The Alley

By Trystan69

It was summer, in that awkward time between school and college. The time you feel on the brink of new beginnings, but frightened of stepping out on your own. However, for the time being, I was still at home with my parents. Of course, I had certain new found freedoms, but still forced to live within some of the rules. One of those was cleaning up after dinner and taking out the trash. Not a daunting task, as living in a small town was not really exciting or dangerous.

My boyfriend for the last couple years had already moved away and went to situate himself in the college life, prior to the fall rush. This left me with mixed emotions and feeling quite alone. Most of my friends had also moved on or found jobs that kept them occupied during the week. So I had resigned myself to a summer of boredom and menial tasks.

It was a Tuesday evening and I set about doing the dishes, after my parents had settled down after a large dinner. The soapy dish water had splashed repeatedly on my t-shirt and shorts, so after finishing up the washing, I went to my room, slipped off my wet clothes, and slipped into a robe. I was going to relax and watch some TV, when my father knocked on my door and reminded me to take out the trash before I went to sleep. I said I would in a bit and continued staring blankly at some mediocre show on HBO. The show had little plot and was obviously not going to win any awards, but did have some gratuitous sex scenes to keep the viewer’s attention.

After about an hour the show ended and I was slightly aroused from the movie and lack of sexual attention, since the departure of by boyfriend from this dead end town. I kept thinking about masturbating to relieve some tension, and figured I would once my parents went to sleep. I lay back, tracing the curve of my petite body and small breasts. My nipples were screaming for attention and I was about to give them exactly what they wanted when my father, once again, knocked on my door.

They were going to bed and reminded me not to forget the trash, again. I really didn’t want to get up, but decided I might as well get it over with. I slid on my slippers and then paused to admire myself in the mirror. My robe had slightly come open, exposing a line of bare skin from my neck to my toes. I felt sexy and admired the subtle curve of my cleavage and my flat stomach. I swung back forth a little, smiling to myself, as my trimmed vagina came ever so slightly into view.

I noticed how my thighs rounded and curved to cradle my puffy, and full labia. How my clitoral hood formed a ridge between those pink and swollen mounds. I heard my parent’s door close down the hall and sighed. The trash, I had to take out the trash, then I could lay back and return to admire myself longer into the warm summer night. I pulled the strings of my robe, closing the gap between the sides, and ending my little show for myself. The robe hung to my knees and I begrudgingly opened my door into the hallway.

It was dark, except the dim glow coming from the kitchen. My father had left the light on so that I could see the trash can easier. Only the soft whirl of the air conditioning fan could be heard, as I walked quietly toward the kitchen and my awaiting task. I pulled the bag from the trash can and opened the door to the outside. A sudden blast of steamy, Midwestern, summer air whooshed across my face as I stepped onto the rear porch. I had forgotten to turn the porch light on and didn’t turn back after closing the door. I just wanted to get this over with and return to my room. I went down the stairs and walked along the little stone path toward the rear gate to our fence.

It was really dark and the moon seemed absent as I walked. The privacy fence seemed to make the back yard, even darker and the trees blocked out what little light might peer in from the streetlights in the front of the house. I walked to the rear gate and opened the latch, only to catch the side of the bag on the hook as I shuffled through. I muttered to myself as papers and empty cartons fell to the ground from the exposed hole in the bag. The alley didn’t provide much more light, but enough to see I had a mess to clean up. The trash can was on its side so I bent down to pick it up. As I threw the ripped bag into the can I heard a rattle of metal from down the alley.

I looked down the alley, both ways, but couldn’t really see anything except the neighbour’s fences and the gates of the salvage yard down the way. I shrugged and proceeded to start picking up the stuff that had spilt from the ripped bag. It was hot, but there was a slight breeze that carried some loose papers down the alley a bit. I really didn’t want to go chasing them, but didn’t want to leave a mess for my parents to find in the morning. I mean they were going to pay my college tuition after all.

I slowly strolled down the alley picking up papers as I went. Each time I bent over the strings on my robe pulled and slightly gave way. I didn’t care much as there was no one around and it was far too dark to be seen, let alone see the occasional glimpse of flesh when I bent over. After a couple minutes I thought I was done, when I noticed one last paper blowing down toward the salvage yard fence. I thought to myself screw it, but thought it might be one of my dad’s work papers or a bill with our name on it. I wouldn’t want someone bringing that to our door in the morning so I headed further down the alley.

