A New Place Opens Up Possibilities

By Michelle M. Ever since I visited a friend’s home in grade school, I’ve wanted a home in the country, away from people and just a few animals to take care of. The summers were spent at Jenny’s home when I could get permission. We’d help with the animals, do various chores, gathering in the evening for a nice dinner her mom always had prepared. That was also the place where I first learned about sex. The animals were always

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The Bestiality Cruise – Part 1: The Cat

Barbie Lez Prologue “Are you fucking kidding me?” was my reaction when my mother informed me that every single one of my female relatives had gotten together and offered me a five-day cruise for my eighteenth birthday. The only downside was that they were coming along for the trip. But that was fine, because I had been so busy with my studies that I had barely spent any time with them at all. It would be like a five day

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