The All American Belly Rider

By Collie99.

I was naked draped over a wooden three legged stool with a medium sized pet pig (boar) sniffing at my backside and giving strong licks at my pussy. There were four other people in the room, Chema and Isabel – owner of Porky (my name for the pig) and the house we were in, plus their friends (who was staying with them) Sebastian and Manolita. [Please see my story “Collie Pigs Out” for my first coupling with Porky.]

I had met Sebastian before, at this same house, and although originally from Mexico he had lived in Costa Rica for over forty years. His late wife was a native Costa Rican and Manolita, I learned, had inherited his mother’s good looks. Not that Sebastian was ugly. For a man in his sixties, he looked at least ten years younger, still attractive and upon our earlier meeting we had ended up in my bed. But it was Manolita that my gaze was riveted on.

Mano, as he was called, was ‘Mano the Magnificent’ to me. I have never met anyone so strikingly handsome. It oozed from every pore of his face. His eyes were a bluish grey that sparkled and shone like jewels. His hair was jet black like shiny coal and when he smiled, which was often, it lit up his face and you immediately felt the warmth. His voice was soft as velvet and crystal clear with that lovely Spanish accent. He spoke the most perfect English and his manner was that of a gentleman. I did have a fleeting thought that this man was too good to be true. I had never believed in “love at first sight” but I was wrong. My body melted the first time our hands touched and I did not want to let go of them.

When we had sat down to dinner there had been ten more people present. I had dressed appropriately in my new yellow sleeveless open back cocktail dress with drape neck. It was obvious I was wearing no bra, but not so obvious was that I had no panties on either. I was seated between Seb and Mano and both from time to time had placed a hand on my knee during the dinner. I had not stopped them. Nor had I resisted Mano’s naughty hand venturing further and discovering my secret and had even opened my legs when a finger pressed against my pussy. It lingered and pushed inside just for a second and I had difficulty in stifling a sigh of pleasure. He whispered I was very naughty and I whispered back, he was even more so.

Although I expected Seb had told him of my penchant for animals and I was to perform with the owner’s pig later in the evening, I was nervous of doing it in front of him. I was worried about him seeing me naked. I was a woman, now fifty years old, with wrinkles and aging lines. He was in his thirties and could attract every beautiful girl on this planet. And I wanted him, too. Very badly. What if my aging body turned him off. I had an irritating twitch in my head and occasional slurred speech due to my illness and I was trying very hard to control it. I had been successful so far.

My heart pounded when the last dinner guest left and the five of us were alone. Chema brought in Porky who gave a delighted grunt upon seeing me and rushed over almost knocking me off my chair. Chema scolded him, but Seb and Mano laughed and when Mano said he had looked forward to seeing me and Porky together for some time I almost swooned and felt my cheeks going red with embarrassment.

“When I told my son about you he has pestered me to make another visit here and bring him with you.” Seb said.

“And who else have you told about me?” I inquired with a little alarm. Secrecy was our number one rule.

“Only Mano, of course.” Seb touched my arm. “We have no secrets and Victoria, his late wife, was also a lover of animals. She was the belly rider I told you about. She loved it and I am hoping Mano will help me change your mind and persuade you to visit with us and experience this pastime for yourself.”

“ I understand taking a horse cock inside you is not new.” Mano said.

My cheeks flushed up again. Being discussed like this so personally didn’t normally make me feel uncomfortable, but with Mano there it did. He was a stranger, I wanted to be my friend, and much more. I calmed myself and spoke as if this was a normal discussion between two people.

“I have mated with two different horses, including an actual mount.” Mano looked impressed. “And I have been mounted fairly often by a pony.”

“We are here until the day after tomorrow,” Seb said. “Perhaps we could witness this for ourselves. Marissa said last time we met that she could arrange it if you were willing next time I was here.” He turned to Mano. “Marisso is Colleen’s delightful neighbour.”

“Ah.” Mano beamed a smile and my blood turned to water. “I would be honoured to see you so taken. And with any animal. They are indeed lucky beasts to mate with such a beautiful and charming woman.”

“I will speak to her and her husband. He is here so it shouldn’t be difficult.” I replied. Porky made another lunge at me. He was getting impatient.

“And I have never seen a woman mate with a pig so I am getting as aroused as this pig.” Mano laughed and we joined him. Isabel helped me take off my dress and I was relieved to hear an appreciative murmur at my nakedness from Mano. Chema produced the stool and getting down on my knees I got my upper body as comfortable as I could position myself over it. With my heart now racing and looking at Mano’s lips moving against his tongue I waited for Porky.


At last Porky was finished with his licking that had sent me almost over the edge. Women are better at cunnilingus, but animals are a very good close second and Porky was no exception. My juices were running out of me and I could feel drips forming on the back of my thighs. I braced myself for the mount which was clumsier than a dog. I could almost feel the floor moving as he jumped up on his back legs almost stumbling as he manoeuvred towards me.

I felt his body against my rump and he slithered over me as his feet landed on my shoulders. He slithered and thrust until I felt his cock almost at the entrance to my pussy. We had practiced this many times now and were expert at it. Most dogs hump almost blindly trusting to luck they hit the right spot, but Porky knew where that wet succulent spot was. The entrance to paradise and we hadn’t mated for almost four months. No wonder he was excited at seeing and smelling me.

His thin cock hit home and I felt it twisting and turning inside me, lengthening and thrusting in and out causing it to almost whip against my vaginal walls. Its corkscrew end soon found my cervix and it turned and screwed itself against it, causing me to gasp and groan and cry almost with pain. I came. I came again. And again.

My friend’s lovely pig had grown over the last four months and his sliding on my back and my body taking the added weight pushed hard against my lungs almost knocking my breath out and breathing was difficult until I got used to it. Porky stopped his thrusting and he could sense my discomfort as he moved his front legs to gain some purchase and move some of the weight to my shoulders. Then he started to inject his semen into me. He pumped and pumped. I could feel it filling my womb and my belly soon started to expand.

For over fifteen minutes he poured his spunk into me. Watery at first and then thickening until finally it formed a thick paste sealing it in place as his cock slowly pulled out and he moved away. I protected my head as his hooves had more than once hit me and I did not want another painful blow there. I felt his head on my rear as if inspecting his work.

There had been almost total silence all that time from my audience with only the occasional whispered word in Spanish. Then Mano moved towards me before Porky gave a loud snort of warning. Chema grabbed him and spoke to him again in Spanish. I guessed he was telling him that Porky had not finished with me.


I allowed Porky to take me three times more. I almost stopped at three times as I was feeling uncomfortable and the boar’s cock scrapping against my vagina and cervix was now making me feel nauseous. But Mano was very excited and told me I was “Amazing,” and “I have fallen in love with you.” So what was a mature woman like me to do who swooned over this young Costa Rican? He wanted me to mate again and Porky hadn’t finished with me so I did. Almost 25 minutes later he got off me and I signalled that was it.

I was so exhausted I could only stand with help. My hosts helped to a couch and I laid down with my belly protruding as if I was six months plus pregnant. Mano knelt on the floor and told me how lovely I looked and hoped I would give birth to at least six piglets. How he wanted to see them suckle at my milk filled breasts and I almost came again as I pictured this. How I wish. He told me to close my eyes and imagine that he was a pig. I did.

I felt his lips suck on my left nipple and a hand gently stroke my right one. Then a mouth and tongue touched my pussy. I opened my eyes for a second and was surprised to see it was Isabel. I opened my legs to give more access and her tongue swept over and just into my opening. She didn’t want to disturb the pig’s sealant. Another hand stroked my belly and a tongue twirled into my belly button making me squirm. I would not be able to take that too long. Then someone started to suck my toes. I involuntarily moved. I was being tormented. I screamed for them to stop but now I was being held tight. I couldn’t stand much more, but I was at the mercy of four persons and they were amused at my “suffering.”

“I have a friend of yours outside.” Chema’s voice came to my ears. “Would you like to see him?”

I was in too much “agony” at their administrations, but at least the toe sucking had stopped so I guessed it was Chema who had done that. I was past caring who this friend was. I wanted to climax badly, but couldn’t. I think I would have even let Porky have another round upon me just to stop the teasing I was experiencing. Sheb, who had licked my belly button, now turned his attention to my toes and I cried, “No. Please. No more of that.”

But I wasted my breath. Then I heard the noise of paws padding across the floor. I managed to turn my head. It was Marisso’s Rottweiler, Pedro. He looked at me inquisitively, his head cocked to one side. Surely they didn’t want me to mate with him, not with my belly full of pig semen. His cock would surely puncture the seal and a flood of semen would spill from my vagina making a mess on the floor.

However, that was their intention because the teasing thankfully stopped and with only a mild protest I allowed myself to be placed on all fours on the floor. Isabel had read my thoughts, because she said something to Chema is Spanish. His reply caused a smile from everyone.

“Oh beautiful woman they wish to place Pedro in that enticing little hole next door to where your piggy friend has been.” Mano translated. “Please let them.”

“No.” I cried. “It will hurt.”

“But hurt so good. Please do it for me. Imagine the feeling. His cock thrusting into you there with only
a thin wall separating it from all that semen and then feel him shooting his cum into your bowels. And after he has done that perhaps you will allow all three of us men to also use that same hole and release ourselves of our troubling urges that you have induced, you very naughty woman. How I have longed to meet someone like you. Do not disappoint me.”

How could I refuse Mano. I wanted him inside me so badly I would agree to anything.

“I will make it easy for Pedro.” Isabel said and produced some gel holding it in front of my face.

“Alright.” I agreed, “but even with that, his knot is going to hurt.”

“There is only a very small line between pain and pleasure.” Mano added. Words were now exchanged in Spanish and then Isabel was pulling my ass cheeks apart. She actually licked me there first, an action so nasty it thrilled me. Chema had to pull Pedro away. The smell of sex had got to him and he was now excited. He only rarely got into my ass and that was always by accident and I knew he wouldn’t mind the extra tight hole. I moved and I could feel the semen moving in my belly and any feelings of panic at what had been proposed went. My ass was going to be filled with dog spunk and three helpings of human. What could any nasty naughty girl want?


Pedro sniffed and licked and as he sprang up upon me humping madly he was guided into my ass. As soon as he made contact he went wild and I felt as if I was being split in two. Even though I had been well oiled it still hurt as he sawed in and out of my rectum. His paws scratched me, from the front and the back. His paws gripping me around the waist dug into me and I tried moving them down and away from my body, but this only made him more determined to hold me in place. His back legs scratched and scratched at my rear as he pushed forward, trying to achieve more purchase so he could get further inside me.

The pain dulled as a climax suddenly came starting it seemed at my feet and ending in my head. I could hear myself gasping and my extended belly touched the floor. Pedro fucked me royally and his precum now made the narrow passage easier for him to move in and out. Now his knot banged against my ass and I knew the pain I had suffered would be nothing to what was to come. But I was ready to accept it as I knew I would reach new peaks when we both reached out climax.

I gasped. I screamed. I moved. With every thrust and with every pull of Pedro’s cock the semen floating in my stomach made its own impression of waves against the beaches except it was inside me! A lightning climax shot like a thunder bolt through me and I moved almost throwing Pedro off. His knot shot inside and the petals of my ass closed around it. I found myself pushing upwards, lifting his rear legs completely off the floor.

But that did not stop him still humping. Even with his knot almost tightly locking it into place he managed to get movement from his cock. It still churned in and out and his know moved with it. I didn’t feel the pain. My new climax obliterated everything else. I loved it. I welcomed it. I wanted it. Again and again and yet again.

Finally he came. Hot spurts of puppy making spunk shot and splashed into my rectum like a giant enema. I screamed with joy. I was taken by a primal being and I wanted the world to know how much I enjoyed it.


We laid joined together for a full ten minutes. And I meant Full. My belly was full and my rectum was shall we say, “Well oiled.” His cock and knot were pulsating and quivering all that time. Occasional squirts of cum as he “did his thing” felt “oh so good.” I smiled at my audience, especially Mano and when he blew me a kiss I swooned. This man-made for me. I was already completely under his spell. I knew he could completely control me and I would be putty in his hands. To be moulded and shaped to his liking and ready to please him.