I was easily half a block from my rear gate and walking along next to the salvage yard fence. The paper was stuck on the back of an overturned trash can just a little farther. Finally, the trash can was within my grasp. Suddenly, the trash can moved and a mangy mutt came into view. He wasn’t much to look at and seemed to be as startled as I was at our meeting. He took an aggressive pose and snarled at me as I reached down to grab the paper. I laughed and grabbed the paper as he inched toward me. I wasn’t afraid of this mutt, he was only about fifty pounds and obviously a stray. His fur looked unkempt and although clearly trying to frighten me, he wasn’t doing a really good job.

I stood up and turned back toward my house. I went a few steps when I heard a creak just ahead in the blackness. It sounded like a gate, but there was just the salvage yard fence and a corn field across from that. I became nervous and spun around to find that mutt maybe two feet away from my heels. Now I wanted to hurry back down the alley, toward my house and the welcoming shelter of our fenced yard. There was really nothing down the alley this far and I knew my parents were already in bed and wouldn’t be waiting for my return.

I didn’t care about the mutt behind me as much as the noises ahead of me. Even in the blackness I thought I could see the dark figure of something moving around directly in my path. As I walked I came upon the rear gate of the salvage yard and it was opened several inches, when it was when I had originally came past it the first time. I figured the breeze may have pushed it open, yes, that had to be it. I walked past it, glancing it to see a dim light in the distance and the piles of cars and old abandoned mobile homes. I pushed it back closed when I heard a growl behind me. It was that damn mutt now just a few inches from my feet. I jumped at him and he ran back a few feet, but seemed even more agitated than before.

He came back quickly and lunged at me grabbing a corner of my robe and twisted his head back and forth until I heard the sound of material ripping and a hunk of my robe being pulled away. He backed up with the piece of my robe growling and throwing his head back and forth. I was mad, but also not wanting to get bit by a stray dog with who knows what diseases. I just turned back around and started walking past the salvage yard gate, when I noticed a large, bulky dark figure maybe ten feet ahead of me. I strained my eyes to get a better look, but in the darkness I could only see the outline of what I thought was another dog. A huge one!

Now I was getting nervous. I was still a half block of dark alley from my house, an angry, mangy mutt behind me and this giant dog in front of me. The nearest house was still a couple hundred feet ahead of me and a corn field across from the salvage yard fence. It didn’t take long to figure out that this huge dog in front of me wasn’t friendly either. I heard this deep guttural growl in just ahead of me and the dark shape came closer into view. It was a massive black dog almost up to my waist tall. His eyes glowed red in the dark night, but I could certainly see his open snarled mouth and all those teeth.

I moved across the alley toward the corn field, but the big dog moved quickly and got closer. To make matters worse, now the small dog had joined in and was back on my heels. I jumped and ran toward the open salvage yard gate. If I could reach it, I could close it and leave these dogs in the alley. When I started running it was if all hell broke loose. The bigger dog lunged at me, but I just made it past him. I grabbed the gate and pulled it only to find there was a chain holding it closed, but I could probably have squeezed through if I wasn’t trying to avoid these dogs. My only option was the corn field and I made a dash for it. Once I left the soft dirt of the alley, I found my slippers didn’t give me any traction. I paused for a split second and made up my mind to loose these mutts in the corn.

I ran into the corn field and the corn leaves pulled constantly on my robe. The thin strings tugged and my waist. I didn’t have time to stop as I heard corn rustling behind me to alert me at least one of those dogs was behind me. I kept running and zigzagging, hoping to lose them in this impromptu corn maze. Finally, after a few minutes I slowed and then stopped. I didn’t hear anything behind me, but I could clearly hear corn rustling on my left. I took advantage of this pause to catch my breath and listen. During the chase I had lost my slippers and my feet were covered in dirt. I was relieved, but infuriated at those dogs. Why did I just have to get that last paper? It didn’t matter now all the papers I had were scattered about the ground by the salvage yard fence when I made my escape.

I listened closely for a few second and heard nothing so I pulled the string on my robe to tighten it and snap. The string broke, letting the robe fall open. With new resolve I held the robe closed and moved slowly back toward the alley, except which way is the alley? In all the mad dashing and zigzagging, I had lost track of where I was. There were rows of corn in every direction. The corn stood well over seven feet tall, so I couldn’t look over it. I just picked a direction and started walking.

