Hypnotic Suggestion

By Nats99. Natalie flipped the bed covers off her head in frustration. “Jen, it’s late. Can we please turn off the light?” “Just a few more pages,” her sister Jenny insisted, thumbing over to the next chapter. Natalie gave an exaggerated sigh. She didn’t normally mind sharing a bedroom with her older sister, but her habit of staying up late curled up with a book was a common source of dispute between the two otherwise close siblings. “What’s so fascinating

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Sisters In-Heat

JenK9 Hi, my name is Emily and I’m eighteen years old. I just finished high school and still live with my parents and two sisters (Megan and Alley – twenty year old twins – college students). I turned eighteen February last year, and my sisters kept asking me if I had sex yet since I’m old enough. Eventually I admitted to being sexually active since I was sixteen. It came as no surprise as they also started around that age.

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