Mom’s Donkey Urge 3

Mom’s Donkey Urge 1Mom’s Donkey Urge 2 ***** Chapter 3… Michelle Warden heard her husband’s footsteps on the steps and then moving across the porch, and she wondered why his gait sounded so unsteady. He seemed to be staggering. She hoped he hadn’t driven himself to the point of exhaustion as he chopped the firewood. Then he entered the cabin, and she saw why his stride had been unsteady. It was anything but exhaustion. His hard-on was so huge that

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Mob Girl

FOXI2 She stood before her husband as he demanded, aware of her near nakedness. Jack sat before her, studying her as if inspecting a slave instead of a wife. As requested she wore only a miniscule thong and a top that barely covered her large breasts that he loved. He said that they were the firmest, perkiest tits that he had ever licked. Cora remained still knowing his temper was easily set off and she always obeyed him. She was

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Jenny’s New Life

doggydt2 Jenny struggled slowly against unknown bonds as she started to awaken. Her legs, arms, and seemingly her entire body is being held securely in place. She opened her eyes, but it’s obvious she’s blindfolded. She couldn’t even yawn, as there seemed to be a gag in her mouth. She swallowed and realized it’s not a standard gag, but a gag with a dildo attached, which felt as if it’s an inch or two into her throat. Even her head

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The Gringa Tourist

HoraceHart Gringa: Noun, slang term (Usually disparaging or offensive), a foreign girl or woman in Spain or Latin America especially when of Caucasian origin; broadly, a non-Hispanic girl or woman — feminine form of gringo. ***** My friend Don is a rather odd chap, or at least he was when we were in college together. He seems to have settled down now, at least outwardly. To his friends he can still be a bit, well, odd and occasionally, after we’d

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The Show

JimH8189 ( My husband John and I, are a very open couple that have been active in our swinging community for several years. So when our group started planning a weeklong vacation to Mexico last summer, we were very excited about the idea. The thought of playing on the beach in the summer breeze sent deliciously naughty thoughts through my mind. Little did I know this trip would forever change my life? Reservations were made at a very exclusive resort

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