The Farm

By Anon.

My name is Megan, and when I was 18 and frequently getting into trouble, my mother decided it best to send me to my uncle’s farm. My uncle was a stern man; He believed in hard work. I knew this and dreaded it. And hard work is exactly what I found.

My aunt picked me up before I could even say goodbye to my friends. It was only for the summer, but your friends were your world for a girl my age. My aunt Delores never said a word; her eyes fixed on the road. The trip felt like it would go on for days, but we weren’t on the road for more than a few hours.

I was almost asleep when we pulled down the gravel road. However, I perked up when we passed the numerous pens and pastures. The most beautiful horses ran alongside the fence by the road as if tempting to race us. I doubted Delores’s Volkswagen Beetle could do more than thirty-five. Not hardly, not down this rough road.

We finally came to the old farmhouse, but we didn’t stop. She pulled around it, and then I saw where I would stay. It was a small wooden shed that reminded me briefly of the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel. It was tiny, but I didn’t care—it was my own.

“Now get settled in,” Aunt Delores started. Supper’s at 6 PM sharp. We expect you to be there early to help set the tables. Uncle Henry will go over a few things with you. He’s out setting Bob wire, but it will be a pleasant surprise when he comes in.” I noticed the tone of sarcasm in her voice at that last.

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, trying to make peace with whatever demons I had stirred in the old lady.

She soon left me to unpack and get used to where things were. I briefly walked before supper, but I had been warned against straying too far. So, after familiarizing myself somewhat with my new surroundings, I returned to my little hut.

I prepared for dinner and set off to help Aunt Delores with the table. She was extremely peculiar, critiquing me if I was merely an inch off from where the silverware needed to be. Scolded yet again when I didn’t set the rather large supper dishes where they were to be placed. We could not eat until Uncle arrived, so I attempted idle chatter. We had not spoken much at all.

But Aunt Delores was not the talkative type. So until Uncle arrived a few moments later, there was an obnoxious silence. Then, finally, he came in, washed his hands, and sat at the head of the table. He smelled horribly of animal excrement. I couldn’t eat anymore.

“Better eat, Megan,” Uncle started. “Got a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”

“Now, Henry. Leave her be.” Delores shocked me. “Meg dear? If you’d like, after we finish, you are welcome to take your dinner with you and eat later.”

I nodded.

“Breakfast will be at 6 am. After, we begin your chores. Consider this as you mill about with your duties, child.” Henry told me; his fork sprang to life as he talked as if conducting an orchestra. “We will pay you, and you will stay busy here, and I’m sure we must come across as a bit stern, and you are probably right, but I also want you to know family comes first. So, if you need anything or something is bothering you, let us know. Your stay here is meant to be punishment, but I disagree. It may seem like it now, but I hope you come to appreciate what we do here and come to enjoy your time here.”

We finished supper, and I found myself washing dishes. Finally, I returned my food to my little hut, showered, ate, and fell asleep.


I awoke to the sounds of roosters crowing. It was still dark out, and I cursed myself for coming here. Juvie seemed better suited for me.

I dressed and waddled half asleep over to the old farmhouse, where I helped prepare breakfast. It went by far too quickly. The old man told me to follow him when we were finished. We hopped in the truck as light crept over the horizon. We drove a few miles down the road, and Uncle Henry showed me where he would work on the fences. “In case you need me, ” he said.

Next, he showed me the feed house. One by one, he showed what feed and how much for each pen. Next came the small hog pen. Each had pens inside the building, and the sows were separated from the boars. He explained that The boars had a nasty reputation and a tendency towards breaking free of their pens. If I were to catch one out, I was to get Uncle. He stressed that I would not get one back in the pen alone. After feeding, I was to clean the pens out.

Next, he showed me the chicken coop and then the numerous pastures. In each place, I had many different chores. When he finished he simply left me be. I had taken notes, figuring the worst. The list didn’t look that bad, but it was time on each task that would likely be the problem.

I probably looked ridiculous in my short shorts, sweatshirt, and knee-high black rubber boots. I fed the animals, changed the water, returned to the hog pens, and began cleaning with a water hose and shovel. It was very nasty.

Before I knew it, the day was nearly gone, and I was hurting. I hurt all over.

Supper came before long, and I was shown more respect and told to sit at the table rather than help prepare dinner.

