The Dog Trainer

By marxlaten.

While absent-mindedly flipping through her feed, Natali came across a post advertising a dog trainer. The post mentioned the usual; getting rid of bad behaviors, obeying commands, etc.. Not sure what overcame her in that moment, she responded to the post asking, “Does that include human bitches?” Natali, surprised by this outburst, hoped the owner would assume the message came from a prankster and ignore it rather than berate her for wasting his time. Deciding to distract herself, she went to make herself something to eat.

She returned to find a red notification waiting for her. In her rush to read the response, Natali almost dropped the newly made dinner. Her eyes drifted over the words.

“Thank you for your inquiry.

I may specialize in dogs but, when it comes to habits, there are many similarities between them and humans. Both are driven by the same physical needs.

If you are interested in having your bitch trained, respond to this message and I will send you delivery instructions.”

Natali felt heat rising throughout her body. Feeling intense arousal at the thought of being trained as a pet. Before her more sane part took back control, Natali responded indicating her interest and requesting instructions. While waiting for the next email, something else required her attention. Her pussy was tingling. She ran her hands down her soft stomach, and across her open thighs. At 24, her body was in great shape. Her tits were perfect for cupping and felt firm in her hands. She gave them a couple squeezes and pinched her nipple. Scenes of a master and a helpless girl played through her mind as she began rubbing her clit. She came just as a new alert pinged.

She read the new message.

“We will start her off with Basic training at 1500$. The time frame differs between each pet, so it would be difficult to estimate how long it would take to complete without initial consultation.

Drop her off at:

1120 Woodridge road. 8PM.

I guarantee full satisfaction with my services.”

Part of Natali hoped that she would return to reason and not do something that was obviously dangerous and crazy. But no, here she was, 8 PM on the dot, standing outside.

“I just want to see what the place looks like” she told herself.

Natali wore skinny jeans that gripped her legs and showed off her curves. Hoping to please, in case she met this “trainer”. She didn’t plan on sticking around though. Just some quick recon.

The building she faced stood alone on the side of the road. The sign above said “Merc’s Pet Trainers”. The place was lit but had no sign of activity. No barks from any dogs either. Deciding to act the role of an inquiring customer, Natali went in. She thought up a scenario about a boyfriend’s noisy dog that needs training, took a deep breath to steady her heartbeat, and stepped in.

A rough hand grabbed her from behind and placed a collar around her neck. The *click* echod as it locked into place. Angry at this sudden invasion, she turned to face her assailant. The man was reaching nonchalantly into his back pocket and pulled out a small remote. “What the hell do you think y-” Natali doubled over in pain. An electric shock was produced from the collar rendering her incapable of finishing her sentence.

Natali clawed at the collar but it would not budge.



She tried to walk towards the man only to stumble and fall on her knees. The shock stopped. Natali began getting up unsteadily, only to be wracked by the pain once more and went back down.

“This is your place. Learn it well. Otherwise, your punishments will continue to get more severe.”

“Shut the fuck up and get this shit off of me.” This was not what she had in mind.

The trainer approached unhurried.


Natali was thrown onto the ground where she remained in shock. A vicious smile spread across his face. Natali’s tough demeanor was falling apart as she realized that she might have gotten in over her head.

“This would go a lot easier if you obey. Otherwise, we can continue having fun.”

“No! I’ll.. do what you want.” She said hesitantly.

“Of course you will.” He said. “Strip.”

Natali nodded and began to undress mechanically. Part of her still unsure this was happening. She felt weak at her knees and realized her pussy was wet.

She slid her top off, exposing her hard nipples. She flushed a little realizing that the man would find out she was aroused. Natali dropped her top on the ground and went to work on her jeans. Only in her panties now, she looked at her trainer unsure.

“That too.” He said patiently.

Natali stood in the open hall covering her pussy. Wondering what people would think if they walked in on this scene.

“Down.” He ordered.

She did as she was told. Getting down onto her knees and placing her hands on the cold ground. Her collar had a small metal ring which the trainer now attached a leash to. He tugged on it twice, checking if it was securely in place. Or maybe just toying with her.