Pedro’s knot started to shrink and he pulled his cock out and jumped down. Semen trickled for my ass and I felt his tongue quickly, there lapping up the spillage. It even dove a little into my pussy but someone pulled him away before his tongue could break the boar’s seal. I turned my head and it was Chema, his cock was standing erect and proud and I felt good knowing my nasty acts with his pig and a dog had made an elderly man aroused.

My ass hole was so open that I hardly felt his cock as it slipped into and up my rectum. His hands gripped me around my waist and pulled me onto his phallus. He did not last long and his cum spurted into me there. It felt so little, almost inadequate compared to the sperm I had received from the two animals.

Seb was next and he was rougher. His cock was longer and thicker than Chema’s and as he fucked me Isabel moved under us and her lips and hands attacked my breasts. I heard her gasp and it was obviously from Mano’s tongue as I saw his head moving under her skirt. A pang of jealousy went through me. A very unusual feeling as I had never minded my men sharing their sexual prowess with other women whether I was present or not.

Mano was not my man. He had hardly touched me but already I was thinking ahead. Ahead. Marriage? Of course not. A stupid thought. I tried to dismiss it. His mistress? Hmm. Now maybe. But instantly this jealous feeling came back. What was wrong with me? Did I really want this man only for me? A man I had never met until a few hours ago? A man almost twenty years my junior? Yes. Yes! Yes!!

How I wanted his father to hurry up and finish. I didn’t climax when he finally finished. He pulled out and slapped my ass.

“Yours now, my son.” He said. I silently thanked him for speaking in English. “This is an ass that will be able to take your monster. Show it to our lovely bitch. Show her the present you have for her.”

“Not yet. Not yet. I’m almost there.” Poor Isabel. Her voice sounded full of panic. I pulled myself away from her and lay on my side. She immediately pulled her skirt right up, opened her legs wide, her fingers pulled her panties aside and she pushed herself down onto Mano’s face. I watched him as he pushed his tongue into her mound, wishing upon wish that he was doing this to me. What a greedy cow I was. He teased her there. He sucked her there. She cursed him in Spanish. She cursed him in English until he finally pulled his head away and with a savage cry, he made a fist of his right hand and thrust the thing into his pussy.

How it must have hurt. She screamed. She hollered, but he pushed and pushed. He was up inside her past his wrist and I could see by the movement of it that his fingers were playing terrible tricks with her pussy. She came. She even moved her body down trying to get more of his hand into hers and he obliged by pushing harder. I don’t know how many times he came. Her voice wailed in one long moan as her orgasms ran into each other. She went quiet. Her body stopped moving. Her eyes closed. Her mouth shut. Her lips slowly curled into a smile and as Mano withdraw his hand, ever so slowly from her pussy small moans of ecstasy escaped from her mouth even though it was still closed.

Mano came to me. He stood above my body showing me the hand. It glistened in the light coated with her juices. He pushed it into my face resting against my lips. I knew what he wanted and my mouth opened to let it in. I couldn’t get it wide enough.

“Lick.” He ordered me. “Lick. Clean my hand and fingers with your tongue. Taste her. Smell her.”

I did as he said. I smelt her pussy on his hands and fingers. I tasted her pussy. It was nice. Almost intoxicating. I devoured it. I tried desperately to get his hand inside my mouth and down into my throat. I fought vainly, but oh so sadly it was too big. I was still trying when Isabel slowly clambered to her feet. She started to walk to the door, but Mano stopped her asking her where she was going. She replied in Spanish and I knew enough to know she wanted to take a pee.

“No.” Mano said. “Do it here.” Isabel looked puzzled. “Here.” He spoke in Spanish. An almost evil smile appeared on her face. She answered him and when she slowly dropped her skirt and stood over my head, I knew what had been proposed. Mano moved his hand away.

“Open your mouth, my darling.” He had called me “my darling.” “Yes, Mano. Yes. Yes, anything for you.” I wanted them to be nasty. To do something really nasty. And this wouldn’t be the first time my mouth would be used as a toilet.

The first plop of pee hit me in my left eye, stinging it and making me close both. A stream of pee hit me on my nose before Isabel got the aim right and a jet of her urine poured into my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but I still choked. She had good control and was able to stem the flow enough for me to recover and we got the rhythm right. It didn’t taste too bad and the huge amounts of wine she had drunk most of the evening had given her pee a reasonably palatable taste.

She should have bottled it! It was a long pee and as it came to the end she lowered her pussy down until the lips were against my facial ones. My tongue snaked out and I heard her gasp as it came into contact with her clitty. We girls know just where to put our tongues and soon I had her squirming and she was swearing in Spanish as I brought her to climax.

She kissed me after she had cum, laying her body on top of mine. She moved downwards, caressing and touching my breasts with her hands, then her lips were sucking on each nipple going from one to the other. Her tongue delved into my belly button and it was my turn to squirm and then she moved further down until her tongue delved into my pussy. As I felt it enter me something touched my lips. Mano had undressed. The largest and fattest cock I had ever seen on a man was poking me, trying to enter my mouth. It opened and I sucked hungrily on it as it pushed inside my mouth. I found out later that Mano’s penis were 12.1/4in long and 5.1/2in circumference – I measured it! Girls I am not exaggerating. I could not deep throat that weapon, no matter how hard I tried.

Mano stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He spoke again in Spanish and Seb went to the table. Isabel stopped her administrations to my pussy. Mano laid down on the floor with his cock standing up like a tent pole.

“Squat over me, darling,” he said, “and lower your ass onto my cock.” I did as he ordered. How I wanted to feel that ‘thing’ inside me. Even if it was going into the ‘wrong’ hole we were going to be joined.

I positioned my anal hole over his cock, spreading the cheeks of my ass whilst Mano held me. I got the tip in place and with Mano’s help slowly let it slide inside. It didn’t hurt. My ass opened up and welcomed it inside. I vowed there and then it was going to be a frequent visitor. I heard Mano grunting as his cock went further and further inside until I had devoured it all. My bottom rested against him, his balls touching the cheeks of my ass. He pulled me back against his chest and my legs opened wide. Then Chema came back into the room – I hadn’t even noticed him leave – with Pedro now on a leash.

Isabel crawled under him, stroking his sheath and touching the tip with her tongue. I had never seen her do this before and it excited me to move my body a few inches off Mano so I could feel his cock scraping against the walls of my rectum before lowering myself down onto him. I repeated this, all the time watching Pedro’s cock grow with Isabel’s tongue and mouth working on it. I smiled as some precum shot into her mouth and she stopped. Chema and Seb grabbed Pedro with Isabel holding his cock and moved him, ass facing me and between my legs. I realized what they were going to try to do.

Down at my side was a pint size glass Chema had removed from the table, and it puzzled me a little. Isabel pulled Pedro’s cock between his rear legs positioning it at the entrance to my pussy. It was now fully erect with his knot big and shiny. Mano held me still but I inched myself forward so I could see what was happening. I watched and felt Pedro’s cock enter my cunt. Pedro had struggled and barked at the manoeuvring but as soon as he felt the wetness and warmth of my vagina against his cock he allowed his handlers to push and force it inside.

With Mano’s cock stuffed into my ass it was a very tight fit to insert anything into the adjoining cavity, but once it had pierced the paste of the boar’s spunk it was easy. Soon Pedro’s knot hit my pussy lips with spunk oozing slowly out. His cock was moved in and out and at the same time Mano managed to move his cock in my ass. I laid back and enjoyed it all.

The enjoyment of two cocks – a human one in my ass and a doggie one in my pussy – was short-lived. Pedro was not happy being held with his cock moved behind to his rear and bent down to an angle to gain entrance into my cunt. Being used as a live dildo and confined did not appeal to him. He was an outside dog and I was his bitch. He suddenly gave a loud bark, a growl, snapped at his handlers and pulled away leaving my vagina unplugged. The pig sperm poured out like a river, down my thighs, over Mano’s legs and onto the beautiful polished wood dining room floor. I could feel my stomach getting smaller as its contents emptied.

Mano laughed and pushed me over onto my stomach with his cock still in place and then hoisted me onto my knees. He fucked vigorously into my ass and fingers of his right hand penetrated my pussy allowing them to feel and hold the sperm. Like a cat pawing its food into its mouth, he pushed his spunk covered fingers into my mouth almost in time with his fucking. Of course, the movement of his cock and the nastiness of the pig sperm that I was lapping up from his fingers, triggered orgasms within my body.

I moved and pushed myself back onto each thrust into my ass and I sucked greedily on his fingers as if it was succulent food and I hadn’t eaten in days. All good things must cum (sorry ‘come’) to an end and Mano was grunting and panting in my ears so I clenched my anal muscles and with a groan he flooded my entrails. A wonderful warm sperm enema! He grabbed my swinging breasts, squeezing them and pinching my nipples sending me over the edge to another exhilarating climax.

We stayed locked together with both our hearts banging together doing a short but torrid tribal dance and I was in heaven and in love. I adored this man. I wanted this beast man to devour me. I was HIS!! When he pulled his cock from my body I felt lost. Empty. Alone. Tears welled up in my eyes. I longed to be joined together with this magnificent creature FOREVER!!!

No sooner did he move away from me when Pedro jumped back into action. After getting away from his handlers he had gone into a corner of the room licking his cock and watching his bitch being taken by another human. He looked on, his head down against his legs, his eyes watching me being taken by another but waiting his chance. His bitch was HIS bitch. Who was this interloper?

But he waited. Pedro could wait. He had already taken her this evening but even this had been contrived. Humans had ordained where his member was to go. They had been in charge. Now he was going to show them.

As soon as I felt Mano’s supreme cock and his body move away from me. Pedro pounced. Like a bat out of Hell, he came to life and shot across the room towards me. I had hardly caught my breath when I was aware of him mounting me. His claws on his front legs scratched my back and across the sides of my body before gripping me around my waist. There was no sniffing and licking of my pussy as he humped his cock across my ass. I felt it poking against my flesh. Probing to find an opening. Stabbing me with an instrument that was already alive and felt so wet. I could hear myself screaming as he entered my pussy. I gasped and groaned. I cried and moaned as his cock hammered into me. I was his. He wanted to punish me. He wanted to make a statement to the humans. I was HIS! And he fucked me! And he punished me. And he hurt me. AND I LOVED IT!

I do not remember too much as I was almost unconscious. I was conscious of him suddenly lying still, his weight atop my back. I felt his cum pouring into me. I was aware of his knot pressing hard against my clitoris, quivering as he spewed forth his hot balm. I know I was murmuring almost incoherent sounds. I was aware of my eyes opening and seeing four grinning faces looking down on me. And I heard Mano saying, “You are magnificent. You will be my stallion’s next belly rider.” I said “Yes.”

“Yes.” The word was out before I could think. Would I say ‘yes’ and go to Hell with this guy? Probably. “But-” I started to add.

“No buts.” He said.

I groaned and yelled as Pedro pulled out of me. His claws again raking my body. He did at least go behind and do a little clean up with some heavy licks on and into my puss. I crawled away when he had finished leaving a trail of semen across the floor. I was still leaking profusely and I was told to stay still. I felt the glass that had been removed from the table against my pussy and I could even hear the noise of it filling up from the liquid coming out of me. This was so nasty and I giggled. I even pushed with my pussy muscles, sending a gush of semen into the glass.

“I’m not drinking it, if that is what you have in mind.” I warned. No one said anything. I marveled when the glass was full and I still leaked. Isabel was now doing some clean up work and she handed me a towel.

“Lay on that, sweet.” She said and I did, lying on my side.

“On your back, beautiful lady.” Mano grinned, holding the filled glass. “Legs wide open so we can see your bush that I am anxious to trim. I will keep the cut hair forever close to my heart or this.” And he wagged his now flaccid penis at me which was still a magnificent piece of equipment. I longed then to reach up, hold it and devour it in my mouth. I knew he was reading my thoughts.