I had walked about two-three minutes when I found one of my slippers. I bent down to pick it up, but it was wet and sticky. One of those dogs must have found it first and chewed on it. I throw it back to the ground, wiping dog slobber from my hands on the corn husks. Then I hear a noise. It was close. I knelt to see if I could see under the corn stalks, and I saw it. That mangy mutt had found me. The smaller dog was inching ever closer to me and I started to get up and arm myself with the only weapon I could find, an ear of corn. I backed away from the dog, but he was growling and moving toward me. I turned to run again, but tripped over a corn stalk and fell to the ground. I started to get up again, but I froze. Right in front of me was that humongous black dog with every tooth in his mouth poised to rip me to shreds.

I cowered and tried to back up when I felt a shard sting on my exposed bare ass. The smaller dog behind me had bit me on the ass! I turned to kick him, but swung my head back around and was greeted with the muzzle of the huge dog inches from my face. I instantly dropped and used my hands to cover my face in the foetal position. I was truly scared now. I could feel the hot breath of the huge dog on my neck and could hear the smaller dog moving behind me. They seemed to be toying with me.

I opened one eye and peeked between the fingers covering my face. The huge dog had moved back and was just standing there eyeing me. I looked down to see the smaller dog sniffing at my feet. They weren’t growling anymore, so I had a moment of calm. I wondered what to do next. Should I make a break for it or just wait and hope they would leave me alone? My decision was made for me. The smaller dog had gotten very close and was sniffing around my back. I felt a long wet lick right where he had bitten me moments ago. I jerked and the small dog jumped back and growled. The big dog had sat down as a witness to my degradation.

This was it! I had to do something, so I slowly sat up. The bigger dog leapt up and was back in my face, but not growling. I froze and just sat there for at least three minutes. Neither dog made a move on me, but I did have a chance to survey my attackers. The smaller dog was dirty, covered in patches of matted fur and smelled horrible. The bigger dog wasn’t any better. His black fur clung to his bulky frame and obvious signs of a flea infestation. All the time the dogs just took turns moving around me occasionally sniffing me but they seemed calmer. I wasn’t going to stay here forever, so I eased my legs under me and slid up in a kneeling position. I was about to lunge up to run when I felt the wet tongue of the smaller dog trace right between my legs. His spiky tongue ran from my vagina up over my ass. I wanted to take a swat at him, but the big dog got up and moved closer.

Without resistance, the smaller dog went wild licking at my vagina snaking his disgusting tongue between the folds of my labia and inside of my vagina. I moved my hand back to block him but he tried to bite it, then went back to licking. I wanted to scream, but it would only agitate them two mutts. I decided to try to stand, but when I raised up even just a little bigger dog jumped on my head pushing it to the ground. That was the worst move ever. For when my head hit the ground my ass raised up. The smaller dog stopped licking and jumped on my back. The bigger dog moved back, but it was too late.

The smaller dog had wrapped his front legs around my waist and proceeded to hump at me with all the strength he could muster. I kept swaying my hips to keep him from finding his mark, but just as I was about to flop on my side it happened. His disgusting prick hit the outer lips of my vagina. Soaked with sweat and all the slobber from his licking, there was no resistance. His pointed penis slid between the open lips and sunk deep within my vagina. He instantly started hammering away, each time his penis squirted his vile juices inside my vagina, and only served to lubricate the path even more.

Then I felt something beating my labia. At first it was small but seemed to be growing. I knew what it was, I wasn’t stupid. It was his knot, and I didn’t want it inside of me, for I knew then he would fill me with his disgusting seed. I jerk forward, but his legs were wrapped around my waist tightly and it only pulled him closer and enabling him to achieve his goal. In one fluid motion his knot thrust into me and my vagina stretched to accommodate his girth. Now I am not a virgin, but even for a smaller size dog his penis seemed to be quite large.

I felt it swelling within me and the heat was different than anything I have ever felt. He slowed and the swelling doubled in size, it seemed. I could feel, when he moved backwards, the outer lips of my vagina strained and pulled back with him. When he thrust forward I felt this thick hunk of flesh stretch me deeper. As disgusted as I was, being basically raped by this mutt, there was some degree of interest I was feeling. Not so much as pleasure, but feeling this strange, odd shaped penis penetrating deep inside of me and filling me with spasms of hot dog semen. It was so warm I could feel each spurt from his rancid prick.