“Good. Come.” He walked off at a brisk pace, leaving her to scramble along behind him, lest she be pulled by her leash. Through a double door and into a darker room. The smell here was different, musty and animalistic. Kennels lined the sides of the wall. Empty. They continued to the end of kennels where she saw another door. He pulled her in.

Inside, she discovered some doggy toys, leashes, and a bench set in the center of the room. The bench, made of wood and black leather, was screwed to the ground.

“Lay down on the bench. Face down.” His tone left no room for argument, not bothering to look at her as he searched through one the containers near the wall. Fearing the collar’s shock, Natali complied. The bench wasn’t long. Had she been any taller, she might have been uncomfortable, but thankfully, she was able to place her face, chest, and waist on the bench. That left her pussy and ass floating over the bench. Makes sense, considering what he was about to do to her.

The trainer tied her wrists and thighs to the bench’s legs. Her pussy was flowing, she could feel the wetness creeping towards her clit. He then added a rough black fabric around her head, covering her eyes completely. Her heart hammered, reverberating through her chest. She heard him walk around behind her. Natali, embarrassed at having her holes exposed, tried to turn her ass away.

“Sit still.” he commanded as he caressed her ass, his hand sliding up to her lower back.

The man then got closer, placed his hand on her upper thigh. Natali shivered, her body craved more. She wondered if he had noticed the wetness sliding down her thighs. He held something onto her thigh, pushed it further up, until the top reached her clit. He then secured it into place with what felt like leather. *click* The wand came to life. Buzzing against her clit. She tried to wiggle away but could not escape its incessant vibrations.

Natali moaned. Her feet twitched on the cold ground, unable to contain her excitement. There was something extremely stimulating about being naked in an unknown place. Her body exposed to a stranger. Not to mention, the restraints heightened her sense of danger. It did not take long for her orgasm to build up to an overwhelming sensation. She shut her thighs tight on the wand’s head and felt the vibration run through her clit and pussy. She moaned louder. Her body shuddered as she came.

“Good girl.” He patted her ass and left, shutting the door behind him.

“Wait!” He had left the wand still running. The vibrations were still pleasant but she wondered how long he would leave her there for.

A while later, Natali heard sounds coming from the entrance hall. In her aroused state, she barely noticed.


Seems the trainer had some actual clients. She tried to pull the cloth on her eyes off by rubbing it onto the bench. She succeeded in getting one eye uncovered but had run out of time. Pattering feet sounded from where the kennels were. BARK!

The door opened and the owner of the noisy barking came running in straight towards Natali. The golden retriever, smelled her face, then attempted to see what’s under her stomach. Failing to do so, he headed for her backside.

“Looks like the two of you will get along nicely.” The trainer chuckled to himself. “Natali meet Lucky. Lucky meet your bitch.”

“NO!” She protested. “Get him away from meee!”

The trainer returned the blindfold back to its place and tightened it. “Shhh. This is your place now.”

“NO! Untie me!” She protested.

She felt him reach into his pocket and knew what would come next. The pain was immediate. Taking over her senses. Natali groaned and sobbed waiting for it to stop. BARK!

Lucky, confused by what could be causing her pain, barked in concern. Finally, the shock stopped.

“You be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you out” His laughter echoed as he shut the door leaving her alone with Lucky.

Natali realized how stupid she was. The bench was too low for the trainer to fuck her, but it was the perfect height for a dog. She didn’t have time to consider why the trainer had such a bench already installed. The dog returned to his exploration.

“No, no, no. Go away.” Unable to move anything aside from her lower legs, she could only use her voice to keep the dog away. Lucky ignored her. Meanwhile, he shoved his nose into her overflowing crotch. He began lapping up her wetness. His big tongue licking her from clit to her asshole. Occasionally, sneaking an inch into her, licking her insides. She quivered, unable to stop her body from enjoying it. She moaned in pleasure.

Natali knew what would come next and, sure enough, Lucky decided it was time to mount his bitch. Jumping onto her back, his paws rested on her thighs, and his hips began thrusting. She could feel his hard cock probing the left side of her pussy. His frustration mounted with each missed thrust. Lucky was not a quitter though, he kept at it until, finally, he entered her. His member slammed all the way in. Her mouth fell open and a scream slipped out of her mouth. The dog’s dick had broken something within. Her inhibitions seemed to fade away. She wanted to get fucked and cum as often as her tight body could manage. Which is what she did just then.

