From A Spark To A Blaze

By JenK9. I was 27 years old when the following transpired. ***** I had been running my new business for under a year and had no time to get to know women from being so busy, so I was single and lived alone with my Boxer (Blaze). I’m happy and love my new business, which is beginning to thrive. I left for work earlier than most people and followed the same daily route. I usually finished working around six pm

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An Unfaithful Wife

By silkythighs Part 1… Robert is a happily married man, or so he thought. Robert is thirty-nine, he and his wife Jessica who’s thirty-four, have three wonderful children. They’ve been married for six-years, so they have a child every two years. Robert came from a large family. Growing up with four sisters and three brothers. Robert’s mother, Eleanor, is also from a large family. So Robert is intent to keep up the ‘family tradition’ and have lots of kids. Family

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