“So, you like this little snake?” He enquired and he stroked it with his spare hand. “But it is unclean. It has been up your dirty little ass where we have all been. Let me clean it for you. What shall we use? Any suggestions?” He held up the glass of semen. “What about this?” Without waiting for an answer, he moved the glass down and dipped his penis into it and I watched it disappear into the milky “mess”. He motioned to Grace, who grinning, knelt at his feet. She took the glass away and with his cock dripping with the semen opened her mouth and gobbled it inside. I heard her sucking on it and could see it pressing against the inside of her cheeks.

It seemed a long time before she eventually released his penis and she held it in her fingers inspecting it carefully. This classy, refined, elderly woman was revealing herself as a slut and I had to remind myself ‘so was I.’

“Would you like this in your pretty mouth?” Mano asked me as if he didn’t know. I nodded.

“Say ‘yes, please, sir, ‘.”

“Yes please, sir.”

Mano nodded to the others and it was a pre-arranged signal. Seb and Chemas kneeled down on the floor, on either side of my pussy.

He spoke to them in Spanish and translated it for me.

“Pedro did not do a good job of cleaning you out. They will do a better job.”

Their tongues dipped into my pussy, sliding alternately into my vagina and licking my pussy hair. Fingers found my anal ring and slid easily inside. Mano knelt over my head with his penis dangling tantalizingly near my mouth with a hand holding the glass against it. Grace knelt at my side and across me holding one of my breasts and sucking the nipple of the other one. He poured a generous amount of the semen over my neck, letting it run down into the valley between them where Grace’s tongue licked at it. At last I felt Mano’s cock against my mouth and I opened up accepting it into me there.

“Keep your mouth open,” he commanded me, “otherwise I will remove it. It is not yet clean.”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth when he tipped the glass up and against mine and I tasted the mixture of pig and dog semen. It hit against his cock and I nastily pushed my tongue to it wiping it and swallowing the liquid. It was disgusting, I know. The picture of this obscene spectacle will make some of you sick and as I retell it now I squirm. At that time, though, I enjoyed it. Especially as my pussy was being licked by two tongues. My breasts were being mauled. My nipples were suckled. The most perfect cock in the world was in my mouth. Animal semen was being splashed over my neck and into my mouth. And I was CUMMING!!!!!


Two hours later I was tucked snugly up in my bed in my own little house with my arms around the big brawny body of Manolita. He asked if he could see me home and it took only a split second for me to say ‘yes’. No questions were asked how he would get back to Chema’s house – the answer was moot anyway. Pedro came with us and I released him at my entrance gate and he trotted off with his tail wagging. My pup of 14 months, Sunny, was laying asleep in the kitchen. He did manage to open one eye momentarily, thumped his tail twice against the floor and promptly went back to his doggie dreaming.

Mano and I did not make love as we lay naked together. We were both tired, but later I was awakened to his caresses and touches. I was already wet when he entered me and his lovemaking was a mixture of tease and power. I met his thrusts with my vaginal muscles squeezing his cock tightly and then releasing his cock to play against my entrance. It was music. I was the violin and he was the bow.

During the small hours left of the night we made love twice more and it was late morning when we awoke to Sunny barking at us. He looked very peeved. He hadn’t been fed and he wanted to go out and do his ‘business’. I got up and hugged his golden fur close to my breasts and I kissed him we French kissed. I stood with my legs apart and he licked at my vagina until I came and I rewarded him by bending down and gently holding his sheath and licking the tip of his cock that was just appearing. I longed for the day when he would find out how to penetrate my vagina and fuck me. He had tried, especially after watching me with Pedro, but he was still too young. But he had a powerful tongue and loved to lick me ‘there’. I always let him.

As I opened the rear door to let him out there was Marissa walking up with Pedro beside her.

“Do you welcome everybody who comes stark naked?” She asked.

I had forgotten to put any clothes on and I could feel my face redden with embarrassment.

“Only ladies with a dog who come to the back of my house.” I replied, trying to recover. Sunny rushed past us, not even stopping to welcome Pedro. He really needed to relieve himself. Because of my state of unclothing Pedro went straight for my pussy giving it a couple of licks before jumping up onto his hind legs, his front paws grabbing me around the waist and scratching me with his nails.

“Ouch.” I cried, but I did not push him away. “You can’t want me again?” It was obvious, though he did.

“He did me good his morning, too.” Marissa said. “Didn’t you?” And she pulled him off me, but he came straight back, wrapping his paws even tighter to me.

“Alright. Alright.” I said, “But not out here.”

We just managed to get into the kitchen before he knocked me down and I rolled over offering myself ass to him. He was on me in a flash, his cock humping against me before spearing me at the fourth attempt. I came immediately. He thrust, pulling my body back onto his lovely cock as it banged away inside my cunt. Forward! Back! Forward! Back! Bang! Bang! Bang! I came. I came again. And again. Now I could feel his knot. Swelling. Hitting against my pussy lips. I opened my eyes, not realising I had closed them. Marissa was on her knees beside me stroking Sunny who was watching the exhibition, his mouth open and grinning. I came really big then, my eyes closing. Opening them, there was Mano, his erection plainly showing as it pushed against his boxer shorts. I could hear myself moaning and could see Marissa looking now at Mano’s shorts.

She spoke to him in Spanish, pointing at his bulge and in a second he freed it, knelt at my face pushing it against my lips. I stopped moaning as I closed my mouth around it, sucking on that hard morsel of flesh. Devouring it, and deep-throating it, feeling his balls brushing my face as Pedro sank his knot into me, spurting his seed into my womb and scalding my insides. I was also rewarded with Mano’s sperm as it shot down my throat, making it very difficult to breathe, but I succeeded in not gagging and kept that monstrous weapon in place.

Life is so good.

Pedro and I lay locked together for a long time. Even after his cock had stopped twitching and spurting cum and his knot ceased its quivering, he was in no hurry to pull out. He was probably exhausted after all that humping he had been doing over the last twenty-four hours. He had fucked his mistress only a few hours ago.

Mano and Marissa were in deep conversation sitting at a table. I could smell food cooking on the stove. I had been so engrossed in feeling the multi orgasms passing over me, I had not even noticed Mano removing his phallus from my mouth. The pair of them were chatting away, ignoring the bestial act that was still taking place on the floor in front of them. It could have been an everyday normal occurrence. I laughed at the thought. In my life, it was! I reached up and patted Pedro’s head and he rewarded me by moving and sinking his cock a bit further into me. The movement disturbed Sunny wherever he had been because I heard his patter of feet on the floor and he came into view, his mouth open, and spittle hanging from his teeth producing a giant grin. He licked my face and I pushed my tongue out and he licked at that as we French kissed.

“Has your dog mated with you yet?” Mano’s question announced I was back in their attention.

“No. He has tried but not succeeded. He has seen me in the act many times, but his excitement gets the better of him. I still wear the scratches.” I replied a little ruefully. I was longing for the day Sunny and I became one.

“Bring him with you next week.” Mano said. Next week? Had I agreed I would be visiting him next week? My heart jumped. “I promise you by the end of the ten days he will be your master and you his bitch. Father has two great Danes who will teach him everything. They won’t leave you alone.”

Oh my. Oh my. What an adventure. I was beginning to wish it was tomorrow. Could I wait a whole week?

My arms were aching badly now and I pushed myself up until I unseated Pedro, who gave a bark and walked away without even a sniff at my behind. Sunny, filled in for him and I soon felt his tongue there cleaning up the spend that I could feel running down my thighs. His tongue even brought me to another orgasm. I arose and then collapsed into a chair. My nose wrinkled up in disgust. I smelt awful. I excused myself and went hurriedly to the bathroom.

When I returned a lovely cooked breakfast was awaiting me. Courtesy of Mano who had raided my ‘fridge. This man had many talents. I tucked in. Marissa waited for me to get a few mouthfuls down before she told me her reason for the visit. I hadn’t felt hungry before I took the first bite, but now I was ravenous. Pedro had already finished his plate as I saw it wiped clean in front of him.

“Pet,” she started, “Raul has Rafael already in his pen and we wondered what time you would be ready? Seb should be here any time now. Rafael is very frisky, knows he is to be mated and is very excited. If you’re not going to do it, I will have to submit and I really am not up to it. Anyway, it’s been a long time since we’ve had you strapped in the mating slide and Mano tells me he has spoken to you about it. So…”

She left the sentence unfinished. I nodded. “I’m up for it.” I replied. It was true. Rafael was a pony and he was the first animal I had mated with outside dogs and although I had been fucked by him over ten times it had been a while since the last time. Ponies and horses were only fourth in my line of animals I preferred and I was including humans. Doing a pony in front of Mano was a turn on and I could feel myself getting wet at the thought of pleasing him by my bestial act.

“And the pony is really going to mount her?” He asked.

“Oh yes.” Marissa answered. “We knot a scarf around his penis so he thinks it’s all inside. He doesn’t thrust so much. Pet can take much more of his cock than I can. Raul loves watching them perform.”

“And her darling husband, Raul, makes sure that the scarf is knotted in place further up Rafael’s cock each time I’m placed in the slide.” I retorted. “He thinks I don’t know, but my pussy sure does feel it. Tell him I can’t take anymore. Rafael will tear me apart if his cock goes any further up.”

“I think you took all of it last time.” Marissa said. Mano’s eyes almost popped out. I felt a wave of pride come over me. Somehow I felt it made me special in his eyes and I wanted him to feel that so much.

It was agreed I would mate with the pony in the next three hours and she left with Pedro trotting behind her. Mano looked at me. I looked at him and hand in hand, we walked slowly into my bedroom.

There was five of us in the stables. Mano, Seb, Marissa, Raul and me. Thinking I was the star about to give a performance I should have made a grand appearance. “The slide,” as I called the mounting platform, was in place. It comprised a number of plywood sheets covered in leather affixed to metal legs of varying height making a sloping platform. The leather was highly polished and before I knew of its real purpose, I would use it as a slide as if I was still a child. I was a guest in Marissa and Raul’s large house for many months over periods of time waiting for my home to be built. There were removable wooden steps leading up to a small flat area where the “victim” would rest her bottom whilst the rest of the body would drape over the slide. Leather cuffs and straps were affixed to the sides of the slide to bind the hands and body of the victim with adjustable fastenings for the legs and feet. Believe me, you couldn’t move when these were applied.

In front of the slide and separate from it was a bridge made of steel supported on wheeled legs. When the victim was so affixed to the bridge would be wheeled into place over the slide. The last thing was the helmet. I was holding it ready for it to be fastened on my head. It was made of impact resistant plastic and internally padded with sponge and cloth. It covered completely your head including ears, making all outside sounds disappear. There were windows in the front so you could see and an opening for your nose so you can breathe!! For the mouth, there was an adjustable opening containing a leather-covered metal bar or bit, which was fixed between your teeth and then the opening was clamped tightly closed. The bridge was to support the pony’s front legs and the helmet to stop his flaying hooves from giving you a nasty blow your head. Whenever I was made so ready, I had a feeling of complete helplessness, apprehension and excitement bordering on the orgasmic!!!

I heard approaching hooves and snorting. The pony I could sense was as excited as me. How could I think I was the star. Of course it was Rafael, the pony. And I gasped with surprise when I saw who was bringing him in. Marissa’s twin sons, Christian and Cristo. I had no idea they had returned. How handsome, they were. Now in their early twenties and smiling broadly at me, Cristo gave me a wink as I dropped the helmet and rushed over to them with a yell. How I hugged and kissed them and even Rafael recognized me making him even more excited and he reared up with air exploding through his nostrils in a long noisy snort. I flung my arms around his neck and kissed the side of his head. His mouth twitched and he gave me a slobbering lick across my face. We all laughed.

Raul held up the tin of “mating” spray and said with an amused smile, “We probably won’t need this.”

There was no time to ask how long “The Twins” would be here as Rafael was now very excited and becoming difficult to control. I mentally thought how nice it was that I could excite animals at my age far more than humans. Then I looked at Mano and I recognized his lust. Even though he had fucked me so many times now, the last less than an hour ago, there was no mistaking the bulge forming in his pants.

