The Night of the Bigfoot

By ElliAus/kangaroo08. Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight, she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts of fantastic scenarios, both romantic and fearful. Every continent around the world seemed to have its own stories of large hairy ape-like animals that inhabit the deepest forests

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Rain Bride

By TemporaryBarnacle. Nailah awoke before dawn, rising from the simple mat of woven reeds that served as her bed. She removed her nightclothes, standing naked in the cool air. Retrieving the box that lay at the foot of her bed, she ran her fingers over it reverently. It was solid wood, already an extravagance in the desert, and inlaid with strips of ivory and gold. She had never owned something so fine, and while the temple certainly wasn’t lacking tribute

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