Those Dog Days of August

By Rachael Ross ( My life changed just after turning eighteen and moving into a new life at Community College. That’s how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I’d grown up, I moved to the modest town where I was attending college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, but I wasn’t sure. But I liked art, and I was good at it anyway. So those were the kind of classes I

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Lord Naughtius ( Isabella woke with her arms around her dog, cuddling him like a full body pillow. Memories of the night before made her smile. She reached her right arm around her husky’s charcoal grey and white furred body and felt around his abdomen until she felt his sheathe. Rubbing it gently she soon saw the red tip of his penis poking out of his fur. Toto (short for Totoro) stirred as he felt himself being pleasured. He rolled

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