Marissa had picked up the helmet and I walked up to her. She placed it upon my head and buckled up the straps. I welcomed the world of silence and undid my long skirt letting it fall down around my legs. I stepped out of it, undid my blouse and Mano took it from me. I was naked. I felt Marisso behind me and she pulled me against her body, her arms circling me and her hands cupping and squeezing my breasts. Raul appeared at my front and I felt a hand between my legs. Fingers sought my opening and thrust inside.

I knew I was wet. Three, four and finally his fist pushed into my vagina. He pushed upwards and I saw him nod with satisfaction as his hand disappeared past his wrist. Still fisting me they both manoeuvred me to the steps and I climbed willingly up them. They released me when I reached the top and I dutifully kneeled down before getting into the right position. I was now very turned on. I even felt my own juices dampening the insides of my thighs.

My legs were pulled wide apart exposing my sex so rudely to everyone watching and I offered no resistance when hands placed me in the bindings and I was tied into place. Although I could not hear anything from outside I could hear my heart beating fast in my head. A cold, wet spray hit my ass anointing both my cunt and ass. Oil was squirted inside my vagina and I felt something thick and hard being pushed into me there. It pushed right up, even hurting me and it was only removed when it couldn’t go any further. I braced myself and it was only seconds later when I felt the pony’s body touch me and the slide shook as he mounted me.

Even though I was held firmly in place I braced myself for the first penetration. It always hurt a little and the sheer force of that huge pony cock entering me always knocked the breath from my body. This was to be no exception.

Rafael’s cock pushed and probed around the cheeks of my ass and the sheer force of it hitting my flesh was like being punched by a heavyweight boxer. I knew I would bear the bruises for days. I bit down hard on the bit between my teeth and it was with a feeling of relief when he tired of it and I felt him moving backwards and a hoof hit the side of my helmet as he got down. Even with the protective casing and padding I felt the blow.

The breather was only for a few seconds and the pony mounted me again. More bruises were added to my ass. I could sense Rafael’s frustration as he sought my nest, and I shared the same emotion. Thankfully, there was no flaying hoof hitting my helmet as he dismounted. This time I felt his mouth against my ass and his breath. His tongue licked between my cheeks and eventually found its way into my pussy and even probed my anal opening. This was just enough to trigger an orgasm and I came, my spend being instantly licked up.

I felt him mount me again. We were both rewarded. He entered my cunt at the first attempt. I wasn’t expecting it and I screamed silently into my bit. The enormous cock was a violent piston inside me. Trying desperately to reach further and further into my guts. I feared the damage it was doing to my insides, but that didn’t stop me having an orgasm. And another. And another. Then the swelling at the cock tip – the flare. It was like a cushion and the pain I was receiving dulled. Jet after jet of his semen exploded like a soothing balm and I was filled. Oh, dearest reader, I loved it. This inhuman act that so few of us have ever experienced. Why something that’s so wrong feels so delightful? Another and even bigger orgasm shot like a lightning bolt through me. Then it was all over.

Unlike a dog or a boar, a horse or pony does not spend very much time in the actual mating. Even a human male “sometimes” stays longer in the female vagina. As soon as Rafael had finished his ejaculation he pulled out and dismounted almost at the same time. I felt his spunk pouring from my pussy, wetting my thighs and running like a river down my legs. I revelled in the feeling and I wished I could be covered head to toe with his semen. Then hands were upon me and I was released.


Mano and Seb left soon afterwards. Mano kissed me and handed me a paper where he had written instructions where to meet next Saturday. I didn’t look at it. I kissed and clung to him. I cried as I watched him leave with his father. The twins tried to comfort me. It’s funny how one’s mind, when occupied somewhere else, obliterates the physical pain with the emotional one. It was only when the magic of Mano’s departing and the twins leading me to the sofa I felt real pain.

I held my stomach. My vagina was on fire and my insides felt they I was giving birth. When I tried to stand I doubled up. Marissa gave me a sedative and hot coffee. It was two hours later before I could move on my two feet. Raul apologized profusely and said the knotted cloth had slipped and I had taken nearly all the pony’s cock. I felt a little better when I heard that Mano had been so pleased and turned on by the spectacle and told them he had waited all his life to find a woman like me. His late wife paled by comparison.

Although I lived next door to Marissa and Raul and the walk was only five minutes, Marissa drove me home. I stumbled into my house with Sunny greeting me with a sloppy kiss as I stumbled about on the floor. He followed me to the bedroom and he tried to lick me, as he always did, between my pussy lips, I couldn’t even bear his tongue there. He looked so surprised when I pushed him away and covered myself up there.

I felt a bit better in the morning, especially after a long soak in the bath and examined my swollen pussy. But I felt proud of myself and lay down on my bed, opening my legs and offering my pussy to Sunny’s tongue. It hurt like hell at first, but I bore the pain and managed an orgasm. He jumped up onto me and I hugged his body to mine feeling it tickle my skin. I also felt his sheath moving against me and looking down I noticed the tip of his penis showing red and moist. I had an urge to kiss it so I rolled him over gently stroking his tummy and lightly caressing his balls. He struggled a little at first, but stopped when my tongue touched the tip of his penis.

I let my tongue lick around it and was rewarded with more of his penis showing. There was just enough now to suck and my lips closed around it. It grew more and more. I felt the excitement building in me and it was now at least 6 inches in length with a healthy knot forming at the end. I stopped sucking and examined it. Could I get him to cum? It was just then when there was a very loud knocking at the door. Sunny jumped up, leapt off the bed and barked. I hastily put some clothes on. The twins were there with Marissa and Pedro. They wanted me to go with them to the Tabacon Hot Springs in the Arenal Volcano Park, assuring me that the mineral waters there would help me recover. And so I did.

It was a simply lovely outing. I had only been there once before and even though I had enjoyed them, this seemed even better. If you ever come to Costa Rica you must visit Tabacon at Arenal. They are thermal hot springs heated directly from the Arenal Volcano. There are many springs at varying heights and temperatures with falls and steam plus places where you can just float on the water, close your eyes and relax. I did all that and felt a different person. We all sat in one of the bars and drank fruit punch and margaritas, finishing off the day with a lovely meal.

When we returned home, Marissa sent the twins home saying she wanted to speak privately with me keeping Pedro by her side. The twins looked at me with a smile and Christian gave me a wink saying they would see me in the morning. No sooner had they left and Marissa was kissing me, undressing me and squeezing my breasts. She pushed me gently into my bedroom with both Sunny and Pedro trotting behind her. I was naked when I laid down on the edge of the bed. Still kissing me she took her clothes off and knelt with her head directly between my legs. Her tongue touched and probed at my pussy and I instantly came. She pushed against me and I heard her gasp. I managed to get up to my elbows to see Pablo had mounted her and was humping against her back. By her face I knew he was inside her. I watched as she closed her eyes and moaned as her dog fucked her as he had so often fucked me. She cried as she took his knot and I saw her climax before she went back to attacking my pussy. There is something so wonderfully bestially romantic about being licked by a hot woman who is being fucked by a dog. My eyes closed and I came and came.


Marisso left and I fell asleep with Sunny lying at my feet. He woke me twice during the night by licking my face and looking at me expectantly, but I was too tired……

I thought the week would be very slow as my thoughts were with seeing Mano again and the belly-riding, the two Great Danes and some surprises Mano had hinted at. Mano. I would have gone to see him if it was to be just the two of us. I knew I was head over heels in love with this man whom I had only just met. Our heart rules our brain, doesn’t it? I had agreed to everything he wanted me to do. To be both his slave and his father’s. The two Danes? I was to give myself to these dogs, no matter who was present. When Mano had suggested this in my bedroom I agreed without even thinking about. It sounded so exciting. And I had readily given myself to many dogs in the past anyway and thoroughly enjoyed it as some of my other stories have told. But always I could stop it. This time there was to be no backing off. I could not say “No.” It would be disregarded. (I had never said “no” anyway!) I found myself getting wet and when the twins came knocking at the door with Pedro in tow I was horny again.

It still hurt me to pee, but I wanted a good fucking and Pedro was good. So, too, were the twins, but surely they wouldn’t want an old woman like me? I had “entertained” them when they were only nineteen, teaching them things nice girls wouldn’t do or even knew about. They had thought they knew it all – they had seen their mother being fucked by a dog and a pony!!! But I taught them how to fuck a woman. Singularly and together. And many very naughty and nasty things……..

It didn’t take long for them to make their intentions known. They still wanted an old woman like me. As soon as I let them in and the door was closed they grabbed me. Christo moved behind and Christian in front. Both their arms were wrapped around my waist and I felt like I was the ribbon in the middle of a tug of war competition. Hands probed under my robe and nightie. Fingers entered my pussy and ass. Lips kissed my neck. Teeth lightly bit into my flesh. Hands, too, exposed and cupped my breasts. I was powerless and a piece of putty be moulded, squeezed and probed.

Pedro started to bark and Sunny joined in. The smell of my sex was exciting them. Simultaneously the twins took my robe and nightie off and as they moved away from me the two dogs moved in. Pedro is licking and trying to reach inside my pussy and Sunny at my rear. His tongue digging between the cheeks of my bottom and into the anus. The opening, letting it enter.

Christo said something in Spanish to Christian and he answered back, “Si, si, si.”

They pushed me down onto the floor and I knew Pablo was to be first. Thankfully, Christo saw a pair of socks that I had left hanging up after washing them and started trying to fix them on Pablo’s front paws. I hated being scratched, but if you are a dog lover, sometimes it can’t be avoided. He had a difficult job Pablo was excited and Christian had to help him. That left Sunny with the opportunity to explore my pussy with his tongue and he wasted no time in doing that. He even tried to leap up onto my back and he succeeded in leaving two welts that made me cry out in pain as he scrambled off not sure what else he had to do!!! Mercy. I had watched it many, many times. Before he could work it out Pablo was ready and he even snarled at Sunny sending him away, but not too far as I could see him lying down, his ears cocked and his mouth open in a smile.

Pablo didn’t even give me a lick. He was humping as I felt his weight upon my back. He was so experienced he entered me immediately. His paws gripped me around the waist, pulling me onto his lovely, expanding cock as it shunted in and out of my cunt with a speed that made me gasp. There was no finesse, just a good, mad, frantic fuck!!!! I loved it. My pussy adored it. My body shook in time with it. I could even hear my cries of passion as I came with it, and I wanted more of it. I got it!!

He was panting now and I could feel his hot breath and even wetness from his spittle. His fur tickled and tickled the flesh on my bare back. It all was so good. I could feel his knot swelling against my pussy lips and when it entered me, I was surprised even though I was expectantly waiting to capture the pulsating bulbous piece of flesh. I had already felt his pre-cum oiling up my passage that was already wet from my own juices, but it was nothing compared to the jets of his hot sperm shooting into me. Pedro had stopped his humping but I could feel him pushing against my rear trying to force more of his cock into my poor body. I loved the tie. Although not a true tie as my pussy is large both in length and width, but I used my internal muscles to clamp down upon the knot feeling it being squeezed. No human cock can ever give a woman this much pleasure no matter how wonderful a lover. Sorry boys.

I could feel Pedro’s tail being raised as the twins looked at his cock buried in my pussy. The pictures I have that my late hubby and friends have taken of my cunt filled with doggie cock and the knot inside and coming out, excite me too. I love seeing pictures of other women “suffering” the same fate…… It always makes me so wet.

All to soon for me, Pablo decided he wanted to get down. Even with me holding his feet didn’t stop him dismounting. The knot popped out, followed by his diminishing and softening cock. Drips of his cum spotted my ass cheeks and more poured from my pussy. I felt his tongue licking it up as it flowed freely from me and it made me orgasm again. The licking went on and on longer than I had expected, but I did not complain. Then a weight landed on my back and he was back again for another round, or so I thought. I was wrong. I felt a cock banging and probing like a swordsman madly wielding his blade. I could feel a helping hand, trying to guide it in and then it happened. It was in. The cock hit the bull’s-eye and fucked me. My eyes grew big when I saw Pedro walking in front of me, lying down and licking at his cock. It was then I realized. I was being fucked by my dog, Sunny and I had at last mated!