The orgasm washed over her, temporarily erasing her thoughts and concerns. Natali felt the dog’s precum coat her insides. He thrust into her with surprising power and speed. Using her as though she were an object for his pleasure. Each thrust produced a wet slapping sound. It was over too soon. Natali felt him shooting his warm cum into her. Over and over again. That drove her over the edge once again. Releasing another powerful orgasm, her depraved moans echoed along the room’s walls.

Lucky must have reached his limit, pulling his dick out of her unceremoniously, allowing the cum to trickle down her thigh. God, there was a lot of it. The dog laid down in a corner and began licking himself clean. The vibrator had given out, she hadn’t even noticed when it had stopped.

Natali wondered if Lucky was done with her. She hoped he would use her again before the trainer came back.


The trainer pushed the door open. Natali could imagine the smile on his face. Lucky had fucked her once more leaving the evidence to leak down her thighs and harden. The trainer grabbed her hair and lifted her head up.

“You look like you had a good time.”

He led the dog out. No quick footsteps or barking from Lucky, he must be worn out. Natali smiled knowing the dog had enjoyed her. The trainer then came back for her and began undoing her restraints. She move as though she was in a dream. Her body sluggish and slow. He grabbed her hair once again and dragged her back. He pulled off the blindfold and pointed towards the wet spot on the ground.

“I’m not cleaning that.” He shoved her face close. “Lick it up.”

Natali, too weak to argue, stuck her tongue out and got a slight taste. Salty warm cum. She forced herself to continue, wondering at how she was able to keep it down without puking. She must be more depraved than she had initially thought.

Once done, the trainer led her to one of the kennels and threw her in.

“Wait! You said you’d let me go.”

“No, I said I might if you are good. Tomorrow we will find out if you are any good at listening.” He gave her a sarcastic smile. “Get some rest. You have a long day tomorrow.”

He turned most of the lights off and left. She heard him lock the exterior doors. Now it was just her and Lucky in a nearby cage. Natali found some water in a bowl and gulped it down. Then searched for a comfortable spot to lay down. She discovered a dirty blanket, rough from all the use, covered herself, and fell asleep.

The sun had been long up when the trainer came for her. Once again, she followed on her hands and knees towards another room, this one contained tiled floors and a shower. He began hosing her down, which she didn’t mind. The dried cum had to come off at some point..

“I need to pee.” She said. The trainer eyed her.

“You will wait just like everyone else.”

Who is everyone else, she thought, but kept quite. They went back to where lucky was and let him out.

The man then leashed the two of them and led them to the big double door. This one led outside, into fresh air. Natali felt conscious of her nakedness and worried about unexpected visitors.

“Find a spot and pee, bitch.” His voice filled with mirth. “If you’re not sure how, your mate can show you.”

Lucky was back to his usual self, rushing left and right to check out every little thing. Natali could barely keep up. Her bladder straining to hold the pee in. She decided she could not continue this walk without relieve. She squatted by the side of a tree and tried to relax. It did not take long for her to release a steady stream of piss. The trainer scoffed, but otherwise, seemed uninterested in her humiliation. Lucky, however, was very interested. She guessed he wasn’t accustomed to having a human pee out in the wild. As soon as she was done, they continued. Eventually, they made there way back to the shop and into their separate cages.

“Wait here. I’ll bring you some more friends to keep you company. It is the weekend after all.”

Over the next two, more people dropped their dogs off. Natali realized that people were leaving their dogs and heading out of the city. Would she be expected to fuck them? Is this what he meant by being a good girl? Lucky was enough for her, enough to overwhelm her. She didn’t know how she could handle more than one dog. Her pussy didn’t seem to care. The wetness was starting to show. Every time a dog was brought in, she caught herself eyeing it’s genitals. Checking if it was male or female.

The trainer entered the kennels.

“Last one today.” Winking at her.

Behind him a Great Dane walked in. Holy shit. That dog was larger than all the rest. This brought the total number of dogs to seven. Lucky, two Labradors, one Great Dane, one tiny Pomeranian, and two other breeds she couldn’t tell. At least one was a female. That left a maximum of six for her.

