One Mistress. One Beauty. Two Beasts.

By SilkMoon. “We’re going to miss you,” I said. The short busty blonde gathered the last two bags and glanced at the waiting car. I’ll miss you too.” the blue-eyed young girl replied. “And the Boys. I learned so much. I just have to take this job. You understand.” “Of course. Your obligation has ended.” “Thanks for everything,” she said, turning and walking down the path to the car. The Boys stood on either side of me, watching her go.

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Becoming Sampson’s Bitch

BigDaddysSlut She stood there at the door of the motel room and hesitated. The key to the room is under the mat. Yet she didn’t bend down to get it. He’d said he had a surprise for her today. She is wearing a short, flared skirt and no panties to go along with his surprise. There is something in his tone that had made her nervous and her cunt wet at the same time. Its three-fifty-nine pm and she knew

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The New Neighbours

Anon. Life with my husband Benny is a bore, sexually anyway. Benny is a nice guy, though, and a great provider. I don’t have to work. That’s part of my problem. Being twenty-two with no kids, married to a thirty-five-year-old couch potato leaves a girl plenty of time to daydream and fantasise. It also leaves plenty of time to masturbate. I could go find a lover. I have the looks and body to attract any man I want. Benny wouldn’t

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