The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Weeks 46-48: The Interspecies Threesome

By Barbie Lez.

—Part 1—

Friday evening. My friend and I had made plans to go see a movie. Unfortunately, there was something we had omitted to consider. It was the movie’s opening night and getting there ten minutes in advanced was not sufficient. The woman in the booth almost laughed at us when we asked for tickets. Apparently, it had sold out hours earlier.

My first thought was to return home and watch a movie on the small screen. But my friend had something else in mind. We had gotten all dressed up and she claimed it would be a waste to just head home. That was how she convinced me to make a pit stop at the bar that stood less than a block from the theatre.

I am not exactly what you would call a bar kind of girl. I do not particularly like the ambiance, nor do I enjoy the drunken people that usually attend such establishments. And since I do not drink, loosening up was not really an option.

My friend had no such problem. She washed down drink after drink and soon started getting “loosened up” as she liked to say. Each time she would finish a drink, I would drop a hint about leaving. But each time, she would order another drink and assure me it was the last. Of course, it never was.

It was not until she was completely drunk that I realized it was time to cut her off. Do not get me wrong, she was not puke in a corner of the room drunk, but definitely the it’s hard to walk in a straight line kind. After a longwinded speech, I finally managed to convince her it was time to go. Unfortunately, I was soon faced with another problem. She was further gone than I had initially thought and I feared letting her return home on her own. To reach her apartment, she needed to ride the subway and I was afraid she would pass out and wake up god knows where with no memory of how she got there. So I did the only moral thing I could and escorted her home.

That was easier said than done. She was a giggly mess and just getting her to follow me was a challenge. Still, we eventually made it to her apartment and I managed to get her inside. But my job was not over yet.

I escorted her to her room and eased her onto her bed. The second her head hit the pillow, she passed out. I considered leaving her that way, but the jacket she was still wearing would make for a sore awakening. So I got to work.

It took a while, but I managed to remove her jacket. What I saw next left me in a stunned stupor. Though I had spent the entire evening with her, I had not noticed the skimpy outfit she was wearing. Then again, the only time I had seen her without her jacket it was at the bar and the lighting there was not exactly great. But that was all I had time to figure out.

“Uh-oh!” I thought as I felt a powerful fantasy grow within me. I knew it was wrong, but the sight of my friend’s skimpily clothed body was making me horny. Really horny. I fought the impending fantasy for a few seconds before I realized something. I was tired and horny, which was not a good combination considering the passed out young woman before me. So I decided it would be better to fantasize about my friend than run the risk of doing something I would later forget. Moments later, I was pulled into the fantasy.

Taking full advantage of the fact that I could now do anything I wanted without fearing the repercussions, I got right down to business. The first step was to remove my friend’s clothing. First went her top and skirt. Then came her matching lace underwear.

“Wow!” I gasped at the sight of her naked body. Though we had been friends for many years, I had never before seen her naked. Or even in her underwear for that matter. I guess the stereotype guys have about girl friends are wrong. Sorry guys, but we don’t actually have pillow fights in our underwear.

Unable to resist her breathtaking body, I began playing with her boobs. It started off as a soft, sensual massage, but soon turned into an eager nipple stimulation. Luckily, my friend remained unconscious. Actually, that was what convinced me to escalate things.

Not wasting a single second wondering if my escalation would pull my friend from her slumber, I dove right in. Literally.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned as I propelled my tongue past her labia. My moan lingered on when I realized just how hot and wet she was. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last. As soon as I started darting my tongue in and out of her, her eyes flew open and she bolted upright. At least, she would have had she not still been drunk.

“Wh… what are you doing?” she asked when she finally made it to a seated position.

“Uh-oh!” I thought. But aloud, I actually said, “I’m sorry.”

“You should be sorry,” she said in a stern voice. “I’m way too drunk to cum,” she added moments later.

A frown of incomprehension furrowed my brow. Did that mean she was not really angry at me for sexually assaulting her? Or was it just her way of alleviating the tension? Luckily, what she did next helped clear things up.

Reaching out, she pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. Before I knew what was going on, her tongue had slipped past my lips and was eagerly dancing around in my mouth. Once I had gotten over the shock, I kissed her back.

“I may be too drunk to cum, but not to lick pussy,” she said once the kiss had come to an end. Not wasting a second, she started undressing me. Or rather she tried. But her coordination was completely out of whack. Luckily for her, I was too horny to wait and soon came to her rescue. Moments later, I was completely naked.

Apparently, she was too horny to lick my boobs, because she went right for my cunt.

“Oh yes!” I moaned as her tongue started sliding back and forth across my engorged labia. By then, I was so turned on that wave after wave of arousal washed over me. But that was nothing compared to when she started thrusting her tongue in and out of me. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last.

