate the shrieks of
laughter coming from the lounge. Mary and I had been playing. Do I need to
spell out what that entailed? No, I thought not. We were both well wet. Still
dressed but with knickers soaked through. The dog picked up the sexy aroma
and made a beeline for my crotch. Its head disappeared up my skirt. Its nose
firmly plugged into the moisture and scent leaking into my knickers. A tongue
that wasted no time in lapping at my knickers. I shrieked and Mary roared
with laughter. “Ha. Lucky you. Bet his tongue techniques better than Simon’s.”
Simon was her husband. It was so long ago that they’d last had sexual
relations (fucked, to put it bluntly) it surprised me she could remember.
“Best find out then,” I replied. It was the alcohol, your honour. I wouldn’t have
done it if I wasn’t a bit tipsy. Which may, or may not, have been true, but even
through my knickers the dog’s tongue was sending libido inducing messages
to my brain. Without much conscious thought, I pulled my knickers aside. Oh
my god! The roughness of his tongue against my sensitive lips had an
immediate effect. It galvanised my juice producing department into overdrive.


I leaked more. The dog lapped more. If you’ve never experienced a dog
giving your cunt a good lick, then I doubt I’ll convey the sheer erotic sense.
Erotic tinged with depravity. Tinged! Who am I kidding? The taboo nature of
what was happening to me doubled the effect of his tongue. I lost control. My
eyes closed. My head went back. I came. An explosion rivalling Vesuvius.
Mary’s laughter and giggles had stopped. It had ceased being funny. I had a
brief concern Mary would think what I had just done, allowed to be done, too
perverted. I wass wrong. Through my post-climax haze, I saw her pull her
knickers off and come and sit beside me on the sofa. The dog’s appetite for
my juice seemed unabated. My climax had not interrupted his gorging on my
juices. Oh, that a man would or could lick with such intensity for so long.
Mary was now fingering herself with one hand and stroking the dog with the
other, trying to encourage him to pay her pussy some attention. I was fast
racing towards another climax. Unbelievable. But Mary needed to experience
this before our canine friend tired of drinking.


I eased him off my dripping cunt, much to his displeasure, and pushed him
between Mary’s legs. It took no time for him to locate the second honeypot
and get plugged in.


My friend’s reaction mimicked mine. His first slurp of tongue across her lips
procured a long, low moan from my friend. His continued lapping produced
continual cries. Almost sobs. Her climax was quick, too. When I realised it
was coming, I wondered how the dog would react. She’s a squirter when
excessively aroused, and that was definitely the case now. I hoped the dog
would enjoy being sprayed as much as I did when I was in the line of fire.
Mary’s hips bucked and there it was. A torrent, spraying into the dog’s face
and across the room. He tried to catch it as dogs do playing with water from a
hose, but it seemed to break the spell our crotches had over him. He got
down and wandered off. Perhaps for some water to quench his thirst?
Our descent from our highs took a while. We were both shell-shocked from
what we’d done.


We have experienced most forms of sex with both men and women, including
our daughters, but this! This was altogether different. Whether what had
happened constituted sexual relations that triggered law-breaking I didn’t
know. But I knew it was irrelevant. There was no way I was not going to do it
again. To go further. To experience the ultimate. When we were both calmer,
we talked about it. Was it depraved? Yes. Perverted? Yes. Taboo? Yes. Would
we do it again? Oh yes! Both of the same opinion.


The next time, we decided, would get serious. And it did.


It took us a while to set it up, to find the right dog. One that was docile enough
to accept what we had in mind. We’d agreed that it had to be clear the dog
was enjoying it, not that we had any idea how we could coerce a dog into
getting a hard-on if it didn’t want to.


A friend of mine is a dog sitter, and I volunteered to help her out when she
was busy. That provided our next friend.


The thought of where this would lead had us both on edge, desperate for it to
happen, but nervous.


We stripped naked this time and warmed each other up with our fingers while
the dog lay in his basket. Once we were dripping, Mary went over to the dog,
squatted down in front of him, legs wide, and put her fingers in front of his
nose. Fingers that, until seconds before, had been working hard in my vagina.
His head came up and licked them. His tail wagged. Mary moved her hand
closer to her pussy. He got up and stepped out of his basket to follow the
hand and found the source of the scent. His tongue started its magical work
on my friend. I crouched down next to him and stroked him. First his head,
then down his back, then under his chest, and finally around his cock.
That first touch. Deviant. It sent shivers through me. Entering unfamiliar
territory. Depraved taboo territory. It was one thing having him lick us.
Naughty but erotic. To actually encourage him to get hard and then do things
with his erect cock was something else. But something we both knew had to
happen. We needed this depravity in our lives. Why is not for this story but
that need overwhelmed any concerns about the taboo or indeed illegal nature
of what we were about to do.


My touching his sheath (I don’t know if that’s the right word for a dog. As is
obvious, we were new to this.) had the effect we wanted. His cock extended.
Bigger than I’d imagined. Not that either of us had ever been this close to a
dog’s cock before.


Mary had starting making noises. Best described as a mewling sound. Her
head was back, her eyes closed. We’d not planned the next move. Probably
in our hearts, we didn’t think we’d get this far, but as my friend appeared
content (understatement!) I didn’t discuss it. I put my hand out and felt his
penis. Shit! I felt as though I’d touched a live wire. My body reacted to the
obscenity of what I was doing. There was no feeling of disgust. Quite the
reverse. I held the cock in my hand. Wanked it gently. The dog didn’t object. If
anything, his licking of my friend’s cunt intensified. My touching him was
turning him on! Just like a man. I wanted to go further, to suck him at the very
least, but Mary needed to experience this too and I was desperate for his
tongue to pleasure me. I didn’t want him coming yet. Unlike Mary, who was
now in the throes of a gigantic orgasm. Her gushing juices sprayed both the
dog and me and I used the moment to swing the dog’s head around to my
cunt. Oh joy. The effect was instantaneous. I wondered how Mary had lasted
so long.


His tongue was every bit as good as the other dog’s had been. I don’t
suppose their techniques vary as much as men’s oral abilities seem to.
He was excited. His erect penis confirmed that. He wanted to fuck me,
scrambling to get his cock nearer my cunt. His claws sratching my legs and
torso. The pain increasing my pleasure. His licking had stopped, but the effect
lingered. Could I let him go all the way?


Mary had calmed enough to see his cock and wanted action. She managed
to hold his cock, not easy as he continued to try to get it in my cunt. She
began wanking. Too much for our canine friend. He came. I felt the stream of
semen on my leg. The sensation was enough to trigger me. I came too. Long
and glorious and satisfying.


Our inexperience was clear. We’d have to be more careful next time. And
believe me there would be a next time.


The End.


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