One Mistress. One Beauty. Two Beasts.

By SilkMoon. “We’re going to miss you,” I said. The short busty blonde gathered the last two bags and glanced at the waiting car. I’ll miss you too.” the blue-eyed young girl replied. “And the Boys. I learned so much. I just have to take this job. You understand.” “Of course. Your obligation has ended.” “Thanks for everything,” she said, turning and walking down the path to the car. The Boys stood on either side of me, watching her go.

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Dog Sitter Comes to Visit

By Risandtylersexscapades. As Esmerelda punched her code into the glowing screen mounted to the thick wooden door at the top of the marble flight of stairs, she wondered how much it must have cost. The door, the security system, the stane work, all individually seemed more expensive than her entire family home. Just as she walked through the immaculate vestibule, her phone dinged, “Right on time! Thank you, dear! The boys are waiting! Buxter and Charlie are in the drawing-room

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My Wife is a Dog’s Cumhole

by 1843 My wife and I offered to take care of our friend’s apartment and dog sit for them while they were gone out of town a couple days. We’d known Mark and Nicole for a few years now. They were good friends. I worked with Mark but Nicole and my wife Miriam had become close too. We’d been to their house many times and met their big shepherd dog Zeus as well. He was big and friendly and we

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Innocence Enslaved

Something Nasty. Emily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding… had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That’s when she realized she wasn’t in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake. She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed

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Mother/Son Camping Trip

tw_holt Part 1 The Arrival… “Yes I think that’ll do it,” Trina said, sitting the last of the miscellaneous camping supplies on the counter. The cashier sorted and scanned the trail mix, flashlight, bottled water, and lighter – items Trina and her son forgot to pack for their four night camping trip in the mountains near Ashville, North Carolina. The cashier glanced at Trina’s chest, covered by a white tank top, then quickly away to avoid getting caught. She paid

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