The trainer let them all out, through the back door and into a fenced area where they could run and play. Natali was leashed to a post, while the trainer brought himself a chair to sit and watch.

“Now, listen close while I explain to you what’s expected of you. The owners of these lovely dogs want to see their pets taken care of. I want five star reviews.” He took her hair in his hand and used a hair tie to keep it in a pony tail. He continued, “ The best way to get them is for the owners to see how excited their pets are coming in and how sad they are leaving. That’s where you come in. I want you to make sure they are satisfied. I mean that physically of course.”

What could she say? She had put herself in this position and now she just had to get through it. At least, she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.

The dogs were very active. Playing together and running around, except for the Great Dane, who seemed to be older and slower. Occasionally, one would come by and check her out. Maybe, hoping Natali would play. At one point, the trainer brought two clamps and attached them to her hard nipples. Tightening them until she cried out.

“Put your tits on the ground.” He commanded.

Natali laid her chest down, until her face and nipples touched the grass. That left her ass up in a perfect position.

The two labs came running over, smelling her pussy and ass. She could see their dicks hard swinging around. One of the two labs humped her thigh, precum shot out and sprayed her. Natali rotated her lower half towards him. The smart boy figured it out and immediately jumped onto her back. A couple thrusts into the air and he was in. A moan escaped her mouth. She focused her attention on the feel of his red dick inside her wet pussy.

The lab thrust into her with speed that no man had ever matched. Natali had been waiting all morning for this. It did not take her body long to orgasm. The dog followed suit and shot his cum straight into her depths further increasing the intensity of her orgasm. He then ran off elsewhere, leaving her slightly dizzy. She was brought back to reality when she felt the second lab mount her, this time there was no delay. His member slid easily into her gushing hole.

Once again, Natali was plowed into. Another orgasm was building up inside her. Worried she might blackout, she pulled on her clamped nipple hoping the pain would keep her sane. She could feel the dog’s drool on her back and smiled at the thought of bringing him pleasure. Her moans grew louder as she came, releasing the pent up agony in her pussy. She was shocked when she felt something large slide into her hole. She tried to look between her legs but couldn’t see what it was. With a sudden realization, she remembered that dogs lock themselves into a bitch to ensure a successful mating.

Natali tried to move forward but stopped as soon as she felt pain. The knot was well inside her and wasn’t coming out. She looked ahead and realized the trainer was right ahead of her. His boots came close as he leaned over and placed a paper bag over her head.

“Not interested in seeing your depraved face.” He said.

She felt humiliated. The trainer had put her in this position. Oh well, at least she didn’t need to worry about her vulgar reactions anymore. Plus, there was something exhilarating about not having to worry about being identified. It took a good while before the dog was finally able to pull out of her. The mixture of dog sperm and her liquids leaked out onto the grass. She felt a big tongue lap at her open hole and thighs. The bag had no openings for her to see so she had no way of telling which dog was licking her clean. Natali used her fingers to spread herself wider for the tongue and stayed put. She hoped the man would take her back inside so she could rest. The other, indecent part of her hoped another dog would continue the job.


(New part)

Later that evening, the trainer unlocked her cage and let her out. Her body, still dirty from the afternoon’s activities, ached with an intense heat. Over the past twenty-four hours, she had been treated as a bitch and fucked by more than three dogs. She wasn’t sure how she had ended up in this position, but she was definitely enjoying it. She found herself constantly thinking of the hard throbbing dicks. The man knelt in front of her and patted her head.

“You know what you should be doing?”

Natali did not hesitate, “Making sure the dogs are well taken care of.” Yes, her pussy craved more.

“Good girl. I’ll leave you to it.” Natali heard the exterior door bang shut. There was something about feeling the cold floor on her naked skin that was erotic. She searched for her first lover and found Lucky watching her. She headed straight for him, unlocked the door to his cage and got in. The dog looked up at her with his beautiful eyes, his tail started sweeping left and right.