A disappointed sigh escaped me when I felt her tongue transfer to my asshole. Though the anal tongue fucking was enjoyable, I still preferred the vaginal one. My first thought was that she was so drunk that she had accidentally transferred her tongue. But I soon realized that was not the case when she slipped two fingers into my soaking-wet poon.

“Fuck!” I moaned as the dual stimulation began. Her tongue was furiously darting in and out of my ass while her fingers did the same in my pussy. She was so good at what she was doing that a powerful orgasm soon started growing within me.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I shrieked moments later. My pussy was now convulsing and a powerful squirting orgasm was getting ready to explode within me. Sure enough, I soon felt the first wave of cum shoot up my pussy. The hot orgasmilk shot past my lower lips and splashed into my friend’s face. She did not seem to mind, because she continued fucking me with both her tongue and fingers.

More waves soon followed. Unfortunately, I was never given a chance to finish my powerful orgasm because a sound snapped me back to reality. Actually, it was a bark.

“How could I forget she has a dog?” I wondered as I spotted the large canine standing in the doorframe. Apparently, I had left the bedroom door open, thus giving my friend’s pet unrestricted access to her bedroom.

My first reaction was disappointment. After all, my fantasy had been interrupted at the worst possible moment. But I soon forgot all about that when I noticed just how studly the large dog actually was. Of course, I instantly knew what was about to happen. There was no telling how long it would take, but one thing was certain; I was about to fantasize about my friend’s studly dog!


—Part 2—

I had just been snapped back to reality by my friend’s dog. But already, another powerful fantasy was growing within me. Unlike the first, this one would involve the studly canine that stood in the doorframe. And a lot of bestial sex. But I could not give in to my perverse imagination just yet. There was something I had to do first.

Momentarily shaking the arousal from my body, I tore my gaze from the large animal and instead focused on my friend. She lay passed out on her bed. Unlike in my fantasy, she was still fully dressed. But that was about to change.

I am not quite sure why I did what I did next. Perhaps it was a result of the arousal that coursed through my veins. Or maybe it was because I truly cared for my friend. Whatever the reason, I focused on my passed out friend and started removing her clothes. Do not get me wrong, it was not like I was about to take advantage of her. I just did not want to let her pass the entire night in her clothes. So I removed both her top and her skirt. But I left her underwear on. I may have been aroused, I was not a pervert. Once she was down to her skivvies, I manage to roll her over and pull aside the covers. I then rolled her over once more and she was ready for bed. Well, almost. First, I took a good long look at her beautiful figure. When I felt like enough of a creep, I pulled the covers over her and headed out of the room, making sure to close the door behind me.

The dog followed me out and did not leave my side until I reached the living room. I considered heading back home, but the arousal that coursed through my veins at the sight of my sleeping friend made me reconsider. I took a seat on the couch to think things through. My first thought was that I should return home and take care of my arousal the good old fashioned way. My second thought was far different. My friend’s dog had joined me on the couch. His body lay next to me while his head resting in my lap and I could feel of his hot breath on my crotch. Of course, there was a layer of jeans in the way, but his warm breath was still enough to convince me to stay. Moments after making up my mind, I felt a powerful fantasy grow within me. With an eager smile plastered across my lips, I welcomed the familiar feeling and let the fantasy swallow me up.

A soon as the fantasy began, I got to work. Reaching down, I pulled down my jeans. Within seconds, I was bottomless. Apparently my canine companion was just as horny as me, because he immediately started flicking his tongue back and forth across my engorged labia.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned blissfully. My lover’s tongue strokes were so enjoyable that I started to feel guilty. Fortunately, there was a simple solution. I soon noticed something long and hard between my lover’s hind legs and knew exactly what to do. His body was still stretched along the couch, so all I had to do was lean to the side and reach out.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned as I wrapped my fingers around his large prick. The heat emanating from it convinced me to bypass all teasing and get right down to business. Less than a second later, I was furiously jerking him off, my hand sliding up and down the entire length of his rock-hard prick.

Seemingly encouraged by my initiative, my lover decided to perform an escalation of his own. Before I could even realize what was happening, his tongue slithered past my labia and started darting in and out of my soaking-wet poon.

I started to moan loudly. And my moans only increased in intensity as the seconds passed. So much arousal now coursed through my veins that I felt a powerful orgasm grow within me. Apparently, my canine lover was just as horny, because his cock suddenly started jerking around in my hand. Luckily, I was only seconds behind.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I moaned powerfully when my pussy started to convulse. Moments later, I felt my cunt overflow. But the squirting orgasm that was getting ready to explode within me was of no interest to me. I was too busy watching my lover’s cock jerk around in my hand. But jerking around was not all it did.

“Wow!” I gasped when he released his first wave. The hot canine semen flew high into the air. I did not see where it landed because I was already focusing on the second one. And soon the third.