“You did well for your first day, hun,” Uncle said over dinner. “Didn’t quite get everything done, but that’s ok. You’ll get better as you go.”

I smiled and thanked him.

After supper, I shuffled off to get another shower; I felt so nasty. And then I lay down to sleep. My eyes opened to the sound of the rooster’s crow, and oh, how sore I felt. I slipped some comfortable shorts on and, again, those annoying knee-high rubber boots. I didn’t see uncle but went ahead and set about my chores. Perhaps I was a little more enthusiastic. It’s hard to say.

After feeding up and watering, I again returned to the hog pen.

“Oh fuck!” I cursed to myself. One of the pen doors was agape. I was in the open house where the boars were kept. Nervous and sure I wasn’t to blame, I shuffled outside to find my uncle. I couldn’t find either him or Aunt Delores.

I stepped back to the pens. There he was. A medium-sized boar grunted from the other end of the stall. I made up my mind. I’d try and get him back in by myself. He wasn’t as big as most of the others. So, I ignored Uncle’s warnings.

I slipped behind him and pushed against his side with my petite frame. He budged just a little, but I was slipping in my boots. I didn’t want to, but I took them off. I pushed again, barefoot, on the metal grating. It hurt, but I wasn’t slipping now. I pushed again. He grunted and moved a little more. I was sweating profusely in the staggering heat inside. Then, partway down the alley between pens, as I pushed, I suddenly slipped. Startled or not, the boar reared back behind me, his upper body pinning me down. He was biting my shirt. We were in a classic game of tug of war, and I was losing.

My shorts had rolled off my ass a little and made it harder for me to get up. Partway on and part off, I tried reaching back to pull them up. But the boar had my shirt and just pulled harder. I tumbled forward, and this time, so did he, right on top of me again. Only this time, I felt something weird. I dared look back.

He was humping me, still tugging my shirt in his mouth. His cock was thin but weird, like a corkscrew or something. I felt it jab my leg as he jerked back and forth. I tried to move but couldn’t budge. It slipped inside me. He began jabbing erratically then. It felt so weird inside of me. I could feel copious amounts of liquid inside of me. I cried out, trying to bat the horrid thing, but I couldn’t get my arm up.

And as quick as it had happened, it was over. Still chewing on a tattered shirtpiece, he let go and dismounted me. He darted down the alley, close to his pen. I lay in a ball for a minute and pulled my shorts up. I could not believe what had just happened.

It had been weird, not unpleasant, but weird. I couldn’t tell Uncle or Aunt. So, I decided to keep it to myself. I got up on weak legs, found the boar more receptive to me, and easily went into his pen. I locked it.

I couldn’t think straight the rest of the day. I kept thinking about what happened. Finally, I looked at the animals and measured them over the next few days. It made me feel dirty and very naughty. But at the same time, I felt disgusted with myself. How could I think such things?


That night after supper, the family’s dog, Red, a rather large hound, followed me back to my little hut. I was curious and alone, and so I called him in.

Once inside, I stripped naked. He licked my face as my hand caressed his furry sheath. He slowly responded as a couple of inches of red cock stuck from his sheathe. I smiled and continued as he began humping my hand.

I turned over onto hands and knees, and he needed a little more encouragement as he mounted me. Red and pointy, his cock dug sharply into my ass cheek. I winced, repositioning myself under him. He gripped around my thighs and humped harder. Finally, I reached back to guide him inside me. “Oh fuck” I cried as he began jack-hammering at me. I was sure I would alert my uncle and aunt, but they didn’t come.

I was lost in my lust at this point. This was what I needed, so far from home. As I would learn later, his knot began to swell against me, locking me to him. It was slightly painful, but as the torrents of warm dog cum began to flood my vagina, a huge orgasm erupted within me. This wasn’t one of those colossal orgasms I had had before, but it seemed to engulf every inch of my body.

I sat there on all fours for some time with Red on top of me. He finally pulled free. More cum spilled from me and down my legs. I smiled and let Red out.

I hopped in the shower, and suddenly, I felt disgusted again. I fought the moral dilemma of what I was doing and finally gave in to my animal lust. I wasn’t hurting any of the animals.

I never had sex with any of the other animals, but Red and I continued to have fun until the summer was nearly over. I was glad to get to go home, but I can’t wait until next year when I can come back.


The End.

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