Part 2…

Unfortunately, Sunny got very excited. He had at last got his cock into me and he loved it – too much. In his enthusiasm he pulled out too far and he couldn’t find his way back. Very frustrating for both of us. I reached down underneath my body and did manage to grab his flaying cock, but it took too many attempts. As soon as my hand wrapped itself around the shaft I could feel his knot was fully extended and he came. Everywhere. I let his cock go and cum poured over my back and as he climbed more onto me it even hit the back of my head exploding all over my hair and running down into my eyes. But I congratulated him when he was finished, hugging him to me, patting him and telling him he was a very clever boy. He wagged his tail and sat down to lick his cock very contented.

Christo and Christian pulled me away and carried me into my bedroom with me laughing and pretending to struggle. They even had the nerve to throw me onto my bed and messing up the sheets with Sunny’s cum. They didn’t waste any time and I was fucked most royally by them. Two virile, young, horny men that I had taught very well. They had been wonderful pupils and they brought me to many levels of passion and orgasm before manoeuvring me between their bodies as the filling in their sandwich. I never will get tired of being double penetrated. Two cocks inside me at the same time is heaven.

Either one in my pussy and the other in my ass, or both, in my pussy at the same time. I love both as much. But then they wanted to do something no young chick they had bedded would do. So how could an old biddy like me refuse? Straddling Christo with my back towards him I slowly allowed my anal opening to swallow up his pointed cock. When nicely in place, I laid myself back against his body and waited for Christian to line up his cock against Christo’s. A very tight and painful anal DP. Painful at first anyway, but they knew they had to wait for my signal to fuck so it would be enjoyable for me, too, and they were in no hurry.

Once a work colleague of my late husband did this to me with hubby, and the next day, after sobering up, he had called to say it was the most disgusting thing he had ever done, and if we said anything to that effect he would sue us! He never got the chance to continue as a member of our swing club!! What would he have said if he had seen with a dog or two or three?! Just because his cock had been squeezed together in my ass and it had touched another man’s!!!!

The double anal from the twins took a long time. I had waited until the pain had gone and my ass had adjusted to the size of this abnormal intrusion before signalling them to move their cocks. I helped to and it soon started to become enjoyable for all three of us. I even urged them on to fuck me there even harder and they did. But every time one of them was about to cum he would shout ‘parada’, and both cocks would be still. If I tried to move I would get a slap on my belly. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I wanted to cum BIG so even with the slaps and their yells I jerked my lower torso as if my life depended upon it.

What a wonderful reward. Two lovely jets of cum flooding right up into my bowels. Three orgasms and three very sweaty bodies. We lay on the bed entwined like a strange octopus and recovered with kisses, touches and little love bites. But not for long. Sunny and Pedro had come surreptitiously into the bedroom and waited for the right moment to charge. We were shocked out of our almost sleep mode by two large, heavy dogs jumping on top of us.

Sunny, I suppose not knowing any better, decided to attack the two human cocks on display by slobbering them with wet kisses from his tongue with much laughter from the owners. I hoped it was my female odour that attracted him. Pedro was well-trained and he attacked my pussy and ass that I offered him with relish. I felt his tongue cleaning up the mess back there that those lazy twins had left. And then he bounded upon me and with only a couple of stabs and he found the mark.

Pedro’s paws gripped me hard, pulling me back onto his cock making every thrust count. My dear readers, whom have not had the satisfaction of a rutting dog pounding their pussy (or ass) immediately after mating with a human male, the difference is immense. Whilst a good human lover will be in tune with his partner’s body and try to enact the best ‘music’ he can bring forth so a lovely melody ensues; a dog really does not care a damn. Your cunt or ass is only there for his pleasure. You are his bitch. His plaything. The more he humps and the more frantic he goes about it the quicker he gets to orgasm and that is his only goal. The fact that his bitch gets much pleasure from it is neither here nor there for him.

The speed and hard thrusting of his cock inside you is the first thing you notice differences between the two species. His cock is warmer too. You will feel lovely spurts of precum that you might think is his sperm, but the main event is to come (cum) – pun intended. You will also feel the cock lengthening inside you. It gets bigger and fatter and it is so exciting. All this is happening in seconds of his entry and mad pounding. It always takes my breath away and an immediate orgasm. Onlookers say I cry out and on occasions I have heard myself yell not realizing it is me I am hearing. Then there is the knot.

The big ball of flesh near the end of his penis that swells up. You first are aware of it hitting against your pussy lips or ass hole. That is, when you must relax your pussy or ass muscles. It wants to get inside you and if you want to benefit from the utmost and most sensational thrill that no human cock can do you want it inside you. When I hear women say they won’t take the knot I want to hit them. Taking the knot is the climax. It’s like watching an exciting thriller with a cliffhanger ending that you decide to walk out on! Yes, it may hurt. The first time it probably will. When I take it in the ass it still does. But DO let it in.

I almost always shout, “Oh my God,” when a strange big dog knots with me. But it’s shouted with great joy, because when it enters it gets even bigger. This is where I prefer vaginal doggie sex to anal. The female vagina has a clitoris. It is there solely to induce sexual pleasure. It is my ‘joy button’ and Pedro’s knot shot into me, expanding to push against this tissue making it expand too. Now ladies isn’t that worth a bit of pain. How many times have we had to ‘play with ourselves’ after our man has cum and we haven’t! You won’t need to when your dog has knotted you. It quivers and moves around and it is so warm.

And then Pedro came. Sorry men, again, you are lacking in this department. Dog sperm is so much hotter, so much wetter and there is so much more of it. Pedro lay on me, his cock throbbing and giving now smaller but no less pleasurable spurts of cum. Difficult now to describe, but it forced on me a very, very intense orgasm. Just lying under him, ‘tied’ to his cock. The naughty thought of doing such a taboo act is also very thrilling to me. I would love to tell all my family and friends how wonderful this is but I can’t. This is why it is so nice to find sites like this where we can shout out to everyone, “Do it. Experience it. You will be hooked.”

I have described in two stories of how I have been locked up with trained dogs for various periods, the most being two weeks, then a week’s break and then another two weeks. How they took me in a pack one after the other. Jumping on me for more and me wanting more. The more I got, the more I wanted. It was only that my pussy and ass was so sore that I could not take it for a longer period. Permanent damage would have resulted and these were trained dogs. They knew the command ‘No!’ I did have to shout it to recover my breath, but it has been so long I have been pack bred my body is crying out for it to happen again.

Now I am getting ahead of myself. Forgive me. The nearest to this was last Christmas when I was “attacked” by a group of strays Sunny brought back that were ferocious and got me very scared as I was their bitch for the day. One of these dogs now lives with me and occasionally he will go and bring back a ‘friend’. I did try telling this story here, but had to leave it unfinished as there was very little reader response. It did not turn many people ‘on’. It was probably my fault in the telling. I even got my brother, who witnessed it, to write his side as a watcher and that was the story’s last death knell!

Back to this one. Pedro and I lay together for over twenty minutes (so I was told) whilst the twins got cleaned up. Sunny even followed them into the bathroom!

I know you are all wondering when I am going to start on the belly riding. The very next part. The rest of the week was mostly a repeat and it flew by and Sunny got his act together and when I packed my things together and on the Friday driving off to visit Mano and friends he was an accomplished and enthusiastic lover. Like Oliver Twist he kept asking for ‘more’ and being a nice girl I let him have it.


It was early Friday morning, and raining when I drove away from my home to visit Mano and friends at The High Chaparral Ranch. Ten days I was to spend there and I was almost trembling with excitement. I had packed just a few things as Mano said I would not be wearing much, but we would be visiting a few friends, “So bring some nice dresses.” I was wearing just a pink top and a knee-length skirt patterned with small breasted mermaids. No underwear, but hanging up against the rear door of the SUV was a white dress that I was going to wear when I reached “Hummingbird’s”, the bar and grill near the ranch. My directions stopped there as I was to meet Sam, the ranch foreman who was going to take me the rest of the way. Sunny was with me and although he started the trip on the rear seats he soon decided he wanted to sit up front with me.

We stopped a few times to take a potty break and Sunny behaved himself for three hours before he decided he wanted a little piece of me! He had tried several times to get me interested, but I scolded him and he settled down. But this time he would not be denied. Either an accident, stopping and tying him down in the back of the van, or stopping in a secluded place and giving him what he wanted. I settled for the last.

There were many areas that would have been ideal that we had passed but now when I wanted to find one I could see no suitable spot. I was also hungry and bursting to pee again. Half an hour later, on a road full of giant potholes that could hide a bus, a thickening mist and a horny dog I had to fight off it was a miracle I didn’t have an accident. Then I found a spot next to a bar. Lights loomed up at me from the mist and I pulled into the car park. On either side were bushes, grass and trees. As I turned the van around there was an even more perfect place at the rear. I parked the car and the mist was also going to help seclude us from inquisitive eyes. It was just as well as he was jumping up onto my back and wrapping his paws around my waist as stepped out of the van. I even had to wrestle him off me as I climbed over the wooden post and rail fence. We made it into the bushes and the mist was so wet I felt it soaking through my flimsy clothes.

I never got even the chance to pee. He was on me as soon as I tried to squat and gave that up, adopting the classic doggie position on all fours. He was too excited to get me at his first attempts and I had to stop and calm him down. He got me on his second mounting, making me gasp as I felt the tip of his penis enter and he started pounding it into me. His cock got bigger and bigger. His cock rammed into me faster and faster. His rear legs scratched the back of my legs and clawed at my rump. At least one leg stayed on the ground otherwise he would have shot over the top of me. His heavy panting was at least six times as fast as my breaths were releasing themselves with a throaty gasp from my mouth. I climaxed and moaned and I felt his knot, all too soon for me, and then it was inside and I screamed. As we lay tied together, human and beast, his sperm shooting inside me, so hot and wet, I was lost in the wonderful sensations.

It was a good fifteen minutes we stayed like this until the weight of Sunny on my back had become so uncomfortable, I forced myself to scramble up making him pull out of my pussy and get down. A flood of his spunk flowed down my legs and ran into my shoes. I was a mess. Soaking wet, dirty and still wanting to pee. My hair was matted and pieces of it were sticking to my face. I thought, “what the hell.” Putting a very contented Sunny back into the van. I made my way up to the bar and not looking at anyone inside strode into the bathroom.

There is nothing as glorious as relieving oneself when you are at bursting point. My stomach was actually hurting and another second and I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself. Isn’t it funny none of this is noticeable when you are being fucked? The bathroom was small but at least there was a mirror and a sink with running water plus soap. I cleaned myself up, used my fingers as a makeshift comb, and smoothed my skirt and top, noticing that the front was so wet that you could clearly see my bare breasts under it.

I had smelt the aroma of food cooking when I had stepped into the bar and I suddenly felt hungry. So, sitting myself down I ordered a beer and looked at the menu. The cuisine wasn’t large, but I could see a several people tucking into the food which was plentiful and looked very appetizing. I settled on the Mondongo followed by Frito Olla de Carne and looked around at the other customers. There weren’t many, but then entered a 6ft. Tall, slim, elderly, striking, woman with two huge, beautiful pure white dogs. She looked around the bar and our eyes met and locked for what seemed a very long three seconds. She smiled. I smiled back and she sat down at the next table to me.

I was about to get up, pet the dogs and ask what their breed was, but a waitress came with my soup and beer. The dogs had settled themselves down on either side of the woman owner’s chair like body guards. Although they were definitely docile now I wouldn’t want to mess with them. The one nearest to me had lifted his head, staring at me with his nose twitching. I supposed it was the aroma from the soup, which was delicious.