By the time I realized I was also squirting, it was all over. My thighs were now soaking wet and so was the couch beneath me. As well as the floor by my feet.

“What now?” I wondered. Usually, my fantasies came to an end when I climaxed. But on a few very rare occasions, it did not. And this was one of those rare occasions. Fortunately, my canine lover took control of the situation.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned when he started licking the cum that clung to my labia. It only took a few licks before my arousal came rushing back. Instantly, I knew why the fantasy had not ended. We were not done quite yet.

After a dozen tongue thrusts or so, I ordered my lover to stop. Perfectly trained, he did and watched me stand up. But I did not remain on my feet for long. After only a few movements, I was on all fours. With an inviting smile, I presented my pussy to my lover.

“Fuck me!” I ordered. And that was exactly what he did.

“Fuck!” I moaned when he mounted me. He used his front legs to squeeze my waist while hopping forward with his hind ones. Apparently, the powerful canine was just as horny as I was, because I soon felt his rock-hard manhood make contact with my engorged labia.

“Oh yes!” I moaned when he jerked forward, forcing his prick deep into me. But it did not remain there for long. Moments after achieving penetration, my studly lover started pounding me with every last drop of strength at his disposal. His schlong was darting in and out of me with such speed that I felt another orgasm grow within me after only a few seconds.

Obviously, the large animal was just as aroused as me, because his spear soon started jerking around in my cunt. Luckily, I was not far behind.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I moaned at the top of my lungs as my pussy started convulsing once again. We both climaxed at the exact same time. The two orgasmilks combined and shot out of my cunt as the interspecies pounding continued. Unfortunately only a few waves had time to escape the confines of my twat before I was snapped back to reality by a loud noise.

“What the fuck?” I muttered as I glanced around. I was still fully dressed and there as not a drop of cum in sight. But I soon forgot all about that when I spotted my friend. She had just come out of her bedroom and the sound that had pulled my from my fantasy had been the slamming of her door. Obviously, she was still drunk. However, I soon forgot all about that when I noticed the fact that she looked breathtaking in her sexy lingerie. The arousal that coursed through my veins started to bubble and I instantly knew what was about to happen. I was about to fantasize. However, I had no clue if I my waking dream would involve my friend or her studly dog. Or maybe both…


—Part 3—

I had just been snapped back to reality by my drunken friend. Yet there was already another powerful fantasy growing within me. Unfortunately, I had no idea who it would involve. My friend? Her dog? Perhaps both.

Fortunately, the mystery of my impending fantasy only made things hotter. So hot, in fact, that I soon felt it grab hold of me. Moments later, I was dragged away from reality. But before the fantasy swallowed me up entirely, I saw my friend totally ignore me and instead head into the bathroom.

“Time to get to work,” was my first thought once the last shreds of reality had faded.
With my friend’s studly dog’s head still in my lap, I called out to her. It took a few seconds, but she eventually emerged from the bathroom. She seemed surprised to see me there, but did not bother voicing it. Instead, she joined me on the couch. She was still drunk, so there was a lot of zigzagging before she finally reached me. But she made it without toppling over and took a seat beside me.

The next few seconds were spent in silence. Since I had yet to discover who would be my sexual partner for this fantasy, I thought it best to let things play out. And play out they did.

“I’ve always found you hot,” she suddenly admitted.

As thrilled as I was by this confession, I was also confused.

“But I thought you were straight.”

She shook her head.


This brought a smile to my lips.


She nodded. Or she probably would have had she not instead pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. Our tongues danced around in each other’s mouths for what felt like hours before she finally pulled away.

As great as the unexpected kiss was, the arousal that now coursed through my veins convinced me to escalate things. Or at least try.

“Are you also bestiality-curious?” I asked.

My friend seemed surprised by the question, but still took the time to consider it. After a few seconds of deliberation, she shrugged.

“Why not?”

Another smile appeared on my lips. Eager to get started, I got to my feet and took a seat upon the floor. Assuming I had some sort of plan, my friend came to sit at my side. I assume the large feline felt left out, because he too hopped off the couch and came to lie before us.

“Perfect,” I thought as I noticed the large, rock-hard cock that stood between the canine’s hind legs. I pointed it out and watched as it brought a smile to my friend’s lips.

“Do you want to jump right in or should I show you how it’s done?” I inquired.

“Maybe a little demonstration would help,” she admitted. I have no way to prove this, but I am convinced she just agreed to the demo because the thought of seeing me play with her dog turned her on. But there was no way to be sure and I had more pressing matters to attend to.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned mere seconds later as I wrapped my lips around the studly canine’s large spear. Not wasting a single second, I started bobbing my head up and down, forcing the prick in and out of my mouth. I use my lips and tongue to stimulate the shaft while soft moans escaped me. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last.

“Can I try?” I heard my friend ask. But I was enjoying myself so much that I decided to ignore her.