After a few minutes he loosened his grip and hung on my back. I took advantage of this and tried to push him off, but this nasty coupling kept us linked together. His knot had swollen large enough to not easily allow its removal, but pulled constantly on my labia as he fell off my back to one side. Taking advantage of this position the bigger dog moved behind me and started licking at the juncture of our union. His massive tongue kept lapping up what juices escaped from where the smaller dogs’ penis disappeared inside my vagina. His tongue was rough and soon my labia became inflamed and swollen. I started crying, but it made little matter because any movement on my part was greeted with a growl or nip.

In a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity, I felt the smaller dog start moving and an ever so slight shrinking of his knot. Then he became active and kept pulling and jerking away until his knot, still half inflated, pulled from inside of me with a painful, stretching, plop. He immediately dragged his frame a couple feet away and started licking his prick. That was the first time I had seen it. It was veiny and red, at least seven inches long and a knot about the size of my fist. Impressive considering he was just a mutt and not really that big. I wondered exactly how big it was when it was inside of me.

Don’t get me wrong, I did not enjoy this, but I chose to think of it that way rather than the alternative of focusing on the reality of the situation. I had just been raped by a dog that was disgusting and carrying all sorts of diseases. He had penetrated me and dumped a copious amount of his fowl semen probably into to my womb. I mean right now his sperm were swimming inside me looking for an egg to fertilize. I was shocked back to reality when a glob of his semen ran from inside of me and over my irritated labia. It stung slightly and reminded me of my situation.

The bigger dog started to lick crazily again and I had enough. I pulled my legs up and started to get up when felt something heavy lunge on my back and I knew what was about to happen.

As my body rose up and an endless stream of dog cum ran from within me. My entire pubic area and inner thighs were covered in this sticky mess. This acted as an extreme lubricant for what was about to follow. When the huge dog jumped on my back, I fell forward and onto my knees. This has turned my vagina upwards to the already thrusting penis of the black dog. His paws wrapped around my stomach and I struggled to stop this from happening. But I stopped fighting when I felt the teeth of this massive mutt wrap around the back of my neck. He loosened his bite, but never let go, even as his penis kept repeatedly poking at my already swollen labia. The more he missed the harder he thrust the next time. But he couldn’t hit the right spot.

Unfortunately, my small frame was too low in this position. He kept poking at my labia and then zeroed in on my anus. No way was I allowing this, regardless of how tight he would bite me. I shuffled my legs under me and lifted up not to try to escape, but to raise my vagina higher so he could penetrate that instead. To me it seemed the best option, at the moment, although it was soon to be realized, not the best one.

His penis was different then the smaller dog. The tip of its cock seemed wider and much more pointed. After a few painful stabs, his penis spread my labia and, with all the juices already there, sunk inside of me. Not easily as with the smaller dog, but violently as if someone was jamming their fist in me. My poor vagina stretched even more to accommodate this massive intruder. Even as wet as my passage was it hurt, and I mean hurt bad. My small body wasn’t designed to take this size of penis and he wasn’t even fully hard yet. This dog had to have weighed near one hundred and thirty pounds, which was more than I weighed.

The massive dog was extremely powerful and each thrust slid me forward on the dirt ground. I ended up grabbing onto two corn stalks to keep from tearing up my knees. This only provided him with a steady base to pound into. His grip around my neck loosened and a stream of drool dripped down my neck and over my chest. My robe was tattered and wide open letting my small breasts hang freely while my nipples rubbed irritatingly on the dirt ground. If I had not been occupied with the painful hammering at my vagina, I would have been even more disgusted.

Violently the huge mutt pounded this massive shaft inside of me. Each time he thrust forward I felt that the pointed tip hit the back of my vagina, filling every inch of me up. I, at least, figured that there was no room for his knot to get inside of me. However, I was soon to find out how elastic the human vagina could be. While his tip was pointed sharply, immediately after the tip it swelled to at least two inches across, then slightly taper back, thankfully, before his knot. The pounding seemed to last forever as I could hear the slurping and squishing sounds coming from behind me clearly in the night.

