That Damn Dog! (Gay Zoo)

By markagnew. I was round at me mates last night, and about 10 pm, he said he had to nip out for some ciggies as he only had a few left. He said he wouldn’t take long to nip down to the garage and back, and he left me in charge of his big ugly black mutt! Don’t ask me what breed it was. All I knew was it was bloody huge and slobbered all over the damn place, and

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Susie’s Zoo Submission

By bilicious The heat had finally broken, and the sun was slanting to the side as Susie walked through the thinning crowds of the animal park. It had been a fun day, meeting with her sister and nieces to have a girls’ day in the zoo, helping her forget about the craziness that was her life. David, her abusive, now ex-boyfriend, and the general anxiety of being done with college without a next step. But wandering through the large exhibits

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Buster’s Bitch

By nooneminman It was Dan’s idea to breed dogs that are: “A sure-fire way of making a bit of extra money,” as he put it, “for very little outlay.” Well, I wasn’t convinced. “What about the rearing and vaccinations and the Vet bills?” I had asked. “Ah, don’t worry about any of that,” he had said. “It won’t cost us a cent, well, apart from the outlay for a good stud dog and his upkeep, but that will be a

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The Vet Nurse

By Anonymous. The Vet left at four, but the clinic did not officially close until five. Becca was instructed to lock up at that time but leave the lights on and answer the phones until 6 p.m. Even though she turned the latch on the front door, the woman knew that it would be hours before it would be safe. Even then, there were names on the emergency number list that could call and mess things up. That did not

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The Dog Slut

By Pants32 ( Everyone thought that Meghan was just your average 18 year old, but she was anything but average. The first thing to know was that she was far from virginal. Not many guys, but plenty of experimentation. Her favorite thing to do was to use her dildo on her tight little asshole and plunge it deep up inside herself. Not such a unique choice of vice by any stretch of the imagination, but that wasn’t the exciting part.

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Bunny’s Story

By DeviantAgenda ( Long after the ordeal, Bunny Rengel would blame her mother if there was such a thing as after. Had her mother let Bunny have a dog, nothing would have happened. How do I know you’ll take of it, her mother had said, which, looking back, was pure irony. Do you have any idea what I’ve done to take care of a dog? Perhaps ironic as well, Bunny didn’t blame Mr. Thomas. She felt other things, certainly: hatred,

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A Dog Orgy (Gay Zoo)

By Randall ( It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to go, so I decided a nice long walk might help. It was quite a hot night, so I threw on a tee shirt and some loose shorts. There is a park fairly close by me that I decided to go to and walk around for

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The Stray

By Kelly This is an account of an experience I had. This happens some time after my first experiences. Ben had died several years earlier and I moved to the country. Every morning I would run a couple of miles down the road, and a curious black lab would follow me a little way every morning. One morning, I felt particularly naughty and decided to coax him to my house. But he was not cooperating. I looked around. It was

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By Desmond Young. Cindy woke to the feeling of a wet tongue brushing over her face. She opened her eyes to see Rover the pet dog licking her face with his long wet tongue. Cindy yawned as she pushed Rover’s roving tongue from her face. Rover stepped back and sat on the floor, wagging his tail, looking at Cindy. Cindy lay there, trying not to disturb her husband beside her. Cindy had a secret, one that she kept from her

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The Dog Pound

By FOXI2 Chapter 1: The worse Day of Her Life Mia got the news in Boston and almost passed out from shock. Her aunt, back home in Michigan, told her that her mom was in a serious car crash and had died and to please come home. It was the worst day of her life. She packed and caught the first red-eye available. She knew she looked awful. Red puffy eyes from crying always did that and, of course, lack

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