The woman sensed that her dog had discovered an exciting smell and she gave the dog a small reprimand but countering it with a pat. I couldn’t catch the accent, but it certainly wasn’t Spanish. Her features were European although her clothes were latin as was her hat which she had placed on the table. Her hair was grey and long, plaited and tied with a bright orange bow, dropping down her back almost to her waist. I could not make out her age. Elderly, yes, maybe late sixties to seventies, but her face showed no sign of wrinkles.

It was the skin under her chin that hung and creased up when she moved her head that made me estimate how old she could be. She oozed class, even in her way as she sat. She was obviously known here as the barman came around, kissed the back of her hand and even briefly petted both dogs who showed their appreciation by opening their mouth as if smiling. He personally took her order. I still could not place her accent, but she spoke perfect Spanish – well in my inexpert ear it seemed perfect!

The two dogs were identical. They had to be at least 36 inches tall and somewhere around 150 lbs. They matched their mistress’s elegance, and their thick, white fur did not disguise their muscular structure. I couldn’t see if they were males and when they had come in I had spent my time entranced by their mistress. There was something about her that made me feel she was both dangerous and exciting. In my mind, I imagined her dogs were male and she had me tied down across her lap, lightly spanking me whilst her dogs took turns licking at my vulva. Then my imagination went one step further and I was between her legs, licking her out whilst each dog was upon my back fucking me like mad beasts.

My reverie was interrupted by the waitress retrieving my empty bowl and indicating whether I wanted another beer. I nodded. Also, at that moment the woman drifted past me to go to the bathroom. I smelt the smallest wisp of her perfume, but recognized the intoxicating aroma of musk. I turned my head and watched her almost disappear behind the door before she suddenly looked back. I felt myself blush at being caught out, but I had the lingering vision of her skirt tightly clinging to her shapely bottom and clearly showing the crease of her ass. Why was this woman having such an effect upon me?

As I turned back, I gasped. Something was pushing up under my skirt and a tongue licked between my legs. It was one of the dogs, and the other one was beside him. Yes, they were both males. Although I attempted to push the naughty animal away my legs involuntarily opened wider to give him more access. This immediately invited the other one to jump up onto me and his weight knocked me and my chair over sending me sprawling onto the floor.

I heard some people yelling and with the dog still burying his tongue into my pussy I did close my legs turning onto my side. This was a mistake as the other dog took it that I was getting into position for mounting and his two front paws locked themselves against my waist. A couple of people try to grab at the collar of the dogs, but were met with angry growls. The dog I was locked to was using his strength to turn me which he did successfully. I screamed for help as he got me into position and began humping with only my skirt stopping him from succeeding his goal. The other dog seemed to realize this and I was startled when his teeth grabbed at my skirt and I felt it being pulled up. These dogs were intelligent and worked as a team. I was resigned now to be fucked in public by a huge brute, but I have to confess I was excited. I shut my eyes, bracing myself for what was to come.

A female voice yelled and both dogs stopped immediately. I was released and they walked back and sat down on the floor in the exact spot as if nothing had happened. I was helped to my feet and the barman plus another man, whom I supposed was the manager, addressed me in rapid Spanish until I told them I could speak only English and the barman apologized in my language.

“Allow me, please, to take care of this,” the woman spoke and she waved everyone away. “Please sit with me at my table and allow me to say how very sorry I am. Please be assured they will not harm nor attempt anything like that again. This has never happened before. You will allow me to pay for your meal and drink, please. And perhaps some recompense for the terrible ordeal that must have terrified for you.” Her eyes pierced mine as she said that. They were bright green and I felt she was looking into my very soul as well as reading my mind. I also caught a faint smile on her lips as she ushered me to her table.

The waitress appeared, moved my drink to her table and the manager was back helping me into a chair. He said something to the woman who replied in English. “There is no need. It was not your fault but mine. I will pay. Get –” she paused, looking at me.

“Colleen,” I said.

“A pretty name. Get Colleen something stronger to drink. Something to soothe her frightened state.”

I refused, explaining I still had a long way to drive. She nodded. Her gaze dropped to my top.

“You have beautiful breasts with perky nipples. You know your top is almost see-through, being so wet?”

I nodded, smiling.

“So you don’t mind. You like to get the men excited and —” she paused and her hand grasped mine. “And women, too. Like me.”

Her hand squeezed mine and I squeezed it back. I smiled.

“Yes, both.” I said.

“I only like women. Mature women. I have no time for silly young girls. How old are you? I would say mid forty.”


Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You are still very pretty. You must have driven both sexes mad. I expect you still do. You excited my pets, too. You were not disgusted by what they were trying to do. If I hadn’t been here they would have both fucked you. But you know that, don’t you?

“It was very obvious.” I replied.

“And you would have let them because you found it exciting. Yes?”

“I don’t think I had much choice in the matter.”

“But you didn’t scream. You never fought. You would have enjoyed it. I can tell. And you have a dog. I can smell him on you. I am guessing your dog is a he.”

“Yes.” And it was now my turn to let her know I knew where this conversation was leading. “He is in my car outside. He is not fixed and he has a lovely cock, too.”

She looked at me and then burst into laughter.

“I like you,” she said. “I like you a lot. We will be friends.”

I asked her what breed her dogs were.

“My darling naughty pets. Especially around pretty women like you who smell like a bitch in heat.” She smiled again and squeezed my hand. “They are Great Pyrenees. From the same litter. I have had them five years now from when they were only six weeks old. They are rare as they are both pure white. The breeder did not want them because there should be some grey and black around the eye rims and nose. But I fell in love with you both, didn’t I?” She bent down and tickled them both behind their ears. They snuggled closer to her. “This is Pierre,” and she stroked the one on her left, “and this is Gaston.”

“How do you do?” I introduced myself to them as if they were human, but I did not extend my hand. “How do you tell them apart?”

“Pierre is the leader. He was the one who was on your back trying to fuck you.” The crude word did not seem out-of-place. “But you can tell physically from their ears. Pierre’s are slightly more pointed.”

“And do they fuck many ladies?”

Again the smile. “Bitches only. And would you like to be their bitch?”

I said nothing. I just stared at her, with a slight smile.

“Come home with me. I do not live far. There we can all be better acquainted. My name is Dominique. I have lived here for only three years. I get terribly lonely. If it wasn’t for my pets it would be intolerable. I lived in Paris for most of my life. This solitude is a shock to my system.”

“And what brought you to Costa Rica? And here?”

“Let’s say, I was forced to leave. A scandal would have destroyed my family if I had stayed. I had inherited this property up here in this wilderness so it seemed expedient to use it and disappear. Please let us be friends and come back with me.”

“We will be friends and I would love to come back with you, but I am on my way to The High Chaparral ranch and I have to meet a ranch hand at 5pm at a watering hole nearby. He is going to guide me there. I would be late if I took you up on your offer and I am not sure he would wait.”

“A ranch with many animals, I suppose. You are a very interesting woman, Colleen. Do you think The High Chaparral ranch would mind another visitor?”

“I’m afraid they would. Visitors, especially women, are not usually encouraged. I happen to know the owner and I have fallen in love with his son. I met them at a friend’s house close by to where I live.”

I wrote down my address and she gave me hers, including a telephone number. I promised I would be in touch.

“If you don’t contact me soon I will visit you unannounced.”

“I would welcome that.” I made to leave and she called the waitress over and paid the bill. She followed me out with both her dogs sniffing at my heels.

“May I see your dog?”

I agreed readily and I walked with her as she put both her pets away in her Jeep, tossing her hat on the passenger seat. She followed me over to my Explorer and I introduced her to Sunny. He seemed pleased to meet her and did not snap at all as he usually did with strangers. I was pleased to see the mist had lifted and the sun was burning the remainder of it away. I would have an easier travel.

“Come with me, a moment, please.”

She took my hand and we walked a little way into the wooded area where Sunny and I had enjoyed ourselves. She turned to face me and her arms went around my waist, pulling our body together. We kissed, our mouths opening and tongues twirling and dancing together. Hands reached over my breasts and mine sought hers. They were small and lovely and soft. Like me she was not wearing a bra. She pulled my top up and bared mine. Her head dipped down and I had to pull my hands away as her lips sought my nipple.

I stroked her hair and the back of her neck. I felt her hand under my skirt and a finger sought my pussy. It opened at her touch and one, two and three fingers entered me. I gasped as I came on her fingers. She fucked me now hard with them and they thrust further inside me. I heard myself moan and I came hard. Fingers left me there and I was pulled more firmly against her as my rose was sought and a finger delved and entered me there. I gasped and came again.

“You like it there, too, don’t you?” Her voice was almost hoarse as she pushed another finger into my ass.

“Yes.” I said, “And now you.”

She released me and I undid the zip of her dress at the back. She allowed me to pull the top of her dress over her arms and her beautiful breasts were in my hands. I fondled them pressing them into the palm of my hands, squeezing them hard until I made her cry out. Then I took one of her nipples into my mouth and suckled upon it as if I was a baby at her mother’s breast. My left hand snaked down, underneath the bottom of her dress and lifted it up exposing her black lace panties. My fingers pushed them away and I found her wetness. I touched it, my index finger played with the lips before entering her. Then, to her obvious disappointment, I pulled away. She allowed me to push her backwards until her back was against the tree.

I lifted her dress completely off, pulled down her panties to her feet and she lifted her foot and kicked them away. She was completely naked. I knelt and wrapping my hands around her bottom pressed my mouth against her pussy lips. I pushed a finger against her ass hole, but it wouldn’t let me in. I pushed it into her cunt, getting it wet with her juices. I pushed the tip of the finger into my mouth and licked it. The aroma and taste were so arousing. I attacked her pussy with my mouth again and my finger now entered her ass easily.

I found her clitoris, played with it with my tongue, sucked on it and felt it expand. My finer moved slowly in and out of her ass. I could even feel it pushing the thin membrane of flesh against my tongue. She was moaning and moaning, her body tight against my mouth and her hands holding my head. Her clitty swelled even more, and my tongue licked and sucked on it harder and harder. I was rewarded as she expelled liquid into my mouth. I loved it as much as she did. We clung to each other and then I helped her dress. I collected her panties and told her I was keeping them.

“You may,” she said, “but only if you allow one of my dogs to fuck you here. Now. It will not take long. Please.”

Her voice was almost pleading as was her eyes. My stomach knotted in excitement. It was wrong. I had not the time. It was dangerous. There was no protection from the mist. But I said, “Yes. As Pierre nearly achieved it, let him go first.”

“You mean you will allow both?”

My voice sounded so small and timid. My head was lowered, but I said again, “Yes.”

She took my hand and led me further into the wooded area. She stopped at a tree that had a very bent trunk.

“This should be suitable.” She said. “Try lying across and over it.”

I did as she said. She made some adjustment to my position and lifted my skirt exposing my ass. She tucked the bottom of it into the elastic top and I felt her lips touch the right cheek.

“I must mark you.” She said. “It will hurt a little, but I want you to carry it so it can be seen whilst we are apart. Next time we meet I will give you a permanent one.”

Before I could say anything her teeth sank into my flesh. I couldn’t help but cry out. I knew I must be bleeding there and she started sucking it. The pain left me as quickly as it had occurred from her bite.

“There. It wasn’t too bad, was it? And the bleeding has stopped.”

I heard her footsteps departing, some twigs cracked under her feet.

Left alone with my thoughts, my mind was in turmoil. What was I doing? Wasn’t I content with my trip to see my loved one? The two Great Danes? The belly riding? And other things he had intimated at he had in store for me? Shouldn’t I be rushing to get to The High Chaparral? No. Silly me had given myself to a strange woman who it was very obvious was a lesbian control freak. I was bare assed over a tree out in the open, a car park only a few yards away waiting to be fucked by two huge dogs. Not content with one I had asked for both.

What was I thinking? Perhaps I should make a run for it now whilst I could? So, why was I still lying over this tree with a very excited feeling in my stomach? My pussy also betrayed me and I put a hand down between my legs feeling how wet I was there. I pushed two and then three fingers inside my pussy frigging myself. I had almost brought on an orgasm when I heard footsteps and an excited dog bark. Could one of them smell me already? I stopped and adopted a more demure pose.