“Hey boy! Are ya excited to see me?!” She rubbed his head and ears. Lucky’s tongue slipped out and licked her face. She stuck her tongue out and let the dog lick her saliva while her hands went lower, rubbing his tummy. His tongue was huge compared to hers but extremely agile. Darting in and out of her mouth, licking the insiders of her cheeks and top of her mouth. Somehow, the rough tongue in her mouth made her feel dirtier than most dicks made could. Her hands moved lower still, she reached his sheathed cock and tried to uncover it. With her other hand, she reached for his balls and massaged them. That did the trick. Lucky got up and walked around her. She knew what to do and quickly bent over, sticking her ass up into the air for him. Her lover jumped onto her back and began humping her ass. His dick sliding across her clit over and over. Natali found the feeling was enjoyable but it would be even better pumping inside her. She reached out with her hand and guided his dick into her hole.

Despite knowing how intense Lucky could fuck her, Natali was once again surprised by the force of those thrusts. He plowed into her with quick stabs, entering her as deep as he could, driving her over the edge. His paws scratched at her thighs, his furry body rubbed across her back, increasing the intensity of her heat. Natali’s moans echoed in the enclosed space. Hot spurts of his cum shot inside her. She pushed herself backwards, trying to get his big knot into her. Lucky obliged her, pushing himself deep, she felt her pussy close around his knot.

“Ahhhh!” She moaned, biting on her wrist. Natali was in a blissful state. This is perfect, she thought.

It was over too soon, but this time she did not mind. There were other lovers waiting for her.

Natali crawled over to the next cage. This one held one of the two labs and he was ready for her, pouncing on her as soon as she made it through the door. She fell onto her back, the dog’s paws were on her chest weighing her down.

“I can’t wait to have you in me, either!” The lab rotated and started sniffing her muff. His hard dick swung right above her, precum dripped onto her cheek. She reached up and got the tip into her mouth, getting a taste of saltiness. She ran her tongue around the tip, getting a feel for it. That was enough of foreplay. She pushed his hind legs forward, giving herself room to get up and grabbed the cage door to stabilize herself. He got onto her back.

The lab began humping the air, too excited. His cock poked her inner thigh and to the side of her wet pussy.

Natali smiled, anticipation rising, her pussy was once again hungry for cock to fill it up. The poor dog kept missing her hole.

“Oh baby.. Let me help.” She angled her ass downwards and reached out to grab his dick and guide it in. The red member slipped in easily, her pussy, wet with a mix of cum and her fluids, offered no resistance. She brought her pre-cum soaked hand to her face and licked it clean, then sent it back to rub her clit. The lab plowed into her full force, Natali used her other hand to push the cage and steady herself. It didn’t take long for a massive orgasm to flow through her, leaving her weak and breathless. The dog shot his cum deep inside her and pulled out unceremoniously. No knot for her this time. He started licking at her wetness, his tongue gliding up to her sensitive clit. She stayed there, waiting for her mind to clear, before finally moving on.

Natali continued her journey down to the next cage. The second lab lay inside. She got inside and kissed his snout and rubbed him all over. Her hand slid down to his sheath and balls but could not get much of a reaction out of him. Guess this one is worn out from the afternoon’s activities. Oh well, she had another customer to service anyways. Natali had seen him watch her from the side. The big Dane hadn’t been interested earlier in the day but she could see he was ready now. His member dangled between his legs as he lay on his side. Great, the dog was enjoying the show. Time to find out if he enjoyed using her too.

Deciding she wanted to see how big his cock was up close, Natali got down and held the cock up. It was enormous. She could not take her eyes of it and wondered how she would fit the whole thing. She decided it would need to be plenty wet, so she spread her mouth open and got to work. Licking the salty tip and bobbing her head down lower. She went slow, wrapping her lips around it and sliding it in, making sure not to hurt him with her teeth. Precum shot into her mouth hitting the back of her throat. She smiled. Well, he must be enjoying it. She began bobbing her head up and down. Her jaw grew tired pretty quick. The Dane did not seem interested in getting up and banging her. Shame, a part of her was looking forward to getting dragged around by him. No matter, Natali positioned herself atop him, lining her hole with his member. She spat into her hand and covered his dick in her slimy saliva, then, finally, lowered herself.

The enormous member split her wet cunt. Thankfully, the cum from the night’s activities helped lubricate her sufficiently. She went at her own pace, since the dog seemed to be in no rush. Lowering herself all the way down until her vagina protested. There’s no going back from this, she thought. Fucking dogs one after another, widening her hole on their cocks, and now putting on a show for an animal. Yes, she was becoming one of them. She fell into her role and ceased all thoughts. The only thing on her mind was the feel of his cock inside her and her anticipation building up as she waited for him to shoot his cum. Natali slid her hands on him, rubbing his belly slowly as she continued fucking him.

