Comstock Meats Hannah

By TS Stag. I had just finished putting the finishing touches on Comstock’s new house and put the cedar bedding inside when he was out in the backyard. He could get in and out of whatever weather we had. We had a beautiful early summer day, 74 degrees, with only a few high clouds drifting by. I had the lawn chairs set up under the popup and was enjoying an orange soda when my phone buzzed. It was Hannah. “Hi

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Bitch Tales

By Puppy Foxy I woke up to a stabbing pain in my head, my mouth so dry, and my throat sore as well. Looking about, frightened, not knowing where I was, all I saw were padded grey walls, a dim light above me on the ceiling, too far to reach. Even if I could stand up, this did not happen when I attempted to. In horror, I saw that my designer jeans were gone, as was my baby doll tee

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One Mistress. One Beauty. Two Beasts.

By SilkMoon. “We’re going to miss you,” I said. The short busty blonde gathered the last two bags and glanced at the waiting car. I’ll miss you too.” the blue-eyed young girl replied. “And the Boys. I learned so much. I just have to take this job. You understand.” “Of course. Your obligation has ended.” “Thanks for everything,” she said, turning and walking down the path to the car. The Boys stood on either side of me, watching her go.

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