Only my grunts and winces interrupted this melody of penetration. While as uncomfortable as it was his penis swelled, but much slower than the smaller dog. This gave my vagina time to stretch a bit to allow the girth of his massive prick to slide somewhat easily in and out of my vagina. But that was soon to end. I first felt a sharp pain on labia, then the feeling of being kicked in the crotch, not once but over and over again. I felt my labia strain, then a massive jolt of pain. It seems the constant pounding had actually stretched my vagina inward and with the strength of this huge dog, was forcing his knot inside of me.

At first, his knot slid in then sprung back out, but on the third or fourth thrust it didn’t retreat. However, my vagina strained and I felt a bulge deep inside my vagina. The tip was pressing against my cervix, trying to get more room to expand. This wasn’t going to happen, so I began to feel a dull pain in my stomach. I was relieved, briefly, for I had taken his knot and was still in one piece. Then he slowed, then came to a stop. On the bright side, he let go of my neck, on the down side, well his knot started throbbing and increasing in size. I felt my labia stretching and straining to expel this monster from inside of me. My opening couldn’t accommodate the massive of swollen tissue that rest just inside my vagina. I could feel my entire pubic area swelling.

With each beat of his heart, another gush of blood engorged his swollen knot. Each throb brought a tinge of pain as his tip surged forward against a closed opening. The huge dog gave one final heavy thrust and something inside me happened. There was this dull pain near my navel and the back of his knot, which had been straining at my opening, disappeared within me. I could feel my labia closing behind his knot, as if to caress the shaft as it started pumping and endless sea of burning hot dog cum into me.

I could feel his knot clearly now fully inside of me. I even ran one free hand down to my pubic area and could feel a definite bulge just below the skin. But this felt different than the smaller dog. Obviously, he was spewing gallons of semen inside of me, but it seemed to be hotter and deeper inside of me, not so much as in my vagina. The best I could figure is his tip had somehow battered my cervix just enough to allow his penile opening right at the opening to my womb. He was effectively shooting his sperm directly into my uterus. I mean I could feel his throbs and the accompanying jet of steaming hot seed that came with it, but deeper than ever before.

For quite a while we remained joined in this fashion. My mind raced thinking how disgusting this was, and yet the actual act of what was happening inside of me kind of aroused me. I was stretched beyond my own belief, there was a huge knot much bigger than my fist inside of me, and this disgusting dog was shooting his seed not into my vagina, but directly into my womb. Something happened and I gasped as a sudden jerk from the dog sent a shock wave through my entire body. I came, not because I wanted to or was into this, but from pure instinctive reaction. My body took over and I almost fainted from the chain of orgasms that gripped his knot even tighter. I couldn’t control it one seemed to blend into another. By the time his knot had shrunk down to be even able to pull out of me, my body didn’t want it to.

Alas, somewhere in my orgasmic bliss, the massive dog unceremoniously yanked his huge prick from inside of me. It felt as if my entire vagina was going to turn itself inside out when he did, but it just clung to his prick until the last inch slipped from within me. I fully expected a torrent of cum to rush out of me, but surprisingly only a few drops dripped down my labia and pooled on the ground. The rest of his seed stayed inside of me trapped within my cervix and flooding my womb. I fell to the ground and noticed the smaller dog was gone. Just as fast as he had gotten off the huge black dog trotted away down the corn field row. When I was able to walk I stood up and felt a slosh of liquid within my belly.

I cradled my stomach and started to make my way out of the corn field. With each step a few drops fell from my vagina to the ground or matted on my leg in a sticky mess. I held, what was left of my robe, closed when I finally did reach the alley again. There was no sign of the dogs just a very weird walk back to the gate of my house. When I reached the gate, I threw up a bit, then went to clean up this mess of dirt and dried dog cum from my body. I finally went to bed feeling full and sore. When I woke up the next morning I found my sheets below my waist, soaked with dog semen. Evidently what had gotten into my womb leaked out as I slept. Oddly, I felt empty now. My vagina was red, irritated, and a little more open than yesterday. Basically, except for a few little bite marks and scratches, I was unharmed.

Days went by and I thought about my encounter every night. About a week later, when I took out the trash late at night, I wandered down to the salvage yard fence. I found those same two dogs and we went straight into that corn field. Without a fight, they followed. Each morning after, I awoke in a pool of cum and sore, but that Summer I frequented that corn field many times.



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