Soon enough, she felt the warm cum shoot inside her, once again driving her over the edge. Her body lost all strength as she landed on his cock. Taking it deeper than ever before. He was shooting his cum directly into her cervix at this point. And she didn’t mind. Relishing the feelings that ran through her body as she waited for him to finish enjoying her.

A while later, she pulled herself off his dick. Natali cupped her wet pussy and managed to keep most of the cum inside her. She smiled as she walked out.


Oops.. She had forgotten about the little dog. She was exhausted but this one should be easy. She unlatched the cage and got down onto her knees. Natali laid the dog on his back, holding his legs open as she got to work. Taking the small member into her mouth and gave him what would be the best blowjob of his life. Sliding her tongue around over and over, her lips formed a tight seal around the tip. He blew his load in her mouth, whimpering slightly as he came. Natali swallowed every drop, gave him a kiss, and left.

She paused in the corridor, deciding where to sleep. Natali settled on sleeping next to Lucky. His fur was the softest, not to mention he was her first and most frequent lover so far. However, there was just one issue she had to deal with first. She had left a slimy trail of cum on the ground that needed to be cleaned up. Natali got to it. She had become accustomed to the taste. Part of her enjoyed the chore, as though it were proof of her good work. She traced her steps back, slurping every drop off the ground. Finally, she made it back to Lucky and slipped through the cage door again, cuddled up next to him and went to sleep.

The next morning, a wet tongue lapped at her face. Natali managed to open one eye and smiled at her lover. Lucky was ready for his morning routine, but where was the trainer? The clock indicated that it was almost noon. She sat up and felt wetness on her ass and quickly realized that all the cum she had stored must have leaked out of her. Deciding to take a shower, she took Lucky and headed off to the big bath area. She spent the next hour showering each dog, paying extra attention to their genitals. Next she took them out for their walk, this time she was not leashed and did not crawl around. The fresh air on her naked skin was refreshing.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick. The dogs seemed more interested in playing with each other rather than with her. Soon after she got them all back to their cages, she heard the outside door slam. Realizing the trainer was back, Natali decided to wait for him where she was. On her knees. He came in and gave her a disgusted look.

“You look filthy.” You should have seen me last night. She thought to herself. At least today the only dirt on her was whatever she picked up from crawling around and walking barefoot.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and dragged her along behind him. They made their way to a couch where Natali found herself bent over. She heard him drop his pants and said nothing as she waited for him to insert his cock in her. She hadn’t been fucked all day and was horny with pent up anticipation. He bunched up her hair in his fist and thrust his cock aggressively into her wet hole. Fuckkk. The width of his cock on top of his rough fucking was splitting her pussy. She grabbed the couch and tried to relax herself as he thrust into her. The pain was overwhelming. Unable to contain it any further, she screamed.

“Shut your mouth, bitch!” The man shoved her faced into the couch where her moans became muffled.

His thrusts continued growing more powerful, lifting her off her feet. She could her a loud clapping from the sound of his body slamming into her ass and thighs. He grabbed her tighter and continued thrusting into her until she felt him shoot his cum inside deep inside her vagina. More. Give me more cum! Natali realized that she had gotten used to the quantities of cum that came out of dogs and that she might find men a little disappointing from now on. She didn’t have time to dwell on her change.

The man pulled his dick out and wiped it on her ass. He grabbed her hair once again and dragged her towards the main door and threw her out.

Natali lay there in a daze. Unsure of what to do. She found her clothes strewn about the ground and began picking them up. She could hear the low hum of a car’s engine in the distance. Worried that someone would see her sorry state, Natali searched the ground as quickly as she could for her keys. THERE! She rushed to the side of her car. In her haste, she dropped one of her shoes. She threw her clothes on the driver’s seat to protect it from all the cum leaking slowly out of her and jumped in. She started the car, reversed out into the road and took off. Light from the oncoming car blinded her slightly as she sped off. Natali wondered if the driver had caught a glimpse of her naked tits. She smiled, hoping he did.


To Be Continued…?


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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