As they got nearer, Dominique (what an appropriate name – she had re-named herself?) Spoke to the dogs.

“Go to her, my pets. Make her your bitch.”

They bounded up to me. They smelt me. My pussy. My ass. They licked me. My pussy. My ass. I thought Pierre would have jumped upon me and repeated his wild humping in the bar. I could tell they were excited by their wide open mouths and drooling spittle. They showed off their teeth to me as I turned my head which way AND loose to see these huge dogs. They were the biggest dogs I had ever had mated with me. Probably bigger than the Great Danes down on the Ranch I was going to meet. I was willing them to get on with it. They were so intelligent, they knew they could take their time.

I felt Dominique’s hands on my head. She stroked my hair.

“You are making me so happy.” She told me. “I dreamed of meeting someone like you. I began to think I never would. Tell me all the animals you have let fuck you.”

Before I could reply a huge weight landed on my back. I guessed it was Pierre as he was the Alpha dog. He didn’t mess about either. Just a few tentative pokes at my ass and then his sheath aligned it up with my very, very wet slit. He was in. Now his giant paws lifted my body up off the tree trunk and pushed it down onto his now expanding cock. Pre-cum squirted right up my love channel making it even more slick. His fucking technique was more in tune with a human male than a dog except he was more intense. It was slower than many a dog I had and certainly nowhere as fast as Sunny’s but he was big. Oh, boy, he was very big in the equipment category. Length and thickness. And he pushed my body down onto his cock at each thrust. It hurt. It hurt good. Very good. I lost count of the number of climaxes that raked through my body. I know my eyes were screwed up and was surprised they didn’t fall out when my eyes eventually opened.

Pierre was a very big dribbler. My hair and neck was getting soaked. His breath expelled in little noises before he gulped in more air. All in time with his penis as it shunted in and out. In and out. In and out. Breathe out. Air in. Like a well-oiled machine. There was only one road ahead and it was fast approaching now. A large ball of flesh was forming at the end of this pistoling rod that was as hard as iron. A road sign said “Cum Fast Approaching.” Pierre had reached for another gear and found it. My body shook like a rag in his paws as he found a new faster rhythm. Pulling my cunt down and making his cock find new depths inside me. Suddenly my pussy lips expanded wide and wham that now pulsating ball popped in. I screamed with the surprise of its size and the pain. It felt like a football had been shoved into me. Then scalding hot liquid shot up into my womb. The great big dog was cumming. Cumming. Cumming.

“Yes. Yes! Oh, yes!!” My voice screamed out. Surely the bar patrons could hear me? Would they come running into the wooded area where I was performing this awful bestial act? Would they witness me in the throes of ecstasy? Would they see me in the “arms” of this beast as he poured forth his liquid into my aching body. Aching for more and more.

The Pyrenees Mountain Dog was hardly moving now. I could hear and feel his heart as his huge body had managed to slide some of my top upwards almost to my neck and his fur was tickling me. I purred like a cat that had eaten cream, except my cream had been injected up inside me pleasuring every particle of my body.

I was hardly aware of the giant beast pulling out of me before his brother had taken his place. “Let the action replay begin.” It was not really a replay as Gaston was much quicker. He had pierced me at first strike. I was probably so big down there he could have lost his head inside my vagina. My pussy was making loud squelching noises in time with his rapid strokes. Beautiful music and only Dominique to hear our performance. It was certainly a symphony. Not opus 69 but maybe 99! This was the encore performance played at a faster speed. Again, I came and came. Lost in a world of depravity. So deliciously naughty and nice.

There was no pain when his knot popped into me, or if there was I didn’t notice it. More hot balm mixed with Pierre’s. It felt like I had a gallon of cum in me now. There would be no complaint from me if there was.

I collapsed against the tree trunk when it was all over but even after this I wanted more. Both dogs took turns licking me clean. My legs were wobbly as Dominique walked me back to my car. There were no prying eyes of anyone in the bar and the car park was empty of people. We said our goodbyes. I stroked and bent down to kiss the dogs. They licked my face and I gave them both a french kiss.

I was a very contented woman as I drove away, but Sunny was now excited again from the aroma of sex emanating from my pussy. And yes, he wouldn’t take ‘No’ from me. What could a poor woman do in those circumstances? To avoid an accident, and that was the only reason, I had to stop a few miles down the road, pull into the side, climb into the back of the SUV and let him have his wicked way with traffic passing so very close by. Exciting wasn’t it?

Then, with cum pouring out of me, wetting the car seat and my ass, I drove off to meet Sam Butler to take me to The High Chaparral. Belly riding was my next adventure!


Sam Butler turned out to be a rugged, handsome, tall, American ‘boy’ with a deep drawl and of indeterminate age. I think he was older than he looked and he had one of those open faces with the bluest of eyes that often laughed. I wondered what they’d look like when Sam was provoked. He was the politest of any man I’d ever met and his respect for me seemed genuine. I didn’t have to get to like Sam Butler I was fond of him immediately.

I apologized for being late and he said, “Any man would wait an eternity to be next to a beautiful woman like you.” Well, what woman of any age would not be flattered, and one of my age…..? I kissed his cheek.

We did not stop to eat, but I thankfully accepted his offer of a drink – a margarita and watched him down a generous shot of neat J&B whiskey.

I introduced him to Sunny and they immediately became friends. A good sign. He climbed in alongside me in the SUV and his directions to the High Chaparral Ranch were clear and in plenty of time. I would never have found the place without him. There were too many twists and turn offs along dirt roads. There were so many things I wanted to ask him, especially about my lover, Mano, but I had to concentrate fully on the roads especially as it was now dark. Finally the winding, bumpy track we were now driving on opened up and we were at the front gates of the High Chaparral.

It was a formidable place. High fences that reminded me of a prison and in the dull light it looked forbidding. Two men, looking like Mexican cowboys, guarded the entrance complete with rifles. They stood, barring my way with the rifles pointing at me until they recognized Sam. The gates quickly opened and they gave a respectful touch to their hats as I drove through into the Ranch. I was here.

Once inside I felt more comfortable. There was plenty of light and Manolita and Sebastian strode out of a delightful looking big house accompanied by two fierce-looking jet black Great Danes. They growled menacingly when they first smelled and then saw Sunny. He immediately moved sideways on in front of me and growled back. He was letting them know he was my protector. A curt command in Spanish to them from Seb and they relaxed and walked slowly up to Sunny and me, giving us both a sniff. Sunny gave a quiet growl, but I patted him and all was well. The three dogs had accepted each other. In fact, they bounded away together as if the Danes wanted to show off the ranch to Sunny.

Sam collected my bags and cases and took them into the house. I hugged and kissed Seb and then flung my arms around my wonderful new love. Mano. Mano – my man! After plenty of passionate kissing and touching they escorted me into the house and I was shown to my room. It was magnificent. Something out of an old plantation home, except in addition to the four-poster bed, there was a giant Jacuzzi inside the bedroom!

I won’t dwell anymore with descriptions, the small talk, the showering and dressing up for supper. The delicious meal and the drinks, as I know you want to read about the sex!! And there was plenty of that. I told them Sunny was now an accomplished lover and I was introduced to Eugenio and Guillermo, the Danes. Eugenio had some white markings on his paws and his face whilst Guillermo was pure black. They were as big as the Pyrenees and I decided not to mention the incident. Seb gave an order and two male servants came from the shadows and cleared the table. I was invited to take my place upon it and the fun began.

Mano took his place at my feet whilst his father, Seb climbed up onto the table and was in my head. Hands unfastened my dress and hands pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties. My breasts were exposed. Lips and hands caressed them and lips, a tongue and fingers played with my pussy and even my ass. I gave my body to them. There was a brief intermission whilst father and son divested themselves of their clothing and a cock was introduced to the lips of my mouth and a cock into my now very wet cunt.

I sucked and was fucked – from both ends. I was turned onto my stomach and I relished the extra penetration and the feeling of being at their mercy. Wonderfully, there was no mercy. They fucked me like the true masters, they were. My nipples were pinched and a finger forced into my ass. Seb pushed my face down further into his groin, forcing his cock down into my throat. I fought the instinctive gagging motion and used my deep throat techniques to good effect. I heard Seb groan!

Mano’s huge cock slipped from my wet gaping hole and pushed now against the smaller and tighter one forcing the ring to give way and admit the naughty intruder. The sudden pain soon gave way to bliss and I had a minor orgasm from the ass fucking. Time to purr like a naughty cat, even with a vacant pussy although I had no complaints. Mano was groaning too, and I could tell neither man was going to last longer. I used my ass muscles to squeeze the cock pounding in there and make the passage even tighter.

It did the trick. With a very loud groan Mano started to cum and his father was only a second behind. Spunk flowing into me from both ends. What a happy person I was as this triggered my orgasm. There is something very special when all the combatants in the sexual act achieve orgasm at almost the same time. And when one is madly in love with the chief one that makes it doubly good. This cat really did purr. Meow!

As soon as we had gathered our breath, I was helped down and both Mano and Seb’s fingers pushed up into my pussy whilst spunk seeped from my ass. My mouth and throat held that lovely salty semen taste and I raised no objection as the two servants, now naked joined us. The two Great Danes, Eugenio and Guillermo, with a happy looking Sunny pushed their way to me. Mano and Seb laughed.

“You’re a popular woman,” said Seb. “Everyone wants a piece of you.”

“You don’t mind if the hands enjoy you as well?” Asked Mano.

“No,” I replied, “the more the merrier.”

“That’s my lovely senora. My perra.” We kissed and our mouths opened. Tongues touched briefly, but my senses reeled. “Eugenio loves a suck. Will you oblige him?”

I nodded to Mano even though sucking a dog cock is not my favourite act, but I would do anything for this man and I do mean anything. I started to get down onto my knees, but Mano stopped me.

“No. On top first.”

One of the servants was laying on his back on the table, stroking his cock that was rising. I decided to help it by standing between his legs, taking his cock into my mouth and giving it a hard long deep suck. It got rock hard immediately. I looked around at the other servant, but no help was needed from me. I knew I was going to be double penetrated by two fine-looking weapons. I was helped up on to the table, I stood astride the proud cock and slowly lowered my cunt onto it. We wriggled and shunted ourselves across the table still nicely joined together and the other servant climbed up into position. I felt his cock push against the other one in my pussy and it entered me there too. I heard myself groan in satisfaction. Two in the same hole. What a greedy girl I am. Now how was I going to suck on the Dane’s cock? I didn’t have long to find out.

Seb and Mano brought him round to the front of me where there was a chair. Eugenio knew exactly what to do. How many women had been in this same position as me? I asked myself. His front paws, now taped, rested on the shoulders of the man on top of me. I squatted down more to align my face and mouth with the right angle and position for the Dane’s cock, the point of which was just poking out. Red and moist and I licked at it as a little spurt of pre-cum dropped onto my tongue. Soon more it was exposed and there were enough now to wrap my lips around it. More pre-cum. I moved my cunt a little on the two human cocks crammed into my pussy and the naughty, kinky second sexual act began.


I slowly pushed my body to and fro feeling those lovely cocks move inside me and allowed that doggie phallus to disappear fully into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat.

Thus began a wonderful evening of human and doggie sex. Sunny fucked me. The two Danes fucked me and for the first time I actually managed a full vaginal tie. It was with Guillermo. He had the biggest knot I have ever seen or felt! The size of a football!! To be tied together ass to ass was an incredible feeling.

The sex went on until the early hours of the morning and finally I have been in bed with just Mano beside me. The sex turned to love-making and that was even more enjoyable. He was so skilful and masterful. I gave myself completely to him.

I was awaken at eleven with breakfast in bed brought to me by Seb’s cook who identified himself as Ira. Then a shower and when I had finished there was a pair of dark brown trousers and a white blouse with long sleeves with lace around the cuffs. I put them on omitting any underwear and walked down to what I would call the sitting room but there was no one there. I heard voices outside, so following my ears found Mano with Seb.