“It’s my turn now!” she soon said. Her tone was powerful and made it clear she was not asking for permission. She was telling me my time was up. So I begrudgingly pulled away from my canine lover.

“Mmmmm!” she also moaned when she swallowed up her pet’s schlong. Apparently, she was extremely horny, because she had not hesitated once before committing her first bestial act. This was proven further by the ferocious blowjob she was performing upon him.

Feeling left out, I decided to join in. But since the dog’s cock was not big enough for two, I instead focused on my beautiful friend. Eager to get to work, I did not hesitate before removing her panties. She was on all fours, so her pussy was revealed as soon as her panties had left her body. Enticed by the arousing sight, I buried my face in her ass and started darting my tongue in and out of her pussy.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned. Obviously, she was thankful for my initiative. Unfortunately, it would never pay off, because a powerful howl suddenly tore through the night air. That could only mean one thing. The dog was climaxing.

“Wow!” I gasped in awe as I pulled away from my lover’s cunt. My friend continued giving her pet a powerful blowjob while somehow managing to keep every last drop of cum he gave her contained within her mouth. Not a single drop escaped it until the canine’s orgasm came to an end.

As soon as the animal’s spear started to retreat back into his body, she turned to me, her mouth still full of dog cum. I was not sure what she was up to until she pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. The semen immediately transferred to my mouth. More and more of it was forced down my throat as our tongues danced around in each other’s mouths.

“What’s weird,” I thought as I realized the canine’s jizz was not salty or bitter. Instead, it was sweet. I had no idea how such a thing was possible, so I associated to one of the many odd, alcohol-free drinks I had ingested that night. Whatever the cause, the sweet taste of the orgasmilk made the kiss that much more intense.

Eventually, our lips parted. Apparently, my friend had enjoyed her first taste of bestiality because she had a wide smile plastered across her lips.

“Now that the dog is take care of, it’s time to take care of the cat,” she said.

I frowned.

“What cat?”

She chuckled.

“This cat,” was her answer as she slipped one of her hands into my jeans and slipped two fingers into my soaking-wet pussy.

“Oh, that cat!” I thought, but aloud I actually said, “Oh yes!”

Her fingers darted in and out of me with increasing speed and force, forcing my arousal level to rise with increasing rapidity. But as great as it felt, I could not let it go on any longer.

“Stop!” I eventually ordered.

My friend looked at me with a puzzled expression. I could have told her what I was up to, but instead decided to get right down to business. Getting to my feet, I stripped out of my clothes. I then instructed my friend to lay on her back. Next, I placed myself atop her. We were now in a sixty-nine position and ready for lesbian sex. But I had other plans.

“Up!” I ordered as I slapped my ass. That was all it took to convince the large dog to take action. Obviously, the canine had enjoyed the lesbian display we had just put on because he once again had a raging hard-on.

“Oh yes!” I moaned when I felt him penetrate me. Unfortunately, he had forced his cock into my pussy. For my plan to work, I would have to rectify this. I reached back and transferred his spear to my asshole. The horny animal did not seem to mind, because he started pounding me fast and hard. Obviously feeling left out, my friend lifted her head and started tongue fucking my pussy.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned blissfully as both tongue and cock darted in and out of me. But my plan was not yet complete. Taking a deep breath, I buried my face in my friend’s crotch and started propelling my tongue in and out of her soaking-wet poon.

Intense moans and howls echoed throughout the apartment as a powerful orgasm grew within every one of us. The interspecies threesome was so enjoyable that both my friend and I’s pussies started convulsing. Of course, the studly dog’s cock did the same in my ass. A split second later, we all climaxed.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I moaned at the top of my lungs. At least a tried. But since my face was still buried in my lover’s cunt, only a muffled moan escaped. Luckily, the hot orgasmilk that shot up my pussy fully made up for it. As did my friend’s cum as it shot into my mouth. And of course, let’s not forget the dog’s hot semen shooting up my ass.

The three of us had time to climax for a few seconds before I was snapped back to reality.

“Great!” I thought sarcastically as I glanced around. As expected, I was still fully dressed and there was not a single drop of cum in sight.

The next thing I noticed was my friend. She had just come out of the bathroom and it was undoubtedly the closing of the door that has yanked me from my fantasy. Still drunk and obviously tired, my friend did not notice me. Instead, she hobbled into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

“I think it’s time for me to go,” I thought. But not because I was getting keeped out by all the perverse fantasies I had just experienced. It was because I had spotted the clock and realized the subway was about to close. If I wanted to get home, I would have to hurry.

On the way home, I had time to think about my fantasy-filled evening. Obviously, that turned me on. A lot.

I assume I do not have to tell you what I did when I finally got home. But just in case, let me say this: It involved a lot of fantasizing and at least two fingers…


The End.

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