Lab Assistant

PuppyLoverDawn It was my first week being on my own at the lab and I was pretty excited. I graduated with a Masters Degree in biology and have been studying genetic abnormalities in primates, specifically spider monkeys. I got a job here at the Glaxxon Research Institute 2 months ago. Over that time I have worked under the close supervision of Dr. Gustov Gurgleburgle. He is a nice man, but with a thick accent that I can’t quite place and…how

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The Awakening of Blair Fortner

By Anonymous Part 1… Blair Fortner leaned over her open suitcase and let her strawberry blonde mane cascade down over her shoulders and hang in her way. She was used to working through that veil of hair. But she was going to have to figure out something to do with it now. African weather was notoriously humid, especially where she was going. The intense heat and humidity wouldn’t go too well with long, damp hair. There was jungle rot to

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