Mano’s face lit up when I appeared and giving me a quick peck on the lips, he and his father escorted me to what looked like the stables. It was. I was ushered into one of the boxes and there was a phantom horse. So realistic, it stood impressively like the black stallion from the so named movie. Even more impressive was the life like horse cock and testes, hanging beneath the belly was a sling with stirrups, a leather saddle, and a set of pulleys. Mano explained the workings.

“The woman’s hands are fixed to ropes around both sides of the horse. She then uses her feet and hands to control how much penetration she receives from the horse penis inside her. A novice practices first with a mock horse and cock before hanging underneath a live horse. The horse is then walked round by an attendant when she is comfortable. Slowly at first and then at a speed she is comfortable with. Communication is done by wireless mic between the belly rider and the attendant. The final progress is for the attendant to ride as a jockey with the female belly riding beneath. Full communication is essential for safety. The big climax is for the horse to actually jump a fence or hedge. It is not dangerous if there is plenty of practice and all the steps taken are slow. You are a novice and here to practice.”

I couldn’t wait to try and very quickly I was helped into the saddle. The head of the cock was inserted into my pussy and I was given a lesson in how to move the saddle by my feet in the stirrups and push more of the cock into me. It was more difficult than it looked and at first I pulled back too far after the first push and the cock kept slipping out. It was over half an hour later that I began to master it and kept the cock moving nicely to and fro in my cunt that was juicing up quite nicely. A bit later I even managed to achieve an orgasm and the cock had reached maximum penetration.

My first lesson finished and everybody was pleased with my performance. Then I was on my knees as the three dogs wanted a piece of me. I was more than happy to oblige them.


I practised religiously for three days until it was almost second nature. Sam was not happy with the harness/pulley arrangement and said it was dangerous to have me pushing with my feet to get more of the horse cock into me but Mano said Sam was a worrier. Somehow I liked it that Sam worried a little about me. I rather liked him, although not in the sexual way. I had sex with all the hands except Sam. He had watched, but only to see that I was not “roughed up” by them. I could tell he was not turned on by my animal antics with the dogs as he would look away. But he treated me with the utmost respect. He was a very nice man.

The big day finally arrived and although I had been introduced to my stallion, Rey. Rey was truly magnificent. Grey in colour and over 16 hands, lean, with a medium-length head having a convex profile. His eyes were large and they studied me for a long time before his head nodded as if he liked what he saw. I hoped he did. His neck was long, a sloping shoulder, clean legs with good bone, short, strong cannons, and a thick, flowing mane and tail. I spent long hours holding and stroking him that was only interrupted by the dogs who seemed to be always horny. I did not complain or stop them. I was their bitch.

When Mano and two of the hands attached the sling to him his quiet, passive nature gave way to genuine excitement and Mano had to softly talk to him. I guessed he was telling him to quieten down as this is what Rev did. It was only when I tried to get into the sling that he started his excitement again and it took all three men to hold him still. Sam appeared like magic and he helped me get into position.

So there I was, lying face up under a horse staring at his belly and swinging gently side to side. I moved my head so I could just see his balls and Mano only had to stimulate him manually a few times before his cock lengthened and grew at a seemingly alarming rate. Of course he had done this many times before with Mano’s wife and other ‘naughty’ women friends of his.

I was just as excited as the horse. I could feel my juices flowing and as soon as I felt the head of Rev’s cock at the entrance to my pussy I pressed hard down onto the stirrups forcing it into me. Oh, how it felt so different from the false cock I had been practising with. This was warm and alive and it was now inside me. I pushed harder and I marvelled how easily it slid into me. It was huge, but my cunt opened up and accepted it until I couldn’t fit anymore of it up me.

“Are you ready for me to walk him around?” Mano asked.

“Oh, yes,” I cried and I was already having an orgasm as the horse moved slowly with Mano holding his reins.
Dear readers, this is an experience almost beyond comprehension. Every trot Rev took I felt his cock move inside me. I would imagine how pleasurable it would feel, but if I multiplied this imagined thrill by ten, then I can truly explain it to you.

“Do you want him to move faster?” Mano asked.

“Yes. Yes.” I encouraged him.

But I wasn’t expecting what happened next. Mano let the horse go almost free held only by a very long rein and rope that Mano let uncoil. Rev now started to trot more quickly. In a circle, yes, that was getting increasingly wider and I was now swinging side to side almost as fast as the horse was moving with his cock squeezed tightly by my pussy that was trying to get more of it inside me. I could now feel his flare opening. It was enormous and the biggest I had ever taken. I thanked my Creator that I was blessed with such a wide pussy but even this was being stretched to the limit.

It was beginning to hurt very much and I could myself screaming, but doubted anyone could hear me. Then it happened. My pain was dulled as he started to ejaculate into me. It was awesome. The pain was forgotten as I climaxed with this great beast. My head span and I knew he had now stopped trotting and was rearing up onto his hind legs and crashing down onto his front ones sending his cock banging into me. I didn’t care. I was lost as I achieved my biggest orgasm. I closed my eyes and my senses swirled.


It was three days later that I was once again hanging beneath that magnificent beast. My pussy had been too sore even though I was anxious to repeat the experience. I couldn’t even bear the three dogs to take me, although I did try to mate with Sunny. Alas the pain was too much. I did take all three of them orally and Mano took my ass and even that was uncomfortable. The stretching of my anal passage by his huge cock caused tightening into my pussy, and although I begged Mano to stop he was too far gone and his orgasm blocked out my cries of pain.

But that was all past and now I was slung underneath Rev. He was so excited to see me and once again he had to be controlled by his handlers, otherwise I would never have been able to slide into position. Sam whispered into my ears that he had changed the pulley formation to protect me and this time I was grateful. At that time I didn’t realize just how grateful I would be with him. So when I pushed against the stirrups Rev’s cock would be pushed out and when I pulled his cock would pull back into me.

Earphone buds were inserted into my ear canals with an attached radio mike and Mano wore the same as he climbed up onto the horse. We could communicate. Now I could really call myself a belly rider. It had been agreed that Mano would ride, at a gentle pace and not a gallop and I could tell him to slow down when the Rev’s cock got too much for me to handle from the jarring of his feet upon the rough terrain. Sam and Seb had impressed on Mano not to attempt a jump with me slung under his horse. It was far too dangerous.

I could tell that Mano was disappointed and he told me his late wife said it was the greatest thrill. I hesitated at this and it was then Sam told me that it was this act that had killed her. A story different to what Mano had told. Sam and Mano got into a fierce exchange of words, all in Spanish, but I could see these two men did not like one another. Seb broke it up and without another word Mano took off, riding the horse at a gallop I was not comfortable with at all.

The violent rubbing of Rev’s cock inside my cunt, although painful at first, did start to feel nice and when I heard Mano’s voice in my ear asking me if I was alright I replied I was and did not tell him to slow down. I knew he could he me gasping at my approaching orgasm and this spurred him on to ride the horse even faster. Being close to the ground made the feel of the speed seem faster than it really was but even so, by the noise of the hooves on the ground, we were moving at a rapid gait.

“How fast are we moving?” I yelled into the mike.

“Around 30 miles per hour.”

Mano’s voice sounded excited and I was pleased his anger seemed to have subsided. He can only keep this up for about a mile and a half, but he can go faster especially approaching a jump. I have had him clocked at 50. Let’s give it a go. There’s a 5ft hedge he loves to jump not far off. You’re going to love this.”

By now, Rev’s cock was starting to flare, and I could feel his excitement transferring into his cock as it shunted in and out of my pussy. Although I was having multiple orgasms I was also having a feeling of self-preservation. Sam’s warning of a jump ending Mano’s wife’s life. Was this the same hedge that he had jumped with her in the same position as me?

I yelled at Mano to slow down and not to attempt the jump. I heard a derisive laugh in my ears.

“You are going to die so happy, my Pet!” His yell drummed into my ears.

I realized that Mano was mad. I now believed he had knowingly killed his wife and he was going to kill me. I screamed and screamed, but to no avail. Rev was galloping faster and faster. The seat I was on was shunting side to side with me on it like a terrifying ride at a fair or theme park. The big difference was a horse’s cock was embedded into my belly and was on the verge of cumming inside me. His flare had reached maximum size and I could even feel my belly swelling. My terror did not even stop me from climaxing. Mano was right, I was going to experience the greatest thrill and I was going to die!

I closed my eyes and prayed. Sam’s words came back to me. He had rearranged the pulley system. I pushed as hard as I could against the stirrups to move that huge horse cock out of me. It would not budge. The flare was too big and in seconds it was going to fire its load into me. If I could get Rev to cum before the jump I might have a chance. I couldn’t see where or how far away the hedge was but I suspected we were approaching it soon. How right I was.

I could sense the excitement in the horse and I could feel the rider tensing himself. I could even feel him tightening his grip on the reins. The horse jumped and his cum poured into me at the same time. I, too, came with him. It was as if time slowed down at that moment. I was sailing through the air and all noise stopped. I was flying. I was cumming. Rev was cumming. His seed was gushing into me. I felt it and my fear vanished. I was still pushing against my stirrups with all my might and I started to feel the cock begin to move slowly from me.

Time came back at a rush. The noise of the wind and the panting and baying of the horse shrieked in my ears. Then pain swept upon me as the top of the hedge slashed across my head, my ears, face, back thighs and legs. Rev would normally have cleared the hedge comfortably, but with the extra weight of me and being slung beneath his belly this was more than he could handle. He almost made it. As he landed his front legs buckled and his head dropped. The sudden jarring as his feet hit the ground caused my feet to bang against the stirrups even harder. The softening of the flare also helped and his cock shot out of me. He was still cumming as his semen gushed all over my belly and onto my neck giving me a liquid necklace.

Rev’s unexpected stumbling caused Mano to be unseated and I heard his yell as he sailed through the air. I even heard a loud thump as he hit the ground. Then it was my turn. Rev went down and my head and shoulders banged against the ground. Although it was covered with grass there had been little rain and it was hard. It hurt. It hurt real bad. Then Rev slid over onto his side. I felt him try to get up, but with my weight under him he couldn’t manage it. As we lay there I heard Sam’s voice and the pain I was experiencing became too much and I sank into blackness.

I wasn’t badly hurt. Bruised and a very sore head, but nothing broken. Unfortunately, though, the trauma cased me to have a bad relapse of my illness. I have Huntington’s Syndrome and my head and body shook almost uncontrollably. I couldn’t even think straight. My speech was slurred and I had difficulty in swallowing. Seb was scared the fall was responsible, but I was able to write well enough to let him know what I was suffering from. I had some “Nitoman” tablets with me and a week later I was almost my “old” self.

My disease, plus the drug did bring on depression, but my mood was mainly from Mano. I really loved this man. I was love-sick. He had told me he loved me too and we were to be married. But it was all lies. He had even tried to kill me. I found out that Sam had beaten him up very badly and put him in hospital. It had taken four of the hands to pull him off Mano otherwise he would have killed him. I did not feel sorry about it. Seb said Mano was never coming back to the ranch. He kept apologizing to me. Sam visited me every day too, as of course did my darling dog, Sunny.

Sunny knew something was wrong with me and did not once try to hump me. He just licked me and stayed in my room, either on the floor or lay at the foot of the bed. This incident made us even closer.

When I left the ranch and drove home, I cried nearly all the way. I also left Mano’s present behind. I forgot to tell you, but he had bought me a full grown boar. I never got the chance then to try it out.

I am sorry it has taken me a long time to describe my belly riding experience. I expect you can understand now why. To write all this down has been very difficult as I have had to relive all the events. In writing this I am not really over it. Part of me still loves that man. There was something about Mano that draw me to him like a magnet. He was so exciting……

I have been back to the ranch since. Twice. I did go belly riding again, but Seb was in control and it was all very sedate. And yes, I did get to “wear” and feel Mano’s present – the full-grown boar. Maybe I’ll tell you about it some day. I have never seen nor heard of Mano. I have not asked and no one has volunteered the information. Sam has been very attentive. Flowers arrive from him every month. I think he is in love with me. Why can’t I fall in love with a really nice man like him?


The End.

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